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Sep 9th, 2016
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  1. <?php
  3. $compressed = array(
  4. ".0" => "Hacha Split Archive File",
  5. ".000" => "DoubleSpace Compressed File",
  6. ".7z" => "7-Zip Compressed File",
  7. ".7z.001" => "7-Zip Split Archive Part 1 File",
  8. ".7z.002" => "7-Zip Split Archive Part 2 File",
  9. ".a00" => "ALZip Second Split Archive File",
  10. ".a01" => "ALZip Third Split Archive File",
  11. ".a02" => "ALZip Fourth Split Archive File",
  12. ".ace" => "WinAce Compressed File",
  13. ".agg" => "Bulk Data File",
  14. ".ain" => "AIN Compressed File Archive",
  15. ".alz" => "ALZip Archive",
  16. ".apz" => "Autoplay Media Studio Exported Project",
  17. ".ar" => "Unix Static Library",
  18. ".arc" => "Compressed File Archive",
  19. ".arh" => "ProTool Compressed Project File",
  20. ".ari" => "ARI Compressed File Archive",
  21. ".arj" => "ARJ Compressed File Archive",
  22. ".ark" => "PowerDesk Pro Archive",
  23. ".b1" => "B1 Compressed Archive",
  24. ".b64" => "Base64 MIME-Encoded File",
  25. ".ba" => "Scifer External Header Archive",
  26. ".bh" => "BlakHole Archive",
  27. ".bndl" => "Game Data Bundle File",
  28. ".boo" => "Booasm Compressed Archive",
  29. ".bz" => "Bzip Compressed File",
  30. ".bz2" => "Bzip2 Compressed File",
  31. ".bza" => "IZArc BGA Archive",
  32. ".bzip" => "Bzip Compressed Archive",
  33. ".bzip2" => "Bzip2 Compressed Archive",
  34. ".c00" => "WinAce Split Archive File",
  35. ".c01" => "WinAce Split Archive Part 1 File",
  36. ".c02" => "WinAce Split Archive Part 1 File",
  37. ".c10" => "WinAce Split Archive Part 10",
  38. ".car" => "CAR Archive",
  39. ".cb7" => "Comic Book 7-Zip Archive",
  40. ".cba" => "Comic Book ACE Archive",
  41. ".cbr" => "Comic Book RAR Archive",
  42. ".cbt" => "Comic Book TAR File",
  43. ".cbz" => "Comic Book Zip Archive",
  44. ".cdz" => "Compressed CD Image File",
  45. ".cp9" => "ChoicePoint Encrypted File",
  46. ".cpgz" => "Compressed CPIO Archive",
  47. ".cpt" => "Compact Pro Archive",
  48. ".cxarchive" => "CrossOver Bottle Archive",
  49. ".czip" => "ZipGenius CryptoZip File",
  50. ".dar" => "DAR Disk Archive",
  51. ".dd" => "DiskDoubler Archive",
  52. ".deb" => "Debian Software Package",
  53. ".dgc" => "DGCA File Archive",
  54. ".dist" => "Mac OS X Distribution Script",
  55. ".dl_" => "Compressed DLL File",
  56. ".dz" => "Dzip File",
  57. ".ecs" => "Sony Ericsson Phone Backup File",
  58. ".efw" => "Renamed Zip or Executable File",
  59. ".egg" => "ALZip Archive",
  60. ".epi" => "EclipsePackager2000 Compressed File",
  61. ".f" => "Freeze Compressed File",
  62. ".fdp" => "MySafe Encrypted Data",
  63. ".fp8" => "FP8 (= Fast PAQ8) Compressed File",
  64. ".gca" => "GCA File Archive",
  65. ".gmz" => "Compressed GameMaker File",
  66. ".gz" => "Gnu Zipped Archive",
  67. ".gz2" => "Misnamed BZ2 File",
  68. ".gza" => "IZArc BGA Archive File",
  69. ".gzi" => "Unix Gzip File",
  70. ".gzip" => "Gnu Zipped File",
  71. ".ha" => "HA Compressed Archive",
  72. ".hbc" => "HyperBac Compressed Archive",
  73. ".hbc2" => "HyperBac Compressed File Archive",
  74. ".hbe" => "HyperBac Compressed and Encrypted Archive",
  75. ".hki" => "WinHKI Archive",
  76. ".hki1" => "WinHKI HKI1 Archive",
  77. ".hki2" => "WinHKI HKI2 Archive",
  78. ".hki3" => "WinHKI HKI3 Archive",
  79. ".hpk" => "HPack Compressed Archive",
  80. ".hyp" => "HYPER Compressed Archive",
  81. ".ice" => "ICE File Archive",
  82. ".ipg" => "iPod Game File",
  83. ".ipk" => "Itsy Package",
  84. ".ish" => "ISH Compressed Archive",
  85. ".ita" => "IconTweaker Theme Archive",
  86. ".ize" => "IZArc Archive",
  87. ".j" => "JAR Archive",
  88. ".jar.pack" => "Pack200 Packed Jar File",
  89. ".jgz" => "Gzipped Javascript File",
  90. ".jic" => "Java Icon File",
  91. ".kgb" => "KGB Archive File",
  92. ".kz" => "KuaiZip Compressed File",
  93. ".layout" => "LayOut Document",
  94. ".lbr" => "LU Library Archive",
  95. ".lemon" => " Download",
  96. ".lha" => "LHARC Compressed Archive",
  97. ".lnx" => "Commodore 64 Lynx Archive",
  98. ".lqr" => "SQ Compressed LBR Archive",
  99. ".lz" => "Lzip Compressed File",
  100. ".lzh" => "LZH Compressed File",
  101. ".lzm" => "Slax Module",
  102. ".lzma" => "LZMA Compressed File",
  103. ".lzo" => "LZO Compressed File",
  104. ".lzx" => "Amiga LZX Compressed File",
  105. ".md" => "MDCD Compressed Archive",
  106. ".mint" => "Linux Mint Installer File",
  107. ".mou" => "WinMount Compressed File",
  108. ".mpkg" => "Meta Package File",
  109. ".mzp" => "WinArchiver Mountable Archive",
  110. ".mzp" => "MAXScript Zip Package",
  111. ".nex" => "Navigator Extension",
  112. ".oar" => "OpenSimulator Archive",
  113. ".oz" => "Opera Job Management Compressed File",
  114. ".p01" => "Parchive Recovery Volume",
  115. ".p19" => "Parchive Recovery Volume",
  116. ".pack.gz" => "Pack200 Compressed Archive",
  117. ".package" => "Linux Autopackage File",
  118. ".pae" => "PowerArchiver Encrypted Archive",
  119. ".pak" => "PAK (Packed) File",
  120. ".paq6" => "PAQ6 Data Archive",
  121. ".paq7" => "PAQ7 Data Archive",
  122. ".paq8" => "PAQ8 Data Archive",
  123. ".paq8f" => "PAQ8F Compressed Archive",
  124. ".par" => "Parchive Index File",
  125. ".par2" => "Parchive 2 Index File",
  126. ".pax" => "PAX Archive",
  127. ".pbi" => "PC BSD Installer Package",
  128. ".pcv" => "MozBackup Profile Backup",
  129. ".pea" => "PEA File Archive",
  130. ".pet" => "Puppy Linux Install Package",
  131. ".pf" => "Private File",
  132. ".pim" => "PIM Archive",
  133. ".pit" => "PackIt Compressed Archive",
  134. ".piz" => "Zipped File",
  135. ".pkg" => "Mac OS X Installer Package",
  136. ".psz" => "Compressed PostScript File",
  137. ".pup" => "Puppy Linux DotPup Installer Package",
  138. ".pup" => "PlayStation 3 Update File",
  139. ".puz" => "Packed Publisher File",
  140. ".pwa" => "Password Agent File",
  141. ".qda" => "Quadruple D Archive",
  142. ".r0" => "WinRAR Compressed Archive",
  143. ".r00" => "WinRAR Compressed Archive",
  144. ".r01" => "WinRAR Split Archive Part 1",
  145. ".r02" => "WinRAR Split Archive Part 2",
  146. ".r03" => "WinRAR Split Archive Part 3",
  147. ".r1" => "WinRAR Multi-Volume Archive Part 1",
  148. ".r2" => "WinRAR Multi-Volume Archive Part 2",
  149. ".r21" => "WinRAR Split Archive Part 21",
  150. ".r30" => "WinRAR Split Archive Part 30",
  151. ".rar" => "WinRAR Compressed Archive",
  152. ".rar5" => "WinRAR Compressed Archive",
  153. ".rev" => "RAR Recovery Volume Set",
  154. ".rk" => "WinRK File Archive",
  155. ".rnc" => "RNC ProPack Archive",
  156. ".rp9" => "RetroPlatform Disk Image Archive",
  157. ".rpm" => "Red Hat Package Manager File",
  158. ".rte" => "RTE Encoded File",
  159. ".rz" => "Rzip Compressed File",
  160. ".s00" => "ZipSplitter Part 1 Archive",
  161. ".s01" => "ZipSplitter Part 2 Archive",
  162. ".s02" => "ZipSplitter Part 3 Archive",
  163. ".s7z" => "Mac OS X 7-Zip File",
  164. ".sar" => "Service Archive File",
  165. ".sbx" => "GLBasic Shoebox File",
  166. ".sdc" => "Secure Download Cabinet",
  167. ".sdn" => "Shareware Distributors Network File",
  168. ".sea" => "Self-Extracting Archive",
  169. ".sen" => "Scifer Internal Header Archive",
  170. ".sfs" => "Squashfs File Archive",
  171. ".sfx" => "Windows Self-Extracting Archive",
  172. ".sh" => "Unix Shell Archive",
  173. ".shar" => "Unix Shar Archive",
  174. ".shk" => "ShrinkIt Archive",
  175. ".shr" => "Unix Shell Archive File",
  176. ".sit" => "StuffIt Archive",
  177. ".sitx" => "StuffIt X Archive",
  178. ".snb" => "S Note File",
  179. ".spt" => "TM File Packer Compressed Archive",
  180. ".sqx" => "SQX Archive",
  181. ".srep" => "SuperREP Compressed File",
  182. ".sy_" => "Compressed SYS File",
  183. ".tar.gz" => "Compressed Tarball File",
  184. ".tar.gz2" => "Misnamed BZ2 Tarball",
  185. ".tar.lzma" => "LZMA Compressed Tarball",
  186. ".tar.xz" => "XZ Compressed Tar Archive",
  187. ".taz" => "Tar Zipped File",
  188. ".tbz" => "Bzip Compressed Tar Archive",
  189. ".tbz2" => "Tar BZip 2 Compressed File",
  190. ".tg" => "Gzip Compressed Tar Archive",
  191. ".tgz" => "Gzipped Tar File",
  192. ".tlz" => "Tar LZMA Compressed File",
  193. ".tlzma" => "LZMA Compressed Tar Archive",
  194. ".trs" => "Linear Saw Component Information Archive",
  195. ".tx_" => "Compressed Text File",
  196. ".txz" => "XZ Compressed Tar Archive",
  197. ".tz" => "Zipped Tar Archive",
  198. ".uc2" => "UltraCompressor 2 Archive",
  199. ".ufs.uzip" => "Compressed Unix File System File",
  200. ".uha" => "UHarc Compressed Archive",
  201. ".uzip" => "FreeBSD Compressed Disk Image",
  202. ".vem" => "Virtual Expander Compressed File",
  203. ".vsi" => "Visual Studio Content Installer File",
  204. ".war" => "Java Web Archive",
  205. ".wot" => "Web Of Trust File",
  206. ".xar" => "Extensible Archive Format File",
  207. ".xef" => "WinAce Encrypted File",
  208. ".xez" => "eManager Template Package",
  209. ".xmcdz" => "Mathcad Compressed Worksheet File",
  210. ".xx" => "XXEncoded File",
  211. ".xz" => "XZ Compressed Archive",
  212. ".y" => "Amiga Yabba Compressed File",
  213. ".yz" => "YAC Compressed File",
  214. ".yz1" => "Yamazaki ZIPPER File",
  215. ".z" => "Unix Compressed File",
  216. ".z01" => "WinZip First Split Zip File",
  217. ".z02" => "WinZip Second Split Zip File",
  218. ".z03" => "WinZip Third Split Zip File",
  219. ".z04" => "WinZip Fourth Split Zip File",
  220. ".zap" => "FileWrangler Archive",
  221. ".zfsendtotarget" => "Compressed Folder",
  222. ".zi" => "Renamed Zip File",
  223. ".zip" => "Zipped File",
  224. ".zipx" => "Extended Zip File",
  225. ".zix" => "WinZix Compressed File",
  226. ".zl" => "Zlib Compressed File",
  227. ".zoo" => "Zoo Compressed File",
  228. ".zpi" => "Zipped File",
  229. ".zz" => "Zzip Compressed Archive"
  230. );
  232. $raster = array(
  233. ".001" => "Fax File",
  234. ".2bp" => "Pocket PC Bitmap Image File",
  235. ".360" => "360desktop Panorama File",
  236. ".411" => "Mavica Thumbnail Image",
  237. ".73i" => "TI-73 Screenshot File",
  238. ".8pbs" => "Adobe Photoshop Macintosh File",
  239. ".8xi" => "TI-83/84 Plus Picture File",
  240. ".9.png" => "NinePatchDrawable Image",
  241. ".abm" => "Photo Album",
  242. ".accountpicture-ms" => "Windows 8 Account Picture File",
  243. ".acorn" => "Acorn Image",
  244. ".acr" => "American College of Radiology File",
  245. ".adc" => "Scanstudio 16 Color Image",
  246. ".afx" => "Auto FX Photo/Graphic Edges Image",
  247. ".agif" => "Active GIF Creator Project",
  248. ".agp" => "ArtGem Project File",
  249. ".aic" => "Advanced Image Coding File",
  250. ".ais" => "ACDSee Image Sequence File",
  251. ".albm" => "HP Photo Printing Software Album File",
  252. ".apd" => "ACDSee Photo Document",
  253. ".apm" => "Aldus Placeable Metafile Image",
  254. ".apng" => "Animated Portable Network Graphic",
  255. ".aps" => "Greeting Card Studio Project File",
  256. ".apx" => "Ability Photopaint Studio Image",
  257. ".arr" => "Amber Graphic File",
  258. ".art" => "AOL Compressed Image File",
  259. ".artwork" => "ArtStudio Image",
  260. ".arw" => "ArtStudio Image",
  261. ".asw" => "ACDSee Slideshow Wizard File",
  262. ".avatar" => "Google Talk Avatar File",
  263. ".awd" => "Artweaver Document",
  264. ".awd" => "Microsoft Fax Document",
  265. ".blkrt" => "Block Artist Image File",
  266. ".blz" => "Compressed Bitmap Image",
  267. ".bm2" => "Subspace Bitmap File",
  268. ".bmc" => "Bitmap Cache File",
  269. ".bmf" => "Binary Material File",
  270. ".bmp" => "Bitmap Image File",
  271. ".bmx" => "Siemens Mobile Animations File",
  272. ".bmz" => "Compressed Bitmap Image",
  273. ".brk" => "Brooktrout Fax Document",
  274. ".brn" => "Cube Graphics File",
  275. ".brt" => "Bryce Textures File",
  276. ".bss" => "Resident Evil Background Images File",
  277. ".bti" => "Nintendo Texture File",
  278. ".c4" => "JEDMICS Image File",
  279. ".cal" => "CALS Raster Graphic",
  280. ".cals" => "CALS Raster Graphic File",
  281. ".cam" => "CASIO Digital Camera Picture File",
  282. ".can" => "Canon Navigator Fax Document",
  283. ".cd5" => "Chasys Draw Image File",
  284. ".cdc" => "AutoCAD DesignCenter Preview Cache File",
  285. ".cdg" => "Compact Disc Plus Graphics Image",
  286. ".ce" => "ComputerEyes Image",
  287. ".cimg" => "CImg Image File",
  288. ".cin" => "Kodak Cineon Bitmap File",
  289. ".cit" => "Intergraph Bitmap Image File",
  290. ".colz" => "Adobe Collage File",
  291. ".cpbitmap" => "iOS Wallpaper Image",
  292. ".cpc" => "CPC Compressed Image File",
  293. ".cpd" => "Compressed PhotoDefiner Image File",
  294. ".cpg" => "Manga Studio Page File",
  295. ".cps" => "Corel Photo House File",
  296. ".cpt" => "Corel Photo-Paint Document",
  297. ".cpx" => "Corel CMX Compressed File",
  298. ".csf" => "Content Sealed Format",
  299. ".ct" => "Scitex Continuous Tone File",
  300. ".cut" => "Dr. Halo Bitmap Image File",
  301. ".dc2" => "Kodak Photo-Enhancer File",
  302. ".dcm" => "DICOM Image",
  303. ".dcx" => "Zsoft Multi-Page Paintbrush File",
  304. ".ddb" => "Device Dependent Bitmap",
  305. ".dds" => "DirectDraw Surface",
  306. ".ddt" => "Age of Mythology Textures File",
  307. ".dgt" => "DST Thumbnail File",
  308. ".dib" => "Device Independent Bitmap File",
  309. ".dicom" => "DICOM Image File",
  310. ".djv" => "DjVu Image",
  311. ".djvu" => "DjVu Image",
  312. ".dm3" => "DigitalMicrograph Image",
  313. ".dmi" => "BYOND Dream Maker Icon File",
  314. ".dpx" => "Digital Picture Exchange File",
  315. ".drz" => "Draz Paint File",
  316. ".dt2" => "Windows Live Messenger Emoticon Image File",
  317. ".dtw" => "Desktop Wallpaper",
  318. ".dvl" => "Virtual Library File",
  319. ".ecw" => "Enhanced Compression Wavelet Image",
  320. ".epp" => "Canon Easy-PhotoPrint Image File",
  321. ".exr" => "OpenEXR Image",
  322. ".fac" => "FACE Image File",
  323. ".face" => "FACE Graphic File",
  324. ".fal" => "Bitmap Graphic Header Information",
  325. ".fax" => "Fax Document",
  326. ".fbm" => "Fuzzy Bitmap Image",
  327. ".fil" => "Symbian Application Logo File",
  328. ".fits" => "Flexible Image Transport System File",
  329. ".fpg" => "Fenix Graphics Collection File",
  330. ".fpos" => "Photo Pos Pro Image",
  331. ".fpx" => "FlashPix Bitmap Image File",
  332. ".frm" => "Painter Frame Stack File",
  333. ".g3" => "CCITT Group 3 Fax Image",
  334. ".gbr" => "GIMP Brush File",
  335. ".gcdp" => "Greeting Card Studio Design Project",
  336. ".gfb" => "GIFBlast Compressed Image File",
  337. ".gfie" => "Greenfish Icon Editor Pro Graphic",
  338. ".ggr" => "GIMP Gradient File",
  339. ".gif" => "Graphical Interchange Format File",
  340. ".gih" => "GIMP Image Hose File",
  341. ".gim" => "PlayStation Portable Image File",
  342. ".gmbck" => "Game Maker Background Image File",
  343. ".gmspr" => "Game Maker Sprite File",
  344. ".gp4" => "CCITT Group 4 Fax File",
  345. ".gpd" => "Graphic PhotoDefiner Image File",
  346. ".gro" => "Graphic Object Bitmap",
  347. ".grob" => "Graphic Object Bitmap File",
  348. ".gry" => "Grayscale Image",
  349. ".hdp" => "HD Photo File",
  350. ".hdr" => "High Dynamic Range Image File",
  351. ".hdrp" => "HDRtist Pro Document",
  352. ".hf" => "HF Image",
  353. ".hpi" => "Hemera Photo Objects Image File",
  354. ".hr" => "TRS-80 Image",
  355. ".hrf" => "Hitachi Raster Format File",
  356. ".i3d" => "Houdini Image 3D File",
  357. ".ic1" => "Low Resolution Imagic Graphics File",
  358. ".ic2" => "Medium Resolution Imagic Graphics File",
  359. ".ic3" => "High Resolution Imagic Graphics File",
  360. ".ica" => "Image Object Content Architecture File",
  361. ".icb" => "Targa ICB Bitmap Image",
  362. ".icn" => "Windows Icon File",
  363. ".icon" => "Icon Image File",
  364. ".icpr" => "IconUtils Project File",
  365. ".ilbm" => "Interleaved Bitmap Image",
  366. ".img" => "GEM Image",
  367. ".imj" => "JFIF Bitmap Image",
  368. ".info" => "ZoomBrowser Image Index File",
  369. ".ink" => "Pantone Reference File",
  370. ".int" => "SGI Integer Image",
  371. ".iphotoproject" => "iPhoto Print Project",
  372. ".ipick" => "iPick Football Image",
  373. ".ipx" => "IPIX Image",
  374. ".itc2" => "iTunes Cover Flow Data File 2",
  375. ".ithmb" => "iPod and iPhone Photo Thumbnails File",
  376. ".ivr" => "Image Worlds File",
  377. ".ivue" => "Live Picture IVUE Image",
  378. ".iwi" => "Infinity Ward Texture File",
  379. ".j" => "JPEG Image",
  380. ".j2c" => "JPEG 2000 Code Stream",
  381. ".j2k" => "JPEG 2000 Image",
  382. ".jas" => "Paint Shop Pro Compressed Graphic",
  383. ".jb2" => "JBIG2 Image",
  384. ".jbf" => "Paint Shop Pro Browser Cache File",
  385. ".jbig" => "Joint Bi-level Image Group File",
  386. ".jbig2" => "JBIG2",
  387. ".jbmp" => "JAmes OS Bitmap Image",
  388. ".jbr" => "Paint Shop Pro Brushes File",
  389. ".jfi" => "JPEG File Interchange Image",
  390. ".jfif" => "JPEG File Interchange Format",
  391. ".jia" => "Digital Photo Navigator Album",
  392. ".jif" => "JPEG Image File",
  393. ".jiff" => "JPEG Image File Format",
  394. ".jng" => "JPEG Network Graphic",
  395. ".jp2" => "JPEG 2000 Core Image File",
  396. ".jpc" => "JPEG 2000 Code Stream File",
  397. ".jpd" => "Joint PhotoDefiner Image",
  398. ".jpe" => "JPEG Image",
  399. ".jpeg" => "JPEG Image",
  400. ".jpf" => "JPEG 2000 Image",
  401. ".jpg" => "JPEG Image",
  402. ".jpg2" => "JPEG 2000 Image",
  403. ".jps" => "Stereo JPEG Image",
  404. ".jpx" => "JPEG 2000 Image File",
  405. ".jtf" => "JPEG Tagged Interchange Format",
  406. ".jwl" => "Roxio Jewel Case File",
  407. ".jxr" => "JPEG XR Image",
  408. ".kdi" => "KD Player Skin Image File",
  409. ".kdk" => "Kodak Proprietary Decimated TIFF File",
  410. ".kfx" => "Kofax Image File",
  411. ".kic" => "Kodak Compressed Image File",
  412. ".kodak" => "Kodak Photo CD File",
  413. ".kpg" => "Kai's Power Goo Graphic",
  414. ".lbm" => "Deluxe Paint Bitmap Image",
  415. ".lif" => "Leica Image File",
  416. ".ljp" => "Lossless JPEG Image",
  417. ".lzp" => "LazPaint Image",
  418. ".mac" => "MacPaint Image",
  419. ".mat" => "Vue Material File",
  420. ".max" => "PaperPort Scanned Document",
  421. ".mbm" => "Multi Bitmap File",
  422. ".mbm" => "Kerbal Space Program Texture File",
  423. ".mcs" => "Mathcad Image",
  424. ".met" => "Presentation Manager Metafile",
  425. ".mic" => "Image Composer File",
  426. ".mip" => "Multiple Image Print File",
  427. ".mix" => "Microsoft Image Exchange File",
  428. ".mng" => "Multiple Network Graphic",
  429. ".mnr" => "AutoCAD Menu Resource File",
  430. ".mpf" => "Microsoft Media Package FIle",
  431. ".mpo" => "Multi Picture Object File",
  432. ".mrb" => "Multiple Resolution Bitmap File",
  433. ".mrxs" => "MIRAX Virtual Slide File",
  434. ".msk" => "Paint Shop Pro Mask File",
  435. ".msp" => "Microsoft Paint Bitmap Image",
  436. ".mxi" => "Maxwell Image",
  437. ".myl" => "MyLogo Maker Image",
  438. ".ncd" => "Nero CoverDesigner File",
  439. ".ncr" => "NCR Image",
  440. ".nct" => "Nero CoverDesigner Template",
  441. ".neo" => "NeoChrome Bitmap Image",
  442. ".nlm" => "Nokia Logo File",
  443. ".oc3" => "openCanvas 3 Event File",
  444. ".oc4" => "openCanvas 4 Event File",
  445. ".oc5" => "openCanvas 5 Event File",
  446. ".oci" => "openCanvas Image",
  447. ".odi" => "OpenDocument Image",
  448. ".omf" => "OMF Interchange Image File",
  449. ".oplc" => "Nokia Operator Logo File",
  450. ".ora" => "OpenRaster Image File",
  451. ".ota" => "OTA Bitmap Image",
  452. ".otb" => "Nokia Over The Air Bitmap Image",
  453. ".oti" => "OpenDocument Image Template",
  454. ".ozb" => "MU Online Image File",
  455. ".ozj" => "MU Online Image File",
  456. ".ozt" => "MU Online Image File",
  457. ".pac" => "STAD Graphic File",
  458. ".pal" => "Dr. Halo Color Palette File",
  459. ".pano" => "Camera Panoramic Picture",
  460. ".pap" => "PanoramaStudio Project File",
  461. ".pat" => "Pattern File",
  462. ".pbm" => "Portable Bitmap Image",
  463. ".pc1" => "Degas Elite Low Res Image File",
  464. ".pc2" => "Degas Elite Medium Res Image File",
  465. ".pc3" => "Degas Elite High Res Image File",
  466. ".pcd" => "Kodak Photo CD Image File",
  467. ".pcx" => "Paintbrush Bitmap Image File",
  468. ".pdd" => "Adobe PhotoDeluxe Image",
  469. ".pdn" => "Paint.NET Image File",
  470. ".pe4" => "Photo Explorer Thumbnail Archive",
  471. ".pe4" => "PhotoImpact Image Archive",
  472. ".pfi" => "PhotoFiltre Studio Image",
  473. ".pfr" => "Paint Shop Pro Picture Frame File",
  474. ".pgf" => "Progressive Graphics File",
  475. ".pgm" => "Portable Gray Map Image",
  476. ".pi1" => "Degas Low Resolution Image File",
  477. ".pi2" => "Portrait Innovations Photo",
  478. ".pi2" => "Degas Medium Resolution Image File",
  479. ".pi3" => "Degas High Resolution Image File",
  480. ".pi4" => "DEGAS Image",
  481. ".pi5" => "DEGAS Bitmap Image",
  482. ".pi6" => "DEGAS Bitmap Image File",
  483. ".pic" => "QuickTime PICT Image",
  484. ".pic" => "Houdini Raster Image",
  485. ".pic" => "Generic Picture File",
  486. ".picnc" => "Houdini 3D Compositing Image",
  487. ".pict" => "Picture File",
  488. ".pictclipping" => "Picture Clipping File",
  489. ".pix" => "Alias PIX Image",
  490. ".pix" => "BRL-CAD Raw Image File",
  491. ".pixadex" => "Pixadex Icon",
  492. ".pjpeg" => "Progressive JPEG Image",
  493. ".pjpg" => "Progressive JPEG Image",
  494. ".pm" => "Unix XV Graphic File",
  495. ".pm3" => "PageMaker 3 Document",
  496. ".pmg" => "Adobe Photoshop Photomerge Panoramic Composition File",
  497. ".png" => "Portable Network Graphic",
  498. ".pni" => "Popnoggin Image File",
  499. ".pnm" => "Portable Any Map Image",
  500. ".pns" => "PNG Stereo Image",
  501. ".pnt" => "MacPaint File",
  502. ".pntg" => "MacPaint Graphic File",
  503. ".pop" => "Samsung Popcon Character File",
  504. ".pov" => "POV-Ray Raytracing Format",
  505. ".pov" => "Prolab Object File",
  506. ".pp4" => "Picture Publisher Bitmap File",
  507. ".pp5" => "Picture Publisher 5 Image File",
  508. ".ppf" => "Picture Publisher Image File",
  509. ".ppm" => "Portable Pixmap Image File",
  510. ".prw" => "Artlantis Shader Preview File",
  511. ".psb" => "Photoshop Large Document Format",
  512. ".psd" => "Adobe Photoshop Document",
  513. ".psdx" => "Photoshop Touch Document",
  514. ".pse" => "Photoshop Elements Photo Project",
  515. ".psf" => "PhotoStudio File",
  516. ".psp" => "Paint Shop Pro Image File",
  517. ".pspbrush" => "Paint Shop Photo Pro Brush File",
  518. ".pspimage" => "PaintShop Pro Image",
  519. ".ptg" => "ArtRage Painting",
  520. ".ptk" => "Puntotek Embroidery Design File",
  521. ".pts" => "PTGui Project File",
  522. ".ptx" => "Pentax RAW Image File",
  523. ".ptx" => "Paint Shop Pro Texture File",
  524. ".pvr" => "POWERVR Texture File",
  525. ".pwp" => "PhotoWorks Image File",
  526. ".px" => "Pixel Image File",
  527. ".pxd" => "Pixlr Layered Image",
  528. ".pxicon" => "CandyBar Icon",
  529. ".pxm" => "Pixelmator Image File",
  530. ".pxr" => "Pixar Image File",
  531. ".pza" => "PhotoSuite Album File",
  532. ".pzp" => "PhotoSuite Project File",
  533. ".pzs" => "PhotoSuite Slide Show File",
  534. ".qif" => "QuickTime Image File",
  535. ".qmg" => "Samsung Theme Graphics File",
  536. ".qti" => "QuickTime Image File",
  537. ".qtif" => "QuickTime Image File",
  538. ".ras" => "Sun Raster Graphic",
  539. ".rcl" => "Recolored Project File",
  540. ".rcu" => "RealWorld Layered Cursor Image",
  541. ".rgb" => "RGB Bitmap",
  542. ".rgb" => "Q0 Image File",
  543. ".rgf" => "LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Robot Graphics File",
  544. ".ric" => "NXT Image File",
  545. ".rif" => "Painter Raster Image File",
  546. ".riff" => "Painter Raster Image",
  547. ".rix" => "ColoRIX Image",
  548. ".rle" => "Run Length Encoded Bitmap",
  549. ".rli" => "RealWorld Graphics Layered Image",
  550. ".rpf" => "Rich Pixel Format File",
  551. ".rri" => "RealWorld Image",
  552. ".rs" => "Sun Raster Graphic",
  553. ".rsb" => "Red Storm Bitmap File",
  554. ".rsr" => "Poser Model Preview File",
  555. ".s2mv" => "StarCraft 2 Map Preview File",
  556. ".sai" => "PaintTool SAI Image",
  557. ".sar" => "Saracen Paint Image",
  558. ".sbp" => "Sketchbook Express iCloud Image",
  559. ".scg" => "ColoRIX Image File",
  560. ".sci" => "ColoRIX Graphics Image",
  561. ".scn" => "TreePaint Image",
  562. ".scp" => "ColoRIX Bitmap Graphic File",
  563. ".sct" => "Scitex Continuous Tone File",
  564. ".scu" => "ColoRIX Bitmap Image",
  565. ".sdr" => "SmartDraw Drawing",
  566. ".sep" => "Separated Image File",
  567. ".sfc" => "Motic Microscope Image",
  568. ".sff" => "Structured Fax File",
  569. ".sfw" => "Seattle FilmWorks Image",
  570. ".sgi" => "Silicon Graphics Image File",
  571. ".shg" => "Segmented Hyper-Graphic",
  572. ".sid" => "MrSID Image",
  573. ".sig" => "Broderbund Sign File",
  574. ".sim" => "Aurora Image",
  575. ".skitch" => "Skitch Image",
  576. ".skm" => "SketchUp Materials File",
  577. ".skypeemoticonset" => "Skype Emoticon Set File",
  578. ".sld" => "AutoCAD Slide File",
  579. ".smp" => "Xionics SMP Image",
  580. ".sob" => " Impress Bimap Styles File",
  581. ".spa" => "MikuMikuDance Sphere Mapping File",
  582. ".spc" => "Spectrum 512 Compressed Image",
  583. ".spe" => "WinSpec CCD Capture File",
  584. ".sph" => "MikuMikuDance Sphere Mapping File",
  585. ".spiff" => "Still Picture Interchange File Format",
  586. ".spj" => "Microsoft ICE Panorama Project",
  587. ".spp" => "Serif PhotoPlus Picture File",
  588. ".spr" => "Half-Life Sprite File",
  589. ".sprite" => "Scratch Sprite File",
  590. ".spu" => "Spectrum 512 Image",
  591. ".sr" => "Sun Raster Image File",
  592. ".ste" => "Samsung IPOLIS Image File",
  593. ".sumo" => "Sumo Paint Image",
  594. ".sun" => "Sun Raster Graphic File",
  595. ".suniff" => "Sun TAAC Image",
  596. ".sup" => "Subtitle Bitmap File",
  597. ".sva" => "Manga Browser Comic File",
  598. ".t2b" => "CyBook Thumbnail Image",
  599. ".taac" => "Sun TAAC Image File",
  600. ".tb0" => "Adobe Photoshop Thumbnail Cache File",
  601. ".tbn" => "XBMC Thumbnail Image",
  602. ".tex" => "Texture File",
  603. ".tfc" => "Unreal Engine 3 Texture File Cache",
  604. ".tg4" => "Tiled Group 4 Raster Image File",
  605. ".tga" => "Targa Graphic",
  606. ".thm" => "Video Thumbnail File",
  607. ".thm" => "Thumbnail Image File",
  608. ".thumb" => "JAlbum Thumbnail File",
  609. ".tif" => "Tagged Image File",
  610. ".tif" => "GeoTIFF Image",
  611. ".tiff" => "Tagged Image File Format",
  612. ".tjp" => "Tiled JPEG File",
  613. ".tm2" => "PlayStation 2 Graphic",
  614. ".tn" => "LG Phone Image",
  615. ".tn1" => "Tiny Low Resolution Image",
  616. ".tn2" => "Tiny Medium Resolution Image",
  617. ".tn3" => "Tiny High Resolution Image",
  618. ".tny" => "Atari Tiny Image",
  619. ".tpf" => "TexMod Package File",
  620. ".tpi" => "TrueVision Bitmap Image",
  621. ".tps" => "TexturePacker Sprite Sheet File",
  622. ".trif" => "Tiled Raster Interchange Format",
  623. ".tub" => "Paint Shop Pro Picture Tube",
  624. ".u" => "Subsampled Raw YUV Image",
  625. ".ufo" => "Ulead File Object",
  626. ".uga" => "Ulead GIF Animator File",
  627. ".urt" => "Utah Raster Toolkit File",
  628. ".usertile-ms" => "Windows 8 User Tile File",
  629. ".v" => "Subsampled Raw YUV Image",
  630. ".vda" => "Targa Bitmap Image File",
  631. ".vff" => "Sun TAAC Graphic File",
  632. ".vic" => "VICAR Image",
  633. ".viff" => "Visualization Image File Format",
  634. ".vna" => "JVC JLIP Image",
  635. ".vpe" => "Photoshop Vanishing Point Export File",
  636. ".vrphoto" => "VR Photo Image",
  637. ".vss" => "Visio Stencil File",
  638. ".vst" => "Targa Bitmap Image",
  639. ".wb1" => "Webshots Picture File",
  640. ".wbc" => "Webshots Collection File",
  641. ".wbd" => "Webshots Picture File",
  642. ".wbm" => "Wireless Bitmap Image",
  643. ".wbmp" => "Wireless Bitmap Image File",
  644. ".wbz" => "Webshots Download Picture File",
  645. ".wdp" => "Windows Media Photo File",
  646. ".webp" => "WebP Image",
  647. ".wi" => "Wavelet Image",
  648. ".wic" => "J Wavelet Image",
  649. ".wmp" => "Windows Media Photo File",
  650. ".wpb" => "openCanvas 1.1 Image",
  651. ".wpe" => "openCanvas 1.1 Event File",
  652. ".wvl" => "Wavelet Image",
  653. ".xbm" => "X11 Bitmap Graphic",
  654. ".xcf" => "GIMP Image File",
  655. ".xpm" => "X11 Pixmap Graphic",
  656. ".xwd" => "X Windows Dump Image",
  657. ".y" => "Subsampled Raw YUV Image",
  658. ".ysp" => "BYOB Sprite File",
  659. ".yuv" => "YUV Encoded Image File",
  660. ".zif" => "Zooming Image Format File"
  661. );
  663. $disk_image = array(
  664. ".000" => "Virtual CD Disc Image File",
  665. ".2mg" => "Apple IIGS Disk Image",
  666. ".aa" => "Generic CD Image",
  667. ".adf" => "Amiga Disk File",
  668. ".adz" => "Compressed Amiga Disk File",
  669. ".afd" => "AFF Disk Image Part File",
  670. ".aff" => "AFF Disk Image",
  671. ".afm" => "AFF Metadata File",
  672. ".ashdisc" => "Ashampoo Burning Studio Image",
  673. ".atr" => "Atari Disk Image",
  674. ".avhd" => "Hyper-V SnapShot File",
  675. ".b5i" => "BlindWrite 5 Disk Image",
  676. ".b5t" => "BlindWrite 5 Disc Track Information File",
  677. ".b6i" => "BlindWrite 6 Disc Image",
  678. ".b6t" => "BlindWrite 6 Track Information File",
  679. ".bdf" => "MIDAS BDF Disk Image File",
  680. ".bif" => "Boot Information File",
  681. ".bin" => "Binary Disc Image",
  682. ".bwa" => "BlindWrite Disk Information File",
  683. ".bwi" => "BlindWrite CD/DVD Disc Image",
  684. ".bws" => "BlindWrite Sub Code File",
  685. ".bwt" => "BlindWrite 4 Disk Image",
  686. ".bwz" => "WinImage Batch Configuration File",
  687. ".c2d" => "WinOnCD Disc Image",
  688. ".ccd" => "CloneCD Disc Image",
  689. ".cd" => "CD-i OptImage",
  690. ".cdi" => "DiscJuggler Disc Image",
  691. ".cdm" => "NTI CD-Maker Image",
  692. ".cdr" => "Macintosh DVD/CD Master",
  693. ".cdt" => "CD-Text File",
  694. ".cfs" => "Compact File Set Archive",
  695. ".cif" => "Easy CD Creator Disk Image",
  696. ".cl5" => "Easy CD Creator 5 Saved Project",
  697. ".cso" => "Compressed ISO Disk Image",
  698. ".cue" => "CDRWIN Cue Sheet",
  699. ".cue" => "Cue Sheet File",
  700. ".d00" => "VirtualDrive Disc Image Part File",
  701. ".d01" => "VirtualDrive Disc Image Part 2 File",
  702. ".d64" => "Commodore 64 Disk Image",
  703. ".d88" => "Toshiba Pasopia 7 Disk File",
  704. ".daa" => "PowerISO Direct-Access-Archive",
  705. ".dao" => "Disk at Once CD/DVD Image",
  706. ".dax" => "PSP Compressed ISO Disc Image",
  707. ".dbr" => "DeepBurner Disc Project",
  708. ".dcf" => "Disk Copy Fast Disk Image File",
  709. ".disc" => "Toast Document",
  710. ".disk" => "Linux Virtual Hard Disk",
  711. ".dmg" => "Mac OS X Disk Image",
  712. ".dmgpart" => "Mac OS X Disk Image Part",
  713. ".dms" => "Disk Masher Image",
  714. ".dsk" => "Disk Image",
  715. ".dvd" => "CloneCD DVD Information File",
  716. ".dvdr" => "DVD/CD-R Master Image",
  717. ".dxp" => "CDBurnerXP Data Compilation File",
  718. ".e01" => "EnCase Image File",
  719. ".ecm" => "ECM Disc Image",
  720. ".eda" => "Ensoniq ASR Disk Image",
  721. ".ede" => "Ensoniq EPS Disk Image",
  722. ".edk" => "Ensoniq KT Disk Image",
  723. ".edq" => "Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 Disk Image",
  724. ".eds" => "Ensoniq SQ-80 Disk Image",
  725. ".edv" => "Ensoniq VFX-SD Disk Image",
  726. ".eui" => "Ensoniq EPS Compacted Disk Image",
  727. ".fcd" => "Virtual CD Format",
  728. ".fdd" => "Parallels Desktop Floppy Disk Image File",
  729. ".fdi" => "Amiga Disk Image",
  730. ".flg" => "IsoPuzzle Flag File",
  731. ".flp" => "Floppy Disk Image",
  732. ".g41" => "Commodore 1541 Disk Image",
  733. ".gbi" => "gBurner Project File",
  734. ".gcd" => "Prassi CD Image",
  735. ".gdrive" => "Gizmo Virtual Drive File",
  736. ".gi" => "Global Image",
  737. ".gkh" => "Ensoniq EPS Family Disk Image",
  738. ".hdd" => "Parallels Desktop Hard Disk File",
  739. ".hdi" => "Hard Disk Image",
  740. ".hds" => "Parallels Desktop Hard Disk File",
  741. ".hfs" => "HFS Disk Image File",
  742. ".hfv" => "HFS Disk Image",
  743. ".i00" => "DVD Shrink Part 1 File",
  744. ".i01" => "DVD Shrink Part 2 File",
  745. ".i02" => "DVD Shrink Part 3 File",
  746. ".ibb" => "ImgBurn Project File",
  747. ".ibp" => "IsoBuster Managed Image Information File",
  748. ".ibq" => "IsoBuster Managed Image File",
  749. ".ima" => "Disk Image",
  750. ".image" => "Apple Disk Image",
  751. ".img" => "Disc Image Data File",
  752. ".img" => "Floppy Disk Image",
  753. ".img" => "Macintosh Disk Image",
