
Meeting notes 2013

Jan 17th, 2013
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  1. [14:51] == BleedingRaindrops [] has joined #Bronycon-Programming
  2. [15:05] <!SuperSonik> hey BleedingRaindrops
  3. [15:06] <!SuperSonik> we had someone asking about you
  4. [15:06] <BleedingRaindrops> Oh?
  5. [15:06] <!SuperSonik> lemme grab deets, sit tight for a sec
  6. [15:07] <!SuperSonik> InfamousTOG: Hey is MijnaMask (oh god I hope I got that right) usually online? I sent emails to him in regards to details about my "So You Think You Can Dance" panel but I haven't heard back o.o
  7. [15:07] <!SuperSonik> remember: make sure it has something to do with ponies
  8. [15:07] <!SuperSonik> we are bronycon afterall
  9. [15:08] <BleedingRaindrops> I haven't gotten an email like that. how recently did he say he sent it
  10. [15:10] <!SuperSonik> 4 weeks ago
  11. [15:11] <BleedingRaindrops> I'll send him an email back, then. Honestly I don't see how this is going to have anything to do with ponies, but I'll see what he says. Do you have his email handy, or should I start digging?
  12. [15:15] <!SuperSonik> should be in your trello card :D
  13. [15:24] <BleedingRaindrops> Call me blind, but I can't find it. I checked my personal card and the event card, neither of them contains an email other than mine as far as I can tell.
  14. [15:25] <BleedingRaindrops> XD
  15. [15:26] <!SuperSonik> ur still minjask@?
  16. [15:26] <BleedingRaindrops> yep
  17. [15:27] <!SuperSonik> sent
  18. [15:27] <BleedingRaindrops> got it
  19. [16:29] == Zeta [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  20. [16:43] == Zeta [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
  21. [18:46] == Sunstone [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  22. [19:22] == Sunstone [] has quit [Ping timeout: 360 seconds]
  23. [19:41] == FIReNVY [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  24. [20:07] == Sunstone [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  25. [20:13] == Isuno [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  26. [20:23] == ProfitMargin [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  27. [20:24] <Sunstone> Yay, more people are slowly streaming in.
  28. [20:25] == Slish [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  29. [20:26] <FIReNVY> Indeed
  30. [20:28] <Sunstone> Did you decide to apply to BronyPalooza?
  31. [20:38] == DudeBro [] has joined #Bronycon-Programming
  32. [20:42] <Sunstone> SuperSonik:
  33. [20:42] <Sunstone> Keeping up with the minutes tonight in gdocs then transferring over to trello afterwards.
  34. [20:42] <DudeBro> Oh shit, we have a meeting tonight, dont we
  35. [20:42] <Slish> ii understand
  36. [20:42] <Sunstone> Thus people can see if I miss anything as we go (or if you want to add something in it'd be easier to do.)
  37. [20:45] == IggyAlchemie [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  38. [20:48] == fletch [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  39. [20:48] <fletch> Heya
  40. [20:49] == SpringHope [webchat@10eff834.f4f1334.1f06bfc3.263fce7aX] has joined #bronycon-programming
  41. [20:49] == Sunstone [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
  42. [20:51] == cobaltu [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  43. [20:51] == Sunstone [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  44. [20:52] == ProfitMargin [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
  45. [20:54] == TheBigBob [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  46. [20:54] <Sunstone> Welcome! Big Bad Bob!
  47. [20:54] <TheBigBob> Yes yes, I'm here.
  48. [20:54] <Sunstone> B3 for short.
  49. [20:54] <TheBigBob> Actually it's THE Big Bob.
  50. [20:54] <TheBigBob> So TBB.
  51. [20:54] <TheBigBob> Or TB2
  52. [20:55] <Sunstone> <TheBigBob> Well I'm bad at this.
  53. [20:55] <TheBigBob> I was trying to make it here without looking up the guide!
  54. [20:55] <TheBigBob> I managed to log in without telling everyone my password, which is something.
  55. [20:55] <Sunstone> And you did. Congratulations.
  56. [20:55] == SeriousGoose [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  57. [20:55] <Sunstone> Who's SeriousGoose?
  58. [20:55] <SeriousGoose> Is this piublic or should I leave?
  59. [20:55] <TheBigBob> No, I gave up and looked up the right # and / usage.
  60. [20:55] <DudeBro> lolidk
  61. [20:56] <fletch> Heya Dudebro
  62. [20:56] <Sunstone> Sorry, this is a private channel.
  63. [20:56] <SeriousGoose> kk see ya
  64. [20:56] == SeriousGoose [] has left #bronycon-programming []
  65. [20:56] <DudeBro> Heyo Fletchahy!
  66. [20:56] <fletch> How goes it?
  67. [20:56] == Obsidian-Winter [] has joined #Bronycon-Programming
  68. [20:57] <Sunstone> Hihi.
  69. [20:57] <Obsidian-Winter> Calm down everyone.....I'm here...You can all relax.
  70. [20:57] <Slish> how is everyone
  71. [20:57] <Obsidian-Winter> *struts in*
  72. [20:57] <fletch> I'm doing swell.
  73. [20:57] <cobaltu> Cold
  74. [20:57] <Obsidian-Winter> I'm good, how are you?
  75. [20:57] <Obsidian-Winter> Hey Spring!
  76. [20:57] <Isuno> Aye comrades
  77. [20:58] <IggyAlchemie> hey everyone~
  78. [20:58] <DudeBro> I quit
  79. [20:58] == Zeta [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  80. [20:58] <fletch> Hello Iggy!
  81. [20:58] <Sunstone> Later, DudeBro.
  82. [20:58] <SpringHope> Hey Obsidian! :)
  83. [20:58] <Sunstone> Don't forget to write!
  84. [20:58] <IggyAlchemie> why dudebro?
  85. [20:58] <Obsidian-Winter> Meeting hasn't even starting and people are quiting
  86. [20:58] <DudeBro> lolidk
  87. [20:58] <fletch> Wait, youre seriosu Dudebro?
  88. [20:58] <DudeBro> I quit on a daily basis
  89. [20:59] <Sunstone> And he aways comes back.
  90. [20:59] <Isuno> The meeting is so short it's already over
  91. [20:59] <DudeBro> I quit Big App Ponycon like, 8 times today
  92. [20:59] <!SuperSonik> me firing you doesnt count as quitting
  93. [20:59] <SpringHope> I think my new roommate thinks I'm wierd. XD I told her what I was doing tonight...
  94. [20:59] <DudeBro> Fuck yo room mate!
  95. [20:59] <DudeBro> Ponies!
  96. [20:59] <Sunstone> Pizza and diet Pepsi?
  97. [20:59] <Obsidian-Winter> Spinrg Hope.....8does a dance*
  98. [20:59] <Sunstone> Fuck yeah!
  99. [20:59] <IggyAlchemie> i just made pizza
  100. [20:59] <DudeBro> Yo, what kind?
  101. [20:59] <cobaltu> Me too
  102. [21:00] <SpringHope> I have ponies on my desk, a pony calendar, and a pony bag. No wonder I'm having a hard time making friends at my off campus semester. XD
  103. [21:00] <Slish> mmmmmmm pizza
  104. [21:00] <SpringHope> I made nachos!
  105. [21:00] <DudeBro> Who needs friends when you have all this swag?
  106. [21:00] <cobaltu> Sounds like the people on your campus have a problem
  107. [21:00] <Slish> yum
  108. [21:00] <IggyAlchemie> digiorno cheese stuffed crust with peporoni
  109. [21:00] <TheBigBob> I have a Pinkie Pie toy at my desk at work.
  110. [21:00] <DudeBro> ewww. Shit tier pizza
  111. [21:00] <SpringHope> Haha. I just got here about a week ago. Have yet to find fellow pony lovers
  112. [21:00] <TheBigBob> Her hair is styled and everything.
  113. [21:00] <Zeta> Meeting time
  114. [21:01] <Slish> yay
  115. [21:01] <SpringHope> I'm on a semester off campus. My home school has plenty of Bronies
  116. [21:01] <DudeBro> No Zeta, you missed the meeting alreay
  117. [21:01] <Obsidian-Winter> *sings* All ya need is Ponies.....All you need is ponies.....All you need is pooooooooonies......
  118. [21:01] <!SuperSonik> all right all right
  119. [21:01] <!SuperSonik> settle down staffers
  120. [21:01] <!SuperSonik> everypony ready to start?
  121. [21:01] <DudeBro> yo
  122. [21:01] <Zeta> yup
  123. [21:01] <BleedingRaindrops> I'm here
  124. [21:01] <IggyAlchemie> eeyup
  125. [21:01] <TheBigBob> Yep.
  126. [21:01] <Isuno> *me sits down*
  127. [21:01] <Obsidian-Winter> *salute* Sir. Yes
  128. [21:01] <cobaltu> ok
  129. [21:01] <SpringHope> yup
  130. [21:01] <fletch> Im ready
  131. [21:01] <!SuperSonik> Sunstone: heres a good chance for attendance :)
  132. [21:01] <Sunstone> Got it.
  133. [21:02] <!SuperSonik> alright, so we've got a bunch of new staffers
  134. [21:02] <!SuperSonik> would everyone who wasnt here at the last meeting briefly introduce themselves
  135. [21:02] <Isuno> Aye, new mates
  136. [21:02] <Slish> yes
  137. [21:02] <TheBigBob> I was here last time but I was really quiet.
