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Feb 4th, 2023
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  1. 02-04 08:38:47.719 8338 8338 D LoggingFragment: [CameraXFragment] onCreate()
  2. 02-04 08:38:46.807 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  3. 02-04 08:38:46.807 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  4. 02-04 08:38:47.721 8338 8338 W MediaCaptureRepository: Cannot read from storage.
  5. 02-04 08:38:46.817 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  6. 02-04 08:38:46.817 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  7. 02-04 08:38:47.738 8338 8338 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
  8. 02-04 08:38:46.828 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  9. 02-04 08:38:46.828 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  10. 02-04 08:38:47.745 8338 8338 D CameraXFragment: Starting CameraX with mode policy Mixed
  11. 02-04 08:38:46.838 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  12. 02-04 08:38:46.838 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  13. 02-04 08:38:47.758 8338 8338 D CamLifecycleController: CameraProvider is not ready.
  14. 02-04 08:38:47.759 8338 8338 D CameraController: Use cases not attached to camera.
  15. 02-04 08:38:47.759 8338 8338 D CamLifecycleController: CameraProvider is not ready.
  16. 02-04 08:38:47.759 8338 8338 D CameraController: Use cases not attached to camera.
  17. 02-04 08:38:47.760 8338 8338 D CamLifecycleController: CameraProvider is not ready.
  18. 02-04 08:38:47.761 8338 8338 D CameraController: Use cases not attached to camera.
  19. 02-04 08:38:47.761 8338 8338 D CamLifecycleController: CameraProvider is not ready.
  20. 02-04 08:38:47.761 8338 8338 D CameraController: Use cases not attached to camera.
  21. 02-04 08:38:46.848 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  22. 02-04 08:38:46.848 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  23. 02-04 08:38:46.858 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  24. 02-04 08:38:46.858 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  25. 02-04 08:38:47.776 8338 8338 D PreviewView: Transform info is not ready
  26. 02-04 08:38:46.868 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  27. 02-04 08:38:46.868 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  28. 02-04 08:38:47.779 8338 8338 D CameraXFragment: Max duration: 60 sec
  29. 02-04 08:38:47.780 8338 8953 D CameraRepository: Added camera: 0
  30. 02-04 08:38:47.788 8338 8338 D LoggingFragment: [CameraXFragment] onStart()
  31. 02-04 08:38:47.790 8338 8338 D CamLifecycleController: CameraProvider is not ready.
  32. 02-04 08:38:47.790 8338 8338 D CameraController: Use cases not attached to camera.
  33. 02-04 08:38:46.878 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  34. 02-04 08:38:46.878 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  35. 02-04 08:38:47.798 1598 8994 D CoreBackPreview: Window{4b1e4c u0 org.thoughtcrime.securesms/org.thoughtcrime.securesms.mediasend.v2.MediaSelectionActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@6fd3baa, mPriority=0}
  36. 02-04 08:38:47.801 8338 8629 D ConversationListDataSou: [size(), UnarchivedConversationListDataSource, OFF] 2 ms
  37. 02-04 08:38:46.893 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  38. 02-04 08:38:46.893 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  39. 02-04 08:38:47.805 8338 8953 I Camera2CameraInfo: Device Level: INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_3
  40. 02-04 08:38:46.903 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  41. 02-04 08:38:46.903 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  42. 02-04 08:38:47.818 8338 8953 D CameraRepository: Added camera: 1
  43. 02-04 08:38:47.822 8338 8953 I Camera2CameraInfo: Device Level: INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_3
  44. 02-04 08:38:47.823 8338 8953 D CameraValidator: Verifying camera lens facing on QX1050, lensFacingInteger: null
  45. 02-04 08:38:46.914 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  46. 02-04 08:38:46.914 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  47. 02-04 08:38:47.823 8338 8562 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior.
  48. 02-04 08:38:47.824 8338 8338 D PreviewView: Transform info is not ready
  49. 02-04 08:38:47.826 8338 8338 D CamLifecycleController: CameraProvider is not ready.
  50. 02-04 08:38:47.827 8338 8338 D CameraController: Use cases not attached to camera.
  51. 02-04 08:38:47.827 8338 8338 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.cardview.widget.CardView{7b9908b V.E...... ......ID 0,1080-1080,1080 #7f0a0285 app:id/camerax_camera_parent} during layout: running second layout pass
  52. 02-04 08:38:47.827 8338 8338 D PreviewView: Transform info is not ready
  53. 02-04 08:38:47.835 903 903 I sensors-hal: batch:242, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=200000000, max_latency=0
  54. 02-04 08:38:47.835 903 903 I sensors-hal: set_config:63, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
  55. 02-04 08:38:47.835 903 903 I sensors-hal: batch:251, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
  56. 02-04 08:38:47.836 903 903 I sensors-hal: flush:271, android.sensor.accelerometer/11
  57. 02-04 08:38:47.836 903 903 I sensors-hal: flush:277, android.sensor.accelerometer/11 completed
  58. 02-04 08:38:46.924 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  59. 02-04 08:38:46.924 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  60. 02-04 08:38:47.836 8338 8338 D CamLifecycleController: CameraProvider is not ready.
  61. 02-04 08:38:47.836 8338 8338 D CameraController: Use cases not attached to camera.
  62. 02-04 08:38:47.839 903 5698 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_resp_cb:663, resp_value = 0
  63. 02-04 08:38:47.839 903 5698 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_resp_cb:663, resp_value = 0
  64. 02-04 08:38:46.935 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  65. 02-04 08:38:46.935 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  66. 02-04 08:38:47.851 8338 8562 W Parcel : Expecting binder but got null!
  67. 02-04 08:38:47.853 1162 1162 V MediaPlayerList: onActiveSessionsChanged: number of controllers: 0
  68. 02-04 08:38:47.854 8338 8338 I ExoPlayerImpl: Release b8206f8 [ExoPlayerLib/2.18.1] [QX1050, QX1050, Fx_tec_Pro1X, 33] [goog.exo.core, goog.exo.mediasession, goog.exo.exoplayer, goog.exo.decoder]
  69. 02-04 08:38:47.854 1162 1162 V MediaPlayerList: onActiveSessionsChanged: number of controllers: 0
  70. 02-04 08:38:46.945 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  71. 02-04 08:38:46.945 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  72. 02-04 08:38:47.864 1598 1827 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed org.thoughtcrime.securesms/.mediasend.v2.MediaSelectionActivity: +291ms
  73. 02-04 08:38:47.864 8338 8634 D ConversationListDataSou: [load(0, 45), UnarchivedConversationListDataSource, OFF] cursor: 59 cache-recipients: 0 recipient-resolve: 0 total: 59
  74. 02-04 08:38:46.955 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  75. 02-04 08:38:46.955 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  76. 02-04 08:38:46.965 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  77. 02-04 08:38:46.965 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  78. 02-04 08:38:47.884 1598 8994 D CoreBackPreview: Window{e33104e u0 PopupWindow:fe22529}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@bf8b27c, mPriority=0}
  79. 02-04 08:38:46.975 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  80. 02-04 08:38:46.975 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  81. 02-04 08:38:47.895 8338 8338 D CameraOrientationUtil: getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=270, isOppositeFacing=false, result=270
  82. 02-04 08:38:47.895 8338 8338 D CameraOrientationUtil: getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=270, isOppositeFacing=false, result=270
  83. 02-04 08:38:47.897 8338 8338 D CameraOrientationUtil: getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=270, isOppositeFacing=false, result=270
  84. 02-04 08:38:47.897 8338 8338 D CameraOrientationUtil: getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=270, isOppositeFacing=false, result=270
  85. 02-04 08:38:47.898 8338 8338 D CameraOrientationUtil: getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=270, isOppositeFacing=false, result=270
  86. 02-04 08:38:47.898 8338 8338 D CameraOrientationUtil: getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=270, isOppositeFacing=false, result=270
  87. 02-04 08:38:46.987 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  88. 02-04 08:38:46.987 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  89. 02-04 08:38:47.901 8338 8338 D CameraOrientationUtil: getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=270, isOppositeFacing=false, result=270
  90. 02-04 08:38:47.904 8338 8338 D DeferrableSurface: Surface created[total_surfaces=1, used_surfaces=0]($2@f288910}
  91. 02-04 08:38:47.905 8338 8338 D CameraOrientationUtil: getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=270, isOppositeFacing=false, result=270
  92. 02-04 08:38:46.997 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  93. 02-04 08:38:46.997 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  94. 02-04 08:38:47.909 8338 8338 D DeferrableSurface: Surface created[total_surfaces=2, used_surfaces=0](}
  95. 02-04 08:38:47.910 8338 8955 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Use case ACTIVE
  96. 02-04 08:38:47.910 8338 8955 D UseCaseAttachState: Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 1
  97. 02-04 08:38:47.912 8338 8338 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
  98. 02-04 08:38:47.912 8338 8338 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
  99. 02-04 08:38:47.912 8338 8338 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
  100. 02-04 08:38:47.917 8338 8960 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained
  101. 02-04 08:38:47.917 1249 613 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance( in android.hardwar process
  102. 02-04 08:38:47.007 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  103. 02-04 08:38:47.007 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  104. 02-04 08:38:47.922 1249 613 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/rpcmem_android.c:159: rpcmem_init_internal: opened ION device fd 7, configured heap IDs: system (0x2000000), contig (0x400000), secure (0x200), secure flags (0x80080000)
  105. 02-04 08:38:47.922 1249 613 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:3078: fastrpc_apps_user_init done with default domain:3 and &fastrpc_trace:0xe9334bcc
  106. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  107. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default
  108. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  109. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_no_vpss value: 1
  110. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  111. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_enc_log_in value: 0
  112. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  113. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_enc_log_out value: 0
  114. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  115. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_enc_csc_custom_matrix value: 0
  116. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  117. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default
  118. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  119. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_disable_hdr value: 3
  120. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  121. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default
  122. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  123. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default
  124. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  125. 02-04 08:38:47.925 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_enc_quality_boost_enable value: 1
  126. 02-04 08:38:47.016 0 0 I msm_vidc: high: 00000001: ....e: Opening video instance: 0000000000000000, 0
  127. 02-04 08:38:47.016 0 0 I msm_vidc: err : 00000001: ....e: Failed to create debugfs for msm_vidc
  128. 02-04 08:38:47.017 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  129. 02-04 08:38:47.017 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  130. 02-04 08:38:47.022 0 0 I msm_vidc: err : 00000001: ....e: msm_vidc_comm_update_ctrl: failed: control name Video B Frames, min 0, max 0, step 0, default_value 0
  131. 02-04 08:38:47.933 1249 613 I OMX-VENC: Component_init : : return = 0x0
  132. 02-04 08:38:47.936 8338 8338 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
  133. 02-04 08:38:47.936 8338 8338 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
  134. 02-04 08:38:47.937 8338 8965 D CCodec : allocate(
  135. 02-04 08:38:47.938 8338 8965 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services: "software"
  136. 02-04 08:38:47.028 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  137. 02-04 08:38:47.028 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  138. 02-04 08:38:47.941 1286 2179 V C2Store : in init
  139. 02-04 08:38:47.941 1286 2179 V C2Store : loading dll
  140. 02-04 08:38:47.945 8338 8965 I CCodec : Created component []
  141. 02-04 08:38:47.945 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/mp4a-latm
  142. 02-04 08:38:47.948 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
  143. 02-04 08:38:47.038 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  144. 02-04 08:38:47.038 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  145. 02-04 08:38:47.948 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
  146. 02-04 08:38:47.948 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
  147. 02-04 08:38:47.949 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
  148. 02-04 08:38:47.949 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
  149. 02-04 08:38:47.949 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
  150. 02-04 08:38:47.949 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
  151. 02-04 08:38:47.951 8338 8965 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 9 values (BAD_INDEX)
  152. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
  153. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000
  154. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 0
  155. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 8192
  156. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coding.aac-sbr-mode.value = 3
  157. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2048
  158. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
  159. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: string = "audio/raw"
  160. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: string = "audio/mp4a-latm"
  161. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 1
  162. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100
  163. 02-04 08:38:47.952 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: }
  164. 02-04 08:38:47.953 1249 8963 E OMX-VENC: venc_dev: async_venc_message_thread interrupted to be exited
  165. 02-04 08:38:47.954 1249 613 I OMX-VENC: Component Deinit
  166. 02-04 08:38:47.045 0 0 I msm_vidc: high: 00000001: h264e: Closed video instance: 0000000000000000
  167. 02-04 08:38:47.956 1249 613 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/rpcmem_android.c:192: rpcmem_deinit_internal: closed ION fd 7
  168. 02-04 08:38:47.956 1249 613 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:3010: fastrpc_apps_user_deinit done
  169. 02-04 08:38:47.048 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  170. 02-04 08:38:47.048 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  171. 02-04 08:38:47.962 8338 8960 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained
  172. 02-04 08:38:47.962 1249 613 I OMXStore: makeComponentInstance( in android.hardwar process
  173. 02-04 08:38:47.967 8407 8407 D wpa_supplicant: Control interface recv command from: /data/vendor/wifi/wpa/sockets/wpa_ctrl_1259-16\x00
  174. 02-04 08:38:47.967 8407 8407 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'VENDOR 0x001374 13'
  175. 02-04 08:38:47.967 8407 8407 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=14 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=0
  176. 02-04 08:38:47.969 1249 613 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/rpcmem_android.c:159: rpcmem_init_internal: opened ION device fd 7, configured heap IDs: system (0x2000000), contig (0x400000), secure (0x200), secure flags (0x80080000)
  177. 02-04 08:38:47.969 1249 613 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:3078: fastrpc_apps_user_init done with default domain:3 and &fastrpc_trace:0xe9337bcc
  178. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  179. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default
  180. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  181. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_no_vpss value: 1
  182. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  183. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_enc_log_in value: 0
  184. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  185. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_enc_log_out value: 0
  186. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  187. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_enc_csc_custom_matrix value: 0
  188. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  189. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default
  190. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  191. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_disable_hdr value: 3
  192. 02-04 08:38:47.058 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  193. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  194. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default
  195. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  196. 02-04 08:38:47.058 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  197. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default
  198. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter
  199. 02-04 08:38:47.972 1249 613 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_enc_quality_boost_enable value: 1
  200. 02-04 08:38:47.063 0 0 I msm_vidc: high: 00000001: ....e: Opening video instance: 0000000000000000, 0
  201. 02-04 08:38:47.973 1249 613 I OMX-VENC: Component_init : : return = 0x0
  202. 02-04 08:38:47.063 0 0 I msm_vidc: err : 00000001: ....e: Failed to create debugfs for msm_vidc
  203. 02-04 08:38:47.063 0 0 I msm_vidc: err : 00000001: ....e: msm_vidc_comm_update_ctrl: failed: control name Video B Frames, min 0, max 0, step 0, default_value 0
  204. 02-04 08:38:47.069 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  205. 02-04 08:38:47.069 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  206. 02-04 08:38:47.976 1390 30146 D LOWI- [LOWI-Scan] wait_event:Wait done with Cmd 103
  207. 02-04 08:38:47.976 1390 30146 D LOWI- [LOWI-Scan] do_listen_events: Rcvd valid Netlink Cmd 0 Err 0
  208. 02-04 08:38:47.976 8407 8407 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Event message available
  209. 02-04 08:38:47.976 8407 8407 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 103 (NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) received for wlan0
  210. 02-04 08:38:47.976 8407 8407 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Vendor event: wiphy=0 vendor_id=0x1374 subcmd=13
  211. 02-04 08:38:47.976 8407 8407 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Vendor data - hexdump(len=180): 08 00 04 00 1e 00 00 00 ac 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 db e9 04 00 3e 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 37 9f 02 00 ...
