
Alola Girls 13 (BBW, WG)

May 2nd, 2020
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  1. Chapter 13
  3. It was precisely 6:30 when Zinnia pulled up to the “Heart of the Sea” hotel where Dawn was staying. He immediately picked her out, she had a much more casual outfit on, a white hat with a Poke Ball insignia on it. Her low cut top was black and seemingly blended into her extremely short skirt. She also had a bag with straps hanging from her right shoulder.
  5. Zinnia smiled. “She’s cute. A little too desperate to me though.”
  7. The SUV pulled up directly next to where Dawn was waiting. Jack then leaned over and pressed the door open. Dawn noticed, but didn’t seem called to move.
  9. “Dawn, right here!” Jack called to her.
  11. Dawn smiled and finally made her way to the open door, handling it like it was a dirty diaper. She got in slowly, trying to be graceful.
  13. “Long time no see, Dawn.” Jack said.
  15. “Good evening Mr. Cobal.” Dawn replied, almost trying to correct him.
  17. “This is one of my bodyguards, Zinnia.” He said, motioning to the seat in front of him.
  19. Dawn looked over and smiled lightly at Zinnia but re-directed her focus on Jack immediately. “Jack, your name, is it a nickname for James?”
  21. “Yes it is actually.”
  23. “Why do you go by that name? It sounds childish and informal. Maybe you’ve just grown used to it, but I think the trappings of your old life should be shed like a Pokemon’s winter coat.” Dawn stated.
  25. “Yeah I’m definitely used to it.” Jack said uncomfortably.
  27. “James is a proper name for a man of your status and wealth, wouldn’t you agree?” Dawn asked.
  29. Jack glared at Dawn and didn’t speak a word. Letting Dawn’s words hang in the air.
  31. “Well, maybe he just, likes the name, y’know?” Zinnia piped up.
  33. A look of shock crossed Dawn’s face and she turned to Zinnia. “No one asked you, bodyguard.”
  35. Jack’s jaw dropped at the showing of elitism. He then realized she’d hardly acknowledged the server at the restaurant at all. “The snobby bitch.” He thought to himself.
  37. “It’s as Zinnia says, I like the name Jack and I don’t see a need to change it. Do you think I’m so head over heels for you I’d do anything at your whim?”
  39. “Well, I thought you could be far more than an alcoholic check collector. But I guess I was wrong.” Dawn defended.
  41. “Yeah, turns out one batting of your eyelashes won’t get you my fortune. Must be a first for you.”
  42. Dawn scoffed. “Driver, I’d like to be taken back to my hotel.”
  44. Zinnia laughed. “I’m a person who has a name, you pompous bitch.”
  46. Dawn gasped. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing!” She exclaimed.
  48. “Ms. Berlitz, you can leave now.” Jack said. The car came to a stop at a curb as if on cue. “When your family declares bankruptcy and you need a way home, I’ll buy your plane ticket.”
  50. Dawn bit her lip and turned her head away. She pushed the SUV door, but it didn’t open. She gave the door another shove, apparently clueless about how to actually open a car door from the inside herself.
  52. Zinnia burst into laughter.
  54. “Shut up you fat peasant!” Dawn growled. She finally found the handle and opened the door and bolting without closing the door.
  56. Jack and Zinnia both shared a laugh.
  58. “She can’t even open a car door! What a spoiled bitch!” Zinnia cried out before taking up her laughing fit again.
  59. Jack’s heart rate returned to normal as the tension left the car, and he realized his phone was ringing. “Getting a call.” He said aloud, signaling Zinnia to be quiet.
  61. Jack nearly gasped when he saw the contact who was calling him: May Maple.
  63. “This is Jack, wassup?”
  65. “Jack! Thanks for picking up... I need some help. I’m in kind of an awkward spot right now. I just missed the bus out of Iki Town and I’m stuck.” May explained.
  67. “Oh, why do you have to leave?” He asked. She wasn’t supposed to leave for another few months, according to her apprenticeship agreement with Hala.
  69. “Some issues came up and I don’t have a place to stay...”
  71. Jack let the pause sit for a few seconds. May didn’t budge though. “So you’re in Iki Town?”
  73. “Yeah...”
