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a guest
Aug 25th, 2016
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  1. # ############################################# #
  2. # # * - AdvancedAbilities - * # #
  3. # # For more help read WIKI! # #
  4. # # Thanks for use AA in your server! # #
  5. # # By: MultiCodeProxy # #
  6. # # Version: 2.5.5 # #
  7. # ############################################# #
  8. Currency:
  9. Type: Vault
  10. AbilitiesCurrency:
  11. Enable: true
  12. LegendarySwords: Vault
  13. Vampire: Vault
  14. Protection: Vault
  15. TripleArrow: Vault
  16. MiningLuck: Vault
  17. Woodchopping: Vault
  18. Adrenaline: Vault
  19. FeatherWeight: Vault
  20. FireResistance: Vault
  21. ExplosionResistance: Vault
  22. AntiPoison: Vault
  23. AntiBadMagic: Vault
  24. MyWolf: Vault
  25. LegendaryProtection: Vault
  26. Pirate: Vault
  27. ThorAxe: Vault
  28. ExplosiveArrow: Vault
  29. SwordPush: Vault
  30. HookPlugins:
  31. PlaceholderAPI: false
  32. Permission-mode:
  33. Enable: false
  34. Permission: advancedabilities.command
  35. Message: '&4Sorry&c, &4You no have permission&c!'
  36. Join:
  37. Enable: false
  38. Message:
  39. - '&6-------------------------------------'
  40. - '&7Hello &e%player%&7, check your abilities with &e/abilities&7'
  41. - '&7And check your stats with &e/abilities stats&7!'
  42. - '&6-------------------------------------'
  43. ItemsPrice:
  44. Message: '&c(&4&l!&c) &4You do not have the necessary items: &7%items% &4for buy
  45. %ability% level %level%'
  46. BuyPermission:
  47. Message: '&c(&4&l!&c) &4You don''t have permission for buy %ability%&c!'
  48. MenuCommand:
  49. OpenWithOtherCommand: NONE
  50. Command:
  51. Message: '&c(&4&l!&c) &4Please teleport to lobby for use this command, work only
  52. lobby&c!'