  138. [21:02] <!SuperSonik> go whenever :)
  139. [21:02] <Slish> we will not bit
  140. [21:03] == ProfitMargin [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  141. [21:03] <cobaltu> Was anyone here not at the last meeting?
  142. [21:03] <!SuperSonik> Obsidian-Winter: i thought
  143. [21:03] <IggyAlchemie> i don't think anyone that is here now wasnt
  144. [21:03] <BleedingRaindrops> Was I here at the last meeting? O.O
  145. [21:03] * SuperSonik facehoofs
  146. [21:03] <BleedingRaindrops> I can never remember these things
  147. [21:03] <!SuperSonik> allllrighty then nvm
  148. [21:03] <Obsidian-Winter> Howdy everybody! I'm Obsidian Winter and my OC was an Alicorn (not a mary sue or over powered or anything) but I had my wings got off with a chainsaw so I could conform. I am a veteran o the entertainment and security\Law Enforcement industry.
  149. [21:03] <!SuperSonik> oop
  150. [21:04] <!SuperSonik> \o/
  151. [21:04] <BleedingRaindrops> >Alicorn OC
  152. [21:04] <Obsidian-Winter> I bring with me over 15 years of experience and I am so looking forwrd to working with all of you
  153. [21:04] <BleedingRaindrops> Get out
  154. [21:04] <!SuperSonik> welcome, Obsidian-Winter
  155. [21:04] <!SuperSonik> its alright i clipped her wings
  156. [21:04] <!SuperSonik> she's one of us now
  157. [21:04] <Obsidian-Winter> DOn't knock it unless you've heard the back story.
  158. [21:04] <!SuperSonik> gooble gobble googble gobble
  159. [21:04] <BleedingRaindrops> I don't buy it
  160. [21:04] <!SuperSonik> so, srs bsns agenda
  161. [21:04] <!SuperSonik> PR and our responsibility to this con
  162. [21:04] <Obsidian-Winter> ANYHOO, I also have an earth pony OC so obviously its not an ego
  163. [21:04] <Obsidian-Winter> kk
  164. [21:05] <!SuperSonik> last week we had a bit of a pr scare when someone announced that bronycon is putting on burlesque
  165. [21:05] <Slish> yes we did
  166. [21:05] <!SuperSonik> as you know, we have plans to do so, however it is not public knowledge
  167. [21:05] <BleedingRaindrops> Oh, that
  168. [21:05] <IggyAlchemie> I have a question!
  169. [21:05] <!SuperSonik> so, i want to make a clearcut secrecy policy
  170. [21:05] <Isuno> I got a pegasi Oc but she is blind...
  171. [21:05] <!SuperSonik> if there is something that the head panelist would tweet anyway, you can talk about it in public
  172. [21:05] <IggyAlchemie> wasn't it the troop that posted something sonik?
  173. [21:06] <!SuperSonik> you cannot talk about anything proramming related unless the head panelist already broke the story
  174. [21:06] <Slish> got it
  175. [21:06] <fletch> So is this Burlesque thing real or not?
  176. [21:06] <!SuperSonik> IggyAlchemie: not the troupe we're working with
  177. [21:06] <TheBigBob> I will refrain from telling all my friends on Facebook.
  178. [21:06] <!SuperSonik> turns out 5 burlesque troupes applied
  179. [21:06] <Obsidian-Winter> Is the secrecy policy fully explained to the head panelists? what stops them from going to the MLP Forums and broadcasting their panel?
  180. [21:06] <IggyAlchemie> oh wow
  181. [21:06] <DudeBro> hawt
  182. [21:06] <!SuperSonik> Obsidian-Winter: im saying that they're allowed to talk about their panel if they want
  183. [21:07] <Obsidian-Winter> Then doesn't that shoot any secrecy policy in the foor>?
  184. [21:07] <Obsidian-Winter> foot?
  185. [21:07] <!SuperSonik> but we can't talk about it publicly until they break the news themselves
  186. [21:07] <SpringHope> I have a question regarding this later, which Obsidian-Winter probably wants to weigh in on. But it can wait. =)
  187. [21:07] <IggyAlchemie> panelists can talk about their panel, but we no talky about peoples panels, right?
  188. [21:07] <!SuperSonik> right
  189. [21:07] <DudeBro> ^
  190. [21:07] <BleedingRaindrops> Basically (assuming I understand this) The head panelists can break the news if they want but we don't say any more than they do.
  191. [21:07] <!SuperSonik> right
  192. [21:07] <Sunstone> Ja.
  193. [21:07] <!SuperSonik> everyone clear on that?
  194. [21:07] <BleedingRaindrops> easy enough
  195. [21:07] <Slish> understand
  196. [21:07] <IggyAlchemie> yes
  197. [21:08] <Isuno> o/
  198. [21:08] <ProfitMargin> Yep
  199. [21:08] <!SuperSonik> yea isuno
  200. [21:08] <cobaltu> Yes
  201. [21:08] <IggyAlchemie> its in the handboooook
  202. [21:08] <Sunstone> Yes, Isuno.
  203. [21:08] <fletch> o/
  204. [21:08] <Obsidian-Winter> I understand....I just kinda don't agree....but you the boss.
  205. [21:08] <IggyAlchemie> everyone read that shit
  206. [21:08] <Isuno> We had the information that housing was included, do we know exactly where?
  207. [21:08] <Obsidian-Winter> I think it should be on a case by case basis
  208. [21:08] == Penny [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  209. [21:08] <Penny> sorry im late
  210. [21:08] <Obsidian-Winter> Otherwise we invite other potential PR nightmares to pop up
  211. [21:08] <!SuperSonik> Isuno: we're still trying to get a compromise between having everyone in the same place (hilton) and price
  212. [21:08] <Penny> i was having registry issues here -_-
  213. [21:08] <!SuperSonik> no worries penny
  214. [21:09] <!SuperSonik> we just went over the secrecy policy
  215. [21:09] <Isuno> Happened to all of us at least once Penny
  216. [21:09] <Penny> oh?
  217. [21:09] <TheBigBob> Actually I'll be staying with a friend, so you can count me out of the rooming.
  218. [21:09] <!SuperSonik> Obsidian-Winter: if we made it case by case, it would create too much confusion
  219. [21:09] <Isuno> SuperSonik: Alright
  220. [21:09] <!SuperSonik> TheBigBob: we'll be taking ounts of who needs housing in the next few weeks
  221. [21:09] <!SuperSonik> alright, anyone else have a question about PR and programming?
  222. [21:10] <TheBigBob> No, I expect you to remember this obscure conversation.
  223. [21:10] <Penny> oh if we r on the topic or rooms, ill b joining but i was wondering i kno my sis of course has to pay for her ticket, but can she at least stay with me in the same room?
  224. [21:10] <!SuperSonik> TheBigBob: :P
  225. [21:10] <Obsidian-Winter> But what stops a panel, such as the Burl thing to not happen again? I mean if we have a chance to fully announce the panel.....nevermind, we've moved on.
  226. [21:10] <!SuperSonik> Penny: no non-staff in staff rooms
  227. [21:10] <!SuperSonik> Obsidian-Winter: nothing does
  228. [21:10] <Isuno> I will obviously need housing
  229. [21:10] <fletch> I have a question
  230. [21:10] <Penny> not even our own hotel room?
  231. [21:10] <!SuperSonik> but the problem wasnt that the burlesque troupe we were talking with blabbed
  232. [21:10] <Sunstone> We'll have a sign up latter.
  233. [21:10] <IggyAlchemie> you would have to pay for the room then penny
  234. [21:10] <!SuperSonik> someone heard that we were working with _a_ burlesque group and tried to start their own thing\
  235. [21:10] <Sunstone> Your own room is fine, but not if the convention is paying for it.
  236. [21:11] <Isuno> Super, is this false?
  237. [21:11] <Slish> i have a question
  238. [21:11] <!SuperSonik> whoa whoa one at a time
  239. [21:11] <Penny> ...i see so she would hav to then pay for her own room?
  240. [21:11] <!SuperSonik> Penny: yes
  241. [21:11] <!SuperSonik> no staff and non staff int he same room
  242. [21:11] <!SuperSonik> that we pay for
  243. [21:11] <Penny> :/
  244. [21:11] <BleedingRaindrops> I don't even what burlesque is, other than something to do with r34, and as such I want nothing to do with it
  245. [21:11] <Penny> k..........
  246. [21:11] <!SuperSonik> so if you want to split a room with your sister, thats all you
  247. [21:11] <!SuperSonik> BleedingRaindrops: its not r34
  248. [21:11] <Sunstone> Burlesque is a variety type show.
  249. [21:12] <Obsidian-Winter> Well I can understand that...I many no offense but I don't want someone I don't trust sneaking in the room...or sneaking someone in and having to deal with sex noises all night...not that I'll be sleeping.
  250. [21:12] <!SuperSonik> Isuno: whats false
  251. [21:12] <Isuno> The burlesque thing...
  252. [21:12] <DudeBro> All the sex noises
  253. [21:12] <Sunstone> The performers have to conform to our cosplay guidelines.
  254. [21:12] <Obsidian-Winter> Hey, Cons are know for their sex...just sayin.
  255. [21:12] <!SuperSonik> which means swimweart attire minimum
  256. [21:12] <Sunstone> (Nothing more reveling than a swimsuit.)
  257. [21:13] <!SuperSonik> ok, since we segued into hotels, any hotel or PR questions?
