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Feb 24th, 2016
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  1. They get back to Kyle’s apartment, but only barely. Even stone cold sober, Kyle still has to act as designated flyer and a drunk Hal is a handsy Hal. Kyle deigns not to create a uniform as they fly back, which is a big mistake. Hal shifts and squirms in his grip, trying to get at whatever bit of exposed flesh Kyle’s showing as well as the bits that aren’t. They almost careen straight into the side of a tower when Hal manages to get a hand beneath Kyle’s underwear and his mouth along the pounding pulse in Kyle’s throat.
  3. They only just make it inside before Hal’s tearing Kyle’s clothes off, pushing him against the wall, and- wow, Hal isn’t wearing any clothes beneath the construct. Kyle files that off for later use and starts pushing him back, growling irritably as they just barely miss a painting that a friend of his had made for him just before he’d left for Oa. “That’s personal,” he growls even as he pushes Hal to the floor.
  5. “Nothing happened to it,” Hal says with a smirk that could arouse stone and Kyle quickly forgets what he was just angry about. He takes the other in, all of him, and shudders at the sight.
  7. Kyle’s no stranger to nudity in all its shapes and forms. He’s seen the morbidly obese and old, the frail and young, the sensual masters with bodies to kill for. Hal could be seen as the last one, but here, in the faint glow of the outside world he’s so much more. If Diana were to tell him tomorrow that Hal had once been a statue like she’d been, he wouldn’t even bat an eye. Because that’s what Hal looks like to him. Some marble piece of perfection given flesh, his breath heaving and Kyle can’t keep his eyes off of him, cataloguing every inch of skin, how the muscles of his diaphragm expand and contract as he breathes, slightly labored. How his eyes are inviting in a way he hasn’t seen since- Donna? God, has it been that long? Kyle falls a little bit in love.
  9. Hal licks his lips and frowns slightly as the silence stretches on. “You doing okay, kid?” Kyle swallows and nods quietly, shedding the rest of his clothing quickly. He feels inadequate next to this man, but it fades away when he sees the hunger in Hal’s eyes mirroring his own. Their lips meet and it’s like a spark. Kyle’s doubts are completely thrown to the side as the tempo he thought abandoned returns again, Hal kissing and licking into his mouth. Kyle can still taste the liquor on his tongue. His sloppy reactions let him know he’s drunk but he’s not so far gone that this would be regretted later.
  11. Maybe.
  13. Kyle’s more concerned with how best to fit their cocks together.
  15. The two rut heavily in the quiet of the apartment, the only sounds Hal’s gasps of encouragement and Kyle grunting his approval when Hal’s hands fist tightly into his hair. He starts moving lower, kissing along his throat before latching onto the same place that Hal had when they almost became a building pancake. Kyle’s surprised when the hands clench tighter with a pleasured gasp from Hal punctuated by breathless laughter. “You bastard,” he says without any heat.
  17. “My revenge for earlier,” Kyle remarks lightly before moving lower. He lashes out with his tongue against the smooth flesh of Hal’s body, tracing the line of his collarbone and the dip of his pectorals before his teeth latch onto a hardened nipple. The gasp becomes a loud cry. Hal writhes beneath Kyle and he can’t help but smirk as he places more attention there, licking back and forth, biting lightly as his fingers mimic the action on his other nipple.
  19. “Fuck, Kyle. I didn’t- God, who the hell thought it’d be funny to give you such an innocent face?” he asks even as he tries to keep himself quiet. Guy’s somewhere around and he probably doesn’t want to face the taunting this would provoke.
  21. “There isn’t a damn thing about me that’s innocent,” Kyle retorts before worrying Hal’s nipple between his teeth to another cry of approval.
  23. “Yeah? Well, put that somewhere where the rest of us can see it. Grow a goatee. Wear an eyepatch- fuck!” his reply is cut off as Kyle bites down harder.
  25. “Shut up,” Kyle says sharply in a tone that cuts through Hal. The other does so immediately and nods as Kyle goes on the move again, running his fingers down abs more defined than Kyle could hope to achieve. He positions himself between Hal’s legs, his cock only a breath away from his face and Kyle smirks at him. “This what you’ve been wanting?” he asks, almost coyly. Hal nods fervently. Kyle considers playing coy and driving Hal up the wall, but Kyle’s at that edge between play and passion, himself. He licks a long streak up Hal’s shaft and takes the head into his mouth, dipping low and taking him all the way in.
