
Totori Normal

Jan 5th, 2019
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  1. Totori Normal
  3. Tutorial: (you basically do nothing except collect at least 4 nuse)
  4. Leave Alanya.
  5. Collect at least 4 Nuse
  6. Head to bar.
  7. Head to forest and immediately leave. Go back to Alanya.
  8. Leave Alanya. Head to west area. Go back to Alanya.
  9. Leave Alanya. Move one space and back.
  10. Unequip Gino's armor. (Mel's too if you have DLC)
  11. Sleep until 5/13. Leave and move outside.
  12. Head to town square.
  13. In Arland, head to Guild then Atelier Rorona.
  14. After 23-24 minute tutorial:
  16. 6/17:
  17. Accept synth quests
  18. Sell Armor
  19. Buy 20 water, sardine, salt, beehive (basically the cheapest items you can buy for bulk)
  20. Recruit Ceci (No DLC recruit Mel. Do on 6/30)
  21. Make 45 Supplements starting from bought water
  22. Sleep for 4 days
  23. 6/30:
  24. Recruit Mel
  25. Turn in two supplement requests and accept 1
  26. (Sundry Drop 5 [95 left])
  27. Buy 80 items again
  28. Make 45 more supplements starting from rock salt
  29. Sleep one day to 7/10
  31. 7/10:
  32. Accept one, turn in other two
  33. Make 2 Craft making it 7/11
  34. (Starter Recipies 5 [90 left])
  35. Turn in all supplement requests
  36. (Glass Artisan 20 + 3 Totoris 5 [65 left])
  37. Buy 80 items again
  38. At Pamela's buy: 20 + 2 Magic Grass, 20 Fest, 4 Mandra Root, 10 Globe Spheres, 1 Puniball
  39. Head to world map (x2)
  41. Walk to Golden Plains (don't go in)
  42. Walk between Natural Garden and Golden Plains until Year 2 4/26
  43. Go into Golden Plains and gather at all 11 points.
  44. (Windmill 5 + Forest Traveler 20 + Land Traveler 25 + Sea Traveler 25, Golden Plains 10)
  45. Head back to Arland, spend 6 more days walking.
  46. (Sky Traveler 30)
  48. (During turning in requests, turn in one gather request. Keep: 1 Red Fruit, 1 Purple Grape, 3 Wheat, Fuel Dirt)
  50. 5/20:
  51. Rank Up
  52. Turn in supplement requests
  53. Head to weapon shop. Buy/sell 5 port outfits
  54. Head to sundry shop. Buy: 1x Beehive (higher quality), 10 Eiche, 10 Nuse, 10 Cotton Flower, 1 Fluffy Fur
  55. (Storage Skills 5 [55 remaining])
  56. Make 45 Supplements. Sort by trait then quality. Use beehives after magic grass and rest with rock salts.
  57. Sleep 5 days
  59. 6/4:
  60. Accept all synth requests (don't turn in)
  61. Head to sundry shop. Buy 10 Eiche, 10 Nuse, 10 Cotton Flower
  62. Make 45 Supplements. Sort by quality. Use all sardines and rock salt for rest.
  63. Report 4x supplement requests.
  64. (Novice Alchemist 10 [45 remaining])
  65. Sleep 5 days.
  67. 6/17:
  68. Make 10 crafts.
  69. (Amateur Alchemist 5 + Favorite 5 [35 remaining])
  70. Turn in craft request.
  71. (Iron Artisan 25 + Bomb Delivery 5 [5 remaining])
  72. Open up Library in the menu.
  73. (Friendly 5)
  74. Rank up.
  75. Do supplement requests
  76. Sleep 10 days.
  78. 7/2:
  79. Report all craft and supplement requests.
  80. (Bronze Artisan 25 + First Errand 15 [75 remaining])
  81. Head to Old Path. Collect (I think you need 2x quake crystal)
  82. Head into Abandoned Mine. Immediately leave.
  83. Head into Dry sea. Collect for one Coco Fruit.
  84. Head into Vanishing Path. Collect (I think you need 2x strawberry bug)
  85. Head into Holy Slumbering Tree. Immediately Leave.
  86. Head into Pixie Dance Floor. Get landmark and leave.
  87. (Western Ruins 15 + Fairy Circle 10 [50 remaining])