  212. 02-04 08:38:47.977 8407 8407 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Ignore unsupported QCA vendor event 13
  213. 02-04 08:38:47.977 922 8398 I WifiHAL : event received NL80211_CMD_VENDOR, vendor_id = 0x1374, subcmd = 0xd
  214. 02-04 08:38:47.977 1290 1290 I cnss-daemon: nl80211 response handler invoked
  215. 02-04 08:38:47.977 1290 1290 I cnss-daemon: nl80211_response_handler: cmd 103, vendorID 4980, subcmd 13 received
  216. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec, mediatype video/avc, overrideable 1
  217. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp,0)
  218. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-1080p,1.90)
  219. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-720p,2.25)
  220. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-540p,2.65)
  221. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-480p,3.00)
  222. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-320x240,0)
  223. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax,-1)
  224. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-1080p,45)
  225. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-720p,43)
  226. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-540p,42)
  227. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-480p,38)
  228. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-bitrate-phaseout,1.75)
  229. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-boost-missing-qp,0.20)
  230. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setFeatureValue(_vq_eligible.device,1)
  231. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setFeatureValue(,1)
  232. 02-04 08:38:47.984 8338 8338 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec, mediatype video/avc, overrideable 0
  233. 02-04 08:38:47.985 8338 8338 D MediaCodec: shapeMediaFormat: deltas(1): AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
  234. 02-04 08:38:47.985 8338 8338 D MediaCodec: int32_t android._encoding-quality-level = 0
  235. 02-04 08:38:47.985 8338 8338 D MediaCodec: }
  236. 02-04 08:38:47.985 1249 3512 I OMX-VENC: WARN: Enable/Disable allocate-native-handle allowed only in secure session
  237. 02-04 08:38:47.985 1249 3512 E OMXNodeInstance: setParameter(0xe9748134:qcom.encoder.avc, Input:0 en=0) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  238. 02-04 08:38:47.985 1249 3512 I OMX-VENC: WARN: Enable/Disable allocate-native-handle allowed only in secure session
  239. 02-04 08:38:47.985 1249 3512 E OMXNodeInstance: setParameter(0xe9748134:qcom.encoder.avc, Output:1 en=0) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  240. 02-04 08:38:47.985 1249 3512 I OMX-VENC: WARN: set_parameter: metamode is valid for input port only
  241. 02-04 08:38:47.985 1249 3512 W OMXNodeInstance: [0xe9748134:qcom.encoder.avc] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
  242. 02-04 08:38:47.986 8338 8960 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c04 = 2141391876
  243. 02-04 08:38:47.986 8338 8960 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c00 = 2141391872
  244. 02-04 08:38:47.987 8338 8960 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  245. 02-04 08:38:47.987 1249 27988 I OMX-VENC: venc_dev: WARN: Unsupported eColorFormat 0x7f000789
  246. 02-04 08:38:47.988 8338 8960 I ACodec : setupAVCEncoderParameters with [profile: Baseline] [level: Level1]
  247. 02-04 08:38:47.989 8338 8960 I ACodec : [] cannot encode HDR static metadata. Ignoring.
  248. 02-04 08:38:47.989 8338 8960 I ACodec : setupVideoEncoder succeeded
  249. 02-04 08:38:47.989 8338 8960 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  250. 02-04 08:38:47.990 1249 859 E OMX-VENC: ERROR: unsupported index 1870659589
  251. 02-04 08:38:47.079 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  252. 02-04 08:38:47.079 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  253. 02-04 08:38:47.990 1249 859 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xe9748134:qcom.encoder.avc, ConfigLatency(0x6f800005)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)
  254. 02-04 08:38:48.000 1249 3511 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xe9748134:qcom.encoder.avc, ??(0x7f000062)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
  255. 02-04 08:38:47.089 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  256. 02-04 08:38:48.000 1249 646 I OMX-VENC: venc_dev: venc_get_consumer_usage 0x0
  257. 02-04 08:38:48.000 1249 646 D GraphicBufferSource: setting dataspace: 0x104, acquired=0
  258. 02-04 08:38:48.000 1249 27495 I OMX-VENC: venc_dev: venc_get_consumer_usage 0x0
  259. 02-04 08:38:48.000 1249 1479 D GraphicBufferSource: requesting color aspects (R:2(Limited), P:1(BT709_5), M:1(BT709_5), T:3(SMPTE170M))
  260. 02-04 08:38:47.089 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  261. 02-04 08:38:48.001 8338 8338 D DeferrableSurface: Surface created[total_surfaces=3, used_surfaces=0](}
  262. 02-04 08:38:48.003 8338 8965 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients
  263. 02-04 08:38:48.003 1286 22615 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients
  264. 02-04 08:38:48.004 1286 22615 V C2Store : in ~ComponentModule
  265. 02-04 08:38:48.004 1286 22615 V C2Store : unloading dll
  266. 02-04 08:38:48.005 8338 8965 D CCodec : allocate(
  267. 02-04 08:38:48.006 1286 22615 V C2Store : in init
  268. 02-04 08:38:48.006 1286 22615 V C2Store : loading dll
  269. 02-04 08:38:48.009 8338 8965 I CCodec : Created component []
  270. 02-04 08:38:48.009 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/mp4a-latm
  271. 02-04 08:38:47.100 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  272. 02-04 08:38:47.100 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  273. 02-04 08:38:48.012 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
  274. 02-04 08:38:48.012 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
  275. 02-04 08:38:48.013 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
  276. 02-04 08:38:48.013 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
  277. 02-04 08:38:48.013 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
  278. 02-04 08:38:48.013 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
  279. 02-04 08:38:48.013 8338 8965 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
  280. 02-04 08:38:48.015 8338 8965 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 9 values (BAD_INDEX)
  281. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
  282. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000
  283. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 0
  284. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 8192
  285. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coding.aac-sbr-mode.value = 3
  286. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2048
  287. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
  288. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: string = "audio/raw"
  289. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: string = "audio/mp4a-latm"
  290. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 1
  291. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100
  292. 02-04 08:38:48.016 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: }
  293. 02-04 08:38:48.017 8338 8338 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec, mediatype audio/mp4a-latm, overrideable 1
  294. 02-04 08:38:48.017 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setFeatureValue(_vq_eligible.device,1)
  295. 02-04 08:38:48.017 8338 8338 D CodecProperties: setFeatureValue(,1)
  296. 02-04 08:38:48.017 8338 8338 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec, mediatype audio/mp4a-latm, overrideable 0
  297. 02-04 08:38:48.017 8338 8338 D MediaCodec: shapeMediaFormat: deltas(0): AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
  298. 02-04 08:38:48.017 8338 8338 D MediaCodec: }
  299. 02-04 08:38:48.017 8338 8965 D CCodec : [] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session
  300. 02-04 08:38:48.017 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
  301. 02-04 08:38:48.017 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for encoder
  302. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 156000
  303. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 2
  304. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000
  305. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332.
  306. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0
  307. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
  308. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
  309. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
  310. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 4096
  311. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
  312. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding = 2
  313. 02-04 08:38:48.018 8338 8965 D CCodec : }
  314. 02-04 08:38:48.019 8338 8965 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
  315. 02-04 08:38:48.019 8338 8965 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
  316. 02-04 08:38:48.019 8338 8965 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 156000
  317. 02-04 08:38:48.019 8338 8965 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
  318. 02-04 08:38:48.019 8338 8965 D CCodec : int32_t level = 0
  319. 02-04 08:38:48.019 8338 8965 D CCodec : int32_t max-bitrate = 156000
  320. 02-04 08:38:48.019 8338 8965 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/mp4a-latm"
  321. 02-04 08:38:48.019 8338 8965 D CCodec : int32_t profile = 2
  322. 02-04 08:38:48.019 8338 8965 D CCodec : }
  323. 02-04 08:38:48.019 8338 8965 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 9 values (BAD_INDEX)
  324. 02-04 08:38:48.019 8338 8965 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 4096
  325. 02-04 08:38:47.110 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  326. 02-04 08:38:47.110 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  327. 02-04 08:38:48.025 1027 4557 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr permission denied: recording not allowed for AttributionSourceState{pid: 8338, uid: 10159, packageName: org.thoughtcrime.securesms, attributionTag: (null), token: {no toString() implemented}, renouncedPermissions: [], next: []}
  328. 02-04 08:38:48.025 1027 4557 E AudioFlinger: createRecord() getInputForAttr return error -1
  329. 02-04 08:38:48.026 8338 8338 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(0): AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
  330. 02-04 08:38:48.027 8338 8338 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
  331. 02-04 08:38:48.027 8338 8338 E Error code -20 when initializing native AudioRecord object.
  332. 02-04 08:38:48.027 8338 8338 E VideoCapture: AudioRecord object cannot initialized correctly!
  333. 02-04 08:38:48.028 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Use case ACTIVE
  334. 02-04 08:38:48.028 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 1
  335. 02-04 08:38:48.029 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Use case ACTIVE
  336. 02-04 08:38:48.029 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 1
  337. 02-04 08:38:48.029 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Use case ACTIVE
  338. 02-04 08:38:48.029 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 1
  339. 02-04 08:38:48.030 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Use case ACTIVE
  340. 02-04 08:38:48.030 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 1
  341. 02-04 08:38:48.031 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 1
  342. 02-04 08:38:48.032 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Use cases [,,] now ATTACHED
  343. 02-04 08:38:48.033 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: All use case: [,,] for camera: 1
  344. 02-04 08:38:48.033 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: mMeteringRepeating is ATTACHED, SessionConfig Surfaces: 3, CaptureConfig Surfaces: 1
  345. 02-04 08:38:48.034 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: Active and attached use case: [,,] for camera: 1
  346. 02-04 08:38:47.121 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  347. 02-04 08:38:47.121 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  348. 02-04 08:38:48.036 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Resetting Capture Session
  349. 02-04 08:38:48.036 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Releasing session in state INITIALIZED
  350. 02-04 08:38:48.037 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Attempting to force open the camera.
  351. 02-04 08:38:48.037 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: tryOpenCamera(Camera@8420605[id=1]) [Available Cameras: 1, Already Open: false (Previous state: null)] --> SUCCESS
  352. 02-04 08:38:48.038 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: Recalculating open cameras:
  353. 02-04 08:38:48.038 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: Camera State
  354. 02-04 08:38:48.038 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: -------------------------------------------------------------------
  355. 02-04 08:38:48.038 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: Camera@ae60c50[id=0] UNKNOWN
  356. 02-04 08:38:48.038 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: Camera@8420605[id=1] OPENING
  357. 02-04 08:38:48.038 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: -------------------------------------------------------------------
  358. 02-04 08:38:48.038 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: Open count: 1 (Max allowed: 1)
  359. 02-04 08:38:48.038 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Opening camera.
  360. 02-04 08:38:48.038 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Transitioning camera internal state: INITIALIZED --> OPENING
  361. 02-04 08:38:48.038 8338 8953 D CameraStateMachine: New public camera state CameraState{type=OPENING, error=null} from OPENING and null
  362. 02-04 08:38:48.038 8338 8953 D CameraStateMachine: Publishing new public camera state CameraState{type=OPENING, error=null}
  363. 02-04 08:38:48.039 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: All use case: [,,] for camera: 1
  364. 02-04 08:38:48.042 1225 4903 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID 8338 "org.thoughtcrime.securesms", camera ID 1) and Camera API version 2
  365. 02-04 08:38:48.043 1225 4903 I Camera2ClientBase: Camera 1: Opened. Client: org.thoughtcrime.securesms (PID 8338, UID 10159)
  366. 02-04 08:38:48.043 1225 4903 I CameraDeviceClient: CameraDeviceClient 1: Opened
  367. 02-04 08:38:47.132 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  368. 02-04 08:38:47.132 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  369. 02-04 08:38:48.046 938 938 E ANDR-PERF-TARGET: Error: Invalid logical cluster id 2
  370. 02-04 08:38:48.046 938 938 E ANDR-PERF-REQUEST: Translate to physical failed
  371. 02-04 08:38:48.046 938 938 E ANDR-PERF-TARGET: Error: Invalid logical cluster id 2
  372. 02-04 08:38:48.046 938 938 E ANDR-PERF-REQUEST: Translate to physical failed
  373. 02-04 08:38:48.049 931 1101 I SDM : ResourceImpl::SetMaxBandwidthMode: new bandwidth mode=1
  374. 02-04 08:38:48.051 8338 8562 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior.
  375. 02-04 08:38:47.142 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  376. 02-04 08:38:47.142 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  377. 02-04 08:38:48.059 8338 8562 W Parcel : Expecting binder but got null!
  378. 02-04 08:38:48.062 5619 5622 I Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib-Client: Registration successful for camera with handle:1
  379. 02-04 08:38:48.063 5619 5622 W libc : Access denied finding property ""
  380. 02-04 08:38:48.059 5619 5619 W HwBinder:5619_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:9914): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=1151 scontext=u:r:hal_camera_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
  381. 02-04 08:38:48.063 5619 5622 W libc : Access denied finding property ""
  382. 02-04 08:38:48.059 5619 5619 W HwBinder:5619_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:9915): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=1151 scontext=u:r:hal_camera_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
  383. 02-04 08:38:47.152 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  384. 02-04 08:38:47.152 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  385. 02-04 08:38:48.068 8338 8338 D PreviewView: Surface requested by Preview.
  386. 02-04 08:38:48.072 1598 7483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 189229956; UID 10159; state: DISABLED
  387. 02-04 08:38:48.072 1598 7483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 191513214; UID 10159; state: DISABLED
  388. 02-04 08:38:48.072 1598 7483 V CameraService_proxy: The activity is N or above and claims to support resizeable-activity. Crop-rotate-scale is disabled.
  389. 02-04 08:38:48.074 874 9158 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: cameraFacing=front
  390. 02-04 08:38:48.074 874 9158 D audio_hw_hfp: hfp_set_parameters: enter
  391. 02-04 08:38:48.074 874 9158 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
  392. 02-04 08:38:48.074 8338 8338 D TextureViewImpl: SurfaceTexture available. Size: 1920x1080
  393. 02-04 08:38:48.075 8338 8338 D TextureViewImpl: Surface set on Preview.