  258. [21:13] <SpringHope> I feel your pain Penny. I may have to do the same with my bf. (And we can keep it in our pants. XP)
  259. [21:13] <IggyAlchemie> that sounds like it will make burlesque very hard
  260. [21:13] <DudeBro> no thongs =(
  261. [21:13] <Sunstone> Only on the audience.
  262. [21:13] <!SuperSonik> :I
  263. [21:13] <DudeBro> Is "Fuck PR and Haybuck" a question?
  264. [21:13] <Isuno> anything not normal is considered as a cosplay in con
  265. [21:13] <Sunstone> :3
  266. [21:13] <Obsidian-Winter> LOL
  267. [21:13] <fletch> So this Burlesque thing is legit? whos it being ran by?
  268. [21:13] <!SuperSonik> DudeBro: no
  269. [21:13] <DudeBro> =(
  270. [21:13] <!SuperSonik> fletch: yes, d20 burlesque
  271. [21:13] <!SuperSonik> you can look them up online, but their show will be much tamer at our place than the videos
  272. [21:13] <fletch> I see
  273. [21:14] <Slish> i have a question
  274. [21:14] <!SuperSonik> yes
  275. [21:14] <IggyAlchemie> D20 is the only troop approved right??
  276. [21:14] <!SuperSonik> IggyAlchemie: yes
  277. [21:14] <Penny> <SpringHope> i mean i guess i understand...i just think its kinda silly she would hav to buy a hotel room when ill b in the same hotel
  278. [21:14] <Zeta> I still don't know what burlesque is.
  279. [21:14] <Obsidian-Winter> I know I got assigned a Larp Today but obviously its not the same thing
  280. [21:14] <DudeBro> Zeta, google is your friend
  281. [21:14] <!SuperSonik> Zeta: look it up after the meeting
  282. [21:14] <Slish> my head palne asked me this. When will applications for vendor tables open? I make many pony related things (totes, magnets, planners, customs, etc) and would love to set up shop. I've been keeping an eye on the website and Facebook for when applications will be open, but haven't seen anything yet. Do you know how much a table would cost?
  283. [21:14] <DudeBro> I need to know this too
  284. [21:15] <!SuperSonik> Penny: SpringHope yea, but we only have the budget to house staffers, and barely that
  285. [21:15] <Sunstone> No idea at this point, Slish.
  286. [21:15] <!SuperSonik> Slish: its not my dept, email and
  287. [21:15] <BleedingRaindrops> >Not planning to pronk around aimlessly during free time
  288. [21:15] <BleedingRaindrops> lol
  289. [21:15] <Slish> thank you Sunstone
  290. [21:15] <Sunstone> You're welcome. They're currently hammering out a few things before making a decision.
  291. [21:15] <Sunstone> No ETA, but probably within a month.
  292. [21:16] <Penny> ..........wait this burlesque thing, r they gonna jus come randomly in our rooms?? o.o
  293. [21:16] <Sunstone> NO.
  294. [21:16] <Obsidian-Winter> Yeah, 200 staffers each getting their own room would equal over 200,000 in room fees.
  295. [21:16] <DudeBro> I hope so
  296. [21:16] <Obsidian-Winter> Randomly in our rooms....
  297. [21:16] <Obsidian-Winter> lol
  298. [21:16] <Sunstone> It will be a panel affair.
  299. [21:16] <IggyAlchemie> what the hell is happening in this meeting?
  300. [21:16] <DudeBro> I'm going to invite them into my room
  301. [21:16] <!SuperSonik> guys
  302. [21:16] <!SuperSonik> chill
  303. [21:16] <Slish> can we move on
  304. [21:16] <Sunstone> And they'll get a restraining order.
  305. [21:16] <Penny> lol ok
  306. [21:16] <!SuperSonik> if the question isnt on topic
  307. [21:16] <!SuperSonik> hold it until the end
  308. [21:17] <!SuperSonik> next topic
  309. [21:17] <!SuperSonik> trello
  310. [21:17] <Obsidian-Winter> *Pulls out a pad* Okay guys, lets simmer down. Every hush and let Sonik call on you if you have a question
  311. [21:17] <!SuperSonik> how are people's feelings about it
  312. [21:17] <Obsidian-Winter> Every pony*
  313. [21:17] <Penny> lol ok?
  314. [21:17] <Penny> ack bad compy
  315. [21:17] <IggyAlchemie> I find trello slightly harder to work with than Gdrive
  316. [21:17] <fletch> I was already used to google drive
  317. [21:17] <Obsidian-Winter> I would like to comment
  318. [21:17] <!SuperSonik> questions/complaints/anything you'd like to see changed?
  319. [21:17] <Penny> i meant to say about trello?
  320. [21:17] <DudeBro> It's not terrible, but I don't love it
  321. [21:17] <cobaltu> I like Trello, straight forward and harder to disorganize
  322. [21:17] <IggyAlchemie> Trello is a little confusing
  323. [21:18] <!SuperSonik> IggyAlchemie: did you check out the intro board?
  324. [21:18] <Slish> i like it
  325. [21:18] <!SuperSonik> DudeBro: trust me you'd hate basecamp ever more
  326. [21:18] <Isuno> ...
  327. [21:18] <BleedingRaindrops> I find it new, and thus difficult to grasp, but given time I think it will be easier to manage than Gdocs.
  328. [21:18] <Penny> i dont get its purpose much, i was fine with google docs and im confused by the trello migration and wat to do
  329. [21:18] <ProfitMargin> I find Trello both easy to use and easy to browse and have yet to come up against a problem with it
  330. [21:18] <Sunstone> Be sure to check out the features on the right hand side after logging in.
  331. [21:18] <DudeBro> I've been on basecamp, it's a shithole
  332. [21:18] <Obsidian-Winter> I have a hard tinme finding all my panels I am in charge of. Also, other staffers were complaining that we don't "conform" by using the same program everyone else uses.
  333. [21:18] <Sunstone> You can show all of your current assignments on one page.
  334. [21:18] <SpringHope> I like it. It's very different than Goodle Drive and has different positives and negatives. But so far I like it more. It is easier to keep track of what you have to do individually since there is a place for your cards. On Google, you just had to remember or search for it.
  335. [21:19] <TheBigBob> Trello scared me when I first saw it, but I'm sure if I poke at it enough I'll figure it out.
  336. [21:19] <IggyAlchemie> ^ that
  337. [21:19] <!SuperSonik> Penny: it was getting really hard to manage the vast number of panels in gdrive
  338. [21:19] <IggyAlchemie> It's new to me, but I'm learning it
  339. [21:19] <Obsidian-Winter> Yeah, I'm up to like 7 right now.
  340. [21:19] <fletch> I dont hate it, its going to take getting used to
  341. [21:19] <!SuperSonik> so we needed something that made it easy to see what everyone ws working on without opening literally 100 tabs
  342. [21:20] <Penny> i see
  343. [21:20] <Isuno> Trello is a new thing to learn... dammit...
  344. [21:20] <!SuperSonik> Obsidian-Winter: their just jelly cuz they're forced to use basecamp
  345. [21:20] <Zeta> Trello is more organized that's for sure
  346. [21:20] <ProfitMargin> Trello is also much easier for me to use in my iPhone and tablet the Gdocs
  347. [21:20] <DudeBro> Again, don't love it, but it's not terrible. I can get used to it.
  348. [21:20] <cobaltu> Markdown isn't intuitive, but playing around with it is enough to get what you need
  349. [21:20] <Zeta> and I like all the sidebar things
  350. [21:20] <Obsidian-Winter> Trello is like any other company uprade...Its a pain the butt to get use to but we WILL get used to it.
  351. [21:20] <BleedingRaindrops> ^
  352. [21:21] <IggyAlchemie> ^ yup
  353. [21:21] <DudeBro> The biggest disadvantage I've seen is multiple cards being made for one panel. But it seems like a simple fix overall.
  354. [21:21] <!SuperSonik> there shouldnt ever be multiple cards per panel
  355. [21:21] <TheBigBob> Unless it's where I work, where it's both more confusing AND less efficient.
  356. [21:21] <!SuperSonik> if you made more than one card for your panel...
  357. [21:21] <SpringHope> The other reason I like it is that I can have an avatar. :D
  358. [21:21] <IggyAlchemie> yeah, I think everyone was trying to tranfer over there cards
  359. [21:22] <Sunstone> If you transfer something over, please add the other staff members assigned to the project to the card.
  360. [21:22] <IggyAlchemie> and there wasnt enough communication
  361. [21:22] <!SuperSonik> well, tonight was the deadline for it
  362. [21:22] <!SuperSonik> and i'm always online :P
  363. [21:22] <Sunstone> This way they don't create the card again.
  364. [21:22] <DudeBro> Well then I'm goo
  365. [21:22] <DudeBro> *good
  366. [21:22] <Sunstone> Or I'm around.
  367. [21:22] <Sunstone> Somepony's here nearly 24/7.
  368. [21:22] <!SuperSonik> sunstone and i will be deleting gdocs tonight, so make sure your info is on trello
  369. [21:22] <Slish> thats good
  370. [21:23] <Isuno> Do we all have to transfer our tuff?
  371. [21:23] <!SuperSonik> and all of you have plenty of time to talk to us, we're reachable via any means necessary :)
  372. [21:23] <Isuno> *stuff
  373. [21:23] <Slish> yup
  374. [21:23] <!SuperSonik> Isuno: yes, and delete the old stuff
  375. [21:23] <BleedingRaindrops> <<<[21:22] <DudeBro> Well then I'm goo>>> screencapped
  376. [21:23] <Penny> eek1 i jus realized i didnt post my panels on the trello
  377. [21:23] <!SuperSonik> no goo or gak at bronycon
  378. [21:23] <Sunstone> What about gyrobowls?