  754. ".imz" => "WinImage Compressed Disk Image",
  755. ".ipf" => "Interchangeable Preservation File",
  756. ".iso" => "Disc Image File",
  757. ".isz" => "Zipped ISO Disk Image",
  758. ".ixa" => "Ulead Disc Image format",
  759. ".k3b" => "K3b Disk Burning Project File",
  760. ".l01" => "EnCase Logical Evidence File",
  761. ".lcd" => "CDSpace Emulated Disk Image",
  762. ".lnx" => "Atari Lynx ROM",
  763. ".mbi" => "Multi-Bootable Information File",
  764. ".md0" => "Alcohol Disk Image Segment 1",
  765. ".md1" => "Alcohol Disk Image Segment 2",
  766. ".md1" => "GEAR CD/DVD Disc Image",
  767. ".md2" => "Alcohol Disk Image Segment 2",
  768. ".mdf" => "Media Disc Image File",
  769. ".mds" => "Media Descriptor File",
  770. ".mdx" => "Extended Media Descriptor File",
  771. ".mir" => "Mini-Image Ripper Disc Image",
  772. ".mlc" => "MobaLiveCD File",
  773. ".mrimg" => "Macrium Reflect Disk Image",
  774. ".ncd" => "NTI CD-Maker Disc Image",
  775. ".ndif" => "Apple New Disk Image Format File",
  776. ".nfi" => "Dreambox Disc Image",
  777. ".nn" => "Nero CD File List",
  778. ".nrg" => "Nero CD/DVD Image File",
  779. ".nri" => "Nero ISO CD Compilation File",
  780. ".omg" => "Image File",
  781. ".p01" => "Toast CD Image",
  782. ".p01" => "GEAR CD/DVD Disc Image",
  783. ".p2g" => "Power2Go Project File",
  784. ".p2i" => "Power2Go Disc Image",
  785. ".partimg" => "Partimage File",
  786. ".pdi" => "InstantCopy Disc Image",
  787. ".pgd" => "PGP Disk Image",
  788. ".pgx" => "Hopedot VOS Data File",
  789. ".pqi" => "PowerQuest Drive Image",
  790. ".pvm" => "Parallels Virtual Machine",
  791. ".pxi" => "PlexTools Disc Image",
  792. ".qcow" => "QEMU Copy On Write Disk Image",
  793. ".qcow2" => "QEMU Copy On Write Version 2 Disk Image",
  794. ".ratdvd" => "RatDVD Disk Image",
  795. ".rcl" => "Easy CD and DVD Creator 6 Project",
  796. ".rdf" => "PowerProducer Disc Image",
  797. ".sco" => "TotalRecovery Backup Image",
  798. ".sdi" => "Windows System Deployment Image",
  799. ".sdsk" => "SafeHouse Private Storage Volume",
  800. ".simg" => "Synclavier Disk Image File",
  801. ".smi" => "Self-Mounting Disk Image",
  802. ".sopt" => "Synclavier Optical Disk Image File",
  803. ".sparsebundle" => "Mac OS X Sparse Bundle",
  804. ".sparseimage" => "Mac OS X Sparse Image",
  805. ".sqfs" => "Squash FS Bootable File",
  806. ".st" => "Atari ST Disk Image",
  807. ".sub" => "CloneCD Subchannel File",
  808. ".swm" => "Split Windows Imaging Format File",
  809. ".t64" => "Commodore 64 Tape Image File",
  810. ".tao" => "Track at Once CD/DVD Image",
  811. ".tap" => "Commodore 64 Cassette Tape Image",
  812. ".tc" => "TrueCrypt Volume",
  813. ".td0" => "Teledisk Archive",
  814. ".tib" => "Acronis True Image File",
  815. ".toast" => "Toast Disc Image",
  816. ".toc" => "Brasero Table of Contents File",
  817. ".tzx" => "ZX Spectrum Tape Image File",
  818. ".udf" => "Universal Disk Format File",
  819. ".ufs" => "FreeBSD Unix File System File",
  820. ".uibak" => "UltraISO Backup Disk Image",
  821. ".uif" => "Universal Image Format Disc Image",
  822. ".vaporcd" => "Norum Vapor CD",
  823. ".vc4" => "Virtual CD Disc Image",
  824. ".vc6" => "Virtual CD 6 CD Image",
  825. ".vc8" => "Virtual CD 8 Disc Image",
  826. ".vcd" => "Virtual CD",
  827. ".vcd" => "FarStone Virtual Drive",
  828. ".vco" => "Virtual CD Collection File",
  829. ".vcx" => "Virtual Disc Definition File",
  830. ".vdi" => "VirtualBox Virtual Disk Image",
  831. ".vdi" => "Virtuo CD Manager Disk Image",
  832. ".vfd" => "Virtual Floppy Disk",
  833. ".vhd" => "Virtual PC Virtual Hard Disk",
  834. ".vhdx" => "Windows 8 Virtual Hard Drive File",
  835. ".vmdk" => "Virtual Machine Disk File",
  836. ".vmwarevm" => "VMware Fusion Virtual Machine",
  837. ".volarchive" => "CopyCatX Volume Archive",
  838. ".wii" => "Scrambled Wii Disc Image",
  839. ".wil" => "WinImage Disk Image List",
  840. ".wim" => "Windows Imaging Format File",
  841. ".winclone" => "Winclone Image",
  842. ".wlz" => "WinImage Compressed Disk Image Set",
  843. ".wmt" => "WinMount Virtual Disk File",
  844. ".x64" => "Commodore 64 Disk Image",
  845. ".xa" => "GEAR CD/DVD Disc Image",
  846. ".xdi" => "WinArchiver Extended Disc Image File",
  847. ".xmd" => "Extended Media Disc Image",
  848. ".xmf" => "GameJack Disc Image File",
  849. ".xva" => "XenServer Virtual Appliance File"
  850. );
  852. $encoded = array(
  853. ".aep" => "Advanced Encryption Package Encrypted File",
  854. ".aes" => "AES Crypt Encrypted File",
  855. ".afp" => "FileProtector Encrypted File",
  856. ".asc" => "PGP ASCII Armored File",
  857. ".axx" => "AxCrypt Encrypted File",
  858. ".azf" => "AirZip FileSECURE File",
  859. ".azs" => "AirZip FileSECURE File",
  860. ".b2a" => "Btoa Encoded File",
  861. ".bfa" => "Blowfish Encrypted File",
  862. ".bhx" => "BinHex Encoded File",
  863. ".bin" => "Macbinary Encoded File",
  864. ".bpk" => "Nero SecurDisc Public Key File",
  865. ".bpw" => "Bitser Password File",
  866. ".bsk" => "Nero SecurDisc Private Key File",
  867. ".btoa" => "Binary-to-ASCII Encoded File",
  868. ".bvd" => "Bitdefender Vault File",
  869. ".ccf" => "CryptLoad Container File",
  870. ".cef" => "CenturionMail Encrypted Package",
  871. ".cgp" => "PixelCryptor Encrypted File",
  872. ".chml" => "Chameleon Encrypted Database File",
  873. ".clx" => "Ceelox SecureMail Secure Message",
  874. ".cng" => "CryptoNG Encrypted Archive",
  875. ".cpio" => "Unix CPIO Archive",
  876. ".cpt" => "Ccrypt Encrypted Archive",
  877. ".crypted" => "WinOptimizer Encrypted File",
  878. ".cryptra" => "Cryptra Encrypted File",
  879. ".dc4" => "ViaThinkSoft (De)Coder 4 File",
  880. ".dcd" => "DisCryptor Encrypted Database",
  881. ".dcf" => "Safetica Free Encrypted Archive",
  882. ".dco" => "Safetica Free Encrypted Virtual Disk Archive",
  883. ".dim" => "DIME File",
  884. ".dime" => "Direct Internet Message Encapsulation File",
  885. ".dlc" => "Download Link Container File",
  886. ".e4a" => "Encrypt4all Archive",
  887. ".efl" => "Encryptafile Encrypted File",
  888. ".efr" => "Encryptafile Private Key File",
  889. ".efu" => "Encryptafile Public Key File",
  890. ".emc" => "Striata Reader Encrypted Document",
  891. ".enc" => "Encoded File",
  892. ".enx" => "Max PC Safe Encrypted File",
  893. ".esf" => "Password Manager Container File",
  894. ".fpenc" => "FileProtect Encrypted File",
  895. ".fsm" => "Splitty Master Split File",
  896. ".gfe" => "Glarysoft Encrypted File",
  897. ".gxk" => "Galaxkey Secured File",
  898. ".hbx" => "BinHex Encoded File",
  899. ".hex" => "BinHex Encoded File",
  900. ".hid" => "KeepSafe File",
  901. ".hid2" => "KeepSafe File",
  902. ".hqx" => "BinHex 4.0 Encoded File",
  903. ".htpasswd" => "Apache HTACCESS File",
  904. ".idea" => "Tresor IDEA Encrypted File",
  905. ".jac" => "JaStaCry Encrypted File",
  906. ".jcrypt" => "JCRYPT File",
  907. ".kde" => "KryptoStorage Container File",
  908. ".klq" => "Kaspersky Anti-Virus quarantine file",
  909. ".ksd" => "KeepSafe File",
  910. ".lastlogin" => "Minecraft User Credential File",
  911. ".lcn" => "License File",
  912. ".lvivt" => "Lvivtotoro Encrypted Game File",
  913. ".mcrp" => "MobyExplorer Encrypted File",
  914. ".meo" => "MEO Encrypted Archive",
  915. ".mfs" => "MetFS Encrypted File System",
  916. ".mim" => "Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Message File",
  917. ".mime" => "Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension",
  918. ".mjd" => "Adobe Acrobat MIME Encoded Job Definition File",
  919. ".mme" => "Multi-Purpose Internet Mail",
  920. ".mnc" => "AutoCAD Compiled Menu File",
  921. ".mse" => "3ds Max Encrypted MAXScript File",
  922. ".pack" => "Pack200 Packed Jar File",
  923. ".pdc" => "Lizard Safeguard Secure PDF File",
  924. ".pkey" => "PowerKey Encrypted File",
  925. ".psw6" => "Password Depot 6 File",
  926. ".rdi" => "Rohos Disk Image File",
  927. ".rsdf" => "RapidShare Download File",
  928. ".rzk" => "Red Zion Key File",
  929. ".rzx" => "File Crypt Encrypted File",
  930. ".safe" => "SIGLock Encrypted File",
  931. ".scb" => "Scrambls Encrypted File",
  932. ".sdo" => "Signed Document",
  933. ".sdoc" => "Sealed Word Document",
  934. ".sef" => "Encryptafile Signature File",
  935. ".sef" => "Password Manager Container File",
  936. ".sgz" => "SigzaLock Encrypted File",
  937. ".shy" => "ShyFile Encrypted File",
  938. ".sme" => "SmartEncryptor Encrypted File",
  939. ".snk" => "Strong Name Key File",
  940. ".spd" => "Sealed Acrobat Document",
  941. ".spdf" => "Sealed PDF File",
  942. ".suf" => "Ccrypt Encrypted File",
  943. ".switch" => "Switch Package",
  944. ".tar.md5" => "Android System File",
  945. ".uea" => "Protector Suite QL Encrypted Archive",
  946. ".uu" => "Uuencoded File",
  947. ".uud" => "UUDecoded File",
  948. ".uue" => "Uuencoded File",
  949. ".vdata" => "Vaulty Vault File",
  950. ".vlt" => "WinVault File Archive",
  951. ".vp" => "Verilog Encrypted Source Code File",
  952. ".wpe" => "WordPerfect Entrust Document",
  953. ".xxe" => "XXEncoded File",
  954. ".yenc" => "yEnc File",
  955. ".ync" => "yEnc Encoded File",
  956. ".zps" => "Zebra Portable Safe File"
  957. );
  959. $system = array(
  960. ".0" => "Shared Library Link File",
  961. ".000" => "Indexing Service Data File",
  962. ".2fs" => "Puppy Linux Save State File",
  963. ".386" => "Windows Virtual Device Driver",
  964. ".3fs" => "Puppy Linux Save State File",
  965. ".73u" => "TI-73 Explorer Operating System File",
  966. ".8xu" => "TI-83 Plus Operating System File",
  967. ".adm" => "Administrative Template File",
  968. ".adml" => "Group Policy Language-Specific Administrative Template",
  969. ".admx" => "Group Policy Administrative Template File",
  970. ".adv" => "Audio Driver File",
  971. ".aml" => "ACPI Machine Language File",
  972. ".ani" => "Windows Animated Cursor",
  973. ".ann" => "Help Annotations",
  974. ".aos" => "ARCHOS PCtablet Firmware File",
  975. ".asec" => "Android Secure Application File",
  976. ".atahd" => "ATA Hard Drive Flag File",
  977. ".automaticdestinations-ms" => "Windows Jump List File",
  978. ".bash_history" => "Bash History File",
  979. ".bash_profile" => "Bash Interactive Login Shell File",
  980. ".bashrc" => "Bash Non-Interactive Login Shell File",
  981. ".bcd" => "Windows Boot Configuration Data File",
  982. ".bin" => "Router Firmware File",
  983. ".bio" => "BIOS File",
  984. ".bk1" => "Windows Indexing Service File",
  985. ".bk2" => "Windows Indexing Service Data File",
  986. ".blf" => "CLFS Base Log File",
  987. ".bmk" => "Help Bookmarks",
  988. ".bom" => "Mac OS X Bill of Materials File",
  989. ".bud" => "Binary Printer Description File",
  990. ".c32" => "Syslinux COM32 Module",
  991. ".cab" => "Windows Cabinet File",
  992. ".cat" => "Windows Catalog File",
  993. ".cdmp" => "WCS Device Model Profile",
  994. ".cgz" => "Linux Drivers Archive",
  995. ".chg" => "Windows Net Logon File",
  996. ".chk" => "Netgear Router Firmware File",
  997. ".chs" => "Windows Chinese Noise-Word List File",
  998. ".cht" => "Windows Chinese Traditional Noise-Word List File",
  999. ".ci" => "Windows Content Indexer Catalog File",
  1000. ".clb" => "COM+ Catalog File",
  1001. ".cnt" => "Help Contents File",
  1002. ".configprofile" => "Apple Configuration Profile",
  1003. ".cpi" => "Codepage Information File",
  1004. ".cpl" => "Windows Control Panel Item",
  1005. ".cpq" => "Compaq OEM Disc Configuration File",
  1006. ".cpr" => "Windows Phone Display Settings File",
  1007. ".crash" => "Mac OS X Crash Log File",
  1008. ".cur" => "Windows Cursor",
  1009. ".dat" => "Windows Registry Hive File",
  1010. ".desklink" => "Desktop Shortcut",
  1011. ".deskthemepack" => "Windows 8 Desktop Theme Pack File",
  1012. ".dev" => "Windows Device Driver File",
  1013. ".dfu" => "iOS DFU File",
  1014. ".diagcab" => "Troubleshooting Pack Cabinet File",
  1015. ".diagcfg" => "Troubleshooting Pack Configuration File",
  1016. ".diagpkg" => "Troubleshooting Pack File",
  1017. ".dimax" => "DiMAX Firmware Image File",
  1018. ".dit" => "Active Directory Information Tree File",
  1019. ".dll" => "Dynamic Link Library",
  1020. ".dlx" => "Renamed DLL File",
  1021. ".dmp" => "Windows Memory Dump",
  1022. ".drpm" => "Delta RPM File",
  1023. ".drv" => "Device Driver",
  1024. ".dss" => "DCC Active Designer File",
  1025. ".dvd" => "DOS Device Driver",
  1026. ".dyc" => "Xerox Printer Driver Configuration File",
  1027. ".ebd" => "Windows EBD System File",
  1028. ".edj" => "Enlightenment Theme File",
  1029. ".efi" => "Extensible Firmware Interface File",
  1030. ".efires" => "EFI Image File",
  1031. ".elf" => "Executable and Linkable Format File",
  1032. ".emerald" => "Emerald Theme",
  1033. ".etl" => "Microsoft Event Trace Log File",
  1034. ".evt" => "Windows Event Viewer Log File",
  1035. ".evtx" => "Windows 7 Event Log File",
  1036. ".ffa" => "Find Fast Status File",
  1037. ".ffl" => "Find Fast Document List",
  1038. ".ffo" => "Find Fast Document Properties Cache",
  1039. ".ffx" => "Microsoft Find Fast Index",
  1040. ".fid" => "Microsoft Catalog Indexing Service File",
  1041. ".flg" => "Puppy Linux Partition Flag File",
  1042. ".fota" => "Firmware Over-the-Air File",
  1043. ".fpbf" => "Mac OS X Burn Folder",
  1044. ".ftg" => "Full Text Group",
  1045. ".fts" => "Full Text Search",
  1046. ".fx" => "ReadyBoot Trace File",
  1047. ".gmmp" => "WCS Gamut Map Model Profile",
  1048. ".grl" => "Windows Update Status File",
  1049. ".group" => "Windows Contacts Group File",
  1050. ".grp" => "Windows Program Manager Group",
  1051. ".h1s" => "Windows Assistance Platform Help File",
  1052. ".hdmp" => "Windows Heap Dump",
  1053. ".help" => "Mac OS X Help Book",
  1054. ".hhc" => "HTML Help Table of Contents",
  1055. ".hhk" => "HTML Help Index",
  1056. ".hiv" => "Windows Registry Hive File",
  1057. ".hlp" => "Windows Help File",
  1058. ".hpj" => "Help Project File",
  1059. ".hsh" => "Windows Catalog Search Index File",
  1060. ".htt" => "Hypertext Template File",
  1061. ".icl" => "Windows Icon Library File",
  1062. ".icns" => "Mac OS X Icon Resource File",
  1063. ".ico" => "Icon File",
  1064. ".iconpackage" => "IconPackager Theme File",
  1065. ".idi" => "EVA Controller Event Log",
  1066. ".idx" => "Index File",
  1067. ".ifw" => "INTUS Firmware File",
  1068. ".ime" => "Windows Input Method Editor File",
  1069. ".img3" => "iPhone IMG3 File",
  1070. ".inf_loc" => "Windows Driver Information Cache File",
  1071. ".ins" => "Internet Naming Service File",
  1072. ".internetconnect" => "Apple Internet Connect Document",
  1073. ".ion" => "File Description File",
  1074. ".ioplist" => "Mac OS X IOPLIST File",
  1075. ".ipod" => "Rockbox Firmware File",
  1076. ".iptheme" => "IconPackager Raw Theme File",
  1077. ".itemdata-ms" => "Windows 8 Start Screen Item Data File",
  1078. ".its" => "Internet Document Set",
  1079. ".ius" => "InfoTMIC Firmware Update File",
  1080. ".job" => "Windows Task Scheduler Job File",
  1081. ".jpn" => "Windows Japanese Noise-Word List File",
  1082. ".kbd" => "Keyboard Layout Script",
  1083. ".kext" => "Mac OS X Kernel Extension",
  1084. ".key" => "Security Key",
  1085. ".ko" => "Linux Kernel Module File",
  1086. ".kor" => "Windows Korean Noise-Words List File",
  1087. ".ks" => "Kickstart File",
  1088. ".lfs" => "Samsung Phone params.lfs File",
  1089. ".library-ms" => "Windows Library Description File",
  1090. ".lnk" => "Windows File Shortcut",
  1091. ".lockfile" => "Mac OS X PLIST Lock File",
  1092. ".log1" => "Windows Registry Hive Log File",
  1093. ".log2" => "Windows Registry Hive Log 2 File",
  1094. ".lpd" => "LPD Daemon Print Permissions File",
  1095. ".lpd" => "Lookout Protocol Driver File",
  1096. ".lst" => "GRUB Boot List File",
  1097. ".manifest" => "Windows Application Manifest File",
  1098. ".mapimail" => "Send To Mail Recipient",
  1099. ".mbr" => "Master Boot Record File",
  1100. ".mdmp" => "Windows Minidump",
  1101. ".me" => "Puppy Linux Partition Flag File",
  1102. ".mem" => "Parallels Desktop Memory Dump File",
  1103. ".metadata_never_index" => "Spotlight Never Index File",
  1104. ".mi4" => "Audio Player Firmware File",
  1105. ".mlc" => "Microsoft Language Interface Pack",
  1106. ".mobileconfig" => "Apple Mobile Configuration File",
  1107. ".mod" => "GRUB Module",
  1108. ".msc" => "Microsoft Management Console Snap-in Control File",
  1109. ".msp" => "Windows Installer Patch",
  1110. ".msstyle" => "Windows XP Unsigned Style",
  1111. ".msstyles" => "Windows XP Style",
  1112. ".mtz" => "MIUI Theme",
  1113. ".mui" => "Multilingual User Interface File",
  1114. ".mui_cccd5ae0" => "Hid User Library",
  1115. ".mum" => "Windows Vista Update Package",
  1116. ".mydocs" => "Send To My Documents",
  1117. ".nb0" => "Device Boot Loader Image",
  1118. ".nbh" => "ROM Update Utility Image File",
  1119. ".networkconnect" => "Apple Network Connect Document",
  1120. ".nfo" => "System Information File",
  1121. ".nls" => "Microsoft National Language Support File",
  1122. ".nt" => "Windows NT Startup File",
  1123. ".ntfs" => "NTFS Partition File",
  1124. ".panic" => "Kernel Panic File",
  1125. ".pat" => "DiskStation Manager Installation File",
  1126. ".pck" => "System Center Configuration Manager Package File",
  1127. ".pdr" => "Windows Port Driver",
  1128. ".pfx" => "PKCS #12 Certificate File",
  1129. ".pid" => "Creative Driver File",
  1130. ".pit" => "Samsung Phone Firmware File",
  1131. ".pk2" => "Silkroad Online Game Data File",
  1132. ".pnf" => "Precompiled INF File",
  1133. ".pol" => "Windows Policy File",
  1134. ".ppd" => "PostScript Printer Description File",
  1135. ".ppm" => "Post Programmable Memory File",
  1136. ".prefpane" => "Mac OS X System Preference Pane",
  1137. ".prf" => "Windows System File",
  1138. ".printerexport" => "Windows Printer Migration File",
  1139. ".profile" => "Bash Shell Profile",
  1140. ".provisionprofile" => "Apple Provision Profile",
  1141. ".prt" => "Printer Driver File",
  1142. ".ps1" => "Microsoft Indexing Service Data File",
  1143. ".ps2" => "Microsoft Search Catalog Index File",
  1144. ".pwl" => "Windows Password List",
  1145. ".qky" => "Quirky Kernel",
  1146. ".qvm" => "Q Virtual Machine",
  1147. ".rc1" => "Samsung Mobile Device Firmware File",
  1148. ".rc2" => "Samsung Mobile Device Firmware File",
  1149. ".rco" => "PlayStation Portable Resource File",
  1150. ".reg" => "Registry File",
  1151. ".regtrans-ms" => "Registry Transaction Log File",
  1152. ".rfw" => "Rockchip Firmware File",
  1153. ".rmt" => "Router Firmware File",
  1154. ".rs" => "Windows Rating System File",
  1155. ".ruf" => "Samsung DVD and Blu-ray Player Firmware File",
  1156. ".savedsearch" => "Spotlight Saved Search",
  1157. ".saver" => "Mac OS X Screen Saver",
  1158. ".sb" => "Slax Bundle",
  1159. ".sbf" => "Android System File",
  1160. ".sbn" => "Cisco IP Phone Firmware File",
  1161. ".scap" => "EFI Firmware File",
  1162. ".scf" => "Windows Explorer Command",
  1163. ".schemas" => "GConf Schema Definition File",
  1164. ".scr" => "Windows Screensaver",
  1165. ".sdb" => "Custom Application Compatibility Database",
  1166. ".sdt" => "Siemens Desktop Theme File",
  1167. ".searchconnector-ms" => "Windows Search Connector File",
  1168. ".sfcache" => "ReadyBoost Cache File",
  1169. ".shd" => "Windows Print Job Shadow File",
  1170. ".shsh" => "iPhone/iPod Touch SHSH Blob File",
  1171. ".so.0" => "Unix Shared Library File",
  1172. ".spl" => "Windows Print Spool File",
  1173. ".sqm" => "Service Quality Monitoring File",
  1174. ".str" => "Windows Screensaver File",
  1175. ".swp" => "Swap File",
  1176. ".sys" => "Motorola Driver File",
  1177. ".sys" => "Windows System File",
  1178. ".tdz" => "Drobo Firmware File",
  1179. ".tha" => "Windows Thai Noise-Words List File",
  1180. ".theme" => "Microsoft Plus! Desktop Theme",
  1181. ".trx_dll" => "Windows Startup File",
  1182. ".uce" => "Windows UCE System File",
  1183. ".vga" => "VGA Display Driver",
  1184. ".vgd" => "Generic CADD VGA Driver",
  1185. ".vx_" => "Compressed Virtual Device Driver File",
  1186. ".vxd" => "Virtual Device Driver",
  1187. ".wdf" => "Windows Driver Foundation File",
  1188. ".wdgt" => "Dashboard Widget",
  1189. ".webpnp" => "Web Point and Print File",
  1190. ".wer" => "Windows Error Report",
  1191. ".wgz" => "S60 Web Runtime Widget Package",
  1192. ".wph" => "Phoenix BIOS File",
  1193. ".wpx" => "Printer Description File",
  1194. ".xfb" => "Xserve RAID Firmware Binary File",
  1195. ".xrm-ms" => "Microsoft Security Certificate",
  1196. ".zone.identifier" => "Windows Zone Identifier File"
  1197. );
  1199. $Game = array(
  1200. ".0" => "M3 DS Real Save File",
  1201. ".00" => "The Ur-Quan Masters Saved Game Slot 0 File",
  1202. ".001" => "Snes9x Slot 2 Saved State",
  1203. ".32x" => "Sega 32X ROM",
  1204. ".3ds" => "Nintendo 3DS ROM",
  1205. ".555" => "Black & White Weather Settings File",
  1206. ".8ld" => "Overlord 2 Language File",
  1207. ".a26" => "Atari 2600 ROM",
  1208. ".a52" => "Atari 5200 ROM",
  1209. ".aao" => "America's Army Map File",
  1210. ".abk" => "Need for Speed Underground Audio File",
  1211. ".abk" => "Arena Opening Book File",
  1212. ".abs" => "AB SuDoKu Saved Game",
  1213. ".acf" => "Steam Application Cache File",
  1214. ".acx" => "Atari ST Program",
  1215. ".adt" => "World of Warcraft Map File",
  1216. ".agb" => "Game Boy Advance ROM",
  1217. ".age3scn" => "Age of Empires 3 Scenario File",
  1218. ".agx" => "AGT Game File",
  1219. ".ai" => "Battlefield 2 Artificial Intelligence File",
  1220. ".ain" => "Source Engine Compiled AI Nodegraph File",
  1221. ".air" => "M.U.G.E.N. Animation File",
  1222. ".alr" => "ADRIFT Language Resource File",
  1223. ".am1" => "Adventure Maker",
  1224. ".an2" => "Croc Legend of the Gobbos Animation File",
  1225. ".ar" => "Midtown Madness Data File",
  1226. ".arc" => "African Safari Data File",
  1227. ".arch00" => "F.E.A.R. Game Archive",
  1228. ".arena" => "Quake 3 Engine Arena File",
  1229. ".arp" => "Audition Replay File",
  1230. ".ars" => "Carmageddon Saved Game",
  1231. ".ash" => "KoLmafia ASH Script",
  1232. ".ash" => "Audiosurf Audio Metadata File",
  1233. ".ass" => "Splinter Cell Blacklist Game Data File",
  1234. ".asset" => "Unity Asset File",
  1235. ".asstrm" => "Splinter Cell Blacklist Game Data File",
  1236. ".atm" => "PSP Game Audio File",
  1237. ".b" => "Grand Theft Auto 3 Saved Game File",
  1238. ".bar" => "Age of Mythology Data File",
  1239. ".bar" => "Age of Empires 3 Data File",
  1240. ".bb3" => "BlasterBall 3 Level File Support",
  1241. ".bdae" => "Gameloft Game Data File",
  1242. ".bejeweled2deluxesavedgame" => "Bejeweled 2 Deluxe Saved Game",
  1243. ".bf" => "CryoBF Game Data File",
  1244. ".bfg" => "Big Fish Games Application File",
  1245. ".bfm" => "Terminal Reality Model File",
  1246. ".bfs" => "FlatOut Game Data File",
  1247. ".bgl" => "Flight Simulator Scenery File",
  1248. ".bgz" => "Blood Frontier Map File",
  1249. ".bic" => "Civilization 3 Scenario File",
  1250. ".bic" => "Neverwinter Nights Character File",
  1251. ".bif" => "BioWare Infinity Engine File",
  1252. ".big" => "Electronic Arts Game Data File",
  1253. ".bik" => "Video Game Movie File",
  1254. ".bin" => "Nintendo DS Binary File",
  1255. ".bin" => "Sega Genesis Game ROM",
  1256. ".bin" => "PCSX PlayStation BIOS Image",
  1257. ".bin" => "Atari 2600 Game ROM",
  1258. ".biq" => "Civilization 3 Scenario File",
  1259. ".bix" => "Civilization 3 Scenario File",
  1260. ".blackhawkstriker2" => "Blackhawk Striker 2 Saved Game",
  1261. ".blasterball3savedgame" => "BlasterBall 3 Saved Game",
  1262. ".blb" => "Dreamworks Resource File",
  1263. ".blb" => "Interactive Fiction Package Game File",
  1264. ".blorb" => "Interactive Fiction Package Game File",
  1265. ".blp" => "Speedy Eggbert Game Data File",
  1266. ".blp" => "Blizzard Texture File",
  1267. ".bls" => "Blockland Saved Game File",
  1268. ".blz" => "N-Gage Mobile Video Game File",
  1269. ".bmd" => "MU Online Game Data File",
  1270. ".bmd" => "GameCube 3D Model File",
  1271. ".bme" => "BeatMania 7-Key Song File",
  1272. ".bmg" => "Nintendo DS On-Screen Text File",
  1273. ".bms" => "BeatMania Song File",
  1274. ".bmz" => "Portal Bonus Map Zip File",
  1275. ".bng" => "The Bingo Maker Card File",
  1276. ".bnk" => "Test Drive Unlimited Data Package",
  1277. ".bns" => "Portal Bonus Map Script",
  1278. ".bnz" => "The Bingo Maker Card Template File",
  1279. ".bookwormdeluxesavedgame" => "Bookworm Deluxe Saved Game",
  1280. ".brlyt" => "Wii Textures and Material Lists File",
  1281. ".brn" => "Gabriel Knight Barn File",
  1282. ".brres" => "Wii BRRES Resource Package",
  1283. ".brsar" => "Wii BRSAR Audio Package",
  1284. ".bs1" => "VirtualBus Vehicle Configuration File",
  1285. ".bsa" => "Bethesda Softworks Archive",
  1286. ".bsb" => "BioShock Saved Game File",
  1287. ".bsp" => "Quake Engine Game Map File",
  1288. ".bus" => "OMSI Bus Configuration File",
  1289. ".bus" => "VirtualBus Board Parameters File",
  1290. ".bwa" => "Bookworm Adventures Player File",
  1291. ".bzw" => "BZFlag World File",
  1292. ".c4k" => "Clonk Key File",
  1293. ".carc" => "Nintendo DS Compressed Archive File",
  1294. ".cbf" => "ChessBase Game Information File",
  1295. ".cbh" => "ChessBase Database Header File",
  1296. ".cbs" => "Code Breaker PS2 Save File",
  1297. ".cbv" => "ChessBase Database File",
  1298. ".cdp" => "Trainz Simulator Content Dispatcher Pack",
  1299. ".cdp2" => "Trainz Classics Content Dispatcher Pack 2",
  1300. ".cem" => "Children of the Nile Model File",
  1301. ".cfg" => "Wesnoth Markup Language File",
  1302. ".cfge" => "Jewel Quest Configuration File",
  1303. ".cfr" => "Cross Fire Replay File",
  1304. ".cgf" => "Crytek Geometry Format File",
  1305. ".cgz" => "Cube Map File",
  1306. ".chd" => "MAME Hard Disk Image",
  1307. ".chesstitanssave-ms" => "Microsoft Chess Titans Saved Game",
  1308. ".chk" => "StarCraft Chunk File",
  1309. ".chr0" => "Wii Model Animation File",
  1310. ".cht" => "SNES Cheat File",
  1311. ".civ5map" => "Civilization 5 Map",
  1312. ".civ5mod" => "Civilization 5 Mod File",
  1313. ".civ5save" => "Civilization 5 Saved Game",
  1314. ".cli" => "Grand Theft Auto Clip Data File",
  1315. ".clr0" => "Wii Color Swapping Animation File",
  1316. ".clt" => "VisualBoyAdvance Cheat List File",
  1317. ".cm" => "CLEO Custom Mission",
  1318. ".cmd" => "M.U.G.E.N. Character Commands File",
  1319. ".cme" => "Crazy Machines Experiment File",
  1320. ".cml" => "Crazy Machines Lab File",
  1321. ".cns" => "M.U.G.E.N. Character States File",
  1322. ".col" => "Grand Theft Auto Collision File",
  1323. ".comfycakessave-ms" => "Comfy Cakes Saved Game",
  1324. ".con" => "Battlefield 1942 Configuration File",
  1325. ".cos" => "Creatures CAOS File",
  1326. ".cpg" => "StarCraft Campaign File",
  1327. ".cpk" => "CRI Middleware Package",
  1328. ".cpn" => "Age of Mythology Campaign File",
  1329. ".cpr" => "CPC Plus Cartridge",
  1330. ".cps" => "The Powder Toy Save File",
  1331. ".cpx" => "Rise of Rome Campaign File",
  1332. ".craft" => "KSP Spacecraft File",
  1333. ".crs" => "StepMania Course File",
  1334. ".crysisjmsf" => "Crysis Saved Game",
  1335. ".crysispsf" => "Crysis Warhead Saved Game",
  1336. ".cs" => "CLEO Custom Script",
  1337. ".ct" => "Cheat Engine Cheat Table",
  1338. ".ctm" => "Star Wars Republic Commando Map File",
  1339. ".ctx" => "Valve ICE Encoded Script",
  1340. ".cty" => "SimCity City File",
  1341. ".d$$" => "AGT Game Encrypted Message File",
  1342. ".d2s" => "Diablo 2 Save File",
  1343. ".d3dbsp" => "Call of Duty Map File",
  1344. ".da1" => "AGT Game Data File",
  1345. ".da2" => "AGT Game Data File",
  1346. ".da3" => "AGT Game Data File",
  1347. ".da4" => "AGT Game Data File",
  1348. ".da5" => "AGT Game Data File",
  1349. ".da6" => "AGT Game Data File",
  1350. ".dam" => "DAME Project",
  1351. ".dat" => "SimCity 4 Game Data File",
  1352. ".dat" => "Minecraft Data File",
  1353. ".dat_mcr" => "Minecraft Level.dat Backup File",
  1354. ".dat_new" => "Minecraft World Level File",
  1355. ".dat_old" => "Minecraft Level.dat Backup File",
  1356. ".day" => "Day of the Zombie Map File",
  1357. ".dazip" => "Dragon Age: Origins Game File",
  1358. ".db" => "X-Ray Engine Database",
  1359. ".ddb" => "Command & Conquer: Renegade Data File",
  1360. ".ddt" => "Football Manager Keep Player Data File",
  1361. ".def" => "M.U.G.E.N. Character Definition File",
  1362. ".dek" => "Yugioh Virtual Desktop Deck File",
  1363. ".dek" => "LackeyCCG Card Deck File",
  1364. ".dek" => "Magic: The Gathering Deck File",
  1365. ".dem" => "Video Game Demo File",
  1366. ".desc" => "Battlefield 2 Map Description File",
  1367. ".dif" => "MAME CHD Diff File",
  1368. ".diva" => "Project DIVA Song File",
  1369. ".dl" => "Zoo Tycoon 2 Data File",
  1370. ".dlg" => "Dialogue File",
  1371. ".dm2" => "Quake 2 Demo File",
  1372. ".dm3" => "Quake 3 Demo File",
  1373. ".dm_68" => "Quake 3 Demo File",
  1374. ".dm_82" => "Wolfenstein 1.00 Demo Movie File",
  1375. ".dm_83" => "Wolfenstein 1.02 Demo Movie File",
  1376. ".dm_84" => "Wolfenstein 2.06 Demo Movie File",
  1377. ".dmb" => "BYOND Game Executable",
  1378. ".dmo" => "Cube 2: Sauerbraten Demo File",
  1379. ".dmo" => "Duke Nukem 3D Demo File",
  1380. ".dms" => "Dream Maker Script",
  1381. ".dn1" => "Duke Nukem 1 Game Data File",
  1382. ".dn2" => "Duke Nukem Episode 2 Game File",
  1383. ".dn3" => "Duke Nukem Episode 3 Game File",
  1384. ".dnf" => "Duke Nukem Forever Map File",
  1385. ".dnh" => "Danmakufu Script",
  1386. ".dns" => "Duke Nukem Forever Save File",
  1387. ".dol" => "GameCube Executable File",
  1388. ".dpf" => "Dargon Package",
  1389. ".drm" => "Deus Ex Data File",
  1390. ".ds" => "Furcadia DragonSpeak File",
  1391. ".dsg" => "Decker Saved Game",
  1392. ".duc" => "Action Replay Max DS Save File",
  1393. ".dun" => "Dungeon Defenders Saved Game File",
  1394. ".dv2" => "Divinity 2 Data File",
  1395. ".dwp" => "Darwin Pond Save File",
  1396. ".dxs" => "Deus Ex Saved Game",
  1397. ".dz" => "Land of the Dead Level File",
  1398. ".dzip" => "The Witcher 2 Game Archive",
  1399. ".e2gm" => "Pangea Enigmo 2 Custom Game File",
  1400. ".ecl" => "Touhou Stage Script",
  1401. ".edat" => "Sony Encrypted Data File",
  1402. ".eepf" => "EmuOS Exchangeable Packet File",
  1403. ".efx" => "Jedi Knight Effects File",
  1404. ".egm" => "Enigmo Custom Game File",
  1405. ".eix" => "Metin2 Game Data File",
  1406. ".elf" => "PlayStation Executable File",
  1407. ".elm" => "Eternal Lands Map File",
  1408. ".enc" => "Cabal Online Data File",
  1409. ".eng" => "Chess Engine",
  1410. ".epc" => "Doctor Who Game Data File",
  1411. ".epk" => "Metin2 Game Data Package",
  1412. ".erb" => "Evil Genius Resource File",
  1413. ".erf" => "BioWare Entity Resource File",
  1414. ".erp" => "Alter Ego Game Archive",
  1415. ".esg" => "Enigmo Saved Game File",
  1416. ".esm" => "Fallout 3 Master File",
  1417. ".esm" => "Elder Scrolls Master File",
  1418. ".esp" => "Fallout 3 Plugin File",
  1419. ".esp" => "Elder Scrolls Plugin File",
  1420. ".ess" => "The Elder Scrolls Saved Game",
  1421. ".est_uax" => "Spanish Unreal Audio Package",
  1422. ".exc" => "Black & White Zone File",
  1423. ".exs" => "Blades of Exile Scenario",
  1424. ".far" => "The Sims Archive File",
  1425. ".fbrb" => "Battlefield Bad Company 2 Data File",
  1426. ".fc2map" => "Far Cry 2 User Map",
  1427. ".fcm" => "fCraft World File",
  1428. ".fds" => "Nintendo FDS ROM",
  1429. ".ff" => "Call of Duty 4 Fast File",
  1430. ".ffd" => "FATE Saved Game",
  1431. ".fgd" => "Forge Game Data File",
  1432. ".fila" => "Aleph One Replay File",
  1433. ".fl" => "Freelancer Saved Game File",
  1434. ".flash" => "Frictional Games Flashback File",
  1435. ".fld" => "YSFLIGHT Field File",
  1436. ".fml" => "WWE RAW Character File",
  1437. ".fnta" => "Aleph One Font File",
  1438. ".fomod" => "Fallout Mod Archive",
  1439. ".forge" => "Assassin's Creed Game Data File",
  1440. ".fos" => "Fallout 3 Saved Game",
  1441. ".fox" => "Furcadia Art File",
  1442. ".fpg" => "FPS Creator Game Project File",
  1443. ".fpid" => "FPS Creator AI Wizard Data File",
  1444. ".fpk" => "Civilization 4 Data File",
  1445. ".fpmb" => "FPS Creator Mab Buffer File",
  1446. ".fpmo" => "FPS Creator Map Overlay File",
  1447. ".fpop" => "Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions Saved Game",
  1448. ".fpp" => "FPS Creator Prefab File",
  1449. ".fps" => "FPS Creator Segment File",