  394. 02-04 08:38:47.162 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  395. 02-04 08:38:47.162 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  396. 02-04 08:38:48.076 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Use case ACTIVE
  397. 02-04 08:38:48.079 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: Active and attached use case: [,,] for camera: 1
  398. 02-04 08:38:48.082 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Use case ACTIVE
  399. 02-04 08:38:48.082 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: Active and attached use case: [,,] for camera: 1
  400. 02-04 08:38:48.083 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Use case ACTIVE
  401. 02-04 08:38:47.173 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  402. 02-04 08:38:47.173 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  403. 02-04 08:38:48.084 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: Active and attached use case: [,,] for camera: 1
  404. 02-04 08:38:48.085 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} CameraDevice.onOpened()
  405. 02-04 08:38:48.085 8338 8953 D Camera2CameraImpl: {Camera@8420605[id=1]} Transitioning camera internal state: OPENING --> OPENED
  406. 02-04 08:38:48.086 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: Recalculating open cameras:
  407. 02-04 08:38:48.086 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: Camera State
  408. 02-04 08:38:48.086 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: -------------------------------------------------------------------
  409. 02-04 08:38:48.086 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: Camera@ae60c50[id=0] UNKNOWN
  410. 02-04 08:38:48.086 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: Camera@8420605[id=1] OPEN
  411. 02-04 08:38:48.086 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: -------------------------------------------------------------------
  412. 02-04 08:38:48.086 8338 8953 D CameraStateRegistry: Open count: 1 (Max allowed: 1)
  413. 02-04 08:38:48.086 8338 8953 D CameraStateMachine: New public camera state CameraState{type=OPEN, error=null} from OPEN and null
  414. 02-04 08:38:48.086 8338 8953 D CameraStateMachine: Publishing new public camera state CameraState{type=OPEN, error=null}
  415. 02-04 08:38:48.086 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: All use case: [,,] for camera: 1
  416. 02-04 08:38:48.089 8338 8338 D PreviewView: Preview transformation info updated. TransformationInfo{cropRect=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080), rotationDegrees=270, targetRotation=-1}
  417. 02-04 08:38:48.089 8338 8338 D PreviewTransform: Transformation info set: TransformationInfo{cropRect=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080), rotationDegrees=270, targetRotation=-1} 1920x1080 true
  418. 02-04 08:38:48.089 8338 8953 D UseCaseAttachState: Active and attached use case: [,,] for camera: 1
  419. 02-04 08:38:48.089 8338 8338 D CameraOrientationUtil: getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=270, isOppositeFacing=false, result=270
  420. 02-04 08:38:48.090 8338 8953 D SyncCaptureSessionBase: [] getSurface...done
  421. 02-04 08:38:48.090 8338 8953 D CaptureSession: Opening capture session.
  422. 02-04 08:38:47.183 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  423. 02-04 08:38:47.183 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  424. 02-04 08:38:48.099 8338 8953 D DeferrableSurface: New surface in use[total_surfaces=3, used_surfaces=1]($2@f288910}
  425. 02-04 08:38:48.099 8338 8953 D DeferrableSurface: use count+1, useCount=1$2@f288910
  426. 02-04 08:38:48.099 8338 8953 D DeferrableSurface: New surface in use[total_surfaces=3, used_surfaces=2](}
  427. 02-04 08:38:48.099 8338 8953 D DeferrableSurface: use count+1, useCount=1
  428. 02-04 08:38:48.099 8338 8953 D DeferrableSurface: New surface in use[total_surfaces=3, used_surfaces=3](}
  429. 02-04 08:38:48.099 8338 8953 D DeferrableSurface: use count+1, useCount=1
  430. 02-04 08:38:48.101 1225 4903 W cameraserver: createSurfaceFromGbp: Camera 1 with consumer usage flag: 256: Forcing asynchronous mode forstream
  431. 02-04 08:38:48.101 1225 4903 W cameraserver: createSurfaceFromGbp: Camera 1: Overriding format 0x1 to IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED
  432. 02-04 08:38:47.193 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  433. 02-04 08:38:47.193 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  434. 02-04 08:38:48.106 902 902 I android.hardware.power-service-qti: Power setMode: 5 to: 0
  435. 02-04 08:38:48.108 1225 4903 W H2BGraphicBufferProducer: getConsumerUsage is not fully supported
  436. 02-04 08:38:48.112 1225 4903 W H2BGraphicBufferProducer: getConsumerUsage is not fully supported
  437. 02-04 08:38:47.203 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  438. 02-04 08:38:47.203 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  439. 02-04 08:38:48.117 5619 8987 E Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib:do_bw_request_to_thermal:connect failure, err:-1
  440. 02-04 08:38:48.121 5619 5622 E CHIEISV3: camxchinodeeisv3.cpp:287 EISV3GetOverrideSettings(): Could not find EIS override settings text file at: /vendor/etc/camera/eisoverridesettings.txt
  441. 02-04 08:38:48.122 5619 5622 E CHIEISV3: camxchinodeeisv3.cpp:2353 GetChromatixTuningHandle(): LDC grid not supported
  442. 02-04 08:38:48.122 5619 5622 E CHIEISV3: camxchinodeeisv3.cpp:4738 GetTotalMarginsAndFrameDelay(): Target fps is 30
  443. 02-04 08:38:48.123 5619 5622 E CHINODEUTIL: camxchinodeutil.cpp:498 LibMapFullName(): Error Loading Library: /vendor/lib64/
  444. 02-04 08:38:48.123 5619 5622 E CHINODEUTIL: camxchinodeutil.cpp:500 LibMapFullName(): dlopen error dlopen failed: library "/vendor/lib64/" not found
  445. 02-04 08:38:48.123 5619 5622 E CHINODEUTIL: camxchinodeutil.cpp:498 LibMapFullName(): Error Loading Library: /vendor/lib64/
  446. 02-04 08:38:48.123 5619 5622 E CHINODEUTIL: camxchinodeutil.cpp:500 LibMapFullName(): dlopen error dlopen failed: library "/vendor/lib64/" not found
  447. 02-04 08:38:48.123 5619 5622 E DEWARP : camxchinodedewarp.cpp:375 InitializeFuncPtrs(): OpenGL dll Path = /vendor/lib64/ Not loaded
  448. 02-04 08:38:48.123 5619 5622 E DEWARP : camxchinodedewarp.cpp:631 InitializeFuncPtrs(): Error Initializing one or more function pointers in Library: /vendor/lib64/
  449. 02-04 08:38:48.123 5619 5622 E DEWARP : camxchinodedewarp.cpp:724 InitializeFuncPtrs(): Error Initializing one or more function pointers in Library: /vendor/lib64/
  450. 02-04 08:38:48.123 5619 5622 E DEWARP : camxchinodedewarp.cpp:345 Initialize(): OpenGL Initialization Failed
  451. 02-04 08:38:47.213 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  452. 02-04 08:38:47.213 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  453. 02-04 08:38:48.135 5619 5622 W CHIGPU : camxchinodegpu.cpp:3578 InitializeDownscaleBypassMap(): pCameraConfig: NULL
  454. 02-04 08:38:47.223 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  455. 02-04 08:38:47.223 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  456. 02-04 08:38:48.138 5619 5622 W CHINODEUTIL: camxchinodeutil.cpp:858 GetAlignment(): Unsupported format for media color format: 0, using default alignments
  457. 02-04 08:38:48.138 5619 5622 W CHINODEUTIL: camxchinodeutil.cpp:858 GetAlignment(): Unsupported format for media color format: 0, using default alignments
  458. 02-04 08:38:48.138 5619 5622 E CHINODEUTIL: camxchinodeutil.cpp:909 GetAlignment(): Stride or scanline alignment calculation may be incorrect!, strideAlignment = 512, scanlineAlignment = 512
  459. 02-04 08:38:48.138 5619 5622 E CHINODEUTIL: camxchinodeutil.cpp:909 GetAlignment(): Stride or scanline alignment calculation may be incorrect!, strideAlignment = 512, scanlineAlignment = 256
  460. 02-04 08:38:48.138 5619 5622 E CHINODEUTIL: camxchinodeutil.cpp:909 GetAlignment(): Stride or scanline alignment calculation may be incorrect!, strideAlignment = 512, scanlineAlignment = 512
  461. 02-04 08:38:48.138 5619 5622 E CHINODEUTIL: camxchinodeutil.cpp:909 GetAlignment(): Stride or scanline alignment calculation may be incorrect!, strideAlignment = 512, scanlineAlignment = 256
  462. 02-04 08:38:47.233 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  463. 02-04 08:38:47.233 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  464. 02-04 08:38:48.151 5619 5622 E CamX : [ERROR][SENSOR ] camxsensornode.cpp:5800 GetSensorModuleIndexes() Cached flash device index: 0 is not valid for given sensor
  465. 02-04 08:38:48.152 5619 5622 E CHISWMCTF: camxchinodeswmctf.cpp:2834 SetInputPortBufferDelta(): Unable to read sw-mctf type vendor tag enablement
  466. 02-04 08:38:47.243 0 0 I qcom,camera 5c1b000.qcom,cci0: qcom,cam-sensor2: Linked as a consumer to regulator.56
  467. 02-04 08:38:47.243 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  468. 02-04 08:38:47.243 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  469. 02-04 08:38:48.159 5619 5622 E CHIEISV3: camxchinodeeisv3.cpp:2353 GetChromatixTuningHandle(): LDC grid not supported
  470. 02-04 08:38:48.159 5619 5622 E sm : mctf_init: 94:MCTF Version 2.16
  471. 02-04 08:38:48.159 5619 5622 E sm : mctf_init: 116:init handle = 49829e10
  472. 02-04 08:38:48.160 5619 5622 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:2627: Successfully opened /vendor/dsp/cdsp/fastrpc_shell_33
  473. 02-04 08:38:48.160 5619 5622 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_config.c:200: Reading configuration file:
  474. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ------------[ cut here ]------------
  475. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : invalid GPIO -2
  476. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : WARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 5651 at ../../../../../../kernel/fxtec/sm6115/drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c:123 gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  477. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : Modules linked in: wlan(C) machine_dlkm aw87xx1_dlkm aw87xx_dlkm rouleur_slave_dlkm rouleur_dlkm pm2250_spmi_dlkm wcd937x_slave_dlkm wcd937x_dlkm mbhc_dlkm tx_macro_dlkm rx_macro_dlkm va_macro_dlkm bolero_cdc_dlkm wsa881x_analog_dlkm wcd9xxx_dlkm wcd_core_dlkm stub_dlkm swr_ctrl_dlkm swr_dlkm pinctrl_lpi_dlkm usf_dlkm native_dlkm platform_dlkm q6_dlkm adsp_loader_dlkm apr_dlkm snd_event_dlkm q6_notifier_dlkm q6_pdr_dlkm
  478. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : CPU: 4 PID: 5651 Comm: provider@2.4-se Tainted: G WC 4.19.269-perf+ #23
  479. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. BENGAL IDP (DT)
  480. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pstate : 60400005 (nZCv daif +PAN -UAO)
  481. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pc : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  482. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I lr : gpio_to_desc+0xa4/0xb8
  483. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I sp : ffffff8019d6ba00
  484. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x29: ffffff8019d6ba00 x28: ffffffd7d9cba2e0
  485. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x27: ffffffd7d9c7d068 x26: ffffffd742b11000
  486. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x25: 0000000000000000 x24: ffffffd7d9cba0a8
  487. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x23: ffffffd7d9c2b680 x22: ffffffd742b11000
  488. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x21: ffffffd7d9cba240 x20: ffffff999d655eb0
  489. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x19: 00000000fffffffe x18: 00000000011deb7b
  490. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x17: 0000000000000001 x16: 0000000000000007
  491. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x15: 00000000000000c2 x14: 0000000000000020
  492. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000000
  493. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x11: 0000000000000000 x10: 0000000000000007
  494. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x9 : edc526480d560100 x8 : edc526480d560100
  495. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffffffd7f9d86dcf
  496. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x5 : 0000000000000038 x4 : 0000000000000000
  497. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x3 : 0000000000000032 x2 : 0000000000000007
  498. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x1 : 0000000000000006 x0 : 0000000000000000
  499. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Call trace:
  500. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  501. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : gpio_request+0x18/0x40
  502. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_core_power_up+0x29c/0xbe0
  503. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_power_up+0x68/0x17c
  504. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_driver_cmd+0x838/0x11e4
  505. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_subdev_ioctl+0x28/0x6c
  506. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_do_ioctl_lock+0x9e0/0xab4
  507. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : video_usercopy+0x384/0x6d8
  508. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_ioctl+0x14/0x1c
  509. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : v4l2_ioctl+0x50/0x5c
  510. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : do_vfs_ioctl+0x6ac/0xf8c
  511. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : __arm64_sys_ioctl+0x70/0x98
  512. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_common+0x98/0x160
  513. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_handler+0x60/0x78
  514. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc+0x8/0x500
  515. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ---[ end trace 8ec58d5f7ef02c27 ]---
  516. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ------------[ cut here ]------------
  517. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : invalid GPIO -2
  518. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : WARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 5651 at ../../../../../../kernel/fxtec/sm6115/drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c:123 gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  519. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : Modules linked in: wlan(C) machine_dlkm aw87xx1_dlkm aw87xx_dlkm rouleur_slave_dlkm rouleur_dlkm pm2250_spmi_dlkm wcd937x_slave_dlkm wcd937x_dlkm mbhc_dlkm tx_macro_dlkm rx_macro_dlkm va_macro_dlkm bolero_cdc_dlkm wsa881x_analog_dlkm wcd9xxx_dlkm wcd_core_dlkm stub_dlkm swr_ctrl_dlkm swr_dlkm pinctrl_lpi_dlkm usf_dlkm native_dlkm platform_dlkm q6_dlkm adsp_loader_dlkm apr_dlkm snd_event_dlkm q6_notifier_dlkm q6_pdr_dlkm
  520. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : CPU: 4 PID: 5651 Comm: provider@2.4-se Tainted: G WC 4.19.269-perf+ #23
  521. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. BENGAL IDP (DT)
  522. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pstate : 60400005 (nZCv daif +PAN -UAO)
  523. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pc : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  524. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I lr : gpio_to_desc+0xa4/0xb8
  525. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I sp : ffffff8019d6ba20
  526. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x29: ffffff8019d6ba20 x28: ffffffd7d9cba2e0
  527. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x27: ffffffd7d9c7d068 x26: ffffffd742b11000
  528. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x25: 0000000000000000 x24: ffffffd7d9cba0a8
  529. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x23: ffffffd7d9c2b680 x22: ffffffd742b11000
  530. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x21: ffffffd7d9cba240 x20: ffffff999d655eb0
  531. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x19: 00000000fffffffe x18: 00000000011debc2
  532. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x17: 0000000000000001 x16: 0000000000000007
  533. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x15: 00000000000000c2 x14: 0000000000000020
  534. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000000
  535. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x11: 0000000000000000 x10: 0000000000000007
  536. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x9 : edc526480d560100 x8 : edc526480d560100
  537. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffffffd7f9d87843
  538. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x5 : 0000000000000048 x4 : 0000000000000000
  539. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x3 : 0000000000000032 x2 : 0000000000000007
  540. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x1 : 0000000000000006 x0 : 0000000000000000
  541. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Call trace:
  542. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  543. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_core_power_up+0x2c4/0xbe0
  544. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_power_up+0x68/0x17c
  545. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_driver_cmd+0x838/0x11e4
  546. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_subdev_ioctl+0x28/0x6c
  547. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_do_ioctl_lock+0x9e0/0xab4
  548. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : video_usercopy+0x384/0x6d8
  549. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_ioctl+0x14/0x1c
  550. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : v4l2_ioctl+0x50/0x5c
  551. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : do_vfs_ioctl+0x6ac/0xf8c
  552. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : __arm64_sys_ioctl+0x70/0x98
  553. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_common+0x98/0x160
  554. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_handler+0x60/0x78
  555. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc+0x8/0x500
  556. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ---[ end trace 8ec58d5f7ef02c28 ]---
  557. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ------------[ cut here ]------------
  558. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : invalid GPIO -2
  559. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : WARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 5651 at ../../../../../../kernel/fxtec/sm6115/drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c:123 gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  560. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : Modules linked in: wlan(C) machine_dlkm aw87xx1_dlkm aw87xx_dlkm rouleur_slave_dlkm rouleur_dlkm pm2250_spmi_dlkm wcd937x_slave_dlkm wcd937x_dlkm mbhc_dlkm tx_macro_dlkm rx_macro_dlkm va_macro_dlkm bolero_cdc_dlkm wsa881x_analog_dlkm wcd9xxx_dlkm wcd_core_dlkm stub_dlkm swr_ctrl_dlkm swr_dlkm pinctrl_lpi_dlkm usf_dlkm native_dlkm platform_dlkm q6_dlkm adsp_loader_dlkm apr_dlkm snd_event_dlkm q6_notifier_dlkm q6_pdr_dlkm
  561. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : CPU: 4 PID: 5651 Comm: provider@2.4-se Tainted: G WC 4.19.269-perf+ #23
  562. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. BENGAL IDP (DT)
  563. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pstate : 60400005 (nZCv daif +PAN -UAO)
  564. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pc : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  565. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I lr : gpio_to_desc+0xa4/0xb8
  566. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I sp : ffffff8019d6ba10
  567. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x29: ffffff8019d6ba10 x28: ffffffd7d9cba2e0
  568. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x27: ffffffd7d9c7d068 x26: ffffffd742b11000
  569. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x25: 0000000000000000 x24: ffffffd7d9cba0a8
  570. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x23: ffffffd7d9c2b680 x22: ffffffd742b11000
  571. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x21: ffffffd7d9cba240 x20: ffffff999d655eb0
  572. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x19: 00000000fffffffe x18: 00000000011dec07
  573. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x17: 0000000000000001 x16: 0000000000000007
  574. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x15: 00000000000000c2 x14: 0000000000000020
  575. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000000
  576. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x11: 0000000000000000 x10: 0000000000000007
  577. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x9 : edc526480d560100 x8 : edc526480d560100
  578. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffffffd7f9d8828f
  579. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x5 : 0000000000000040 x4 : 0000000000000000
  580. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x3 : 0000000000000032 x2 : 0000000000000007
  581. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x1 : 0000000000000006 x0 : 0000000000000000
  582. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Call trace:
  583. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  584. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : gpio_free+0xc/0x18
  585. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_core_power_up+0x2d4/0xbe0
  586. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_power_up+0x68/0x17c
