
Tiki/Gerome PC Support WIP

Mar 21st, 2017
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  1. C-Support
  2. Tiki: Ahh, there you are, Gerome.
  3. Gerome: ... What do you want?
  4. Tiki: Merely to see how you were. You disappear so quickly after battles and meals, it's almost as if you're more a shadow than person. I should have known you'd be in here with Minerva, though.
  5. Gerome: Hm. Well, I'm fine. is that all?
  6. Tiki: So curt. That's certainly not the way to make friends.
  7. Gerome: Who said I had any interest in making friends?
  8. Tiki: I guess I thought you might have had some interest in talking to your mother--
  9. Gerome: Make no mistake, Tiki. No matter how much you may look or act like her, you are not my mother. My mother has long since left this realm. As far as I'm concerned, you're a stranger.
  10. Tiki: ...I see. I suppose I just thought that maybe talking with me might...soothe the pain. Heal that wound.
  11. Gerome: Then you thought wrong.
  12. Tiki: Gerome--!
  13. Gerome: I don't need a lecture from a doppelgรคnger. Now, if you have nothing of import to say, then leave me. I have to finish tending to Minervykins before dinner.
  14. Tiki: ...Minervykins?
  15. Gerome: I-- Er, that is... I didn't mean to... Bah!
  16. Tiki: Ah, Gerome, wait--!
  17. [Gerome leaves]
  18. Tiki: ... *sigh* That boy....
  20. B-Support
  21. Gerome: Minerva! I brought you some roast deer meat. It's slightly burnt, but-- ...Oh.
  22. Tiki: Good evening, Gerome.
  23. Gerome: What are YOU doing here?
  24. Tiki: Chatting with Minervykins. Is that a problem?
  25. Gerome: Are you mocking me? Because I did NOT call her that before. You're clearly mistaken.
  26. Tiki: You needn't be so defensive, you know. Cherche calls her own partner by the same pet name. I've picked it up over time.
  27. Gerome: Oh... Er, right. I knew that.
  28. Tiki: My, my. You're kind of adorable when you're flustered.
  29. Gerome: ......
  30. Tiki: Your face will stick like that if you keep glaring.
  31. Gerome: ...Tch.
  32. Tiki: Oh, lighten up, Gerome. I was only joking.
  33. Gerome: ...
  34. Tiki: My, Minerva, was Gerome always this moody in the future?
  35. Gerome: Don't ask her that like I'm not here.
  36. Tiki: Well, I certainly won't get any answers out of YOU. Besides, you'll be pleased to learn she's been frustratingly tight-lipped about some things. She's quite loyal to you.
  37. Gerome: I'd hope so, given how long we've been together. She's the only family I have left.
  38. Tiki: ...I see.
  39. Gerome: ...
  40. Tiki: So you're still adamant about refusing to accept Cherche or I as family, hm?
  41. Gerome: I thought I made my stance on that perfectly clear.
  42. Tiki: I just thought you might have reconsidered--
  43. Gerome: I have no interest in fraternizing with those from the past. No matter how much they may look or act like my mothers.
  44. Tiki: Then why did you come to the past?
  45. Gerome: Ha! Are you so vain to think that I'd come back just for that?
  46. Tiki: ...
  47. Gerome: This was Lucina's idea. Her grand plan to prevent the future we were cursed with. The others agreed, despite my protests. I was opposed; meddling in the past never ends well. And yet, I couldn't imagine losing the only people who I had left. I've lost too many in my life. I refuse to lose more.
  48. Tiki: ...
  49. Gerome: I wouldn't expect you to understand.
  50. Tiki: Bite your tongue, Gerome.
  56. [b support]
  57. - something tiki says makes gerome order that minerva attack her; tiki just laughs ("As if Minerva would raise a claw against her older sister. We're family, timelines apart or not.")
  58. - gerome says something about losing too many people in his life and that tiki wouldn't understand
  59. - she snaps that he has no right to say that ("I agree that you've lost much, but do not presume to know the loss I've suffered in MY life.")
  60. - gerome backpedals and leaves
  62. [a support]
  63. - tiki asks if gerome resents her for dying
  64. - gerome says that people mourned tiki for "the loss of naga's voice", when he merely mourned the loss of his mother
  65. "People mourned for you, you know. They cried for their lost hope, their severed connection to the goddess. I just cried for my mother."
  67. - he said cherche left first, and tiki went after her shortly thereafter; "Manaketes are supposed to live for centuries. Millenia, even. Why couldn't you have been so lucky?"
  68. - tiki says that while she knows she isn't the mother that gerome knew, she still loves him and asks if she can be his friend
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