
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories SA-POW guide

Jun 13th, 2019
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  1. Your rank starts at 98 points. If it's 90-98 when the duel finishes, you get an S rank (5 star chips). If it's 80-89, you get an A rank (4 chips). If it's 70-79, you get a B rank (3 chips), and so on.
  3. If the duel lasts 5-8 turns, you lose 4 points. Note that the game starts the turn counter one turn late (so what you'd consider a perfect 2-turn duel against Jono, Mountain Mage, etc. is actually only 1 turn).
  5. If you do 2 effective attacks, you lose 2 points. If you do 4 effective attacks, you lose 4 points.
  7. If you play a card face down (including a monster, even if you fuse it with a monster on the field), you lose 2 points.
  9. If you fuse once (including unplayed fusions made in the hand), you lose 4 points. If you fuse 5 times, you lose 8 points. If you fuse 10 times, you lose 12 points.
  11. If you use an equip magic, you lose 4 points. If you use 5 equips, you lose 8 points. If you use 10 equips, you lose 12 points.
  13. If you use a pure magic, such as Umi or Raigeki, you lose 6 points. If you use 4 pure magics, you lose 10 points. If you use 7 pure magics, you lose 14 points.
  15. If a trap is triggered (not activated), you lose 10 points. If 3 traps are triggered, you lose 18 points.
  17. If you have 32-35 cards remaining in the deck, you GAIN 3 points. If you have 27 or fewer, you lose 12 points.
  19. If you have 7000-7999 life points remaining, you lose 2 points. If you have 1000-6999, you lose 6 points. If you have 100-999, you lose 11 points. If you have 1-99, you lose 13 points.
  21. -----
  23. When going for a rank of SA-POW, always play cards face up whenever possible (unless going for a 2-turn on easy duelists like Jono).
  25. Here are some common ways to achieve an S-POW:
  26. - 1-4 fusions, 1-4 equips (90 points)
  27. - 5 fusions (90 points)
  28. - 2-3 effective attacks, 1-4 fusions, 7000-7999 life points (90 points)
  29. - 2-3 effective attacks, 1-4 equips, 7000-7999 life points (90 points)
  30. - 2-3 effective attacks, 1 pure magic (90 points)
  31. - 1 pure magic, 7000-7999 life points (90 points)
  32. - 2-3 effective attacks, 1000-6999 life points (90 points)
  34. Here are some common ways to achieve an A-POW:
  35. - 2-3 effective attacks, 1-4 fusions, 27 or fewer cards (80 points)
  36. - 2-3 effective attacks, 1-4 equips, 27 or fewer cards (80 points)
  37. - 1 pure magic, 27 or fewer cards (80 points)
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