
brad70, our collective, personal Vietnam

May 8th, 2018
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  1. 13:24 ColonelSlade uae-100Year: Your team is best team!
  2. 13:24 ColonelSlade What must I do to join Best Team Ever??
  3. 13:24 Hedrin I told them they need to contact GE and they got all pissy.
  4. 13:25 Hedrin Ollie Oxfarm to you
  5. 13:25 *** Hedrin quit (Client closed connection)
  6. 13:29 pela -[YouTube]- [( فرقة المزيود الحربية - وافي العهود (النسخة الاصلية) | قناة نجوم )] [Uploader: Nojoom TV | قناة نجوم] [Duration: 4:08] [Views: 352939]
  7. 13:29 ColonelSlade Breaking: Trump voters unilaterally withdraw from the institutions of reason!
  8. 13:29 ColonelSlade It's happening!!
  9. 13:31 ColonelSlade Earlier, Low Energy [e], who's failing as an operator in #debates, banned a user for their Free Speech. Sad.
  10. 13:31 ColonelSlade Mabus had better get very smart and very tough on who he let's make deals for him in #debates, folks.
  11. 13:32 pela -[YouTube]- [( أفراح الحبوس - إهداء من فرقة بن قحطان الحربية - للمعرس راشد محمد راشد الحبسي 18-1-2018 )] [Uploader: فرقة بن قحطان الحربية] [Duration: 5:48] [Views: 25056]
  12. 13:34 ColonelSlade
  13. 13:34 ColonelSlade Picture of Mr. Trump.
  14. 13:34 brad70 dissing an op ColonelSlade?? who followed channel rules?
  15. 13:35 ColonelSlade brad70, we don't have time for your political correctness.
  16. 13:35 ColonelSlade We have to go after the operators.
  17. 13:35 ColonelSlade Mabus may not care about his chatters, but he cares about his operators.
  18. 13:36 brad70 try me ColonelSlade,
  19. 13:36 ColonelSlade brad70, you're a cult.
  20. 13:36 ColonelSlade you're in a cult*
  21. 13:36 brad70 sure he does
  22. 13:36 ColonelSlade brad70: I have disengaged from you.
  23. 13:36 ColonelSlade I hope that you get the help you need from belonging to the Trump cult.
  24. 13:36 ColonelSlade That boy ain't right in the head.
  25. 13:37 commie TITLE:
  26. VIEWS: 0
  27. FAVES: 0
  28. RATING: 0
  29. RATERS: 0
  31. TITLE:
  32. VIEWS: 0
  33. FAVES: 0
  34. RATING: 0
  35. RATERS: 0
  37. totally brad70
  38. 13:37 ColonelSlade commie: When our nation needed him most, brad70 cut and run.
  39. 13:37 *** Hedrin joined #debates
  40. 13:37 +++ Mabus has given voice to Hedrin
  41. 13:38 ColonelSlade I never said anything disparaging about any operators, by the way.
  42. 13:38 ColonelSlade That was another lie by brad70.
  43. 13:38 ColonelSlade So vicious.
  44. 13:38 Hedrin How come they never wore seat belts on Star Trek?
  45. 13:38 ColonelSlade Hedrin: Because they're Real Men.
  46. 13:38 +++ brad70 has taken voice from ColonelSlade
  47. 13:38 +++ brad70 set the channel to mode +m
  48. 13:39 Hedrin thanks
  49. 13:39 +++ brad70 set the channel to mode -m
  50. 13:40 ColonelSlade brad70 is trying to deplatform me.
  51. 13:40 ColonelSlade These Trump supporters say they're for free speech, but they riot in #debates when I tell the TRUTH.
  52. 13:41 ColonelSlade Maybe the 2nd Amendment chatters can do something about brad70.
  53. 13:41 *** Raven`X joined #debates
  54. 13:41 +++ ChanServ has given op to Raven`X
  55. 13:41 ColonelSlade brad70 is now PMing me to ask me to apologize. He's banging at his keyboard so hard he's bleeding from his fingers.
  56. 13:41 ColonelSlade I said no!
  57. 13:42 --- brad70 has banned *!*
  58. 13:42 ColonelSlade If you have to devoice somebody, you're losing.
  59. 13:42 *** ColonelSlade was kicked by brad70 (you screwed up I aked twice to stop)
  60. 13:42 !!! You have been kicked from #debates
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