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Apr 6th, 2017
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  1. Gray: I'm the only one who can decide what I do with my life.
  2. Tobin: I've got my friends with who cares what happens to the gods?
  3. Kliff: Power this, power that...if you want it that badly, I'll show you power.
  4. Faye: A world for Alm and I doesn't need anyone like you...not one bit!!
  5. Lukas: A battle between man and god...I'm getting pretty fired up.
  6. Silque: Goddess Mila...your thoughts are in my heart. We will free Duma!
  7. Claire: Relying on a god to live is against my aesthetic. I must ask that you leave us alone!
  8. Klive: I'd rather die a valiant death than live subservient to a crazed god!
  9. Forsyth: I can't respect anyone who would rule unfairly over the weak, common folk. Even if it's a god!
  10. Python: "Power is everything." That's the most unpleasant thing I've ever heard.
  11. Luthier: The voice of your soul annoys me...there's no point in this kind of magic.
  12. Mathilda: I'll be the judge of what gods are worthy of respect -- you surely aren't.
  13. Delthea: I don't need any gods. 'Cause I'm the strongest!
  14. Tatiana: Zeke and I won't let you do whatever you want with our world!
  15. Zeke: Your Majesty, Rudolf...I will ensure that your plans come to fruition!
  16. Mycen: In the name of my good friend, Rudolf...I shall not lose this battle!
  17. Mae: I'm gonna make you pay for all you've done to Celica!
  18. Boey: I don't like the way you guys do things. All we want is freedom!
  19. Genny: I...don't know if I like scary gods like this one.
  20. Saber: Can't believe it turned out like this. But as Celica wishes, I'll be with her to the end.
  21. Valbar: You want to control the world with're just like bandits. And I'll stop you just like I'd stop them!
  22. Kamui: I've got the worst luck, getting stuck with you guys...but I'm here anyway, so I'll see it through to the end.
  23. Leon: Only savages care so much about power. What is there to gain in a world where everyone lusts for power? It's boring.
  24. Palla: Even a dragon god will fall if it makes a misstep. We know that...and we mustn't forget it!
  25. Catria: Our world does not exist as a dragon's plaything!
  26. Est: We have to be the ones to build our world. Both in Archanea and in Valentia!
  27. Jesse: Ruling a world with power and fear is out of fashion, you know. Why live if you can't have fun?
  28. Atlas: I'm not here to fight for the world! I only came here to crush you!!
  29. Sonya: Oh, how long...? How long can you stay so clueless!?
  30. Deen: A world controlled by power and fear...I'm not uninterested, but I have to follow orders.
  31. Nomah: You've lived long enough, Duma...we must leave a hopeful world for the young.
  32. Conrad: Duma, our progenitor. We act mercifully, not hatefully. Make your last moments proud and worthy of a god!
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