  587. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_driver_cmd+0x838/0x11e4
  588. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_subdev_ioctl+0x28/0x6c
  589. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_do_ioctl_lock+0x9e0/0xab4
  590. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : video_usercopy+0x384/0x6d8
  591. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_ioctl+0x14/0x1c
  592. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : v4l2_ioctl+0x50/0x5c
  593. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : do_vfs_ioctl+0x6ac/0xf8c
  594. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : __arm64_sys_ioctl+0x70/0x98
  595. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_common+0x98/0x160
  596. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_handler+0x60/0x78
  597. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc+0x8/0x500
  598. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ---[ end trace 8ec58d5f7ef02c29 ]---
  599. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ------------[ cut here ]------------
  600. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : invalid GPIO -2
  601. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : WARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 5651 at ../../../../../../kernel/fxtec/sm6115/drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c:123 gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  602. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : Modules linked in: wlan(C) machine_dlkm aw87xx1_dlkm aw87xx_dlkm rouleur_slave_dlkm rouleur_dlkm pm2250_spmi_dlkm wcd937x_slave_dlkm wcd937x_dlkm mbhc_dlkm tx_macro_dlkm rx_macro_dlkm va_macro_dlkm bolero_cdc_dlkm wsa881x_analog_dlkm wcd9xxx_dlkm wcd_core_dlkm stub_dlkm swr_ctrl_dlkm swr_dlkm pinctrl_lpi_dlkm usf_dlkm native_dlkm platform_dlkm q6_dlkm adsp_loader_dlkm apr_dlkm snd_event_dlkm q6_notifier_dlkm q6_pdr_dlkm
  603. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : CPU: 4 PID: 5651 Comm: provider@2.4-se Tainted: G WC 4.19.269-perf+ #23
  604. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. BENGAL IDP (DT)
  605. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pstate : 60400005 (nZCv daif +PAN -UAO)
  606. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pc : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  607. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I lr : gpio_to_desc+0xa4/0xb8
  608. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I sp : ffffff8019d6ba00
  609. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x29: ffffff8019d6ba00 x28: ffffffd7d9cba2e0
  610. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x27: ffffffd7d9c7d068 x26: ffffffd742b11000
  611. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x25: 0000000000000000 x24: ffffffd7d9cba0a8
  612. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x23: ffffffd7d9c2b680 x22: ffffffd742b11000
  613. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x21: ffffffd7d9cba240 x20: ffffff999d655eb0
  614. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x19: 00000000fffffffe x18: 00000000011dec43
  615. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x17: 0000000000000001 x16: 0000000000000007
  616. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x15: 00000000000000c2 x14: 0000000000000020
  617. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000000
  618. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x11: 0000000000000000 x10: 0000000000000007
  619. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x9 : edc526480d560100 x8 : edc526480d560100
  620. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffffffd7f9d88cff
  621. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x5 : 0000000000000054 x4 : 0000000000000000
  622. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x3 : 0000000000000032 x2 : 0000000000000007
  623. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x1 : 0000000000000006 x0 : 0000000000000000
  624. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Call trace:
  625. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  626. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : gpio_request+0x18/0x40
  627. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_core_power_up+0x300/0xbe0
  628. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_power_up+0x68/0x17c
  629. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_driver_cmd+0x838/0x11e4
  630. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_subdev_ioctl+0x28/0x6c
  631. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_do_ioctl_lock+0x9e0/0xab4
  632. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : video_usercopy+0x384/0x6d8
  633. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_ioctl+0x14/0x1c
  634. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : v4l2_ioctl+0x50/0x5c
  635. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : do_vfs_ioctl+0x6ac/0xf8c
  636. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : __arm64_sys_ioctl+0x70/0x98
  637. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_common+0x98/0x160
  638. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_handler+0x60/0x78
  639. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc+0x8/0x500
  640. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ---[ end trace 8ec58d5f7ef02c2a ]---
  641. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ------------[ cut here ]------------
  642. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : invalid GPIO -2
  643. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : WARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 5651 at ../../../../../../kernel/fxtec/sm6115/drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c:123 gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  644. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : Modules linked in: wlan(C) machine_dlkm aw87xx1_dlkm aw87xx_dlkm rouleur_slave_dlkm rouleur_dlkm pm2250_spmi_dlkm wcd937x_slave_dlkm wcd937x_dlkm mbhc_dlkm tx_macro_dlkm rx_macro_dlkm va_macro_dlkm bolero_cdc_dlkm wsa881x_analog_dlkm wcd9xxx_dlkm wcd_core_dlkm stub_dlkm swr_ctrl_dlkm swr_dlkm pinctrl_lpi_dlkm usf_dlkm native_dlkm platform_dlkm q6_dlkm adsp_loader_dlkm apr_dlkm snd_event_dlkm q6_notifier_dlkm q6_pdr_dlkm
  645. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : CPU: 4 PID: 5651 Comm: provider@2.4-se Tainted: G WC 4.19.269-perf+ #23
  646. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. BENGAL IDP (DT)
  647. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pstate : 60400005 (nZCv daif +PAN -UAO)
  648. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pc : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  649. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I lr : gpio_to_desc+0xa4/0xb8
  650. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I sp : ffffff8019d6ba20
  651. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x29: ffffff8019d6ba20 x28: ffffffd7d9cba2e0
  652. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x27: ffffffd7d9c7d068 x26: ffffffd742b11000
  653. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x25: 0000000000000000 x24: ffffffd7d9cba0a8
  654. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x23: ffffffd7d9c2b680 x22: ffffffd742b11000
  655. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x21: ffffffd7d9cba240 x20: ffffff999d655eb0
  656. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x19: 00000000fffffffe x18: 00000000011dec84
  657. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x17: 0000000000000001 x16: 0000000000000007
  658. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x15: 00000000000000c2 x14: 0000000000000020
  659. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000000
  660. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x11: 0000000000000000 x10: 0000000000000007
  661. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x9 : edc526480d560100 x8 : edc526480d560100
  662. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffffffd7f9d89773
  663. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x5 : 0000000000000058 x4 : 0000000000000000
  664. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x3 : 0000000000000032 x2 : 0000000000000007
  665. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x1 : 0000000000000006 x0 : 0000000000000000
  666. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Call trace:
  667. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  668. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_core_power_up+0x328/0xbe0
  669. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_power_up+0x68/0x17c
  670. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_driver_cmd+0x838/0x11e4
  671. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_subdev_ioctl+0x28/0x6c
  672. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_do_ioctl_lock+0x9e0/0xab4
  673. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : video_usercopy+0x384/0x6d8
  674. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_ioctl+0x14/0x1c
  675. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : v4l2_ioctl+0x50/0x5c
  676. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : do_vfs_ioctl+0x6ac/0xf8c
  677. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : __arm64_sys_ioctl+0x70/0x98
  678. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_common+0x98/0x160
  679. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_handler+0x60/0x78
  680. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc+0x8/0x500
  681. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ---[ end trace 8ec58d5f7ef02c2b ]---
  682. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ------------[ cut here ]------------
  683. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : invalid GPIO -2
  684. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : WARNING: CPU: 4 PID: 5651 at ../../../../../../kernel/fxtec/sm6115/drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c:123 gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  685. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : Modules linked in: wlan(C) machine_dlkm aw87xx1_dlkm aw87xx_dlkm rouleur_slave_dlkm rouleur_dlkm pm2250_spmi_dlkm wcd937x_slave_dlkm wcd937x_dlkm mbhc_dlkm tx_macro_dlkm rx_macro_dlkm va_macro_dlkm bolero_cdc_dlkm wsa881x_analog_dlkm wcd9xxx_dlkm wcd_core_dlkm stub_dlkm swr_ctrl_dlkm swr_dlkm pinctrl_lpi_dlkm usf_dlkm native_dlkm platform_dlkm q6_dlkm adsp_loader_dlkm apr_dlkm snd_event_dlkm q6_notifier_dlkm q6_pdr_dlkm
  686. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : CPU: 4 PID: 5651 Comm: provider@2.4-se Tainted: G WC 4.19.269-perf+ #23
  687. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. BENGAL IDP (DT)
  688. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pstate : 60400005 (nZCv daif +PAN -UAO)
  689. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I pc : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  690. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I lr : gpio_to_desc+0xa4/0xb8
  691. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I sp : ffffff8019d6ba10
  692. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x29: ffffff8019d6ba10 x28: ffffffd7d9cba2e0
  693. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x27: ffffffd7d9c7d068 x26: ffffffd742b11000
  694. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x25: 0000000000000000 x24: ffffffd7d9cba0a8
  695. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x23: ffffffd7d9c2b680 x22: ffffffd742b11000
  696. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x21: ffffffd7d9cba240 x20: ffffff999d655eb0
  697. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x19: 00000000fffffffe x18: 00000000011decb6
  698. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x17: 0000000000000001 x16: 0000000000000007
  699. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x15: 00000000000000c2 x14: 0000000000000020
  700. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000000
  701. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x11: 0000000000000000 x10: 0000000000000007
  702. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x9 : edc526480d560100 x8 : edc526480d560100
  703. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffffffd7f9d8a1bf
  704. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x5 : 0000000000000038 x4 : 0000000000000000
  705. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x3 : 0000000000000032 x2 : 0000000000000007
  706. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : x1 : 0000000000000006 x0 : 0000000000000000
  707. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I Call trace:
  708. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : gpio_to_desc+0xa8/0xb8
  709. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : gpio_free+0xc/0x18
  710. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_core_power_up+0x338/0xbe0
  711. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_power_up+0x68/0x17c
  712. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_driver_cmd+0x838/0x11e4
  713. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : cam_sensor_subdev_ioctl+0x28/0x6c
  714. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_do_ioctl_lock+0x9e0/0xab4
  715. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : video_usercopy+0x384/0x6d8
  716. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : subdev_ioctl+0x14/0x1c
  717. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : v4l2_ioctl+0x50/0x5c
  718. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : do_vfs_ioctl+0x6ac/0xf8c
  719. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : __arm64_sys_ioctl+0x70/0x98
  720. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_common+0x98/0x160
  721. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc_handler+0x60/0x78
  722. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I : el0_svc+0x8/0x500
  723. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 W : ---[ end trace 8ec58d5f7ef02c2c ]---
  724. 02-04 08:38:47.248 0 0 I qcom,camera 5c1b000.qcom,cci0: qcom,cam-sensor2: Linked as a consumer to regulator.57
  725. 02-04 08:38:47.254 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  726. 02-04 08:38:47.254 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  727. 02-04 08:38:47.258 0 0 I qcom,camera 5c1b000.qcom,cci0: qcom,cam-sensor2: Linked as a consumer to regulator.52
  728. 02-04 08:38:47.264 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  729. 02-04 08:38:47.264 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  730. 02-04 08:38:47.274 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  731. 02-04 08:38:47.274 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  732. 02-04 08:38:47.283 0 0 I qcom,camera 5c1b000.qcom,cci0: qcom,cam-sensor2: Linked as a consumer to regulator.1
  733. 02-04 08:38:47.284 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  734. 02-04 08:38:47.284 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  735. 02-04 08:38:48.200 5619 5622 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:2834: Created user PD on domain 3 (attrs 0x0, debug_trace 0x0)
  736. 02-04 08:38:48.200 5619 5622 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_perf.c:273: fastrpc_perf_init: enabled systrace 0x0 and RPC traces (kernel 0, dsp 0) with frequency 1000
  737. 02-04 08:38:48.200 5619 8992 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/log_config.c:345: file_watcher_thread starting for domain 3
  738. 02-04 08:38:48.201 5619 8992 E vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/log_config.c:268:Error 0x200: fopen failed for /vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp/ (No such file or directory)
  739. 02-04 08:38:48.201 5619 8992 E vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/log_config.c:268:Error 0x200: fopen failed for /vendor/dsp/cdsp/ (No such file or directory)
  740. 02-04 08:38:48.201 5619 8992 E vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/log_config.c:268:Error 0x200: fopen failed for /vendor/dsp/ (No such file or directory)
  741. 02-04 08:38:48.203 5619 8991 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/listener_android.c:111: listener thread starting
  742. 02-04 08:38:47.294 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  743. 02-04 08:38:47.294 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  744. 02-04 08:38:48.205 5619 8991 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/mod_table.c:687: open_mod_table_open_from_static: reverse module apps_std opened with handle 0xc44c9e8 (idx 0)
  745. 02-04 08:38:48.205 5619 8991 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/mod_table.c:464: is_reverse_handle_opened: reverse module apps_std already found with handle 0xc44c9e8 (idx 0)
  746. 02-04 08:38:48.205 5619 8991 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/mod_table.c:687: open_mod_table_open_from_static: reverse module apps_std opened with handle 0xc44c9e8 (idx 0)
  747. 02-04 08:38:48.205 5619 8991 E vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/listener_android.c:64::error: 512: AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = mod_table_close(handle, errStr, errStrLen, dlErr))
  748. 02-04 08:38:48.206 5619 8991 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:868: Successfully opened file /vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp/
  749. 02-04 08:38:47.302 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-SENSOR: cam_sensor_driver_cmd: 808 CAM_ACQUIRE_DEV Success, sensor_id:0x487b,sensor_slave_addr:0x5a
  750. 02-04 08:38:47.304 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  751. 02-04 08:38:47.304 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  752. 02-04 08:38:48.217 5619 5622 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1392: remote_handle64_open: Successfully opened handle 0xc9837250 for file:/// on domain 3
  753. 02-04 08:38:48.217 5619 5622 E sm : mctf_init: 148:open dsp engine handle = c9837250
  754. 02-04 08:38:48.217 5619 5622 I vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1789: remote_handle_control_domain: requested QOS 0, latency 0 for domain 3 handle 0xb400007ac9837250
  755. 02-04 08:38:48.219 5619 5622 E sm : mctf_init: 202:open arm engine handle = 998215e0
  756. 02-04 08:38:47.314 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  757. 02-04 08:38:47.314 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  758. 02-04 08:38:48.233 5619 5622 E JPEG_SW_LIB: jpege_engine_hybrid_init: Init success: nCPU Cores = 4, DSP enable = 0
  759. 02-04 08:38:48.234 5619 5622 E JPEG_SW_LIB: jpege_engine_hybrid_init: Init success: nCPU Cores = 4, DSP enable = 0
  760. 02-04 08:38:48.235 5619 5622 W IS_ALGO : IS0514: V3: interpolate_weights(71): Filter parameters are extrapolated instead of interpolated
  761. 02-04 08:38:47.324 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  762. 02-04 08:38:47.324 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  763. 02-04 08:38:47.335 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  764. 02-04 08:38:47.335 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  765. 02-04 08:38:47.344 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-OPE: cam_ope_mgr_acquire_hw: 2767 OPE: 0 acquire succesfull rc 0
  766. 02-04 08:38:47.345 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  767. 02-04 08:38:47.345 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  768. 02-04 08:38:47.347 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-OPE: cam_ope_mgr_acquire_hw: 2767 OPE: 1 acquire succesfull rc 0
  769. 02-04 08:38:48.266 8338 8562 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0xb400007646dd7fa0 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xb40000755685ba60
  770. 02-04 08:38:47.355 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  771. 02-04 08:38:47.355 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  772. 02-04 08:38:48.272 8338 8338 D BaseActivity: [ConversationActivity] onStop()
  773. 02-04 08:38:48.275 8338 8338 D LoggingFragment: [ConversationFragment] onStop()
  774. 02-04 08:38:47.365 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  775. 02-04 08:38:47.365 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  776. 02-04 08:38:48.276 8338 8338 D LoggingFragment: [MentionsPickerFragment] onStop()
  777. 02-04 08:38:48.277 8338 8338 W EventBus: Subscriber to unregister was not registered before: class org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversation.ConversationParentFragment
  778. 02-04 08:38:48.277 5619 5622 E CamX : [ERROR][FORMAT ] camxdisplayconfig.cpp:331 SetCameraSmoothInfo() returned failure, camera info op 1 fps 30
  779. 02-04 08:38:48.282 1225 4903 W H2BGraphicBufferProducer: getConsumerUsage is not fully supported
  780. 02-04 08:38:48.282 1225 4903 W H2BGraphicBufferProducer: getConsumerUsage is not fully supported
  781. 02-04 08:38:48.282 1225 4903 W H2BGraphicBufferProducer: getConsumerUsage is not fully supported
  782. 02-04 08:38:48.283 1225 4903 W H2BGraphicBufferProducer: getConsumerUsage is not fully supported
  783. 02-04 08:38:48.283 1225 4903 W H2BGraphicBufferProducer: getConsumerUsage is not fully supported
  784. 02-04 08:38:48.283 1225 4903 W H2BGraphicBufferProducer: getConsumerUsage is not fully supported
  785. 02-04 08:38:48.284 1225 4903 D Camera3-Device: Set real time priority for request queue thread (tid 8983)
  786. 02-04 08:38:48.287 8338 8953 D CaptureSession: Attempting to send capture request onConfigured
  787. 02-04 08:38:48.287 8338 8953 D CaptureSession: Issuing request for session.
