

Jul 22nd, 2015
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  1. Akira
  3. Born with active renegade powers, it didnt take time for her parents to notice she had these abilities, at most 1 year of life.
  5. Her father called her the child of a devil and went out, the mother dropped her off to her brother as she went to settle business with the father.
  7. Uncle was a mysterious kinda guy, akira could never tell what he was thinking and he seemed to be very curious about her...weird powers, while he raised her to not depend on them, he asked her to only use them in front of him, when she was 5, during a period when she was showing her powers to her uncle, an accident happened and she ended up cutting his arm, oddly enough the uncle...didnt seem mad about that.
  9. Some days after the accident the uncle contacted her mother and told her to pick up akira, And some days latter, she did. ever since then akira was raised very strictly by her mother, learning discipline from martial arts like kendo and how she should never reveal her true nature to others.
  11. The mother Hikaru, could be said to be raising akira strictly because she was...very afraid of her in some level, The moments where she showed love to her daughter were very few, she does what she does to make sure her daughter wont suddenly decide to kill people who wrong her, She is the one who mostly taught akira about martial arts, but she spars with her much less now, mostly due to getting scared in the middle of the fight and not wanting to show that side to akira.
  13. She was house schooled like this until high-school....when the mother finaly let her study with others, kind of freely, apparently when she does she had an encounter with someone of that encounter page.
  15. Lois - Uncle Go
  16. Akira uncle, he raised her since she was a baby, until she was a 5 year old toddler, Mysterious person, even if he isolated Akira from meeting many people, he raised her with care and happiness, he enjoys building things like, miniature boats and planes
  17. Akira was always curious about him, he never talked about his job, and was very interested in her abilities, she feels immense regret over what happened to him, and the few and rare times she meet him again, she would always apologize, even if he said it was alright.
  18. He doesnt visit her much anymore, usually once every 2 or 3 years, but when they meet, after apologizing and smiling, she always tells uncle go everything that happened since his last visit, and he hears everything with a smile and offer advice.
  20. Mother - Hikaru Kanami
  22. She abandoned her own daughter in order to settle things with father, she spent many years trying to reason with him since she loved him, but all her attempts ended in failure, when uncle go called her and told her about the accident...she apoligized and told him she would take matters in her owns hands now.
  24. She is very afraid of her daughter due to her powers, but she is even more afraid of what would happen if she was set free to do whatever she can with them, so she resolved herself to raise her daughter to know discipline and responsability and hopefully...a good concience, thus she acts overly strict around Akira, a part of her wishes she could learn to care properly like a daughter to akira, but she is too afraid to do so.
  26. Lately she has spent less and less time with akira, she cant spar with her much because akira is physicaly much stronger than her, thus she is afraid she might break down in front of her, for this reason she let her go out to school, and hopes that her upbringing payed off.
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