  88. Head into Hunter's Forest. Immediately leave.
  89. Head into Silent Path. (at least 1x chain web, 1x tar fruit)
  90. (Village Area 15 [35 remaining])
  91. Walk between Alanya Village and Western Plains until 10/5
  92. (Time Traveler 35)
  94. 10/5 (ish):
  95. Accept all 4 synth quests.
  96. Register healing salve and 2x Supplements.
  97. Buy 10 pies and 20 water.
  98. Make 1 healing salve
  99. Sleep until 10/11
  101. 10/11:
  102. Accept 3 synth quests.
  103. Buy 10 healing salves.
  104. Leave (x2) (Get Rorona trigger)
  105. Head to Arland.
  107. 11/2:
  108. Rank up.
  109. Report all quests and do 5x synth quests.
  110. (Silver Artisan 25 + Regular Alchemist 15 + Veteran Alchemist 20 + 12 Totoris 80 + 9 Totoris 10 + Medicine Drop 5 [10 remaining])
  111. (Point of no return for supplement abuse)
  112. Head to Alanya.
  113. Buy Cooking Basics (2nd Book) and 10 pies
  114. Head back to Arland.
  116. 12/14:
  117. Sleep for 1 day.
  118. Walk between Old Path and Arland until 1/15
  119. (Void Traveler 55)
  121. 1/15:
  122. Have chim gather tar fruit
  123. Rank up
  124. Accept all synth quests.
  125. Head to Old Path and back.
  127. 1/21:
  128. Turn in 6x Supplement requests.
  129. Walk outside for 12 days.
  131. 2/3:
  132. Turn in all the requests you can do.
  133. (Gold Artisan 25 + Expert Alchemist 30 + Novice Work 15 [50 remaining])
  134. Head to weapon shop.
  135. Buy: Crafter's Life (First Book), 20 Fest, 9 + 3 Phlogistons, to 10 Stim Stones, 1 Distill Stone, 1 Snow Stone, 5 Port Outfits
  136. Sell 5 Port Outfits
  137. Head to sundry shop.
  138. Buy: History of Drying (1st), Traditional Crafts (2nd), 10 Eiche, 1 Audra's Tail, 10 Cotton Flower
  139. Head to Alanya.
  141. 2/24:
  142. Synthesize 20 Polish Powder, 2 Zettel (with mudhead/wheat)
  143. Have Chim dupe 60 quality beehive. (ハチの巣)
  144. Sleep for 10 days.
  145. Have Chim dupe Eiche.
  146. Make 3 hay (eiche/mudhead/wheat and cotton flower)
  147. Make 1 Pure Oil
  148. Make 8 bombs one at a time.
  149. (Novice Alchemist 5 + Rorona's Recipies 5 [35 remaining])
  150. Sleep 10 days
  151. Make 1 bomb
  152. Make 3 Alchemy Yeast. Make sure there's Price Up S (価格アップ) and put on other traits.
  153. Have chim dupe alchemy yeast
  154. Make 5 Supplements with Quality S (4 water, 5th probably Eiche). (Keep one of these for the 4th mega bomb)
  155. Make 3 bombs. Use Quality S Supplements. Put traits on.
  156. Make 1 tinc.
  157. (Alchemy Class D 5 [30 remaining])
  158. Sleep 10 days.
  159. Keep making tinc one at a time until you have 10.
  160. (Ordinary Alchemist 10 + ??? 5 [15 remaining])
  161. Sleep 10 days during this. After you sleep have chim dupe chain webs (鎖グモの巣)
  162. Make 1 crimson dye
  163. Make 10 Silkis one at a time. (don't use fur)
  164. (Medium Alchemist 15)
  165. Have chim go back to duping yeast
  166. Sleep 10 days
  168. Go to Ceci and sell yeast to at least 2300 cole (3000 can be a bit better)
  169. Buy: Home Remedies, 10 pies, 20 Supplements, 5 Pretty shells, 1 Swirly Shell
  171. (You want 3 synth failures here. Make a silkis here and there for exp if you fail too much. Gotta get that +5 HP)
  173. Make 2 Medicine Base. Use 2 Mandra Root
  174. Make at least 4 Mystic Ankhs one at a time.
  175. (Sleep 10 days during)
  176. Make at least 4 Tonic one at a time. If you mess up once, start making mega bombs and finish after buying 10 pies.
  177. (Sleep 10 days during)
  178. Make 4 Mega Bombs one at a time. Use Beehives for fuel. The last one should have the Fire Damage L effect. Give it Quality S and Effect Boost S.