  75. “I’m at the waterfront in Hau’Oli, but I’ll come over and pick you up. You need a ride to the airport or something?”
  77. “Uh... maybe. Actually, could I stay over for a night or two? You have some extra rooms, right?”
  79. “Yes I do.” Jack said. “Heck, maybe you can even give me some training tips. I’ve been getting back into it lately.”
  81. “Sounds great. Could you call me when you’re close? I’m at the bus station.”
  83. “Will do.”
  85. Jack hung up and explained the change of plans to Zinnia, then called Hilda about what happened with Dawn. It took almost an hour since there was a decent amount of traffic getting out of Hau’Oli, but eventually they pulled up to the bus station drop-off area.
  87. And then he saw May.
  89. His theory about touching Lillie had basically been proven, but he remembered May had touched Lillie when they hugged upon leaving. He could hardly believe his eyes. May Maple, the bombshell of the Hoenn Academy, had gotten quite stout since the last time he’d seen her, barely six weeks ago.
  91. Her face had rounded, her hourglass body had gotten more exaggerasted, and her mountainous breasts had grown even more. Her clothing was far too small for her, she looked to be in complete denial about her growth. Her hips had widened and her legs grown fleshier. She looked to be 190 pounds if Jack had to guess. His erection became immediately apparent.
  93. “Holy shit!” Zinnia said, as May noticed the sout young woman walking to the car. “Good luck boss, I wanna suck on those titties as much as you do.” She said, finishing right before the door opened. May had her suitcase.
  95. “Jack, I’m so thankful...” She said. “Should I put this in the trunk?”
  97. “Yeah.” Jack replied.
  99. A few minutes later they were on their way back to his property.
  101. “Just curious, is anyone else hungry?” May asked, mainly looking at Zinnia.
  103. “A bit.” Jack said. “But lets wait until we get back to my place. Someone was going to come over tonight for dinner but they had to cancel.” Jack said, hoping Zinnia would catch his hint about Dawn. “My chef will have something for us when we get there if you can wait that long.”
  105. May shrugged. “Maybe... I’m just really hungry. I don’t know what it is lately.”
  107. Jack noticed May’s paunch was hanging out from underneath her shirt. “So May, gonna stay in Alola much longer?”
  109. May shook her head. “I hope not too long. Living in paradise has gotten me so lazy.” She said.
  111. “Have you thought about maybe doing something here in the Alolan league?” Jack asked.
  113. “Oh, that’s an idea...” She said, tasking up the thought.
  115. “And I’m always looking for skilled trainers like yourself. Maybe I could sponsor you, then you could come be one of my bodyguards.” Jack offered. “I pay pretty well.”
  117. Zinnia laughed. “Yes he does.”
  119. May turned to him, a bit more seriously. “How much?”
  121. “We provide housing, 70K a year with a 10K bonus every year for an NDA. Plus full benefits.”
  123. May’s eyebrows rose. “That’s... that could work. What’s the work schedule?”
  125. “Not 100% sure how adding another bodyguard into the mix will be, but Hilda mentioned we’d have one primary bodyguard per day, rotating between whoever the third would be, Zinnia here, and Misty. Any outings may put you on for a couple hours on an off day, but those would be scheduled well in advance.” He explained.
  127. “So I’d be responsible for taking care of you for 5 out of 15 days, and advance notice given on my off days? How intense is the work?”
  129. “It’s extremely easy." Zinnia chimed in. “We collaborate with the Internationa Po-”
  131. “Zinnia-” Jack ordered, interrupting her. “That’s for after the NDA is signed.”
  133. May looked at him oddly, then finally smiled. “80K a year, full benefits, working only ten times a month... I could even do some Alola league stuff on the side, couldn’t I?”
  135. Jack shrugged. “Probably. Would have to check with Hilda for confirmation though. Would prolly jumble your schedule a bit.”
  137. May smiled. “I don’t think I’d mind. I think you have yourself a bodyguard, Jack. Let me sleep on it though.”
  139. Zinnia laughed. “That’s Mr. Cobal to you now, newbie!”
  141. May laughed. “Okay.”
  143. The conversation meandered about, from what Jack had been up to, what Pokemon he was training. But May stayed away from the subject about why she left her Hala apprenticeship.