  53. DisableWorlds:
  54. - world1
  55. - world2
  56. - world3
  57. MultiWorld:
  58. Abilities:
  59. LegendarySwords: []
  60. Vampire: []
  61. Protection: []
  62. TripleArrow: []
  63. MiningLuck: []
  64. Woodchopping: []
  65. Adrenaline: []
  66. FeatherWeight: []
  67. FireResistance: []
  68. ExplosionResistance: []
  69. AntiPoison: []
  70. AntiBadMagic: []
  71. MyWolf: []
  72. LegendaryProtection: []
  73. Pirate: []
  74. ThorAxe: []
  75. ExplosiveArrow: []
  76. SwordPush: []
  77. Disable:
  78. - world1
  79. - world2
  80. - world3
  81. WorldGuard:
  82. Regions:
  83. Enable: false
  84. DisableRegions:
  85. - region1
  86. - region2
  87. - region3
  88. Command:
  89. Enable: false
  90. Message: '&4The command does not work in this region&c!'
  91. DisableRegions:
  92. - region1
  93. - region2
  94. - region3
  95. LevelSystem:
  96. Enable: false
  97. LevelUp:
  98. Title: '&e&lLEVEL UP!'
  99. Subtitle: '&7%ability% level %level%'
  100. Actionbar: '&7%ability% level %level%'
  101. Firework: true
  102. LastlevelAB: '&n&a%ability% Level 8 reached'
  103. ExpUp:
  104. Actionbar: '&n%ability%&r %bar% &a&l+%exp%'
  105. Sound: ORB_PICKUP
  106. Bar:
  107. Size: 50
  108. Lang:
  109. Permission: '&c(&4&l!&c) You do not have permission&4.'
  110. PageNotAvailable: '&c(&4&l!&c) This page is not available&4.'
  111. MySQL:
  112. Enable: true
  113. Hostname: censored
  114. Username: censored
  115. Password: censored
  116. Port: 3306
  117. Database: censored
  118. Chat:
  119. Enable: false
  120. Message: '&6Your %ability% &6to been activated'
  121. Animations:
  122. Vampire:
  123. Enable: true
  124. Sound: EAT
  125. Effect: true
  126. DropBone: true
  127. SoundOnDropBone: BURP
  128. SoundOnRegain: true
  129. RegainTickSound: DRINK
  130. Chance:
  131. Enable: false
  132. Message: '&6You were lucky and give you &e%chance% &6more hearth'
  133. LegendarySwords:
  134. Enable: true
  135. Sound: ZOMBIE_METAL
  136. Blood: true
  137. enableCreatures: true
  138. Protection:
  139. Enable: true
  140. Effect: true
  141. Chat: false
  142. Sound: BAT_HURT
  143. TripleArrow:
  144. Effect: true
  145. Sound: GHAST_FIREBALL
  146. RemoveArrowOnFall: 25
  147. Particles: true
  148. ParticleType: LAVADRIP
  149. TimePerParticles: 1
  150. SeparationDistance: 0.212
  151. PlayersCanNotPickTheArrows: true
  152. Adrenaline:
  153. SpeedTime: 100
  154. Level: 2
  155. MiningLuck:
  156. EnableNaturalDrop: true
  157. MaterialName: '&nExtra mineral'
  158. AntiSilkTouch: true
  159. ReplaceOreForMaterial: true
  160. DropType: MATERIAL
  161. FeatherWeight:
  162. Enable: true
  163. Woodchopping:
  164. Enable: true
  165. MaterialName: '&nExtra log'
  166. MyWolf:
  167. NameTag: '&c&k||&r &6&l%player% Wolf &7&lLvl %level% &c&k||&r'
  168. DespawnTime: true
  169. LegendaryProtection:
  170. Effect: true
  171. Sound: EXPLODE
  172. Pirate:
  174. despawnSound: ANVIL_BREAK
  176. timeForDespawnChest: true
  177. Hologram: '&a&nPirate treasure'
  178. onBreakMessage: '&c(&4&l!&c) You can''t break treasure chest'
  179. timeDespawn: 20
  180. itemsActivate:
  181. - DIRT
  182. - GRASS
  183. itemsDesactive:
  184. - WOOD_SPADE
  185. - STONE_SPADE
  186. - GOLD_SPADE
  187. - IRON_SPADE
  189. chestContains:
  190. - DIAMOND:0:2:Level 8
  191. - DIAMOND:0:2:Level 8
  192. - DIAMOND:0:1:Level 8
  193. - DIAMOND:0:4:Level 7
  194. - DIAMOND:0:4:Level 6
  195. - DIAMOND:0:4:Level 5
  196. - DIAMOND:0:3:Level 4
  197. - DIAMOND:0:3:Level 3
  198. - DIAMOND:0:2:Level 2
  199. - DIAMOND:0:1:Level 1
  200. ThorAxe:
  201. Sound: EXPLODE
  202. ExplosionEffect: true
  203. Blood: true
  204. enableCreatures: true
  205. ExplosiveArrow:
  206. Particles: true
  207. Sound: CLICK
  208. DamageBlocks: true
  209. ExplosionSound: EXPLODE
  210. ParticleType: LAVA_POP
  211. TimePerParticles: 1
  212. AntiInfiniteEnchant: false
  213. Explosion:
  214. DamageBlocks: false
  215. DisableWorlds:
  216. - world
  217. - world1
  218. - world2
  219. SwordPush:
  220. Particles: true
  221. Sound: BAT_LOOP
  222. ParticleType: SNOW_SHOVEL
  223. TimePerParticles: 1
  224. ExplosionSound: EXPLODE
  225. PushPlayer: true
  226. State:
  227. Purchase: '&6Click to purchase this ability upgrade!'
  228. CannotPurchase: '&cYou cannot purchase this item yet!'
  229. AlreadyPurchase: '&aAlready purchased!'
  230. ClickToDisable: '&6Click to disable'
  231. ClickToEnable: '&6Click to enable'
  232. Messages:
  233. LegendarySwords: false
  234. Vampire: false
  235. Protection: false
  236. TripleArrow: false
  237. MiningLuck: false
  238. Woodchopping: false
  239. Adrenaline: false
  240. FeatherWeight: false
  241. FireResistance: false
  242. ExplosionResistance: false
  243. AntiPoison: false
  244. AntiBadMagic: false
  245. MyWolf: false
  246. LegendaryProtection: false
  247. Pirate: false
  248. ThorAxe: false
  249. ExplosiveArrow: false
  250. SwordPush: false
  251. Stats-Without-Level: '&7No level'
  252. Stats:
  253. - '&6---------------------------------------'
  254. - '&a%player% &7abilities stats:'
  255. - ' '
  256. - 'LegendarySword: %LegendarySwords_Progress% &8| &7Level: %LegendarySwords_Level%'
  257. - 'Vampire: %Vampire_Progress% &8| &7Level: %Vampire_Level%'
  258. - 'Protection: %Protection_Progress% &8| &7Level: %Protection_Level%'
  259. - 'TripleArrow: %TripleArrow_Progress% &8| &7Level: %TripleArrow_Level%'
  260. - 'MiningLuck: %MiningLuck_Progress% &8| &7Level: %MiningLuck_Level%'
  261. - 'Woodchopping: %Woodchopping_Progress% &8| &7Level: %Woodchopping_Level%'
  262. - 'Adrenaline: %Adrenaline_Progress% &8| &7Level: %Adrenaline_Level%'
  263. - 'FeatherWeight: %FeatherWeight_Progress% &8| &7Level: %FeatherWeight_Level%'
  264. - 'FireResistance: %FireResistance_Progress% &8| &7Level: %FireResistance_Level%'
  265. - 'ExplosionResistance: %ExplosionResistance_Progress% &8| &7Level: %ExplosionResistance_Level%'
  266. - 'AntiPoison: %AntiPoison_Progress% &8| &7Level: %AntiPoison_Level%'
  267. - 'AntiBadMagic: %AntiBadMagic_Progress% &8| &7Level: %AntiBadMagic_Level%'
  268. - 'MyWolf: %MyWolf_Progress% &8| &7Level: %MyWolf_Level%'
  269. - 'LegendaryProtection: %LegendaryProtection_Progress% &8| &7Level: %LegendaryProtection_Level%'
  270. - 'Pirate: %Pirate_Progress% &8| &7Level: %Pirate_Level%'
  271. - 'Thor''s axe: %ThorAxe_Progress% &8| &7Level: %ThorAxe_Level%'
  272. - 'Explosive arrow: %ExplosiveArrow_Progress% &8| &7Level: %ExplosiveArrow_Level%'
  273. - 'Sword push: %SwordPush_Progress% &8| &7Level: %SwordPush_Level%'
  274. - ' '
  275. - '&6---------------------------------------'
  276. Check-updates: true
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