  379. [21:23] <!SuperSonik> Penny: you can do it after the meeting, just tell us when you're done
  380. [21:23] <!SuperSonik> only floam
  381. [21:23] <Penny> ok
  382. [21:24] <fletch> Where are the assigment projects on trello?
  383. [21:24] <DudeBro> fuck floam
  384. [21:24] <!SuperSonik> alright, so recently i've been putting checklists in a few panel projects, they're pretty self explanatory
  385. [21:24] <IggyAlchemie> same question as fletch
  386. [21:24] <fletch> Woo
  387. [21:24] <!SuperSonik>
  388. [21:25] <!SuperSonik> under activity projects, event projects and panel projects
  389. [21:25] <!SuperSonik> same as the gdrive
  390. [21:25] <Sunstone> When we receive a panel/event project we'll be creating the cards, then assigning them.
  391. [21:25] <!SuperSonik> when you're assigned you should get an email
  392. [21:25] <Sunstone> You won't have a separate sheet to check for new assignments.
  393. [21:25] <IggyAlchemie> ohhhhh okay
  394. [21:25] <Sunstone> That too.
  395. [21:25] <fletch> Ok, thanks
  396. [21:25] <Slish> cool
  397. [21:25] <!SuperSonik> alrighty, any more trello questions?
  398. [21:25] <Obsidian-Winter> Yeah, I don't suggest trying to figure out Trello. Its one of those things where its faster to read about it. Its not a hard read mind, just a little study project for an hour or so.
  399. [21:26] <!SuperSonik> an hour?
  400. [21:26] <Sunstone> 10 seconds flat here.
  401. [21:26] <!SuperSonik> just check the How to use Trello thing
  402. [21:26] <Obsidian-Winter> When I study I then take what I learn and explore
  403. [21:26] <!SuperSonik> the creators made it up ::P
  404. [21:26] <!SuperSonik> i just added bronycon stuff
  405. [21:26] <Isuno> Uuh... o/
  406. [21:26] <!SuperSonik> yea isuno
  407. [21:26] <Isuno> what's "the Procrastination panel"?
  408. [21:26] <Obsidian-Winter> I like to fully understand something but thats just me.
  409. [21:26] <DudeBro> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  410. [21:26] <!SuperSonik> we'll get around to that
  411. [21:26] <!SuperSonik> later
  412. [21:27] <Isuno> Aight
  413. [21:27] <BleedingRaindrops> I never study, I find it far easier to just keep the instructions at hand and refer to them as needed. Learning as I go also makes for less headaches.
  414. [21:27] <Obsidian-Winter> *snickers* I see what ya did there sonik
  415. [21:27] <!SuperSonik> so, that segues into the submissions procedure
  416. [21:27] <!SuperSonik> Obsidian-Winter: ;P
  417. [21:27] <!SuperSonik> basically when we get submmissions, sunbstone or i will put it in the Just In List int he Submissions Board
  418. [21:28] <!SuperSonik> if someone sees something they particularly like, please assign yourself to that project
  419. [21:28] <!SuperSonik> but do not move it yet
  420. [21:28] <BleedingRaindrops> k
  421. [21:28] <Penny> k
  422. [21:28] <!SuperSonik> if me or sunstone approve you taking ont hat project, we'll move it to the appropriate Projects board and then you can start emailing the head panelist, etc
  423. [21:28] <SpringHope> Ooooo. I didn't know that's how it worked!
  424. [21:28] <!SuperSonik> that's how it is starting now
  425. [21:28] <!SuperSonik> :P
  426. [21:28] <Slish> i understand
  427. [21:28] <IggyAlchemie> I like this new way
  428. [21:29] <SpringHope> *Goes to steal some projects* XD
  429. [21:29] <!SuperSonik> i felt you guys keep talking about how you're over-underburdened
  430. [21:29] <fletch> So its not assigned, its volunteer?
  431. [21:29] <!SuperSonik> now you can elect to take on more
  432. [21:29] <!SuperSonik> fletch: if we see one that's not getting picked up, we'll volunteer it for someone :P
  433. [21:29] <!SuperSonik> but if it has someone who volunteered and we approve, you can have it
  434. [21:29] <!SuperSonik> or we choose out of a list of people who volunteered
  435. [21:29] <fletch> Ok, but otherwise, it's up for grabs?
  436. [21:29] <fletch> oh ok
  437. [21:29] <Slish> but do we keep the panles we have now
  438. [21:29] <IggyAlchemie> I think we should still assign stuff, but if someone WANTS a panel, they have dibs
  439. [21:29] <SpringHope> Question. If we feel like a panel we have is going to be a biggie, can we ask for someone to jump on and help?
  440. [21:30] <!SuperSonik> Slish: if you would really like to trade a panel, there's now a policy for that too
  441. [21:30] <Sunstone> We will still be assigning as necessary.
  442. [21:30] <!SuperSonik> 1. Find someone to trade with
  443. [21:30] <!SuperSonik> 2. Email them asking for their permission
  444. [21:30] <!SuperSonik> 3. Forward their permission to me or sunstone
  445. [21:30] <!SuperSonik> 4. we'll reassign it
  446. [21:30] <!SuperSonik> 5. ????
  447. [21:30] <!SuperSonik> 6. PROFITR
  448. [21:30] <Slish> okay
  449. [21:30] <!SuperSonik> simples :)
  450. [21:30] <Zeta> fail
  451. [21:30] <DudeBro> I'm good fo trades
  452. [21:30] <!SuperSonik> that R was for dudebro
  453. [21:30] <ProfitMargin> Why am I number 6?
  454. [21:31] <!SuperSonik> enjoy it while it lasts
  455. [21:31] <!SuperSonik> alright, that's about it, sunstone got all those notes?
  456. [21:31] <DudeBro> Thank you.
  457. [21:31] <Slish> well i want to keep my panles
  458. [21:31] <Isuno> 5.????...?
  459. [21:31] <!SuperSonik> Isuno: its a south park joke
  460. [21:31] <Sunstone> Got 'em.
  461. [21:31] <!SuperSonik> you end a list with ???? and Profit
  462. [21:31] <Isuno> Oh... right...
  463. [21:31] <Isuno> I get it... I guess...
  464. [21:31] <SpringHope> did you see me Q? :)
  465. [21:32] <!SuperSonik> alrighty then, now I'll open the floor to general questions
  466. [21:32] <BleedingRaindrops> wait, the meeting's over?
  467. [21:32] <IggyAlchemie> how is the skype going?
  468. [21:32] <Sunstone> SuperSonik, -Thoughts, concerns, "what I have learned during programming this week"
  469. [21:32] <!SuperSonik> SpringHope: you ask them for permission to join, then you forward their prmission to me or sunstone
  470. [21:32] <Sunstone> Missed one item on tonight's agenda.
  471. [21:32] <!SuperSonik> BleedingRaindrops: nope
  472. [21:32] <BleedingRaindrops> oh, ok
  473. [21:32] <!SuperSonik> IggyAlchemie: it's still up
  474. [21:32] <SpringHope> So if I need another pony to help me, I just ask someone?
  475. [21:32] <!SuperSonik> Sunstone: that this right now
  476. [21:32] <Sunstone> Ah!
  477. [21:32] <DudeBro> What I learned in Programming this week is....
  478. [21:32] <!SuperSonik> SpringHope: yes, then forward their acceptance to me or sunstone :)
  479. [21:32] <SpringHope> Awesome!
  480. [21:33] <Sunstone> In the form of a letter to the Princess. :3
  481. [21:33] <Penny> well 2 of my panelists responded is kinda on the fence tho and take him awhile to respond, but my one HP never responded to my first email or the second i sent out
  482. [21:33] <SpringHope> I have another question. It's actually something Obsidian-Winter and I have talked about with her panel.
  483. [21:33] <Isuno> Dear Princess SuperSonik...
  484. [21:33] <Obsidian-Winter> *perks her eyes hearing her name*
  485. [21:33] <!SuperSonik> Penny: email the panel you're having trouble with
  486. [21:33] <!SuperSonik> SpringHope: yea
  487. [21:33] <Sunstone> And we can advise you there.
  488. [21:33] <Penny> k
  489. [21:34] <SpringHope> Well, her panel is basically an awards show for Brony videos. We were wondering how we could publicize this and get people to submit
  490. [21:34] <!SuperSonik> if you guys don't have questions and don't wanna stick around and just wanna wait for the notes, meetings officially over :)
  491. [21:34] <SpringHope> Also, if we could get an @bronycon email for people to submit to
  492. [21:34] <DudeBro> we did it. woo.
  493. [21:34] <!SuperSonik> SpringHope: email , he is our social media outlet
  494. [21:34] <!SuperSonik> everyone already has @bronycon emails
  495. [21:34] <fletch> Hey, if we want to volunteer for a panel in the Just In, where do we add ourselves under?
  496. [21:35] <!SuperSonik> if you wanna test it, send an email to
  497. [21:35] <Obsidian-Winter> I guess I can just have them all come flooding into me.
  498. [21:35] <Isuno> If the head panelist ask, can we be part of the panel?
  499. [21:35] <Obsidian-Winter> Spring Hope, did you want to co-host the awards with me?