  145. When the trio arrived, the dining room table was set for just two, so Jack invited May to sit with him while Lillie acted as the server.
  147. “Nice meeting you again, May.” Lillie said, out stretching her hand. May shook it gladly. Hilda then appeared from the kitchen.
  149. “So I hear you got a job offer?” Hilda asked.
  151. May shrugged. “Yeah, I said I wanted to sleep on it.”
  153. “Well, I’d like to do a little interview, and I’ll have a contract you can read through after dinner.” Hilda said.
  155. May smiled, but spoke cautiously. “Thank you. What kind of interview will it be?”
  157. Hilda shook her head. “I guess interview is a bad way of describing it... I suppose a briefing would be a more fitting term. Just want to fill you in on some goings-on here.” Hilda said, then turned to the kitchen. “If there’s any leftover prawns I call dibs!”
  159. “That’s my agent, Hilda.” Jack told May.
  161. “Okay.” May said.
  163. A few minutes later the first course came out, honey-walnut prawns. Last time he took the girls to The Heart of the Sea, the girls went nuts for them so Mallow did whatever she could to re-create the dish. After a couple tries, she’d gotten them down almost perfectly, and had quickly become her most sumptuous appetizer.
  165. May took a big sigh at the sight of the dish. “I’m starving!”
  167. Lillie smiled as she set the dish between Jack and his stout dinner-date. “These prawns are to die for. Mallow can never make enough.”
  169. May took a long inhaled and smiled. “Smells absolutely divine.” She said, grabbing her fork and stabbing a prawn unceremoniously, then guiding it to her mouth quickly. She took one bite and her entire face lit up. “These are amazing!” She said, trying to not sound too loud.
  171. Jack took a bite of one as well and smiled. “Mallow’s an amazing cook. We’re absoultely spoiled here.”
  173. May destroyed the serving of prawns in just a few minutes, stuffing as many prawns as she could as quickly as she could. She ate with complete abandon, not caring about how absurd her mouth full of prawns looked to her soon to be boss. When the dish was over, May burped very loudly. “How often does she make them?”
  175. Jack shrugged. “They’re a bitch to make, and I was supposed to be having dinner with someone else tonight. But she cooks a huge number of other really good dishes, and is always looking to get better.”
  177. “Wow. You’re selling me pretty hard.” She teased, taking her glass of champagne and taking much more than a sip of it to wash her food down. “You must really want me around.”
  179. “I could always use good trainers.” He said. “And being an old classmate of mine certainly helps.
  180. May laughed. “Yeah. You still keep in contact with any of those people from back then?”
  182. Jack shook his head. “I ran into a couple of them after Rustboro, and I’m sure a few of them were in Mauville while I was there. But I never really re-connected.”
  184. “Did you have any friends in Mauville?” May asked.
  186. Jack laughed. “A few, but the trust fund thing kinda freaked me out and made me paranoid. And my guild mates were a lot older than me.”
  188. “That’s so sad.” May said.
  190. “It is what it is. I’m definitely not sad anymore though. It’s almost impossible to be upset here.”
  192. “That’s good.” May said with a grin.
  194. Dinner continued, and May ate with abandon. The only part Jack could remember was smoked salmon, all of the other dishes had names he could hardly even pronounce, let alone remember. Mallow had made large portions like she always did, assuming leftovers went to her. When food was put in front of her, she turned into a pig, eating loudly and without good manners. She ate half a banana cream pie for dessert, and nearly asked for more until Lillie had to admit she’d eaten the other half herself.
  196. “UUUUUUUUURP!!” May burped loudly. “Sorry... Do you eat like that every night? That was wonderful.”
  198. Jack smiled. His dick had made his pants very uncomfortable for the past hour of watching May devour her food. A number of crumbs ended up on her exposed cleveage. “Not quite, but Mallow is an amazing cook.”
  200. “She really is...” May said, patting her belly proudly.
