
I love you

Nov 30th, 2016
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  1. I love you. Let me get that out of the way right now. I've loved since the first day I talked to you, the first time we kissed, and the memory of your voice still rings true when the happy memories kick up. I know that there are some days where you doubt yourself, and just know that whatever you decide to do with your life, where ever your choices take, just know that I will always still love you despite our parting.
  3. Maybe I'm feeling sentimental, maybe I'm just heart broken, maybe I'm drunk. who the fuck knows, and more importantly, who the fuck cares. I see myself not as someone who's suffered great heart break, but rather, someone who met an absolutely amazing woman, with an amazing son, and an amazing family, and for the while it lasted, we were happy.
  5. You never truly know a person till you meet their family, and see how the family dynamic works, and with Caasi, I got to see every side of her. She's truly an amazing woman, nad there will always be a part of me that still loves always, even years from now.
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