
The Final Shard, Part 2

Apr 25th, 2020
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  1. <DM> Recap! Last time, Shady told you of a robed man that carried a sword that looks exactly like yours. The sword, however, had a crystal embedded at the base of the blade, which appeared to be a Nayru's Love Shard.
  2. <DM> You decided to go after this man, which involved heading underground and entering the Hylian Catacombs, which is actually the old Hyrule Town, infested with Gibdos and other creatures. Shady unfortunately couldn't come with you.
  3. <DM> You encountered the edge of the dark and desolate town, which was run down and abandoned. You found a diary that belonged to someone from the Royal Family, a book, and a chest containing a carved up body and a heart container.
  4. <Sephiroth> (And some horribad puns.)
  5. <DM> (indeed)
  6. <DM> After dodging some Gibdos, you ended up bombing your way into the side of a house and finding that it looked new. You, for some random reason, decide to light the fireplace and investigate the area. You found some locked lockers which you tried and failed to open, and then found out that fireplace you lit ended up killing two Gibdos, awarding you with winning the fastest battle in ZURPG history.
  7. <DM> As you ran away from the fire, you ended up face to face with an old man, carrying that sword you were looking for. When you asked where he got it from, he told you got it from the land of Gaia.
  8. <Sephiroth> (Achievement Get! Fastest ZURPG Battle!)
  9. <DM> (hah)
  10. <DM> And that's the recap, ready to continue?
  11. <Sephiroth> yeah
  12. <Sephiroth> let's do it.
  14. * X__X is now known as OldMan
  15. <OldMan> Gaia is where Ah found it, teeeeheeeheeheeheeheeeee!
  16. <OldMan> And you...
  17. * OldMan scans you over, up and down.
  18. <Sephiroth> So then, who are you? Never seen you before.
  19. <OldMan> I... I remember you..... oh... who are you?
  20. <OldMan> Err...
  21. * OldMan rolls his Wisdom to see if he remembers. Beat out uhh... 30 successes.
  22. <OldMan> $49d10
  23. <Navi> OldMan: You rolled 49 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 8, 1, 6, 3, 3, 10, 5, 10, 6, 2, 6, 1, 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 9, 7, 9, 10, 5, 1, 4, 2, 5, 4, 6, 7, 6, 10, 10, 10, 8, 7, 6, 1, 10, 2, 1, 5, 6, 5, 5, 6, 2, 6 and 8. Total: 259. Successes: 37.
  24. <OldMan> Ahhh, Ah remember you! You're that guy that errr... didn't Ah see ya try ter blow up the planet wth a metee-or?
  25. * Sephiroth waits, patiently.
  26. <DM> *He appears to be over 60 years of age, with a hint of spiky hair, but for the most part his gray hair is starting to fall out.*
  27. <OldMan> Oh, right allow me to introdouche myself!
  28. * DM face-palms.
  29. * Sephiroth has kicked OldMan from #zurpg (Okay old man. You're a douche. «16,213»)
  30. <OldMan> Mah name... huh... that's odd, I don't remem'er mah name... Ah think it had somethin' ta do with... strife.
  31. <Sephiroth> "..."
  32. <Sephiroth> "Strife. ..."
  33. * Sephiroth enters battle stance.
  34. <Sephiroth> "What're you doing here?!?!"
  35. <DM> *Despite being over 60 and a little ragged, he seems pretty well built for a man his age. He seems to be wearing a black and gold armor with a blue gem in it. There's also a red gem in the hilt of the blade.*
  36. <OldMan> Me? Wait, why're ye gettin' ready ta gut an ol' man?
  37. <OldMan> Ah'm... hmm... ah knows I was in Gaia once, but herm... I don't remem'er anythin'.
  38. * OldMan appears to be senile and complete with memory loss.
  39. <Sephiroth> "I will be taking that sword off ya. Hand it over."
  40. <OldMan> Wha? B-b-but.... if Ah hand it o'er, I don't ha'e a sword 'gainst all these rottin' mummy thingies!
  41. <OldMan> What's wrong with this land, bein' all decrypt and filled with things that just wanna kill yer!
  42. <Sephiroth> $init 1d11
  43. <Navi> Sephiroth: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  44. <OldMan> H-h-h-ey, allllright alright, I'll hand it o'ver geez!
  45. * OldMan pulls out the red gem though before handing it to you.
  46. <OldMan> Ah'm keepin' this though... needs me Materia, heehee...
  47. <Sephiroth> (Interesting how the gems change color.)
  48. <DM> (the Nayru's Love Shard is still embedded)
  49. <DM> (he took the Materia off the blade though)
  50. <DM> (there we go, check your PMs)
  51. * Sephiroth grabs the sword.
  52. * OldMan holds his hands up into the air.
  53. <OldMan> Ah shurrendah, yer too strong fer me!
  54. <Sephiroth> "Very well."
  55. <Sephiroth> "You're coming with me."
  56. <DM> *Sephiroth, you hear a cacophony of whispers coming from one of your items.*
  57. <DM> *It's your Mask of Truth, which you picked up back during the Gerudo Fortress raid.*
  58. * Sephiroth googles cacophony
  59. * Sephiroth pulls out the Mask of Truth and equips it.
  60. <DM> *Roll Wisdom!*
  61. <DM> $35d10
  62. <Navi> DM: You rolled 35 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 3, 3, 7, 4, 9, 8, 9, 7, 9, 2, 4, 8, 7, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 6, 1, 8, 2, 10, 8, 10, 6, 7, 8 and 8. Total: 194. Successes: 22.
  63. <Sephiroth> $43d10
  64. <Navi> Sephiroth: You rolled 43 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 10, 9, 5, 1, 9, 2, 10, 10, 5, 6, 5, 2, 4, 2, 3, 7, 9, 9, 1, 1, 3, 1, 10, 4, 2, 6, 5, 7, 7, 1, 8, 9, 8, 2, 4, 10, 7, 3, 6, 1, 10 and 6. Total: 237. Successes: 32.
  65. <DM> *You ignore an immediate command of "Obey me!" as you equip it... or rather, you don't automatically heed to it.*
  66. <OldMan> Hey, wot's goin' on? First, ye rob me o' mah shword, then yer put on ah mashk?