  500. [21:35] <IggyAlchemie> I need to set up a meeting with Supersonik and sunstone to go over the speed dating panel
  501. [21:35] <Obsidian-Winter> Be a co-panelist?
  502. [21:35] <SpringHope> Yea, I know. We were just wondering if we could have one specifically for the panel
  503. [21:35] <!SuperSonik> fletch: just assign yourself to it. there's a button on the right called assign
  504. [21:35] <fletch> Gotcha
  505. [21:35] <DudeBro> Iggy, you mean WE have to set up a meeting
  506. [21:35] <!SuperSonik> Isuno: yes, during that hour you belong to the head panelist
  507. [21:35] <SpringHope> Obsidian-WinterSure!
  508. [21:35] <!SuperSonik> if he needs you onstage, that's where you'll be
  509. [21:36] <IggyAlchemie> you don't need to be there
  510. [21:36] <!SuperSonik> IggyAlchemie: email and we'll set up a meeting
  511. [21:36] <Isuno> Okay
  512. [21:36] <DudeBro> I'm on the card I'm gon be thur
  513. [21:36] <SpringHope> Okay. I have another quick question for everyone here about a panel I am HP for.
  514. [21:36] <Obsidian-Winter> Grats. Bring something cool to wear then...nice outfit....Cosplay out fit.....whatever you like just remember you'll be on stage for like an hour or two. :-)
  515. [21:36] <!SuperSonik> yes SpringHope
  516. [21:36] <Obsidian-Winter> Whaddaya got Spring?
  517. [21:36] <Penny> how/when do we get assigned as MCs, and also can we go over what we do at precon/day of bronycon? like do we just stand in the back of our assigned panels and wait if needed?
  518. [21:37] <SpringHope> Do any of you know any Brony couples? Or are you in a relationship with someone who is not a Brony and you have to deal with that? If so, would you like to be in my panel? XD
  519. [21:37] <Sunstone> You get to choose who's MCing on your panels between assigned staff.
  520. [21:37] <Isuno> Nope,
  521. [21:37] == TheBigBob [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  522. [21:37] <!SuperSonik> Penny: sunstone and I will assign MC's closer to con day, we'll choose out of people assigned to the panel
  523. [21:37] <Isuno> I am all alone :C
  524. [21:37] <SpringHope> Awww. :(
  525. [21:37] <Sunstone> That's changed. Duly noted.
  526. [21:37] <Isuno> XD
  527. [21:37] <Penny> k
  528. [21:37] <Obsidian-Winter> I got ya covered on that Spring Hope. I suggest posting on MLP forums. I can help get you setup. Ask for people to come to you instead of you looking for them
  529. [21:37] <!SuperSonik> SpringHope: ^
  530. [21:38] <Sunstone> ^
  531. [21:38] <SpringHope> Okay!
  532. [21:38] <Obsidian-Winter> I have a Midlevel ranking in there so my posts get noticed a good bit. :-)
  533. [21:38] <Obsidian-Winter> Oh I have a question!
  534. [21:38] <!SuperSonik> go ahead
  535. [21:38] <Sunstone> Ask away.
  536. [21:38] <SpringHope> And we can email about publicity for the video awards, right?
  537. [21:38] <Obsidian-Winter> Leadership structure and how it is going to be laid out and or assigned.
  538. [21:39] <!SuperSonik> SpringHope: yes
  539. [21:39] <SpringHope> Awesome! Thanks! That is all for now. xD
  540. [21:39] <!SuperSonik> Obsidian-Winter: there is currently me and sunstone managing all of you
  541. [21:39] <Obsidian-Winter> I know that....I mean later on
  542. [21:39] <!SuperSonik> soon we will nominate 3 people, one to keep panels tidy, one to keep events tidy, and one to keep activities tiday
  543. [21:39] <!SuperSonik> *tidy
  544. [21:39] <DudeBro> No. You meant Tid-ay
  545. [21:40] <!SuperSonik> we're looking to do that something around we hit 100 panels
  546. [21:40] <!SuperSonik> *sometime
  547. [21:40] <Obsidian-Winter> nods, okay!
  548. [21:40] <cobaltu> I have activity ideas for the Children's Room, how would I submit those?
  549. [21:40] <DudeBro> Man, erryone wants dat scavenger hunt
  550. [21:40] <!SuperSonik> cobaltu: you can submit them on the events page on
  551. [21:40] <ProfitMargin> Scavenger hunt is awesome
  552. [21:40] <Sunstone> Throught the official website form.
  553. [21:40] <IggyAlchemie> scavenger hunt sounds really fun
  554. [21:40] <SpringHope> I've planned them scavenger hunts before. Dats why
  555. [21:41] <IggyAlchemie> has lots of potential
  556. [21:41] <DudeBro> Oh, yo, SuperSonik, you ever heard of Cath the Barrel?
  557. [21:41] <DudeBro> *catch
  558. [21:41] <!SuperSonik> DudeBro: uhhhhh
  559. [21:41] <Obsidian-Winter> Did you snag the scavenger hunt Spring?
  560. [21:41] <DudeBro> Guess not. I'll shoot yous an email
  561. [21:41] <ProfitMargin> I have a question, I never seem to have any questions. Is that normal?
  562. [21:41] <Sunstone> Go for it.
  563. [21:41] <DudeBro> Yes
  564. [21:41] <DudeBro> 'Profit,m that means you know what the fuck is up
  565. [21:41] <Sunstone> Questions mean you're thinking.
  566. [21:42] <Obsidian-Winter> ^
  567. [21:42] <fletch> *not sure if meeting is still going on, or just misc. stuff now*
  568. [21:43] <!SuperSonik> if you have a question, you can ask
  569. [21:43] <!SuperSonik> if you wanna stick around, that's cool too
  570. [21:43] <!SuperSonik> but official stuff is done
  571. [21:43] <SpringHope> I did first. But two others joined me. XD
  572. [21:43] <Obsidian-Winter> Rock on
  573. [21:43] <fletch> I volunteered to the "who's that Artist" panel
  574. [21:44] <fletch> *for the
  575. [21:44] <ProfitMargin> Sunstone: It's not that I'm not thinking, at least I don't think so lol
  576. [21:44] <SpringHope> Obsidian, we should chat on skype sometime about our two panels. Since yours requires a lot of planning. Just putting that out here now while we are both here.
  577. [21:44] <!SuperSonik> cool
  578. [21:45] <IggyAlchemie> Supersonik , Sunstone and Dudebro can we just have a meeting on skype whenever you are all free??
  579. [21:45] <DudeBro> I'm good to go now
  580. [21:45] <Sunstone> Voice or text?
  581. [21:45] <Sunstone> Text I can do tonight.
  582. [21:45] <DudeBro> video only
  583. [21:45] <Sunstone> Voice won't work right now.
  584. [21:45] <!SuperSonik> im typing this with one hand trying to finish something else
  585. [21:45] <Sunstone> After next Wednesday and I'd be amiable to that, DudeBro.
  586. [21:45] <IggyAlchemie> both is fine by me. I like video or voice just cuz it's easier for me
  587. [21:46] <Obsidian-Winter> Yeah, I've had a pretty back week with Oral Surgery and all, but things are snapping back to. I'm usually on in the evenings.
  588. [21:46] <IggyAlchemie> are* rather
  589. [21:46] <DudeBro> Wait
  590. [21:46] <DudeBro> wtf is Procrastination Panel?
  591. [21:46] <Zeta> it's for procastinating
  592. [21:46] <Obsidian-Winter> When would you like to get together Spring?
  593. [21:46] <ProfitMargin> We'll talk about it later
  594. [21:47] <Sunstone> I'll be on a faster connection next Wednesday (unless UPS screws up delivery of the modem) so feel free to contact me anytime I'm online for voice or video after that date.
  595. [21:47] <DudeBro> I will tell you this fact: UPS will fuck it up
  596. [21:47] <SpringHope> I am usually on in the evenings too. But it's up in the air. I'm still in that awkward making friends stage where I am this semester. But I'm basically past the really busy part in the beginning.
  597. [21:47] <Sunstone> If we don't have anything scheduled in the timeslot we put up the Procrastination Panel sign in the location.
  598. [21:47] <SpringHope> I hate going to new places and having to make new friends. D:
  599. [21:47] <Sunstone> It's a cheap con joke basically.
  600. [21:48] <Isuno> goodnight pals
  601. [21:48] <DudeBro> Sounds dumb
  602. [21:48] <Sunstone> Goodnight.
  603. [21:48] <DudeBro> I quit
  604. [21:48] <Obsidian-Winter> I don't make friends at school so I don't havde that issue.
  605. [21:48] <Obsidian-Winter> heh
  606. [21:48] == Isuno [] has quit [Quit: ]
  607. [21:48] <Obsidian-Winter> Goodnight
  608. [21:48] <Sunstone> Fresh muffins at 7am, DudeBro.
  609. [21:48] <DudeBro> Sick animation time:
  610. [21:48] <!SuperSonik> SpringHope: just hit up a party
  611. [21:49] <Obsidian-Winter> Why are you trying so hard to make friends? You seem very friendly
  612. [21:49] <SpringHope> I like being alone, but not constantly. And I haven't found any parties! They are all house parties at this school apparently, so I don't know where they are. Also a smart woman always brings backup
  613. [21:49] <!SuperSonik> you have roommates?
  614. [21:49] == cobaltu [] has quit [Ping timeout: 360 seconds]
  615. [21:49] <IggyAlchemie> Can I be on the top of the needs housing for con list???