  788. 02-04 08:38:48.287 8338 8953 D Camera2CaptureRequestBuilder: createCaptureRequest
  789. 02-04 08:38:47.375 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  790. 02-04 08:38:47.375 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  791. 02-04 08:38:48.292 8338 8953 D CaptureSession: CameraCaptureSession.onConfigured() mState=OPENED
  792. 02-04 08:38:48.293 8338 8953 D CaptureSession: CameraCaptureSession.onReady() OPENED
  793. 02-04 08:38:48.295 5619 5622 E CamX : [ERROR][IQMod ] camxtfelsc35.cpp:385 TranslateCalibrationTableToCommonLibrary() Invalid index for EEPROM data
  794. 02-04 08:38:47.385 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  795. 02-04 08:38:47.385 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  796. 02-04 08:38:48.300 1031 1031 I DisplayDevice: Display 4630947200713164417 policy changed
  797. 02-04 08:38:48.300 1031 1031 I DisplayDevice: Previous: {{defaultModeId=0, allowGroupSwitching=false, primaryRange=[0.00 Hz, 240.00 Hz], appRequestRange=[0.00 Hz, 240.00 Hz]}}
  798. 02-04 08:38:48.300 1031 1031 I DisplayDevice: Current: {{defaultModeId=0, allowGroupSwitching=false, primaryRange=[60.00 Hz, 60.00 Hz], appRequestRange=[60.00 Hz, 60.00 Hz]}}
  799. 02-04 08:38:48.300 1031 1031 I DisplayDevice: 0 mode changes were performed under the previous policy
  800. 02-04 08:38:47.394 0 0 I CAM_ERR : CAM-CDM: cam_hw_cdm_work: 1362 NULL payload
  801. 02-04 08:38:47.395 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  802. 02-04 08:38:47.395 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  803. 02-04 08:38:48.309 1031 1106 W TransactionTracing: Could not find layer handle 0xb4000070f5f4dbd0
  804. 02-04 08:38:48.312 5619 5622 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 0 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 0
  805. 02-04 08:38:48.313 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 0 <==> requestId: 1 <==> sequenceId: 0 <==> CSLSyncId: 1 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  806. 02-04 08:38:47.402 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-SENSOR: cam_sensor_driver_cmd: 900 CAM_START_DEV Success, sensor_id:0x487b,sensor_slave_addr:0x5a
  807. 02-04 08:38:47.405 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  808. 02-04 08:38:47.405 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  809. 02-04 08:38:48.316 5619 5622 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 1 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 1
  810. 02-04 08:38:48.319 5619 5622 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 2 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 2
  811. 02-04 08:38:48.320 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 1 <==> requestId: 2 <==> sequenceId: 1 <==> CSLSyncId: 2 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  812. 02-04 08:38:48.322 938 1072 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-llcc-ddr-bw/bw_hwmon/up_scale not supported
  813. 02-04 08:38:48.322 938 1072 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [12, 5]
  814. 02-04 08:38:48.323 5619 5622 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 3 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 3
  815. 02-04 08:38:48.326 5619 5622 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 4 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 4
  816. 02-04 08:38:48.326 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 2 <==> requestId: 3 <==> sequenceId: 2 <==> CSLSyncId: 3 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  817. 02-04 08:38:47.416 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  818. 02-04 08:38:47.416 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  819. 02-04 08:38:48.330 5619 5622 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 5 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 5
  820. 02-04 08:38:48.334 5619 5622 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 6 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 6
  821. 02-04 08:38:48.334 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 3 <==> requestId: 4 <==> sequenceId: 3 <==> CSLSyncId: 4 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  822. 02-04 08:38:47.426 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  823. 02-04 08:38:47.426 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  824. 02-04 08:38:48.338 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 4 <==> requestId: 5 <==> sequenceId: 4 <==> CSLSyncId: 5 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  825. 02-04 08:38:48.338 5619 5622 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 7 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 7
  826. 02-04 08:38:48.342 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 5 <==> requestId: 6 <==> sequenceId: 5 <==> CSLSyncId: 6 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  827. 02-04 08:38:48.344 5619 5619 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 8 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 8
  828. 02-04 08:38:48.346 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 6 <==> requestId: 7 <==> sequenceId: 6 <==> CSLSyncId: 7 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  829. 02-04 08:38:47.436 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  830. 02-04 08:38:47.436 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  831. 02-04 08:38:48.349 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 7 <==> requestId: 8 <==> sequenceId: 7 <==> CSLSyncId: 8 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  832. 02-04 08:38:48.350 5619 5619 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 9 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 9
  833. 02-04 08:38:48.352 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 8 <==> requestId: 9 <==> sequenceId: 8 <==> CSLSyncId: 9 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  834. 02-04 08:38:48.355 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 9 <==> requestId: 10 <==> sequenceId: 9 <==> CSLSyncId: 10 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  835. 02-04 08:38:47.446 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  836. 02-04 08:38:48.356 5619 5619 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 10 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 10
  837. 02-04 08:38:47.446 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  838. 02-04 08:38:48.359 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 10 <==> requestId: 11 <==> sequenceId: 10 <==> CSLSyncId: 11 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  839. 02-04 08:38:48.363 5619 5619 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 11 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 11
  840. 02-04 08:38:48.363 5619 5650 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 11 <==> requestId: 12 <==> sequenceId: 11 <==> CSLSyncId: 12 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  841. 02-04 08:38:47.452 0 0 I CAM_ERR : CAM-CDM: cam_hw_cdm_work: 1362 NULL payload
  842. 02-04 08:38:47.456 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  843. 02-04 08:38:47.456 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  844. 02-04 08:38:47.466 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  845. 02-04 08:38:47.466 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  846. 02-04 08:38:47.476 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  847. 02-04 08:38:47.476 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  848. 02-04 08:38:47.485 0 0 I CAM_ERR : CAM-CDM: cam_hw_cdm_work: 1362 NULL payload
  849. 02-04 08:38:47.486 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  850. 02-04 08:38:47.486 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  851. 02-04 08:38:47.497 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  852. 02-04 08:38:47.497 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  853. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][PPROC ] camxopenode.cpp:8663 FillStripingParams() VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0: Striping Library execution failed
  854. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][PPROC ] camxopenode.cpp:4713 ExecuteProcessRequest() VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0, Failed to FillStripingParams 1
  855. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 802a0000 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 1...result willbe an error
  856. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5624 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4473 CSLFenceCallback() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0 : Type 65545 portId=2 Fence 4 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 1
  857. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 000e0000 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 1...result willbe an error
  858. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 000e0001 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 1...result willbe an error
  859. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000051 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 1...result willbe an error
  860. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000041 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 1...result willbe an error
  861. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5624 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4473 CSLFenceCallback() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0 : Type 65545 portId=1 Fence 5 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 1
  862. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000043 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 1...result willbe an error
  863. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 3000004c , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 1...result willbe an error
  864. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000049 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 1...result willbe an error
  865. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5624 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4473 CSLFenceCallback() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0 : Type 65545 portId=5 Fence 6 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 1
  866. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:1840 ProcessRequest() An Error occured with RequestId 1 Sequence 1 for Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0 inErrorState: 0 ExecuteProcessRequest returned with CamxResultEFailed.
  867. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5624 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4473 CSLFenceCallback() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0 : Type 65545 portId=4 Fence 7 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 1
  868. 02-04 08:38:48.413 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:385 DeferredWorkerWrapper() DeferredWorker failed with result CamxResultEFailed
  869. 02-04 08:38:48.415 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:2839 SinkPortFenceErrorSignaled() VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0 Reporting stream done for stream=0, sequenceId=0 Buffer type=0 handle=0xb400007ab9830108
  870. 02-04 08:38:48.415 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:4830 InjectResult() Reporting a buffer error to the framework for streamIndex 0 SeqId: 0 <-> ReqId: 1
  871. 02-04 08:38:48.416 5619 5650 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 0, error_code 00000003, error_stream 0x0
  872. 02-04 08:38:48.416 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4703 ProcessFenceCallback() Fence error detected for VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2: Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0 Type: 65545 InstanceID: 0 Port: 1 SequenceId: 0 requestId: 1
  873. 02-04 08:38:48.416 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: ffffffff , fence: d987c880(00000005), request: 1...result willbe an error
  874. 02-04 08:38:48.416 5619 5650 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 0, error_code 00000004, error_stream 0xb400007b19820c98
  875. 02-04 08:38:48.416 5619 5649 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:1840 ProcessRequest() An Error occured with RequestId 1 Sequence 1 for Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.gpu3 inErrorState: 1 ExecuteProcessRequest returned with CamxResultSuccess.
  876. 02-04 08:38:48.416 5619 5649 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:1840 ProcessRequest() An Error occured with RequestId 1 Sequence 1 for Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.eisv30 inErrorState: 1 ExecuteProcessRequest returned with CamxResultSuccess.
  877. 02-04 08:38:48.416 5619 5624 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4473 CSLFenceCallback() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.gpu3 : Type 255 portId=4 Fence 8 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 1
  878. 02-04 08:38:48.416 5619 5624 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4473 CSLFenceCallback() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.eisv30 : Type 255 portId=0 Fence 9 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 1
  879. 02-04 08:38:48.416 5619 5624 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4473 CSLFenceCallback() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.eisv30 : Type 255 portId=0 Fence 10 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 1
  880. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4703 ProcessFenceCallback() Fence error detected for VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2: Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0 Type: 65545 InstanceID: 0 Port: 5 SequenceId: 0 requestId: 1
  881. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: ffffffff , fence: d987bc50(00000006), request: 1...result willbe an error
  882. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:3468 GetDataListFromMetadataPool() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0 Request: 1 marked as an error and attempting to shift toRequest 0, triggering recovery!