  67. * Sephiroth gazes into OldMan's eyes.
  68. <Sephiroth> (brb)
  69. <Sephiroth> (back)
  70. <DM> *The mask whispers to you... or rather, you hear a conversation between unknown people.*
  71. <DM> "How many did we get today?"
  72. <DM> "Five guards... one was of the High Guard. Subjugation of the Hylian Guards to the Followers of Wisdom is proceeding well, Master."
  73. <DM> "I am no master... I am only a placeholder. ... we lack a discrete base."
  74. <DM> "Oh? Is Hyrule Village itself not discrete enough?"
  75. <DM> "No... gather your men. We're attacking the catacombs."
  76. <DM> *The whispers stop.*
  77. * Sephiroth unequips the mask.
  78. * Sephiroth looks at the OldMan.
  79. <Sephiroth> "You".
  80. <OldMan> Ack, me?!
  81. * Sephiroth tosses him a Dragonhide Tunic, Small Tower Shield, and a Steel Sword.
  82. <Sephiroth> "You're coming with me."
  83. <OldMan> Shweet, actual stuff! ... where are we a-goin'?
  84. <Sephiroth> "I just got word that an army is going to attack these catacombs."
  85. <OldMan> Wha? From who? Don't tell me yer goin' senile! I'd hate tha thought o' goin' senile meself!
  86. <OldMan> Now where did I put those keys to those lockers...
  87. <Sephiroth> "Enough. If we dilly-dally too much longer, we're surely to be outnumbered."
  88. <OldMan> Ahhh, fine! But I'm warnin' ya... I ain't the only soul down 'ere!
  89. <OldMan> There's someone stronger n' me!
  90. * OldMan hands the shield back to you.
  91. * OldMan also hands the armor back.
  92. <OldMan> Thanks fer the sword, though. Onwardsh we go towards... where we goin' again?
  93. <Sephiroth> "So who is this other person here?"
  94. <OldMan> Hmm.. I dunno... me never got 'is name, ah always jus' 'voided him.
  95. <OldMan> But err... he's a well built man, lil' taller n' you, kinda bulky arms....
  96. <OldMan> Dunno why 'e comes 'ere.
  97. <Sephiroth> "Well, whatever. Let's get out of here. Too bad for him."
  98. * Sephiroth exits the room.
  99. * OldMan follows Sephiroth.
  100. <DM> (wait, which way? The burning room behind you or the other way out, aka the actual entrance to this house?)
  101. <Sephiroth> (The only way out, since the entrance was blocked by him.)
  102. <DM> *You open the door to the previously burning room. The fires seem to have been snuffed out, though the room is still charred black.*
  103. <DM> *You hear no groaning sounds from any Gibdos, and the wall you blasted open is still clear.*
  104. * Sephiroth goes through the blasted open wall.
  105. <DM> *You head through the blasted open wall. To the east (the way you came), you can see a large gathering of Gibdos, at least 8 of them, and more incoming. They seem to be gathering around the entrance that you came in through.*
  106. <OldMan> Well shmoke me Ah gun an' slice Ah Behemoth open! ... what's a gun?
  107. * Sephiroth sees the undead.
  108. <Sephiroth> Wow, that's a lot of them. We can't go this way.
  109. <Sephiroth> There's too many of them.
  110. <OldMan> Err, there'sh another way out, ya know.
  111. * Sephiroth heads back into the house, and ventures to the old man's front door.
  112. <OldMan> An' if all them mummies are there... then...
  113. * OldMan follows you back.
  114. * Sephiroth opens the front door.
  115. <DM> *You open the door, and a Skulltula drops down in front of you.*
  116. <OldMan> Ooooh yeah, that's why I don't take me front door anymore!
  117. <Sephiroth> "Is it golden?"
  118. * Sephiroth enters battle stance.
  119. <DM> (nope, just a run-of-the-mill Skulltula)
  120. <Sephiroth> $init r
  121. <Navi> Sephiroth: The bot has been reset.
  122. <Sephiroth> $init 1d11
  123. <Navi> Sephiroth: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 5.
  124. <DM> *A blade suddenly pierces through the Skulltula from behind.*
  125. <Sephiroth> $init r
  126. <Navi> Sephiroth: The bot has been reset.
  127. <Sephiroth> ... Or not.
  128. <DM> $59d10
  129. <Navi> DM: You rolled 59 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 323. Successes: 43.
  130. <DM> *The blade practically disintegrates the previously-menacing spider.*
  131. <DM> *You see that the blade belongs to that burly, buff man that the old man was describing earlier. However, you know this man by his actual name...
  132. * X_X is now known as Monroe
  133. <Monroe> Hey, fancy seein' you here, Seph!
  134. <Sephiroth> Indeed. How's it goin'?
  135. <Monroe> Came down 'ere chasin' after the guy Shady told me 'bout, buuuuuut....
  136. * Monroe sees that you already have that sword.
  137. <Monroe> Who's the old guy?
  138. <OldMan> Mah name is.... Strife. Yeeeeaaah... I'm goin' with that. Sounds real cool, don't it?
  139. <Sephiroth> Good question...
  140. <Monroe> Well, since that mystery is solved, whaddya say we doin' a bit of good ol' fashion mummy and zombie huntin' together, eh?
  141. <Orithan> $recall
  142. <Monroe> Yer 'bout as strong as me, ain't ya Seph?
  143. <Monroe> Should be good fer clearin' these zombie things out, yeah!
  144. <Sephiroth> Yes, we need to get out of here A.S.A.P.
  145. <OldMan> Err, wot? Wot about ther attack?
  146. <Monroe> Huh? Get out? Attack? What?!
  147. <Monroe> Who in their right mind would try to attack this place?! Even I can defeat the Master Poe here, it's suicide!
  148. <Monroe> *Even I can't defeat
  149. <Sephiroth> My Mask of Truth gave me a bit of insight on a forthcoming all-out attack on these catacombs, and they're bringing an army.
  150. <Monroe> An army? Who?