  616. [21:49] <DudeBro> No
  617. [21:49] <DudeBro> You sleep outside
  618. [21:50] <IggyAlchemie> come on plz. money is always tight for me
  619. [21:50] <Sunstone> Iggy: We're not going by need here.
  620. [21:50] <SpringHope> Well I'm on an off campus semester this spring in Washington DC. I do a seminar, get an internship, etc. So everyone is new in my dorm since we're all in the semester program. I just have a hard time putting myself out there sometimes. And yeah I have a roommate, she is nice. We might be friends. XD
  621. [21:50] <IggyAlchemie> and I have a messed up back
  622. [21:50] <Obsidian-Winter> Money is tight for a lot of people.
  623. [21:50] <Sunstone> If you want a room we're going to see what we can do.
  624. [21:50] <IggyAlchemie> what are we going by if not need?
  625. [21:50] <Sunstone> Want.
  626. [21:50] <!SuperSonik> everyone on staff gets housing
  627. [21:50] <!SuperSonik> relax
  628. [21:51] <Sunstone> ^
  629. [21:51] <!SuperSonik> if you don't follow our rules for them though, you have to get your own room
  630. [21:51] <SpringHope> If the bf does not get the a/v position he interviewed for I may be getting a room with him. People who are doing similar can join us and it will be cheaper. XD
  631. [21:51] <!SuperSonik> like that ^
  632. [21:51] <Obsidian-Winter> I'm sure he will Hope.
  633. [21:52] <IggyAlchemie> is there somewhere where we have a list of housing rules I can read??
  634. [21:52] <Sunstone> Just a FYI, even if your BF makes staff, you'd still need to share the room with additional staff.
  635. [21:52] <ProfitMargin> Yeah I just skipped the whole rules thing and got my own room
  636. [21:52] == cobaltu [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  637. [21:52] <Obsidian-Winter> Oh thats true. Are the rooms Co-ed?
  638. [21:52] <SpringHope> I hope so! He seemed unsure after his interview yesterday. And yeah, I know. XD I didn't expect us to get a room all to ourselves. We like friends.
  639. [21:52] <!SuperSonik> IggyAlchemie: we're still drawing them up, as we need a few more figures for the actual numbers
  640. [21:52] <SpringHope> And if the rooms are not co-ed we can handle it too.
  641. [21:53] <!SuperSonik> Obsidian-Winter: idk about co-ed
  642. [21:53] <BleedingRaindrops> >Rooms not being coed
  643. [21:53] <Sunstone> No idea, Obsidian-Winter. It'll probably be left up to the roommates.
  644. [21:53] <!SuperSonik> thats one of the things we have to discuss
  645. [21:53] <BleedingRaindrops> What is this? college?
  646. [21:53] <IggyAlchemie> I can stay with all dudes. I don't care. as long as people don't mind me changing in front of them.
  647. [21:53] <DudeBro> Rules? pffffft lol. I'm ready to break all of them
  648. [21:53] <IggyAlchemie> I'm a model I have no shame, I just change anywhere
  649. [21:53] <Obsidian-Winter> Well, I'm bi so I can do either or. lol
  650. [21:53] <SpringHope> I did theatre. Same here. XD
  651. [21:53] <Obsidian-Winter> No but seriously, I'm cool with whatever
  652. [21:53] <Zeta> I don't think we need co-ed
  653. [21:53] <Zeta> errrr
  654. [21:53] <BleedingRaindrops> I'm cool with everything. Seriously, I roomed with a gay dude who had a crush on me. Awkward doesn't exist.
  655. [21:53] <Zeta> non-co-ed
  656. [21:54] <ProfitMargin> DudeBro I like the cut of your jib
  657. [21:54] <DudeBro> I demand my own personal room presidential suite with full; stocked bar
  658. [21:54] <Obsidian-Winter> THough I do highly suggest Male and Female only rooms when possible.
  659. [21:54] <IggyAlchemie> there aren't nearly as many females as males on staff it seems
  660. [21:54] <!SuperSonik> DudeBro: veto
  661. [21:54] <!SuperSonik> Obsidian-Winter: agreed
  662. [21:54] <Zeta> plus like what Iggy said
  663. [21:54] <DudeBro> SuperSonik: Okay, you and me can share it =D
  664. [21:54] <SpringHope> All the men folk can stay with me. ;)
  665. [21:54] <!SuperSonik> IggyAlchemie: but there might be a multiple of the number of people we put to a room
  666. [21:54] <SpringHope> JK LOL
  667. [21:54] <Zeta> The ratio of male to female would make it hard to seperate
  668. [21:54] <IggyAlchemie> and a room full of girls is scary
  669. [21:54] <DudeBro> ^
  670. [21:54] <Obsidian-Winter> If for no other reason, Comfort...I mean who wants to take a shower knowing some creepy dude is outside the door.....waiting.....<.<
  671. [21:54] <!SuperSonik> ^
  672. [21:54] <Zeta> ^
  673. [21:54] <DudeBro> ^
  674. [21:55] <!SuperSonik> that's why i got my own room :D
  675. [21:55] <IggyAlchemie> I do
  676. [21:55] <IggyAlchemie> I want to do that
  677. [21:55] <ProfitMargin> And that's why I put cameras in Soniks bathroom
  678. [21:55] <Zeta> Hey anyone wanna take a shower with me to save water :V
  679. [21:55] <Zeta> ?
  680. [21:55] <SpringHope> Will roommates be assigned or chosen? That will get rid of the creepy dude problem. XD
  681. [21:55] <DudeBro> Group showers = save the planet
  682. [21:55] <!SuperSonik> ProfitMargin: :P stop clopping to me
  683. [21:55] <BleedingRaindrops> This chat. I can't stop laughing
  684. [21:55] <!SuperSonik> Zeta: good start
  685. [21:55] <!SuperSonik> SpringHope: assigned
  686. [21:55] <IggyAlchemie> there is no creepy dude problem
  687. [21:55] <Penny> SpringHope ! ill share a room with u :)
  688. [21:55] <Obsidian-Winter> I disagree...
  689. [21:55] <ProfitMargin> SuperSonik: I can't help it, it's a sickness
  690. [21:55] <DudeBro> I say we all share one bed too. Bronycon Programming Orgy
  691. [21:56] <!SuperSonik> ProfitMargin: more like a blessing
  692. [21:56] <BleedingRaindrops> ^
  693. [21:56] <SpringHope> Ahh. Well then you might be assgned to some creepy dudes. XD
  694. [21:56] <IggyAlchemie> get along with all the other staffers
  695. [21:56] <ProfitMargin> Yeah I can be pretty creepy
  696. [21:56] <Obsidian-Winter> I think we should be able to choose our roomates if we want. I mean as long as they are same sex
  697. [21:56] <!SuperSonik> Obsidian-Winter: we'll likely allow requests
  698. [21:56] <Sunstone> And accept tips.
  699. [21:56] <DudeBro> I request a room with Haybuck for ass play purposes
  700. [21:56] <!SuperSonik> but if like 8 people request to be with each other
  701. [21:56] <!SuperSonik> you know
  702. [21:56] <Penny> can i dorm with spring :D
  703. [21:56] <!SuperSonik> when we send out the request sheets, request then
  704. [21:56] <!SuperSonik> :P
  705. [21:56] <Zeta> I probably wont be doing very much sleeping
  706. [21:57] <DudeBro> ^
  707. [21:57] <Penny> okieeeeee
  708. [21:57] <Obsidian-Winter> Me either.
  709. [21:57] <Zeta> so the room will mainly be used for power naps and changing
  710. [21:57] <SpringHope> Okay! :D
  711. [21:57] <DudeBro> Too much drinking and working for sleep
  712. [21:57] <BleedingRaindrops> >sleeping at bronycon
  713. [21:57] <BleedingRaindrops> PPPFFFTT
  714. [21:57] <IggyAlchemie> just to note, I would greatly prefer not being in a room full of females
  715. [21:57] <DudeBro> what's a female?
  716. [21:57] <BleedingRaindrops> ^
  717. [21:57] <BleedingRaindrops> XD
  718. [21:57] <DudeBro> I know bitches =D
  719. [21:57] <DudeBro> but I dont know females
  720. [21:57] <Obsidian-Winter> I would request to stay with spring if for no other reason, more time to discuss panels and stuff even if we are kinda taking a break.
  721. [21:57] <IggyAlchemie> I'm a total dude.
  722. [21:57] <DudeBro> gay
  723. [21:57] <fletch> So what are the partying policies for staff? besides not getting shit faced.
  724. [21:58] <SpringHope> Everyone wants the V. (Kidding)
  725. [21:58] <Sunstone> Sober on the clock.
  726. [21:58] <IggyAlchemie> dudebro you are so gay for me
  727. [21:58] <BleedingRaindrops> Party? Did somepony say party?
  728. [21:58] <DudeBro> Fletch: Despite what they tell you, there are none.
  729. [21:58] <ProfitMargin> I will be opening up my room to anyone who needs a place to crash. Just bring booze
  730. [21:58] <fletch> *fires party cannon*
  731. [21:58] <Zeta> Sexy party?
  732. [21:58] <DudeBro> IggyAlchemie: I want your dick in my but
  733. [21:58] <Sunstone> PARTY CANNONS ARE FORBIDDEN
  734. [21:58] <!SuperSonik> fletch: we'll have room parties in other rooms, don't let anyone see you drunk on the con premises (not including hotel)
  735. [21:58] <BleedingRaindrops>
  736. [21:58] <Obsidian-Winter> Dudebro is such a charmer...I'm guessing your alone in life, huh?
