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Feb 6th, 2020
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  1. new additions:
  3. "nav_intro": "Home",
  4. "nav_security": "Secure",
  5. "nav_adaptability": "Adaptable",
  6. "nav_sustainability": "Sustainable",
  7. "nav_pastfuture": "History",
  8. "nav_getstarted": "Get Started",
  9. "nav_stakingvoting": "Staking and Voting",
  10. "nav_bugbounty": "Bug Bounty",
  11. "nav_insights_resources": "Insights and Resources",
  12. "nav_news_posts": "Press",
  13. "nav_join_chat": "Join the Chat",
  14. "nav_cointribute_repos": "Contribute to our Repos",
  15. "nav_explore_community": "Explore the Community Platforms",
  16. "nav_proposals": "Proposals",
  17. "home_principles_supply": "Issuance is finite and the total issuance shall not exceed 20,999,999.99800912 DCR",
  18. "home_principles_fungibility": "Universal fungibility is fundamental to Decred being a store of value and attacks against it shall be actively monitored and countermeasures pursued as necessary.",
  19. "adaptability_playbutton": "On Adaptability",
  20. "adaptability_01_headline": "No Need to Fork Off",
  21. "adaptability_01_text": "Change applies to cryptocurrencies in response to new technology and new threats. Real people mean real disputes, and even with the same outcome in mind, approaches may differ. In order to evolve and endure in the long-term, Decred has engineered a means to continuously adapt. Whether an emergency, conflict, bug fix or new technology, Decred facilitates formal agreement, helping to avoid contentious hard forks and maintain a unified community during the process.",
  22. "adaptability_02_headline": "Empowering the currency holders",
  23. "adaptability_02_text": "<p>Decred grants those who opt-in to the governance system with direct sovereignty over their money. In exchange for time-locking their coins, stakeholders acquire tickets that allow them to vote to approve blocks, make changes to the consensus rules, and to determine the policy and budget of the Decred decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).</p><p>Stakeholders interact directly with the blockchain by voting to approve each mined block, giving them power over miners and adding security against majority attacks. Five tickets are pseudorandomly selected from the ticket pool to approve the previous block, ensuring good mining behavior and earning the ticket holder part of the block reward. Ticket holders also vote on-chain on changes to the consensus rules, giving stakeholders direct control over the future of Decred.</p>",
  24. "adaptability_03_headline": "Politeia - The Proposal System",
  25. "adaptability_03_text": "The Politeia Proposal System plays a vital role within the Decred DAO, empowering stakeholders to manage Decredʼs treasury expenditures and policies. Proposals to date include new software features, marketing expenditures, partner integrations, bug bounty, and research. Politeia is a governance platform that uses timestamping and cryptographic attestation to record all activity related to the submission, discussion and voting of proposals. Once a proposal passes, the owner is authorized to begin work, knowing their efforts are supported by the community and financed by the Treasury.",
  26. "adaptability_04_headline": "To Delegate is to Trust",
  27. "adaptability_04_text": "Decred believes in the power of the collective intelligence of its decentralized community. It’s diverse range of active contributors do their own research and directly determine the future of Decred. With formal governance systems built-in from the beginning, the Decred DAO is able to adapt and become a superior long term store of value.",
  28. "adaptability_introtext": "At some point, contentious decisions will need to be made about the protocol. Decred has built-in formal systems that ensure order and fairness in the process.",
  29. "subpage_nav_adaptable": "ADAPTABLE",
  30. "subpage_nav_secure": "SECURE",
  31. "subpage_nav_sustainable": "SUSTAINABLE",
  32. "subpage_nav_history": "HISTORY",
  33. "subpage_nav_whatis": "WHAT IS DECRED",
  34. "footerblocks_headline": "Find out more about",
  35. "footerblocks_01_headline": "Sustainable",
  36. "footerblocks_01_text": "Learn about Decred’s long horizon, it’s self-funding mechanism, and how the DAO enables a new work paradigm.",
  37. "footerblocks_02_headline": "Secure",
  38. "footerblocks_02_text": "Learn how the Hybrid PoW/PoS system layers security to make Decred far more secure than other cryptocurrencies.",
  39. "footerblocks_03_headline": "History",
  40. "footerblocks_03_text": "Learn about the origins of Decred and key points in its history.",
  41. "footerblocks_04_headline": "Adaptable",
  42. "footerblocks_04_text": "Learn how Decred empowers its stakeholders with direct sovereignty to manage the future of their money.",
  43. "footerblocks_see": "See",
  44. "sign_up_for_newsletter": "Sign up for Decred Newsletter",
  45. "security_playbutton": "On Security",
  46. "security_01_headline": "Imperfect Systems",