  179. Sleep 20 days
  181. Go to Ceci. Sell yeast to 700 cole. Buy 10 pies.
  182. (finish tonics)
  184. Head to town square.
  185. Sleep 10 days.
  186. Make runestone. (cutscene)
  187. Take boosted Mega bomb out of container.
  188. Sell yeast to 700 cole, buy 10 pies.
  189. Go to town square
  190. Go to world map
  191. Head to Arland.
  192. See notice, recruit Rorona. Talk to Cordelia and rank up.
  194. Head to Traveler's Path and fight the Griffon.
  195. Two Mega Bomb throws should do it (250-260 for both hits).
  197. Walk between Natural Garden and Golden Plains until mid month 12.
  198. Head into Arland at year 4. (cutscene with Cordelia)
  199. Head into Alanya.
  200. Go to Pamela's shop. Sell all yeast.
  201. Buy all books except first and last, 20 magic grass, 20 fest, 6 mandra root, 10 globe spheres, 5 puniballs, 3 Audra tails.
  202. Head to living room.
  203. Have chim dupe Eiche. Head to bar. (should have boat recipies)
  205. Go to Ceci, buy 10 pies.
  207. Make 3 living ropes.
  208. Make 3 sylph breath.
  209. Make 1 witch salve.
  210. Make 1 ice bomb.
  211. Sleep 10 days.
  212. Make 1 thunder bomb.
  213. Make 1 conch horn.
  214. Make 3 magic chains (use globe spheres)
  215. Make 1 flying carpet
  216. Have chim dupe Polish Powder
  217. Sleep 10 days
  218. Have chim dupe pies
  219. Make 1 rainbow oil
  220. Make 5 or 6 tar liquid
  221. Sleep 10 days
  222. Make anchor
  223. Make hull
  224. Sleep 10 days
  225. Have chim dupe tar liquid if you only have 5
  226. Make deck
  227. Make sail
  228. Sleep 10 days
  229. Make magic paint
  230. Make fate talisman
  231. Sleep 10 days
  232. Have chim dupe pies
  233. Put all search into basket
  236. Sleep to 6/1
  238. In the next sequence, make sure you at least have Satisfying L on anything (I think)
  240. Head to Hermit's Home. Use Tonic. Collect x3 (or 4 to be safe). Pick up chest.
  241. Repeat
  242. Head to Neumont Forest.
  243. Gather at least one shining saucer.
  245. Head to Crystal Spot. Use Tonic. Collect x4
  246. Repeat.
  248. Have chim dupe shining saucers.
  249. Note these traits:
  250. Effect Boost L (120%) 特性で強化・大(10)
  251. Satisfying L (100%) 会心の効果・大(8)
  252. Boost Effect M (80%) 特性で強化・中(6)
  253. Rank Boost L (75%) ランクで強化・大(9)
  254. Giant Slayer+ (60%) 大きな敵に超有効(9)
  255. Loner Slayer L (60%) 少ない敵に大効果(9)
  256. Rank Boost M (50%) ランクで強化・中
  257. Boost Effect L (30%) 効果アップ・大
  258. Final Strike+ (25%) 最後の一撃・大(10)
  259. and
  260. Beginners OK (Quality + 100%) 初心者でも大丈夫(9)
  261. Quality L (Quality + 50%) 品質アップ・大(6)
  262. Sea Puddle (誘爆する)
  263. Make a lightning bomb with one of these effects (include quality S). Make another with another.
  264. Make a supplement with another.
  265. Make a lightning quartz using those two lightning bombs, another trait on a sea puddle, tar pool/sea puddle, and the supplement. Choose the 4 traits (with one of them being Quality) and the sea puddle effect.
  267. Make helm.
  268. If you need to, dupe shining crystals if you have <3. Dupe the lightning quartz otherwise.
  269. Sleep 10 days.
  270. Dupe lightning quartz now if you haven't.
  271. Make 3 komets.
  272. Sleep 10 days.
  273. Make prowl.
  275. Put the lightning quartzes ,healing salves, and boat pieces in basket. (need at least 3 quartz)
  276. Make boat (wharf)
  278. Just before you get to the boss, heal up. Fight boss.
  279. Use lightning quartz to win. 4 should kill (200ish lightning hits on normal, 330ish for crit)
  281. Take upper paths. 1st upper island leave immediately, go back in then leave.
  282. Go to grave to trigger long cutscene. Once you get to world map, waste days on world map until game is done.
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