  737. [21:58] <!SuperSonik> no parties in staff rooms
  738. [21:58] <fletch> Dudebro: I dunno, I know some guys
  739. [21:58] <Obsidian-Winter> WHAT? No party canons...?
  740. [21:58] <!SuperSonik> we have room party rooms so dont worry
  741. [21:58] <Obsidian-Winter> *Cries*
  742. [21:58] <Sunstone> Sleep only, final destination.
  743. [21:59] <Sunstone> Need to follow us on Twitter, Obsidian-Winter.
  744. [21:59] <fletch> SuperSonik: Gotcha, no problem with that. ^^
  745. [21:59] <cobaltu> I've got a friend bringing a Bass Cannon
  746. [21:59] <!SuperSonik> sleep only, 3 hours, no snooze button, final destination
  747. [21:59] <cobaltu> Is that verboten
  748. [21:59] <Obsidian-Winter> Sleep? At a Con?
  749. [21:59] <DudeBro> Obsidian: Surprisingly I was in a relationship for 6 years. Then she started hard drugs and I love my money more than her.
  750. [21:59] <Obsidian-Winter> What madness is this?
  751. [21:59] <IggyAlchemie> So supersonik, sunstone do we have a rule book for staff about housing and stuff
  752. [21:59] <Sunstone> Not yet.
  753. [21:59] <!SuperSonik> IggyAlchemie: not yet
  754. [21:59] <Obsidian-Winter> I was joking Dudebro
  755. [21:59] <Sunstone> Still working on the details.
  756. [21:59] <DudeBro> Fletch: You get the guys, I'll get the lube
  757. [22:00] <IggyAlchemie> lets make one~
  758. [22:00] <DudeBro> Obs: I wasn't =(
  759. [22:00] <!SuperSonik> its not up to us, it's the council making it for the entire con staff
  760. [22:00] <IggyAlchemie> ohhh
  761. [22:00] <!SuperSonik> don't forget there's a whole #bronycon-staff out there :D
  762. [22:00] <BleedingRaindrops> Ping me when we get back to serious
  763. [22:00] * BleedingRaindrops is afk
  764. [22:00] <fletch> Dudebro: Oh Celestia, I can see this going south fast...
  765. [22:01] <DudeBro> Fletch: It better go south. That's where my penis is
  766. [22:01] <!SuperSonik> welp
  767. [22:01] <cobaltu> Where are we on the department size scale, relatively
  768. [22:01] <!SuperSonik> cobaltu: same size ish as AV
  769. [22:01] <!SuperSonik> smaller than security
  770. [22:01] <DudeBro> Real Talk: Never seen -Programming this active before. It;s nice.
  771. [22:02] <ProfitMargin> Quality wise though I think programming is in the lead
  772. [22:02] <fletch> Dudebro: XD We gonna have a blast, bro
  773. [22:02] <Sunstone> It's a meeting. It's supposed to be active. -_-
  774. [22:02] <cobaltu> Oh yeah, this is a real meeting of the minds
  775. [22:02] <IggyAlchemie> how many do we have in programming now?
  776. [22:02] <Penny> hey so thanks again for the advice and help, if its ok i go now?
  777. [22:02] <!SuperSonik> ProfitMargin: we're really the only large dept with pre-con work :3
  778. [22:02] <DudeBro> Fletch: So much blasting! From the window to the wall. Til the sweat drip from mah balls
  779. [22:02] <Sunstone> Around 24.
  780. [22:02] <!SuperSonik> Penny: yup
  781. [22:02] <DudeBro> Penny: RUn! Run now!
  782. [22:02] <Penny> lol
  783. [22:03] <Penny> thanksss bye guys :D
  784. [22:03] <Obsidian-Winter> That is so gross Dudebro
  785. [22:03] <ProfitMargin> SuperSonik: Why do you think I applied for this? Waiting is boring
  786. [22:03] <DudeBro> It's not gross if it's a song!
  787. [22:03] <IggyAlchemie> only 24? that seems small but the con is a long ways off
  788. [22:03] <!SuperSonik> :3
  789. [22:03] == Penny [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  790. [22:03] <Sunstone> We're aiming for 35.
  791. [22:03] <!SuperSonik> we're still hiring
  792. [22:03] <fletch> Dudebro: Everywhere!
  793. [22:03] <!SuperSonik> so if you guys wanna tell your friends etc
  794. [22:03] <Sunstone> Ask your friends and neighbors!
  795. [22:03] <!SuperSonik> just have em fill out the app
  796. [22:03] <Sunstone> And we'll take a look.
  797. [22:04] <!SuperSonik> if they're good, we'll hire em
  798. [22:04] <Sunstone> After the very unfun test.
  799. [22:04] <DudeBro> Fletch, Obsidian-Winter:
  800. [22:04] <ProfitMargin> What if they are not good but full of swag?
  801. [22:04] <Sunstone> Das Boot.
  802. [22:05] <Sunstone> I send them a link encouraging them to apply to BACP.
  803. [22:05] <Sunstone> *BAPC
  804. [22:05] <!SuperSonik> ::I
  805. [22:05] <Obsidian-Winter> The last thing we want is too allow our standards to drop just to fill ranks.
  806. [22:05] <DudeBro> Don't apply for BAP
  807. [22:05] <DudeBro> I work for BAP. Don't apply for BAP
  808. [22:05] <Obsidian-Winter> Better to have a dozen good ponies then 50 bad ones.
  809. [22:05] <Sunstone> Yep.
  810. [22:05] <Sunstone> Our herd is strong.
  811. [22:06] <!SuperSonik> brb
  812. [22:06] <fletch> Dudebro: That is pretty funny
  813. [22:06] <Obsidian-Winter> It gots an Alicorn...wingless...but one all the same. :-)
  814. [22:06] <DudeBro> back, back, back it up, stop, wiggle with it, yeeaaahhh
  815. [22:06] <Sunstone> (Also, I'm joking about asking them to apply at BAPC. People already can't seem to tell us apart, don't need to encourage that any.)
  816. [22:07] <DudeBro> Fuck BAP
  817. [22:07] <ProfitMargin> Obsidian doesn't that make it a unicorn with bleeding back stumps?
  818. [22:07] == Notorious_BIG_Mac [] has joined #bronycon-programming
  819. [22:07] <Obsidian-Winter> They grow back..little know Wing fact.
  820. [22:08] <DudeBro> Alicorn OC! Red and Black Only! No Items! Final Destination!
  821. [22:08] <Obsidian-Winter> /facepalm...Red and Black..........
  822. [22:08] <ProfitMargin> Obsidian, ill get the hedge clippers
  823. [22:08] <DudeBro> fuck it, I quit. Again.
  824. [22:09] <Sunstone> The minutes have been added to Trello in the "Staff Resources" directory.
  825. [22:09] <IggyAlchemie> what are the minutes exactly?
  826. [22:10] <Notorious_BIG_Mac> shit, sorry guys, got caught up in what I was doing
  827. [22:10] <Notorious_BIG_Mac> lost track of time
  828. [22:10] <Obsidian-Winter> Its a list of notes from the meeting
  829. [22:10] <Zeta> IggyAlchemie: in staff resources
  830. [22:10] <Obsidian-Winter> Everything important that was discussed
  831. [22:10] <IggyAlchemie> oh , so it's notes sort of?
  832. [22:11] <Obsidian-Winter> Yes
  833. [22:11] <FIReNVY> Not sure why I didn't notice, but I'm not listed as attending this meeting
  834. [22:11] <Obsidian-Winter> If you want to go back and look at something that was discussed, you can check the notes.
  835. [22:11] <Sunstone> You didn't chime in earlier during the roll call.
  836. [22:11] <Zeta> omg FIReNVY you're here
  837. [22:11] <IggyAlchemie> oh nice. thanks for clearing that up for me
  838. [22:11] <Sunstone> I'll add you in.
  839. [22:11] <Obsidian-Winter> Np
  840. [22:11] <FIReNVY> I've been here
  841. [22:11] <Obsidian-Winter> Always happy to help
  842. [22:11] <FIReNVY> just quiet
  843. [22:12] <Obsidian-Winter> Well, time to go back reading about Nyx. Excuse me
  844. [22:12] <FIReNVY> I was one of the first ones here
  845. [22:12] <IggyAlchemie> everyone get on the programming skype!
  846. [22:12] <cobaltu> Let me get this straight, FIReNVY, did you start the fire?
  847. [22:13] <Obsidian-Winter> Well...I know WE didn't start the fire.....It was always burnin since the worlds been turnin'
  848. [22:13] <cobaltu> ^
  849. [22:13] <FIReNVY> I wasn't at BronyCon on Sunday
  850. [22:13] <FIReNVY> lol
  851. [22:13] <Zeta> Exactly
  852. [22:14] <Zeta> you had already lit us up the bomb
  853. [22:14] <FIReNVY> are you referring to the burlesque thing?
  854. [22:14] <Zeta> set*
  855. [22:14] <Sunstone> We didn't start it but we tried to fight it
  856. [22:14] <FIReNVY> cuz I didn't leak anything. my bf had the idea to do a burlesque panel, so I told him to apply
  857. [22:15] <FIReNVY> after that, I was no longer involved
  858. [22:15] <cobaltu> Sorry, I wasn't accusing, just referencing a song.