  151. <Sephiroth> I didn't get any names
  152. * Orithan has quit (Ping timeout)
  153. <OldMan> Hmm.. ya know... the only reason we haven't blown this place to bits is cause of that Master Poe....
  154. <OldMan> I say let 'em come! Here, let's get to some high ground... see if this "army" can weaken that Master Poe a bit, eh?
  155. <Sephiroth> Hmm, alright.
  156. <Monroe> Alll'ight... 'ey, Old Man- errr.. Strife!
  157. <Monroe> What's the highest place you know in 'ere that a bunch of Gibdos can't break down?
  158. <Orithan> $recall
  159. <OldMan> Hmm... well, I a'member someone else in here.. he should be at... where that Temple of Time or whatsh it called is!
  160. <Monroe> What? This place doesn't go that far, the Temple of Temple shouldn't be 'ere!
  161. <OldMan> Well, when that one guy ish here... I shee that temple.
  162. <Monroe> ... well, that WOULD be the safest place.... if it exists. Sure this guy ain't just senile, Seph?
  163. <Monroe> *Monroe, are you sure YOU'RE not senile? What's the Temple of Temple?
  164. <DM> wait
  165. <DM> ..........
  166. * Monroe just 4th walled himself to typo correct himself to senilize himself by the DM so that could go to a Temple of Temple. What.
  167. <Sephiroth> ...
  168. <Sephiroth> people aggro
  169. <DM> (afk?)
  170. <Sephiroth> (Back. Sorry.)
  171. <Sephiroth> (I hate being the IT guy in this place. I don't even get any thanks.)
  172. <DM> (yeesh)
  173. <DM> (usually everyone praises the IT guy)
  174. <DM> Monroe's profile is up -
  175. <Kefka> ZURPG: Monroe (NPC)
  176. <DM> Strife's profile is up -
  177. <Kefka> ZURPG: Strife (NPC)
  178. <Sephiroth> "Sure, lets go to this Temple of Temple."
  179. <OldMan> Allrighty!
  180. <Monroe> Little problem... shortest route is through the plaza, and that place usually has Gibdos galore. We could try building hopping, but I don't know how safe the buildings are.
  181. <OldMan> Well we's just saw Gibdosh galorey back thataway!
  182. * OldMan points to the ceiling...... he's senile.
  183. * Sephiroth heads to the plaza.
  184. <Monroe> Ooookay, onto the plaza...
  185. * OldMan is now known as Strife
  186. <DM> *Strife and Monroe follow you. You head to plaza, not running into anything on the way asides from a path that's been rotting with death for years.*
  187. <DM> *You reach the edge of the plaza to find that there's only three Gibdos wandering it. There's a broken fountain in the middle of the plaza with a gravestone sticking out of it.*
  188. <DM> *On the other side of the plaza appears to be a stairway to the Temple of Time, which looks dark and rotting, but it's still standing. Weird, I thought the Temple of Time was above this place, in Hyrule Village. What's that place?*
  189. * Orithan has quit (Quit: Internet problems)
  190. <Sephiroth> "So much for crawling with Gibdos."
  191. * Sephiroth begins heading towards the temple.
  192. <Monroe> Whatever you do, don't touch that Gravestone or even nick it with anything.*
  193. <DM> *The three of you begin your way across the plaza. One of the Gibdos notices you, and as it does, the other two Gibdos wander towards you.*
  194. * X___X is now known as Gibdo1
  195. * Sephiroth notices the Gibdos and enters battle stance.
  196. <Sephiroth> $init 1d11
  197. <Navi> Sephiroth: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 4.
  198. <DM> (now utilizing shell switching for the Gibdos)
  199. <Strife> $init 1d10
  200. <Navi> Strife: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 6.
  201. <Monroe> $init 1d10
  202. <Navi> Monroe: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  203. <Gibdo1> $init 1d10
  204. <Navi> Gibdo1: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 4.
  205. * Gibdo1 is now known as Gibdo2
  206. <Gibdo2> $init 1d10
  207. <Navi> Gibdo2: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 1.
  208. * Gibdo2 is now known as Gibdo3
  209. <Gibdo3> $init 1d10
  210. <Navi> Gibdo3: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 3.
  211. <DM> (gotta love them low rolls)
  212. <DM> $init s
  213. <Navi> The battle has begun!
  214. <Navi> ROUND 1: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4), Gibdo1 (4), Gibdo3 (3) and Gibdo2 (1).
  215. <DM> Gibdo stats are up! -
  216. <Kefka> ZURPG: 2-1-14: The Final Shard
  217. * Orithan (~Orithan@ has joined #zurpg
  218. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Orithan
  219. <Monroe> Heh, might as well "heal" it up!
  220. <Orithan> $recall
  221. * Monroe casts Heal Beam Alpha as an Extra Support Spell on Gibdo1, which deals 7 damage.... and is reduced by 9.
  222. * Gibdo3 is now known as Gibdo1
  223. <Gibdo1> ??h, 0m | 7 damage reduction
  224. <Monroe> ... this could be fun...
  225. <Monroe> 65h, 9m
  226. * Monroe throws a bomb at Gibdo1! (Roll Power)
  227. <Monroe> $60d10
  228. <Navi> Monroe: You rolled 60 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 316. Successes: 40.
  229. <Gibdo1> $48d10
  230. <Navi> Gibdo1: You rolled 48 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 10, 4, 2, 2, 7, 1, 5, 5, 9, 6, 2, 10, 6, 1, 5, 8, 4, 6, 6, 1, 5, 9, 1, 4, 9, 10, 7, 10, 1, 3, 7, 6, 1, 6, 7, 3, 8, 1, 3, 8, 10, 3, 4, 5, 9, 8 and 10. Total: 268. Successes: 37.
  231. <DM> (wow)
  232. * Sephiroth chucks a reroll at the Gibdo.
  233. <Gibdo1> $48d10
  234. <Navi> Gibdo1: You rolled 48 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 9, 2, 10, 3, 1, 8, 1, 8, 6, 4, 4, 7, 1, 4, 8, 8, 3, 7, 4, 4, 10, 9, 7, 2, 6, 2, 9, 4, 8, 2, 1, 8, 2, 8, 7, 4, 3, 9, 10, 6, 4, 6, 7, 1, 10, 3 and 4. Total: 256. Successes: 28.