  1450. ".frc" => "FS Recorder File",
  1451. ".freecellsave-ms" => "Microsoft FreeCell Saved Game",
  1452. ".frz" => "Snes9x Saved State",
  1453. ".fs2" => "FreeSpace 2 Saved Mission File",
  1454. ".fsg" => "FreeCol Saved Game File",
  1455. ".fsm" => "FreeSpace Mission File",
  1456. ".fssave" => "Flight Simulator Save File",
  1457. ".fst" => "Crazy Machines 2 Object File",
  1458. ".ftl" => "Faster Than Light Mod File",
  1459. ".fuk" => "Postal 2 Map File",
  1460. ".fxt" => "Grand Theft Auto Fake Text File",
  1461. ".g3x" => "RealFlight Content File",
  1462. ".galaxy" => "Blizzard Galaxy File",
  1463. ".gam" => "Saved Game File",
  1464. ".game" => "Apple Chess Saved Game",
  1465. ".game" => "GameSalad Exported Game File",
  1466. ".gamedata" => "Sandlot Game Data File",
  1467. ".gar" => "Farming Simulator Game Archive File",
  1468. ".gb" => "Game Boy ROM File",
  1469. ".gba" => "Game Boy Advance ROM",
  1470. ".gbaskin" => "Game Boy Advance Controller Skin File",
  1471. ".gbc" => "Game Boy Color ROM",
  1472. ".gbcskin" => "Game Boy Color Controller Skin File",
  1473. ".gblorb" => "Glulx Blorb Game File",
  1474. ".gbx" => "Nadeo Game File",
  1475. ".gc" => "Galactic Conquest Saved Game",
  1476. ".gcf" => "Game Cache File",
  1477. ".gci" => "GameCube Save File",
  1478. ".gcm" => "GameCube ROM",
  1479. ".gcs" => "GameCube SharkSave File",
  1480. ".gct" => "Ocarina Cheat Code Manager File",
  1481. ".gcz" => "Compressed GameCube/Wii ROM",
  1482. ".gdi" => "Dreamcast Gigabyte Disc Image",
  1483. ".gdw" => "Jaws Unleashed Data File",
  1484. ".gen" => "Sega Genesis ROM",
  1485. ".gg" => "Sega Game Gear ROM",
  1486. ".gjd" => "The 7th Guest Media File",
  1487. ".gla" => "Ghoul 2 Animation File",
  1488. ".glb" => "Glulx Blorb Game File",
  1489. ".gma" => "Garry's Mod Addon File",
  1490. ".gme" => "DexDrive Game Card File",
  1491. ".gmres" => "Game Maker Resource File",
  1492. ".gmv" => "Gens Game Recording",
  1493. ".gnp" => "GenePool Save File",
  1494. ".god" => "Populous II Player Progress File",
  1495. ".goomod" => "World of Goo Add-on",
  1496. ".gpf" => "Gecko Patch File",
  1497. ".gpf" => "GRAVITY Ragnarok Online Patch File",
  1498. ".gr2" => "Granny 3D File",
  1499. ".grf" => "Ragnarok Client Archive",
  1500. ".grf" => "Transport Tycoon Graphics Resource File",
  1501. ".grp" => "StarCraft Graphics Group File",
  1502. ".gs0" => "Sega Genesis Emulator Quick Slot 0 Save File",
  1503. ".gsba" => "Game Save Backup Archive",
  1504. ".gsc" => "Call of Duty Game Script",
  1505. ".gsx" => "Sega Genesis Emulator Saved State File",
  1506. ".h2o" => "Battle Realms Game Data File",
  1507. ".h3m" => "Heroes 3 Map File",
  1508. ".h4r" => "Heroes of Might and Magic IV Data File",
  1509. ".ham" => "Descent 2 Resource File",
  1510. ".heartssave-ms" => "Microsoft Hearts Save File",
  1511. ".hhsl" => "Hockey High Score List File",
  1512. ".hi" => "MacMAME High Scores File",
  1513. ".hit" => "The Sims Sound File",
  1514. ".hmp" => "Worms Height Map File",
  1515. ".hog" => "Descent Mission File",
  1516. ".honmod" => "HON Modification Manager File",
  1517. ".hot" => "The Sims Sound File",
  1518. ".hpk" => "Tropico Game Archive",
  1519. ".hps" => "HPL2 Script",
  1520. ".hs" => "LaserTank High Scores File",
  1521. ".hum" => "OMSI Human Configuration File",
  1522. ".hwd" => "Hedgewars Demo File",
  1523. ".hwmap" => "Hedgewars Drawn Map File",
  1524. ".hws" => "Hedgewars Saved Game",
  1525. ".hxm" => "Descent 2 Resource Modification",
  1526. ".i3pack" => "Point Blank Game Data File",
  1527. ".ib2" => "IncrediBots 2 Saved Challenge File",
  1528. ".ib3" => "IncrediBots 3 Saved Challenge File",
  1529. ".ibro" => "IncrediBots Robot File",
  1530. ".ibt" => "Texture and Model File",
  1531. ".idx0" => "Runescape Cache Index File",
  1532. ".idx255" => "Runescape Cache File",
  1533. ".ifp" => "GTA Animation File",
  1534. ".img" => "Grand Theft Auto Data File",
  1535. ".imga" => "Aleph One Image File",
  1536. ".inform" => "Inform Project",
  1537. ".inp" => "MAME Replay File",
  1538. ".ins" => "AGT Game Instruction File",
  1539. ".inv" => "INVedit File",
  1540. ".ipl" => "GTA Item Placement File",
  1541. ".ips" => "Internal Patching System Patch File",
  1542. ".isr" => "GoMoku Game File",
  1543. ".itk" => "ScummVM Game Data File",
  1544. ".itr" => "Icy Tower Replay File",
  1545. ".ivt" => "International Volleyball 2006 Data File",
  1546. ".iwd" => "Call of Duty Game Data File",
  1547. ".j2i" => "Jazz 2 Internet Link File",
  1548. ".j2l" => "Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Level File",
  1549. ".ja" => "Jet Archive",
  1550. ".jag" => "Jagex Data File",
  1551. ".jam" => "PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Mod File",
  1552. ".jap" => "Japanese Nintendo 64 Game ROM",
  1553. ".jg4" => "BigJig Jigsaw Puzzle",
  1554. ".jigsaw" => "Jigsaw Explorer Save File",
  1555. ".jkb" => "Jedi Knight Bot File",
  1556. ".jrc" => "PCjr Cartridge ROM File",
  1557. ".jrz" => "PSP Game Data File",
  1558. ".k2s" => "Kaiser 2 Saved Game",
  1559. ".kag" => "King Arthur's Gold Map File",
  1560. ".kar" => "Karel Function Dictionary",
  1561. ".kcl" => "Mario Kart Collision File",
  1562. ".kmp" => "Mario Kart Wii Course Description File",
  1563. ".kodu" => "Kodu Game File",
  1564. ".kv6" => "Ace of Spades Model File",
  1565. ".kwreplay" => "Command & Conquer 3 Replay File",
  1566. ".l3d" => "Black & White Graphics File",
  1567. ".laby" => "Laby Level File",
  1568. ".lang" => "Minecraft Language File",
  1569. ".ldb" => "Max Payne Level File",
  1570. ".ldw" => "Virtual Villagers Saved Game File",
  1571. ".lgl" => "LeechGet Download List",
  1572. ".lgp" => "Final Fantasy Media Archive",
  1573. ".lip" => "Real Virtuality Lip Sync File",
  1574. ".lip" => "Bethesda Softworks Lip Sync File",
  1575. ".ll" => "List & Label Preview File",
  1576. ".lmp" => "Quake Engine Lump File",
  1577. ".lmu" => "RPG Maker Map File",
  1578. ".lock" => "Minecraft World Lock File",
  1579. ".lod" => "Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Graphics File",
  1580. ".love" => "LÖVE Game File",
  1581. ".lpb" => "LaserTank Replay File",
  1582. ".lrf" => "League of Legends Replay File",
  1583. ".lsd" => "RPG Maker Game Save File",
  1584. ".lsw" => "RPG Maker Saved Game File",
  1585. ".ltg" => "LaserTank Graphics File",
  1586. ".ltx" => "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Properties File",
  1587. ".luxb" => "Lux Map File",
  1588. ".lvl" => "Game Level File",
  1589. ".m2" => "World or Warcraft Model Object",
  1590. ".mae" => "My Avatar Editor Character File",
  1591. ".mahjongtitanssave-ms" => "Mahjong Titans Saved Game",
  1592. ".manm" => "Vietcong Game Data File",
  1593. ".map" => "Furcadia Dream File",
  1594. ".map" => "Halo Map File",
  1595. ".map" => "Leges Motus Map File",
  1596. ".map" => "Quake Engine Map File",
  1597. ".maplet" => "Maplet World File",
  1598. ".mas" => "rFactor Track File",
  1599. ".masseffectprofile" => "Mass Effect Player Profile",
  1600. ".masseffectsave" => "Mass Effect Saved Game",
  1601. ".mato" => "Atomic Combat Saved Game",
  1602. ".max" => "Action Replay Max Save File",
  1603. ".maz" => "Hover! Maze File",
  1604. ".mca" => "Minecraft "Anvil" Map File",
  1605. ".mcgame" => "Minecraft Game Backup File",
  1606. ".mclevel" => "Minecraft Map File",
  1607. ".mcmeta" => "Minecraft Animation File",
  1608. ".mcr" => "Minecraft Region File",
  1609. ".mcr" => "ePSXe Memory Card File",
  1610. ".mcworld" => "Minecraft World Backup File",
  1611. ".md" => "Sharkport Saved Game File",
  1612. ".md" => "SEGA Mega Drive ROM",
  1613. ".md2" => "Quake 2 Player Model",
  1614. ".md3" => "Quake 3 3D Model",
  1615. ".mdl" => "Half-Life Model File",
  1616. ".mdl0" => "Wii Model File",
  1617. ".mdm" => "Mario Dash Map File",
  1618. ".me2mod" => "Mass Effect 2 Modification File",
  1619. ".mem" => "Virtual Game Station Memory File",
  1620. ".menu" => "Quake 3 Engine Menu File",
  1621. ".mf" => "Gameplay Multifile",
  1622. ".mgl" => "Age of Empires 2 Replay File",
  1623. ".mgx" => "Age of Empires 2 Expansion Replay File",
  1624. ".mgx" => "Rise of Nations Saved Game",
  1625. ".mii" => "Wii Virtual Avatar File",
  1626. ".mine" => "Minecraft Map File",
  1627. ".minesweepersave-ms" => "Minesweeper Saved Game",
  1628. ".mis" => "Saved Game Mission File",
  1629. ".mis" => "Marble Blast Gold Mission File",
  1630. ".mission" => "Vega Strike Mission File",
  1631. ".mix" => "MotoGP Game File",
  1632. ".mix" => "Command & Conquer Data File",
  1633. ".mm6" => "Might and Magic 6 Saved Game",
  1634. ".mm7" => "Might and Magic 7 Saved Game",
  1635. ".mm8" => "Might and Magic 8 Saved Game",
  1636. ".mod" => "Neverwinter Nights Module",
  1637. ".momma" => "Offspring Fling Replay File",
  1638. ".mp2m" => "Max Payne 2 Mod File",
  1639. ".mp2s" => "Max Payne 2 Saved Game",
  1640. ".mpk" => "Project64 Memory Pack File",
  1641. ".mpm" => "Max Payne Modfication File",
  1642. ".mpq" => "Blizzard Mo'PaQ File",
  1643. ".mps" => "Max Payne Saved Game",
  1644. ".mpz" => "Red Eclipse Map File",
  1645. ".mrs" => "GunZ Game Data File",
  1646. ".ms1" => "VirtualBus Map File",
  1647. ".mul" => "Deus Ex: HR Multiplexed Audio File",
  1648. ".mul" => "Ultima Online Multi File",
  1649. ".mus" => "Electronic Arts Game Music File",
  1650. ".n-gage" => "N-Gage Application",
  1651. ".n3d" => "Super 3D Noah's Ark Data File",
  1652. ".n3pmesh" => "Knight Online 3D Mesh File",
  1653. ".n64" => "Nintendo 64 Emulator ROM File",
  1654. ".nam" => "G.E.C.K. Mod Data File",
  1655. ".narc" => "Nintendo DS Archive File",
  1656. ".nav" => "Id Tech 3 Bot Navigation File",
  1657. ".naz" => "Total Overdose Game Data File",
  1658. ".nbt" => "Minecraft Named Binary Tag File",
  1659. ".ncf" => "No Cache File",
  1660. ".ncgr" => "Nintendo DS Title Graphics File",
  1661. ".nclr" => "Nintendo DS Color Palette File",
  1662. ".nds" => "Nintendo DS Game ROM",
  1663. ".neosave" => "Neopets Save File",
  1664. ".nes" => "Nintendo (NES) ROM File",
  1665. ".nfo" => "Age of Empires Player File",
  1666. ".nfs11save" => "Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Save File",
  1667. ".ngage" => "N-Gage Game File",
  1668. ".ngc" => "NeoGeo Pocket Color ROM",
  1669. ".ngp" => "NeoGeo Pocket ROM",
  1670. ".nkm" => "Mario Kart DS Track Data File",
  1671. ".nlelem" => "NoLimits Track Element File",
  1672. ".nlpx" => "NoLimits Package",
  1673. ".nltrack" => "NoLimits Roller Coaster Track File",
  1674. ".nml" => "NSMB Editor Exported Level File",
  1675. ".nsbca" => "Nintendo DS Model Animation File",
  1676. ".nsbmd" => "Nintendo DS Model File",
  1677. ".nsbtx" => "Nintendo DS Model Texture File",
  1678. ".nscr" => "Nintendo DS Title Screen File",
  1679. ".ntrk" => "Pacific FIghters Online Track File",
  1680. ".nv" => "MAME NVRAM File",
  1681. ".odf" => "Battlezone Object Definition File",
  1682. ".ogz" => "Cube 2 Map File",
  1683. ".omod" => "Oblivion Mod Archive",
  1684. ".opt" => "AGT Game Data File",
  1685. ".osk" => "Osu! Skin File",
  1686. ".osr" => "Osu! Replay File",
  1687. ".osu" => "Osu! Script",
  1688. ".osz" => "Osu! Beatmap File",
  1689. ".ovh" => "OMSI Vehicle Configuration File",
  1690. ".ovl" => "Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Data File",
  1691. ".p2m" => "Gameshark PlayStation 2 Cheats file",
  1692. ".p2s" => "PCSX2 Saved State",
  1693. ".p3t" => "PlayStation 3 Theme File",
  1694. ".package" => "Electronic Arts Game Package File",
  1695. ".pak" => "Simutrans Object File",
  1696. ".pak" => "Video Game Package",
  1697. ".papa" => "Game Save Backup File",
  1698. ".par" => "FMS Aircraft Parameters File",
  1699. ".pat" => "Kega Fusion Cheats File",
  1700. ".pat0" => "Wii Texture Pattern File",
  1701. ".pbn" => "Portable Bridge Notation File",
  1702. ".pbo" => "Packed Bohemia Object",
  1703. ".pbp" => "PSP Firmware Update File",
  1704. ".pcc" => "Mass Effect Package",
  1705. ".pcd" => "Pokémon Wonder Card File",
  1706. ".pce" => "TurboGrafx-16 ROM",
  1707. ".pcf" => "Valve Particle System File",
  1708. ".pck" => "Perfect World Data File",
  1709. ".pcsav" => "Mass Effect 2 Saved Game",
  1710. ".pcsxstate" => "PCSX Saved State File",
  1711. ".peg" => "Peggle Replay File",
  1712. ".pegn" => "Peggle Nights Replay File",
  1713. ".per" => "Age of Empires Personality File",
  1714. ".pgf" => "Pokémon Mystery Gift for Black & White File",
  1715. ".pgn" => "Portable Game Notation File",
  1716. ".pgt" => "Pokémon Gift File",
  1717. ".phn" => "Algodoo Phun Phunlet",
  1718. ".phya" => "Aleph One Physics File",
  1719. ".phz" => "Algodoo Phun Compressed Phunlet",
  1720. ".pig" => "Descent Texture File",
  1721. ".pig" => "Pirates of the Burning Sea Data File",
  1722. ".pj" => "Project64 Saved State File",
  1723. ".pk3" => "ZDoom Package",
  1724. ".pk3" => "Quake 3 Engine Game Data File",
  1725. ".pk4" => "Doom 3 Engine Game Data File",
  1726. ".pkg" => "PlayStation Store Downloaded Package",
  1727. ".pkm" => "Pokémon Saved Game Data File",
  1728. ".pl1" => "Adventure Maker Plug-in",
  1729. ".playmission" => "MissionPlayer Game File",
  1730. ".plf" => "Mr. Bean Game Data File",
  1731. ".pln" => "Flight Simulator Flight Plan",
  1732. ".plr" => "rFactor Player File",
  1733. ".plr" => "Terraria Player File",
  1734. ".plt0" => "Wii Color Palette File",
  1735. ".pnach" => "PCSX2 Patch File",
  1736. ".pod" => "Terminal Reality Game Data File",
  1737. ".pof" => "Descent Robot Definition File",
  1738. ".pog" => "Descent 2 Texture Modification",
  1739. ".pop" => "Team Fortress 2 Population File",
  1740. ".ppf" => "PlayStation Patch Format File",
  1741. ".pqhero" => "Puzzle Quest Saved Game",
  1742. ".prefs" => "MMORPG Tycoon Preferences File",
  1743. ".prg" => "Commodore Program File",
  1744. ".prison" => "Prison Architect Saved Game",
  1745. ".prk" => "Thrillville Park File",
  1746. ".profile" => "Pandemic Studios Game Player Profile",
  1747. ".properties" => "Minecraft Properties File",
  1748. ".prx" => "PSP Plugin File",
  1749. ".ps2" => "Sharkport Saved Game",
  1750. ".ps2" => "PCSX2 Memory Card File",
  1751. ".psdl" => "Midtown Madness 2 City File",
  1752. ".pss" => "PlayStation 2 Game Video File",
  1753. ".pssg" => "EGO Engine Textures File",
  1754. ".psu" => "EMS PS2 Memory Adapter Save File",
  1755. ".psv" => "PlayStation 2 Save File",
  1756. ".psx" => "PlayStation Save File",
  1757. ".psys" => "ZEQ2 Lite Particle Effects File",
  1758. ".purblepairssave-ms" => "Purble Pairs Saved Game",
  1759. ".purbleshopsave-ms" => "Purble Place Shop Saved Game",
  1760. ".puz" => "Across Lite Crossword Puzzle",
  1761. ".pvpf" => "Pet ville Save File",
  1762. ".pwf" => "Counter-Strike PODBot Waypoint File",
  1763. ".pxp" => "Counter-Strike PODBot Experience File",
  1764. ".pzl" => "Tibo Jigs@w Puzzle File",
  1765. ".pzp" => "Tibo Jigs@w Compressed Puzzle File",
  1766. ".qc" => "QuakeC Source Code File",
  1767. ".qdp" => "MPQDraft Plugin File",
  1768. ".qvm" => "Quake 3 Virtual Machine File",
  1769. ".qwd" => "QuakeWorld Demo File",
  1770. ".radq" => "Need for Madness Game Archive",
  1771. ".ras" => "Remedy Archive System File",
  1772. ".raw" => "Dolphin Wii and Gamecube Emulator Game Save File",
  1773. ".rbj" => "XRK Compiled Redcode Object File",
  1774. ".rbxl" => "ROBLOX Location File",
  1775. ".rbxm" => "ROBLOX Model",
  1776. ".rda" => "Anno 2070 Data File",
  1777. ".rel" => "Relocatable Module File",
  1778. ".rep" => "Grand Theft Auto Replay File",
  1779. ".rep" => "StarCraft Replay File",
  1780. ".res" => "Star Wars KotOR Save Resources File",
  1781. ".rez" => "Lithtech Game Engine Resource File",
  1782. ".rfa" => "Battlefield 1942 Game Package",
  1783. ".rfd" => "Emperor: Battle for Dune Data File",
  1784. ".rfgs_pc" => "Red Faction: Guerilla Saved Game File",
  1785. ".rfm" => "rFactor Modification File",
  1786. ".rgp" => "RealArcade Game Package",
  1787. ".rgss2a" => "RPG Maker VX RGSS Encrypted Archive",
  1788. ".rgss3a" => "RPG Maker VX Ace RGSS Encrypted Archive",
  1789. ".rgssad" => "RPG Maker VX RGSS Encrypted Archive",
  1790. ".rim" => "BioWare Resource Image File",
  1791. ".rkg" => "Mario Kart Wii Ghost Data File",
  1792. ".rkp" => "Rockchip MP4 Player Game",
  1793. ".rl" => "The 7th Guest Audio Data File",
  1794. ".rle" => "Golly Simulation Pattern File",
  1795. ".rle.gz" => "Golly Compressed Simulation Pattern File",
  1796. ".rmf" => "Hammer Rich Map Format",
  1797. ".rom" => "Killing Floor Map File",
  1798. ".rom" => "N64 Game ROM File",
  1799. ".ros" => "BattleScribe Roster Editor File",
  1800. ".rot" => "Homeworld 2 Graphics File",
  1801. ".rp2" => "RetroPlatform Player Program Archive",
  1802. ".rpf" => "Grand Theft Auto 4 Data File",
  1803. ".rpl" => "Special Force Replay",
  1804. ".rpl" => "Toribash Replay File",
  1805. ".rpy" => "Touhou Project Replay File",
  1806. ".rpy" => "Ren'Py Script",
  1807. ".rpyc" => "Ren'Py Compiled Script",
  1808. ".rs2" => "RailSim2 Saved Layout File",
  1809. ".run" => "Rune Map File",
  1810. ".rvdata" => "RPG Maker VX Data File",
  1811. ".rvdata2" => "RPG Maker VX Ace Data File",
  1812. ".rvproj" => "RPG Maker VX Project File",
  1813. ".rvproj2" => "RPG Maker VX Ace Project File",
  1814. ".rwd" => "Microsoft Flight Simulator Rewards File",
  1815. ".rws" => "RenderWare Stream File",
  1816. ".rxdata" => "RMXP Data File",
  1817. ".s10" => "Brasfoot Saved Game File",
  1818. ".s2m" => "Stronghold 2 Map File",
  1819. ".s2mh" => "StarCraft 2 Map Header File",
  1820. ".s2z" => "Heroes of Newerth Game Data File",
  1821. ".s4m" => "SWAT 4 Map File",
  1822. ".s5x" => "Heritage of Kings: The Settlers Map File",
  1823. ".sa1" => "Game Boy Emulator Save File",
  1824. ".sab" => "Saber File",
  1825. ".sad" => "Black & White Audio File",
  1826. ".sami" => "Grand Theft Auto San Andres Mod Installer File",
  1827. ".sav" => "Saved Game",
  1828. ".sav" => "Mass Effect 3 Saved Game",
  1829. ".sav" => "Nintendo DS Save File",
  1830. ".sc2" => "SimCity 2000 City File",
  1831. ".sc2archive" => "Blizzard StarCraft 2 Archive File",
  1832. ".sc2assets" => "Blizzard StarCraft 2 Assets File",
  1833. ".sc2bank" => "StarCraft 2 Bank File",
  1834. ".sc2data" => "Blizzard StarCraft 2 Data File",
  1835. ".sc2ma" => "StarCraft 2 Map Data File",
  1836. ".sc2map" => "Blizzard StarCraft 2 Map File",
  1837. ".sc2mod" => "Blizzard StarCraft 2 Modification File",
  1838. ".sc2replay" => "Blizzard StarCraft 2 Replay File",
  1839. ".sc2save" => "Blizzard StarCraft 2 Saved Game",
  1840. ".sc2scene" => "StarCraft 2 Cut Scene File",
  1841. ".sc3" => "SimCity 3000 City File",
  1842. ".sc4" => "SimCity 4 Saved File",
  1843. ".sc4" => "RollerCoaster Tycoon Scenario File",
  1844. ".sc4desc" => "SimCity 4 Description File",
  1845. ".sc4lot" => "SimCity 4 Lot File",
  1846. ".sc5" => "Chris Sawyer's Locomotion Scenario File",
  1847. ".sc6" => "RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Scenario File",
  1848. ".scea" => "Aleph One Map File",
  1849. ".scene" => "Antibody Level File",
  1850. ".scf" => "SimTown Sounds File",
  1851. ".schematic" => "MCEdit Schematic File",
  1852. ".sclvl" => "Scritter's Nest Data File",
  1853. ".scm" => "StarCraft Map File",
  1854. ".scm" => "CLEO Compiled Script",
  1855. ".scn" => "Age of Mythology Scenario File",
  1856. ".scn" => "OpenTTD Scenario File",
  1857. ".scn" => "SimCity Scenario File",
  1858. ".sco" => "OMSI Scenery Object Configuration File",
  1859. ".scs" => "Prism3D Game Data File",
  1860. ".scs" => "SimCity Societies Saved Game File",
  1861. ".scx" => "Microsoft Game Scenario File",
  1862. ".scx" => "Game Scenario File",
  1863. ".sd7" => "Spring Content Package",
  1864. ".sdf" => "World in Conflict Game Map",
  1865. ".sdt" => "Grand Theft Auto 3 Audio File",
  1866. ".sdz" => "Spring Content Package",
  1867. ".settings" => "Minecraft iConomy Plug-in Settings File",
  1868. ".sfar" => "Mass Effect 3 DLC File",
  1869. ".sfb" => "PlayStation 3 Disc Data File",
  1870. ".sfc" => "Creatures Saved Game",
  1871. ".sfc" => "Super Nintendo ROM",
  1872. ".sff" => "M.U.G.E.N. Sprite File",
  1873. ".sfo" => "PSP Game Parameters File",
  1874. ".sfs" => "Kerbal Space Program Save File",
  1875. ".sga" => "Relic Entertainment Game Archive",
  1876. ".sgaa" => "Aleph One Saved Game",
  1877. ".sgb" => "Dawn of War Map File",
  1878. ".sgb" => "Super Game Boy ROM File",
  1879. ".sgm" => "VisualBoyAdvance Saved Game",
  1880. ".sgpbprj" => "Baltie Project",
  1881. ".sgr" => "SimCity 4 Graphics Rules File",
  1882. ".sh2" => "Stronghold 2 Saved Game",
  1883. ".shader" => "Quake 3 Engine Shader File",
  1884. ".shpa" => "Aleph One Shape File",
  1885. ".sid" => "Steam Game Data Backup File",
  1886. ".sii" => "18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin' Truck Definition File",
  1887. ".sims2pack" => "Downloaded Sims 2 Package File",
  1888. ".sims3" => "The Sims 3 Game Save File",
  1889. ".sims3.backup" => "The Sims 3 Game Save Backup File",
  1890. ".sims3.bad" => "The Sims 3 Failed Game Save File",
  1891. ".sims3pack" => "The Sims 3 Package File",
  1892. ".skein" => "Skein XML File",
  1893. ".skse" => "Skyrim Script Extender Save File",
  1894. ".sli" => "OMSI Spline Configuration File",
  1895. ".slst" => "Game Data File",
  1896. ".sm" => "StepMania Song File",
  1897. ".smc" => "Super Nintendo Game ROM",
  1898. ".smd" => "Sega Mega Drive ROM",
  1899. ".smo" => "Sumotori Dreams Arena File",
  1900. ".smpd" => "Sc2gears Mouse Print Data File",
  1901. ".sms" => "Sega Master System ROM",
  1902. ".smzip" => "StepMania Package",
  1903. ".sna" => "NO$GBA Snapshot File",
  1904. ".snda" => "Aleph One Sound File",
  1905. ".solitairesave-ms" => "Microsoft Solitaire Saved Game",
  1906. ".sounds" => "Quake 3 Engine Sound Definition File",
  1907. ".sow" => "Descent ARJ Archive",
  1908. ".sp2" => "Super Ball 2 Level File",
  1909. ".spb" => "Flight Simulator Mission File",
  1910. ".spc" => "SNES Soundtrack File",
  1911. ".spidersolitairesave-ms" => "Microsoft Spider Solitaire Saved Game",
  1912. ".spk" => "Deer Hunter Map File",
  1913. ".spo" => "Spore Saved Game",
  1914. ".sprite" => "SuperTux Sprite File",
  1915. ".sps" => "Quake 3 Engine Speaker Definition File",
  1916. ".sps" => "Sharkport PS2 Save File",
  1917. ".sqf" => "ArmA Script File",
  1918. ".sqm" => "Operation Flashpoint Mission File",
  1919. ".srk" => "Sub Rosa Client File",
  1920. ".srm" => "Super Nintendo ROM Save File",
  1921. ".srt0" => "Wii Texture Animation File",
  1922. ".ssa" => "Children of the Nile Campaign File",
  1923. ".ssc" => "StepMania Song File",
  1924. ".ssfsav" => "Super Smash Flash Saved Game File",
  1925. ".sst" => "Children of the Nile Textures File",
  1926. ".sta" => "MAME Saved State File",
  1927. ".steamstart" => "Valve Steam Start File",
  1928. ".stl" => "SuperTux Level File",
  1929. ".str" => "BFME2 Strings File",
  1930. ".sts" => "DuoS DSEMU Saved State File",
  1931. ".stsg" => "SuperTux Saved Game",
  1932. ".stwm" => "SuperTux World Map File",
  1933. ".sub" => "SubTerra Level File",
  1934. ".sud" => "Sudoku Puzzle File",
  1935. ".sv5" => "BigJig Saved Puzzle",
  1936. ".sv5" => "Chris Sawyer's Locomotion Saved Game",
  1937. ".sv6" => "RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Saved Game",
  1938. ".sve" => "Simutrans Saved Game",
  1939. ".sve" => "Carmageddon: TDR 2000 Saved Game",
  1940. ".svg" => "Saved Game File",
  1941. ".svs" => "Game Boy Advance Saved State File",
  1942. ".svt" => "Torchlight Saved Game File",
  1943. ".swc" => "Super Nintendo Wild Card ROM File",
  1944. ".swv" => "Microsoft Sidewinder Game Voice Settings File",
  1945. ".sww" => "Anno Saved Game",
  1946. ".syb" => "Syberia Game Data File",
  1947. ".system" => "Vega Strike Virtual System File",
  1948. ".szs" => "GameCube Data File",
  1949. ".taf" => "ADRIFT Text Adventure File",
  1950. ".tap" => "Tap Tap Revenge Tap File",
  1951. ".tbm" => "Toribash Mod File",
  1952. ".td4" => "RollerCoaster Tycoon Track File",
  1953. ".td6" => "RollerCoaster Tycoon Track Design File",
  1954. ".tdb" => "Transcendence Game Data File",
  1955. ".tdt" => "Sim Tower Game File",
  1956. ".ted" => "Alamo Map File",
  1957. ".ted" => "Tribes 2 Game Data File",
  1958. ".tex0" => "Wii Texture File",
  1959. ".tfr" => "TIE Fighter Pilot File",
  1960. ".tiger" => "Tomb Raider Game Data Archive",
  1961. ".tim" => "The Incredible Machine Level",
  1962. ".tja" => "Taikojiro Song Map File",
  1963. ".tjc" => "Taikojiro Song Map Sequence File",
  1964. ".tkr" => "Tinker Custom Level File",
  1965. ".tlk" => "BioWare Aurora Engine Talk Table File",
  1966. ".toc" => "World of Warcraft Add-on Table of Contents File",
  1967. ".tor" => "Star Wars: The Old Republic Asset File",
  1968. ".tp4" => "RollerCoaster Tycoon Track Picture File",
  1969. ".tpl" => "Wii Image File",
  1970. ".trk" => "Pacific Fighters Offline Track File",
  1971. ".tsc" => "Cave Story Script",
  1972. ".ttarch" => "Telltale Games Archive",
  1973. ".ttl" => "AGT Game Title File",
  1974. ".ttm" => "Tower Toppler Mission File",
  1975. ".tut" => "Children of the Nile Tutorial File",
  1976. ".twt" => "Carmageddon 2 Data File",
  1977. ".u" => "Unreal Tournament Class Package",
  1978. ".uc" => "UnrealScript Class",
  1979. ".ucl" => "Killing Floor System File",
  1980. ".ucm" => "Crazy Machines Model File",
  1981. ".udk" => "Unreal Engine Map File",
  1982. ".ukx" => "Unreal Animation Package",
  1983. ".ulx" => "Glulx Game File",
  1984. ".umd" => "Splinter Cell Blacklist Game Data File",
  1985. ".umod" => "Unreal Tournament Module File",
  1986. ".umx" => "Unreal Music Package",
  1987. ".unity" => "Unity Scene File",
  1988. ".unity3d" => "Unity Web Player File",
  1989. ".unityproj" => "Unity 3D Project",
  1990. ".unr" => "Unreal Level Map",
  1991. ".uop" => "Ultima Online Patch File",
  1992. ".updatr" => "iConomy Update File",
  1993. ".upk" => "Unreal Engine 3 Package",
  1994. ".uqm" => "The Ur-Quan Masters Game Data File",
  1995. ".usa" => "Unreal Saved Game File",
  1996. ".usx" => "Unreal Static Meshes",
  1997. ".ut2" => "Unreal Tournament Map",
  1998. ".ut2mod" => "Unreal Tournament 2003/2004 Module File",
  1999. ".ut3" => "Unreal Tournament 3 Map File",
  2000. ".ut4mod" => "Unreal Tournament 2004 Module",
  2001. ".ut8" => "Ghost Master Language File",
  2002. ".utc" => "Bioware Creature File",
  2003. ".utw" => "Unity Whirld File",
  2004. ".utx" => "Unreal Texture Package",
  2005. ".uvx" => "Unreal Tournament 2003 Saved Game",
  2006. ".uxx" => "Unreal Tournament Cache",
  2007. ".v64" => "Nintendo 64 ROM Dump",
  2008. ".vb" => "Virtual Boy ROM File",
  2009. ".vbf" => "City Interactive Game Data File",
  2010. ".vcm" => "Vice City Mod Manager File",
  2011. ".vdf" => "Valve Data File",
  2012. ".vdf" => "Gothic Game Data File",
  2013. ".veh" => "Vehicle File",
  2014. ".vgi" => "Vista Game Explorer Editor Game File",
  2015. ".vhv" => "Valve Source Lighting File",
  2016. ".vis" => "Visibility Image File",
  2017. ".viv" => "Need for Speed Car Data File",
  2018. ".viv" => "PlayStation Video File",
  2019. ".vmf" => "Valve Map File",
  2020. ".vmv" => "VisualBoyAdvance Recording",
  2021. ".vmv" => "VirtuaNES Recording",
  2022. ".vmx" => "Valve Map Backup File",
  2023. ".vob" => "Live for Speed Car File",
  2024. ".vol" => "Video Game Archive",
  2025. ".vp" => "Volition Package File",
  2026. ".vpk" => "Valve Pak",
  2027. ".vtf" => "Valve Texture File",
  2028. ".vvvvvv" => "VVVVVV Game Level File",
  2029. ".vwp" => "Vehicle Weapon File",
  2030. ".w3g" => "Warcraft 3 Replay File",
  2031. ".w3m" => "Warcraft 3 Map File",
  2032. ".w3n" => "Warcraft 3 Expansion Campaign File",
  2033. ".w3x" => "Warcraft 3 Expansion Map FIle",
  2034. ".w3z" => "Warcraft 3 Saved Game File",
  2035. ".wa2" => "Wonderland Adventures Custom Adventure File",
  2036. ".wad" => "Doom WAD File",
  2037. ".wad" => "Nintendo Wii Game Data File",
  2038. ".wagame" => "Worms Armageddon Game Recording",
  2039. ".wal" => "Quake 2 Texture File",
  2040. ".wbfs" => "Wii Backup File System File",
  2041. ".wbt" => "Toribash Help File",
  2042. ".wdb" => "Blizzard World of Warcraft Database File",
  2043. ".wdf" => "Wiimm Disc File",
  2044. ".wdf" => "Wonderland Adventures Media File",
  2045. ".weap" => "Quake 3 Engine Weapon File",
  2046. ".wgf" => "Widelands Game File",
  2047. ".whirld" => "Unity Whirld Package",
  2048. ".wl1" => "Wolfenstein 3D Data File",
  2049. ".wl6" => "Wolfenstein 3D Data File",
  2050. ".wld" => "Terraria World File",
  2051. ".wld" => "SMBX World File",
  2052. ".wmf" => "Widelands Map File",
  2053. ".wmo" => "World of Warcraft World Map Object",
  2054. ".wolfquest" => "WolfQuest Saved Game",
  2055. ".wop" => "Wonderland Object Preset",
  2056. ".world" => "The Sims 3 Create a World Tool File",
  2057. ".world" => "WorldPainter File",
  2058. ".wotreplay" => "World of Tanks Replay File",
  2059. ".wpl" => "GTA Binary Item Placement File",
  2060. ".wpm" => "Warcraft 3 Path Map File",
  2061. ".wpt" => "Cube 2 Waypoint File",
  2062. ".wrpl" => "Widelands Saved Game File",
  2063. ".wrpl.wgf" => "Widelands Initial Saved Game File",
  2064. ".wsc" => "WonderSwan Color Game ROM",
  2065. ".wtd" => "Grand Theft Auto IV Textures File",
  2066. ".wtf" => "World of Warcraft Text File",
  2067. ".wx" => "Flight Simulator Weather File",
  2068. ".wz" => "Warzone 2100 Data File",
  2069. ".wz" => "MapleStory Game Data File",
  2070. ".xan" => "Worms Map File",
  2071. ".xbe" => "Xbox Executable File",
  2072. ".xbsav" => "Mass Effect 2 Xbox Saved Game",
  2073. ".xds" => "DS Game Maker Project File",
  2074. ".xen" => "Guitar Hero III Data File",
  2075. ".xex" => "Xbox 360 Executable File",
  2076. ".xmb" => "Age of Empires Game Data File",
  2077. ".xmb" => "X-Wing Mission Briefing File",
  2078. ".xnb" => "XNA Game Studio Binary Package",
  2079. ".xom" => "Worms 3D Object File",
  2080. ".xp" => "XPilot Map",
  2081. ".xp2" => "XPilot NG",
  2082. ".xp3" => "KiriKiri Package File",
  2083. ".xp4" => "KiriKiri Package",
  2084. ".xpd" => "PlayStation Store PSP License File",
  2085. ".xpk" => "WWE RAW Model File",
  2086. ".xs" => "Age of Empires 3 Map AI Generator",
  2087. ".xtl" => "Vietcong Data File",
  2088. ".xvmconf" => "World of Tanks XVM Configuration File",
  2089. ".y3a" => "Yu-Gi-Oh! ONLINE 3 Avatar File",
  2090. ".y3d" => "Yu-Gi-Oh! ONLINE 3 Deck File",
  2091. ".ycm" => "Yugioh Card Maker File",
  2092. ".ydc" => "Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Deck File",
  2093. ".ydr" => "Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Replay File",
  2094. ".ydt" => "Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Data File",
  2095. ".yfs" => "YSFLIGHT Mission File",
  2096. ".z1" => "Z-machine Z-code File",
  2097. ".z2" => "Z-machine Z-code File",
  2098. ".z2f" => "Zoo Tycoon 2 Object File",
  2099. ".z3" => "Z-machine Z-code File",
  2100. ".z4" => "Z-machine Z-code File",
  2101. ".z5" => "Z-machine Z-code File",
  2102. ".z6" => "Z-machine Z-code File",
  2103. ".z64" => "Nintendo 64 Game ROM",
  2104. ".z7" => "Z-machine Z-code File",
  2105. ".z8" => "Z-machine Z-code File",
  2106. ".zad" => "Carmageddon Game Data File",
  2107. ".zblorb" => "Z-machine Package Game File",
  2108. ".zds" => "GZDoom Save File",
  2109. ".zip" => "MAME Game ROM",
  2110. ".zlb" => "Z-machine Package Game File",
  2111. ".zmap" => "Zombies Ate My Neighbors Map File",
  2112. ".zoo" => "Zoo Tycoon Saved Game",
  2113. ".zs0" => "ZSNES Slot 0 Saved State File",
  2114. ".zs1" => "ZSNES Slot 1 Saved State File",
  2115. ".zs2" => "ZSNES Slot 2 Saved State File",
  2116. ".zs3" => "ZSNES Slot 3 Saved State File",
  2117. ".zs4" => "ZSNES Slot 4 Saved State File",
  2118. ".zs5" => "ZSNES Slot 5 Saved State File",
  2119. ".zs6" => "ZSNES Slot 6 Saved State File",
  2120. ".zs7" => "ZSNES Slot 7 Saved State File",
  2121. ".zs8" => "ZSNES Slot 8 Saved State File",
  2122. ".zs9" => "ZSNES Slot 9 Saved State File",
  2123. ".zsd" => "Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX Data File",
  2124. ".zst" => "ZSNES Save File",
  2125. ".ztd" => "Zoo Tycoon Data Archive",
  2126. ".ztmp" => "Steam Compressed Game Resource File",
  2127. ".zzz" => "Black & White Game Data File"
  2128. );
  2130. $CAD = array(
  2131. ".123" => "PCB123 Circuit Board Design",
  2132. ".123c" => "Autodesk 123C Drawing",
  2133. ".123d" => "Autodesk 123D Drawing",
  2134. ".123dx" => "123D Design Model File",
  2135. ".2d" => "VersaCAD 2D Drawing File",