  202. Hilda entered with a soda glass in hand. “Well Ms. May, could I join you for a bit?”
  204. May took a deep breath. “Of...*urp*...course.” She replied.
  206. Hilda took a seat, letting her fleshy rear settle in the seat by wiggling it a bit as she sat down. “I’ve heard you know the compensation package?”
  208. May nodded. “Yeah...” She said, her breathing a bit labored from her aching belly.
  210. “Great. You’d be staying in a staff room on the property here, nothing would be deducted from your salary. You also know the work schedule?”
  212. May nodded. Jack realized her face was quite red, and she had a bad case of the food sweats.
  214. “Now, there’s something I need to tell you about the workplace environment.” Hilda said seriously. “You’ll have to sign some NDA’s, but I think there’s something you should know before you sign... Mr. Cobal, or, Jack as you know him...” Hilda took a deep breath and cleared her throat. “Jack has multiple sexual partners he meets with frequently. Two members of the staff here consider themselves his concubines.”
  216. May’s jaw dropped for a moment, but she quickly recovered. Jack coughed. “Hilda, that's not-”
  218. “Mr. Cobal is very rich, so he’s very heavily desired.” Hilda said, eyeing Jack. “And he definitely has a type.” Hilda said. “And, meaning no offense Ms. Maple, but you’re his type.”
  220. May chuckled. “Well that was blunt. Thank you, by the way.”
  222. Jack’s cheeks were even redder than May’s. “I think things should just be professional, no need to include that last part, Hilda.”
  224. Hilda shook her head. “It’s definitely a concern and something she should know before accepting the offer.” Hilda said. “Jack, you’re not exactly inconspicuous in your admiration for women of the... larger variety.”
  226. May smiled. “Yeah, I’ve definitely gotten bigger, I see your concern. But may I ask something of you, Hilda?”
  228. Hilda shrugged. “Of course.”
  230. “I remember seeing you a couple months back, you were quite skinny then. If you know he’s into big girls, why have you put on so much weight? Are you inter-”
  232. It was Hilda’s turn to go red-faced. “N-Not at all...” She stammered. “I’ve just gotten a little too comfortable and lazy here... And Mallow uses a lot more butter than I’m used to.” She took a swig of soda and appeared to calm down. “I’m Cobal Industries’ watchdog of Jack here. My job parameters forbid me from having any romantic interest in him.”
  234. May smiled. “Fair enough.” She said, sounding like she wasn’t wholly accepting Hilda’s words. “Who are the two staff members he’s involved with? Do they get along?”
  236. Hilda nodded. “They were friends before meeting Jack, and they share him on their off days of being bodyguards.”
  238. May’s eyebrows rose. “The two bodyguards? Our driver Zinnia?” She said, looking at Jack.
  240. Jack shrugged. “Yeah..."
  242. May cleared her throat. “So you just assume I’m going to throw my inhibitions to the wind since my hot, young, billionaire boss is gonna be attracted to me?”
  244. Hilda shrugged. “A bit.”
  246. May then heaved swollen belly up and walked over to Jack’s chair, getting behind him and leaning her enormous boobs over the back of the chair and onto Jack’s head. “Well you’d be right.” She said as she pulled down her shorts and started massaging Jack’s shoulders.
  248. Jack unzipped his slacks, revealing his achingly hard member.
  250. May cooed in delight at the sight of it. “Y’know...” She began, whispering to him. “I’ve always wondered how you’d feel inside me.”
  252. Jack turned around they started making out fiercely. In moments, May was on her back on the dining room table while Jack disrobed. Jack noticed Hilda still sitting at the table, a hand under the table and another groping her own breast, a look of fire in her eyes. He re-focused his attention on May who was already drooling with desire. “That’s new.” Jack thought quickly then re-focused as May lowered her top a bit, freeing her breasts. She unclasped her bra, letting her enormous udders hang freely.
  254. “I’ve never seen such amazing breasts in my life.” Jack said.
  256. May smiled. “I think they need some more appreciation.”
  258. Jack would’ve dive bombed-her if he could, but his face met her swollen, right breasts, tonguing around the nipple, building up May’s anticipation.
  260. “Oh Jack... please... they need you...” May cooed.