  235. <DM> (heeeeello)
  236. <Monroe> Thanks bud! ... however you did that....
  237. <Monroe> 40 - 28 = 12 + 7 = 19 damage - defense
  238. * Gibdo1 takes 19 - 7 = 12 damage
  239. <DM> *The bomb explodes in its face, also hitting the other Gibdos for...
  240. <DM> $1d10
  241. <Navi> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 10 Sides. Result: 6. Total: 6. Successes: 1.
  242. <DM> *6 damage!
  243. <DM> *The other two Gibdos just take the blast, seeing as it won't do damage to them anyways.*
  244. <Gibdo1> 31h, 0m | 5 damage reduction
  245. <DM> *Gibdos 2 and 3 have max hearts and 7 damage reduction each.*
  246. <Monroe> oh right, deadly strke
  247. <Monroe> $1d5
  248. <Navi> Monroe: You rolled 1 Die with 5 Sides. Result: 3. Total: 3.
  249. <Monroe> aww
  250. <Monroe> $endturn
  251. <Navi> Monroe has ended their turn.
  252. <Navi> ROUND 1: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4), Gibdo1 (4), Gibdo3 (3) and Gibdo2 (1).
  253. <Strife> Ah hah, I'm an old man, and guess what! ...... I'm old.
  254. * Strife uses his Fire Materia to cast Fira at Gibdo1! (Roll Wisdom)
  255. <Strife> $53d10
  256. <Navi> Strife: You rolled 53 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 279. Successes: 33.
  257. <Gibdo1> $12d10
  258. <Navi> Gibdo1: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 2, 5, 7, 2, 9, 4, 4, 7, 4, 8 and 7. Total: 67. Successes: 7.
  259. <Strife> +4 successes
  260. <Strife> 37 - 7 = 30 damage - defense, + second roll to hit all Gibdos
  261. <Strife> err, all Gibdos roll Wisdom against original successes of 33
  262. <DM> *Gibdos cannot possibly roll above 24 successes and automatically get hit. Mummy Wrappings automatically burn off on all of them.*
  263. * Gibdo1 takes 30 damage + 8 burn damage + 5 burn damage = 43 total damage
  264. <DM> *Gibdos 2 and 3 lose their mummy wrappings and take a total of 13 burn damage each.*
  265. * Gibdo1 turns into a burning pile of mummified embers from Strife's devastating magic attack.
  266. <Gibdo1> $removeme
  267. <Navi> Gibdo1 has removed theirself from battle.
  268. <Navi> ROUND 1: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4), Gibdo3 (3) and Gibdo2 (1).
  269. * Gibdo1 is now known as Gibdo2
  270. <Gibdo2> 30h, 0m | Mummy Wrappings burned off
  271. <Strife> Hah, that's how you get old!
  272. <Strife> $endturn
  273. <Navi> Strife has ended their turn.
  274. <Navi> ROUND 1: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4), Gibdo3 (3) and Gibdo2 (1).
  275. <Strife> ......... wait.
  276. * Sephiroth pulls out his Wizzrobe Wand and rotates the base of it to Focused mode.
  277. <Strife> 38h, 4m
  278. * Sephiroth then fires a small, but focused magical blast at Gibdo2. (Roll Wisdom!)
  279. <Sephiroth> $43d10
  280. <Navi> Sephiroth: You rolled 43 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 10, 6, 4, 9, 1, 5, 1, 9, 3, 2, 5, 1, 6, 2, 6, 5, 3, 2, 5, 4, 1, 9, 6, 1, 6, 6, 9, 9, 4, 1, 2, 6, 3, 5, 2, 2, 7, 8, 5, 6, 6 and 2. Total: 197. Successes: 24.
  281. <Gibdo2> $12d10
  282. <Navi> Gibdo2: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 1, 9, 4, 10, 2 and 1. Total: 67. Successes: 8.
  283. <Sephiroth> ... are you fucking kidding me?
  284. * Gibdo2 fails to barrel roll outta the way.
  285. * Sephiroth shrugs
  286. <DM> (waitin' on attacker's damage calc)
  287. * Sephiroth deals 24 - 8 = 16 - defense
  288. * Gibdo2 takes 16 magical damage, pushing it backwards. Gibdo2 almost backs into the gravestone from the attack, but it doesn't... thankfully.
  289. <Sephiroth> $endturn
  290. <Navi> Sephiroth has ended their turn.
  291. <Navi> ROUND 1: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4), Gibdo3 (3) and Gibdo2 (1).
  292. <Strife> Wha? I remem'er you meteorin' the planet, and that's all ye can do?!
  293. * Sephiroth kicks Strife out the window.
  294. * Sephiroth has kicked Strife from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in the pants! «16,217»)
  295. <DM> *Old man, you've got some strife in your pants.*
  296. <DM> *You may want to get that checked out. It may be clouding your abilities.*
  297. * Sephiroth kicks DM out the window.
  298. * You have been kicked from #zurpg by Sephiroth (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on a trout! «16,218»)
  299. * Sephiroth slaps DM around a bit with the moon!
  300. <DM> (too many puns?)
  301. <DM> (yep, too many puns)
  302. * Gibdo2 is now known as Gibdo3
  303. * Gibdo3 goes to latch onto the old man. Roll Power, Strife!
  304. <Strife> Don't ye worry, I got this-
  305. <Gibdo3> $54d10
  306. <Navi> Gibdo3: You rolled 54 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 308. Successes: 40.
  307. <Strife> Ahhh sun-of-a....
  308. <Strife> $32d10
  309. <Navi> Strife: You rolled 32 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 5, 3, 3, 7, 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 8, 3, 6, 6, 3, 2, 1, 9, 7, 8, 5, 3, 6, 7, 10, 3, 10, 2, 8, 7, 2 and 6. Total: 155. Successes: 19.
  310. <Gibdo3> 40 - 19 = 21/2 = 10.5 rounded = 11 damage - defense
  311. * Gibdo3 latches onto Strife!
  312. * Strife takes 10 damage from the latch.
