
Mami Feat 5

Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. Then, something strange happened.
  3. Time really did slow down this time. And not only that, but the world began to multiply itself in front of Mami's eyes.
  5. She blinked and reopened her eyes, thinking she was drowning in some sort of surreal nightmare that she would wake up from any second. However, she wasn't dreaming.
  7. The spider was moving slowly, but there was many of them heading towards her in multiple iterations of her apartment. It was as if her eyes had sprouted dozens of other eyes, and she was seeing everything through them at once.
  9. Yet she wasn't dizzy or disoriented in the slightest. She could focus on the spider in all of her visions as it continued to move at a snail's pace through the air, the swings of its limbs moving in slow motion like a video in reduced playback speed.
  11. She leapt out of the way, kicking off into the air. The spider plopped onto the ground, sinking its syringe into the tiles of her floor.
  13. Mami was in disbelief. She was floating in the air.
  15. No not floating. She could feel herself steadily descending, but wasn't doing so fast enough. She was seeing everything in slow motion, and not just the spider.
  17. And then she found out why.
  19. A second arm was coming out of hers. It was Silk Degree's arm, and it had sprouted forth one of its golden ribbons, one end having broken off into smaller wiry segments that brought to mind the endings of a nerve like those illustrated in a textbook.
  21. One of the segments was wrapped around a small floating, buzzing shape.
  23. It was a fly, its thorax ensnared by the ribbon. Waves of energy flowed down from the fly through the ribbon, traversing across it like a brain impulse, feeding into the end wrapped around Mami's wrist.
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