  262. “Oh, do they?” Jack said as his body lifted from May’s bountiful breasts.
  264. “Goodness... I need you so bad.” May begged.
  266. Jack’s mouth twisted into a cruel grin. “Say the magic word...”
  268. May moaned in near agony. “Please... please... Daddy.”
  270. Jack nearly dropped his jaw. Only in his wildest dreams had he ever imagined a chubby May Maple would be calling him “daddy,” and knew he wouldn’t be able to hold himself off any longer. He fell on her again, dick searching for her opening as his mouth worked on her erect nipples.
  272. May could hardly control her moans, they grew ever louder, until she cried out when Jack’s cock drove into her for the first time.
  274. “Oh daddy please... give me a baby...” She cried out. A gutteral, almost growl of a moan came from Hilda, who was working on herself across the dining room table.
  276. Jack continued stretching out the gorgeous, buxom-beauty on his dining room table, driving himself deeper with each thrust. The deeper he got the louder May got.
  278. “Oh daddy... I’m gonna cum soon.” May cooed.
  280. “I’m about to make you a mommy.”
  282. “Yes, YES! MAKE ME A MOMMY! GIVE ME A BABY, OH DADDY!” May cried out as she started squeezing her thighs around him, trying to push him even deeper inside her.
  284. Jack could hardly take it anymore. He began to cry out as cum erupted from his cock, shooting deep into May’s frothing loins. He continued to thrust as best he could until May screamed, almost like she was in agony except she kept crying out: “YES MAKE ME A MOMMY AAAAAAH!”
  286. When Jack was finally spent, May looked into his eyes and smiled. “I needed that so bad...” She said. “That was amazing.”
  288. Jack raised his eyebrows playfully. “That was wonderful.”
  290. A voice that wasn’t Hilda or May suddenly broke the moment of intense silence, turning out to be Misty.
  292. “Ooooh, daddy, give me a baby too.” Misty said with a laugh. Zinnia cackled behind Misty.
  294. “Boss, that was really fucking hot. Well done. Lillie was so red the whole time. Wait Hilda-”
  296. Hilda coughed suddenly, trying to get her shirt covering her breast. “Wha?” She said in shock.
  298. Zinnia laughed. “You must enjoy watching us from the cameras, don’t you?”
  300. Hilda’s face somehow got redder. “Uh...”
  302. Misty folded her arms. “C’mon, admit it.”
  304. Hilda looked down shamefully. “Yeah.”
  306. Zinnia waddled up next to Hilda and patted her on the back. “We got a voyeur here!” She announced. Hilda nodded silently.
  308. Jack was still on top of May, who suddenly swung her hips, bringing Jack back to her attention. “Got anymore for me, daddy?” May cooed.
  310. Jack smiled, his dick livened back as much as it could, but Jack didn’t think it’d be enough just yet. He needed a bit of time. “In a little bit. That was a pretty intense nut.”
  312. May smiled proudly. “Yes it was.” She said, as Jack removed himself from May’s legs. “You have a hot tub here, right?”
  314. “Oh yeah.” Zinnia said. “You can use it, on one condition though.” She said, a bit seriously.
  316. “Oh, what is it?” May asked, a bit of concern in her voice.
  318. Zinnia smiled wickedly. “Misty and I get to join.”
  320. May turned to Jack with a grin just as wicked as Zinnia’s. “Fuck yeah.”
  322. “I’m gonna get Jack some fruit. And some wine for everyone.” Misty chimed in, going back into the kitchen.
  324. Jack practically chugged two glasses of wine, went to the deck and disrobed, entering the hot tub. A few minutes later, Hilda appeared in a skimpy bathing suit that barely fit.
  326. “Joining the party?” Jack asked.
  328. Hilda shook her head. “Misty said I could watch if... get you all wine when you want.”
  330. Jack smiled. “Hilda, how long have you been watching me and the girls?”
  332. Hilda looked down, ashamed. “Since the first few days.”
  334. “And you never wanted to join?”
  336. “I can’t, boss.” Hilda said, a bit more anguish than Jack expected in her voice.
  338. “Fair enough.”