  2136. ".3dc" => "RoboCell Cell Setup File",
  2137. ".3dl" => "Sierra LandDesigner 3D File",
  2138. ".a2l" => "ASAP2 ECU Description File",
  2139. ".act" => "Alma CAD/CAM Document",
  2140. ".adi" => "AutoCAD Device-Independent Binary Plotter File",
  2141. ".adt" => "AutoCAD Audit Log",
  2142. ".afd" => "Alphacam Flame Drawing",
  2143. ".afs" => " Project File",
  2144. ".any" => "AnyRail Layout Plan",
  2145. ".ard" => "ArtiosCAD Workspace File",
  2146. ".art" => "ArtCAM Model",
  2147. ".asc" => "LTspice Circuit Schematic File",
  2148. ".asm" => "Solid Edge Assembly File",
  2149. ".asy" => "LTspice Symbol File",
  2150. ".att" => "Alphacam Lathe Tool File",
  2151. ".bbcd" => "BobCAD-CAM Document",
  2152. ".bcd" => "RealView Debugger Board Chip Definition File",
  2153. ".bdc" => "West Point Bridge Designer Design File",
  2154. ".bdl" => "CoCreate Bundle File",
  2155. ".bit" => "Xilinx Bitstream File",
  2156. ".blk" => "AutoCAD Block Template File",
  2157. ".bmf" => "FloorPlan File",
  2158. ".bpm" => "Bizagi Process Modeler",
  2159. ".bpmc" => "Bizagi Process Modeler Collaboration",
  2160. ".bpz" => "Easy Blue Print Symbol Library",
  2161. ".brd" => "Cadence Allegro PCB Design File",
  2162. ".brd" => "KiCad PCB Design File",
  2163. ".bxl" => "Accelerated Designs PCB Library File",
  2164. ".cad" => "BobCAD-CAM File",
  2165. ".cam" => "Gerber CAM Job File",
  2166. ".catpart" => "CATIA V5 Part File",
  2167. ".catproduct" => "CATIA V5 Assembly File",
  2168. ".cddx" => "Circuit Diagram Document",
  2169. ".cdl" => "CADKEY Wireframe Design File",
  2170. ".cdw" => "KOMPAS Document",
  2171. ".cel" => "MicroStation Cell Library",
  2172. ".cf2" => "Common File Format File",
  2173. ".cff" => "Common File Format",
  2174. ".cgr" => "CATIA Graphical Representation File",
  2175. ".cib" => "Luminaire Data File",
  2176. ".circuit" => "KTechlab Circuit Design File",
  2177. ".ckd" => "Kubotek Design Container",
  2178. ".cmp" => "Solid Edge Wire Harness File",
  2179. ".cmp" => "Generic CADD Component File",
  2180. ".cnc" => "CNC Machine Tool Path",
  2181. ".cnc" => "PartMaster CNC File",
  2182. ".cnd" => "Melco Condensed Embroidery File",
  2183. ".cpa" => "CADSTAR PCB Archive File",
  2184. ".crv" => "VCarve Pro Design File",
  2185. ".cyp" => "Home Designer Pro Project File",
  2186. ".czd" => "CAD Zone Drawing",
  2187. ".db1" => "Tekla Structures Model File",
  2188. ".dbq" => "AutoCAD Query Set",
  2189. ".dc" => "DesignCAD Design File",
  2190. ".dc1" => "DevCad Document",
  2191. ".dc2" => "DevCad Cam Pro Document",
  2192. ".dc2" => "DesignCAD 2D ASCII Drawing",
  2193. ".dc3" => "DesignCAD 3D ASCII Drawing",
  2194. ".dcd" => "DesignCAD Drawing",
  2195. ".des" => "Pro/DESKTOP CAD File",
  2196. ".dft" => "Solid Edge Draft Document",
  2197. ".dfx" => "Drafix CAD File",
  2198. ".dgb" => "FlashCAD Drawing Database",
  2199. ".dgk" => "Delcam 3D Model File",
  2200. ".dgn" => "MicroStation Design File",
  2201. ".dlv" => "CATIA 4 Export File",
  2202. ".dlx" => "DIALux Document",
  2203. ".dra" => "Dolphin PartMaster Drawing File",
  2204. ".dra" => "OrCAD Drawing File",
  2205. ".drg" => "AllyCAD Drawing File",
  2206. ".dru" => "EAGLE Design Rules File",
  2207. ".drwdot" => "SolidWorks Drawing Template",
  2208. ".dsg" => "Control Studio Document",
  2209. ".dsn" => "OrCAD Design File",
  2210. ".dst" => "AutoCAD Sheet Set File",
  2211. ".dst" => "Tajima Embroidery Format",
  2212. ".dvg" => "Graphic Works Vector Graphic",
  2213. ".dwfx" => "Design Web Format XPS File",
  2214. ".dwg" => "AutoCAD Drawing Database File",
  2215. ".dws" => "AutoCAD Drawing Standards File",
  2216. ".dwt" => "AutoCAD Drawing Template",
  2217. ".dxe" => "AutoCAD Data Extraction Template",
  2218. ".dxf" => "Drawing Exchange Format File",
  2219. ".dxx" => "AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Attribute File",
  2220. ".easm" => "eDrawings Assembly File",
  2221. ".edn" => "EDIF Implementation Netlist File",
  2222. ".edrw" => "SolidWorks eDrawings File",
  2223. ".eld" => "Eulumdat Formatted Luminaire Data File",
  2224. ".epf" => "EAGLE Project",
  2225. ".eqn" => "GAL Equation File",
  2226. ".ewb" => "Electronics Workbench Circuit Design File",
  2227. ".ewd" => "EasyWOOD Design File",
  2228. ".exb" => "CAXA Draft",
  2229. ".ezc" => "AutoCAD Ecscad Components Backup File",
  2230. ".ezp" => "AutoCAD Ecscad Project Backup File",
  2231. ".fan" => "Form•Z Animation File",
  2232. ".fcd" => "FastCAD DOS Drawing",
  2233. ".fcstd" => "FreeCAD Document",
  2234. ".fcw" => "FastCAD Windows Drawing",
  2235. ".flx" => "FelixCAD Drawing",
  2236. ".fmz" => "Form•Z Project File",
  2237. ".fnc" => "QuickCAM 3D CNC File",
  2238. ".fpd" => "Front Panel Designer Project",
  2239. ".fpp" => "Front Panel Project",
  2240. ".fz" => "Fritzing Project File",
  2241. ".fzp" => "Fritzing Part File",
  2242. ".fzz" => "Fritzing Shareable Project File",
  2243. ".g" => "BRL-CAD Geometry File",
  2244. ".g3d" => "GOM 3D File",
  2245. ".gbx" => "Gerber PCB File",
  2246. ".gcd" => "Generic CADD Drawing File",
  2247. ".gds" => "Graphic Data System File",
  2248. ".ginspect_prj" => "GOM Inspect Project File",
  2249. ".gsm" => "Graphic Description Language File",
  2250. ".gxc" => "General CADD Pro Component",
  2251. ".gxd" => "General CADD Pro Drawing",
  2252. ".gxh" => "General CADD Pro Hatch Pattern File",
  2253. ".gxm" => "General CADD Pro Macro File",
  2254. ".hcp" => "HydroCAD Project File",
  2255. ".hsc" => "Aspen HYSYS Simulation File",
  2256. ".hsf" => "HOOPS Stream Format File",
  2257. ".hus" => "Husqvarna Embroidery File",
  2258. ".iam" => "Inventor Assembly File",
  2259. ".iba" => "Lectra Clothing Design Pieces File",
  2260. ".ic3d" => "IC3D Scene File",
  2261. ".icd" => "IronCAD 3D Drawing File",
  2262. ".ics" => "IronCAD 3D Drawing File",
  2263. ".ide" => "Inventor iFeature File",
  2264. ".idv" => "Inventor Design View File",
  2265. ".idw" => "Inventor Drawing",
  2266. ".if" => "Procedimientos-Uno IFWin Project File",
  2267. ".ifcxml" => "Industry Foundation Classes XML File",
  2268. ".ifczip" => "Compessed IFC File",
  2269. ".igs" => "IGES Drawing File",
  2270. ".ipf" => "iMPACT Project File",
  2271. ".ipj" => "Inventor Project File",
  2272. ".ipn" => "Inventor Presentation File",
  2273. ".ipt" => "Inventor Part File",
  2274. ".ise" => "Xilinx ISE Project",
  2275. ".iso" => "Arbortext IsoDraw Document",
  2276. ".isoz" => "Compressed Arbortext IsoDraw Illustration",
  2277. ".jam" => "Jam STAPL File",
  2278. ".jbc" => "Jam STAPL Byte-Code File",
  2279. ".job" => "MetaCAM Nest Job File",
  2280. ".jt" => "JT Open CAD File",
  2281. ".jvsg" => "Video Surveillance Project",
  2282. ".kit" => "20-20 Design File",
  2283. ".lcf" => "ArchiCAD Library Container File",
  2284. ".ldr" => "LDraw Model File",
  2285. ".ldt" => "Eulumdat Formatted Luminaire Data File",
  2286. ".li3d" => "Live Interior 3D Document",
  2287. ".lin" => "AutoCAD Linetype File",
  2288. ".lizd" => "Live Interior 3D Compressed Document",
  2289. ".ltl" => "Luminaire Data File",
  2290. ".lyc" => "bestIMAGE Compressed Design File",
  2291. ".lyr" => "bestIMAGE Design File",
  2292. ".mc9" => "Mastercam 9 Geometry File",
  2293. ".mcd" => "MiniCAD Design File",
  2294. ".mcx" => "MICRO CADAM-X/6000 Model Data File",
  2295. ".mdl" => "Lectra Modaris Clothing Design File",
  2296. ".mhs" => "Xilinx XPS Hardware Specification File",
  2297. ".min" => "Okuma CNC Program File",
  2298. ".model" => "CATIA 3D Model FIle",
  2299. ".mp10" => "Multisim 10 Project File",
  2300. ".mp11" => "Multisim 11 Project File",
  2301. ".mp7" => "Multisim 7 Project File",
  2302. ".mp9" => "Multisim 9 Project File",
  2303. ".ms11" => "Multisim 11 Circuit Design File",
  2304. ".ms7" => "Multisim 7 Circuit Design File",
  2305. ".ms9" => "Multisim 9 Circuit Design File",
  2306. ".mvs" => "Microchip Verification Specification File",
  2307. ".nc" => "Mastercam Numerical Control File",
  2308. ".neu" => "Pro/ENGINEER Neutral File",
  2309. ".ngc" => "Xilinx Generated Netlist File",
  2310. ".ngd" => "Xilinx Netlist File",
  2311. ".npl" => "Xilinx ISE 5-6 Project File",
  2312. ".nwc" => "Navisworks Cache File",
  2313. ".nwd" => "Navisworks Document",
  2314. ".nwf" => "Navisworks File Set",
  2315. ".olb" => "OrCAD Symbol Library File",
  2316. ".opj" => "OrCAD Project File",
  2317. ".opt" => "Opterecenja File",
  2318. ".pat" => "AutoCAD Hatch Pattern File",
  2319. ".pc6" => "PowerCADD 6 Drawing File",
  2320. ".pc7" => "PowerCADD 7 Drawing File",
  2321. ".pcs" => "Pfaff Embroidery File",
  2322. ".phj" => "PhCNC Project File",
  2323. ".pho" => "Gerber Photoplot File",
  2324. ".pipd" => "PIPE-FLO Demo Project File",
  2325. ".pipe" => "PIPE-FLO Project File",
  2326. ".pla" => "ArchiCAD Project Archive",
  2327. ".pln" => "ArchiCAD Project File",
  2328. ".pm3" => "Crouzet Logic Software M3 File",
  2329. ".prg" => "PC-DMIS Part Program File",
  2330. ".pro" => "KiCad Project",
  2331. ".prt" => "Solid Edge Part File",
  2332. ".prt" => "Pro/ENGINEER Part File",
  2333. ".prt" => "CADKEY Part File",
  2334. ".prt" => "Unigraphics Part File",
  2335. ".psf" => "AutoCAD PostScript Patterns File",
  2336. ".psm" => "Solid Edge Sheet Metal File",
  2337. ".pss" => "AutoCAD Plot Stamp Settings File",
  2338. ".psu" => "PSU Designer Document",
  2339. ".psv" => "Pipe System Viewer File",
  2340. ".pwd" => "Solid Edge Weldment Document",
  2341. ".pwt" => "AutoCAD Publish To Web Template",
  2342. ".qpm" => "Quick Pallet Maker Input Data",
  2343. ".rcd" => "LEGO MINDSTORMS Recording File",
  2344. ".rdf" => "Relux Project File",
  2345. ".red" => "CADViewer Redline Markup File",
  2346. ".rig" => "vRigger Design File",
  2347. ".rml" => "Redline Markup Language File",
  2348. ".rra" => "vRigger Rigging Gear File",
  2349. ".rs" => "RapidSketch Document",
  2350. ".rsg" => "RaySupreme Graph",
  2351. ".rsm" => "RouterSim Network Visualizer File",
  2352. ".rtd" => "Robot Structural Analysis Design File",
  2353. ".sab" => "ACIS SAB Model File",
  2354. ".sat" => "ACIS SAT 3D Model File",
  2355. ".sbp" => "OpenSBP CNC Program File",
  2356. ".scad" => "OpenSCAD Script",
  2357. ".sch" => "KiCad Schematic File",
  2358. ".sdg" => "Strater Project File",
  2359. ".sew" => "Home Embroidery Format",
  2360. ".shx" => "AutoCAD Compiled Shape File",
  2361. ".skf" => "AutoSketch Drawing",
  2362. ".sldasm" => "SolidWorks Assembly File",
  2363. ".slddrw" => "SolidWorks Drawing File",
  2364. ".sldprt" => "SolidWorks Part File",
  2365. ".spt" => "SpeedTree Tree Data File",
  2366. ".stl" => "Stereolithography File",
  2367. ".svd" => "SolidView Design File",
  2368. ".t3001" => "TARGET 3001! Circuit Design Project File",
  2369. ".tak" => "TAK 2000 Thermal Model File",
  2370. ".tbp" => "Tekla BIMsight Project",
  2371. ".tc2" => "TurboCAD 2D Mac Drawing",
  2372. ".tc3" => "TurboCAD 2D/3D Mac Drawing",
  2373. ".tcd" => "Technobox CAD Drawing",
  2374. ".tcm" => "TurboCAD Mac Drawing",
  2375. ".tct" => "TurboCAD Drawing Template",
  2376. ".tcw" => "TurboCAD Drawing File",
  2377. ".tcx" => "TurboCAD 3D Model Text File",
  2378. ".top" => "TopSolid Design Document",
  2379. ".topprj" => "TopSolid Project File",
  2380. ".topviw" => "TopSolid'Viewer Document",
  2381. ".tsc" => "TINA Design File",
  2382. ".tsf" => "Strater Template File",
  2383. ".uld" => "Unified Luminaire Data File",
  2384. ".unt" => "AutoCAD Unit Definition File",
  2385. ".upf" => "Unified Power Format File",
  2386. ".vet" => "Lectra Cutter's Must File",
  2387. ".vnd" => "Type3 Design File",
  2388. ".vtf" => "3DESIGN CAD File",
  2389. ".vwx" => "Vectorworks Design File",
  2390. ".wdp" => "AutoCAD Electrical Project File",
  2391. ".x_b" => "Parasolid Model Part File",
  2392. ".x_t" => "Parasolid Model Part File",
  2393. ".xise" => "Xilinx ISE Project File",
  2394. ".xv3" => "Lattice XVL Geometry File"
  2395. );
  2397. $misc = array(
  2398. ".!bt" => "BitTorrent Incomplete Download File",
  2399. ".!qb" => "qBittorrent Partial Download File",
  2400. ".!ut" => "uTorrent Incomplete Download",
  2401. ".000" => "Windows CE Installation Data File",
  2402. ".1" => "Unix Section 1 Man Page",
  2403. ".323" => "H.323 Internet Telephony File",
  2404. ".3dc" => "RacerMate 3D Course File",
  2405. ".83p" => "TI-83 Calculator File",
  2406. ".8xp" => "TI-83 Plus Calculator File",
  2407. "._eml" => "Windows Live Mail Email File",
  2408. "._nws" => "Windows Live Mail Newsgroup Copy File",
  2409. "._sys.lfo" => "Adware File",
  2410. ".aawdef" => "Ad-Aware Definitions File",
  2411. ".abr" => "Adobe Photoshop Brushes File",
  2412. ".ac$" => "AutoCAD Temporary File",
  2413. ".acb" => "AOL Cab Launcher",
  2414. ".acl" => "AutoCorrect List File",
  2415. ".acs" => "Agent Character File",
  2416. ".ad" => "After Dark Screensaver",
  2417. ".adadownload" => "Adobe Download Assistant Partial Download File",
  2418. ".add" => "Dynamics AX Developer Documentation File",
  2419. ".adi" => "Dynamics AX Developer Documentation Index File",
  2420. ".adm" => "Portfolio Admin-Level Access Flag",
  2421. ".aepkey" => "Advanced Encryption Package Key File",
  2422. ".afploc" => "Apple Filing Protocol Location",
  2423. ".agd" => "Agile Advantage E-mail Attachment",
  2424. ".ahd" => "Dynamics AX Online Help Data File",
  2425. ".ahi" => "Dynamics AX Online Help Index File",
  2426. ".aif" => "Symbian Application Information File",
  2427. ".aim" => "AOL Instant Messenger Launch File",
  2428. ".alt" => "Dynamics AX Temporary File",
  2429. ".aml" => "Microsoft Assistance Markup Language File",
  2430. ".annot" => "Adobe Digital Editions Annotations File",
  2431. ".aod" => "Dynamics AX Object Data File",
  2432. ".aoi" => "Dynamics AX Application Object Index File",
  2433. ".aol" => "America Online File",
  2434. ".apf" => "Adobe Profile File",
  2435. ".appdownload" => "Mac App Store Partially Downloaded App",
  2436. ".appup" => "Erlang Application Upgrade File",
  2437. ".arr" => "Advanced RAR Password Recovery Project",
  2438. ".ash" => "Nintendo Wii System Menu File",
  2439. ".ass" => "Aegisub Advanced Substation Alpha File",
  2440. ".atz" => "Atomic Time Zone File",
  2441. ".auz" => "Ableton Authorization File",
  2442. ".avastlic" => "Avast! License File",
  2443. ".avgdx" => "AVG Diagnostics File",
  2444. ".awc" => "Emulex AWC Firmware Update File",
  2445. ".awd" => "Award BIOS Update File",
  2446. ".awkw" => "Awkwords Word Generator File",
  2447. ".az!" => "Vuze Partial Download File",
  2448. ".bbl" => "BibTeX Generated Bibliography File",
  2449. ".bc" => "BitComet Partially Downloaded File",
  2450. ".bc!" => "BitComet Incomplete File",
  2451. ".bdr" => "Publisher Borders File",
  2452. ".bfc" => "Windows Briefcase File",
  2453. ".bkmk" => "Yummy FTP Bookmark File",
  2454. ".blf" => "MasterWorks Working File",
  2455. ".bli" => "Thomson Speedtouch Firmware File",
  2456. ".bmc" => "Embroidery Image File",
  2457. ".bmk" => "Nokia Device Bookmark File",
  2458. ".bnd" => "DB2 CLI Bind File",
  2459. ".bootskin" => "Stardock Bootskin File",
  2460. ".box" => "Microsoft Store Download File",
  2461. ".bp2" => "AutoCAD Batch Plot File",
  2462. ".bp3" => "AutoCAD Batch Plot File",
  2463. ".bpdx" => "Acrobat Batch PDX File",
  2464. ".bpl" => "AutoCAD Batch Plot File",
  2465. ".bps" => "BPS Virus File",
  2466. ".bqy" => "Brio Query File",
  2467. ".bst" => "BibTeX Style Document",
  2468. ".bt!" => "BitSpirit Incomplete Download File",
  2469. ".buf" => "Buffer File",
  2470. ".bup" => "McAfee Quarantined File",
  2471. ".c2u" => "Texas Instruments CBL 2 OS File",
  2472. ".ca" => "Initial Telnet Cache",
  2473. ".cache" => "Cache File",
  2474. ".calb" => "Coolect Album File",
  2475. ".calibre" => "Calibre Device Data File",
  2476. ".cas" => "Autodesk Cascade License File",
  2477. ".cbds" => "Comic Book DS File",
  2478. ".cbt" => "Computer Based Training File",
  2479. ".cch" => ".NET Security Resolution Cache File",
  2480. ".cdf-ms" => "ClickOnce Compiled Manifest File",
  2481. ".cfl" => "IMVU Product File",
  2482. ".cfs" => "Lucene Compound Index File",
  2483. ".chk" => "Saved File Fragment",
  2484. ".chunk001" => "File Splitter Split Archive Part 1",
  2485. ".chw" => "Compiled Help Index File",
  2486. ".cl" => "Cursor Library",
  2487. ".clkk" => "Clicker Keyboard",
  2488. ".clkt" => "Clicker Template",
  2489. ".clkw" => "Clicker Word Bank",
  2490. ".clkx" => "Clicker Grid Set",
  2491. ".clr" => "Flash Color Set",
  2492. ".cls" => "LaTeX Document Class File",
  2493. ".cml" => "CryptoMailer Encrypted File",
  2494. ".cmm" => "Corel Multimedia Manager Album",
  2495. ".contour" => "Contour Screenplay File",
  2496. ".cos2" => "Pinnacle Studio Cache File",
  2497. ".cp3" => "Grand Prix 3 Cockpit Shape File",
  2498. ".cpt" => "Pocket Slides Presentation",
  2499. ".cpu" => "Virtual CPU File",
  2500. ".crashed" => "AbiWord Crash-Saved Document",
  2501. ".crc" => "Total Commander Checksum File",
  2502. ".crd" => "Guitar Tabs",
  2503. ".crd" => "Windows CardSpace File",
  2504. ".crdownload" => "Chrome Partially Downloaded File",
  2505. ".csh" => "Photoshop Custom Shapes File",
  2506. ".ctf" => "AVG Update Control File",
  2507. ".ctf" => "Content Transformation File",
  2508. ".ctg" => "Canon Digital Camera Catalog File",
  2509. ".cul" => "Windows Cursor Library",
  2510. ".cvf" => "CPU-Z Validation File",
  2511. ".cvr" => "Microsoft Crash Report File",
  2512. ".cxf" => "Picasa Collage File",
  2513. ".da2" => "Ad-Aware License File",
  2514. ".dal" => "Download Accelerator Plus URL List",
  2515. ".dap" => "Download Accelerator Plus Partial Download",
  2516. ".dat" => "Exchange E-mail Attachment",
  2517. ".dat" => "Inno Setup Uninstaller Data File",
  2518. ".db" => "Windows Thumbnail Cache",
  2519. ".dbx" => "Outlook Express E-mail Folder",
  2520. ".dc1" => "Bloomba E-mail Message",
  2521. ".dcover" => "Disc Cover File",
  2522. ".dct" => "Dictionary File",
  2523. ".dctmp" => "DC++ Partially Downloaded File",
  2524. ".decrypt" => "Decrypted Microsoft ESD File",
  2525. ".dek" => "Memorize-It Flashcard Deck",
  2526. ".desktop" => "Desktop Entry File",
  2527. ".devicesalt" => "NOOK Device Salt File",
  2528. ".dfu" => "LaTeX Font Encoding File",
  2529. ".dgc" => "TurboTax Tax Form",
  2530. ".dic" => "Dictionary File",
  2531. ".disabled" => "Spybot - Search & Destroy Disabled File",
  2532. ".diskdefines" => "Linux LiveCD Information File",
  2533. ".dke" => "DriveLock FDE Disk Key File",
  2534. ".dlm" => "Akamai Download Manager File",
  2535. ".dmx-info" => "DriverMax Driver Information File",
  2536. ".doc#" => "LibreOffice Document Lock File",
  2537. ".downloading" => "Pando Incomplete Download File",
  2538. ".dpb" => "FaxMaster Document",
  2539. ".dr" => "DRM Rights Object",
  2540. ".drc" => "DRM Rights Object",
  2541. ".dsc" => "Nikon Disk Identification File",
  2542. ".dskin" => "DockX Skin",
  2543. ".dstudio" => "DownloadStudio Incomplete Download",
  2544. ".dt_" => "Macintosh Data Fork",
  2545. ".dtapart" => "DownThemAll! Partially Downloaded File",
  2546. ".dtf" => "Domino Temporary File",
  2547. ".dump" => "Google BreakPad Crash Log File",
  2548. ".dus" => "Readiris Font Dictionary",
  2549. ".dwc" => "Emulex DWC Firmware Update File",
  2550. ".dwl" => "TurboCAD Drawing Lock File",
  2551. ".dwlibrary" => "Paperless Document Library",
  2552. ".dwn" => "Firmware Update File",
  2553. ".ebn" => "Philips Firmware Update File",
  2554. ".edc" => "Kryptel Lite Encrypted File",
  2555. ".eek" => "Arachne Network-Enabled Script",
  2556. ".ef2" => "Internet Download Manager Export File",
  2557. ".efl" => "External Format Language File",
  2558. ".email" => "Outlook Express Email Message",
  2559. ".enc" => "Encore Musical Notation File",
  2560. ".enf" => "EndNote Filter File",
  2561. ".enml" => "Evernote for Android Note",
  2562. ".eqn" => "WordPerfect Equation",
  2563. ".erl" => "GameGuard Error Log File",
  2564. ".err" => "AutoCAD Error Log File",
  2565. ".esd" => "Windows Electronic Software Download File",
  2566. ".event" => "Corel Cataloged Folder File",
  2567. ".exd" => "Control Information Cache File",
  2568. ".ext" => "Generic Email Attachment",
  2569. ".extra" => "Google BreakPad Crash Log Extra File",
  2570. ".eyb" => "Microsoft Encarta Yearbook Update File",
  2571. ".ezlog" => "Skype Extras Manager Log File",
  2572. ".ezw" => "easyOFFER Real Estate Form File",
  2573. ".fb!" => "FlashGet Incomplete Download File",
  2574. ".fdr" => "Windows Error Report File",
  2575. ".feedback" => "Expression SketchFlow Feedback File",
  2576. ".ffl" => "Fetion Emoticons Package",
  2577. ".file" => "Generic Windows File",
  2578. ".fl3" => "Flash 3D File",
  2579. ".flf" => "Microsoft Dynamics NAV License File",
  2580. ".flk" => "AccountEdge Company Lock File",
  2581. ".fmelic" => "FME License File",
  2582. ".fnd" => "Windows Saved Search",
  2583. ".fnlf" => "Scarlett Plug-in Suite License File",
  2584. ".fpfv" => "File Protected From Virus",
  2585. ".fpk" => "JetForm FormFlow File",
  2586. ".frk" => "Macintosh Resource or Data Fork",
  2587. ".frm" => "Form File",
  2588. ".frz" => "Locked FormFlow File",
  2589. ".ftil" => "e-Hastakshar Contract Note",
  2590. ".ftploc" => "FTP Location",
  2591. ".fw" => "Firmware Update File",
  2592. ".g3a" => "Casio Prizm Add-in File",
  2593. ".gau" => "Flight Simulator Gauge File",
  2594. ".gg" => "Google Desktop Gadget File",
  2595. ".glink" => "Google Drive External File Shortcut",
  2596. ".gly" => "Word Glossary File",
  2597. ".god" => "God Configuration File",
  2598. ".gp4" => "Guitar Pro 4 Tablature",
  2599. ".gpg" => "GNU Privacy Guard Public Keyring",
  2600. ".growlregdict" => "Growl Temp File",
  2601. ".gsp" => "Geometer's Sketchpad File",
  2602. ".gta" => "Microsoft Groove Tool Archive",
  2603. ".h1q" => "Microsoft Help Merged Query Index File",
  2604. ".hdk" => "HotDocs Registration File",
  2605. ".hdx" => "Delphi MultiHelp Index File",
  2606. ".hex" => "Hexadecimal Source File",
  2607. ".hlb" => "VMS / VAX Help Library",
  2608. ".hlx" => "ATI Radeon Video Driver Support File",
  2609. ".hmx" => "Help & Manual 4 Project",
  2610. ".hps" => "HP Digital Sender Metadata File",
  2611. ".hs" => "Motorola Flash Flex File",
  2612. ".hxa" => "Microsoft Help 2 Attribute Definition File",
  2613. ".hxc" => "Microsoft Help 2 Collection Definition File",
  2614. ".hxe" => "Microsoft Help 2 Sample Definition File",
  2615. ".hxk" => "Microsoft Help 2 Index File",
  2616. ".hxt" => "Microsoft Help 2 Table of Contents File",
  2617. ".hyp" => "Dictionary Information File",
  2618. ".ical" => "iCalendar File",
  2619. ".icalendar" => "iCalendar File",
  2620. ".icma" => "InCopy Assignment File",
  2621. ".icontainer" => "CandyBar iContainer File",
  2622. ".ics" => "iCalendar File",
  2623. ".id" => "Lotus Notes User ID File",
  2624. ".idlk" => "Adobe InDesign Lock File",
  2625. ".idx" => "Movie Subtitle File",
  2626. ".ifl" => "3ds Max Image File List",
  2627. ".iix" => "Translation Memory Index File",
  2628. ".imapmbox" => "IMAP Mailbox",
  2629. ".iml" => "ACT! Internet Mail Message",
  2630. ".imy" => "iMelody Ringtone File",
  2631. ".in" => "Spyware File",
  2632. ".inca" => "InCopy CS3 Assignment File",
  2633. ".ind" => "Memory Stick Formatting File",
  2634. ".indk" => "Adobe Shortcut Set File",
  2635. ".inetloc" => "Internet Location",
  2636. ".info" => "Texinfo Document",
  2637. ".info" => "Generic Information File",
  2638. ".ing" => "MasterCook Ingredients File",
  2639. ".inlk" => "Adobe InDesign Lock File",
  2640. ".inm" => "FaxMaster Document",
  2641. ".iobit" => "Advanced SystemCare Rollback File",
  2642. ".ipsw" => "iPod and iPhone Software Update File",
  2643. ".isn" => "Installer Source Files",
  2644. ".itc" => "iTunes Cover Flow Data File",
  2645. ".iva" => "Dementia.4207 Virus File",
  2646. ".iws" => "InstallWatch Scan File",
  2647. ".jad" => "Java Application Descriptor File",
  2648. ".jc" => "FlashGet Partial Download",
  2649. ".jc!" => "FlashGet Incomplete Download",
  2650. ".jrs" => "Exchange Reserve Transaction Log File",
  2651. ".key" => "LightWave License File",
  2652. ".key" => "Software License Key File",
  2653. ".khd" => "Dynamics AX Kernel Help Data File",
  2654. ".khi" => "Dynamics AX Kernel Help Index File",
  2655. ".kmr" => "KnowledgeMill Link File",
  2656. ".kwm" => "WebMoney Key File",
  2657. ".kyr" => "Lotus Domino Key Ring File",
  2658. ".lay" => "DVD Studio Pro Layout File",
  2659. ".lck" => "Program Lock File",
  2660. ".ldb" => "Microsoft Access Lock File",
  2661. ".legal" => "DaveTech Legal Document",
  2662. ".letter" => "Undeliverable Mail File",
  2663. ".lic" => "Software License File",
  2664. ".licensekey" => "iPartition License Key File",
  2665. ".lid" => "Kodak EasyShare Album File",
  2666. ".link" => "iPod Link File",
  2667. ".linx" => "iPod Links Folder",
  2668. ".lock" => "Lock File",
  2669. ".logonvista" => "LogonStudio Windows Vista Logon Screen",
  2670. ".logonxp" => "LogonStudio Windows XP Logon Screen",
  2671. ".loov" => "Smadav Virus Definitions File",
  2672. ".lrc" => "Lyrics File",
  2673. ".lrs" => "Check Point License Request File",
  2674. ".lsn" => "Finale Lesson File",
  2675. ".ltf" => "Frogans Shortcut File",
  2676. ".lwtp" => "LimeWire Theme Pack",
  2677. ".lxa" => "Microsoft Speech Lexicon File",
  2678. ".lyr" => "ArcView Layer File",
  2679. ".mab" => "Mozilla Address Book",
  2680. ".mad" => "Access Module Shortcut",
  2681. ".mag" => "Access Diagram Shortcut File",
  2682. ".mailplanelicense" => "Mailplane License File",
  2683. ".mailtoloc" => "Mail Internet Location File",
  2684. ".manifest" => "Steam Manifest File",
  2685. ".map" => "TECkit Mapping File",
  2686. ".mar" => "Mozilla Archive",
  2687. ".mat" => "Microsoft Access Table Shortcut File",
  2688. ".mau" => "Media Attachment Unit",
  2689. ".mb" => "Kodak EasyShare Data File",
  2690. ".mbb" => "Kodak EasyShare Data File",
  2691. ".mbs" => "Opera Mailbox File",
  2692. ".mc2" => "MasterCook 5 Cookbook File",
  2693. ".mcf" => "MasterCook 2 Cookbook File",
  2694. ".mcfi" => "Maya Initial Fluid Cache File",
  2695. ".mcfp" => "Maya Fluid Cache Playback File",
  2696. ".mci" => "Media Control Interface File",
  2697. ".mco" => "Live Messenger Winks File",
  2698. ".md0" => "Adobe Photoshop Metadata Cache File",
  2699. ".md5" => "MD5 Checksum File",
  2700. ".mdf" => "Translation Memory Data Find File",
  2701. ".mdl" => "Flight Simulator Airplane Model",
  2702. ".mdw" => "Access Workgroup File",
  2703. ".me" => "Temporary Delete Me File",
  2704. ".merlinlicense" => "Merlin License File",
  2705. ".mfil" => "Blizzard Software Update File",
  2706. ".mgdatabase" => "MacGourmet Deluxe Database File",
  2707. ".mgo" => "MacGourmet Recipe File",
  2708. ".mgt" => "Musicnotes Guitar Guru Song File",
  2709. ".mif" => "Management Information Format",
  2710. ".mjbooktemplate" => "MacJournal Book Template",
  2711. ".mjdoc" => "MacJournal Document",
  2712. ".mls" => "CrystalPlayer Playlist",
  2713. ".mmo" => "Memory Map Overlay File",
  2714. ".mnl" => "AutoCAD Menu LISP File",
  2715. ".mnx" => "FoxPro Menu",
  2716. ".mobileprovision" => "Xcode Mobile Provisioning Profile",
  2717. ".montage" => "Montage Screenplay File",
  2718. ".mpcpl" => "Media Player Classic Playlist",
  2719. ".mrk" => "DPOF Auto Print Order File",
  2720. ".ms-tnef" => "MS Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format",
  2721. ".msf" => "Mail Summary File",
  2722. ".msi" => "Windows Installer Package",
  2723. ".mso" => "Inline E-mail Attachment",
  2724. ".mso" => "Microsoft Office Macro Reference File",
  2725. ".msrcincident" => "Windows Remote Assistance Invitation File",
  2726. ".msu" => "Windows Vista Update Package",
  2727. ".mta" => "Samsung AllShare Metadata File",
  2728. ".mtd" => "Musicnotes Digital Sheet Music File",
  2729. ".mtf" => "MasterCook Tips",
  2730. ".mtf" => "Translation Memory Translations File",
  2731. ".mthd" => "MOPEKS Method File",
  2732. ".mvi" => "AutoCAD Movie Command File",
  2733. ".mwf" => "Translation Memory Word Find File",
  2734. ".mwlic" => "MoneyWell License File",
  2735. ".mxn" => "Miinoto Exchangeable Note File",
  2736. ".mzz" => "Microsoft .NET Download Package",
  2737. ".na2" => "Netscape Address Book File",
  2738. ".nav" => "MSN Application Extension File",
  2739. ".nav2" => "WinAVI Temporary Navigation File",
  2740. ".nch" => "Outlook Express Folder File",
  2741. ".ncw" => "Nero CoverDesigner Wizard File",
  2742. ".nd5" => "Renamed NDS File",
  2743. ".ndl" => "Lotus Notes Doclink File",
  2744. ".nfs" => "Network File System Temporary File",
  2745. ".nick" => "Outlook 2000 Nickname File",
  2746. ".njb" => "Nikon Photo Index File",
  2747. ".nk2" => "Outlook 2002 Nickname File",
  2748. ".nomedia" => "Android No Media File",
  2749. ".nss" => "Magentic Screensaver File",
  2750. ".ntf" => "MediaFACE II CD Label File",
  2751. ".nth" => "Nokia Series 40 Theme File",
  2752. ".nup" => "Smart Security Update File",
  2753. ".nvi" => "NVIDIA Driver File",
  2754. ".nwm" => "Sony NWM Display Screen File",
  2755. ".nwp" => "Magentic Wallpaper File",
  2756. ".ob!" => "Orbit Downloader Incomplete Download",
  2757. ".ocr" => "Subtitle Workshop OCR Script",
  2758. ".odf" => "OpenDocument Formula",
  2759. ".ods" => "Outlook Express 5 Mailbox",
  2760. ".ofr" => "SMS Offer Manager File",
  2761. ".olb" => "OLE Object Library",
  2762. ".ook" => "Arachne Batch Script",
  2763. ".opdownload" => "Opera Partially Downloaded File",
  2764. ".opf" => "FlipAlbum File",
  2765. ".ost" => "Outlook Offline Folder File",
  2766. ".otc" => "OpenDocument Chart Template",
  2767. ".otf" => "OpenDocument Formula Template",
  2768. ".owg" => "OutWit Gear Database",
  2769. ".owm" => "OutWit XML Mashup File",
  2770. ".p10" => "Certificate Request File",
  2771. ".p2p" => "FolderShare Placeholder File",
  2772. ".p7m" => "Digitally Encrypted Message",
  2773. ".p7r" => "Certificate Request Response File",
  2774. ".pad" => "ACT! Database Pointer File",
  2775. ".pakm" => "PAKM Package File",
  2776. ".pamp" => "Poweramp Album Art File",
  2777. ".pando" => "Pando File",
  2778. ".pap" => "Corel Painter Paper Texture",
  2779. ".part" => "Partially Downloaded File",
  2780. ".partial" => "Internet Explorer Partially Downloaded File",
  2781. ".pekey" => "PhysicsEditor License Key File",
  2782. ".pes" => "Brother Embroidery Format",
  2783. ".pgp" => "PGP Security Key",
  2784. ".pid" => "Process ID File",
  2785. ".pkpass" => "Passbook Pass File",
  2786. ".pla" => "iriver iQuickList File",
  2787. ".playset" => "Souptoys Playset File",
  2788. ".plf" => "Papyrus License File",
  2789. ".plsk" => "Messenger Plus! Live Skin Pack",
  2790. ".pn" => "Powernoodle File",
  2791. ".ppf" => "Paint Shop Pro Soft Plastic Preset File",
  2792. ".ppk" => "PuTTY Private Key File",
  2793. ".ppm_b" => "Nokia PPM Flash File",
  2794. ".prs" => "PlayStation Radio Player Location",
  2795. ".psar" => "PSP Update File",
  2796. ".psf" => "HP-UX Product Specification File",
  2797. ".psi" => "PrimalScript Online Help Shortcut",
  2798. ".pss" => "Picture and Sound Show File",
  2799. ".psw" => "Windows Password Reset Disk File",
  2800. ".pt" => "Panther Project File",
  2801. ".pth" => "4D Path Document",
  2802. ".ptr" => "Flash Intro Project File",
  2803. ".pvk" => "Private Key File",
  2804. ".pvm" => "HP Photo Album",
  2805. ".qds" => "Windows Directory Query File",
  2806. ".qua" => "Avira AntiVir Quarantined File",
  2807. ".qwq" => "OpenQwaq Auto-Launch File",
  2808. ".qxl" => "QuarkXPress Library",
  2809. ".radiumkey2" => "Radium 2 License File",
  2810. ".raskinlicense" => "Raskin License File",
  2811. ".rat" => "PICS Rating File",
  2812. ".redir" => "Spotify Executable Redirect File",
  2813. ".reloc" => "Windows EXE Relocation Section File",
  2814. ".rem" => "BlackBerry Encrypted Data File",
  2815. ".req" => "Canon SD Card Version Request File",
  2816. ".req" => "SSL Certificate Request File",
  2817. ".rfb" => "RoboForm Bookmark File",
  2818. ".rfc" => "RoboForm Contact File",
  2819. ".rfn" => "RoboForm Safenote File",
  2820. ".rfp" => "RoboForm Passcard File",
  2821. ".rft" => "RoboForm Identity File",
  2822. ".rjs" => "RealJukebox Skin File",
  2823. ".rmf" => "Adobe Rights Management Document",
  2824. ".rml" => "Elixir Report Template File",
  2825. ".rnd" => "PGP Random Seed File",
  2826. ".rnd" => "Random Hash Data File",
  2827. ".rom" => "Read Only Memory Image",
