

Apr 19th, 2017
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  1. <dunpeal> Is there a badass C++ logo, with like a dragon or something?
  2. 19:32:38 ⇐ d0048 quit (~d0048@unaffiliated/d0048) Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  3. 19:32:43
  4. <zap0> do some IoT in the Cloud with C++.. oohhh.. so new, much shiny!
  5. 19:33:03 ⇐ snowkidind quit ( Quit: astalaPIZZA Baby!
  6. 19:33:30
  7. <zap0> the dragon would have a Scott Meyers haircut
  8. 19:33:47 → d0048 joined (~d0048@unaffiliated/d0048)
  9. 19:34:55
  10. <dunpeal> that 1960's type of vibe... not quite what I was aiming for
  11. 19:35:13
  12. <BitterClaire> Claire C. dunpeal: if there was it would be obsolete in a few years, replaced with the updated std::fire_breathing::safe<reptile>::dragon<std::roar>
  13. 19:35:22 dunpeal: and everyone would shout at you for using it
  14. 19:35:38 dunpeal: except your professors who would encourage you to use it
  15. 19:36:21
  16. <Moto-chan> Who knows What the actual fuck Claire!?
  17. 19:36:26 Like, for fuck sake!
  18. 19:36:33
  19. <BitterClaire> Claire C. Hm?
  20. 19:36:33
  21. <Moto-chan> Who knows std::fire_breathing::safe<reptile>::dragon<std::roar> is so C++11!
  22. 19:36:41 GET WITH THE TIMES WOMAN!
  23. 19:36:46
  24. <BitterClaire> Claire C. D: D:
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