  340. Then Misty appeared at door, her near 350 pound physique blocking most of the light behind her. She slid it open and walked, letting her whole jiggly body bounce as she waddled to the hot tub seductively, getting in slowly and taking her place to his right shoulder and nibbling on his ear a bit.
  342. “Nice night for an orgy, isn’t it, Jack?” Misty cooed in his ear.
  344. Jack extended one arm to caress Misty’s gut. “It always is.”
  346. Then Zinnia and her near 300 pound frame took the same position as Misty’s did behind the door, she slid it open, then waddled to the hot tub and stepped in, taking her place next to Jack left shoulder. “Hey there... Daddy.” Zinnia cooed planting a smooch and putting her hand on his erection.
  348. Then the much slimmer May appeared. May did as her predecessors did and walked over, letting her massive, exposed breasts bounce with step as she entered the hot tub. May let her body take in the glorious warmth and she moaned aloud, then stepped over to get started with Jack, but the two women on both sides of him put their hands out to stop May from advancing.
  350. “Hey, wha-”
  352. Zinnia cleared her throat, and Misty began to speak. “May Maple, before we begin, you must agree to a number of things.”
  354. “Oh?”
  356. “First, May Maple, do you wish to join the harem of Jack Cobal?”
  358. May smiled. “I do.”
  360. “Do you agree to share him with your sisters in this harem, and any other women Jack desires?”
  362. “I do.” May said.
  364. “And finally,For as long as you are a part of this harem, do you agree to support, help, and be available for your sisters and Jack?”
  366. “I do.” May said.
  368. “Good.” Misty said, then turned to Jack.
  370. “And Jack Cobal, do you wish for May Maple to join your harem?”
  372. Jack nodded. “Fuck yeah.”
  374. “Do you promise to satisy and please every member of your harem to the best of your ability?”
  376. “I do.”
  378. “Do you agree to support, provide for, and protect every member of your harem and the numerous offspring potentially produced by it?”
  380. “I do.”
  382. Zinnia and Misty both cheered and put their arms on May’s shoulders, guiding her onto Jack’s
  383. lap, May quickly found Jack’s cock and impaled herself on it, followed by a shriek of pleasure.
  385. Jack couldn’t believe it, May Maple had gotten chubby and was riding him, and cooing about how good his dick was. Misty and Zinnia had taken it upon themselves to start sucking May’s enormous tits. Water splashed furiously around the foursome, and when May wasn’t yelping in uncontainable glee, he could hear Hilda moaning as she continued pleasuring herself even more.
  387. May was pushing her whole body into him so fiercely his back was actually starting to hurt. Having ejaculated quite recently, Jack’s stamina held firm no matter how incredible the situation felt. May’s moans grew ever louder, shrieking as loud as she could.
  389. “OH FUCK YES DADDY! YOU’RE SO BIG JACK, OOOOOOOH!” May screamed. Jack then noticed Misty’s hand sneaking around May’s backside, and suddenly May stopped for a moment as Jack realized Misty had a finger or two in the opposite hole.
  391. Jack saw his opportunity to turn the tables and lurched his crotch upwards. He didn’t realize how much strength he had, since May was forced back, unsupported. In moments, Misty had moved behind May, supporting her as Jack forcefully pumped his manhood into the massively breasted May. Zinnia continued suckling on May’s breast the whole time as May backfloated in the hot tub, kept up on by Zinnia and Misty’s combined efforts.
  393. “Oh Jack I... Jack I’m gonna... gonna CUUUUUUM!” May screamed as she lost control of her body as it spasmed with extreme pleasure. It took nearly half a minute for May to settle down, but she would eventually. She kissed Jack, turning into an impromptu make-out session.
  395. Jack didn’t realize until his session with May was over that Misty and Zinnia had taken it upon themselves to begin making out as well. The two fiddled with each other’s fat.
  397. “Jack, did you cum there?” May asked, rearing to go again.
  399. “Not yet.” Jack said.
  401. May sqeezed him and smiled. “I’ve been so selfish, you should let your other lovers have some. Maybe...” May signaled with her head to Hilda, who was drinking directly from a wine bottle beside her.