  2828. ".rov" => "Report Object Variable",
  2829. ".rpmsg" => "Outlook Restricted Permission Message",
  2830. ".rsa" => "Minecraft JAR Codesign File",
  2831. ".rsa" => "RSA Certificate File",
  2832. ".rtc" => "Live Meeting Connection File",
  2833. ".rtm" => "LabVIEW Run-Time Menu File",
  2834. ".rtp" => "TurboTax Update File",
  2835. ".rwlibrary" => "Paperless Receipt Library",
  2836. ".rwz" => "Outlook Rules Wizard File",
  2837. ".rxc" => "Roxio Certificate File",
  2838. ".sbc" => "Office Accounting Company Shortcut File",
  2839. ".sbk" => "Multimedia ToolBook System Book",
  2840. ".sc" => "Space Engine Script",
  2841. ".sc2locale" => "Blizzard StarCraft 2 Localization File",
  2842. ".scw" => "Score Writer Document",
  2843. ".sdr" => "Dell Support File",
  2844. ".sdx" => "Kivuto Secure Download Manager File",
  2845. ".search-ms" => "Windows Saved Search File",
  2846. ".sec" => "PGP Secret Key Ring",
  2847. ".secure" => "Septium Secure Document",
  2848. ".sf" => "Minecraft JAR Signature File",
  2849. ".sft" => "Microsoft App-V Sequencer File",
  2850. ".sfv" => "Simple File Verification File",
  2851. ".sha1" => "SHA-1 Hash File",
  2852. ".sha256" => "FileVerifier++ SHA-256 Hashes File",
  2853. ".sha512" => "SHA 512 Hash File",
  2854. ".shortcut" => "Asutype Shortcut",
  2855. ".shs" => "Microsoft Scrap File",
  2856. ".shv" => "Husqvarna Viking Embroidery File",
  2857. ".shx" => "Motorola Flash Superfile",
  2858. ".sidb" => "iTunes Authorization Data File",
  2859. ".sidd" => "iTunes Authorization Data File",
  2860. ".sidn" => "iTunes Authorization Data File",
  2861. ".sis" => "Symbian Installation File",
  2862. "" => "Ovi Store DRM-Protected Application",
  2863. ".sisx" => "Symbian OS Installation File",
  2864. "" => "Nokia Ovi Store DRM-Protected Application",
  2865. ".sk" => "Safari History Index File",
  2866. ".skindex" => "Mail Index File",
  2867. ".skr" => "PGP Private Keyring",
  2868. ".slb" => "AutoCAD Slide Library",
  2869. ".slf" => "Symantec License File",
  2870. ".sls" => "Image Playlist",
  2871. ".slupkg-ms" => "XrML Digital License Package",
  2872. ".smrd" => "Adobe InDesign Filter File",
  2873. ".smwt" => "Adobe InDesign Filter",
  2874. ".snf" => "Starry Night Pro Document",
  2875. ".snm" => "Netscape Mail Index",
  2876. ".snt" => "Sticky Notes File",
  2877. ".spd" => "Form·Z Suspended Render File",
  2878. ".spk" => "Synology Package",
  2879. ".sr0" => "SecuROM Analysis File",
  2880. ".srg" => "Ketron Single Registration File",
  2881. ".ssc" => "Stellarium Script",
  2882. ".ssd" => "WindowBlinds Skin File List",
  2883. ".sslf" => "HLSW Shared Server List File",
  2884. ".sst" => "Serialized Certificate Store File",
  2885. ".ssw" => "Sony Ericsson Firmware File",
  2886. ".std" => "CD/DVD Label Template",
  2887. ".sth" => "Lotus Domino Stash File",
  2888. ".stmb" => "Synclavier Timbre File",
  2889. ".storymill" => "StoryMill Project File",
  2890. ".sum" => "Garmin Checksum File",
  2891. ".svn-work" => "Subversion Cache File",
  2892. ".swj" => "SolidWorks Journal File",
  2893. ".swp" => "Vi Swap File",
  2894. ".sxm" => "StarMath Formula",
  2895. ".t$m" => "AVG Internet Security Temporary File",
  2896. ".tag" => "DataFlex Query Tag",
  2897. ".tbs" => "TuneUp Utilities Boot Screen",
  2898. ".tcr" => "TouchMagix Creative Suite Published File",
  2899. ".tcz" => "Tiny Core File",
  2900. ".td" => "Thunder Incomplete Download File",
  2901. ".tdl" => "MathType Translator Definition Language",
  2902. ".tec" => "TECkit Compiled Mapping File",
  2903. ".temp" => "Temporary (Temp) File",
  2904. ".tfil" => "Blizzard Software Update File",
  2905. ".thm" => "Sony Ericsson Theme File",
  2906. ".tip" => "TuneUp Utilities Icon Package",
  2907. ".tko" => "Win32/Oficla Trojan File",
  2908. ".tla" => "TuneUp Utilities Startup Logo",
  2909. ".tlb" => "OLE Type Library",
  2910. ".tls" => "TuneUp Utilities Logon Screen",
  2911. ".tmb" => "Timbuktu Pro Connection Document",
  2912. ".tmpl" => "Xfire User Interface Template",
  2913. ".tnef" => "Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format",
  2914. ".tnsp" => "TI-Nspire PublishView Document",
  2915. ".toc" => "Eudora Table of Contents",
  2916. ".torrent" => "BitTorrent File",
  2917. ".tpkey" => "TexturePacker License Key File",
  2918. ".tpl" => "Document Template",
  2919. ".tpm" => "Transformation Parameters Model File",
  2920. ".tpm" => "Trusted Platform Module Password File",
  2921. ".trace" => "VMware ThinApp Trace Log File",
  2922. ".tstream" => "SwarmPlayer Streaming Torrent",
  2923. ".ttx" => "Trados TagEditor File",
  2924. ".tvl" => "TurboTax File",
  2925. ".uds" => "NetBackup UNIX Domain Socket File",
  2926. ".uls" => "NetMeeting User Location Service File",
  2927. ".unk" => "Unknown File",
  2928. ".unknown" => "Unknown File Type",
  2929. ".unl" => "Garmin Unlock File",
  2930. ".upg" => "Upgrade File",
  2931. ".urr" => "Uniface Signatures File",
  2932. ".vbt" => "Spyware Doctor Temporary Scan File",
  2933. ".vbt" => "iAntiVirus Temporary Scan File",
  2934. ".vdi" => "StepMania Debug Resource File",
  2935. ".vdjsend" => "VirtualDJ Send File",
  2936. ".ver" => "Version Record",
  2937. ".vfs" => "Virtual File System Index",
  2938. ".vir" => "Virus-Infected File",
  2939. ".vlcl" => "VMware Localization File",
  2940. ".vmdk-converttmp" => "VMWare Fusion Temporary File",
  2941. ".vmf_autosave" => "Valve Hammer Editor Autosave File",
  2942. ".vmg" => "Nokia Text Message",
  2943. ".vmhf" => "VMware Hot Fix File",
  2944. ".vmhr" => "VMware Hot Fix Request File",
  2945. ".vmsg" => "VMware Application Message File",
  2946. ".vncloc" => "Screen Sharing VNC Internet Location",
  2947. ".vol" => "Volfs File System Directory",
  2948. ".vor" => "StarOffice Template",
  2949. ".vpa" => "VPchat Chat Gestures File",
  2950. ".vpc6" => "Virtual Machine Package",
  2951. ".vpc7" => "Virtual Machine Package",
  2952. ".vs" => "Vivid Include File",
  2953. ".w" => "Google Toolbar Search History File",
  2954. ".wal" => "Winamp Modern Skin",
  2955. ".wba" => "WindowBlinds Compressed Skin",
  2956. ".wcm" => "Microsoft Works Communications Script",
  2957. ".wdseml" => "Thunderbird Searchable Email File",
  2958. ".wgs" => "Walk-Graph Segment File",
  2959. ".wje" => "WinJournal Entry",
  2960. ".wjf" => "WinJournal Journal File",
  2961. ".wlx" => "Windows Live Mesh Sync File",
  2962. ".wordlist" => "Desktop Poet Word List File",
  2963. ".wsz" => "Winamp Classic Skin",
  2964. ".wtc" => "Logitech Webcam File",
  2965. ".wul" => "WinUHA Language File",
  2966. ".wwd" => "Works Wizard File",
  2967. ".wzmul" => "WinZip Registration File",
  2968. ".xensearch" => "XenCenter Saved Search File",
  2969. ".xlnk" => "XML Shortcut File",
  2970. ".xlw" => "Excel Workspace File",
  2971. ".xmp" => "Extensible Metadata Platform File",
  2972. ".xnk" => "Exchange Shortcut",
  2973. ".xol" => "PowerDesigner Object Language File",
  2974. ".xpr" => "PressIt Disc Label",
  2975. ".xslic" => "XenServer License File",
  2976. ".xwf" => "OmniPage Workflow File",
  2977. ".xxx" => "Compucon Singer Embroidery File",
  2978. ".ybd" => "YobiDrive Link File",
  2979. ".ybk" => "Microsoft Encarta Yearbook File",
  2980. ".ymg" => "Yahoo! Messenger File",
  2981. ".yps" => "Yahoo! Messenger Data File",
  2982. ".z1" => "ZoneAlarm Renamed VB File",
  2983. ".zm1" => "ZoneAlarm Renamed MDA File",
  2984. ".zm2" => "ZoneAlarm Renamed MDZ File",
  2985. ".zm3" => "ZoneAlarm Renamed NCH File",
  2986. ".zm9" => "ZoneAlarm MailSafe Renamed Zip File",
  2987. ".zml" => "Zooming Markup Language File",
  2988. ".ztf" => "DVD Label Template File",
  2989. ".ztr" => "DVD Label Template Media File",
  2990. ".zvpl" => "Visual Paradigm License File",
  2991. ".zzz" => "CCleaner Securely Deleted File"
  2992. );
  2994. $audio = array(
  2995. ".2sf" => "Nintendo DS Sound File",
  2996. ".2sflib" => "Nintendo DS Audio Library File",
  2997. ".3ga" => "3GPP Audio File",
  2998. ".4mp" => "4-MP3 Database File",
  2999. ".5xb" => "Line 6 POD HD500X Edit Bundle",
  3000. ".5xe" => "Line 6 POD HD500X Edit Preset File",
  3001. ".5xs" => "Line 6 POD HD500X Edit Setlist File",
  3002. ".669" => "UNIS Composer 669 Module",
  3003. ".6cm" => "Six Channel Module",
  3004. ".8cm" => "Eight Channel Module",
  3005. ".8med" => "Amiga OctaMed Music File",
  3006. ".8svx" => "Amiga 8-Bit Sound File",
  3007. ".a2b" => "Adlib Tracker II Instrument Bank",
  3008. ".a2i" => "Adlib Tracker II Instrument File",
  3009. ".a2m" => "Adlib Tracker II File",
  3010. ".a2p" => "Adlib Tracker II Pattern File",
  3011. ".a2t" => "Adlib Tracker II Tiny Module File",
  3012. ".a2w" => "Adlib Tracker II Instrument Bank with Macros",
  3013. ".a52" => "Dolby Digital Audio File",
  3014. ".aa" => "Audible Audio Book File",
  3015. ".aa3" => "ATRAC Audio File",
  3016. ".aac" => "Advanced Audio Coding File",
  3017. ".aax" => "Audible Enhanced Audiobook File",
  3018. ".ab" => "Ambling BookPlayer MP3 File",
  3019. ".abc" => "ABC Music Notation",
  3020. ".abm" => "Music Album",
  3021. ".ac3" => "Audio Codec 3 File",
  3022. ".acd" => "ACID Project File",
  3023. ".acd-bak" => "Sony ACID Project Backup File",
  3024. ".acd-zip" => "Sony ACID Project With Embedded Media File",
  3025. ".acm" => "Interplay Audio File",
  3026. ".acp" => "aacPlus Audio File",
  3027. ".act" => "ADPCM Compressed Audio File",
  3028. ".adg" => "Ableton Device Group",
  3029. ".adt" => "ADTS Audio File",
  3030. ".adts" => "Audio Data Transport Stream File",
  3031. ".adv" => "Ableton Device Preset File",
  3032. ".afc" => "Mass Effect 2 Audio File",
  3033. ".agm" => "DTS Multi-channel Pro Packer File",
  3034. ".agr" => "Ableton Groove File",
  3035. ".ahx" => "WinAHX Tracker Module",
  3036. ".aif" => "Audio Interchange File Format",
  3037. ".aifc" => "Compressed Audio Interchange File",
  3038. ".aiff" => "Audio Interchange File Format",
  3039. ".aimppl" => "AIMP Playlist File",
  3040. ".ais" => "Velvet Studio Instrument",
  3041. ".akp" => "Akai Sampler File",
  3042. ".al" => "A-Law Compressed Sound Format",
  3043. ".alac" => "ALAC Encoded Audio File",
  3044. ".alaw" => "A-Law Compressed Sound Format",
  3045. ".alc" => "Ableton Live Clip File",
  3046. ".all" => "Cubasis Project File",
  3047. ".als" => "Ableton Live Set File",
  3048. ".amf" => "Advanced Module File",
  3049. ".amr" => "Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec File",
  3050. ".ams" => "Extreme Tracker Module",
  3051. ".ams" => "Velvet Studio Module",
  3052. ".amxd" => "Ableton Max Patch File",
  3053. ".amz" => "Amazon MP3 Downloader File",
  3054. ".aob" => "DVD-Audio Audio Object File",
  3055. ".ape" => "Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio File",
  3056. ".apf" => "Sony Ericsson Firmware Acoustics File",
  3057. ".apl" => "Monkey's Audio Track Information File",
  3058. ".aria" => "Chipsounds Sound File",
  3059. ".ariax" => "Chipsounds XML Sound File",
  3060. ".asd" => "Ableton Live Sample Analysis File",
  3061. ".ase" => "Velvet Studio Sample",
  3062. ".at3" => "ATRAC3 Audio File",
  3063. ".atrac" => "Sony ATRAC Audio File",
  3064. ".au" => "Audio File",
  3065. ".au" => "Audacity Audio File",
  3066. ".aud" => "Video Game Compressed Audio File",
  3067. ".aup" => "Audacity Project File",
  3068. ".avastsounds" => "Avast! Soundpack File",
  3069. ".avr" => "Audio Visual Research File",
  3070. ".awb" => "AMR-WB Audio File",
  3071. ".ay" => "AY Chiptune File",
  3072. ".b4s" => "Winamp Playlist File",
  3073. ".band" => "GarageBand Project File",
  3074. ".bap" => "Blaze Audio Wave Information File",
  3075. ".bcs" => "Sonic Foundry Batch Converter Script",
  3076. ".bdd" => "CARA Sound Radiation Data File",
  3077. ".bidule" => "Bidule Layout File",
  3078. ".bmml" => "Braille Music Markup Language File",
  3079. ".bnk" => "Adlib Instrument Bank",
  3080. ".bonk" => "Bonk Audio File",
  3081. ".box" => "CARA Loudspeaker Design File",
  3082. ".brstm" => "BRSTM Audio Stream File",
  3083. ".bun" => "Cakewalk Bundle File",
  3084. ".bwf" => "Broadcast Wave File",
  3085. ".bwg" => "BrainWave Generator Audio File",
  3086. ".bww" => "Bagpipe Player File",
  3087. ".c01" => "Typhoon Wave Audio File",
  3088. ".caf" => "Core Audio File",
  3089. ".caff" => "Core Audio File",
  3090. ".cda" => "CD Audio Track Shortcut",
  3091. ".cdda" => "CD Digital Audio File",
  3092. ".cdlx" => "Audition CD Layout File",
  3093. ".cdo" => "Crescendo Music Notation File",
  3094. ".cdr" => "Raw Audio CD Data",
  3095. ".cel" => "Audition Loop",
  3096. ".cfa" => "Adobe Conformed Audio File",
  3097. ".cfxr" => "Cocoa Sfxr File",
  3098. ".cgrp" => "Pro Tools Clip Group File",
  3099. ".cidb" => "iTunes CD Information File",
  3100. ".ckb" => "Cricket Audio Bank File",
  3101. ".ckf" => "Casio Keyboard File",
  3102. ".cmf" => "Creative Music Format",
  3103. ".conform" => "Conformalizer Change List File",
  3104. ".copy" => "Sony Ericsson Protected Content File",
  3105. ".cpr" => "Cubase Project",
  3106. ".cpt" => "DTS Compact Audio File",
  3107. ".csh" => "Cubase Waveform File",
  3108. ".cts" => "CrazyTalk Script File",
  3109. ".cwb" => "Cakewalk Bundle",
  3110. ".cwp" => "Cakewalk SONAR Project",
  3111. ".cwt" => "Cakewalk SONAR Template",
  3112. ".d00" => "OPL2 FM Audio File",
  3113. ".d01" => "OPL2 FM Audio File",
  3114. ".dcf" => "DRM Content Format File",
  3115. ".dcm" => "DCM Audio Module",
  3116. ".dct" => "Dictation Audio File",
  3117. ".ddt" => "Jill of the Jungle Music File",
  3118. ".dewf" => "SoundEdit Recorded Instrument",
  3119. ".df2" => "Defractor 2 Instrument",
  3120. ".dfc" => "Defractor Instrument",
  3121. ".dff" => "DSD Audio File",
  3122. ".dig" => "Digilink Audio File",
  3123. ".dig" => "Sound Designer Audio File",
  3124. ".djr" => "Ringtone Media Studio DJ Ringtone Project",
  3125. ".dls" => "Downloadable Sounds File",
  3126. ".dm" => "DRM Delivery Message",
  3127. ".dmc" => "DPCM Sample File",
  3128. ".dmf" => "Delusion Digital Music File",
  3129. ".dmsa" => "Music Disc Creator Project File",
  3130. ".dmse" => "Sound Editor Project File",
  3131. ".dra" => "Nuance Dragon Voice Recording File",
  3132. ".drg" => "I-Doser Audio Drug File",
  3133. ".ds" => "LMMS DrumSynth File",
  3134. ".ds2" => "Olympus DSS Pro Audio File",
  3135. ".dsf" => "Delusion Digital Sound File",
  3136. ".dsm" => "Digital Sound Module",
  3137. ".dsp" => "Dynamic Studio Professional Module",
  3138. ".dss" => "Digital Speech Standard File",
  3139. ".dtm" => "DigiTrakker Module",
  3140. ".dts" => "DTS Encoded Audio File",
  3141. ".dtshd" => "DTS-HD Master Audio File",
  3142. ".dvf" => "Sony Digital Voice File",
  3143. ".dw" => "David Whittaker Audio File",
  3144. ".dwa" => "Digital Waveform Archiver Audio File",
  3145. ".dwd" => "DiamondWare Digital Audio File",
  3146. ".ear" => "Eyemail Audio Recording",
  3147. ".efa" => "Ensoniq ASR File",
  3148. ".efe" => "Ensoniq EPS File",
  3149. ".efk" => "Ensoniq KT File",
  3150. ".efq" => "Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS-32 File",
  3151. ".efs" => "Ensoniq SQ-80 File",
  3152. ".efv" => "Ensoniq VFX-SD File",
  3153. ".emd" => "ABT Extended Module",
  3154. ".emp" => "eMusic Music Download File",
  3155. ".emx" => "eMusic Download File",
  3156. ".emy" => "eMelody Ringtone File",
  3157. ".eop" => "EveryonePiano Music Score File",
  3158. ".erb" => "Braille Music Reader File",
  3159. ".esps" => "ESPS Sampled Data File",
  3160. ".evr" => "Enhanced Variable Rate Audio File",
  3161. ".expressionmap" => "Cubase Expression Map File",
  3162. ".f2r" => "Farandoyle Linear Module File",
  3163. ".f32" => "Raw 32-Bit Audio File",
  3164. ".f3r" => "Farandoyle Blocked Module File",
  3165. ".f4a" => "Adobe Flash Protected Audio File",
  3166. ".f64" => "Raw 64-Bit Audio File",
  3167. ".far" => "Farandole Composer Module",
  3168. ".fda" => "Dawn of War Audio File",
  3169. ".fdp" => "FMOD Project File",
  3170. ".fev" => "FMOD Audio Events File",
  3171. ".fff" => "Gravis UltraSound Sound Bank",
  3172. ".flac" => "Free Lossless Audio Codec File",
  3173. ".flp" => "FruityLoops Project",
  3174. ".fls" => "Flash Lite Sound Bundle",
  3175. ".fpa" => "Finale Performance Assessment File",
  3176. ".frg" => "Sony Sound Forge Pro Project File",
  3177. ".fsb" => "FMOD Sample Bank File",
  3178. ".fsm" => "Farandole Composer WaveSample File",
  3179. ".ftm" => "Finale Template File",
  3180. ".ftm" => "FamiTracker Module",
  3181. ".ftmx" => "Finale Template File",
  3182. ".fzb" => "Casio FZ-1 Bank Dump",
  3183. ".fzf" => "Casio FZ-1 Full Dump",
  3184. ".fzv" => "Casio FZ-1 Voice Dump",
  3185. ".g721" => "G.721 Audio File",
  3186. ".g723" => "G.723 Audio File",
  3187. ".g726" => "G.726 Audio File",
  3188. ".gbproj" => "GarageBand Project",
  3189. ".gbs" => "GameBoy Sound File",
  3190. ".gig" => "Tascam GigaSampler File",
  3191. ".gio" => "Adagio Score",
  3192. ".gio" => "Nyquist MIDI File",
  3193. ".gm" => "Transport Tycoon Music File",
  3194. ".gp5" => "Guitar Pro 5 Tablature File",
  3195. ".gpbank" => "Guitar Pro Sound Bank File",
  3196. ".gpk" => "WaveLab Audio Peak File",
  3197. ".gpx" => "Guitar Pro 6 Document",
  3198. ".gro" => "Allegro MIDI File",
  3199. ".groove" => "ACID Groove File",
  3200. ".gsm" => "US Robotics GSM Audio File",
  3201. ".gsm" => "Global System for Mobile Audio File",
  3202. ".h0" => "Movie Edit Pro Waveform Information File",
  3203. ".h3b" => "Line 6 POD HD300 Edit Bundle",
  3204. ".h3e" => "Line 6 POD HD300 Edit Preset File",
  3205. ".h4b" => "Line 6 POD HD400 Edit Bundle",
  3206. ".h4e" => "Line 6 POD HD400 Edit Preset File",
  3207. ".h5b" => "Line 6 POD HD500 Edit Bundle",
  3208. ".h5e" => "Line 6 POD HD500 Edit Preset File",
  3209. ".h5s" => "Line 6 POD HD500 Edit Setlist File",
  3210. ".hbb" => "Line 6 POD HD Edit Bundle",
  3211. ".hbe" => "Line 6 POD HD Edit Preset File",
  3212. ".hbs" => "Line 6 POD HD Edit Setlist File",
  3213. ".hdp" => "MAGIX Hard Disk Project Audio File",
  3214. ".hma" => "Sony HI-MD Audio File",
  3215. ".hmi" => "HMI Audio File",
  3216. ".hps" => "GameCube Audio File",
  3217. ".hsb" => "HALion Sound Bank File",
  3218. ".iaa" => "INTUS Audio Archive",
  3219. ".ics" => "IC Recorder Sound File",
  3220. ".iff" => "Interchange File Format",
  3221. ".igp" => "Igor Published Music Notation File",
  3222. ".igr" => "Igor Engraver File",
  3223. ".imf" => "Id Music File",
  3224. ".imp" => "Audition Impulse File",
  3225. ".ins" => "Ensoniq Instrument",
  3226. ".ins" => "Sample Cell II Instrument Definition File",
  3227. ".ins" => "Adlib Tracker Instrument File",
  3228. ".isma" => "IIS Smooth Streaming Audio File",
  3229. ".it" => "Impulse Tracker Module",
  3230. ".iti" => "Impulse Tracker Instrument",
  3231. ".itls" => "iTunes Live Stream URL",
  3232. ".its" => "Impulse Tracker Sample",
  3233. ".jam" => "Line 6 Device Recording",
  3234. ".jam" => "JAM Musical Score",
  3235. ".jo" => "jo Audio File",
  3236. ".jo-7z" => "jo Audio File",
  3237. ".k25" => "Kurzweil K2500 File",
  3238. ".k26" => "Kurzweil K2600 File",
  3239. ".kar" => "Karaoke MIDI File",
  3240. ".kfn" => "KaraFun Karaoke File",
  3241. ".kin" => "Kinetic Music Project",
  3242. ".kit" => "Battery Drum Kit File",
  3243. ".kmp" => "Korg Trinity/Triton Keymap File",
  3244. ".koz" => "Audiokoz Music File",
  3245. ".koz" => "Bell Music File",
  3246. ".kpl" => "Kazaa Playlist File",
  3247. ".krz" => "Kurzweil K2000 File",
  3248. ".ksc" => "Korg Trinity/Triton Script File",
  3249. ".ksd" => "Native Instruments Massive Sound File",
  3250. ".ksf" => "Korg Trinity/Triton Sample File",
  3251. ".ksm" => "Ken Silverman Music File",
  3252. ".kt2" => "Battery 2 Drum Kit File",
  3253. ".kt3" => "Battery 3 Drum Kit File",
  3254. ".ktp" => "Kinetic Project Template",
  3255. ".l" => "Left Audio Channel File",
  3256. ".la" => "Lossless Audio File",
  3257. ".lof" => "Audacity File List",
  3258. ".logic" => "Logic Pro Project File",
  3259. ".lqt" => "Liquid Audio File",
  3260. ".lso" => "Logic Audio Project",
  3261. ".lvp" => "Avaya Voice Player Audio File",
  3262. ".lwv" => "Linguistically Enhanced Sound File",
  3263. ".m1a" => "MPEG-1 Audio File",
  3264. ".m3u" => "Media Playlist File",
  3265. ".m3u8" => "UTF-8 M3U Playlist File",
  3266. ".m4a" => "MPEG-4 Audio File",
  3267. ".m4b" => "MPEG-4 Audio Book File",
  3268. ".m4p" => "iTunes Music Store Audio File",
  3269. ".m4r" => "iPhone Ringtone File",
  3270. ".ma1" => "Monarch Audio File",
  3271. ".mbr" => "Zune Smooth Streaming File",
  3272. ".mdc" => "MidiCo Karaoke Audio File",
  3273. ".mdl" => "DigiTrakker Module",
  3274. ".med" => "Amiga MED Sound File",
  3275. ".mgv" => "Yamaha MegaVoice File",
  3276. ".mid" => "MIDI File",
  3277. ".midi" => "MIDI File",
  3278. ".mini2sf" => "Nintendo DS Sound Information File",
  3279. ".minincsf" => "NCSF Nintendo DS Audio File",
  3280. ".minipsf" => "Miniature PlayStation Sound Format File",
  3281. ".minipsf2" => "Miniature PlayStation Sound Format File",
  3282. ".miniusf" => "Nintendo 64 Song File",
  3283. ".mka" => "Matroska Audio File",
  3284. ".mlp" => "Meridian Lossless Packing Audio File",
  3285. ".mmf" => "Synthetic Music Mobile Application File",
  3286. ".mmm" => "Music Maker Arrangement File",
  3287. ".mmp" => "MixMeister Playlist",
  3288. ".mmp" => "LMMS Project File",
  3289. ".mmpz" => "LMMS Project File",
  3290. ".mo3" => "MO3 Audio File",
  3291. ".mod" => "Amiga Music Module File",
  3292. ".mogg" => "Multitrack Ogg File",
  3293. ".mp1" => "MPEG-1 Layer 1 Audio File",
  3294. ".mp2" => "MPEG Layer II Compressed Audio File",
  3295. ".mp3" => "MP3 Audio File",
  3296. ".mp_" => "Mobile Phone Sound File",
  3297. ".mpa" => "MPEG-2 Audio File",
  3298. ".mpc" => "Musepack Compressed Audio File",
  3299. ".mpdp" => "MixPad Project File",
  3300. ".mpga" => "MPEG-1 Layer 3 Audio File",
  3301. ".mpu" => "MPEG Layer 3 Audio File",
  3302. ".mscx" => "MuseScore Music Score File",
  3303. ".mscz" => "MuseScore Compressed Score File",
  3304. ".msv" => "Memory Stick Voice File",
  3305. ".mt2" => "MadTracker 2 Module",
  3306. ".mt9" => "MT9 Audio File",
  3307. ".mte" => "MadTracker 2 Envelope",
  3308. ".mtf" => "Multi Tracker File",
  3309. ".mti" => "MadTracker Instrument",
  3310. ".mtm" => "MultiTracker Module",
  3311. ".mtp" => "MadTracker 2 Pattern",
  3312. ".mts" => "MadTracker 2 Sample File",
  3313. ".mu3" => "Myriad Packed Musical Score",
  3314. ".mui" => "Myriad Instrument File",
  3315. ".mus" => "Minecraft Music File",
  3316. ".mus" => "Doom Music File",
  3317. ".mus" => "Finale Notation File",
  3318. ".musa" => "Aleph One Music File",
  3319. ".musx" => "Finale Notation File",
  3320. ".mux" => "Trackmania Music File",
  3321. ".mux" => "Myriad Stand-Alone Music Score",
  3322. ".muz" => "MUZ Audio File",
  3323. ".mwand" => "GarageBand MagicMentor Template",
  3324. ".mws" => "MWave DSP Synth Instrument Extract",
  3325. ".mx3" => "Mixcraft 3 Audio Project",
  3326. ".mx4" => "Mixcraft 4 Audio Project",
  3327. ".mx5" => "Mixcraft 5 Audio Project",
  3328. ".mx5template" => "Mixcraft 5 Audio Project Template",
  3329. ".mxl" => "Compressed MusicXML File",
  3330. ".mxmf" => "Mobile XMF Ringtone File",
  3331. ".myr" => "Myriad Music File",
  3332. ".mzp" => "Mozart Percussion File",
  3333. ".nap" => "Napster Secured Music File",
  3334. ".narrative" => "Narrator Document",
  3335. ".nbs" => "Minecraft Note Block Studio File",
  3336. ".ncw" => "Native Compressed Wave File",
  3337. ".nkb" => "Kontakt Audio Bank",
  3338. ".nkc" => "Kontakt Library Data File",
  3339. ".nki" => "KONTAKT Instrument File",
  3340. ".nkm" => "Kontakt Multi Instrument File",
  3341. ".nks" => "Kontakt Monolith Container",
  3342. ".nkx" => "Kontakt Monolith Container File",
  3343. ".nml" => "Traktor Collection File",
  3344. ".nmsv" => "Native Instruments Massive Sound File",
  3345. ".note" => "Notessimo Composition",
  3346. ".npl" => "Cubase Library File",
  3347. ".nra" => "Nero Audio Compilation",
  3348. ".nrt" => "Nokia Ringtone",
  3349. ".nsa" => "Nullsoft Streaming Audio File",
  3350. ".nsf" => "NES Sound Format File",
  3351. ".nst" => "NoiseTracker Module",
  3352. ".ntn" => "NOTION Song File",
  3353. ".nvf" => "Creative Labs NVF Audio File",
  3354. ".nwc" => "NoteWorthy Composer File",
  3355. ".obw" => "Superior Drummer Sounds File",
  3356. ".odm" => "OverDrive Media File",
  3357. ".ofr" => "OptimFROG Audio File",
  3358. ".oga" => "Ogg Vorbis Audio File",
  3359. ".ogg" => "Ogg Vorbis Audio File",
  3360. ".okt" => "Oktalyzer Module",
  3361. ".oma" => "Sony OpenMG Music File",
  3362. ".omf" => "Open Media Framework File",
  3363. ".omg" => "OpenMG Audio File",
  3364. ".omx" => "OtsAV Media Library Information File",
  3365. ".opus" => "Opus Audio File",
  3366. ".orc" => "Voyetra Digital Orchestrator File",
  3367. ".ots" => "OtsAV Album File",
  3368. ".ove" => "Overture Musical Score",
  3369. ".ovw" => "Cubase WAVE Overview File",
  3370. ".ovw" => "Logic Pro Overview File",
  3371. ".pac" => "SBStudio II Song File",
  3372. ".pandora" => "Pandora Android App Executable",
  3373. ".pat" => "Gravis UltraSound GF1 Patch File",
  3374. ".pbf" => "Pinnacle Sample Bank",
  3375. ".pca" => "Perfect Clarity Audio File",
  3376. ".pcast" => "iTunes Podcast File",
  3377. ".pcg" => "Korg Instrument Bank File",
  3378. ".pcm" => "Pulse Code Modulation",
  3379. ".pd" => "Spore Audio Playback File",
  3380. ".peak" => "Steinberg Peak File",
  3381. ".pek" => "Adobe Peak Waveform File",
  3382. ".pho" => "MBROLA Phonetic Data File",
  3383. ".phy" => "PhyMod Physical Modeling Data",
  3384. ".pjunoxl" => "Preset File",
  3385. ".pk" => "Audition Peak File",
  3386. ".pkf" => "Audition Peak File",
  3387. ".pla" => "Sansa Playlist File",
  3388. ".pls" => "Audio Playlist",
  3389. ".plst" => "SmartMusic Playlist",
  3390. ".ply" => "Finale Playback File",
  3391. ".pna" => "PhatNoise Audio File",
  3392. ".pno" => "Windows 8 Piano Song",
  3393. ".ppc" => "Adobe Presenter Audio File",
  3394. ".ppcx" => "Adobe Presenter Presentation Audio File",
  3395. ".prg" => "WAVmaker Patch File",
  3396. ".prg" => "Akai MPC2000 Program File",
  3397. ".psf" => "Portable Sound File",
  3398. ".psf1" => "PlayStation Sound Format File",
  3399. ".psf2" => "PlayStation Sound Format File",
  3400. ".psm" => "Protracker Studio Module",
  3401. ".psy" => "Psycle Song File",
  3402. ".ptcop" => "PxTone Audio File",
  3403. ".ptf" => "Pro Tools 7 Session File",
  3404. ".ptm" => "PolyTracker Module",
  3405. ".pts" => "Pro Tools Session",
  3406. ".ptx" => "Pro Tools Session File",
  3407. ".pvc" => "Panasonic VM1 Voice File",
  3408. ".q1" => "Winamp Equalizer Presets File",
  3409. ".q2" => "Winamp Equalizer Auto-Load Presets File",
  3410. ".qcp" => "PureVoice Audio File",
  3411. ".r" => "Right Audio Channel File",
  3412. ".r1m" => "RealOne Streaming Media File",
  3413. ".ra" => "Real Audio File",
  3414. ".rad" => "Reality Adlib Tracker Module",
  3415. ".ram" => "Real Audio Metadata File",
  3416. ".raw" => "Raw Audio Data",
  3417. ".rax" => "Real Music Store Audio File",
  3418. ".rbs" => "MP3 Ringtone File",
  3419. ".rbs" => "Rebirth Song File",
  3420. ".rcy" => "ReCycle 1.x Document",
  3421. ".record" => "GarageBand Records Audio File",
  3422. ".rex" => "ReCycle Loop File",
  3423. ".rfl" => "Reason ReFill Sound Bank",
  3424. ".rgrp" => "Pro Tools Region Group File",
  3425. ".rip" => "Hit'n'Mix Audio Mashup File",
  3426. ".rmf" => "Rich Music Format Audio File",
  3427. ".rmi" => "RMID MIDI File",
  3428. ".rmj" => "Real Media Jukebox Audio File",
  3429. ".rmm" => "RAM Meta File",
  3430. ".rmx" => "RealJukebox Format",
  3431. ".rng" => "Nokia Composer Ringtone",
  3432. ".rns" => "Reason Song File",
  3433. ".rol" => "Ad Lib Synthesized Instrument",
  3434. ".rsf" => "LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Robot Sound File",
  3435. ".rsn" => "Reason Project File",
  3436. ".rso" => "NXT Brick Audio File",
  3437. ".rta" => "TrueRTA Project File",
  3438. ".rti" => "Real Tracker Instrument",
  3439. ".rtm" => "Real Tracker Module",
  3440. ".rts" => "Real Tracker Sample",
  3441. ".rvx" => "Real Protected Video File",
  3442. ".rx2" => "REX2 Audio File",
  3443. ".s3i" => "Scream Tracker 3 Instrument",
  3444. ".s3m" => "ScreamTracker 3 Module",
  3445. ".s3z" => "Compressed Scream Tracker 3 Module",
  3446. ".saf" => "Secure Audio File",
  3447. ".sam" => "MOD Edit Sample File",
  3448. ".sap" => "Atari SAP Music File",
  3449. ".sb" => "Signed Byte Audio File",
  3450. ".sbg" => "SBaGen Binaural Beat File",
  3451. ".sbi" => "Sound Blaster Instrument",
  3452. ".sbk" => "E-MU SoundFont Sound Bank",
  3453. ".sc2" => "Sample Cell II Instrument Definition",
  3454. ".scs11" => "Show Cue System Cue File",
  3455. ".sd" => "Sound Designer Audio File",
  3456. ".sd" => "ESPS Sampled Data File",
  3457. ".sd2" => "Sound Designer II File",
  3458. ".sd2f" => "Sound Designer 2 File",
  3459. ".sdat" => "Nintendo DS Sound Data File",
  3460. ".sdii" => "Sound Designer 2 Audio File",
  3461. ".sds" => "MIDI Sample Dump Standard File",
  3462. ".sdt" => "Electronic Arts Sound Data File",
  3463. ".sdx" => "Sample MIDI Dump Exchange",
  3464. ".seg" => "Eragon Audio File",
  3465. ".seq" => "PowerTracks Pro Audio Project File",
  3466. ".ses" => "Audition Session File",
  3467. ".sesx" => "Adobe Audition Session File",
  3468. ".sf" => "IRCAM Sound File",
  3469. ".sf2" => "SoundFont 2 Sound Bank",
  3470. ".sfap0" => "Sound Forge Audio Proxy File",
  3471. ".sfk" => "Sound Forge Audio Peak File",
  3472. ".sfl" => "Sound Forge Sound Data File",
  3473. ".sfpack" => "Packed SoundFont File",
  3474. ".sfs" => "SFX Sample File",
  3475. ".sgp" => "MP3 Audio Mixer Sound Group Project",
  3476. ".shn" => "Shorten Compressed Audio File",
  3477. ".sib" => "Sibelius Score",
  3478. ".sid" => "SID Audio File",
  3479. ".slp" => "SpectraLayers Pro Project",
  3480. ".slx" => "SpectraLayers Pro Project",
  3481. ".sma" => "SmartMusic Accompaniment File",
  3482. ".smf" => "Standard MIDI File",
  3483. ".smp" => "SmartMusic Performance File",
  3484. ".smp" => "SampleVision Audio Sample Format",
  3485. ".smpx" => "SmartMusic Accompaniment File",
  3486. ".snd" => "Macintosh Sound Resource",
  3487. ".snd" => "Akai MPC Sample",
  3488. ".snd" => "Sound File",
  3489. ".sng" => "MIDI Song File",
  3490. ".sng" => "Korg Trinity Song File",
  3491. ".sns" => "SNS Video Game Audio File",
  3492. ".snsf" => "Super NES Sound Format File",
  3493. ".sou" => "SBStudio II Sound File",
  3494. ".sph" => "NIST SPHERE Audio File",
  3495. ".sppack" => "SPPack Sound Sample",
  3496. ".sprg" => "Synclavier Program File",
  3497. ".spx" => "Ogg Vorbis Speex File",
  3498. ".sseq" => "Nintendo DS Sound File",
  3499. ".sseq" => "Synclavier Sequence File",
  3500. ".ssnd" => "Synclavier Sound File",
  3501. ".stap" => "Soundtrack Pro Audio Project File",
  3502. ".sth" => "SampleTank 2 User Preset Data File",
  3503. ".sti" => "SampleTank 2 User Preset Data File",
  3504. ".stm" => "Scream Tracker 2 Module",
  3505. ".stw" => "SampleTank 2 User Preset Data File",
  3506. ".stx" => "Scream Tracker Music Interface Kit File",
  3507. ".sty" => "Band-in-a-Box Styles File",
  3508. ".sty" => "Yamaha/Korg Keyboard Style",
  3509. ".svd" => "Roland Patch File",
  3510. ".svx" => "8SVX Sound File",
  3511. ".sw" => "Signed Word Audio File",
  3512. ".swa" => "Shockwave Audio",
  3513. ".swav" => "Nintendo DS Audio File",
  3514. ".sxt" => "Propellerhead Reason NN-XT Patch File",
  3515. ".syh" => "Synchomatic Instrument",
  3516. ".syn" => "Synergy On Air Audio File",
  3517. ".syn" => "SimSynth Document",
  3518. ".syw" => "Yamaha SY99/SY85 Audio File",
  3519. ".syx" => "MIDI System Exclusive Message",
  3520. ".tak" => "Music Maker Take File",
  3521. ".tak" => "Tom's Lossless Audio Kompressor File",
  3522. ".td0" => "Akai Teledisk Sound Library",
  3523. ".tfmx" => "Final Music System Tracker Module",
  3524. ".tg" => "TuxGuitar Document",
  3525. ".thx" => "Amiga THX Tracker Music File",
  3526. ".tm2" => "Theta Music Composer 2.x Audio File",
  3527. ".tm8" => "Theta Music Composer 1.x Audio File",
  3528. ".tmc" => "Theta Music Composer 1.x Audio File",
  3529. ".toc" => "PSP Audio File",
  3530. ".trak" => "Traktor Content Pack File",
  3531. ".tsp" => "TrueSpeech Audio File",
  3532. ".tta" => "True Audio File",
  3533. ".tun" => "LEGO Racers Audio File",
  3534. ".txw" => "Yamaha TX16W Audio File",
  3535. ".u" => "AU Audio File",