  313. <Strife> Mmmmffffmfmmfmmfphphm!
  314. <Strife> 28h, 4m | Latched onto by a Gibdo
  315. <Gibdo3> 30h, 0m
  316. <Gibdo3> $endturn
  317. <Navi> Gibdo3 has ended their turn.
  318. <Navi> ROUND 1: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4), Gibdo3 (3) and Gibdo2 (1).
  319. * Gibdo3 is now known as Gibdo2
  320. * Gibdo2 goes to latch onto Sephiroth's face in revenge! (Roll Power)
  321. <Sephiroth> $49d10
  322. <Navi> Sephiroth: You rolled 49 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 9, 3, 10, 9, 6, 3, 6, 3, 5, 1, 8, 7, 7, 10, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 7, 10, 7, 1, 4, 7, 9, 6, 2, 9, 10, 2, 1, 2, 1, 7, 2, 1 and 1. Total: 244. Successes: 30.
  323. <Gibdo2> $54d10
  324. <Navi> Gibdo2: You rolled 54 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 301. Successes: 39.
  325. <Gibdo2> 39 - 30 = 9/2 = 4.5 rounded = 5 damage - defense
  326. * Gibdo2 latches onto Sephiroth with its mummy ways!
  327. <Monroe> Ahh dangit, now what...
  328. * Sephiroth takes 0 damage. (5 damage deferred until end of my next turn.)
  329. <DM> *Galactic Veil ftw?
  330. <Gibdo2> 14h, 0m
  331. <Gibdo2> $endturn
  332. <Navi> Gibdo2 has ended their turn.
  333. <Navi> ROUND 2: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4), Gibdo3 (3) and Gibdo2 (1).
  334. * Sephiroth forgot its effect when he did the wand blast.
  335. * Sephiroth shrugs.
  336. <Monroe> Uhh... how do ya want me to do this, folks?
  337. * Strife is still being muffled.
  339. * Sephiroth is beginning to be suffocated.
  340. <Monroe> Silver Arrows, got it.
  341. * Monroe pulls a Silver Arrow onto his beaten up Survivor's Memo. He aims it at Gibdo2... and fires. (Roll Courage)
  342. <Monroe> $61d10
  343. <Navi> Monroe: You rolled 61 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 329. Successes: 40.
  344. <Gibdo2> $44d10
  345. <Navi> Gibdo2: You rolled 44 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 2, 9, 3, 5, 4, 1, 5, 7, 6, 1, 10, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9, 6, 9, 1, 4, 3, 10, 6, 8, 10, 7, 10, 9, 9, 7, 5, 10, 8, 7, 3, 2, 8, 6, 3, 10, 5, 1 and 6. Total: 268. Successes: 37.
  346. <DM> (seriously, again?)
  347. <Monroe> Gah!
  348. <Monroe> $1d5
  349. <Navi> Monroe: You rolled 1 Die with 5 Sides. Result: 4. Total: 4.
  350. <Monroe> 40 - 37 = 3 damage - defense
  351. <DM> 3/2 = 1.5 rounded = 2 damage to Sephiroth due to Shared Pain
  352. <Sephiroth> (I'd use a reroll if I was capable of doing any actions.)
  353. <DM> actually....
  354. <DM> Gibdo shouldn't be able to roll
  355. <DM> so...
  356. <Monroe> Sorry Seph... hope the healin' makes up for it some!
  357. * Gibdo2 takes 40 damage as it's pulverized by the Silver Arrow. Its body turns to dust, freeing Sephiroth, but not before dealing 20 damage to Sephiroth due to Shared Pain.
  358. * Sephiroth now takes a grand total of 25 damage at the end of his next turn.
  359. Sephiroth Serikka_Tonatsu
  360. <DM> *The Silver Arrow's healing effect heals Monroe, Sephiroth, and Strife by 5 hearts.
  361. <Strife> phanks!
  362. <Strife> 33h, 5m
  363. <Monroe> I'll make sure ta heal ya up after this!
  364. <Monroe> 65h, 9m
  365. <Monroe> $endturn
  366. <Navi> Monroe has ended their turn.
  367. <Navi> ROUND 2: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4), Gibdo3 (3) and Gibdo2 (1).
  368. <Gibdo2> $removeme
  369. * Sephiroth is now known as Gibdos2
  370. <Gibdos2> $removeme
  371. <Navi> Gibdo2 has removed theirself from battle.
  372. <Navi> ROUND 2: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4) and Gibdo3 (3).
  373. <Navi> Gibdos2: You cannot remove yourself from a battle you are not participating in.
  374. * Gibdo2 is now known as Gibdo3
  375. * Gibdos2 is now known as Sephiroth
  376. <Sephiroth> I fail.
  377. <Gibdo3> whee!
  378. * Sephiroth kicks Gibdo3 out the window.
  379. * Sephiroth has kicked Gibdo3 from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on the roof! «16,219»)
  380. * Gibdo3 (~WindStrik@ has joined #zurpg
  381. * Strife struggles to break free of Gibdo3!
  382. <Strife> rollin' Courage vs. 40 successes
  383. <Strife> $65d10
  384. <Navi> Strife: You rolled 65 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 374. Successes: 46.
  385. * Strife leaps out of Gibdo3's grasp at once!
  386. <Strife> Old men for the win, zombie thingy!
  387. <Strife> 33h, 5m
  388. <Strife> $endturn
  389. <Navi> Strife has ended their turn.
  390. <Navi> ROUND 2: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4) and Gibdo3 (3).
  391. * Sephiroth fires another focused magic blast at Gibdo3. (Roll Wisdom)
  392. <Sephiroth> $43d10
  393. <Navi> Sephiroth: You rolled 43 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 5, 6, 1, 4, 9, 2, 5, 7, 6, 3, 3, 7, 8, 8, 10, 5, 9, 6, 6, 1, 4, 6, 5, 6, 4, 5, 8, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 8, 10, 3, 2, 4, 3, 4 and 9. Total: 253. Successes: 32.
  394. <Gibdo3> $12d10
  395. <Navi> Gibdo3: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 8, 4, 3, 8, 8, 3, 9, 1, 2, 2 and 9. Total: 65. Successes: 6.