  47. "security_01_text": "In peer-to-peer financial systems, Proof-of-Work (PoW) solved the double spending problem. It has proved its worth for more than a decade, but is energy intensive and susceptible to majority attacks. Proof-of-Stake (PoS) was developed to avoid those issues through alignment of interests, but it came with its own shortcomings, most notably the nothing-at-stake problem.",
  48. "security_02_headline": "Decred’s Hybrid Solution",
  49. "security_02_text": "Decred employs a combination of PoW and PoS to yield the best of both systems, mitigate their weaknesses, and deliver a layered consensus mechanism that makes it far more secure than other cryptocurrencies. Decred uses conventional PoW with a Blake-256 hash algorithm, and it is mined exclusively by ASICs. Decred holders time-lock their funds to purchase tickets in a lottery. Those tickets are added to a pool of roughly 41,000 tickets, and five tickets are pseudorandomly selected to validate the proof-of-work for the previous block. If at least 50% of the tickets approve the work of the miner, the miner’s reward is approved and the block is added to the blockchain.",
  50. "security_03_headline": "Resistance to Attacks",
  51. "security_03_text": "Because a block must include 3 or more ticket votes to be valid, blocks must be broadcast on the network as they are mined for the chain to proceed, so miners cannot mine in secret. The result is that an attacker must have a considerable combination of hashpower and stake to successfully execute a majority attack. Decred voters are also set to reject a re-org of greater than 6 blocks, so any attack involving a deep re-org is unlikely to be accepted by the network. When comparing the cost of an attack on Decred to that of a pure PoW cryptocurrency, the cost to attack Decred is an order of magnitude greater, plus any attacker with stake would be taking actions counter to their interests.",
  52. "security_introtext": "Network security is foundation to any financial system. Agreement on transactions and account balances, also known as consensus, it vital to confidence in the currency and can be measured by both longevity and analysis of its resistance to various attack vectors.",
  53. "sustainability_playbutton": "On Sustainability",
  54. "sustainability_01_headline": "The tragedy of the commons",
  55. "sustainability_01_text": "Digital currencies and open source projects typically fall victim to the tragedy of the commons, where individuals who share a resource act in their own self-interest, depleting or spoiling that resource. Numerous methods have been used to solve the funding issue across cryptocurrencies, including donations, founders funds, venture capital funding, and various forms of ICO/IEO. All of these methods come with shortcomings, including agency problems, conflicts of interest, and a lack of ongoing funding.",
  56. "sustainability_02_headline": "Decred’s Self-Funding Solution",
  57. "sustainability_02_text": "Decred has solved the funding problem by directing 10% of every block reward into a Project Treasury. This ongoing solution funds Decred for generations to come. To this point, the Treasury has been managed conservatively with a long-term perspective in mind and cognizant of the release of Politeia in 2018, which transitioned control of funds to the Decred stakeholders. Through Politiea, stakeholders vote on budgets, policies, and the direction of the project as a Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO).",
  58. "sustainability_03_headline": "A new work paradigm",
  59. "sustainability_03_text": "<p>The DAO ushers in a new work paradigm, one in which anyone with valuable skills can contribute to the project and be compensated by the stakeholders per proposals and voting on Politeia. In Decred, community members develop, market, and represent Decred, and they are judged on their contributions, not their pedigree or CV. The conventional work world and hierarchical structure goes out the door as contributors are free to work on what they want, when they want.</p><p>Most contributors have full time jobs and perform their work with passion in their free time. This enables a risk-minimized on-ramp for people to test the waters before deciding to join Decred as a full-time contractor and leave the legacy corporate world behind.</p>",
  60. "sustainability_04_headline": "Contractors and Proposals",
  61. "sustainability_04_text": "Decred is a community of self-starters and autonomous workers who relish adversity and know how to chart their own path. They can identify their own skills and examine the current state of Decred within the domains of development, marketing, research, or community to determine where and how they can contribute. They follow the path laid forth by previous contractors and contribute first to demonstrate the quality of their work product. When their work is recognized by other Contractors and funded by a Politeia proposal, they too, can become a contractor. The first place to explore is the Matrix chat rooms, which are bridged to the other communications platforms.",