  403. Jack nodded and looked over to Hilda. “Hey Hilda, could I get some more wine?”
  405. Hilda was surprised and nearly dropped the bottle. “OH uh... yeah da- I mean boss!”
  407. Jack and May both giggled quietly. Hilda was obviously getting very drunk and very into the scene.
  409. Hilda unsteadily brought over plastic wine glasses and had them filled more than half full, giving one each to May and Jack.
  411. “Hilda dear...” May began. “How drunk are you?”
  413. Hilda giggled, her posture was loose. “Half that bottle was gone before I poured you two glasses.”
  415. “Good...” May cooed. “I need you to do me a favor. Go finish that bottle, then bring a fresh one back here.”
  417. “Yeah okay...” Hilda said, stepping uneasily away from the wet surfaced floor around the raised hot tub.
  419. A few minutes later, Hilda had returned with a second bottle. May held out the glasses she and Jack had consumed, and Hilda spilled some into the hot tub trying to pour them. Her inebriation was palpable.
  421. “Very good, now put that bottle down, Hilda.” May instructed.
  423. Hilda put it down, her mind racing with questions at what May was planning.
  425. “Now climb in.” May ordered.
  427. Hilda was unsure if she should come in clothed, and decided to drop her shorts and her top, keeping her underwear on before shakily getting into the hot tub.
  429. May then approached the new comer. Misty and Zinnia were watching intently, as this was the first time they’d ever seen Hilda in the hot tub, let alone half naked. May then went to Hilda’s side and began caressing Hilda’s covered nipple. Hilda began to moan desperately, and May’s other hand skillfully unclasped the bra, letting Hilda’s breasts be unleashed for the first time.
  431. “These breasts are so perfect...” May commented, working Hilda up.
  433. Hilda’s only response was a louder moan.
  435. “You know what has to come next.” May said. Misty picked up the cue and moved gracefully over to Hilda and quickly relieved the girl of her panties. Misty brought them above water and tossed them off the deck. Misty’s hands retreated back under water and caressed Hilda’s loins. The drunken girl was overwhelmed with pleasure as she watched Jack, full mast, approaching her.
  437. “How long have you wanted him?” Misty cooed.
  439. Hilda’s moans obstructed her reply, but a few words could be said. “So long... oooooh.” Hilda said.
  441. Jack smiled wickedly as he lowered himself to the area, and Misty guided his cock. Jack looked into Hilda’s eyes, where for the first time he could see Hilda’s desire and passion. He entered her slowly, gently. She was extremely tight, possibly even a virgin.
  443. “Oh... oh boss... Oh sir...” Hilda said. May gave Hilda’s nipple a squeeze and Hilda shrieked similar to how May had yelped earlier.
  445. Jack began to up the pace as his cock loosened Hilda. She felt heavenly. He moved his head in to kiss her, and Hilda practically knocked her mouth into his with enthusiasm, like something pent up inside her for so long had finally been released. The two kissed passionately. May had been more skillful than Hilda, who seemed very inexperienced, but the sheer passion and euphoria seemed greater helped Hilda make up for her lack of experience.
  447. It didn’t take long until the two of them were on the verge. They both cried out as they both came at the same time. Once the wave of pleasure finally subsided for the most part, Hilda looked into his eyes desperately. “I’m sorry...” She squeaked.
  449. “What? Why?” Jack asked. May and Misty were confused as well.
  451. “I promised myself I wouldn’t do this... It’s so unprofessional...”
  453. Jack shook his head. “I think it’s great for you, personally and professionally.”
  455. Hilda looked at him dumbly.
  457. “I can trust you now more than ever.” Jack said. “I know you’ve always wanted what the company wanted for me because that was your job. Now you can do both.” He said, and kissed her. Hilda’s arms wrapped around him and she squeezed him, tongue nearly assaulting him with its fervor. When the make out session finally ended, Hilda smiled at him with the biggest smile he’d ever seen from her.
  459. “Thank you so much Jack.”
  461. Zinnia then cleared her throat, causing every person in the hot tub to look over at her.
  463. “Hope you’re ready for round three Jack. Cuz it’s coming for you.”
  465. Jack gulped nervously. “I think I’m gonna need more wine...”
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