  883. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6315 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------------------------------------+
  884. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6332 DumpDebugInfo() + CALLING SESSION DUMP 0xb400007a16dc6920 FOR RESET-Recovery +
  885. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6339 DumpDebugInfo() + numPipelines: 1
  886. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6340 DumpDebugInfo() + livePendingRequests: 12
  887. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6341 DumpDebugInfo() + maxLivePendingRequests: 23
  888. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6342 DumpDebugInfo() + requestQueueDepth: 23
  889. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6348 DumpDebugInfo() + Pipeline[0] Flush Status: 0
  890. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6351 DumpDebugInfo() + usecaseNumBatchedFrames: 1
  891. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6366 DumpDebugInfo() +------------------------------------------------------------------+
  892. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6369 DumpDebugInfo() + Waiting for all results min Sequence Id:0 max Sequence Id:11
  893. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6370 DumpDebugInfo() +------------------------------------------------------------------+
  894. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:6373 DumpDebugInfo() + Stuck on Sequence Id: 0 Request Id: 1
  895. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4262 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------------------------------------+
  896. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4263 DumpDebugInfo() + PIPELINE DEBUG INFO +
  897. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4268 DumpDebugInfo() + Pipeline Name: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0, Pipeline ID: 0, 0xb400007c4980a010, CurrentRequestId: 12
  898. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4280 DumpDebugInfo() +------------------------------------------------------------------+
  899. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4281 DumpDebugInfo() + Request info for the pending nodes
  900. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 1
  901. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 0
  902. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 1
  903. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  904. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 11
  905. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 16
  906. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 15
  907. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 2
  908. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  909. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 1
  910. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 2
  911. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 1
  912. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 2
  913. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  914. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 10
  915. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 16
  916. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 13
  917. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 2
  918. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  919. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 0
  920. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 3
  921. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 2
  922. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 3
  923. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  924. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 10
  925. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4703 ProcessFenceCallback() Fence error detected for VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2: Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0 Type: 65545 InstanceID: 0 Port: 4 SequenceId: 0 requestId: 1
  926. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 16
  927. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 13
  928. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: ffffffff , fence: d987f940(00000007), request: 1...result willbe an error
  929. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 2
  930. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  931. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 0
  932. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 4
  933. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 3
  934. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 4
  935. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  936. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 9
  937. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 16
  938. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 12
  939. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 2
  940. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  941. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 0
  942. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4703 ProcessFenceCallback() Fence error detected for VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2: Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.gpu3 Type: 255 InstanceID: 3 Port: 4 SequenceId: 0 requestId: 1
  943. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 5
  944. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 4
  945. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: ffffffff , fence: d9871de0(00000008), request: 1...result willbe an error
  946. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 5
  947. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  948. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 5
  949. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 13
  950. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 7
  951. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 0
  952. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  953. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 0
  954. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4703 ProcessFenceCallback() Fence error detected for VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2: Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.eisv30 Type: 255 InstanceID: 0 Port: 0 SequenceId: 0 requestId: 1
  955. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 6
  956. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: ffffffff , fence: d986a400(00000009), request: 1...result willbe an error
  957. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 5
  958. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 6
  959. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  960. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:4703 ProcessFenceCallback() Fence error detected for VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2: Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.eisv30 Type: 255 InstanceID: 0 Port: 0 SequenceId: 0 requestId: 1
  961. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 5
  962. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 13
  963. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: ffffffff , fence: d986bc60(0000000a), request: 1...result willbe an error
  964. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 7
  965. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 0
  966. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  967. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 0
  968. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 7
  969. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 6
  970. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 7
  971. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  972. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 5
  973. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 13
  974. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 7
  975. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 0
  976. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  977. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 0
  978. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 8
  979. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:3468 GetDataListFromMetadataPool() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0 Request: 1 marked as an error and attempting to shift toRequest 0, triggering recovery!
  980. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 7
  981. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 8
  982. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:3468 GetDataListFromMetadataPool() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0 Request: 1 marked as an error and attempting to shift toRequest 0, triggering recovery!
  983. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  984. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 5
  985. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][ISP ] camxtitan5xstatsparser.cpp:2054 ParseRSStats() PropertyID 4000000f has not been published!
  986. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 13
  987. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 7
  988. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 0
  989. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  990. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 0
  991. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 9
  992. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 8
  993. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS ] camxstatsparsenode.cpp:659 ExecuteProcessRequest() Failed to parse 6 stats result: CamxResultEFailed
  994. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 9
  995. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  996. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 5
  997. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 13
  998. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 7
  999. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 0
  1000. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  1001. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 0
  1002. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 10
  1003. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 9
  1004. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 10
  1005. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  1006. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 5
  1007. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 13
  1008. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 7
  1009. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 0
  1010. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  1011. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 0
  1012. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 11
  1013. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 10
  1014. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 11
  1015. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  1016. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 5
  1017. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000000 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1018. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 13
  1019. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 7
  1020. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 3000000c , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1021. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 0
  1022. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  1023. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000002 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1024. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 0
  1025. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 3000000d , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1026. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4291 DumpDebugInfo() + RequestId: 12
  1027. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 3000000e , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1028. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4295 DumpDebugInfo() + SequenceId[0]: 11
  1029. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000025 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1030. 02-04 08:38:48.417 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4298 DumpDebugInfo() + CSLSyncId: 12
  1031. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4300 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodes: 16
  1032. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 3000002a , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1033. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4302 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesRequestIdDone: 5
  1034. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000065 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1035. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4304 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesPartialMetadataDone: 13
  1036. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4306 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesMetadataDone: 7
  1037. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 802a0000 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1038. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4308 DumpDebugInfo() + numNodesConfigDone: 0
  1039. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 000e0000 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1040. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4310 DumpDebugInfo() + batchFrameIntervalNanoSeconds: 0
  1041. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4312 DumpDebugInfo() + isSofdispatched: 0
  1042. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 000e0001 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1043. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4316 DumpDebugInfo() +------------------------------------------------------------------+
  1044. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000045 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1045. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxpipeline.cpp:4317 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE DEBUG INFO +
  1046. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000051 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1047. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_Sensor0]:Type:0 0xb400007c99a54250
  1048. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000041 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1049. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000043 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1050. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 5 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:342
  1051. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000001 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1052. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 6 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:346
  1053. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000004 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1054. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000030 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1055. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 7 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:349
  1056. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000049 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1057. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 8 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:352
  1058. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 3000004c , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1059. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 9 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:356
  1060. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000002 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1061. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 10 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:359
  1062. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 3000000d , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1063. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 11 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:362
  1064. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000000 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1065. 02-04 08:38:47.507 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1066. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000001 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1067. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 12 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:366
  1068. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000002 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1069. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5170 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1070. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 3000000c , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1071. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_Stats0]:Type:1 0xb400007c99a74270
  1072. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000003 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1073. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 5 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:343
  1074. 02-04 08:38:47.507 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1075. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 3000000b , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1076. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000009 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1077. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 6 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:347
  1078. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000032 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1079. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 7 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:350
  1080. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000033 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1081. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 8 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:353
  1082. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:962 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: 30000050 , fence: 00000000(00000000), request: 4...result willbe an error
  1083. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 9 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:356
  1084. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 10 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:359
  1085. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:1840 ProcessRequest() An Error occured with RequestId 4 Sequence 3 for Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0 inErrorState: 0 ExecuteProcessRequest returned with CamxResultEFailed.
  1086. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 11 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:362
  1087. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 12 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:366
  1088. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5653 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:385 DeferredWorkerWrapper() DeferredWorker failed with result CamxResultEFailed
  1089. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5170 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1090. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_AWB0]:Type:12 0xb400007c99a94290
  1091. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 5 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:343
  1092. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 6 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:347
  1093. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 7 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:350
  1094. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 8 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:353
  1095. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 9 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:356
  1096. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 10 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:359
  1097. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5649 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:1840 ProcessRequest() An Error occured with RequestId 1 Sequence 2 for Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_FDManager0 inErrorState: 1 ExecuteProcessRequest returned with CamxResultSuccess.
  1098. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 11 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:362
  1099. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 12 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:366
  1100. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5170 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1101. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_JPEG_SW0]:Type:15 0xb400007c99a84280
  1102. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5170 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1103. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:8512 DumpFenceErrors() + Fence Error: RequestId = 1, Fence: 0x0000000A, PortId: 0
  1104. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:8512 DumpFenceErrors() + Fence Error: RequestId = 1, Fence: 0x00000009, PortId: 0
  1105. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.eisv30]:Type:255 0xb400007c99ab42b0
  1106. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 2 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 2, numUnprocFences: 2, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:328
  1107. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 19; Output port id: 0; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1108. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 3 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 2, numUnprocFences: 2, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:335
  1109. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5650 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:1840 ProcessRequest() An Error occured with RequestId 1 Sequence 0 for Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.memcpy4 inErrorState: 1 ExecuteProcessRequest returned with CamxResultSuccess.
  1110. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 29; Output port id: 0; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1111. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 4 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 2, numUnprocFences: 2, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:340
  1112. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 39; Output port id: 0; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1113. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 5 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 2, numUnprocFences: 2, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:343
  1114. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 49; Output port id: 0; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1115. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 6 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 2, numUnprocFences: 2, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:347
  1116. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 59; Output port id: 0; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1117. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 7 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 2, numUnprocFences: 2, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:350
  1118. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 69; Output port id: 0; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1119. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 8 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 2, numUnprocFences: 2, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:353
  1120. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 79; Output port id: 0; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1121. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 9 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 2, numUnprocFences: 2, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:356
  1122. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 89; Output port id: 0; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1123. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 10 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 2, numUnprocFences: 2, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:359
  1124. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 99; Output port id: 0; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1125. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 11 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 2, numUnprocFences: 2, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:362
  1126. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 109; Output port id: 0; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1127. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 12 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 2, numUnprocFences: 2, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:366
  1128. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 119; Output port id: 0; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1129. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5170 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1130. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.dewarp1]:Type:255 0xb400007c99ad42d0
  1131. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5170 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1132. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.swmctf2]:Type:255 0xb400007c99b34330
  1133. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5170 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1134. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:8512 DumpFenceErrors() + Fence Error: RequestId = 1, Fence: 0x00000008, PortId: 4
  1135. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.gpu3]:Type:255 0xb400007c99b14310
  1136. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 2 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 1, numUnprocFences: 1, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:327
  1137. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 18; Output port id: 4; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1138. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 3 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 1, numUnprocFences: 1, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:334
  1139. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 28; Output port id: 4; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1140. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 4 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 1, numUnprocFences: 1, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:338
  1141. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 38; Output port id: 4; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1142. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 5 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 1, numUnprocFences: 1, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:343
  1143. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 48; Output port id: 4; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1144. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 6 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 1, numUnprocFences: 1, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:347
  1145. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 58; Output port id: 4; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1146. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 7 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 1, numUnprocFences: 1, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:350
  1147. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 68; Output port id: 4; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1148. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 8 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 1, numUnprocFences: 1, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:353
  1149. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 78; Output port id: 4; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1150. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 9 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 1, numUnprocFences: 1, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:356
  1151. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 88; Output port id: 4; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1152. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 10 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 1, numUnprocFences: 1, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:359
  1153. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 98; Output port id: 4; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1154. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 11 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 1, numUnprocFences: 1, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:362
  1155. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 108; Output port id: 4; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1156. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 12 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 1, numUnprocFences: 1, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:366
  1157. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 118; Output port id: 4; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1158. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5170 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1159. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.memcpy4]:Type:255 0xb400007c99b44340
  1160. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 2 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:328
  1161. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 3 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:336
  1162. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 4 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:338
  1163. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 5 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:343
  1164. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 6 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:347
  1165. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 7 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:350
  1166. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 8 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:353
  1167. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 9 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:356
  1168. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 10 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:359
  1169. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 11 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:362
  1170. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 12 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:366
  1171. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5170 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1172. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_AutoFocus0]:Type:5 0xb400007c99bb43b0
  1173. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 5 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:342
  1174. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 6 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:347
  1175. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 7 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:350
  1176. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 8 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:353
  1177. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 9 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:356
  1178. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 10 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:359
  1179. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 11 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:363
  1180. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 12 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 0, numUnprocFences: 0, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:366
  1181. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5170 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1182. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_JPEG_Aggregator0]:Type:6 0xb400007c99b94390
  1183. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5170 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1184. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5076 DumpDebugInfo() + NODE:[VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_TFE0]:Type:65544 0xb4000079d599be50
  1185. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 2 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 3, numUnprocFences: 3, status: SUBMIT, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:335
  1186. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 11; Output port id: 1; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1187. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 12; Output port id: 7; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1188. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 9; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1189. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 11; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1190. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 8; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1191. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 13; Output port id: 10; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1192. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5619 I CHIUSECASE: [REQMAP ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:3487 ExecuteCaptureRequest() frame: 12 <==> (chiFrameNum) chiOverrideFrameNum: 12
  1193. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 3 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 3, numUnprocFences: 3, status: SUBMIT, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:345
  1194. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 21; Output port id: 1; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1195. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 22; Output port id: 7; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1196. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 9; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1197. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 11; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1198. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 8; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1199. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 23; Output port id: 10; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1200. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 4 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 1, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 3, numUnprocFences: 3, status: SUBMIT, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:413
  1201. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 31; Output port id: 1; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1202. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 32; Output port id: 7; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1203. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 9; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1204. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 11; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1205. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 8; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1206. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 33; Output port id: 10; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1207. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 5 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 3, numUnprocFences: 3, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:418 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:345
  1208. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 41; Output port id: 1; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1209. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 42; Output port id: 7; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1210. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 9; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1211. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 11; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1212. 02-04 08:38:48.418 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 8; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1213. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 43; Output port id: 10; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1214. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 6 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 3, numUnprocFences: 3, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:419 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:346
  1215. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 51; Output port id: 1; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1216. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 52; Output port id: 7; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1217. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 9; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1218. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 11; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1219. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 8; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1220. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 53; Output port id: 10; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1221. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 7 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 3, numUnprocFences: 3, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:419 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:349
  1222. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 61; Output port id: 1; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1223. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 62; Output port id: 7; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1224. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 9; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1225. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 11; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1226. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 8; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1227. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 63; Output port id: 10; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1228. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 8 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 3, numUnprocFences: 3, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:419 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:352