  396. * Gibdo3 is hit... and hit quite hard.
  397. <Sephiroth> 32 - 6 = 26 damage - defense.
  398. <DM> (what's the wand effect you were talkin' bout earlier?0
  399. * Gibdo3 takes 26 damage from the attack, dropping it to a near death state.
  400. * Sephiroth gains an etheral barrier that reduces 4 damage from incoming attacks.
  401. <DM> (ah)
  402. <Gibdo3> 4h, 0m
  403. * Sephiroth then takes 25 damage from the previous attacks. (Ow.)
  404. <Sephiroth> 9h, 36m.
  405. <Sephiroth> $endturn
  406. <Navi> Sephiroth has ended their turn.
  407. <Navi> ROUND 2: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4) and Gibdo3 (3).
  408. <Monroe> Oops, sorry mate.
  409. <Monroe> I'll give ya some pot after the battle...
  410. <Monroe> ......
  411. <Sephiroth> (Time to get high...)
  412. * Sephiroth kicks Monroe out the window.
  413. * Sephiroth has kicked Monroe from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed up your butt! How the fuck is that possible? «16,220»)
  414. * Gibdo3 lets open its mouth to let out a disgusting and putrid breath, hitting all of you! (Roll Wisdom)
  415. <Gibdo3> (Shadow attack fyi)
  416. <Gibdo3> $51d10
  417. <Navi> Gibdo3: You rolled 51 Dice with 10 Sides. Total: 278. Successes: 34.
  418. <Strife> $49d10
  419. <Navi> Strife: You rolled 49 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 4, 4, 8, 5, 5, 7, 4, 2, 2, 6, 1, 2, 7, 2, 7, 1, 2, 10, 5, 6, 9, 5, 6, 9, 9, 8, 4, 3, 2, 10, 9, 2, 7, 9, 6, 8, 4, 7, 5, 9, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6, 5, 5 and 9. Total: 274. Successes: 35.
  420. <Sephiroth> $45d10
  421. <Navi> Sephiroth: You rolled 45 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 9, 6, 10, 5, 6, 10, 9, 9, 8, 7, 1, 6, 3, 2, 2, 8, 7, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10, 8, 4, 7, 7, 10, 9, 10, 8, 3, 6, 5, 8, 8, 3, 5, 4, 8, 1, 9, 6, 8 and 9. Total: 294. Successes: 40.
  422. <Monroe> ahhh crap
  423. <Monroe> $12d10
  424. <Navi> Monroe: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 8, 8, 5, 7, 5, 1, 1, 9, 4, 6 and 10. Total: 69. Successes: 10.
  425. * Monroe is hit!
  426. <DM> (oh yeah, dragonheart adds 4 hearts... fixin' that
  427. <Gibdo3> 34 - 10 = 24/2 = 12 damage - defense + Filth Affliction
  428. <Monroe> 12 - 4 (armor) - 3 (hard skin) = 5 damage
  429. <Monroe> Ack, it puked on me!
  430. <Monroe> 64h, 9m | Filth
  431. <Gibdo3> 4h, 0m
  432. <Gibdo3> $endturn
  433. <Navi> Gibdo3 has ended their turn.
  434. <Navi> ROUND 3: Monroe (9), Strife (6), Sephiroth (4) and Gibdo3 (3).
  435. <DM> *Forgot about Decay Aura first time... but not this time.*
  436. Sephiroth Serikka_Tonatsu
  437. <DM> *Monroe, Strife and Sephiroth, you all take 4 poison damage (neutral) from the Decay Aura.
  438. * Monroe takes 3 poison damage (yay Dragonheart Armor)
  439. <Monroe> 61h, 9m | Filth
  440. * Sephiroth will take 4 damage at the end of his turn.
  441. <Strife> Stinky old fart, ya let it liv, ya muscle 'eaded punk! And I've got senilism!
  442. * DM face-palms.
  443. * Sephiroth kicks Strife out the window.
  444. * Sephiroth has kicked Strife from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on a poker table as the pot! :O «16,221»)
  445. * Strife is pot?
  446. <DM> Mmmm... pot.
  447. * Sephiroth face-palms.
  448. <Strife> 30h, 5m
  449. <Monroe> Ehh, screw it.
  450. * Monroe casts Heal Beam Alpha at Gibdo3, automatically dealing 7 damage to it and finishing it off.
  451. * Gibdo3 withers against the healing powers of the beam, turning into a tree before decay into into a pile of black dust.
  452. <Gibdo3> *before decaying
  453. <Gibdo3> $removeme
  454. <Navi> Gibdo3 has removed theirself from battle.
  455. <Navi> ROUND 3: Monroe (9), Strife (6) and Sephiroth (4).
  456. * Gibdo3 is now known as X___X
  457. <DM> $init r
  458. <Navi> DM: The bot has been reset.
  459. <Strife> Huh. I suddenly remember'd somethin....
  460. <Strife> People called me a cloud in the sky fer some reason. ... I'mma just keep callin' me Strife, sounds cooler.
  461. <DM> +90 EXP
  462. <DM> +$90d8 Rupees
  463. <DM> (playing senile old man Cloud Strife is way too fun, lol)
  464. <Sephiroth> $90d8
  465. <Navi> Sephiroth: You rolled 90 Dice with 8 Sides. Total: 400.
  466. <DM> o_O
  467. <Strife> $90d8
  468. <Navi> Strife: You rolled 90 Dice with 8 Sides. Total: 422.
  469. <Monroe> $90d8
  470. <Navi> Monroe: You rolled 90 Dice with 8 Sides. Total: 412.
  471. <Sephiroth> That's ... wow
  472. <Sephiroth> divisible by 100.
  473. <Sephiroth> o_o
  474. <DM> *You gain the flat number bonus! You gain 100 rupees in addition to the 400 as a result!*
  475. <Sephiroth> O.O
  476. * Sephiroth squee.
  477. * Strife turns to see Sephiroth being showered in rupees all of sudden. He blinks a few times, rubs his eyes, and all he can see is Sephiroth's true power..... money.