  27. Hal sighs and tension seems to leave his body, like this encounter, this night, their whole existence, has been waiting just for this moment. But Kyle’s a romantic. Still, it fills Kyle with vigor and he hollows his mouth out, working his cock with his tongue, working him until Hal’s cock is breaching his throat. In this moment, Kyle lives for the buck of Hal’s hips, his moans of approval and encouragement. His dick is leaking precome down Kyle’s throat and he’s lapping it all up as if it’s divine sustenance. Their eyes lock for a moment and Hal laughs. Kyle wants to ask what’s so funny but Hal keeps a hand on Kyle’s head, directs him and takes some sort of control.
  29. When Hal comes Kyle still stays there. Like the rest of him, when Hal comes it isn’t quiet, and if Guy hasn’t heard a peep from them before, he’s definitely heard it now. Not that Kyle really cares. It’s not like he hasn’t heard Guy and Tora going at it before. He swallows Hal down, taking him deep as he feels the flood of his orgasm overtake his senses, swallowing everything he can and staying there even as Hal’s tremors settle down and bliss overtakes him.
  31. Hal softens in his mouth as he recuperates. It’s almost a bit of a comfort, feeling his warmth, nestled between his legs, that it’s a surprise when he feels hands pulling him up and Hal giving him another one of those kisses that fills Kyle up with the feeling like he’s about to burst inside. He’s reminded of his own aching hardness, but Hal’s already on it, his fist curling deftly around Kyle’s own cock. The two continue kissing as Hal builds him up, Kyle half in his lap as Hal whispers encouragement and the dirtiest, hottest things anyone’s ever said to him.
  33. His own orgasm sneaks up on him, but it’s like the stars have exploded when it does come. He’s moaning his own praises, his own declarations as he does so, and Hal soothes him, lays Kyle down on his back as he comes down from the intensity of it all. He’s oversensitive to the point that when he feels Hal’s tongue on his stomach, lapping up his seed that he bucks with each swipe, pleading with Hal. Apparently he’s clean to Hal’s standards, though, because soon he’s looming above Kyle and settling in on top of him.
  35. The kiss now is slow, less urgent than the ones they’d been trading all night. Kyle jumps when Hal finally opens his mouth and he’s greeted with a sticky-salt taste. It’s Kyle’s own come, and though Kyle makes a sound of protest, Hal still slowly feeds him his own seed, passing the prize to him like this is something they always do. Eventually Kyle stills, a sense of intimacy flooding over him as Hal swipes into his mouth and steals back some for himself, running down the side of his mouth, though Hal doesn’t seem to care.
  37. Eventually they both still and gradually fall into sleep.
  39. --
  41. Kyle wakes the next morning to the smell and sound of bacon grilling not too far off and he moans softly as his appetite hits him like a ton of bricks. Kyle’s memory of the night before slowly returns, and he smiles into the soft carpet beneath him. “Hal, you really didn’t have to cook. I could have-“
  43. “Who said anything about you or Hal, loser?” Kyle freezes and his eyes snap open. His head jerks toward the kitchen only to see Guy leering at him cockily. “Jeeze, the shit you two were saying last night. You kiss your mother with that mouth?” Kyle’s hands immediately cover his crotch, despite things being too little, too late. Heat floods his body, and this time it has nothing to do with the amorous mood he was in scant hours ago.
  45. “Get the hell out of here, Guy!” he shouts, his voice a bit too high for his liking.
  47. “My house, my rules, rookie. Your shame issues are not my problem to deal with,” Guy retorts smartly.
  49. “Dude, what if-“
  51. “Hey, Guy,” Hal murmurs next to Kyle. His stomach drops out of his body. Hal pulls himself up and looks at Kyle for a moment blearily before his face transforms into a sleepy grin. “Hey, kid.” He leans forward and kisses Kyle soundly, uncaring about either of their nudity or that Guy’s watching. “Have they installed showers in every apartment, yet?” he asks guy as he stands up. Kyle notices that he has quite the noticeable hard-on but both he and Guy are acting like nothing’s going on. Like this is normal.
  53. “Yeah, down the hall. Try not to use up all the heat. Princess here likes long showers.” Guy smirks and Hal laughs before looking back at Kyle with a childish grin.
  55. “We could always save up,” Hal smirks, and if it’s possible Kyle blushes even harder. “No? Then I’ll see you guys in a bit. Don’t eat up all the bacon, Guy!”
  57. “Get out here before breakfast’s finished, then, asshole!” he shouts. As soon as he hears the bathroom door close, Guy returns his attention to Kyle with a small smirk. “So it sounded like you had some fun last night. Need some Preparation H?” It’s all he manages before Kyle launches himself at Guy, Guy laughing himself breathless as he tries to dodge Kyle’s attempted murder.
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