  3536. ".u8" => "3D Lemmings Audio File",
  3537. ".uax" => "Unreal Audio Package",
  3538. ".ub" => "Unsigned Byte Audio File",
  3539. ".ulaw" => "Raw u-Law Audio File",
  3540. ".ult" => "UltraTracker Module",
  3541. ".ulw" => "u-Law Audio File",
  3542. ".uni" => "MikMod UniMOD Module",
  3543. ".usf" => "Nintendo 64 Music File",
  3544. ".usflib" => "Nintendo 64 Song Library",
  3545. ".ust" => "UTAU Sequence Text File",
  3546. ".uw" => "Unsigned Word Audio File",
  3547. ".uwf" => "UltraTracker Wave File",
  3548. ".v2m" => "V2 Synthesizer Audio File",
  3549. ".vag" => "PlayStation Compressed Sound File",
  3550. ".val" => "Olympus Voice Recording",
  3551. ".vap" => "Dialogic Indexed Voice Audio File",
  3552. ".vb" => "Grand Theft Auto Audio File",
  3553. ".vc3" => "VSampler Soundbank File",
  3554. ".vdj" => "VirtualDJ Audio Sample File",
  3555. ".vgm" => "Video Game Music File",
  3556. ".vgz" => "Video Game Music Compressed File",
  3557. ".vlc" => "VLC Playlist",
  3558. ".vmd" => "Covox Raw Sample",
  3559. ".vmf" => "Covox Speech Thing Sample",
  3560. ".vmf" => "Vocaltec Media File",
  3561. ".vmo" => "Siemens Voice Memo File",
  3562. ".voc" => "Creative Labs Audio File",
  3563. ".voi" => "Voyetra Voice File",
  3564. ".vox" => "Dialogic Voice Audio File",
  3565. ".voxal" => "Voxal Project File",
  3566. ".vpl" => "Karaoke Player Playlist",
  3567. ".vpm" => "Garmin Voice File",
  3568. ".vpw" => "VoxPro Wave File",
  3569. ".vqf" => "TwinVQ Audio File",
  3570. ".vrf" => "Ventrilo Audio Recording",
  3571. ".vsq" => "VOCALOID2 Project File",
  3572. ".vtx" => "VTX Chiptune File",
  3573. ".vyf" => "Samsung Digital Voice Recorder File",
  3574. ".w01" => "Yamaha SY Series Wave File",
  3575. ".w64" => "Sony Wave64 Audio File",
  3576. ".wand" => "GarageBand Magic Template",
  3577. ".wav" => "WAVE Audio File",
  3578. ".wav" => "DTS-WAV File",
  3579. ".wave" => "WAVE Sound File",
  3580. ".wax" => "Windows Media Audio Redirect",
  3581. ".wem" => "Wwise Encoded Media File",
  3582. ".wfb" => "WaveFront Sound Bank",
  3583. ".wfd" => "WaveFront Drum Kit File",
  3584. ".wfm" => "Pro Tools Wave Cache File",
  3585. ".wfp" => "WaveFront Program File",
  3586. ".wma" => "Windows Media Audio File",
  3587. ".wow" => "Grave Composer Music Module",
  3588. ".wpk" => "Nero Wave Editor File",
  3589. ".wpp" => "WavePad Project File",
  3590. ".wproj" => "Wwise Project File",
  3591. ".wrk" => "Cakewalk Music Project",
  3592. ".wtpl" => "WireTap Studio Library",
  3593. ".wtpt" => "WireTap Studio Packaged Track",
  3594. ".wus" => "WUTG Tagged Audio File",
  3595. ".wut" => "WUTG Tag File",
  3596. ".wv" => "WavPack Audio File",
  3597. ".wvc" => "WavPack Correction File",
  3598. ".wve" => "WaveEditor Project File",
  3599. ".wwu" => "Wwise Work Unit",
  3600. ".wyz" => "WYZTracker File",
  3601. ".xa" => "PlayStation Audio File",
  3602. ".xa" => "The Sims Audio File",
  3603. ".xbmml" => "Braille Music Markup Language File",
  3604. ".xfs" => "eRacer Sound File",
  3605. ".xi" => "Fasttracker 2 Extended Instrument File",
  3606. ".xm" => "Fasttracker 2 Extended Module",
  3607. ".xmf" => "Extensible Music File",
  3608. ".xmi" => "Extended MIDI File",
  3609. ".xmz" => "FastTracker 2 Extended Module",
  3610. ".xp" => "Fastracker 2 Pattern",
  3611. ".xpf" => "LMMS Preset File",
  3612. ".xrns" => "Renoise Song File",
  3613. ".xsb" => "XACT Sound Bank",
  3614. ".xsp" => "XBMC Smart Playlist File",
  3615. ".xspf" => "XSPF Playlist File",
  3616. ".xt" => "Fastracker 2 Track",
  3617. ".xwb" => "XACT Wave Bank",
  3618. ".ym" => "Atari ST Audio File",
  3619. ".yookoo" => "Yookoo Player Playlist File",
  3620. ".zab" => "Zipped Audio Book",
  3621. ".zpa" => "Vielklang Audio Metadata File",
  3622. ".zpl" => "Zune Playlist",
  3623. ".zvd" => "ZyXEL Voice File",
  3624. ".zvr" => "SAFA Media Audio File"
  3625. );
  3627. $3dimages = array(
  3628. ".3d" => "Stereo CAD-3D Image File",
  3629. ".3d2" => "Stereo CAD-3D 2.0 Image File",
  3630. ".3d4" => "Stereo CAD-3D 2.0 Image File",
  3631. ".3da" => "3D Assembly File",
  3632. ".3dc" => "3DCT 3D Image",
  3633. ".3dc" => "3DCrafter Scene File",
  3634. ".3df" => "3D Format",
  3635. ".3dl" => "LightConverse 3D Model File",
  3636. ".3dm" => "Rhino 3D Model",
  3637. ".3dmf" => "QuickDraw 3D Metafile",
  3638. ".3dmk" => "123D Make Project File",
  3639. ".3don" => "Scrutinize 3D Mesh File",
  3640. ".3dp" => "123D Catch Photo Scene Data File",
  3641. ".3ds" => "3D Studio Scene",
  3642. ".3dv" => "3D VRML World",
  3643. ".3dw" => "3D World Studio File",
  3644. ".3dx" => "Rhino 3D Model File",
  3645. ".3dxml" => "Dassault Systemes 3D XML File",
  3646. ".a2c" => "Alice Object File",
  3647. ".a3d" => "Alternativa Player 3D Export File",
  3648. ".a8s" => "Anim8or Script",
  3649. ".act" => "Genesis3D Actor File",
  3650. ".an8" => "Anim8or File",
  3651. ".anim" => "Maya Animation File",
  3652. ".anim" => "Antibody Animation File",
  3653. ".anim" => "Unity Animation File",
  3654. ".animset" => "FaceFX Animation Set File",
  3655. ".animset_ingame" => "FaceFX In-Game Animation Set File",
  3656. ".anm" => "3D Animation File",
  3657. ".aof" => "Artlantis Object File",
  3658. ".aoi" => "Art of Illusion 3D Scene",
  3659. ".asat" => "Assemble SAT 3D Model File",
  3660. ".atf" => "Alternativa Texture File",
  3661. ".atl" => "Artlantis 3D Scene File",
  3662. ".atm" => "Vue Atmospheres File",
  3663. ".b3d" => "Blitz3D Entity Model File",
  3664. ".bio" => "Mudbox Bio 3D File",
  3665. ".bip" => "Character Studio Biped File",
  3666. ".blend" => "Blender 3D Data File",
  3667. ".br3" => "Bryce 3 Scene File",
  3668. ".br4" => "Bryce 4 Scene File",
  3669. ".br5" => "Bryce 5 Scene File",
  3670. ".br6" => "Bryce 6 Scene File",
  3671. ".br7" => "Bryce 7 Scene File",
  3672. ".brg" => "Age of Mythology Model File",
  3673. ".bro" => "Broadleaf Tree Model",
  3674. ".bsk" => "Bryce Skies File",
  3675. ".bto" => "Bryce Tree File",
  3676. ".bvh" => "Biovision Hierarchy Animation File",
  3677. ".c3z" => "OpenQwaq 3D Model File",
  3678. ".c4d" => "Cinema 4D Model File",
  3679. ".caf" => "Cal3D Binary Animation File",
  3680. ".cal" => "CryENGINE Character Animation List",
  3681. ".cal" => "3ds Max Pose Adjustment File",
  3682. ".cas" => "Total War Model File",
  3683. ".ccb" => "CopperCube 3D Scene",
  3684. ".ccp" => "CopperCube JavaScript File",
  3685. ".cfg" => "Cal3D Model Configuration File",
  3686. ".cg" => "Cg Program",
  3687. ".cg3" => "Cabri 3D Document",
  3688. ".cga" => "Crytek Geometry Animation File",
  3689. ".cgfx" => "CgFX Shader File",
  3690. ".chr" => "3ds Max Characters File",
  3691. ".chr" => "CryENGINE Character File",
  3692. ".chrparams" => "CryENGINE Character Parameters File",
  3693. ".cm2" => "Poser Camera Set File",
  3694. ".cmf" => "Cal3D Binary Mesh File",
  3695. ".cmod" => "Celestia Model",
  3696. ".cmz" => "Compressed Poser Camera Set File",
  3697. ".cpy" => "3ds Max Copy Track File",
  3698. ".cr2" => "Poser Character Rigging File",
  3699. ".crf" => "Cal3D Binary Materials File",
  3700. ".crz" => "Compressed Poser Character Rigging File",
  3701. ".csd" => "Manga Studio Scene File",
  3702. ".csf" => "Cal3D Binary Skeleton File",
  3703. ".csm" => "Character Studio Marker File",
  3704. ".cso" => "Compiled Shader Object File",
  3705. ".d3d" => "Game Maker 3D File",
  3706. ".dae" => "Digital Asset Exchange File",
  3707. ".daz" => "DAZ Studio 3D Scene",
  3708. ".dbc" => "DAZ Brick Camera File",
  3709. ".dbl" => "DAZ Brick Light File",
  3710. ".dbm" => "DAZ Brick Material File",
  3711. ".dbs" => "GAMBIT Mesh File",
  3712. ".ddd" => "GLBasic 3D Data File",
  3713. ".des" => "Corel Designer File",
  3714. ".dff" => "RenderWare Model File",
  3715. ".dfs" => "BrainSuite Surface File",
  3716. ".dif" => "Torque Game Engine Model File",
  3717. ".dmc" => "Mimic Configuration File",
  3718. ".drf" => "VIZ Render File",
  3719. ".ds" => "DAZ Studio 1/2 Script",
  3720. ".dsa" => "DAZ Studio 3+ Script",
  3721. ".dsb" => "DAZ Studio Binary Script",
  3722. ".dsd" => "DAZ Studio Object Morph File",
  3723. ".dse" => "DAZ Studio Encrypted Script",
  3724. ".dsf" => "DAZ Studio Asset File",
  3725. ".dsi" => "DAZ Studio Layered Image Set",
  3726. ".dsi" => "Double-Precision Spectral Image",
  3727. ".dso" => "DAZ Studio Object File",
  3728. ".dsv" => "DAZ Studio UV Mapping File",
  3729. ".duf" => "DAZ User File",
  3730. ".dwf" => "Design Web Format File",
  3731. ".e57" => "LIDAR Point Cloud Data File",
  3732. ".egg" => "Panda3D Model File",
  3733. ".exp" => "CATIA 4 Export File",
  3734. ".f3d" => "Fusion 3D Design",
  3735. ".facefx" => "FaceFX Actor File",
  3736. ".facefx_ingame" => "FaceFX In-Game Actor File",
  3737. ".fbx" => "Autodesk FBX Interchange File",
  3738. ".fc2" => "Poser Face Pose File",
  3739. ".fcp" => "Phantasy Star Online 2 Female Cast File",
  3740. ".fcz" => "Compressed Poser Face Pose File",
  3741. ".fg" => "FaceGen Project File",
  3742. ".fig" => "3ds Max Figure File",
  3743. ".flt" => "OpenFlight Scene Description File",
  3744. ".fnc" => "Vue Functions File",
  3745. ".fp" => "Fragment Program File",
  3746. ".fp3" => "FloorPlan 3D Design File",
  3747. ".fpe" => "FPS Creator Entity File",
  3748. ".fpf" => "IKEA Home Planner File",
  3749. ".fpj" => "CryENGINE Facial Editor Project File",
  3750. ".fry" => "Fryrender Scene File",
  3751. ".fsh" => "Fragment Shader File",
  3752. ".fsq" => "CryENGINE Facial Editor Sequence File",
  3753. ".fx" => "Direct3D Effects File",
  3754. ".fxa" => "OC3 Entertainment FaceFX Actor File",
  3755. ".fxl" => "CryENGINE Facial Expression Library",
  3756. ".fxm" => "MessiahStudio Motion File",
  3757. ".fxs" => "MessiahStudio Scene File",
  3758. ".fxt" => "FaceFX Actor Template File",
  3759. ".geo" => "VRML Geography File",
  3760. ".glf" => "Space Engine Shader File",
  3761. ".glm" => "Ghoul 2 Model File",
  3762. ".gmf" => "Leaderwerks Game Model File",
  3763. ".gmmod" => "Game Maker 3D Model File",
  3764. ".gmt" => "rFactor Model File",
  3765. ".grn" => "Granny 3D File",
  3766. ".hd2" => "Poser Hand Pose File",
  3767. ".hdz" => "Compressed Poser Hand Pose File",
  3768. ".hip" => "Houdini Project File",
  3769. ".hipnc" => "Houdini Apprentice File",
  3770. ".hlsl" => "High Level Shader Language File",
  3771. ".hr2" => "Poser Hair File",
  3772. ".hrz" => "Compressed Poser Hair File",
  3773. ".hxn" => "Hexagon Model File",
  3774. ".ifc" => "Industry Foundation Classes File",
  3775. ".iges" => "IGES File",
  3776. ".igm" => "Indigo Renderer Material File",
  3777. ".igs" => "Indigo Renderer Scene File",
  3778. ".ik" => "CryENGINE IK Animation File",
  3779. ".irr" => "Irrlicht 3D Scene",
  3780. ".irrmesh" => "Irrlicht Static Mesh File",
  3781. ".iv" => "Open Inventor Scene Graph File",
  3782. ".ive" => "OpenSceneGraph Binary File",
  3783. ".j3o" => "jMonkeyEngine 3D Scene",
  3784. ".jas" => "Cheetah3D Model File",
  3785. ".kfm" => "Gamebryo 3D Model File",
  3786. ".kmc" => "Kinemac Animation File",
  3787. ".kmcobj" => "Kinemac Sprite Object",
  3788. ".ktz" => "Kahootz Project File",
  3789. ".ldm" => "VolumeViz Multi-Resolution Volume File",
  3790. ".llm" => "Linden Lab Mesh File",
  3791. ".lnd" => "3D Landscape File",
  3792. ".lp" => "Lightscape Preparation File",
  3793. ".lps" => "Bryce Leaf Shape File",
  3794. ".lt2" => "Poser Light Set File",
  3795. ".ltz" => "Compressed Poser Light Set File",
  3796. ".lwo" => "LightWave 3D Object File",
  3797. ".lws" => "LightWave 3D Scene File",
  3798. ".lxf" => "LEGO Digital Designer Model File",
  3799. ".lxo" => "Luxology modo 3D Image",
  3800. ".m3" => "Blizzard MDX3 Model File",
  3801. ".m3d" => "3D Model File",
  3802. ".m3d" => "DIALux 3D Object File",
  3803. ".ma" => "Maya Project File",
  3804. ".mat" => "3ds Max Materials File",
  3805. ".max" => "3ds Max Scene File",
  3806. ".maxc" => "3ds Max Container File",
  3807. ".mb" => "Maya Binary Project File",
  3808. ".mc5" => "Poser 5 Material File",
  3809. ".mc6" => "Poser Material Collection File",
  3810. ".mcz" => "Compressed Poser Material File",
  3811. ".md5anim" => "id Tech 4 Model Animation File",
  3812. ".md5camera" => "id Tech 4 Model Camera File",
  3813. ".md5mesh" => "id Tech 4 3D Mesh File",
  3814. ".mdd" => "Point Oven Deformation Data File",
  3815. ".mdl" => "Warcraft 3 3D Model Text File",
  3816. ".mdx" => "Warcraft 3 Model File",
  3817. ".meb" => "PRO100 3D Interior Catalog Element",
  3818. ".mesh" => "3D Mesh Model",
  3819. ".mesh" => "DirectX Mesh File",
  3820. ".mgf" => "Materials and Geometry Format",
  3821. ".mix" => "3ds Max Motion Mixer File",
  3822. ".mnm" => "Character Studio Marker Name File",
  3823. ".mot" => "LightWave Motion File",
  3824. ".mp" => "Maya PLE Project File",
  3825. ".mpj" => "MessiahStudio Project File",
  3826. ".mqo" => "Metasequoia Document",
  3827. ".mrml" => "3D Slicer Scene Description File",
  3828. ".ms3d" => "MilkShape 3D Model",
  3829. ".msh" => "Orbiter 3D Mesh File",
  3830. ".mtl" => "OBJ Material File",
  3831. ".mtx" => "MetaStream Scene File",
  3832. ".mtz" => "Compressed MetaStream Scene File",
  3833. ".mu" => "Kerbal Space Program Mesh File",
  3834. ".mud" => "Mudbox 3D Scene File",
  3835. ".mxm" => "Maxwell Material File",
  3836. ".mxs" => "Maxwell Studio Scene File",
  3837. ".n2" => "Nitrous Minecraft GLSL Shader File",
  3838. ".n3d" => "Nuclear 3D File",
  3839. ".nff" => "Neutral File Format",
  3840. ".nif" => "Gamebryo Model File",
  3841. ".nm" => "Space Engine Nebula Model File",
  3842. ".nsbta" => "Nintendo DS Texture Animation File",
  3843. ".obj" => "Wavefront 3D Object File",
  3844. ".obp" => "Bryce Object File",
  3845. ".obz" => "Compressed 3D Object File",
  3846. ".oct" => "Radiance Octree File",
  3847. ".off" => "Object File Format",
  3848. ".ogf" => "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Model File",
  3849. ".ol" => "Valve Hammer Object Layout File",
  3850. ".p21" => "Express STEP Data Model File",
  3851. ".p2z" => "Compressed Poser Pose File",
  3852. ".p3d" => "Peak3D 3D Graphics File",
  3853. ".p3l" => "Adobe Photoshop Light Preset File",
  3854. ".p3m" => "Adobe Photoshop Material Preset File",
  3855. ".p3r" => "Adobe Photoshop Render Settings Preset File",
  3856. ".par" => "Solid Edge Part File",
  3857. ".pat" => "3D Patch File",
  3858. ".phy" => "3ds Max Physique File",
  3859. ".pigm" => "Packaged Indigo Renderer Material File",
  3860. ".pigs" => "Packaged Indigo Renderer Scene File",
  3861. ".pkg" => "Midtown Madness 2 Model File",
  3862. ".pkg" => "CoCreate OneSpace Modeling Package File",
  3863. ".pl0" => "3D Home Architect Foundation Floor Plan",
  3864. ".pl1" => "3D Home Architect Floor Plan",
  3865. ".pl2" => "3D Home Architect Second Level Floor Plan",
  3866. ".ply" => "Polygon Model File",
  3867. ".pmd" => "MikuMikuDance Model File",
  3868. ".pmd" => "Poser Binary Morph File",
  3869. ".pp2" => "Poser Prop File",
  3870. ".ppz" => "Compressed Poser Prop File",
  3871. ".prc" => "Product Representation Compact File",
  3872. ".prefab" => "Unity Prefab File",
  3873. ".prm" => "Re-Volt Model File",
  3874. ".pro" => "Professional Home Design Project",
  3875. ".prv" => "Vue Preview File",
  3876. ".psa" => "Unreal Engine Skeletal Animation File",
  3877. ".psk" => "Unreal Engine Skeletal Mesh File",
  3878. ".pz2" => "Poser Pose File",
  3879. ".pz3" => "Poser Scene File",
  3880. ".pzz" => "Compressed Poser Scene File",
  3881. ".qc" => "Half-Life Model Compiler Script",
  3882. ".rad" => "VRAD Lights File",
  3883. ".rad" => "Radiance Scene File",
  3884. ".ray" => "Rayshade Image",
  3885. ".rcs" => "RandomControl Scene File",
  3886. ".rds" => "Ray Dream Studio Scene File",
  3887. ".rft" => "Revit Family Template File",
  3888. ".rig" => "Antibody Model Rig File",
  3889. ".s" => "Microsoft Train Simulator Shape File",
  3890. ".sc4model" => "SimCity 4 Model File",
  3891. ".sdb" => "SAP2000 Model File",
  3892. ".session" => "CATIA 4 Session File",
  3893. ".sgn" => "Signet Bureau DRM File",
  3894. ".sh3d" => "Sweet Home 3D Design File",
  3895. ".sh3f" => "Sweet Home 3D Model Library",
  3896. ".shp" => "Shapes File",
  3897. ".si" => "Softimage Image File",
  3898. ".skl" => "Maya Skeleton File",
  3899. ".skp" => "SketchUp Document",
  3900. ".sm" => "Space Engine 3D Mesh File",
  3901. ".smd" => "Valve Studiomdl Data File",
  3902. ".srf" => "LightWave Surface File",
  3903. ".stc" => "Shade to Manga Studio File",
  3904. ".step" => "STEP 3D Model",
  3905. ".sto" => "PRO100 3D Interior Design Project",
  3906. ".stp" => "STEP 3D CAD File",
  3907. ".t3d" => "Unreal Engine 3D Object File",
  3908. ".t3d" => "Swift 3D Document",
  3909. ".tddd" => "3D Data Description File",
  3910. ".tgo" => "Terragen Object File",
  3911. ".thl" => "Total 3D Home Design File",
  3912. ".tmd" => "PlayStation Game Model File",
  3913. ".tme" => "Bryce Time File",
  3914. ".tmo" => "3DCG Animation and Pose File",
  3915. ".tps" => "Bryce Tree Shape File",
  3916. ".tri" => "Triangle Mesh File",
  3917. ".tri" => "FaceGen Polygonal Model File",
  3918. ".truck" => "Rigs of Rods Truck Definition File",
  3919. ".ts1" => "VirtualBus Texture Description File",
  3920. ".u3d" => "Universal 3D File",
  3921. ".ums" => "Rune 3D Mesh File",
  3922. ".v3d" => "Visual3D.NET Data File",
  3923. ".v3o" => "Emergency 3 and 4 Model File",
  3924. ".vac" => "MikuMikuDance Accessory Settings File",
  3925. ".veg" => "Vue Vegetation file",
  3926. ".vmd" => "Vocaloid Motion Data File",
  3927. ".vmo" => "Virtools Media Object File",
  3928. ".vob" => "Vue Objects File",
  3929. ".vox" => "Voxlap Voxel Model File",
  3930. ".vp" => "Vertex Program File",
  3931. ".vpd" => "MikuMikuDance Vocaloid Pose Data File",
  3932. ".vrl" => "VRML Virtual World",
  3933. ".vs" => "Vertex Shader File",
  3934. ".vsh" => "Vertex Shader File",
  3935. ".vso" => "Compiled Vertex Shader File",
  3936. ".vtx" => "Anim8or 3D Model",
  3937. ".vue" => "Vue Scene File",
  3938. ".vvd" => "Vivid 3D Scanner Element File",
  3939. ".w3d" => "Adobe Shockwave 3D File",
  3940. ".wft" => "GTA 4 Car Model File",
  3941. ".wrl" => "VRML World",
  3942. ".wrp" => "Geomagic 3D Wrap File",
  3943. ".wrz" => "Compressed VRML World File",
  3944. ".x" => "DirectX Model File",
  3945. ".x3d" => "Xara3D Project",
  3946. ".xaf" => "3ds Max XML Animation File",
  3947. ".xaf" => "Cal3D XML Animation File",
  3948. ".xmf" => "Cal3D XML Mesh File",
  3949. ".xmm" => "3ds Max XML Animation Map File",
  3950. ".xof" => "Reality Lab 3D Image File",
  3951. ".xpr" => "Pro/ENGINEER Part Instance Accelerator File",
  3952. ".xrf" => "Cal3D XML Materials File",
  3953. ".xsf" => "Cal3D XML Skeleton File",
  3954. ".xsi" => "Softimage XSI 3D Image",
  3955. ".xv0" => "Lattice XVL Structure File",
  3956. ".yaodl" => "PowerFlip 3D Image File",
  3957. ".ydl" => "PowerFlip YAODL 3D Image File",
  3958. ".z3d" => "ZModeler 3D File",
  3959. ".zt" => "Mental Ray Image Depth File"
  3960. );
  3962. $data = array(
  3963. ".1pe" => "TurboTax Form File",
  3964. ".1ph" => "TurboTax File",
  3965. ".3dp" => "3DMark2011 SE Project File",
  3966. ".3dr" => "3D Rad Project File",
  3967. ".3dr" => "3DMark Results File",
  3968. ".3dt" => "3D Topicscape File",
  3969. ".3me" => "TurboTax Form File",
  3970. ".3pe" => "TurboTax 2008 Form File",
  3971. ".4dv" => "4D View Ultrasound File",
  3972. ".4fs" => "Puppy Linux Save State File",
  3973. ".73c" => "TI-73 Constant File",
  3974. ".73l" => "TI-73 Data List File",
  3975. ".8xg" => "TI-83/84 Plus Group File",
  3976. ".8xk" => "TI-83 Plus Application Upgrade File",
  3977. ".8xs" => "TI-83/84 Plus String File",
  3978. ".8xv" => "TI-83/84 Plus Variable File",
  3979. ".a1wish" => "Audials Wishlist File",
  3980. ".a3l" => "Authorware 3 Library",
  3981. ".a3m" => "Authorware 3 Macintosh File",
  3982. ".a3w" => "Authorware 3 Windows File",
  3983. ".a4l" => "Authorware 4 Library",
  3984. ".a4m" => "Authorware 4 Macintosh File",
  3985. ".a4w" => "Authorware 4 Windows File",
  3986. ".a5l" => "Authorware 5 Library",
  3987. ".a5rpt" => "Alpha Five Project Report File",
  3988. ".a5w" => "Authorware 5 Windows File",
  3989. ".a5wcmp" => "Alpha Five Web Components File",
  3990. ".a65" => "Authorware 6.5 File",
  3991. ".aam" => "Authorware Map File",
  3992. ".aao" => "Agenda At Once File",
  3993. ".ab" => "DNA Sequence File",
  3994. ".ab1" => "DNA Electropherogram File",
  3995. ".ab2" => "Print Shop Address Book File",
  3996. ".ab3" => "PhotoImpact 3 Album File",
  3997. ".abcd" => "AudioVisual Book Data File",
  3998. ".abdata" => "Adobe Bridge Data File",
  3999. ".abi" => "DNA Chromatogram File",
  4000. ".abkprj" => "Ashampoo Backup Project",
  4001. ".abp" => "AVS Barcode Profile",
  4002. ".abt" => "Annotated Braille Text File",
  4003. ".aby" => "AOL Address Book File",
  4004. ".aca" => "Agent Character Animation File",
  4005. ".acc" => "Graphics Accounts Data File",
  4006. ".acf" => "Agent Character Data File",
  4007. ".acg" => "Audio Comparer Group File",
  4008. ".acg" => "Agent Preview File",
  4009. ".acr" => "Audio Comparer Results File",
  4010. ".adcp" => "Adobe Device Central Project File",
  4011. ".adobebridge" => "Adobe Bridge URL FIle",
  4012. ".adox" => "ActivDox Document",
  4013. ".adt" => "ACT! Document Template",
  4014. ".adu" => "Addict User Dictionary File",
  4015. ".adv" => "Nortek Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter File",
  4016. ".advs" => "Adobe Device Central Device Set",
  4017. ".adx" => "Approach Index File",
  4018. ".afe" => "Avid File Exchange File",
  4019. ".aft" => " Family Tree Database",
  4020. ".agd" => "AgileGraph Data File",
  4021. ".aggr" => "Adobe Captivate Aggregate File",
  4022. ".aifb" => "AIF Builder Project File",
  4023. ".aiv" => "AIVault Data File",
  4024. ".alc" => "Dynamics AX Label Description File",
  4025. ".ald" => "Dynamics AX Application Label Data File",
  4026. ".ali" => "Dynamics AX Label Index File",
  4027. ".ali" => "RoboHelp Alias File",
  4028. ".amb" => "AIMMS Model File",
  4029. ".amb" => "All My Books Database File",
  4030. ".amc" => "Ant Movie Catalog File",
  4031. ".amm" => "All My Movies Database File",
  4032. ".amsorm" => "OnLine Ringman Auction Client File",
  4033. ".amu" => "PictureGear Studio Photo Album File",
  4034. ".an1" => "Street Atlas USA Draw File",
  4035. ".anme" => "Anime Studio Document",
  4036. ".ans" => "HotDocs Binary Answer File",
  4037. ".ansym" => "Adobe Edge Animate Library File",
  4038. ".anx" => "HotDocs Answer File",
  4039. ".apalbum" => "Aperture Album File",
  4040. ".aph" => "Ability Album File",
  4041. ".aplibrary" => "Aperture Library",
  4042. ".apxl" => "Keynote Presentation Data File",
  4043. ".ara" => "Archivaldo Resource Archive",
  4044. ".arc" => "Nintendo Archive File",
  4045. ".arff" => "Attribute-Relation File Format",
  4046. ".arh" => "ArheoStratigraf Project File",
  4047. ".art" => "BERNINA Embroidery File",
  4048. ".as" => "AppleSingle File",
  4049. ".ashprj" => "Ashampoo Burning Studio Project",
  4050. ".asm" => "Pro/ENGINEER Assembly File",
  4051. ".asnd" => "Adobe Sound Document",
  4052. ".asr" => "Adobe Photoshop Scratch File",
  4053. ".ast" => "ClarisWorks Assistant File",
  4054. ".atf" => "Axon Text File",
  4055. ".ats" => "Advanced ETL Transformation Script",
  4056. ".attr" => "iPhoto Attributes File",
  4057. ".avc" => "Kaspersky Virus Database",
  4058. ".avenirproj" => "StoryMill Project",
  4059. ".avj" => "AntiVir Job File",
  4060. ".avl" => "AntiVir Status Report File",
  4061. ".avp" => "AntiVir Profile",
  4062. ".aw" => "Answer Wizard File",
  4063. ".awdb" => "Access Walker Database File",
  4064. ".awg" => "Activeworlds Object Group File",
  4065. ".azz" => "AZZ Cardfile Database File",
  4066. ".azzx" => "Uncompressed AZZ Cardfile Data File",
  4067. ".bafl" => "BurnAware File List",
  4068. ".bar" => "Brew MP Binary Application Resource File",
  4069. ".baserproj" => "DNA Baser Project File",
  4070. ".bc" => "Adobe Bridge Cache File",
  4071. ".bcc" => "Calendar Creator File",
  4072. ".bci" => "Belarc Advisor Report File",
  4073. ".bcl" => "Illumina Base Call File",
  4074. ".bcm" => "Business Contact Manager File",
  4075. ".bcm" => "Adobe Bridge Cache File",
  4076. ".bct" => "Adobe Bridge Thumbnail Cache File",
  4077. ".bdc" => "Babylon Dictionary File",
  4078. ".bdf" => "Binary Data File",
  4079. ".bdf" => "Bulk Data Input File",
  4080. ".bdic" => "Chrome Dictionary File",
  4081. ".bed" => "UCSC BED Annotation Track File",
  4082. ".bfx" => "Bitware Fax Document",
  4083. ".bgl" => "Babylon Glossary File",
  4084. ".bgt" => "Graphics Accounts Data File",
  4085. ".bho" => "Behold Organize File",
  4086. ".bim" => "Bytessence InstallMaker Document",
  4087. ".bin" => "Generic Binary File",
  4088. ".bionix" => "BioniX Wallpaper Playlist File",
  4089. ".bjo" => "TabRite Tablature File",
  4090. ".bk" => "FrameMaker Book File",
  4091. ".blb" => "Blob Data File",
  4092. ".bld" => "Envisioneer Building Project File",
  4093. ".blg" => "Windows Binary Performance Log File",
  4094. ".blg" => "BibTeX Log File",
  4095. ".bln" => "Golden Software Blanking File",
  4096. ".blockplt" => "LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Block Palette File",
  4097. ".blogthis" => "Windows Live Writer Data File",
  4098. ".bm2" => "Boardmaker Interactive Board File",
  4099. ".bms" => "BIOWRAP Multi-Layer Security File",
  4100. ".bnk" => "Spotify Playlist File",
  4101. ".bok" => "TestGen Testbank File",
  4102. ".book" => "iBooks Author Document",
  4103. ".book" => "Budget In Brief Book File",
  4104. ".booktemplate" => "iBooks Author Document Template",
  4105. ".box" => "E-mail Mailbox",
  4106. ".bpd" => "Binary Printer Description File",
  4107. ".bpd" => "Business Plan Pro Document",
  4108. ".bpdx" => "Business Plan Pro Document",
  4109. ".bpm" => "Trados AutoSuggest Dictionary File",
  4110. ".brain" => "PersonalBrain Mind Map File",
  4111. ".brd" => "EAGLE Circuit Board File",
  4112. ".brf" => "Braille Ready Format File",
  4113. ".bridgecache" => "Adobe Bridge Cache Export File",
  4114. ".brl" => "MicroBraille File",
  4115. ".brn" => "BrainStorm Data File",
  4116. ".brs" => "RoboHelp Browse Sequence File",
  4117. ".brw" => "Calyx Point Borrower File",
  4118. ".bsd" => "BSDL File",
  4119. ".bsdl" => "Boundary Scan Description Language File",
  4120. ".btf" => "NationsBank Check Images",
  4121. ".btif" => "NationsBank Check Image File",
  4122. ".btinstall" => "uTorrent Installer File",
  4123. ".btm" => "BizTalk Map File",
  4124. ".bvp" => "VodaHost BlueVoda Project File",
  4125. ".c3d" => "Coordinate 3D File",
  4126. ".c4p" => "CrossOver Software Installer File",
  4127. ".cadc" => "Corpatla Data Container File",
  4128. ".caf" => "Class Action Gradebook File",
  4129. ".camm" => "Espresso Mind Map Document",
  4130. ".cap" => "Packet Capture File",
  4131. ".capx" => "Capella CapXML File",
  4132. ".car" => "Car Explorer Data File",
  4133. ".cat4d" => "Cinema 4D Catalog",
  4134. ".cav" => "Comodo Virus Definitions File",
  4135. ".cawr" => "Espresso workreport Document",
  4136. ".cbg" => "ChessBase Game Moves File",
  4137. ".cbg" => "CyberGauge Data File",
  4138. ".cbmap" => "Containment Breach Map File",
  4139. ".cbxml" => "CodeBox Library",
  4140. ".cbz" => "ChessBase Encrypted Database Archive",
  4141. ".cca" => "cc:Mail Archive File",
  4142. ".cca" => "Multimedia Fusion File",
  4143. ".cch" => "Corel Chart File",
  4144. ".ccp" => "RIB Import Converter Profile",
  4145. ".ccr" => "ASTM Continuity of Care Record",
  4146. ".cct" => "Director Protected Cast Resource",
  4147. ".cdf" => "Common Data Format",
  4148. ".cdf" => "NetCDF Format File",
  4149. ".cdf" => "Affymetrix Chip Definition File",
  4150. ".cdf" => "Nominal Small Business Accounting Company Data File",
  4151. ".cdf" => "Content Definition File",
  4152. ".cdi" => "INTEX Output File",
  4153. ".cdp" => "CD/Spectrum Pro File",
  4154. ".cdp" => "ConceptDraw PROJECT File",
  4155. ".cdpx" => "ConceptDraw PROJECT XML File",
  4156. ".cdpz" => "ConceptDraw PROJECT Document",
  4157. ".cdr" => "Crash Data Retrieval Data File",
  4158. ".cdx" => "Compound Index File",
  4159. ".cdx" => "ChemDraw Exchange File",
  4160. ".cdxml" => "ChemDraw XML File",
  4161. ".cef" => "Class Action Gradebook Elementary File",
  4162. ".cel" => "Affymetrix Probe Results File",
  4163. ".cel" => "Battery 3 Drum Cell File",
  4164. ".celtx" => "Celtx Project File",
  4165. ".certsigningrequest" => "Apple Developer Signing Certificate Request File",
  4166. ".cfs" => "CFS Console File",
  4167. ".chc" => "HCFR Colorimeter Data File",
  4168. ".chg" => "Quicken Online Data File",
  4169. ".chk" => "InterCheck Checksum Database",
  4170. ".chn" => "Ethnograph Data",
  4171. ".chv" => "ChView Interactive Star Map File",
  4172. ".ckt" => "CircuitMaker File",
  4173. ".cl2" => "HY-TEK Meet Results File",
  4174. ".cl4" => "Easy CD Creator 4 Project File",
  4175. ".classlist" => "SMART Notebook Class List File",
  4176. ".clb" => "ICQ Contact List",
  4177. ".cld" => "ClamAV Virus Definitions File",
  4178. ".clg" => "Collage Maker Project File",
  4179. ".clix" => "CLIX Command File",
  4180. ".clk" => "Corel R.A.V.E Project File",
  4181. ".clm" => "MagicJack Call Log File",
  4182. ".clm" => "GenePattern CEL Descriptor File",
  4183. ".clp" => "Windows Clipboard File",
  4184. ".clp" => "Finale Clip File",
  4185. ".clp" => "CrazyTalk Clip File",
  4186. ".clx" => "Standard Dictionary File",
  4187. ".cm10" => "CaseMap 10 Case File",
  4188. ".cmap" => "CmapTools Concept Map File",
  4189. ".cmbl" => "Logger Pro Data File",
  4190. ".cml" => "Chemical Markup Language File",
  4191. ".cms" => "Connection Manager Service Profile",
  4192. ".cn1" => "CNR Modem Initialization Data File",
  4193. ".cna" => "Catena Project File",
  4194. ".col" => "Capture One Session File",
  4195. ".collection" => "Adobe Bridge Collection File",
  4196. ".contact" => "Windows Contact File",
  4197. ".cpf" => "Cognos Project File",
  4198. ".cpk" => "DTM Test Log File",
  4199. ".cpmz" => "Miradi/ConPro Project File",
  4200. ".cptl" => "Adobe Captivate Project Template File",
  4201. ".cptx" => "Adobe Captivate Project File",
  4202. ".crev" => "Adobe Captivate Commentable SWF File",
  4203. ".crtx" => "Office 2007 Chart Template File",
  4204. ".cry" => "CryENGINE Map File",
  4205. ".cs" => "ColorSchemer Studio Color Scheme",
  4206. ".csa" => "PNA Code Calset File",
  4207. ".csl" => "CineStyle Color Lookup File",
  4208. ".csutil" => "ColorSync Utility Folder",
  4209. ".csv" => "Comma Separated Values File",
  4210. ".ctf" => "WhereIsIt Catalog File",
  4211. ".ctl" => "StepMania SMZIP Package Description File",
  4212. ".ctm" => "CrazyTalk Model File",
  4213. ".ctp" => "CrazyTalk Project File",
  4214. ".ctproject" => "CrazyTalk Animator Project File",
  4215. ".ctt" => "Messenger Contact List",
  4216. ".ctv" => "Citavi Project",
  4217. ".ctv3" => "Citavi 3 Project File",
  4218. ".cub" => "Analysis Services Cube File",
  4219. ".cursorfx" => "CursorFX Theme File",
  4220. ".curxptheme" => "CursorXP Theme File",
  4221. ".cva" => "Canvas Sequence Set",
  4222. ".cvd" => "ClamAV Virus Definitions File",
  4223. ".cvd" => "Bitdefender Virus Definition File",
  4224. ".cvn" => "CineVision Encoding Session",
  4225. ".cwk" => "ClarisWorks Document",
  4226. ".cww" => "Crossword Weaver Puzzle File",
  4227. ".cwz" => "Circuit Wizard File",
  4228. ".cxd" => "SimplePCI Data Document",
  4229. ".cxf" => "Chemical Exchange Format File",
  4230. ".cxf" => "Cuttlefish Extended Format File",
  4231. ".cxt" => "Director Protected Cast File",
  4232. ".cyo" => "Clustify Output File",
  4233. ".cys" => "Clustify Summary File",
  4234. ".cys" => "Cytoscape Session File",
  4235. ".czi" => "Carl Zeiss Image Data File",
  4236. ".czp" => "ClozePro Archive",
  4237. ".da2" => "DeepAnalysis Save File",
  4238. ".daf" => "Digital Anchor File",
  4239. ".dal" => "DVD-lab Project File",
  4240. ".dam" => "DeltaMaster Analysis Model",
  4241. ".dap" => "Diet Analysis Profile",
  4242. ".das" => "DeltaMaster Analysis Session",
  4243. ".dat" => "Nonimmigrant Visa Application Data File",
  4244. ".dat" => "Data File",
  4245. ".data" => "Analysis Studio Offline Data File",
  4246. ".db" => "QQ Account Database File",
  4247. ".db-" => "Norton Nprotect Database File",
  4248. ".db.jou" => "Patran Journal File",
  4249. ".dbd" => "DemoShield Project",
  4250. ".dbf" => "FoxPro Table",