  1229. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 71; Output port id: 1; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1230. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 72; Output port id: 7; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1231. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 9; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1232. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 11; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1233. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 8; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1234. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 73; Output port id: 10; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1235. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 9 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 3, numUnprocFences: 3, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:419 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:355
  1236. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 81; Output port id: 1; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1237. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 82; Output port id: 7; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1238. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 9; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1239. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 11; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1240. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 8; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1241. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 83; Output port id: 10; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1242. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5114 DumpDebugInfo() + Request: 10 Unsuccessful. metaComplete: 0, reqComplete: 0, numUnsigFences: 3, numUnprocFences: 3, status: DEFERRED, currTime 08:38:48:419 statusTransitionTime: 08:38:48:359
  1243. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 91; Output port id: 1; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=2; maxImageBuffers=27
  1244. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5161 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence: 92; Output port id: 7; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1245. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 9; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1246. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 11; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1247. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5653 I CamX : [REQMAP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:3983 ProcessRequest() chiFrameNum: 12 <==> requestId: 13 <==> sequenceId: 12 <==> CSLSyncId: 13 -- VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0
  1248. 02-04 08:38:48.419 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5148 DumpDebugInfo() + Output port id: 8; isDelayedBufferFence?: 0; isFenceSignaled?: 0; fenceResult: 0; ImgRefCount=3; maxImageBuffers=27
  1249. 02-04 08:38:48.420 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1250. 02-04 08:38:48.420 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000005 +
  1251. 02-04 08:38:48.420 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_Sensor0, Request: 5, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 1 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1252. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1253. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x80130000 org.quic.camera2.sensor_register_control.sensor_register_control on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1254. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1255. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000005 +
  1256. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0, Request: 5, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 3 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1257. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1258. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x3000000c PropertyIDAECStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1259. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x30000002 PropertyIDAWBFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1260. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[6] = 0x3000000d PropertyIDAWBStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1261. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[7] = 0x3000000e PropertyIDAFStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1262. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000025 PropertyIDIFEDigitalZoom on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1263. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[9] = 0x3000002a PropertyIDIFEScaleOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1264. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[10] = 0x30000065 PropertyIDLinkMetadata0 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1265. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd9875020(00000029)
  1266. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1267. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000005 +
  1268. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000005 +
  1269. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987bcb0(00000010)
  1270. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1271. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000005 +
  1272. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0, Request: 5, SeqId: 3, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1273. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1274. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000005 +
  1275. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_AutoFocus0, Request: 5, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 3 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1276. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd9877390(0000000d)
  1277. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.eisv30, Request: 5, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 1 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1278. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x802a0000 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1279. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x000e0000 MainSensorExposureTime on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1280. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x000e0001 MainSensorFrameDuration on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1281. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987ca00(0000002d)
  1282. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1283. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000005 +
  1284. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.memcpy4, Request: 5, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1285. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000005 +
  1286. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.gpu3, Request: 5, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 1 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1287. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987ca00(0000002d)
  1288. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1289. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1290. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000005 +
  1291. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_Stats0, Request: 5, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 6 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1292. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x30000030 PropertyIDParsedHDRBEStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1293. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x30000034 PropertyIDParsedTintlessBGStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1294. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[6] = 0x30000031 PropertyIDParsedHDRBHistStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1295. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1296. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000005 +
  1297. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_TFE0, Request: 5, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 1 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1298. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1299. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x3000000d PropertyIDAWBStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1300. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x3000001c PropertyIDPostSensorGainId on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1301. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[6] = 0x30000031 PropertyIDParsedHDRBHistStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1302. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[7] = 0x3000000e PropertyIDAFStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1303. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000004 PropertyIDAFFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1304. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[9] = 0x30000034 PropertyIDParsedTintlessBGStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1305. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1306. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000006 +
  1307. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_TFE0, Request: 6, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1308. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x30000050 PropertyIDNodeComplete11 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1309. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1310. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x3000000c PropertyIDAECStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1311. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000002 PropertyIDAWBFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1312. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x3000000d PropertyIDAWBStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1313. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x3000001c PropertyIDPostSensorGainId on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1314. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[6] = 0x30000031 PropertyIDParsedHDRBHistStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1315. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[7] = 0x3000000e PropertyIDAFStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1316. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000004 PropertyIDAFFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1317. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[9] = 0x30000034 PropertyIDParsedTintlessBGStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1318. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1319. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000006 +
  1320. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_Sensor0, Request: 6, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1321. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x30000045 PropertyIDNodeComplete0 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1322. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1323. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x80130000 org.quic.camera2.sensor_register_control.sensor_register_control on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1324. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1325. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_FDManager0, Request: 6, SeqId: 2, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1326. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd9871fc0(0000003a)
  1327. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.gpu3, Request: 6, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1328. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987ca60(00000037)
  1329. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1330. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000006 +
  1331. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0, Request: 6, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1332. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd9873700(00000016)
  1333. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987bd10(0000001a)
  1334. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1335. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000006 +
  1336. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_AutoFocus0, Request: 6, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1337. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x30000001 PropertyIDAECFrameInfo on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1338. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000004 PropertyIDAFFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1339. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x30000030 PropertyIDParsedHDRBEStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1340. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd98773f0(00000017)
  1341. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1342. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000006 +
  1343. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0, Request: 6, SeqId: 3, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1344. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987fa00(0000001b)
  1345. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1346. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000006 +
  1347. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.memcpy4, Request: 6, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1348. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd986be40(0000003c)
  1349. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1350. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000006 +
  1351. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.eisv30, Request: 6, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1352. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x802a0000 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1353. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000049 PropertyIDNodeComplete4 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1354. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987ca60(00000037)
  1355. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1356. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000006 +
  1357. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_AWB0, Request: 6, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1358. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x30000002 PropertyIDAWBFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1359. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x3000000d PropertyIDAWBStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1360. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1361. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000001 PropertyIDAECFrameInfo on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1362. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1363. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000006 +
  1364. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0, Request: 6, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1365. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x30000051 PropertyIDNodeComplete12 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1366. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000041 PropertyIDOPELTMDCStatsRT on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1367. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x30000043 PropertyIDOPEADRCInfoOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1368. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[7] = 0x3000000e PropertyIDAFStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1369. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000025 PropertyIDIFEDigitalZoom on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1370. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[9] = 0x3000002a PropertyIDIFEScaleOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1371. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[10] = 0x30000065 PropertyIDLinkMetadata0 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1372. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000006 +
  1373. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_Stats0, Request: 6, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1374. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x3000000c PropertyIDAECStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1375. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000003 PropertyIDAWBFrameInfo on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1376. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x3000000b PropertyIDAFDFrameInfo on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1377. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000009 PropertyIDASD on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1378. 02-04 08:38:48.421 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x30000030 PropertyIDParsedHDRBEStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1379. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[7] = 0x30000032 PropertyIDParsedIHistStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1380. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000033 PropertyIDParsedRSStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1381. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1382. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000007 +
  1383. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_TFE0, Request: 7, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1384. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x30000050 PropertyIDNodeComplete11 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1385. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1386. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x3000000c PropertyIDAECStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1387. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000002 PropertyIDAWBFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1388. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x3000000d PropertyIDAWBStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1389. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x3000001c PropertyIDPostSensorGainId on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1390. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[6] = 0x30000031 PropertyIDParsedHDRBHistStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1391. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[7] = 0x3000000e PropertyIDAFStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1392. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000004 PropertyIDAFFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1393. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[9] = 0x30000034 PropertyIDParsedTintlessBGStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1394. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1395. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000007 +
  1396. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_Sensor0, Request: 7, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1397. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x80130000 org.quic.camera2.sensor_register_control.sensor_register_control on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1398. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1399. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000007 +
  1400. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_OPE0, Request: 7, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1401. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000041 PropertyIDOPELTMDCStatsRT on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1402. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1403. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x3000000c PropertyIDAECStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1404. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x30000002 PropertyIDAWBFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1405. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[9] = 0x3000002a PropertyIDIFEScaleOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1406. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[10] = 0x30000065 PropertyIDLinkMetadata0 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1407. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd98750e0(0000003d)
  1408. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1409. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000007 +
  1410. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0, Request: 7, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1411. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd9873760(00000020)
  1412. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0, Request: 7, SeqId: 2, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1413. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987bd70(00000024)
  1414. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0, Request: 7, SeqId: 3, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1415. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987fa60(00000025)
  1416. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_FDManager0, Request: 7, SeqId: 2, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1417. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd9872020(00000044)
  1418. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x3000004c PropertyIDNodeComplete7 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1419. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987cac0(00000041)
  1420. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1421. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000007 +
  1422. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_AutoFocus0, Request: 7, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1423. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x30000001 PropertyIDAECFrameInfo on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1424. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000004 PropertyIDAFFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1425. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1426. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000007 +
  1427. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.memcpy4, Request: 7, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1428. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd986bea0(00000046)
  1429. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1430. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000007 +
  1431. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.eisv30, Request: 7, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1432. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x802a0000 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1433. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x000e0000 MainSensorExposureTime on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1434. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x000e0001 MainSensorFrameDuration on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1435. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000049 PropertyIDNodeComplete4 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1436. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987cac0(00000041)
  1437. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1438. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000007 +
  1439. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_AWB0, Request: 7, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1440. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x30000002 PropertyIDAWBFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1441. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x3000000d PropertyIDAWBStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1442. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1443. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000001 PropertyIDAECFrameInfo on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1444. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x30000002 PropertyIDAWBFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1445. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x3000002b PropertyIDParsedAWBBGStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1446. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1447. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000007 +
  1448. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_Stats0, Request: 7, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1449. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x3000000c PropertyIDAECStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1450. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000003 PropertyIDAWBFrameInfo on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1451. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x3000000b PropertyIDAFDFrameInfo on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1452. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000009 PropertyIDASD on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1453. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x30000030 PropertyIDParsedHDRBEStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1454. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x30000034 PropertyIDParsedTintlessBGStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1455. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[6] = 0x30000031 PropertyIDParsedHDRBHistStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1456. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000033 PropertyIDParsedRSStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1457. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1458. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000008 +
  1459. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_TFE0, Request: 8, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1460. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x30000050 PropertyIDNodeComplete11 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1461. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1462. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x3000000c PropertyIDAECStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1463. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000002 PropertyIDAWBFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1464. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x3000000d PropertyIDAWBStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1465. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x3000001c PropertyIDPostSensorGainId on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1466. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[7] = 0x3000000e PropertyIDAFStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1467. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000004 PropertyIDAFFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1468. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[9] = 0x30000034 PropertyIDParsedTintlessBGStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1469. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1470. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0, Request: 8, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1471. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0, Request: 8, SeqId: 3, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1472. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x80130000 org.quic.camera2.sensor_register_control.sensor_register_control on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1473. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000008 +
  1474. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x3000000c PropertyIDAECStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1475. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000025 PropertyIDIFEDigitalZoom on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1476. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[9] = 0x3000002a PropertyIDIFEScaleOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1477. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[10] = 0x30000065 PropertyIDLinkMetadata0 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1478. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd9875140(00000047)
  1479. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1480. 02-04 08:38:48.422 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd98774b0(0000002b)
  1481. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000049 PropertyIDNodeComplete4 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1482. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x3000000b PropertyIDAFDFrameInfo on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1483. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000009 PropertyIDASD on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1484. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1485. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000001 PropertyIDAECFrameInfo on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1486. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x30000002 PropertyIDAWBFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1487. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1488. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000009 +
  1489. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_TFE0, Request: 9, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 1 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1490. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x30000050 PropertyIDNodeComplete11 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1491. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1492. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[6] = 0x30000031 PropertyIDParsedHDRBHistStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1493. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1494. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000009 +
  1495. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x30000043 PropertyIDOPEADRCInfoOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1496. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1497. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x3000000c PropertyIDAECStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1498. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x30000002 PropertyIDAWBFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1499. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[6] = 0x3000000d PropertyIDAWBStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1500. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000025 PropertyIDIFEDigitalZoom on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1501. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[9] = 0x3000002a PropertyIDIFEScaleOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1502. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000009 +
  1503. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd987fb20(00000039)
  1504. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1505. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000009 +
  1506. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_Sensor0, Request: 9, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1507. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x80130000 org.quic.camera2.sensor_register_control.sensor_register_control on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1508. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.gpu3, Request: 9, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1509. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1354 DumpDebugInfo() + Fence[0] = 0xd986bf60(0000005a)
  1510. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1511. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x3000000b PropertyIDAFDFrameInfo on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1512. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[4] = 0x30000030 PropertyIDParsedHDRBEStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1513. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x30000034 PropertyIDParsedTintlessBGStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1514. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[6] = 0x30000031 PropertyIDParsedHDRBHistStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1515. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[7] = 0x30000032 PropertyIDParsedIHistStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1516. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000033 PropertyIDParsedRSStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1517. 02-04 08:38:47.517 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-ISP: __cam_isp_ctx_dump_in_top_state: 2513 isp dump active list req: 2
  1518. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x000e0000 MainSensorExposureTime on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1519. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x000e0001 MainSensorFrameDuration on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1520. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[3] = 0x30000049 PropertyIDNodeComplete4 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1521. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000009 +
  1522. 02-04 08:38:47.517 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1523. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1524. 02-04 08:38:47.517 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1525. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000010 +
  1526. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_Sensor0, Request: 10, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1527. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[0] = 0x30000045 PropertyIDNodeComplete0 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1528. 02-04 08:38:48.423 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[1] = 0x30000000 PropertyIDAECFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1529. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[2] = 0x80130000 org.quic.camera2.sensor_register_control.sensor_register_control on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1530. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_TFE0, Request: 10, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 1
  1531. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x3000001c PropertyIDPostSensorGainId on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1532. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[6] = 0x30000031 PropertyIDParsedHDRBHistStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1533. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[7] = 0x3000000e PropertyIDAFStatsControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1534. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[8] = 0x30000004 PropertyIDAFFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1535. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[9] = 0x30000034 PropertyIDParsedTintlessBGStatsOutput on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1536. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1537. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[5] = 0x30000002 PropertyIDAWBFrameControl on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1538. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1348 DumpDebugInfo() + Property[10] = 0x30000065 PropertyIDLinkMetadata0 on Pipeline = 0 is not published
  1539. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1310 DumpDebugInfo() +----------------------------+
  1540. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000010 +
  1541. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1311 DumpDebugInfo() + DRQ - req 00000010 +
  1542. 02-04 08:38:48.424 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][DRQ ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:1319 DumpDebugInfo() + Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.memcpy4, Request: 10, SeqId: 1, signaledCount: 0, publishedCount: 0 bindIOBuffers: 0
  1543. 02-04 08:38:48.426 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxthreadjobregistry.cpp:565 DumpStateToLog() Job Family s5k4h7_readName - Total Job Count: 0, In Flight: 0, On Hold: 0
  1544. 02-04 08:38:48.426 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxthreadjobregistry.cpp:565 DumpStateToLog() Job Family NonCameraSensors - Total Job Count: 1, In Flight: 1, On Hold: 0
  1545. 02-04 08:38:48.426 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxthreadjobregistry.cpp:565 DumpStateToLog() Job Family FDManagerPriThread - Total Job Count: 0, In Flight: 0, On Hold: 0
  1546. 02-04 08:38:48.426 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxthreadjobregistry.cpp:565 DumpStateToLog() Job Family CHISessionWrapper0xb400007a16dc6920 - Total Job Count: 1, In Flight: 1, On Hold: 0
  1547. 02-04 08:38:48.426 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:7849 DumpKMDInfo() Session: 0xb400007a16dc6920 flag: 4 pipeline: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0 firstPendingReqId: 2 firstPendingCSLSyncId: 2 lastSubmittedRequestId: 13 lastCSLSyncId: 13
  1548. 02-04 08:38:48.426 1031 1106 W TransactionTracing: Could not find layer handle 0xb4000070f5f423b0
  1549. 02-04 08:38:48.427 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:3468 GetDataListFromMetadataPool() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_com.qti.node.eisv30 Request: 1 marked as an error and attempting to shift toRequest 0, triggering recovery!
  1550. 02-04 08:38:48.431 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:7890 DumpKMDInfo() buffer fd: 155, address: 0x79c3459000filled length: 48752
  1551. 02-04 08:38:48.431 5619 5652 I CamX : [ DUMP][CORE ] camxsession.cpp:7896 DumpKMDInfo() Dumping KMD data for session: 0xb400007a16dc6920 to file: /data/vendor/camera/KMDSessionDumpData.bin
  1552. 02-04 08:38:47.521 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-REQ: cam_req_mgr_dump_request: 3974 req 2, offset 48752
  1553. 02-04 08:38:47.521 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-OPE: cam_ope_mgr_hw_dump: 3672 Req 2
  1554. 02-04 08:38:47.521 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-OPE: cam_ope_mgr_hw_dump: 3672 Req 2
  1555. 02-04 08:38:47.521 0 0 I CAM_ERR : CAM-CDM: cam_hw_cdm_work: 1362 NULL payload
  1556. 02-04 08:38:48.431 5619 5652 E CamX : [ERROR][HWL ] camxtitan5xstatsparser.cpp:1656 ParseIHistStats() PropertyID 4000000c has not been published!