  62. "sustainability_introtext": "Remaking the financial system in a more fair and inclusive way mandates that Decred and its community operate on a long time horizon. To realize Decred as a superior long-term store of value, every effort and expenditure needs to serve its long term goals.",
  63. "landing_seemore": "See more",
  64. "landing_latestnews": "Latest News and Posts",
  65. "landing_opener": "Community-Directed, Superior Store of Value",
  66. "landing_01_headline": "Secure",
  67. "landing_01_text": "Decred employs an innovative hybrid proof-of-work/proof-of stake system that layers security and carefully aligns incentives. This system yields the best of both worlds, making it an order of magnitude more expensive to attack than pure attack than pure Proof-of-work or pure Proof-of-stake.",
  68. "landing_01_link1": "Read More About Security",
  69. "landing_01_link2": "Bug Bounty Program",
  70. "landing_01_link3": "Github",
  71. "landing_02_headline": "Adaptable",
  72. "landing_02_text": "Decred’s built-in governance systems empower its community with formal rights to make consensus changes and manage project-level decisions. These systems make Decred adaptable, allowing it to evolve per the will of the stakeholders, resist forks and incorporate new technology over the long run.",
  73. "landing_02_link1": "Read More About Adaptability",
  74. "landing_03_headline": "Sustainable",
  75. "landing_03_text": "Decred continuously funds its treasury with 10% of each block reward and employs a flexible contractor model that allows contributors to receive compensation for their work. This makes Decred a sustainable and self-funded decentralized autonomous organization.",
  76. "landing_03_link1": "Read More About Sustainability",
  77. "landing_03_link2": "Contributing and Becoming a Contractor",
  78. "landing_04_link": "Exchanges",
  79. "landing_05_link": "Docs",
  80. "landing_06_link": "Community",
  81. "landing_07_link": "Downloads",
  82. "history_01_headline": "Decred History",
  83. "history_01_text": "<p>Decred is based on a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">proposal</a> for the Memcoin2 cryptocurrency from April 2013 on the Bitcointalk forum. The user, tacotime, proposed the new cryptocurrency and worked with _ingsoc, another Bitcointalk user, and Jake Yocom-Piatt to implement the hybrid Proof-of-Work (“PoW”) / Proof-of-Stake (“PoS”) consensus system from Memcoin2 as a new project, called Decred.</p><p>The major innovation of this hybrid consensus system was that it created a PoS governance mechanism, where users opt-in to temporarily lock their coins in exchange for participation in a lottery. These users are called stakeholders. Several winners of this lottery are selected each block to participate in the consensus system by voting, which puts sovereignty over decisions about Decred directly in the hands of its stakeholders. </p><p>In contrast, every pure PoW cryptocurrency must rely primarily on its miners for governance decisions since they alone enforce the consensus system and provide its security. However, Decred relies on both its stakeholders and miners for consensus and its security. The end result is that Decred’s hybrid PoW/PoS consensus system is both substantially fairer and more secure than pure PoW systems.</p><p>Decred’s code was built on the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">btcsuite</a> codebase, an alternative full node Bitcoin implementation in Go, written by Company 0 LLC. Despite Decred being based on Bitcoin’s code, it is a standalone cryptocurrency, not a “Bitcoin fork”. This work began in February 2014 and continued with the assistance of Company 0 LLC until its mainnet launch in February 2016.</p>",
  84. "history_02_headline": "Airdrop & Premine",
  85. "history_02_text": "During the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">launch</a> in February 2016, Decred used an innovative airdrop and small premine to bootstrap the PoS component of the Decred network, establish a wide network of potential project contributors, and compensate the early developers for their work prior to launch. Given the necessity of distribution, this process was determined to be fair, transparent, and yielded significant decentralization from the outset.",
  86. "history_principles_headline": "Decred Community Principles",
  87. "history_principles_01": "FREE AND OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE",
  88. "history_principles_02": "FREE SPEECH AND CONSIDERATION",
  89. "history_principles_03": "MULTI-STAKEHOLDER INCLUSIVITY",
  90. "history_principles_04": "INCREMENTAL PRIVACY AND SECURITY",
  91. "history_principles_05": "FIXED FINITE SUPPLY",
  92. "history_principles_06": "UNIVERSAL FUNGIBILITY",
  93. "history_principles_slogan": "All software developed as part of Decred shall be free and open-source software.",
  94. "history_timeline": "Decred Timeline"
  97. edit:
  99. "press_description": "Decred has been prominently featured by the The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bitcoin Magazine and many more. Below is a gallery of recent mentions.",
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