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May 12th, 2019
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SQF 3.94 KB | None | 0 0
  1. // by ALIAS
  2. // nul = [JIP] execVM "AL_intro\intro.sqf";
  4. waitUntil {time > 0};
  6. _jip_enable = _this select 0;
  8. [[_jip_enable],"AL_intro\time_srv.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM"];
  9. waitUntil {!isNil "curr_time"};
  11. if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
  13. if ((!curr_time) or (_jip_enable<0)) then {
  14. cutText ["INTRO DEMO MISSION", "BLACK IN", 10];
  15. playsound "intro_music";
  17. /* ----- how to use camera script -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. _camera_shot = [position_1_name, position_2_name, target_name, duration, zoom_level1, zoom_level_2, attached, x_rel_coord, y_rel_coord, z_rel_coord,last_shot] execVM "camera_work.sqf";
  21. Where
  22. _camera_shot    - string, is the name/number of the camera shot, you can have as many as you want see examples from down bellow
  23. position_1_name - string, where camera is created, replace it with the name of the object you want camera to start from
  24. position_2_name - string, the object where you want camera to move, if you don't want to move from initial position put the same name as for position_1_name
  25. target_name     - string, name of the object you want the camera to look at
  26. duration        - seconds, how long you want the camera to function on current shot
  27. zoom_level_1    - takes values from 0.01 to 2, FOV (field of view) value for initial position
  28. zoom_level_2    - takes values from 0.01 to 2, FOV value for second position, if you don't to change you can give the same value as you did for zoom_level_1
  29. attached        - boolean, if you want to attach camera to an moving object its value has to be true, otherwise must be false
  30.                     in this case position_1_name must have the same value as position_2_name
  31. x_rel_coord     - meters, relative position to the attached object on x coordinate
  32. y_rel_coord     - meters, relative position to the attached object on y coordinate
  33. z_rel_coord     - meters, relative position to the attached object on z coordinate
  34. last_shot       - boolean, true if is the last shot in your movie, false otherwise
  36. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  38. // - do not edit or delete the lines downbelow, this line must be before first camera shot
  39. loopdone = false;
  40. while {!loopdone} do {
  41. //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  44. // EXAMPLES------ insert your lines for camera shots starting from here -----------------------------------------
  46. _firstshot = [cam1, cam2, target1, 9, 0.3, 0.1, false, 0, 0, 0,FALSE] execVM "AL_intro\camera_work.sqf";
  47. waitUntil {scriptdone _firstshot};
  49. _secondshot = [cam3, cam3, target2, 10, 1, 1, false, 0, 0, 0,FALSE] execVM "AL_intro\camera_work.sqf";
  50. waitUntil {scriptdone _secondshot};
  52. _thirdshot = [cam4, cam4, target3, 15, 1, 1, true, 0, -6, 3,TRUE] execVM "AL_intro\camera_work.sqf";
  53. waitUntil {scriptdone _thirdshot};
  55. /*
  56. if you want to add a forth or a fifth camera shot use a code like:
  57. _forthshot = [cam5, cam6, target4, 7, 1, 1, false] execVM "camera_work.sqf";
  58. waitUntil {scriptDone _forthshot};
  60. ** Note that last boolean parameter will tell the script if the camera shot is the last one or not,
  61. make sure that last camera has that parameter true and the intermediar cameras has it false as in my examples above
  63. >>!! don't forget to name the objects cam5, cam6, target4 in editor
  65. You can add as many camera shots as you want
  66. but you have to name the script differently
  67. and don't forget to add the wait line after each shot
  68. waitUntil {scriptDone _xxxshot};
  69. */
  71. // --------------->> end of camera shots <<---------------------------------------------------------
  72. };
  74. cutText [" ", "BLACK IN", 3];
  75. _camera = "camera" camCreate (getpos player);
  76. _camera cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"];
  77. camDestroy _camera;
  78. "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true;  
  79. "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [100];  
  80. "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0;    
  81. "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0];  
  82. "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 4;
  83. };
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