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Mar 31st, 2015
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  1. # This is a template config file
  2. # define your parameter and its value like:
  3. ErrorMessage: "&cSome error occured."
  4. HelpMessages:
  5. banner:
  6. msg: "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  7. help:
  8. msg: "&bMinerUniverse EToken Help"
  9. reload:
  10. msg: "/et reload : reloads config file."
  11. permission: "tokenenchant.reload"
  12. set:
  13. msg: "/et set <name> <amount> : sets <name> tokens to <amount>."
  14. permission: "tokenenchant.add"
  15. add:
  16. msg: "/et add <name> <amount> : adds <amount> tokens to <name>."
  17. permission: "tokenenchant.add"
  18. remove:
  19. msg: "/et remove <name> <amount> : removes <amount> tokens from <name>."
  20. permission: "tokenenchant.add"
  21. balance:
  22. msg: "&a/et balance : Check ETokens Balance"
  23. permission: "tokenenchant.balance"
  24. withdraw:
  25. msg: "&a/et withdraw <amount> : Withdraws Physical ETokens.\n&7Use ETokens at &a/warp Enchant
  26. \n&c&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  27. permission: "tokenenchant.withdraw"
  28. #
  29. # if UseToken is true, the plugin use its own tokens, if it's false
  30. # it uses economy through Vault
  31. UseToken: true
  32. EnchantSign: "&1&l&oEnchant"
  33. CostPlaceHolder: "{ench_cost}"
  34. #
  35. ExchangeSign: "[&4Exchange&0]"
  36. ExchangeRate: 1
  37. RatePlaceHolder: "{ex_rate}"
  38. #
  39. ExpExchangeSign: "[&4EXP Exch&0]"
  40. ExpExchangeRate: 20
  41. ExpRatePlaceHolder: "{exp_rate}"
  42. #
  43. WithdrawSign: "[&4Withdraw&0]"
  44. #
  45. RepairSign: "&1&lFIX"
  46. RepairBase: 8
  47. RepairDiscount: 0.00
  48. RepairRatePlaceHolder: "{rep_rate}"
  49. #
  50. TokenItem: NETHER_STAR
  51. TokenItemName: "&6Enchant Token"
  52. TokenItemLore: "&7Click to redeem &bTokens"
  53. #
  54. Messages:
  55. SelfBalance: "&f» &7You currently have &a%token% &7ETokens"
  56. NoOthersBalance: "&cYou are not allowed to check other's EToken balance."
  57. NoTargetPlayer: "&cA player needs to be specified."
  58. PlayerOffline: "&c%player% &7is currently offline."
  59. PlayerNotFound: "&c%player% &cwas not found."
  60. Balance: "&f» &b%player% &7currently has &a%token% &7tokens."
  61. SetSuccess: "&7You have set &b%player%'s &7ETokens to %token%."
  62. AddSuccess: "&7You have added &b%token% &7ETokens to &b%player%."
  63. RemoveSuccess: "&7You have removed &b%token% &7ETokens from &b%player%."
  64. NotEnoughTokens: "&4Error &f» &cYou do not have enough ETokens. &7Balance: &b%token%"
  65. NotEnoughTokenItems: "&f» &7You do not have enough token items. You need at least &b%needed% &7EToken item(s)."
  66. NotEnoughExpLevels: "&7You do not have enough EXP levels. You need at least %exp_needed% EXP level(s)."
  67. WithdrawSuccess: "&f» &7You have withdrawn &b%tokens% &7ETokens."
  68. ExchangeSuccess: "&f» &a+ &b%token% &7EToken(s) has been added to your account."
  69. NeedToHoldItem: "&f» &cYou need to hold an item to enchant."
  70. CannotEnchantThis: "&f» &cYou cannot enchant the item you're holding."
  71. CannotRepairThis: "&f» &cYou cannot repair the item you're holding."
  72. EnchantSuccess: "&f» &a+ &71 &b%enchant% &7enchantment level. &c-&b%token% &7ETokens."
  73. RepairSuccess: "&7The item repaired. &b%token% &7ETokens have been deducted."
  74. MaxedOut: "&f» &7You have already maxed the &b%enchant% &7enchant!"
  75. NoPermission: "&bMinerUniverse &f» &cYou do not have permission to do this!"
  76. NoSuchEnchant: "&cThat is not a valid enchant."
  77. Received: "&7You have received &b%token% &7ETokens."
  78. Deducted: "&b%token% &7ETokens have been deducted."
  79. #
  80. #
  81. #
  82. MaxEnchantLevel: 2000
  83. #
  84. #
  85. TokenFormula:
  86. # Valid values are: LINEAR and EXPONENTIAL
  87. # If an invalid value is entered, this will reset to the default setting, which is LINEAR
  88. # CONSTANT: price
  89. # LINEAR: price + (level * price)
  90. # EXPONENTIAL: price + price * level ^ exponent
  91. Curve: CONSTANT
  93. # If invalid values are entered mcMMO will not start and print an error in the console
  94. Constant:
  95. Linear:
  96. Exponential:
  97. exponent: 1.80
  99. DefaultEnchantDuration: 200
  100. DefaultEnchantAmplifier: 2
  101. #
  102. # supported potion effects:
  103. # Haste, FastDigging, Digging -> (FAST_DIGGING)
  104. # Speed -> SPEED
  105. # Nightvision -> NIGHT_VISION
  106. # Jump -> JUMP
  107. # Explosive -> Explosive
  108. #
  109. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  110. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  111. # always: explosion occur always.