  4251. ".dbgsym" => "Debug Symbols File",
  4252. ".dcf" => "Document Computation Format",
  4253. ".dcl" => "DumpSec Report File",
  4254. ".dcm" => "DiskCatalogMaker Catalog File",
  4255. ".dcmd" => "DiskCatalogMaker Thumbnail-Enabled Catalog",
  4256. ".dcmf" => "DiskCatalogMaker Catalog",
  4257. ".dcpf" => "Disc Copier Project File",
  4258. ".dcpr" => "Adobe DNG Camera Profile Recipe File",
  4259. ".dct" => "AutoCAD Dictionary File",
  4260. ".ddb" => "Digidesign Database",
  4261. ".ddc" => "DivX Descriptor File",
  4262. ".ddcx" => "DivX Descriptor 2 File",
  4263. ".ddt" => "Diagram Designer Template",
  4264. ".def" => "IOBit Malware Fighter Definitions File",
  4265. ".deproj" => "Disketch Project File",
  4266. ".des" => "QuickBooks Forms Template",
  4267. ".det" => "Sage ACT! 5 Email Message",
  4268. ".develve" => "Develve Data File",
  4269. ".deviceinfo" => "Device Record",
  4270. ".dex" => "DEXIS Digital X-ray File",
  4271. ".dex" => "Disketch Project File",
  4272. ".dfm" => "Midas ViewPoint Display Form",
  4273. ".dfproj" => "DVD Flick Project",
  4274. ".dgs" => "3D Screen Creator Scene File",
  4275. ".dhcd" => "DHCD Computing Application Data File",
  4276. ".dht" => "GAUSS Data Set Header File",
  4277. ".dia" => "Do It Again Task File",
  4278. ".dict" => "Dictionary File",
  4279. ".dif" => "Data Interchange Format",
  4280. ".dii" => "Summation Batch Load File",
  4281. ".dita" => "DITA Document",
  4282. ".ditamap" => "DITA Topic Map File",
  4283. ".ditaval" => "DITA Conditions File",
  4284. ".djm" => "Dynojet Map File",
  4285. ".dkt" => "DiGiTIAL THUNDER Drum Kit File",
  4286. ".dl" => "Dynamic Library",
  4287. ".dlc" => "DIALux Light Control File",
  4288. ".dlt" => "DELTA Binary Dataset File",
  4289. ".dm2" => "Toad Data Modeler 2 File",
  4290. ".dmc" => "Datamartist Data Canvas File",
  4291. ".dmm" => "DropMind Mind Map File",
  4292. ".dmmx" => "DropMind XML Map Bundle",
  4293. ".dmo" => "Derive Demo",
  4294. ".dmo" => "Movienizer Database File",
  4295. ".dmpr" => "Direct Mail Project File",
  4296. ".dmr" => "BrainVoyager Diffusion Weighted Project File",
  4297. ".dmsk" => "DivX Temporary Video Data File",
  4298. ".dmsp" => "PhotoSuite Project File",
  4299. ".dna" => "GenePool DNA File",
  4300. ".dna" => "SnapGene DNA File",
  4301. ".dnc" => "Dance Database File",
  4302. ".dockzip" => "ObjectDock File",
  4303. ".dot" => "Graphviz Graph File",
  4304. ".dpb" => "DVD Profiler Backup File",
  4305. ".dpn" => "Depiction Data File",
  4306. ".dps" => "Kingsoft Presentation File",
  4307. ".dpt" => "Kingsoft Presentation Template",
  4308. ".dpx" => "VASCO DIGIPASS File",
  4309. ".drf" => "Dynojet Run File",
  4310. ".drl" => "Gerber Drill Rack File",
  4311. ".drscan" => "Data Rescue Scans File",
  4312. ".drz" => "PyDrizzle Data File",
  4313. ".dsb" => "Wondershare DVD Slideshow Builder Project",
  4314. ".dsb" => "Orchida Embroidery File",
  4315. ".dsc" => "Celestia Deep Space Catalog File",
  4316. ".dsc" => "Debian Source Control File",
  4317. ".dsd" => "Diet Studio Data File",
  4318. ".dsx" => "Diet Studio XML File",
  4319. ".dsy" => "Directory Synchronizer Project File",
  4320. ".dsz" => "Orchida (OES) Embroidery File",
  4321. ".dt" => "Drum Station Machine State File",
  4322. ".dta" => "Chain Engineering Database",
  4323. ".dtd" => "Design Tools Draw File",
  4324. ".dtr" => "DATroniC Data Recording",
  4325. ".dvc" => "Dragon Voice Command File",
  4326. ".dvdproj" => "iDVD Project File",
  4327. ".dvds" => "DVDStyler Project File",
  4328. ".dvo" => "Cook'n Cookbook File",
  4329. ".dwi" => "Dance With Intensity Song File",
  4330. ".dwp" => "DarkWave Studio Project File",
  4331. ".dws" => "Adobe Dreamweaver Site Cache File",
  4332. ".dwz" => "DVD MovieFactory Project File",
  4333. ".eap" => "Enterprise Architect Project",
  4334. ".eas" => "RSLogix Symbol File",
  4335. ".ebm" => "Embla Recording",
  4336. ".ebuild" => "Portage eBuild Script",
  4337. ".ec0" => "MetroCount Traffic Data File",
  4338. ".ec3" => "EPSON Print CD File",
  4339. ".ec4" => "EPSON Print CD File",
  4340. ".ecc" => "dvdisaster Error Correction File",
  4341. ".ecl" => "Management-Ware Mass Mailing News E-Campaign List",
  4342. ".ect" => "Yozo Office Chart Template File",
  4343. ".edat" => "E-DataAid 1.x File",
  4344. ".edat2" => "E-DataAid 2.0 File",
  4345. ".edf" => "ESRF Data File",
  4346. ".edf" => "Estimator Data File",
  4347. ".edfx" => "Estimator.NET Estimate File",
  4348. ".edg" => "Edge Diagrammer File",
  4349. ".edi" => "Electronic Data Interchange File",
  4350. ".eep" => "EEPROM Data File",
  4351. ".efp" => "Exchange Forms Designer Template",
  4352. ".efx" => "eFax Document",
  4353. ".eglib" => "Adobe Edge Animate Library File",
  4354. ".egp" => "Easy Grade Pro Gradebook File",
  4355. ".ekb" => "ZMC Visual Tablet Data",
  4356. ".em" => "Encore Menu Template",
  4357. ".emb" => "Everest Embedded Bank File",
  4358. ".emb" => "Wilcom Embroidery Design File",
  4359. ".emb" => "Pfaff Embroidery Design File",
  4360. ".emd" => "ChessBase Tablebase",
  4361. ".emlxpart" => "Mail Message Attachment",
  4362. ".emrg" => "E-Merge 1.x Data File",
  4363. ".emrg2" => "E-Merge 2.0 Data File",
  4364. ".enc" => "Electronic Navigation Chart File",
  4365. ".enex" => "Evernote Archive",
  4366. ".enl" => "EndNote Library",
  4367. ".enlx" => "Archived EndNote Library",
  4368. ".enq" => "EndNote Search Options File",
  4369. ".env" => "Adobe Dictionary Data File",
  4370. ".enw" => "EndNote Import File",
  4371. ".epf" => "Edgecam Educational Part File",
  4372. ".epp" => "Efficient PPC Project File",
  4373. ".epp" => "TalaPhoto Project",
  4374. ".epw" => "EnergyPlus Weather Data File",
  4375. ".er1" => "ERWin Entity Relationship Diagram",
  4376. ".erp" => "Encarta Researcher File",
  4377. ".ersx" => "Eraser Task List File",
  4378. ".es" => "E-Studio 1.x Experiment File",
  4379. ".es2" => "E-Studio 2.0 Experiment File",
  4380. ".esb" => "Es-Builder Book File",
  4381. ".ese" => "Millions Email Generator Email List File",
  4382. ".esp" => "ACD/Labs Dataset",
  4383. ".esq" => "Embroidery Sequence File",
  4384. ".est" => "Construction Cost Estimate File",
  4385. ".esx" => "Xactimate Insurance Claims Estimate",
  4386. ".et" => "Easiteach Lesson File",
  4387. ".et" => "Kingsoft Spreadsheets File",
  4388. ".ett" => "Kingsoft Spreadsheets Template",
  4389. ".ev" => "Echoview File",
  4390. ".ev3" => "Team Manager Meet Event File",
  4391. ".ev3" => "LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Project",
  4392. ".ev3p" => "LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Program",
  4393. ".ev3s" => "LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Shared File",
  4394. ".evy" => "Envoy File",
  4395. ".ews" => "EasyWorship Schedule File",
  4396. ".exif" => "Exchangeable Image Information File",
  4397. ".exl" => "Export Lister File",
  4398. ".exm" => "Boson Exam File",
  4399. ".exp" => "Aurora Expert Trace File",
  4400. ".exp" => "Export File",
  4401. ".exportedfavorites" => "Transmit Exported Favorites File",
  4402. ".exx" => "IBM Linkway MsgPut File",
  4403. ".f04" => "Nastran Execution Summary File",
  4404. ".f06" => "Nastran Output File",
  4405. ".fa" => "FASTA Formatted Sequence File",
  4406. ".familyfile" => "Reunion Family File",
  4407. ".fas" => "FASTA Sequence File",
  4408. ".fasta" => "FASTA Sequence File",
  4409. ".fbk" => "AutoCAD Civil 3D Field Book File",
  4410. ".fbq" => "Trine 2 Data File",
  4411. ".fct" => "FolderClone Task List",
  4412. ".fdb" => "Art Explosion Catalog",
  4413. ".fdb" => "Portfolio Catalog",
  4414. ".fdm" => "Exchange Forms Designer Form Message",
  4415. ".fdt" => "Lucene Field Data File",
  4416. ".fdt" => "Impromptu Function Description Table File",
  4417. ".fes" => "Fileless Occurrence Placeholder",
  4418. ".ffd" => "SharePoint FFDDumper Log",
  4419. ".ffd" => "Flat File Descriptor",
  4420. ".fff" => "MAGGI Face File",
  4421. ".ffindex" => "FFmpegSource2 Media Index",
  4422. ".ffo" => "Adobe Photoshop File Information File",
  4423. ".ffwp" => "FormsForWeb Packet",
  4424. ".fg3" => "FX Graph 3 File",
  4425. ".fhc" => "FHC Data File",
  4426. ".fid" => "File Expander Engine Descriptions Database",
  4427. ".fil" => "Files List Object File",
  4428. ".flam3" => "Fractal Flames File",
  4429. ".flame" => "Fractal Flames File",
  4430. ".flg" => "HP System Recovery Flags File",
  4431. ".flipchart" => "ActivInspire Flipchart File",
  4432. ".flk" => "Folder Lock File",
  4433. ".fll" => "FoxPro Dynamic-Link Library",
  4434. ".flm" => "Adobe Scout Session",
  4435. ".flo" => "RFFlow Flowchart File",
  4436. ".flo" => "iGrafx FlowCharter File",
  4437. ".flow" => "Expression SketchFlow Data File",
  4438. ".flp" => "Flash Project",
  4439. ".flp" => "ActivPrimary Flipchart File",
  4440. ".flt" => "Flight Simulator Saved Flight",
  4441. ".flwa" => "Folder Lock Wallet File",
  4442. ".fmt" => "WinRAR Format File",
  4443. ".fnbk" => "Food Network Recipe Manager Data File",
  4444. ".fnrecipes" => "Food Network Recipe File",
  4445. ".fo" => "XSL-FO Form",
  4446. ".fob" => "Dynamics NAV Object Container File",
  4447. ".fodp" => "OpenDocument Flat XML Presentation",
  4448. ".folx" => "Folx Download File",
  4449. ".fop" => "InfoZoom Protected Data File",
  4450. ".fox" => "InfoZoom Data File",
  4451. ".fpa" => "Front Panel Encrypted Order File",
  4452. ".fpsl" => "FileMaker Pro Snapshot Link",
  4453. ".fqc" => "FAQ Creator File",
  4454. ".frd" => "Frequency Response Data File",
  4455. ".frl" => "Electronic Form Loader File",
  4456. ".frm" => "AccountEdge Form",
  4457. ".frm" => "ADL Form",
  4458. ".fro" => "dBASE IV Compiled Report",
  4459. ".fsc" => "Practical Scriptwriter File",
  4460. ".fsif" => "MyLabel Designer Deluxe Data File",
  4461. ".fss" => "Splitty Data Split File",
  4462. ".ftl" => "Family Tree Legends File",
  4463. ".ftm" => "Family Tree Maker for DOS File",
  4464. ".ftw" => "Family Tree Maker File",
  4465. ".fxf" => "BigFix Action File",
  4466. ".fxg" => "FX Graph File",
  4467. ".fxp" => "Adobe Flex Project File",
  4468. ".gadgeprj" => "Gadge It Project",
  4469. ".gal" => "GenePix Array List File",
  4470. ".gallery" => "SMART Notebook Gallery File",
  4471. ".gallerycollection" => "SMART Notebook Gallery Collection File",
  4472. ".galleryitem" => "SMART Notebook Gallery Item File",
  4473. ".gan" => "GanttProject Project File",
  4474. ".gbk" => "GenBank Data File",
  4475. ".gbl" => "Gerber Bottom Layer Data File",
  4476. ".gbo" => "Gerber Bottom Overlay Data File",
  4477. ".gbp" => "Gerber Bottom Solder Paste Data File",
  4478. ".gbr" => "Gerber File",
  4479. ".gbs" => "Gerber Bottom Solder Mask Data File",
  4480. ".gc" => "GraphClick File",
  4481. ".gcg" => "GCG DNA Sequence File",
  4482. ".gcw" => "Microsoft Mathematics Worksheet",
  4483. ".gcx" => "Grapher Graph File",
  4484. ".gdf" => "GUESS Graph Data Format File",
  4485. ".ged" => "GEDCOM Genealogy Data File",
  4486. ".gedata" => "Qlucore Data File",
  4487. ".gedcom" => "GEDCOM Genealogy File",
  4488. ".gen" => "ArcView ARC/INFO UnGenerate file",
  4489. ".gexf" => "Graph Exchange XML Format File",
  4490. ".gform" => "Google Drive Form",
  4491. ".gfs" => "Glarysoft Split File",
  4492. ".ggb" => "GeoGebra Document",
  4493. ".gis" => "CFS Console Game Installer Settings File",
  4494. ".gla" => "Sothink SWF Easy Project File",
  4495. ".gld" => "Ground Loop Design Work File",
  4496. ".glo" => "RoboHelp Glossary File",
  4497. ".gls" => "Babylon Glossary File",
  4498. ".gml" => "Gerber Mill Layer File",
  4499. ".gml" => "Graph Modeling Language File",
  4500. ".gms" => "Gesture and Motion Signal File",
  4501. ".gno" => "GenoPro Genealogy Tree File",
  4502. ".gnp" => "GNPeak Output File",
  4503. ".gnutar" => "GNU Tar Archive",
  4504. ".gp3" => "Guitar Pro 3 File",
  4505. ".gpf" => "Grant Agreement Preparation Form",
  4506. ".gpi" => "Gerber Photoplotter Information File",
  4507. ".gpi" => "Garmin Point of Interest File",
  4508. ".gpj" => "Grapher Project File",
  4509. ".gpp" => "Guitar Practiced Perfectly 2 Data File",
  4510. ".gpr" => "GenePix Results File",
  4511. ".gpr" => "Babylon Glossary Builder Project File",
  4512. ".gra" => "Microsoft Graph File",
  4513. ".grade" => "GradeStat Document",
  4514. ".graphml" => "GraphML File",
  4515. ".graphmlz" => "Zip Compressed GraphML File",
  4516. ".grd" => "Surfer Grid File",
  4517. ".grf" => "Grapher Graph File",
  4518. ".grf" => "DPlot Graph File",
  4519. ".grf" => "Generic Graph File",
  4520. ".grf" => "CloverETL Data Transformation Graph",
  4521. ".grib" => "Gridded Binary File",
  4522. ".grk" => "Gradekeeper Class Gradebook File",
  4523. ".grp" => "SmarterMail Group File",
  4524. ".grr" => "Gradekeeper Class Roster File",
  4525. ".grt" => "Grapher Template",
  4526. ".grv" => "Office Groove File",
  4527. ".gs" => "GemStone Document",
  4528. ".gslides" => "Google Drive Presentation",
  4529. ".gtable" => "Google Drive Fusion Table",
  4530. ".gtar" => "GNU Tar Archive",
  4531. ".gtl" => "Gerber Top Layer Data File",
  4532. ".gtm" => "GreekToMe Translation File",
  4533. ".gto" => "Gerber Top Overlay Data File",
  4534. ".gtp" => "Gerber Top Solder Paste Data File",
  4535. ".gtp" => "Guitar Pro File",
  4536. ".gts" => "Gerber Top Solder Mask Data File",
  4537. ".gui" => "Dr.Explain Project File",
  4538. ".guides" => "xScope Guides File",
  4539. ".gwk" => "GraphiCode PCB Job File",
  4540. ".gwp" => "Greetings Workshop Project File",
  4541. ".gxl" => "Graph Exchange Language File",
  4542. ".h10" => "At Home Canada 2010 Tax Return",
  4543. ".h11" => "At Home Canada 2011 Tax Return",
  4544. ".h12" => "At Home Canada 2012 Tax Return",
  4545. ".h2o" => "H2OMAP Master Project",
  4546. ".hal" => "HotDocs Answer Library",
  4547. ".hcc" => "HydroCAD Prefab Chamber Data File",
  4548. ".hce" => "HydroCAD Hydrograph Data File",
  4549. ".hci" => "HydroCAD IDF Data File",
  4550. ".hcl" => "HotDocs Clause Archive",
  4551. ".hcr" => "HydroCAD Rainfall Curve Data File",
  4552. ".hcu" => "Hydrograph Units Definitons File",
  4553. ".hcx" => "ChartXL Chart",
  4554. ".hda" => "HotDocs Auto-Assemble File",
  4555. ".hdf" => "Hierarchical Data Format File",
  4556. ".hdi" => "HotDocs Auto-Install File",
  4557. ".hdl" => "HotDocs Library File",
  4558. ".hdpmx" => "HotDocs Publisher Mapping XML File",
  4559. ".hds" => "Microsoft PlayReady Data File",
  4560. ".hdumx" => "HotDocs User Mapping XML File",
  4561. ".helpindex" => "Help Index Document",
  4562. ".hif" => "Quicken Online File",
  4563. ".hjt" => "TreePad 6 Database File",
  4564. ".hkdb" => "Apple iTunes Library File",
  4565. ".hl" => "HeuristicLab Storage File",
  4566. ".hm3" => "Help & Manual 3 Project",
  4567. ".hml" => "HostMonitor TestList File",
  4568. ".hmt" => "HighMAT File",
  4569. ".hmxp" => "Help & Manual XML Project",
  4570. ".hmxz" => "Help & Manual Compressed Project",
  4571. ".hol" => "Outlook Holidays File",
  4572. ".hpp" => "Haluha Pearls File",
  4573. ".hs2" => "HyperRESEARCH 2 Study File",
  4574. ".hsk" => "Huskey Truss & Building Supply Import File",
  4575. ".hst" => "History File",
  4576. ".htb" => "Audacity Help File",
  4577. ".htg" => "HackTheGame Mission Pack",
  4578. ".huh" => "HydroCAD Unit Hydrograph Definitions File",
  4579. ".hvc" => "HotDocs Variable Collection File",
  4580. ".hyv" => "Team Manager Meet Event File",
  4581. ".i5z" => "IUCLID 5 Import/Export File",
  4582. ".ias" => "Intermodulation Analysis System File",
  4583. ".iba" => "iBooks Author Document",
  4584. ".ibatemplate" => "iBooks Author Document Template",
  4585. ".ibcd" => "InstantBingoCard Document",
  4586. ".ibooks" => "Multi-Touch iBook",
  4587. ".icalevent" => "iCal Event File",
  4588. ".icaltodo" => "iCal To Do File",
  4589. ".icg" => "Image Comparer Gallery File",
  4590. ".ichat" => "iChat Saved Chat Log",
  4591. ".icr" => "Image Comparer Results File",
  4592. ".id2" => "Windows Live Messenger Emoticon File",
  4593. ".idx" => "Navigation POI File",
  4594. ".idx" => "HMI Historical Log Index File",
  4595. ".ies" => "IES Photometric Data File",
  4596. ".ifaith" => "iFaith SHSH File",
  4597. ".ifiction" => "iFiction Metadata File",
  4598. ".ifs" => "InfoSlips Package",
  4599. ".igc" => "Anime List Builder Input File",
  4600. ".igg" => "SuiteProfiler Color Map File",
  4601. ".igma" => "INTUS Graph Mask Archive",
  4602. ".ign" => "RoboHelp Ignore List File",
  4603. ".ii" => "IconWorkshop Extended Information File",
  4604. ".iif" => "Intuit Interchange Format File",
  4605. ".ima" => "Sage ACT! Email Message",
  4606. ".image" => "OpenQwaq Image",
  4607. ".imr" => "Impromptu Report File",
  4608. ".imt" => "My Time Data File",
  4609. ".in" => "Input File",
  4610. ".incp" => "InCopy CS3 Package File",
  4611. ".ini" => "Finale Preferences File",
  4612. ".ink" => "Mimio Ink Data File",
  4613. ".inp" => "Abaqus Input File",
  4614. ".ins" => "LaTeX Installer Script",
  4615. ".ins" => "Inspiration File",
  4616. ".inx" => "Compiled Script",
  4617. ".ip" => "IconPackager Theme File",
  4618. ".ipalias" => "iPhoto Alias File",
  4619. ".iphoto" => "iPhoto Library File",
  4620. ".iplb" => "iPhoto Library Archive Document",
  4621. ".ipmeta" => "Apple iPhoto Metadata File",
  4622. ".ipr" => "iProcrastinate Data File",
  4623. ".iproject" => "iClone Project File",
  4624. ".irock" => "intelliRock Sensor Data File",
  4625. ".irp" => "Internet Researcher Project File",
  4626. ".irr" => "Brewer Lamp File",
  4627. ".irx" => "Brewer Irradiation File",
  4628. ".is1" => "Synergy/DE Data Index File",
  4629. ".is1" => "M3 Sakura Real-Time Save 1 File",
  4630. ".isf" => "Inspiration Flowchart Document",
  4631. ".ish1" => "Animation-ish Wiggledoodle-ish Document",
  4632. ".ish2" => "Animation-ish FlipBook-ish Document",
  4633. ".ish3" => "Animation-ish Advanced-ish Document",
  4634. ".ispc" => "Image Surfer Pro Collection File",
  4635. ".ist" => "Inspiration Template",
  4636. ".ite" => "iTunes Extras File",
  4637. ".itl" => "iTunes Library File",
  4638. ".itlp" => "iTunes LP Album File",
  4639. ".itm" => "iThink Model File",
  4640. ".itmsp" => "iTunes Store Package",
  4641. ".itn" => "TomTom Navigator Itinerary File",
  4642. ".itx" => "ITX Form Template",
  4643. ".iup" => "Fritz Update File",
  4644. ".ivc" => "InteliSea Vessel Configuration File",
  4645. ".ivd" => "Bitdefender Incremental Virus Definitions File",
  4646. ".ivs" => "Initialization Vector File",
  4647. ".ivt" => "Beyond 20/20 Table File",
  4648. ".iw" => "Chain Engineering Database File",
  4649. ".iwxdata" => "iWorx Data File",
  4650. ".ix2" => "WordPerfect Address Book File",
  4651. ".ixb" => "Ulead Disc Image",
  4652. ".jasper" => "JasperReports Data File",
  4653. ".jbi" => "Motoman Robot Job File",
  4654. ".jclic" => "JClic Project File",
  4655. ".jdb" => "Symantec Endpoint Protection Update File",
  4656. ".jef" => "Janome Embroidery Format",
  4657. ".jgcscs" => "EditPad Custom Syntax Coloring Scheme File",
  4658. ".jmp" => "JMP Data File",
  4659. ".jnt" => "Windows Journal File",
  4660. ".joboptions" => "Adobe Joboptions File",
  4661. ".joined" => "HJ-Split Data File",
  4662. ".jph" => "JProbe Memory Snapshot",
  4663. ".jrprint" => "JasperReports Print File",
  4664. ".jrxml" => "JasperReports Layout File",
  4665. ".jsd" => "Jazer Data File",
  4666. ".jsda" => "Jazer Data File",
  4667. ".jtbackup" => "Just Type Backup File",
  4668. ".jude" => "JUDE Project File",
  4669. ".kap" => "BSB Chart Image File",
  4670. ".kbs" => "Keyboard Script File",
  4671. ".kdbx" => "KeePass Password Database",
  4672. ".kdc" => "Kaspersky Virus Database File",
  4673. ".kdz" => "Kaspersky Virus Bases File",
  4674. ".keb" => "Kaspersky Virus Bases File",
  4675. ".key" => "Keynote Presentation",
  4676. ".key-tef" => "Keynote iCloud Presentation",
  4677. ".keychain" => "Mac OS X Keychain File",
  4678. ".kid" => "Kidspiration Document",
  4679. ".kismac" => "KisMAC Webservice File",
  4680. ".kmy" => "KMyMoney Data File",
  4681. ".kno" => "DigIN Serialized Break Model",
  4682. ".kpf" => "Komodo Project File",
  4683. ".kpp" => "Kid Pix Presentation",
  4684. ".kpr" => "KPresenter Presentation",
  4685. ".kpx" => "Kid Pix Picture",
  4686. ".kpz" => "Komodo Template File",
  4687. ".ksm" => "Pfaff Embroidery Design File",
  4688. ".kth" => "Keynote Theme",
  4689. ".kvtml" => "KWordQuiz File",
  4690. ".l" => "Game of Life File",
  4691. ".l6t" => "Line 6 Tone File",
  4692. ".laccdb" => "Microsoft Access Lock File",
  4693. ".las" => "LIDAR Data Exchange File",
  4694. ".lay" => "Tecplot Layout File",
  4695. ".layoutdesigner" => "QuickBooks Layout Designer File",
  4696. ".lbl" => "NiceLabel Template File",
  4697. ".lbx" => "FoxPro Label File",
  4698. ".lcd" => "ABBYY Language File",
  4699. ".lcm" => "Lipikar Custom Map File",
  4700. ".ld2" => "Lingoes Dictionary File",
  4701. ".ldf" => "Lingoes Dictionary Source File",
  4702. ".ldf" => "SQL Server Transaction Log File",
  4703. ".ldif" => "LDAP Data Interchange Format File",
  4704. ".lef" => "LEN Exchange Format File",
  4705. ".lex" => "Adobe Linguistic Library Data File",
  4706. ".lfp" => "IPRO LFP File",
  4707. ".lgc" => "WordPerfect DTD Compiler Logic File",
  4708. ".lgf" => "PMSCAN Log File",
  4709. ".lgh" => "HMI Historical Log File",
  4710. ".lgi" => "Multimedia Logic File",
  4711. ".lgl" => "Large Graph Layout Edge File",
  4712. ".lhr" => "Quicken Financial Life for Mac File",
  4713. ".lib" => "Generic Data Library",
  4714. ".lib" => "Finale Library",
  4715. ".lib4d" => "Cinema 4D Preset Library",
  4716. ".lif" => "LEGO Digital Designer Assets File",
  4717. ".lif" => "TurboTax Information Archive",
  4718. ".life" => "LIGHT File",
  4719. ".list" => "APT List File",
  4720. ".livereg" => "Symantec Antivirus Session File",
  4721. ".liveupdate" => "Symantec LiveUpdate File",
  4722. ".lix" => "Logos Library System File",
  4723. ".lix" => "ExtendSim Simulation Software Library",
  4724. ".llb" => "LabVIEW Library File",
  4725. ".lms" => "LenMus Score File",
  4726. ".lmx" => "Landmark Exchange File",
  4727. ".lng" => "Language Application Support File",
  4728. ".lng" => "AVG Language File",
  4729. ".lng" => "MAME Language File",
  4730. ".lnt" => "LiveNote Case File",
  4731. ".loc" => "GPS Location File",
  4732. ".localstorage" => "WebKit Local Storage Data File",
  4733. ".log" => "AntiVir Report Log File",
  4734. ".lp7" => "LP7 Digitally Signed File",
  4735. ".lpdb" => "Librarian Pro Database File",
  4736. ".lpk" => "Tecplot Layout Package",
  4737. ".lpmd" => "LPMD Molecular Data File",
  4738. ".lpp" => "LabelPrint Project File",
  4739. ".lrcat" => "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Catalog File",
  4740. ".lrdata" => "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Data File",
  4741. ".ls3" => "Band-in-a-Box Third-Party Styles File",
  4742. ".lsf" => "Logos Library System File",
  4743. ".lsl" => "LightScribe Label",
  4744. ".lsp" => "LANsurveyor Poll List",
  4745. ".lsr" => "LANsurveyor Report",
  4746. ".lst" => "LightScribe Label Template",
  4747. ".lsu" => "LANsurveyor Map",
  4748. ".lucidcolorset" => "Lucid Color Set File",
  4749. ".lut" => "RadioRA Essentials Project Database",
  4750. ".lutx" => "RadioRA 2 Essentials Project Database",
  4751. ".lvm" => "LabVIEW Measurement File",
  4752. ".lvw" => "Livewire Document",
  4753. ".lw4" => "Lightwright File",
  4754. ".lwd" => "Lightworks Data File",
  4755. ".lxf" => "LEN Exchange Format File",
  4756. ".ly" => "LilyPond File",
  4757. ".lyt" => "Adminsoft Document Layout File",
  4758. ".m" => "Mathematica Input File",
  4759. ".m12" => "Schiller medilog ECG Raw Data File",
  4760. ".macbin" => "Macbinary Encoded File",
  4761. ".maf" => "Mutation Annotation Format File",
  4762. ".mag" => "Magic Circuit Layout File",
  4763. ".mai" => "Microsoft Mail File",
  4764. ".map" => "Weather Defender Map",
  4765. ".mapsdata" => "iOS Maps Data File",
  4766. ".mas" => "MEGA Alignment Sequence File",
  4767. ".mat" => "MATLAB MAT-File",
  4768. ".mbb" => "ManaBook Book File",
  4769. ".mbd" => "Multimedia Builder Project File",
  4770. ".mbg" => "Microsoft Mailbag",
  4771. ".mbg" => "Mailbag Assistant Mailbox File",
  4772. ".mbl" => "Logger Pro Data File",
  4773. ".mbp" => "MediaShow Burning Project File",
  4774. ".mbsa" => "Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer File",
  4775. ".mbt" => "Blue Card Manager Merit Badge Template File",
  4776. ".mbx" => "Outlook Express Mailbox",
  4777. ".mc1" => "MedCalc Data File",
  4778. ".mcd" => "Mathcad Document",
  4779. ".mcdx" => "Mathcad Prime Document",
  4780. ".mcmac" => "MasterCook Mac Document",
  4781. ".mcp" => "Megacubo Package",
  4782. ".mct" => "Windows Live Messenger Data File",
  4783. ".mcusw" => "Nokia Firmware File",
  4784. ".mcxe" => "MedicinesComplete Data File",
  4785. ".md" => "Moneydance Financial Data File",
  4786. ".md8" => "GarageCUBE Modul8 Project",
  4787. ".md8" => "Mediator Project File",
  4788. ".mdb" => "Avid Media Database",
  4789. ".mdc" => "Multi Dimension Cube File",
  4790. ".mdd" => "MDict Resource File",
  4791. ".mdf" => "Measurement Data Format File",
  4792. ".mdl" => "Rational Rose Model File",
  4793. ".mdl" => "MathWorks Simulink Model",
  4794. ".mdm" => "HLM Multivariate Data Matrix File",
  4795. ".mdt" => "Microsoft Access Data File",
  4796. ".mdx" => "MDict Dictionary File",
  4797. ".mdx" => "Rational XDE Model File",
  4798. ".mdx" => "Multiple Index File",
  4799. ".mdz" => "Access Wizard Template",
  4800. ".meg" => "MEGA Data File",
  4801. ".mega" => "Megacubo XML Metafile",
  4802. ".mem" => "GreekToMe Memories File",
  4803. ".mem" => "Mnemosyne Card Collection",
  4804. ".menc" => "Windows Mobile Encrypted File",
  4805. ".merlin2" => "Merlin Project File",
  4806. ".met" => "eMule Resource File",
  4807. ".mex" => "Macro Express File",
  4808. ".mfa" => "MobileFrame App File",
  4809. ".mfe" => "MobileFrame Enterprise Data File",
  4810. ".mfl" => "Mozilla FastLoad File",
  4811. ".mfo" => "MobileFrame Object File",
  4812. ".mfo" => "Perl ModInfo Descriptor File",
  4813. ".mfp" => "MobileFrame Package",
  4814. ".mfp" => "Macromedia FlashPaper Document",
  4815. ".mft" => "Kaspersky File Table",
  4816. ".mfu" => "MobileFrame Update File",
  4817. ".mfv" => "MobileFrame Device Pack File",
  4818. ".mgc" => "MGCSoft Equation Illustrator File",
  4819. ".mgourmet" => "MacGourmet Deluxe Document",
  4820. ".mgourmet3" => "MacGourmet Deluxe 3 Document",
  4821. ".mgourmet4" => "MacGourmet Deluxe 4 Document",
  4822. ".mgspot" => "MacGourmet Spotlight MetaData File",
  4823. ".mhp" => "Maths Helper Plus File",
  4824. ".mindnode" => "MindNode Document",
  4825. ".mission" => "MissionMaker Project File",
  4826. ".mit" => "MineEdit Inventory Template File",
  4827. ".mjk" => "Question File",
  4828. ".mk4" => "Schiller medilog ECG Raw Data File",
  4829. ".mlb" => "MyLabel Designer Deluxe Project File",
  4830. ".mls" => "Milestones Simplicity File",
  4831. ".mm" => "FreeMind Mind Map",
  4832. ".mm6" => "Money Manager 6 File",
  4833. ".mma" => "Master Album Maker Photo Album File",
  4834. ".mmap" => "MindManager Map File",
  4835. ".mmc" => "Microsoft Media Catalog",
  4836. ".mmcollection" => "Mail Manager Collection File",
  4837. ".mmf" => "Meal-Master Recipe File",
  4838. ".mmf" => "Microsoft Message File",
  4839. ".mml" => "MyMailList & AddressBook File",
  4840. ".mml" => "Microsoft Clip Organizer File",
  4841. ".mmm" => "Money Manager File",
  4842. ".mmm" => "Multiple Master Metric Data File",
  4843. ".mmp" => "MindManager Mind Map",
  4844. ".mmp" => "Master Album Maker Project",
  4845. ".mmu" => "myPM Merge Data File",
  4846. ".mmw" => "Microsoft Clip Organizer Media Catalog File",
  4847. ".mmw" => "AceMoney Money File",
  4848. ".mnc" => "My Notes Center Notebook",
  4849. ".mng" => "Yamaha PSR Disk Manager File",
  4850. ".mnk" => "My Notes Keeper Notebook",
  4851. ".mno" => "Macromedia Design Note",
  4852. ".mny" => "Microsoft Money File",
  4853. ".mod" => "AMPL Model File",
  4854. ".moho" => "Anime Studio Animation Project",
  4855. ".mol" => "MDL Molfile",
  4856. ".money" => "Money Data File",
  4857. ".moneywell" => "MoneyWell Account File",
  4858. ".mosaic" => "MacOSaiX Mosaic File",
  4859. ".mox" => "ExtendSim Simulation Software Model",
  4860. ".mpd" => "File List Creator Playlist",
  4861. ".mpi" => "InstallJammer Project File",
  4862. ".mpj" => "Minitab Project File",
  4863. ".mpj" => "RoboHelp HTML Project",
  4864. ".mpkt" => "MOPEKS Trial File",
  4865. ".mpp" => "Microsoft Project File",
  4866. ".mpp" => "MobileFrame Project Publisher File",
  4867. ".mppz" => "MagicPlot Project File",
  4868. ".mpqe" => "Blizzard Encrypted Mo'PaQ File",
  4869. ".mpr" => "FileMaker Dictionary File",
  4870. ".mpr" => "Direct Mail Project File",
  4871. ".mps" => "Mathematical Programming System File",
  4872. ".mpt" => "Microsoft Project Template",
  4873. ".mpx" => "Microsoft Project Exchange File",
  4874. ".mpz" => "Miradi Project File",
  4875. ".mpzip" => "Multisim Pack File",
  4876. ".mq4" => "MetaTrader Custom Indicator",
  4877. ".ms10" => "Multisim 10 Circuit Design File",
  4878. ".ms8" => "Multisim 8 Circuit Design File",
  4879. ".msb" => "Oracle Binary Message File",
  4880. ".msc" => "MuseScore Composition File",
  4881. ".msct" => "MOPEKS Script File",
  4882. ".msf" => "Blue Card Manager Merit Badge Mastersheet File",
  4883. ".msif" => "MyLabel Designer Deluxe Data File",
  4884. ".msp" => "ClarisWorks Dictionary File",
  4885. ".mss" => "MyScreenSaver Builder File",
  4886. ".mtf" => "Mortality Table File",
  4887. ".mth" => "Derive Math File",
  4888. ".mtm" => "Macrofocus TreeMap File",
  4889. ".mts" => "MEGA Tree Session File",
  4890. ".mtt" => "MetadataTouch Template",
  4891. ".mtw" => "Minitab Worksheet File",
  4892. ".mtxt" => "MOPEKS Text File",
  4893. ".muf" => "Alpha Five License File",
  4894. ".mup" => "Music Publisher Score",
  4895. ".mw" => "Maple Worksheet",
  4896. ".mwf" => "MapGuide Author Map Window File",
  4897. ".mws" => "Maple Classic Worksheet",
  4898. ".mwx" => "MicroWorlds EX File",
  4899. ".mx" => "Mathematica Serialized Package File",
  4900. ".mxad" => "Mandelbrot Explorer All Data File",
  4901. ".mxc2" => "MAGIX Cache File",
  4902. ".mxdic" => "Maxthon Dictionary File",
  4903. ".mxg" => "Miinoto Exchangeable Group File",
  4904. ".mxi" => "Adobe Extension Information File",
  4905. ".myi" => "MySQL MyISAM Index File",
  4906. ".myo" => "AccountEdge Company File",
  4907. ".nam" => "Aqua3D Network File",
  4908. ".nam" => "MODFLOW Name File",
  4909. ".nap" => "McAfee ePO Network Associates Package",
  4910. ".nas" => "Nastran Input File",
  4911. ".nbe" => "Nessus Report File",
  4912. ".nbk" => "SMART Notebook File",
  4913. ".nbp" => "Mathematica Player Notebook File",
  4914. ".nc" => "NetCDF File",
  4915. ".ncorx" => "Adobe Encore Project",
  4916. ".nct" => "Now Contact File",
  4917. ".ndb" => "ClamAV Extended Signature File",
  4918. ".ndif" => "Nokia Data File",
  4919. ".ndk" => "Lotus Notes Design Elements File",
  4920. ".nds" => "Nero DiscSpan Compilation File",
  4921. ".ndx" => "Neat 5 Archive File",
  4922. ".ndx" => "dBASE Index File",
  4923. ".nessus" => "Nessus Network Security Scanner File",
  4924. ".net" => "netViz Project File",
  4925. ".neta" => "Netica Binary File",
  4926. ".netspd" => "NetSpot Survey Project File",
  4927. ".netspm" => "NetSpot Map File",
  4928. ".nfl" => "Nokia Flash Lite Package",
  4929. ".nfo" => "Folio Views Infobase File",
  4930. ".nitf" => "National Imagery Transmission Format File",
  4931. ".nl" => "Note Ledge File",
  4932. ".nlogo" => "NetLogo Model File",
  4933. ".nlogo3d" => "NetLogo 3D Model File",
  4934. ".nmind" => "NovaMind Mind Map File",
  4935. ".nmp" => "NewsMaker Project File",
  4936. ".nni" => "ANNI Neural Network Investing File",
  4937. ".nnp" => "ANNI Neural Network Portfolio File",
  4938. ".not" => "Finale Note File",
  4939. ".not" => "Notation File",
  4940. ".notebook" => "SMART Notebook File",
  4941. ".np" => "Portfolio NetPublish File",
  4942. ".npl" => "Nokia Playlist File",
  4943. ".npr" => "Nuendo Project File",
  4944. ".npt" => "Portfolio NetPublish Template",
  4945. ".nrb" => "Nero CD-ROM Boot Compilation",
  4946. ".nrc" => "Nero Disc Compilation File",
  4947. ".nrd" => "Nero DVD-Video Compilation File",
  4948. ".nrf" => "Neat Document Folder File",
  4949. ".nrl" => "Autonomy Interwoven Link File",