  859. [22:16] <FIReNVY> yeah, like earlier
  860. [22:16] <FIReNVY> this is why I was silent
  861. [22:16] <IggyAlchemie> I initially thought it was the burlesque troop that was approved just telling people about their show
  862. [22:17] <cobaltu> FIReNVY: what can I do to make you loud and boistrous
  863. [22:18] <ProfitMargin> Hug I have to be to work in ten minutes ..... I should probably go
  864. [22:18] <FIReNVY> large amounts of alcohol
  865. [22:18] <FIReNVY> lol
  866. [22:19] <IggyAlchemie> we can get that spegetti chat on if anyone wants to
  867. [22:19] <!SuperSonik> back
  868. [22:19] <cobaltu> What's your poison?
  869. [22:19] <FIReNVY> tempting, but not tonight, Iggy
  870. [22:19] <Sunstone> Later, ProfitMargin.
  871. [22:20] <FIReNVY> beer, rum, or whiskey based drinks
  872. [22:20] <ProfitMargin> So long programming!
  873. [22:20] <FIReNVY> =)
  874. [22:20] <cobaltu> So long ProfitMargin
  875. [22:20] <IggyAlchemie> night profit
  876. [22:20] <DudeBro> what the fuck is Fireenvy doing here?
  877. [22:21] <cobaltu> That reminds me, can anyone recommend a value Scotch that doesn't taste like ass
  878. [22:21] <FIReNVY> -_[\
  879. [22:21] <IggyAlchemie> what are you doing here?
  880. [22:21] <DudeBro> Good question, I thought I quit
  881. [22:21] <IggyAlchemie> dudebro
  882. [22:21] <DudeBro> yo
  883. [22:21] <IggyAlchemie> who makes up shit about me on facebook.
  884. [22:21] <DudeBro> yup! =D
  885. [22:22] <IggyAlchemie> Well since I'm a Bronycon virgin we can put me up for auction
  886. [22:22] <DudeBro> Start the bidding at fiddy dollahs!
  887. [22:22] <IggyAlchemie> or we can auction off a date with me~
  888. [22:23] <FIReNVY> fiddy-free fiddy!
  889. [22:23] <IggyAlchemie> or a skype chat if you're really lame
  890. [22:23] <DudeBro> Some people are too spaghetti for real dates and can only do skype
  891. [22:23] <FIReNVY> I already have a bf
  892. [22:24] <DudeBro> We know
  893. [22:24] <DudeBro> and CloudCOn sux
  894. [22:24] <FIReNVY> ...but we're pretty open as long as we both get some..
  895. [22:24] <DudeBro> CloudCOn Orgy at Mode's!
  896. [22:24] <FIReNVY> CloudCon is gonna be looking pretty good, soon...
  897. [22:24] <FIReNVY> damnit
  898. [22:24] <FIReNVY> you found out
  899. [22:25] <DudeBro> I found out EVERYTHING
  900. [22:25] <FIReNVY> Ladies and Gentlemen, DudeBro!
  901. [22:25] <IggyAlchemie> I'm not a dude just so everyone knows. I know Iggy is a guy name and I act like a dude
  902. [22:26] <DudeBro> You have a giant dick tho
  903. [22:26] <Sunstone> But the "ie" makes it feminine.
  904. [22:26] <DudeBro> I've seen pics
  905. [22:26] <FIReNVY> I've seen vids
  906. [22:26] <DudeBro> dude! link!
  907. [22:26] <cobaltu> I'm confuse
  908. [22:26] == ProfitMargin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 360 seconds]
  909. [22:27] <IggyAlchemie> I've seen pics of myself too. sometimes I do look like a boy
  910. [22:28] <DudeBro> Oh yeah, you model. There are pics of you on the internet
  911. [22:29] <IggyAlchemie> yup. all over the interwebs.
  912. [22:30] <IggyAlchemie> I don't know if this is a bad thing to say but....
  913. [22:30] <SpringHope> Good night guys. I have to go shower and be clean for tomorrow. D:
  914. [22:31] <Sunstone> Good night!
  915. [22:31] <IggyAlchemie> good night spring
  916. [22:31] == SpringHope [webchat@10eff834.f4f1334.1f06bfc3.263fce7aX] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  917. [22:31] == Obsidian-Winter [] has quit [Ping timeout: 361 seconds]
  918. [22:31] <IggyAlchemie> so I was saying
  919. [22:32] <fletch> Well Im going, see ya guys
  920. [22:32] <Sunstone> Later.
  921. [22:33] == fletch [] has left #bronycon-programming []
  922. [22:33] <FIReNVY> me, too
  923. [22:33] <IggyAlchemie> I kind of hope I don't get housed with penny. I mean I don't know her, just her presence in meetings. I feel bad but something makes me feel like she might be annoying.
  924. [22:33] <FIReNVY> deuces
  925. [22:33] == FIReNVY [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  926. [22:34] <BleedingRaindrops> So, I didn't miss anything important, right?
  927. [22:34] <IggyAlchemie> or anyone who is super against co-ed housing I would feel weird housing with
  928. [22:35] <IggyAlchemie> because we are all adults it's not like summer camp or anything....
  929. [22:36] <IggyAlchemie> maybe it's just the way I feel about it, who knows
  930. [22:36] <Notorious_BIG_Mac> as long as there's a desk to sleep under I'm good
  931. [22:36] <DudeBro>
  932. [22:36] <DudeBro> Yo, Biggie, you can sleep under my desk
  933. [22:36] <DudeBro> and by desk I mean penis
  934. [22:37] <Notorious_BIG_Mac> word
  935. [22:40] <IggyAlchemie> I really want to know more about housing. I'm just anxious about it
  936. [22:41] <IggyAlchemie> like I want to know for sure where I am staying, how long I will be housed, if I have to pay anything(cuz maryland does not take my food stamps)
  937. [22:41] <DudeBro> There's some rooms and some beds. We play one massive game of musical chairs to decide who gets a bed and who gets the floor
  938. [22:41] <IggyAlchemie> but is housing 100% for all staff?
  939. [22:42] <IggyAlchemie> is it certain that we will get housing and not have to pay for it?
  940. [22:42] <DudeBro> Yes
  941. [22:43] <IggyAlchemie> does anyone know what dates the staff housing is going to cover
  942. [22:43] <DudeBro> I belive it's wednesday to monday
  943. [22:44] <IggyAlchemie> that would be good
  944. [22:44] <DudeBro> Wednesday is basically meet everyone and begining training. Thursday is set up time and serious meeting time, and then Fri-Sun is the con with Monday as a "Holy fuck we did it" day
  945. [22:45] <Notorious_BIG_Mac> aka clean up
  946. [22:45] <DudeBro> I ain't cleaning up shit
  947. [22:45] <Sunstone> Clean up will happen Sunday night.
  948. [22:45] <Sunstone> We have to be out by 00:00 Monday.
  949. [22:45] <DudeBro> a/v set it up a/v can tear it all down
  950. [22:45] <Notorious_BIG_Mac> works for me
  951. [22:45] <IggyAlchemie> sunstone do you know about staff housing yet?
  952. [22:46] <Sunstone> Nothing that wasn't mentioned earlier.
  953. [22:46] <IggyAlchemie> Dudebro: that's what gopher are for
  954. [22:46] <IggyAlchemie> dang
  955. [22:46] <Sunstone> 4-6 people per room, Wed-Mon.
  956. [22:46] <DudeBro> Nah, gophers are only fot at con stuff. They are "Problem Solvers"
  957. [22:47] <IggyAlchemie> oh so it is wed-mon for sure??
  958. [22:47] <DudeBro> You doubted me!?
  959. [22:47] <IggyAlchemie> I thought gophers were like personal slaves
  960. [22:47] <Sunstone> Staff will be lodged in different hotels, but we're aiming on keeping Programming in the Hilton. :3
  961. [22:47] <IggyAlchemie> that would be cool
  962. [22:49] <DudeBro> We have to be near the con
  963. [22:49] <Sunstone> Dates are still being finalized. But we're only expecting you to be in Baltimore during the days were you're receiving a hotel room.
  964. [22:49] <DudeBro> I'm gunna be there forever!
  965. [22:49] <cobaltu> Sunstone: I saw your Trello comment about ending the panel with "and that's how Equestria was made"
  966. [22:49] <Sunstone> Yes? And.
  967. [22:49] <cobaltu> If it doesn't end that way now I'll be sad
  968. [22:50] <cobaltu> It's in my head cannon for this panel
  969. [22:50] <DudeBro> Yo, so I nabbed 2 panels from the big submissions list. Can I just ahve them for realsies now?
  970. [22:50] <Sunstone> I think it works wonderfully.
  971. [22:50] <IggyAlchemie> which ones dudebro?
  972. [22:50] <Sunstone> Not yet, SuperSonik and I have to give it careful consideration first.
  973. [22:51] <DudeBro> That's dumb
  974. [22:55] == cobaltu [] has left #bronycon-programming []
  975. [23:03] == Zeta [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  976. [23:04] <IggyAlchemie> I just noticed that not everyone has their info filled out in the staff directory. is that normal? or maybe they're new
  977. [23:06] <!SuperSonik> which ones?
  978. [23:11] <IggyAlchemie> i think the one I noticed was Rina
  979. [23:22] == ProfitMargin [~colloquyu@112cbe95.1b5b45e4.3065b4fc.ec7593aX] has joined #bronycon-programming
  980. [23:26] <ProfitMargin> Made it to work with a minute to spare and a minimum of traffic laws broken. Wooo!
  981. [23:28] <!SuperSonik> \o/
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