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a guest
Jun 19th, 2019
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  1. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#!
  2. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! [Skript] Severe Error:
  3. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#!
  4. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Something went horribly wrong with Skript.
  5. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! This issue is NOT your fault! You probably can't fix it yourself, either.
  6. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! It looks like you are using some plugin(s) that alter how Skript works (addons).
  7. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Here is full list of them:
  8. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Repuska (
  9. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! We could not identify which of those are specially related, so this might also be Skript issue.
  10. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! You should try disabling those plugins one by one, trying to find which one causes it.
  11. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! If the error doesn't disappear even after disabling all listed plugins, it is probably Skript issue.
  12. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! In that case, you will be given instruction on how should you report it.
  13. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! On the other hand, if the error disappears when disabling some plugin, report it to author of that plugin.
  14. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Only if the author tells you to do so, report it to Skript's issue tracker.
  15. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#!
  16. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Stack trace:
  17. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! java.lang.NullPointerException
  18. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at com.republicansensei.repuska.chunk.ExprChunk.get(
  19. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at com.republicansensei.repuska.chunk.ExprChunk.get(
  20. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression.getArray(
  21. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString.toString(
  22. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString.getArray(
  23. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString.getArray(
  24. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference.execute(
  25. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ExprFunctionCall.get(
  26. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression.check(
  27. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCompare.check(
  28. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at
  29. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
  30. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
  31. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger.execute(
  32. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.check(
  33. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler$1.execute(
  34. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(
  35. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
  36. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
  37. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.PlayerConnection.a(
  38. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.PacketPlayInUseEntity.a(
  39. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.PacketPlayInUseEntity.a(
  40. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$0(
  41. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
  42. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at
  43. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.SystemUtils.a(
  44. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.b(
  45. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.DedicatedServer.b(
  46. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.a(
  47. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at
  48. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! at
  49. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#!
  50. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Version Information:
  51. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Skript: 2.3.5
  52. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Flavor: skriptlang-github
  53. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Date: 2019-02-09
  54. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Bukkit: 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
  55. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Minecraft: 1.13.2
  56. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Java: 1.8.0_212 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.212-b01)
  57. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! OS: Linux amd64 4.4.0-143-generic
  58. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#!
  59. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Server platform: Paper
  60. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#!
  61. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Current node: null
  62. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Current item: checkFile("Regions", "chunks/%chunk at the location of the block%") is not equal to ("%{_pg}(as java.lang.Object)%" or "*")[class java.lang.String] (comparator:$16@453f283c)
  63. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Current trigger: rightclick on spruce fence gate or birch fence gate or jungle fence gate or dark oak fence gate or acacia fence gate or levers or stone button or wooden button or spruce door or birch door or jungle door or dark oak door or acacia door or iron door or oak trapdoor (rightclick on ([[itemtype:spruce gate]], [[itemtype:birch wood fence gate]], [[itemtype:jungle gate]], [[itemtype:dark oak wood gate]], [[itemtype:acacia fence gate]], [[itemtype:lever]], [[itemtype:stone button]], [[itemtype:oak button, spruce wood button, birch wood button, jungle button, acacia button or dark oak wood button]], [[itemtype:spruce door]], [[itemtype:birch door]], [[itemtype:jungle door]], [[itemtype:dark oak wood door]], [[itemtype:acacia door]], [[itemtype:iron door]] or [[itemtype:oak trapdoor]])[class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType]) (, line 3962)
  64. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#!
  65. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Thread: Server thread
  66. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#!
  67. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Language: english
  68. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! Link parse mode: DISABLED
  69. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#!
  70. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#! End of Error.
  71. [09:34:14 ERROR]: #!#!
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