  478. <DM> (I just realized how ironic that line is)
  479. <DM> annnd
  480. <DM> $3d4
  481. <Navi> DM: You rolled 3 Dice with 4 Sides. Result: 3, 3 and 3. Total: 9.
  482. <DM> errr
  483. <DM> $3d2
  484. <Navi> DM: You flipped 3 coins. Values: Heads (1), Tails (2) and Heads (1). Results: 2 Heads (1) - 1 Tail (2).
  485. <Sephiroth> ... o.O'
  486. <DM> *Two Restoration Hearts and a Magic Jar drop!* -
  487. <Kefka> ZURPG: Quest Info & Items
  488. <DM> (yes, I know that post isn't updated, just grab 'em anyways)
  489. <Monroe> Here bud!
  490. * Monroe hands Sephiroth one of his Deep Red Potions.
  491. <Monroe> Drink up and heal, mate.
  492. * Monroe drinks a Deep Blue Potion himself.
  493. <Sephiroth> "Thanks."
  494. <Monroe> 69h, 14m
  495. * Sephiroth drinks the Deep Red Potion and returns the bottle to Monroe.
  496. <Sephiroth> 27h, 36m.
  497. * Monroe zoinks the bottle back.
  498. <Strife> 30h, 5m
  499. <Monroe> Let's move, before more of those horrors show up.
  500. <Sephiroth> "Indeed."
  501. * Sephiroth makes his way to the Temple of Temple.
  502. <DM> *You head up the stairs to the Temple of Temple.... yep, typos are forever awesome.*
  503. * Sephiroth wonders if a Temple will be inside the Temple of Temple?
  504. <DM> *The Temple of... Temple, stands before you. Its ceiling is interrupted by the Catacomb's ceiling.*
  505. * Sephiroth enters the Temple of Temple.
  506. <DM> *Asides from the ceiling interruption and the lighting effects of the Catacombs, it looks identical to the Temple of Time in Hyrule Village.*
  507. * X___X is now known as Piano
  508. * Sephiroth waits.
  509. <DM> *You enter the Temple of Temple. The inside is dimly lit by torches hanging on the upper parts of the half-ruined walls. The checkerboard floor is covered in rubble.*
  510. <DM> *On the other side of the room is a man, whose back is turned towards you.*
  511. <DM> [???]: Whoever just came in, close the darn door, will ya?
  512. <DM> *Strife and Monroe enter the Temple of Temple.*
  513. <Sephiroth> "Since when was there a door on this place to begin with?"
  514. <DM> *The door is leaning on a nearby wall. The entrance is wide open.*
  515. <Monroe> The heck? I ain't never seen this place down here in the Catacombs before.
  516. * Piano is now known as X___X
  517. * Sephiroth attempts to slide the door into place.
  518. <DM> *The door is 30 feet tall, 10 feet wide, and half a foot thick, made of solid bronze and lined with gold.*
  519. <DM> *Roll Power vs. 75 successes to move it back into place.*
  520. * Sephiroth ... nevermind.
  521. <DM> *The door remains unamused.*
  522. <DM> [???]: *sighs* Fine, I'll close it myself.
  523. * DM is matched off against Orithan?
  524. <DM> *Suddenly, a door that looks identical to that heavy door appears in the entrance's place, appearing to close the Temple of Temple's entrance off.*
  525. <Monroe> What the...
  526. <Strife> Man, I must be growin' real old to be seein' crap like that happen.
  527. <DM> *The man turns around. It appears to be a young man, with long red hair. He wears a green tunic.... and it has pants.*
  528. <DM> [???]: So, what brings you folks to Hyrule Town, home to Scepter's brother?
  529. <Monroe> Wait, you don't mean the rumored Poe with a scythe that roams Hyrule Field, do you?
  530. <DM> [???]: Yep, that same one! Dunno this one's name though.
  531. <DM> *The red-haired man looks at the party, nodding his head periodically.*
  532. <Strife> Hey, I see you peekin' on me! Just cause I'm old don't mean ya need to point it out
  533. * Monroe face-palms at Strife's continuined senilism.
  534. Sephiroth Serikka_Tonatsu
  535. * Sephiroth duo face-palms with Monroe.
  536. <DM> *He looks you, Sephiroth, up and down, and then he crooks his head to the side.*
  537. <DM> [???]: Hmm... this is weird. I recognize you... but I don't know who you are.
  538. <DM> *He looks at Monroe as well, crooking his head the other way.*
  539. <DM> [???]: I recognize you too. ... cool, huh?
  540. <Monroe> Who are you?
  541. <DM> [???]: Name's Dan! Kaze Dan, but just call me Dan!
  542. * X___X is now known as Dan
  543. <Dan> I've been livin' in Hyrule Town for... oh, a year now, I think?
  544. <Monroe> I've been roamin' this place a while. I've seen the old man a couple of times... but I ain't never seen you before.
  545. * Strife le-gasps
  546. <Strife> You mean you're growin' senile too?!
  547. * Sephiroth face-palms.
  548. * Dan laughs.
  549. <Dan> Heh, the old man's funny. He should totally run a comedy show sometime, might make the Gibdos senile.
  550. <Strife> Haharr, that's great!
  551. * Dan sniffs the air a few times.
  552. <Dan> ... I smell... blood.
  553. <Monroe> No duh, we're not exactly full health from that battle with the Gibdos o'er there. Plus I ended up hittin' Sephiroth a little harder than I thought.
  554. <Dan> No, not fresh blood. Old blood.... blood that stains pages.... it's been there for well over a year.
  555. * Dan looks in Sephiroth's direction.
  556. <Dan> ... it's comin' from you.
  557. * Sephiroth produces an old diary?
  558. <Dan> Ahhh, ahhhh that's it! That's the smell!
  559. <Monroe> That's a weird ability ya got. I pride myself on a sensitive nose, but I ain't got anythin' like that!
  560. <Strife> Oh, how good it must be to be young... to be able to smell the blood of men that have been dead for ages.... and smell like roses.
  561. <Dan> So, what's in that little diary there?
  562. * Sephiroth shows Dan the only legible page.
  563. * Dan reads it...
  564. <Dan> Oooh, the Sheikah, eh.... huh, this comin' from a Royal Family member.