  112. # occurence: random
  113. #
  114. Potions:
  115. Haste:
  116. duration: 200
  117. amplifier: 2
  118. price: 10
  119. max: 10
  120. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  121. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  122. # always: explosion occur always.
  123. occurence: random
  124. Speed:
  125. price: 10
  126. max: 10
  127. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  128. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  129. # always: explosion occur always.
  130. occurence: always
  131. Nightvision:
  132. price: 10
  133. max: 5
  134. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  135. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  136. # always: explosion occur always.
  137. occurence: always
  138. Explosive:
  139. price: 50
  140. max: 10
  141. # you can nominate the world, which prevents explosive
  142. invalid_in_world:
  143. - Plot
  144. # you can turn on automatic pickup.
  145. pickup: true
  146. # you can turn on automatic smelting
  147. smelt: true
  148. # you can turn on/off explostion sound/visual effects
  149. effect: true
  150. # you can increase the number of exploded blocks with in a radius
  151. multiplier: 1
  152. # you can specify the radius whithin which explosion will occur.
  153. # it is not recommended to have a large radius. it may cause lag.
  154. radius: 2
  155. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  156. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  157. # always: explosion occur always.
  158. occurrence: random
  159. Jump:
  160. price: 10
  161. max: 5
  162. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  163. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  164. # always: explosion occur always.
  165. occurence: random
  166. #
  167. # Supported Enchantment:
  168. # Alldamage, Alldmg, Sharpness (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_ALL)
  169. # Arthropodsdamage, Ardmg, Baneofarthropods (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS)
  170. # Undeaddamage, Smite (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_UNDEAD)
  171. # Digspeed, Efficiency (Bukkit name: DIG_SPEED)
  172. # Durability, Dura, Unbreaking (Bukkit name: DURABILITY)
  173. # Fireaspect, fire (Bukkit name: FIRE_ASPECT)
  174. # Knockback (Bukkit name: KNOCKBACK)
  175. # Blockslootbonus, Fortune (Bukkit name: LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS)
  176. # Mobslootbonus, Mobloot, Looting (Bukkit name: LOOT_BONUS_MOBS)
  177. # Oxygen, Respiration (Bukkit name: OXYGEN)
  178. # Protection, Prot (Bukkit name: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL)
  179. # Explosionsprotection, Expprot, Blastprotection (Bukkit name: PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS)
  180. # Fallprotection, Fallprot, Featherfall, Featherfalling (Bukkit name: PROTECTION_FALL)
  181. # Fireprotection, Fireprot (Bukkit name: PROTECTION_FIRE)
  182. # Projectileprotection, Projprot (Bukkit name: PROTECTION_PROJECTILE)
  183. # Silktouch (Bukkit name: SILK_TOUCH)
  184. # Waterworker, Aquaaffinity (Bukkit name: WATER_WORKER)
  185. # Firearrow, Flame (Bukkit name: ARROW_FIRE)
  186. # Arrowdamage, Power (Bukkit name: ARROW_DAMAGE)
  187. # Arrowknockback, Arrowkb, Punch (Bukkit name: ARROW_KNOCKBACK)
  188. # Infinitearrows, Infarrows, Infinity (Bukkit name: ARROW_INFINITE)
  189. #
  190. Enchants:
  191. Fortune:
  192. price: 3
  193. max: 2000
  194. Efficiency:
  195. price: 2
  196. max: 1000
  197. Unbreaking:
  198. price: 1
  199. max: 1000
  200. Items:
  202. - Unbreaking
  203. - Fortune
  204. - Efficiency
  205. - Explosive
  206. - Speed
  207. - Jump
  208. - Nightvision
  210. - Unbreaking
  211. - Fortune
  212. - Efficiency
  213. - Explosive
  214. - Speed
  215. - Jump
  217. - Unbreaking
  218. - Fortune
  219. - Efficiency
  220. - Explosive
  221. - Speed
  223. - Unbreaking
  224. - Fortune
  225. - Efficiency
  226. - Explosive
  227. - Speed
  229. - Unbreaking
  230. - Fortune
  231. - Efficiency
  232. - Explosive
  233. - Speed
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