  1557. 02-04 08:38:48.431 5619 9004 E CHIUSECASE: [ERROR ] chxusecase.cpp:2881 PrepareForRecovery() Usecase:1 cameraId:1 is in bad state.
  1558. 02-04 08:38:48.431 5619 5652 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS ] camxstatsparsenode.cpp:659 ExecuteProcessRequest() Failed to parse 10 stats result: CamxResultEFailed
  1559. 02-04 08:38:48.431 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 1, error_code 00000003, error_stream 0x0
  1560. 02-04 08:38:48.431 5619 5652 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:1840 ProcessRequest() An Error occured with RequestId 4 Sequence 2 for Node: VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_StatsParse0 inErrorState: 0 ExecuteProcessRequest returned with CamxResultEFailed.
  1561. 02-04 08:38:48.431 5619 5652 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:385 DeferredWorkerWrapper() DeferredWorker failed with result CamxResultEFailed
  1562. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 1, error_code 00000004, error_stream 0xb400007b19820c98
  1563. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:3468 GetDataListFromMetadataPool() Node::VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_AutoFocus0 Request: 1 marked as an error and attempting to shift toRequest 0, triggering recovery!
  1564. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcafioutil.cpp:1295 ReadSensorInput() PropertyIDUsecaseSensorCurrentMode is NULL
  1565. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcafioutil.cpp:1308 ReadSensorInput() PropertyIDUsecaseLensInfo is NULL
  1566. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcafioutil.cpp:1320 ReadSensorInput() PropertyIDUsecaseIFEInputResolution is NULL
  1567. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcafioutil.cpp:1332 ReadSensorInput() PropertyIDUsecaseSensorModes is NULL
  1568. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcafioutil.cpp:1511 ReadFocusMode() Error in reading property AFmode 0x0 Scenemode 0x0
  1569. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcafioutil.cpp:1710 ReadFocusDistanceInfo() Error in reading property Input Lens Focus Distance
  1570. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcafioutil.cpp:1675 ReadFocusRegions() ROI is NULL
  1571. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcafioutil.cpp:1557 ReadCameraOperationalMode() Error in reading property operation mode 0x0
  1572. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxafstatemachine.cpp:259 HandleAFStateTransition() Cause: EventCAFModeChange not handled in state Inactive
  1573. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][NONE: ] camxstatsroiprocessor.cpp:340: SetImageResolution AFROI: invalid input resolution (0.000000, 0.000000)
  1574. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][NONE: ] camxstatsroiprocessor.cpp:340: SetImageResolution AFTRACKROI: invalid input resolution (0.000000, 0.000000)
  1575. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][NONE: ] camxstatsroiprocessor.cpp:340: SetImageResolution AF-PDAF-Rough-Stable: invalid input resolution (0.000000, 0.000000)
  1576. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][NONE: ] camxstatsroiprocessor.cpp:340: SetImageResolution AF-PDAF-Strict-Stable: invalid input resolution (0.000000, 0.000000)
  1577. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][NONE: ] camxstatsroiprocessor.cpp:340: SetImageResolution AF-PDAF-Track-Rough-Stable: invalid input resolution (0.000000, 0.000000)
  1578. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][NONE: ] camxstatsroiprocessor.cpp:340: SetImageResolution AF-PDAF-Tracke-Strict-Stable: invalid input resolution (0.000000, 0.000000)
  1579. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][NONE: ] camxstatsroiprocessor.cpp:340: SetImageResolution AF-CAF-Stable: invalid input resolution (0.000000, 0.000000)
  1580. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][NONE: ] camxstatsroiprocessor.cpp:340: SetImageResolution AF-CAF-Change: invalid input resolution (0.000000, 0.000000)
  1581. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][NONE: ] camxstatsroiprocessor.cpp:340: SetImageResolution AF-CAF-Track-Stable: invalid input resolution (0.000000, 0.000000)
  1582. 02-04 08:38:48.432 5619 5651 E CamX : [ERROR][NONE: ] camxstatsroiprocessor.cpp:340: SetImageResolution AF-CAF-Track-Change: invalid input resolution (0.000000, 0.000000)
  1583. 02-04 08:38:48.433 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 2, error_code 00000003, error_stream 0x0
  1584. 02-04 08:38:48.434 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 2, error_code 00000004, error_stream 0xb400007b19820c98
  1585. 02-04 08:38:48.434 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 3, error_code 00000003, error_stream 0x0
  1586. 02-04 08:38:48.434 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 3, error_code 00000004, error_stream 0xb400007b19820c98
  1587. 02-04 08:38:48.435 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 4, error_code 00000002, error_stream 0x0
  1588. 02-04 08:38:48.435 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 5, error_code 00000002, error_stream 0x0
  1589. 02-04 08:38:48.436 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 6, error_code 00000002, error_stream 0x0
  1590. 02-04 08:38:48.437 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 7, error_code 00000002, error_stream 0x0
  1591. 02-04 08:38:48.437 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 8, error_code 00000002, error_stream 0x0
  1592. 02-04 08:38:48.438 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 9, error_code 00000002, error_stream 0x0
  1593. 02-04 08:38:48.439 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 10, error_code 00000002, error_stream 0x0
  1594. 02-04 08:38:48.439 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 11, error_code 00000002, error_stream 0x0
  1595. 02-04 08:38:48.439 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][HAL ] camxhaldevice.cpp:527 Notify() type 00000001, frame_number 12, error_code 00000002, error_stream 0x0
  1596. 02-04 08:38:47.527 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1597. 02-04 08:38:47.527 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1598. 02-04 08:38:48.440 5619 9004 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxpipeline.h:1792 SaveLastValidRequestId() Pipeline VideoEIS3PreviewEIS2_0 Failed to find lastValidReqIdBeforeFlush 0 ReqQueueDepth 38 lastCompletedReqId 1
  1599. 02-04 08:38:47.531 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-CRM: cam_req_mgr_process_flush_req: 2146 Last request id to flush is 13
  1600. 02-04 08:38:47.531 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-ISP: __cam_isp_ctx_flush_req_in_top_state: 2729 Last request id to flush is 13
  1601. 02-04 08:38:47.531 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-ISP: __cam_isp_ctx_flush_req_in_top_state: 2752 Stop HW complete. Reset HW next.
  1602. 02-04 08:38:47.537 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1603. 02-04 08:38:47.537 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1604. 02-04 08:38:47.547 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1605. 02-04 08:38:47.547 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1606. 02-04 08:38:47.557 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1607. 02-04 08:38:47.558 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1608. 02-04 08:38:47.568 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1609. 02-04 08:38:47.568 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1610. 02-04 08:38:47.570 0 0 I CAM_INFO: CAM-SENSOR: cam_sensor_driver_cmd: 928 CAM_STOP_DEV Success, sensor_id:0x487b,sensor_slave_addr:0x5a
  1611. 02-04 08:38:47.578 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1612. 02-04 08:38:47.578 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1613. 02-04 08:38:48.493 5619 9004 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2 (SEGV_ACCERR), fault addr 0x7a197d8000 in tid 9004 (HwBinder:5619_2), pid 5619 (provider@2.4-se)
  1614. 02-04 08:38:47.588 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1615. 02-04 08:38:47.588 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1616. 02-04 08:38:47.598 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1617. 02-04 08:38:47.598 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1618. 02-04 08:38:47.608 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1619. 02-04 08:38:47.608 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1620. 02-04 08:38:47.618 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1621. 02-04 08:38:47.618 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1622. 02-04 08:38:48.535 9009 9009 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstoneProto
  1623. 02-04 08:38:48.535 636 636 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 9004
  1624. 02-04 08:38:48.536 9009 9009 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 5619 (target tid = 9004)
  1625. 02-04 08:38:47.628 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1626. 02-04 08:38:47.628 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1627. 02-04 08:38:48.544 9009 9009 E DEBUG : failed to read process info: failed to open /proc/5619
  1628. 02-04 08:38:47.638 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1629. 02-04 08:38:47.638 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1630. 02-04 08:38:47.648 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1631. 02-04 08:38:47.648 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1632. 02-04 08:38:47.659 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1633. 02-04 08:38:47.659 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1634. 02-04 08:38:47.669 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1635. 02-04 08:38:47.669 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1636. 02-04 08:38:47.679 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1637. 02-04 08:38:47.679 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1638. 02-04 08:38:47.689 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1639. 02-04 08:38:47.689 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1640. 02-04 08:38:47.699 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1641. 02-04 08:38:47.699 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1642. 02-04 08:38:47.709 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1643. 02-04 08:38:47.709 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1644. 02-04 08:38:47.719 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1645. 02-04 08:38:47.719 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1646. 02-04 08:38:47.729 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1647. 02-04 08:38:47.729 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1648. 02-04 08:38:47.739 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1649. 02-04 08:38:47.739 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1650. 02-04 08:38:47.744 0 0 I logd : logdr: UID=1047 GID=1005 PID=9009 n tail=0 logMask=8 pid=5619 start=0ns deadline=0ns
  1651. 02-04 08:38:47.750 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1652. 02-04 08:38:47.750 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1653. 02-04 08:38:47.751 0 0 I logd : logdr: UID=1047 GID=1005 PID=9009 n tail=0 logMask=1 pid=5619 start=0ns deadline=0ns
  1654. 02-04 08:38:47.760 0 0 I mas_ioctl: cmd=0x80044d22
  1655. 02-04 08:38:47.760 0 0 I mas_ioctl: end.
  1656. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  1657. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : LineageOS Version: '20.0-20230127-UNOFFICIAL-pro1x'
  1658. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'Fx_tec_Pro1X/QX1050_2_EEA/QX1050:11/RKQ1.211130.001/eng.leilia.20220913:user/release-keys'
  1659. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
  1660. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
  1661. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2023-02-04 08:38:48.544022236-0600
  1662. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : Process uptime: 0s
  1663. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : Cmdline: /vendor/bin/hw/
  1664. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : pid: 5619, tid: 9004, name: HwBinder:5619_2 >>> /vendor/bin/hw/ <<<
  1665. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : uid: 1047
  1666. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2 (SEGV_ACCERR), fault addr 0x0000007a197d8000
  1667. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : x0 12942054add7241d x1 0000000000000000 x2 0000000000000000 x3 00000079c4f31328
  1668. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : x4 000000000000000c x5 54e189ff2a2763eb x6 37e38933f6ee29be x7 00000079f84382c8
  1669. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : x8 0000000000000000 x9 0000007a197d8000 x10 00000079f84320c0 x11 0000000000000016
  1670. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : x12 00000000000044a2 x13 0000000000001a70 x14 0000007a0e326ec0 x15 0000000000000000
  1671. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : x16 00000079f8439380 x17 0000007cab8bc118 x18 00000079c46e0000 x19 b400007c19823e80
  1672. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : x20 00000079f8439098 x21 b400007b998139f0 x22 b400007c99adfac0 x23 0000000000000000
  1673. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : x24 0000007a0e3872d8 x25 0000000000000028 x26 b400007c19823e80 x27 00000079c4f32000
  1674. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : x28 b400007c99ad42d0 x29 00000079c4f31200
  1675. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : lr 00000079f8432190 sp 00000079c4f31200 pc 0000007cab8bc13c pst 0000000080000000
  1676. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : backtrace:
  1677. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #00 pc 000000000000113c /apex/ (__cfi_slowpath+36) (BuildId: ce71fb830f8ed38a9446bf6688f75929)
  1678. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #01 pc 000000000000a18c /vendor/lib64/camera/components/ (ChiDewarpNode::~ChiDewarpNode()+148) (BuildId: f7285770064b67d8d117ed8817743e71)
  1679. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #02 pc 000000000000a0d0 /vendor/lib64/camera/components/ (ChiDewarpNode::~ChiDewarpNode()+16) (BuildId: f7285770064b67d8d117ed8817743e71)
  1680. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #03 pc 000000000000a79c /vendor/lib64/camera/components/ (DewarpNodeDestroy(ChiNodedestroyInfo*) (.cfi)+84) (BuildId: f7285770064b67d8d117ed8817743e71)
  1681. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00000000007d4e70 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (CamX::ChiNodeWrapper::~ChiNodeWrapper()+232) (BuildId: 3051bed97afdbd660f9e8a8c15de7ab1)
  1682. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00000000007de6c0 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (CamX::ChiNodeWrapper::~ChiNodeWrapper()+16) (BuildId: 3051bed97afdbd660f9e8a8c15de7ab1)
  1683. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #06 pc 0000000000848e80 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (CamX::Node::Destroy()+4376) (BuildId: 3051bed97afdbd660f9e8a8c15de7ab1)
  1684. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #07 pc 000000000086fadc /vendor/lib64/hw/ (CamX::Pipeline::DestroyNodes()+116) (BuildId: 3051bed97afdbd660f9e8a8c15de7ab1)
  1685. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #08 pc 000000000086f87c /vendor/lib64/hw/ (CamX::Pipeline::~Pipeline()+36) (BuildId: 3051bed97afdbd660f9e8a8c15de7ab1)
  1686. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #09 pc 000000000086f830 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (CamX::Pipeline::~Pipeline()+16) (BuildId: 3051bed97afdbd660f9e8a8c15de7ab1)
  1687. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #10 pc 00000000008763b4 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (CamX::Pipeline::Destroy()+1524) (BuildId: 3051bed97afdbd660f9e8a8c15de7ab1)
  1688. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #11 pc 00000000007d31c4 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (CamX::ChiContext::DestroyPipelineDescriptor(CamX::PipelineDescriptor*)+428) (BuildId: 3051bed97afdbd660f9e8a8c15de7ab1)
  1689. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #12 pc 00000000000d08d0 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (Pipeline::Destroy()+96) (BuildId: b1774ec2891db57b816a06e5682f9bdf)
  1690. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #13 pc 00000000000e914c /vendor/lib64/hw/ (CameraUsecaseBase::Destroy(int)+556) (BuildId: b1774ec2891db57b816a06e5682f9bdf)
  1691. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #14 pc 00000000000f8554 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (AdvancedCameraUsecase::Destroy(int)+604) (BuildId: b1774ec2891db57b816a06e5682f9bdf)
  1692. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #15 pc 00000000000d7414 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (Usecase::DestroyObject(int)+852) (BuildId: b1774ec2891db57b816a06e5682f9bdf)
  1693. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #16 pc 00000000000b8904 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (ExtensionModule::TriggerRecovery(unsigned int)+100) (BuildId: b1774ec2891db57b816a06e5682f9bdf)
  1694. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #17 pc 00000000000b8354 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (ExtensionModule::RequestThreadProcessing(unsigned int)+188) (BuildId: b1774ec2891db57b816a06e5682f9bdf)
  1695. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #18 pc 00000000000b8284 /vendor/lib64/hw/ (ExtensionModule::RecoveryThread(void*) (.cfi)+20) (BuildId: b1774ec2891db57b816a06e5682f9bdf)
  1696. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #19 pc 00000000000b63b0 /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+208) (BuildId: 2c82bf49529e9aa25cb9e5eca777a56f)
  1697. 02-04 08:38:48.674 9009 9009 F DEBUG : #20 pc 00000000000530b8 /apex/ (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: 2c82bf49529e9aa25cb9e5eca777a56f)
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