  565. <Dan> I gotta see this.. mind if I see the diary?
  566. <Dan> err, mind handing it over for a bit?
  567. * Sephiroth hands it to Dan.
  568. * Dan grabs the diary.
  569. * Monroe starts moving his hand towards his bow.
  570. <Dan> Hmm... old blood, eh?
  571. <Dan> Just need to wash the blood off with a cleaning spell!
  572. * Dan touches the old blood with his hand. There's a splash of water and sparkles, and a moment later, the last three lines are visible.
  573. * Dan shows them to Sephiroth.
  574. * Sephiroth reads.
  575. <DM> -heh, what am I even hoping for, believing in the Sheikah of the past...
  576. <DM> For all I know, what ended up being revived were a bunch of Gerudo, before they became Sheikah.
  577. <DM> Or, worse yet... the Gerudo that sought the Interlopers. ... may the Goddesses help us all if that happens."
  578. * Monroe raises a Pulsing Arrow onto his bow and points it at Dan.
  579. <Monroe> Sephiroth, raise your sword! This man isn't just someone that lives here!
  580. <Dan> Huh? Why all the hostility suddenly?
  581. * Strife begins to wake up.
  582. <Monroe> In all of my travels, all my experience, of all that I have known....
  583. <Monroe> There is only one person I've ever met that had the ability to control blood...
  584. * Sephiroth backs away.
  585. <Dan> What? I cleaned the blood!
  586. <Dan> It's a water spell, cleans it right off!
  587. * Sephiroth readies his sword.
  588. <Monroe> It cleans fresh blood off... not the blood of someone deceased. Your illusion won't trick me.
  589. * Monroe looks to below the book. There's a bit of the dried blood on the floor.
  590. <Dan> Huh, how'd that happen?
  591. * Dan looks down and picks it up, examining it.
  592. <Monroe> Hey, Strife! ... you've been living here a while, you ever seen this guy?
  593. <Strife> Err, wot? Err... I've seen a guy with a black robe dash 'round 'ere with some white-robed folk a'fore. But this guy? Ne'er seen 'im!
  594. <Monroe> Huh, that sounds like someone I know. He's only got the highest bounty in all of Hyrule planted on his head! ... should've figured he's good at illusions...
  595. <Monroe> Bloodwind. Turn off the illusion. We can see right through it.
  596. <Dan> Umm... who?
  597. <Dan> I admit, I'm wearing an illusion, but... who's Bloodwind?
  598. <Monroe> Bloodwind is the only person capable of directly controlling blood, it HAS to be you!
  599. * Dan starts shivering a bit.
  600. <Dan> H-hey, I... I don't like b-being accused of somethin' I'm not!
  601. * Dan looks to Sephiroth.
  602. <Dan> Y-you don't b-b-believe this guy, d-do you?
  603. <Sephiroth> "..."
  604. <Dan> I'm just...t-trying to live, o-o-okay?!
  605. <Dan> O-old man, you're a funny g-guy, d-don't kill me, I c-can help you!
  606. <Strife> Eh, these two guys seem strong. Good offer, young one, but I ain't 'bout to fight either o' these two.
  607. * Sephiroth pokes Dan.
  608. <DM> *The 1-damage poke eliminates the illusion. It's a black haired man wearing the same dark robes that Bloodwind wears. However, there's not a veil of darkness over his face.*
  609. * Dan continues to shiver, and he seems paralyzed in place.
  610. <Monroe> ... all forms of diguise break after any damage. If you don't have that veil of darkness... then...
  611. * Monroe stares at Dan with his bow ready for a few seconds longer... and then lowers it.
  612. <Monroe> You... look just like him before he transformed.
  613. * Monroe falls to the floor and begins sobbing lightly.
  614. * Sephiroth tries to comfort Monroe.
  615. <Monroe> I... I thought I died, when you disappeared, Wind!
  616. <Monroe> I'm always the only one left alive!
  617. <Monroe> My family... my friends... and you... you especially...
  618. * Dan stops shivering.
  619. <Dan> H-hey, are you alright?
  620. <Monroe> Thanks, Seph... you're not dyin' either, are ya?
  621. <Monroe> I'm not gonna be that lone survivor no more, am I?
  622. <Sephiroth> "I don't plan on it anytime soon."
  623. <Monroe> Heh... hehheh.... ahahahahah....
  624. * Monroe gets back up off the floor and looks up at Dan.
  625. <Monroe> I'm... I'm jus' fine. You seem like you'd be real useful. Why don't we be friends?
  626. * Dan smiles happily.
  627. <Dan> Really? Friends, really?!
  628. * Sephiroth nods.
  629. <Monroe> Someone better than Ghost Hunter at illusions? Heck yeah!
  630. * Monroe holds his hand out.
  631. * Dan steps forward to shake Monroe's hand...
  632. <DM> *Suddenly, he stops, and shivers, shaking with fright.*
  633. <Dan> No... no... no more, not again!
  634. <Dan> He's here... he's coming...
  635. <DM> *You feel a powerful aura of death and despair loom in from behind you.*
  636. <Dan> My illusions... they're not working. He's seen through them!
  637. * Sephiroth does a 180.
  638. <DM> *You turn around to a see large poe, twice your size, float through the entrance. Its eyes are red, glowing brightly. Below it, its aura is dragging a pile of corpses, all of them wearing white robes.*
  639. <DM> *The poe speaks, its voice hitting multiple clashing pitches at once.*
  640. <DM> [Poe]: You've run far... but I... I've fooooouuuuuuund you.
  641. * Sephiroth backs away from the poe.
  642. <DM> [Poe]: Come... join me... come back...
  643. <Monroe> Crap, it's the Great Poe of this area! We gotta go!
  644. <DM> *The Poe and its pile of corpses blocks the only way out.*
  645. <DM> [Poe]: Sacrifice your life for me...
  646. <DM> [Poe]: So that I may be revived to my true form....
  647. * Sephiroth enters battle stance.
  648. <DM> [Poe]: We Interlopers... will rise once again! And the Triforce... WILL be ours!
  649. <DM> -=QUEST PAUSE=-
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