

Apr 23rd, 2018
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 19 Chest filled with gold and jewels (10 pts): (Questionable_Quester, Biigoh, Frakir's brother, fictionfan, Valmit, Berserkslash, Ct613hulu, Scope, 1986ctcel, Goht, Woutervd, 24caratcoal, Winged One, zeromass, Vicjer, hideyoshi, Snake/Eater, Varano, wichajster)
  3. -[X] 3 Chest filled with gold and jewels (10 pts): (Kadark, Aleph, Zentari2238)
  4. -[X] 5 Chest filled with gold and jewels (10 pts) x2: (Frakir's brother, jessej, 24caratcoal, Vicjer, wichajster)
  5. [X] 1 Dragons and sis: (archangis)
  6. [X] 13 Egg of a Forest Dragon. (30 pts): (Questionable_Quester, fictionfan, Valmit, Scope, 1986ctcel, Woutervd, archangis, 24caratcoal, zeromass, Vicjer, hideyoshi, Varano, wichajster)
  7. -[X] 2 Egg of a Forest Dragon. (30 pts): (Kadark, MudkipSage)
  8. [X] 1 Egg of a Forest Dragon. (30 pts)​: (Frakir's brother)
  9. [X] 4 Everything Minus Gadril Plus Extra Necessities: (Frakir's brother, 24caratcoal, Vicjer, wichajster)
  10. [X] 23 Large group of workers, builders, etc. (10 pts): (Questionable_Quester, AmaiKotori, AmaiKotori, Frakir's brother, fictionfan, Valmit, mc2rpg, mc2rpg, Ct613hulu, Scope, 1986ctcel, Xicree, guisniperman, Goht, archangis, 24caratcoal, Winged One, zeromass, Vicjer, kalifianto, kalifianto, Snake/Eater, wichajster)
  11. -[X] 4 Large group of workers, builders, etc. (10 pts): (Aleph, Aleph, Zentari2238, Zentari2238)
  12. [X] 2 Large group of workers, builders, etc. (10 pts) x 2: (Biigoh, Berserkslash)
  13. -[X] 1 Large group of workers, builders, etc. (10 pts) x2: (jessej)
  14. [X] 3 Large group of workers, builders, etc. (10pts): (Woutervd, hideyoshi, Varano)
  15. -[X] 1 Large group of workers, builders, etc. (10pts): (Kadark)
  16. [X] 26 Large wagon filled with supplies (10 pts): (Questionable_Quester, AmaiKotori, Frakir's brother, fictionfan, Valmit, mc2rpg, mc2rpg, Ct613hulu, Scope, 1986ctcel, Xicree, guisniperman, Goht, Woutervd, Woutervd, 24caratcoal, PaintedSavage, zeromass, Vicjer, hideyoshi, hideyoshi, kalifianto, Snake/Eater, Varano, Varano, wichajster)
  17. -[X] 5 Large wagon filled with supplies (10 pts): (Kadark, Aleph, Aleph, Zentari2238, Zentari2238)
  18. [X] 2 Large wagon filled with supplies (10 pts) x 2: (Biigoh, Berserkslash)
  19. -[X] 5 Large wagon filled with supplies (10 pts) x2: (Frakir's brother, jessej, 24caratcoal, Vicjer, wichajster)
  20. [X] 1 Large wagon filled with supplies x2 (20 pts): (Winged One)
  21. -[X] 1 NOT HISS!​: (Reader_as_a_Hobby)
  22. [X] 1 Newly hatched Forest Dragon whelp. (70 pts): (Xicree)
  23. -[X] 1 Newly hatched Forest Dragon whelp. (70 pts): (MudkipSage)
  24. [X] 26 Personal forge and supplies (20 pts): (Questionable_Quester, Biigoh, AmaiKotori, Frakir's brother, fictionfan, Valmit, Berserkslash, mc2rpg, mc2rpg, Ct613hulu, Scope, 1986ctcel, Xicree, guisniperman, Goht, Woutervd, archangis, 24caratcoal, Winged One, zeromass, Vicjer, hideyoshi, kalifianto, Snake/Eater, Varano, wichajster)
  25. -[X] 4 Personal forge and supplies (20 pts): (Kadark, jessej, Aleph, Zentari2238)
  26. [X] 30 Plan Bii: (Biigoh, Slayer Anderson, Berserkslash, Ct613hulu, Aigloss, Matcha, TRm, zamin, Yuki, warlock7, Blonddude42, guisniperman, Goht, Vanathor, RageKnight, 753398445a, Deathwings, gatewaewanderer, StellarMonarch, Vanguard_D, rcnr, reborn214, Sandmaun, Argentorum, HeWhoWasMarduk, WazugDaWurd, Stelarwand030, noahgab1133, Snake/Eater, SailorOfMyVessel)
  27. [X] 1 Plan Bii​: (Evillevi)
  28. [X] 5 Plan EVERYTHING: (Questionable_Quester, 1986ctcel, Derpmind, zeromass, Stelarwand030)
  29. [X] 4 Plan Necessities First: (Woutervd, Camellia, hideyoshi, Varano)
  30. [X] 2 Plan Need More Guards: (Kadark, Salbazier)
  31. [X] 1 Plan Need More Guards​: (Tanor)
  32. [X] 1 Plan Rebuild: (jessej)
  33. [X] 6 Plan We Already Have a Lizard: (Aleph, Candesce, Zale, Mithril-blade, Zentari2238, Koden)
  34. [X] 1 Plan doubling down: (mc2rpg)
  35. [X] 1 Plan selfish yet sensible: (Winged One)
  36. [X] 1 Plan: Double Dragon: (MudkipSage)
  37. [X] 1 Plan: Dragon Crafter: (Xicree)
  38. [X] 26 Small squadron of elite guards (10 pts): (Questionable_Quester, AmaiKotori, AmaiKotori, Frakir's brother, fictionfan, Valmit, mc2rpg, mc2rpg, Ct613hulu, Ct613hulu, Scope, 1986ctcel, guisniperman, Goht, Goht, Woutervd, archangis, 24caratcoal, zeromass, Vicjer, hideyoshi, kalifianto, kalifianto, Snake/Eater, Varano, wichajster)
  39. -[X] 6 Small squadron of elite guards (10 pts): (Kadark, Kadark, Aleph, Aleph, Zentari2238, Zentari2238)
  40. [X] 4 Small squadron of elite guards (10 pts) (if allowed to double up on this): (fictionfan, Xicree, guisniperman, Snake/Eater)
  41. [X] 2 Small squadron of elite guards (10 pts) x 2: (Biigoh, Berserkslash)
  42. -[X] 5 Small squadron of elite guards (10 pts) x2: (Frakir's brother, jessej, 24caratcoal, Vicjer, wichajster)
  43. [X] 1 Small squadron of elite guards x3 (30 pts): (Winged One)
  44. [X] 14 Your sister Gadril and her things. (30 pts): (Questionable_Quester, Biigoh, AmaiKotori, Berserkslash, Ct613hulu, Scope, Reader_as_a_Hobby, 1986ctcel, Goht, archangis, Winged One, zeromass, kalifianto, Snake/Eater)
  45. -[X] 2 Your sister Gadril and her things. (30 pts): (Aleph, Zentari2238)
  46. [X] 1 Your sister Gadril and her things. (30 pts)[X] Chest filled with gold and jewels (10 pts): (guisniperman)
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