  4950. ".nrm" => "Nero Mixed Mode CD Compilation",
  4951. ".nrt" => "Neat Contact File",
  4952. ".nru" => "Nero UDF CD-ROM Compilation",
  4953. ".nrx" => "Neat Receipt Folder File",
  4954. ".nsq" => "NScheduler Data File",
  4955. ".nsr" => "Nessus Security Report File",
  4956. ".nt" => "theWord New Testament Text Module",
  4957. ".ntf" => "Lotus Note Template",
  4958. ".ntx" => "theWord Encrypted New Testament Text Module",
  4959. ".ntx" => "Clipper Index File",
  4960. ".nupkg" => "NetUpdate Package",
  4961. ".nvdl" => "NVDL Script",
  4962. ".nvl" => "UniChem Results File",
  4963. ".nvm" => "PlayStation 2 BIOS Configuration File",
  4964. ".nvram" => "VMware NVRAM File",
  4965. ".nwcp" => "Nisus Clipboard Document",
  4966. ".nwelicense" => "Nisus License",
  4967. ".nwp" => "Navisworks Presenter Material Palette File",
  4968. ".nws" => "Windows Live Mail Newsgroup File",
  4969. ".oab" => "Offline Address Book",
  4970. ".obb" => "Android Opaque Binary Blob File",
  4971. ".obd" => "Office Binder Document",
  4972. ".obj" => "Relocatable Object Code",
  4973. ".occ" => "Oceanic DataPool File",
  4974. ".od" => "Mascopt Graph Request File",
  4975. ".odc" => "OpenDocument Chart File",
  4976. ".odf" => "Open Document File",
  4977. ".odp" => "OpenDocument Presentation",
  4978. ".odx" => "BizTalk Server Orchestration File",
  4979. ".oeaccount" => "Windows Mail Account File",
  4980. ".oem" => "OEMEdit Save File",
  4981. ".ofc" => "Open Financial Connectivity File",
  4982. ".ofm" => "OmniForm Form",
  4983. ".ofm" => "Melco Embroidery File",
  4984. ".oft" => "Outlook File Template",
  4985. ".ofx" => "Open Financial Exchange File",
  4986. ".ogs" => "Origons Movie Data File",
  4987. ".olk" => "Outlook Address Book File",
  4988. ".olk14category" => "Outlook Category File",
  4989. ".olk14contact" => "Outlook Contact File",
  4990. ".olk14event" => "Outlook Calendar Event File",
  4991. ".olk14group" => "Outlook Group File",
  4992. ".olk14mailaccount" => "Outlook Mail Account File",
  4993. ".olk14message" => "Outlook Message File",
  4994. ".olk14msgsource" => "Outlook Email Message Data File",
  4995. ".olk14note" => "Outlook Note File",
  4996. ".olk14signature" => "Outlook Signature File",
  4997. ".olk14task" => "Outlook Task File",
  4998. ".olm" => "Mac Outlook Database File",
  4999. ".olt" => "Orbit Downloads List",
  5000. ".omcs" => "Office Manager Access File",
  5001. ".omp" => "Office Manager Document Archive",
  5002. ".ond" => "Lotus Notes Encapsulated Memo File",
  5003. ".one" => "OneNote Document",
  5004. ".ont" => "theWord Bible Text Module",
  5005. ".ontx" => "theWord Encrypted Bible Text Module",
  5006. ".oo3" => "OmniOutliner 3 File",
  5007. ".op" => "OpenPAT Report",
  5008. ".op2" => "Nastran Output File",
  5009. ".op4" => "Nastran Output File",
  5010. ".opal" => "Microsoft Office User Settings File",
  5011. ".opax" => "Microsoft Office User Settings File",
  5012. ".opd" => "Durango Document",
  5013. ".opf" => "FlipViewer FlipBook File",
  5014. ".opx" => "OrgPlus Org Chart",
  5015. ".opx" => "FlipAlbum Photo Album File",
  5016. ".or2" => "Lotus Organizer 2 File",
  5017. ".or3" => "IBM Lotus Organizer 97 File",
  5018. ".or4" => "IBM Lotus Organizer 97 GS File",
  5019. ".or5" => "Lotus Organizer 5 File",
  5020. ".or6" => "Lotus Organizer 6 File",
  5021. ".org" => "Lotus Organizer File",
  5022. ".osz" => "OpenLP Service File",
  5023. ".ot" => "theWord Old Testament Text Module",
  5024. ".otf" => "OpenTuft Tufting Design File",
  5025. ".otl" => "NoteTab Outline File",
  5026. ".otln" => "Opal Outline File",
  5027. ".otp" => "OpenDocument Presentation Template",
  5028. ".otx" => "theWord Encrypted Old Testament Text Module",
  5029. ".out" => "Output File",
  5030. ".ova" => "Octava Musical Score",
  5031. ".ova" => "Open Virtual Appliance",
  5032. ".ovf" => "Open Virtualization File",
  5033. ".p3" => "Primavera P3 Project File",
  5034. ".p7x" => "Packed Digital Signature File",
  5035. ".pab" => "Personal Address Book",
  5036. ".pack" => "CustoPack Tools Theme Pack",
  5037. ".paf" => "Personal Ancestral File",
  5038. ".part00000" => "WinOptimizer Split Archive Part 1",
  5039. ".passwordwallet4" => "PasswordWallet 4 Data File",
  5040. ".patran.hrd" => "Patran Hardcopy File",
  5041. ".paw" => "Personal Ancestry Writer II File",
  5042. ".paw" => "Pawaa File",
  5043. ".pbd" => "ProBID+ Data File",
  5044. ".pbk" => "Dial-Up Phone Book File",
  5045. ".pc" => "Personal Composer File",
  5046. ".pcap" => "Packet Capture Data",
  5047. ".pcapng" => "Pcap-NG Packet Capture File",
  5048. ".pcb" => "Printed Circuit Board Design File",
  5049. ".pch" => "Nastran Punch Output File",
  5050. ".pcr" => "PCMark Vantage Benchmark File",
  5051. ".pd4" => "Windows Live Photo Gallery Information File",
  5052. ".pd5" => "Windows Live Photo Gallery Information File",
  5053. ".pdas" => "PDAStore Data Store File",
  5054. ".pdb" => "Protein Data Bank File",
  5055. ".pdd" => "Medtronic Programmer Data File",
  5056. ".pdfig" => "PDF Index Generator Project File",
  5057. ".pdo" => "Pepakura Designer File",
  5058. ".pds" => "Planetary Data System File",
  5059. ".pdx" => "Product Data eXchange File",
  5060. ".pdx" => "Adobe Acrobat Index File",
  5061. ".peb" => "ProEST+ Buildings File",
  5062. ".pec" => "Brother Embroidery File",
  5063. ".pep" => "TurboProject Project File",
  5064. ".pes" => "PhysicsEditor Sheet File",
  5065. ".pex" => "Merak Peep Data File",
  5066. ".pez" => "Prezi Desktop Presentation",
  5067. ".pf" => "Windows Prefetcher File",
  5068. ".pfc" => "AOL Personal File Cabinet",
  5069. ".pfl" => "Family Lawyer Document",
  5070. ".pgpf" => "Password Generator Password File",
  5071. ".phb" => "Motorola Phone Book File",
  5072. ".phd" => "Portable Heap Dump File",
  5073. ".phd" => "PhotoDirector Project File",
  5074. ".phm" => "Pro Home Manager Data File",
  5075. ".photolibrary" => "iPhoto Photo Library",
  5076. ".phr" => "RoboHelp Phrase List",
  5077. ".pi" => "Pi Calculation Data File",
  5078. ".pis" => "PS2DIS Project File",
  5079. ".pj2" => "xPlan Document",
  5080. ".pjm" => "xPlan Model",
  5081. ".pjt" => "Didger Project File",
  5082. ".pka" => "Packet Tracer Activity File",
  5083. ".pkb" => "Oracle Package Body File",
  5084. ".pkh" => "Oracle Package File",
  5085. ".pks" => "Oracle Package Spec File",
  5086. ".pkt" => "Packet Tracer Network Simulation Model",
  5087. ".plan" => "Calligra Plan Document",
  5088. ".planner" => "Gnome Planner File",
  5089. ".pln" => "Spaceman Planogram File",
  5090. ".pls" => "MYOB Accounting Data File",
  5091. ".plt" => "Tecplot Binary Data File",
  5092. ".plw" => "PicoLog Data File",
  5093. ".pmatrix" => "Priority Matrix Project File",
  5094. ".pml" => "Process Monitor Log File",
  5095. ".pmm" => "MikuMikuDance PolygonMovieMaker File",
  5096. ".pmm" => "Pegasus Mail Mailbox File",
  5097. ".pmo" => "Broderbund Print Meta Object File",
  5098. ".pmr" => "Performance Monitor Report",
  5099. ".pmr" => "Avid Persisent Media Record File",
  5100. ".pnproj" => "Programmer's Notepad Project File",
  5101. ".pnpt" => "Programmer's Notepad Project Template",
  5102. ".pns" => "Popnoggin Subject File",
  5103. ".pnt" => "Popnoggin Theme File",
  5104. ".pod" => "OpenProj Project File",
  5105. ".poi" => "Magellan Maestro Point of Interest File",
  5106. ".por" => "SPSS Portable File",
  5107. ".pos" => "Trimble Position File",
  5108. ".post" => "LIGHT File",
  5109. ".postal" => "TomTom Postal Code File",
  5110. ".pot" => "PowerPoint Template",
  5111. ".potm" => "PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation Template",
  5112. ".potx" => "PowerPoint Open XML Presentation Template",
  5113. ".pp" => "Pocket Physics Sketch File",
  5114. ".pp2" => "PingPlotter Data File",
  5115. ".ppf" => "Publisher Project File",
  5116. ".ppf" => "Transit NXT Pack Project File",
  5117. ".ppf" => "Edgecam Pathtrace Part File",
  5118. ".ppp" => "CyberLink PowerProducer Project",
  5119. ".ppr" => "Cognos PowerPlay Report File",
  5120. ".ppr" => "ORF Report File",
  5121. ".ppr" => "Project Planner Reader File",
  5122. ".pps" => "PowerPoint Slide Show",
  5123. ".ppsm" => "PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Slide Show",
  5124. ".ppsx" => "PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show",
  5125. ".ppt" => "PowerPoint Presentation",
  5126. ".pptm" => "PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation",
  5127. ".pptx" => "PowerPoint Open XML Presentation",
  5128. ".prb" => "xyAlgebra Probabilities File",
  5129. ".prc" => "Corel Presentation",
  5130. ".prd" => "SoftMaker Presentations Document",
  5131. ".pre" => "Lotus Freelance Graphics File",
  5132. ".prf" => "Plot Station Plot Request File",
  5133. ".printcd2" => "EPSON Print CD File",
  5134. ".prj" => "AIMMS Project File",
  5135. ".prj" => "Project File",
  5136. ".prn" => "Lotus 1-2-3 Formatted Text File",
  5137. ".prnx" => "XtraReports PrintingSystem Document",
  5138. ".pro4" => "ProPresenter 4 Document",
  5139. ".pro4pl" => "ProPresenter Playlist File",
  5140. ".pro4plx" => "ProPresenter Playlist Bundle",
  5141. ".pro4x" => "ProPresenter 4 Bundle File",
  5142. ".pro5" => "ProPresenter 5 Document",
  5143. ".pro5pl" => "ProPresenter Playlist File",
  5144. ".pro5plx" => "ProPresenter Playlist Bundle",
  5145. ".pro5x" => "ProPresenter 5 Bundle File",
  5146. ".projectproperties" => "Alpha Five Project Properties File",
  5147. ".prp" => "Rational Model Properties File",
  5148. ".prs" => "Harvard Graphics Presentation",
  5149. ".prs" => "Calyx Point Prospect File",
  5150. ".prt" => "Presentations Template",
  5151. ".prv" => "SoftMaker Presentations Template",
  5152. ".prx" => "Primavera P3 Compressed Project File",
  5153. ".prz" => "Freelance Graphics Presentation File",
  5154. ".psa" => "Photoshop Album Catalog File",
  5155. ".psf" => "SPI Proxy Output File",
  5156. ".psf" => "GPS Prediction Support File",
  5157. ".psf" => "PID Script File",
  5158. ".psflib" => "Playstation Sound Format Library",
  5159. ".psflib2" => "Playstation Sound Format Library",
  5160. ".psm" => "Prism Document",
  5161. ".pspd" => "PhotoSuite 5 Project File",
  5162. ".pst" => "Outlook Personal Information Store File",
  5163. ".psv" => "Pipe Separated Values File",
  5164. ".psw" => "Password Depot 3-5 File",
  5165. ".pswx" => "Password Depot Portable File",
  5166. ".ptb" => "Power Tab File",
  5167. ".ptf" => "Scrapbook Flair Template",
  5168. ".ptk" => "Quicken Online Financial Data File",
  5169. ".ptn" => "PaperPort Thumbnail File",
  5170. ".ptz" => "E-Transcript Bundle File",
  5171. ".pvd" => "Polygen3D Vector Descriptor",
  5172. ".pvl" => "Instalit Library",
  5173. ".pwrep" => "Password Repository File",
  5174. ".pxa" => "XpressAccounts Data File",
  5175. ".pxc" => "Photodex Cache File",
  5176. ".pxf" => "Transit XV Pack Project File",
  5177. ".pxj" => "RecordNow Project",
  5178. ".pxl" => "Pocket Excel File",
  5179. ".q07" => "QuickTax 2007 Tax Return",
  5180. ".q08" => "QuickTax 2008 Tax Return",
  5181. ".q09" => "QuickTax 2009 Tax Return",
  5182. ".q3d" => "Quest3D Project File",
  5183. ".qb2005" => "QuickBooks 2005 File",
  5184. ".qb2006" => "QuickBooks 2006 File",
  5185. ".qb2007" => "QuickBooks 2007 File",
  5186. ".qb2009" => "QuickBooks 2009 File",
  5187. ".qb2010" => "QuickBooks 2010 File",
  5188. ".qb2011" => "QuickBooks 2011 File",
  5189. ".qb2012" => "QuickBooks 2012 File",
  5190. ".qb2013" => "QuickBooks 2013 File",
  5191. ".qb2014" => "QuickBooks 2014 File",
  5192. ".qba" => "QuickBooks Accountant's Copy Work File",
  5193. ".qbr" => "QuickBooks Report Template",
  5194. ".qbw" => "QuickBooks Data File",
  5195. ".qby" => "QuickBooks Accountant's Copy Import File",
  5196. ".qdat" => "QuickTime Install Cache File",
  5197. ".qdb" => "Quicken 5 & 6 Data File",
  5198. ".qdf" => "Quicken Data File",
  5199. ".qdf" => "Snapform File",
  5200. ".qdf-backup" => "Quicken Data Backup File",
  5201. ".qdfm" => "Quicken Data File (Macintosh)",
  5202. ".qdfx" => "Quicken Financial Exchange File",
  5203. ".qdp" => "Quick and Dandy Plotter File",
  5204. ".qdt" => "Quicken 3 & 4 Data File",
  5205. ".qel" => "Quicken Electronic Library",
  5206. ".qfilter" => "ColorSync Utility Quartz Filter",
  5207. ".qfx" => "Quicken Financial Exchange File",
  5208. ".qif" => "Quicken Interchange Format File",
  5209. ".qm" => "Qt Compiled Translation Source File",
  5210. ".qpb" => "QuickBooks Point of Sale Data File",
  5211. ".qpf" => "Quest3D Project",
  5212. ".qpf" => "Quartus II Project File",
  5213. ".qph" => "Quicken Price History File",
  5214. ".qph" => "Nokia Qt Phrase Books File",
  5215. ".qrc" => "QuarkXPress Required Component File",
  5216. ".qrp" => "QuickReport File",
  5217. ".qsd" => "Quicken Data File",
  5218. ".quickendata" => "Quicken Essentials for Mac Data File",
  5219. ".quiz" => "Quobject Quiz Package",
  5220. ".quox" => "Question Object File Format",
  5221. ".qvp" => "ViewletBuilder Project File",
  5222. ".qvw" => "QlikView Document",
  5223. ".qxf" => "Quicken Essentials for Mac Exchange File",
  5224. ".ral" => "WinRail Track Design File",
  5225. ".rbt" => "LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Program",
  5226. ".rcd" => "Arcade File",
  5227. ".rcg" => "Recog Character Recognition Set",
  5228. ".rcx" => "REDCINE-X Project File",
  5229. ".rda" => "R Data File",
  5230. ".rdata" => "R Workspace File",
  5231. ".rdb" => "N64 ROM Database",
  5232. ".rdlx" => "Power View Project File",
  5233. ".rdx" => "Reflex Data File",
  5234. ".reb" => "Reimbursement Tracker Data File",
  5235. ".ref" => "Microsoft Train Simulator Reference File",
  5236. ".reference" => "Budget In Brief Reference File",
  5237. ".rel" => "Norton Internet Security Log File",
  5238. ".ret" => "BusinessObjects Template",
  5239. ".rez" => "FirstClass Resource File",
  5240. ".rf1" => "Retirement Forecast File",
  5241. ".rfa" => "Revit Family File",
  5242. ".rfo" => "RoboForm Option File",
  5243. ".rge" => "Entourage File Archive",
  5244. ".rgmc" => "RootsMagic Genealogy Project File",
  5245. ".rgo" => "RepliGo File",
  5246. ".rhistory" => "R History File",
  5247. ".rl" => "R.viewer List File",
  5248. ".rmd" => "Reference Manager Data File",
  5249. ".rmuf" => "Alpha Five Runtime License File",
  5250. ".rmx" => "Reference Manager Index File",
  5251. ".rng" => "RELAX NG File",
  5252. ".rnq" => "Renque Model File",
  5253. ".roca" => "RIB office Compressed Archive",
  5254. ".rod" => "Actuate Report Object Design File",
  5255. ".rog" => "Roger 2 Input Data File",
  5256. ".roi" => "Report Object Instance",
  5257. ".roi" => "Shark Sales System Data File",
  5258. ".rou" => "Gerber Route File",
  5259. ".rox" => "Roxio Project File",
  5260. ".roxio" => "Roxio Project",
  5261. ".rp" => "Axure RP Project File",
  5262. ".rpa" => "RIB Project Archive File",
  5263. ".rpd" => "Roleplay Designer Data File",
  5264. ".rpp" => "REAPER Project File",
  5265. ".rpprj" => "Axure RP Shared Project File",
  5266. ".rpt" => "Crystal Reports File",
  5267. ".rpt" => "AccountEdge Report",
  5268. ".rpyb" => "Ren'Py Bytecode File",
  5269. ".rrt" => "Rhapzode Resource Template",
  5270. ".rsc" => "Symbian Application Compiled Resource File",
  5271. ".rsd" => "Rosetta Stone Data File",
  5272. ".rsf" => "Riky's Soft Document",
  5273. ".rsm" => "ARIS Report Script Model File",
  5274. ".rso" => "ARIS Report Script Object File",
  5275. ".rsp" => "RSLogix PLC Program File",
  5276. ".rsv" => "RSView32 Project File",
  5277. ".rsw" => "R&R SQL Report Writer Report File",
  5278. ".rta" => "RoboHelp RTA Data File",
  5279. ".rte" => "Revit Project Template",
  5280. ".rte" => "Navigation Route",
  5281. ".rtp" => "Gromacs Residue Topology Parameter File",
  5282. ".rtstn" => "Audials Station File",
  5283. ".rtttl" => "Ring Tone Transfer Language File",
  5284. ".rtwsh" => "Radiotracker Wishlist File",
  5285. ".rvl" => "Adobe Revel Library File",
  5286. ".rvt" => "Revit Project File",
  5287. ".rwd" => "NRG Raw Wind Data File",
  5288. ".rwg" => "Random Word Generator Project File",
  5289. ".rws" => "Retina Wireless Scanner File",
  5290. ".s2e" => "SWF to EXE Converter Project File",
  5291. ".s85" => "Sabre Airline Solutions Chart",
  5292. ".saf" => "McAfee Fortress File",
  5293. ".sah" => "SETI@home Data File",
  5294. ".sam" => "Samurize Package",
  5295. ".sam07" => "SAM 2007 Package",
  5296. ".sar" => "Sibelius Arrange Style",
  5297. ".sav" => "SPSS Data File",
  5298. ".savedstate" => "Virtual Router Saved State File",
  5299. ".sbd" => "Superbase Data Definition File",
  5300. ".sbd" => "Office Accounting Company Data File",
  5301. ".sbf" => "SmartBroker Data",
  5302. ".sbq" => "Superbase QuickReports File",
  5303. ".sbt" => "Superbase Data Notes File",
  5304. ".sbw" => "US Treasury Savings Bonds Wizard File",
  5305. ".sbx" => "ESRI Spatial Index File",
  5306. ".sc45" => "SuperCard Project File",
  5307. ".sca" => "Norton AntiVirus Scan File",
  5308. ".scd" => "TurboTax Tax Schedule List",
  5309. ".scd" => "Data Rescue Saved Scan File",
  5310. ".scexcludb" => "Spring Cleaning Exclusions File",
  5311. ".scf" => "DNA Sequence Chromatogram File",
  5312. ".scg" => "myPM SCG Definition File",
  5313. ".sch" => "SuperCard Help Project File",
  5314. ".sch" => "EAGLE Schematics File",
  5315. ".scm" => "Samsung Channel List File",
  5316. ".scn" => "Orbiter Scenario File",
  5317. ".screstorelog" => "Spring Cleaning Restore Log",
  5318. ".scresults" => "Spring Cleaning Results File",
  5319. ".scx" => "SuperCard Help Project",
  5320. ".scz" => "SmartDraw Collection Package File",
  5321. ".sdd" => "StarOffice Presentation",
  5322. ".sdf" => "Standard Data File",
  5323. ".sdf" => "Structure Data File",
  5324. ".sdinstall" => "Speckie Dictionary Installation File",
  5325. ".sdl" => "Scene Description Language File",
  5326. ".sdlxliff" => "SDL Trados XLIFF Localization File",
  5327. ".sdp" => "Session Description Protocol File",
  5328. ".sdp" => "StarOffice Presentation File",
  5329. ".sdq" => "SAS Data File",
  5330. ".sds" => "SDS Apps Data File",
  5331. ".sds" => " Chart",
  5332. ".sdz" => "NCI Compressed Database",
  5333. ".sel" => "LinkOne Selection List File",
  5334. ".sen" => "SenTest Data File",
  5335. ".seo" => "SEO Note File",
  5336. ".seq" => "DNA Sequence Text File",
  5337. ".ser" => "GeneMapper Project File",
  5338. ".ses" => "Patran Session File",
  5339. ".sff" => "Standard Flowgram Format File",
  5340. ".sgml" => "Standard Generalized Markup Language File",
  5341. ".sgn" => "Slax Boot File",
  5342. ".sgr" => "SGR Genome Data File",
  5343. ".shc" => "Adobe Photoshop Contours File",
  5344. ".shft" => "Shift Work Calendar Data File",
  5345. ".show" => "Hanshow Presentation",
  5346. ".shw" => "Corel Presentation",
  5347. ".shx" => "Shapefile Index File",
  5348. ".sidx" => "StuffIt Archive Index File",
  5349. ".sim" => "SAP Tutor File",
  5350. ".sinf" => "iOS Application Archive File",
  5351. ".skc" => "SideKick Card File",
  5352. ".skim" => "Skim Notes File",
  5353. ".skv" => "XLANG Schedule Drawing File",
  5354. ".skv" => "Semicolon Separated Values File",
  5355. ".skx" => "XLANG Schedule File",
  5356. ".sldtm" => "SDL Translation Memory File",
  5357. ".sle" => "Sisulizer Package File",
  5358. ".slk" => "Symbolic Link File",
  5359. ".slp" => "Sisulizer Project File",
  5360. ".slx" => "MathWorks Simulink Model File",
  5361. ".sm" => "SMath Studio Document",
  5362. ".smm" => "Samsung Memo File",
  5363. ".smp" => "SmilePlant Project Data File",
  5364. ".smpkg" => "SmartMusic Package File",
  5365. ".smx" => "SmartMusic XML File",
  5366. ".smz" => "SMath Studio Compressed Document",
  5367. ".snag" => "SnagIt Capture File",
  5368. ".snapfireshow" => "Corel SnapfireShow File",
  5369. ".snapshot" => "VMware ThinApp Snapshot File",
  5370. ".sonic" => "DigitalMedia Project File",
  5371. ".soundpack" => "SoundPackager Sound Package",
  5372. ".sp" => "Simplexety Parameters File",
  5373. ".sp3" => "Windows XP SP3 CD File",
  5374. ".sp45" => "SuperCard Player File",
  5375. ".spb" => "Samsung Kies Phonebook File",
  5376. ".spj" => "PhotoStage Slideshow Project",
  5377. ".spk" => "Bright Spark Document",
  5378. ".spo" => "SPSS Statistical Data Output File",
  5379. ".sps" => "SPSS Program File",
  5380. ".spt" => "AQW Trainer File",
  5381. ".spub" => "Disc Cover File",
  5382. ".spv" => "SPSS Output Document",
  5383. ".spvchain" => "MultiCoin Wallet File",
  5384. ".sq" => "Sysquake Program",
  5385. ".sqd" => "SQ Data File",
  5386. ".sqf" => "Sothink SWF Quicker File",
  5387. ".sqr" => "SQL Program File",
  5388. ".squashfs" => "Squashfs File System File",
  5389. ".srf" => "Surfer Project File",
  5390. ".ssc" => "Celestia Solar System Catalog File",
  5391. ".ssd" => "Starry Night Pro Data File",
  5392. ".ssii" => "ProReveal Data File",
  5393. ".ssp" => "SlideShow Creator Project File",
  5394. ".ssp" => "Screensaver Producer Project File",
  5395. ".ssv" => "Seavus Secure Project File",
  5396. ".st45" => "SuperCard Trial Project File",
  5397. ".sta" => "ABAQUS Status File",
  5398. ".sta" => "Adobe Photoshop Match Color Image Statistics File",
  5399. ".stats" => "FreeSurfer Statistics File",
  5400. ".stc" => "Celestia Star Catalog File",
  5401. ".stdl" => "Swift To-Do List Database",
  5402. ".stf" => "Exchange 2000 Server Temporary File",
  5403. ".sti" => "StarOffice Presentation Template",
  5404. ".stk" => "Stickfigure Animator File",
  5405. ".stl" => "Fireworks Style Library",
  5406. ".stm" => "Exchange Streaming Media File",
  5407. ".stp" => "RoboHelp Stop List File",
  5408. ".stp" => "Analysis Studio Project Information File",
  5409. ".stproj" => "Samsung Theme Document",
  5410. ".str" => "dBASE Structure List Object File",
  5411. ".strm" => "Stream File",
  5412. ".stt" => "Kaspersky Statistics File",
  5413. ".sttpl" => "Samsung Theme Showcase File",
  5414. ".stu" => "Pinnacle Studio Project File",
  5415. ".stw" => "STATISTICA Workbook",
  5416. ".sty" => "NewsMaker Story File",
  5417. ".styk" => "Stykz Stick Figure",
  5418. ".stykz" => "Stykz Animation",
  5419. ".sui" => "StarSplatter User Interface File",
  5420. ".supp" => "iOS Application Archive File",
  5421. ".svd" => "Scanning Vibrometer Data File",
  5422. ".svf" => "Serial Vector Format File",
  5423. ".svw" => "SpecView File",
  5424. ".swk" => "StudyWorks Save File",
  5425. ".sx" => "SimplexNumerica Data File",
  5426. ".sxi" => "StarOffice Impress Presentation",
  5427. ".sy" => "Simplexety Data File",
  5428. ".sy3" => "Harvard Graphics Symbol File",
  5429. ".sylk" => "Microsoft Symbolic Link File",
  5430. ".syn" => "RoboHelp Synonym List File",
  5431. ".szs" => "Wii Game Data File",
  5432. ".t01" => "TaxCut 2001 File",
  5433. ".t02" => "TaxCut 2002 File",
  5434. ".t03" => "TaxCut 2003 File",
  5435. ".t04" => "TaxCut 2004 File",
  5436. ".t05" => "TaxCut 2005 Tax Return",
  5437. ".t06" => "TaxCut 2006 Tax Return",
  5438. ".t07" => "TaxCut 2007 Tax Return",
  5439. ".t08" => "TaxCut 2008 Tax Return",
  5440. ".t09" => "At Home 2009 Tax Return",
  5441. ".t10" => "At Home 2010 Tax Return",
  5442. ".t11" => "At Home 2011 Tax Return",
  5443. ".t12" => "At Home 2012 Tax Return",
  5444. ".t13" => "H&R Block 2013 Tax Return",
  5445. ".t2" => "Textease 2000 File",
  5446. ".t2k" => "Teach2000 Document",
  5447. ".t2ks" => "Teach2000 Exam Results File",
  5448. ".t2kt" => "Teach2000 Exam File",
  5449. ".tab" => "Typinator Set File",
  5450. ".tac" => "ActiCalc Data File",
  5451. ".tar" => "Consolidated Unix File Archive",
  5452. ".tardist" => "TAR Distribution Archive",
  5453. ".tax" => "TurboTax Tax Return",
  5454. ".tax08" => "TurboTax 2008 Tax Return File",
  5455. ".tax09" => "TurboTax 2009 Tax Return File",
  5456. ".tax10" => "TurboTax 2010 Tax Return File",
  5457. ".tax11" => "TurboTax 2011 Tax Return File",
  5458. ".tax12" => "TurboTax 2012 Tax Return File",
  5459. ".tax13" => "TurboTax 2013 Tax Return File",
  5460. ".tax2008" => "TurboTax 2008 Tax Return",
  5461. ".tax2009" => "TurboTax 2009 Tax Return",
  5462. ".tax2010" => "TurboTax 2010 Tax Return",
  5463. ".tax2011" => "TurboTax 2011 Tax Return",
  5464. ".tax2012" => "TurboTax 2012 Tax Return",
  5465. ".tax2013" => "TurboTax 2013 Tax Return",
  5466. ".tb" => "Tabbery Tab File",
  5467. ".tbd" => "Visual Studio Toolbox Data File",
  5468. ".tbk" => "ToolBook File",
  5469. ".tbl" => "StarCraft Information Table",
  5470. ".tc" => "Tellico Collection File",
  5471. ".tcc" => "TimeCalc Classic Data File",
  5472. ".tcx" => "Training Center Database File",
  5473. ".tda" => "Java Application Thread Dump",
  5474. ".tda" => "Palm To-Do File",
  5475. ".tdb" => "Android Thumbnail Cache",
  5476. ".tde" => "Tableau Data Extract File",
  5477. ".tdl" => "Tab Delineated Format File",
  5478. ".tdm" => "LabVIEW Binary Measurement File",
  5479. ".tdt" => "FirstBreak Concrete Test File",
  5480. ".tdt" => "THOR Data Tree File",
  5481. ".te3" => "WinTrack Object File",
  5482. ".ted" => "TouchMagix Editable Document Template",
  5483. ".tef" => "TablEdit Tablature",
  5484. ".ter" => "Terragen Terrain File",
  5485. ".tet" => "Textease CT Template",
  5486. ".tfa" => "TreeSoft CashFlow Analysis Data File",
  5487. ".tfd" => "Tape Format Requirements Document",
  5488. ".tgc" => "Terragen Node Clip File",
  5489. ".tgd" => "Terragen Project File",
  5490. ".tgf" => "Trivial Graph Format File",
  5491. ".tie" => "CrossTie Installer File",
  5492. ".time" => "LIGHT File",
  5493. ".tjp" => "TaskJuggler Project File",
  5494. ".tkfl" => "TKLinks Saver Favorite Links File",
  5495. ".tl5" => "Timeliner 5 File",
  5496. ".tlp" => "Tulip Software Graph Format File",
  5497. ".tlx" => "Standard Dictionary File",
  5498. ".tmr" => "Apimac Timer Document",
  5499. ".tmw" => "Translation Memory Data File",
  5500. ".tmx" => "Translation Memory Exchange File",
  5501. ".tmzip" => "Theme Manager Zip File",
  5502. ".tol" => "AOL Tool File",
  5503. ".top" => "Gromacs Topology File",
  5504. ".topc" => "TopicCrunch Project File",
  5505. ".totalsbackup" => "Totals Database Backup File",
  5506. ".totalsdb" => "Totals Database File",
  5507. ".totalssyncdb" => "Totals Synchronized Database File",
  5508. ".tpb" => "GROMACS Binary Input File",
  5509. ".tpd" => "TreePad 7 Database File",
  5510. ".tpf" => "Transit NXT Pack Translation File",
  5511. ".tps" => "Multi Channel Measurement File",
  5512. ".tra" => "WinTrack Railroad Track File",
  5513. ".tray" => "Corel CONNECT Tray File",
  5514. ".trd" => "TrID Definitions Package",
  5515. ".trk" => "Garmin Track File",
  5516. ".trk" => "CompeGPS Land Track File",
  5517. ".trk" => "Finale Track Mapping File",
  5518. ".trm" => "FTR Media File",
  5519. ".trs" => "WinTrack Railroad Track Text File",
  5520. ".trs" => "Rosetta Stone Language Data File",
  5521. ".trx" => "WebAuthorize Batch File",
  5522. ".trx" => "Firmware Image File",
  5523. ".ts" => "Nokia Qt Translation Source File",
  5524. ".tst" => "TestPoint Test File",
  5525. ".tsv" => "Tab Separated Values File",
  5526. ".tt10" => "TurboTax Canada 2010 Tax Return",
  5527. ".tt11" => "TurboTax Canada 2011 Tax Return",
  5528. ".tt12" => "TurboTax Canada 2012 Tax Return",
  5529. ".tt13" => "TurboTax Canada 2013 Tax Return",
  5530. ".tt2012state" => "TurboTax 2012 State Tax Form",
  5531. ".tt2013state" => "TurboTax 2013 State Tax Form",
  5532. ".ttk" => "Catalyst Translation Toolkit",
  5533. ".tvc" => "TeamViewer Configuration File",
  5534. ".twb" => "Tableau Workbook File",
  5535. ".twbx" => "Tableau Packaged Workbook",
  5536. ".twm" => "theWord Module",
  5537. ".twz" => "theWord Compressed Archive Module",
  5538. ".twzip" => "theWord Compressed Archive Module",
  5539. ".txa" => "Midas ViewPoint Text Array List",
  5540. ".txd" => "Game Texture Dictionary",
  5541. ".txf" => "Transit XV Pack Translation File",
  5542. ".txf" => "Tax Exchange Format",
  5543. ".txn" => "MySpaceIM Conversation Log File",
  5544. ".txtrpt" => "CommScope Teletilt Control System Report",
  5545. ".tyimport" => "Typinator Set Import File",
  5546. ".tyset" => "Typinator Set File",
  5547. ".u10" => "UFile 2010 Tax Return",
  5548. ".u11" => "UFile 2011 Tax Return",
  5549. ".u12" => "UFile 2012 Tax Return",
  5550. ".ubj" => "Universal Binary JSON File",
  5551. ".ubox" => "Universe Sandbox Data File",
  5552. ".uccapilog" => "Microsoft UCC API Log File",
  5553. ".ud" => "OmniPage User Dictionary",
  5554. ".udc" => "Adobe InDesign User Dictionary",
  5555. ".udeb" => "Debian Package File",
  5556. ".uds" => "Uniform Data System File",
  5557. ".uds" => "Sierra Generations File",
  5558. ".ulf" => "Universal List File",
  5559. ".ulp" => "EAGLE User Language Program",
  5560. ".ulz" => "USBlyzer Data Capture File",
  5561. ".umf" => "MediaHolder Universal Media Format File",
  5562. ".unitypackage" => "Unity Package File",
  5563. ".uop" => "Uniform Office Presentation",
  5564. ".update" => "ISAPI Update File",
  5565. ".upoi" => "iGO Points of Interest File",
  5566. ".upr" => "Fractal Parameters File",
  5567. ".upr" => "FileMaker User Dictionary",
  5568. ".useq" => "USeq Genome Data File",
  5569. ".usr" => "SmartMusic Custom File",
  5570. ".ustar" => "Uniform Standard Tape Archive Format File",
  5571. ".uvf" => "Uncertain Value Format",
  5572. ".uvw" => "UVW Coordinates File",
  5573. ".uwl" => "User Word List File",
  5574. ".val" => "Values List",
  5575. ".val" => "Valodas Dictionary File",
  5576. ".vault" => "Fontcase Vault File",
  5577. ".vbpf1" => "Virtual Business - Personal Finance Data File",
  5578. ".vbw" => "Visual Basic Workspace File",
  5579. ".vcd" => "Value Change Dump File",
  5580. ".vcd" => "Valve Choreography Data File",
  5581. ".vce" => "Visual CertExam Exam File",
  5582. ".vcf" => "vCard File",
  5583. ".vcrd" => "Windows Vault Credentials File",
  5584. ".vcs" => "vCalendar Event File",
  5585. ".vct" => "VISE Installer Project",
  5586. ".vdb" => "Symantec Virus Database File",
  5587. ".vdf" => "AntiVir Virus Definitions File",
  5588. ".vdx" => "Visio Drawing XML File",
  5589. ".vec" => "Orbiter Vector Map File",
  5590. ".vfs" => "VentaFax Schedule File",
  5591. ".vi" => "LabVIEW Virtual Instrument File",
  5592. ".vip" => "Stitch Pattern File",
  5593. ".vle" => "Virtual Labs Electricity Circuit File",
  5594. ".vlg" => "VentaFax Logbook File",
  5595. ".vmsd" => "VMware Snapshot Metadata File",
  5596. ".vmsn" => "VMware Snapshot State File",
  5597. ".vmss" => "VMware Suspended State File",
  5598. ".vmt" => "Valve Material File",
  5599. ".voi" => "VOI Group File",
  5600. ".vok" => "PocketVok Vocabulary File",
  5601. ".voxb" => "Voxler Network File",
  5602. ".vpol" => "Windows Vault Policy File",
  5603. ".vpp" => "Visual Paradigm Project File",
  5604. ".vpx" => "Avast! Virus Update File",
  5605. ".vrd" => "Visio Report Definition File",
  5606. ".vs" => "GreekToMe Verse List File",
  5607. ".vsch" => "Windows Vault Schema File",
  5608. ".vscontent" => "Visual Studio Content File",
  5609. ".vssm" => "Visio Macro-Enabled Stencil File",
  5610. ".vssx" => "Visio Stencil File",
  5611. ".vsv" => "Virtual Machine Saved State File",
  5612. ".vsx" => "Visio Stencil XML File",
  5613. ".vtx" => "Visio Template XML File",
  5614. ".vud" => "Virtual Machine Undo Drive File",
  5615. ".vvf" => "Voc Vocabulary File",
  5616. ".vxml" => "VoiceXML File",
  5617. ".vym" => "VYM Mind Map File",
  5618. ".w02" => "Split Archive File",
  5619. ".wab" => "Windows Address Book",
  5620. ".wallet" => "MultiBit Wallet File",
  5621. ".wb1" => "Corel Quattro Pro File",
  5622. ".wb2" => "Corel Quattro Pro File",
  5623. ".wb3" => "Corel Quattro Pro 7 and 8 File",
  5624. ".wcat" => "WinCatalog Collection File",
  5625. ".wcd" => "Works Calendar File",
  5626. ".wcf" => "WebEx Saved Chat Session",
  5627. ".wcp_settings" => "Alpha Five Settings File",
  5628. ".wd3" => "Offline Explorer Data File",
  5629. ".wdf" => "WinGenea Genealogy File",
  5630. ".wdf" => "Workshare Compare DeltaFile",
  5631. ".wdq" => "Offline Explorer Queue File",
  5632. ".wea" => "Ecotect Weather File",
  5633. ".webpublishhistory" => "Alpha Five Web Publish History File",
  5634. ".wfm" => "Tektronix Waveform Data File",
  5635. ".wfm" => "dBASE Form",
  5636. ".wgt" => "IMPS Data File",
  5637. ".wgt" => "XNBC Synaptic Weights File",
  5638. ".wid" => "SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence File",
  5639. ".windowslivecontact" => "Windows Live Contacts File",
  5640. ".wjr" => "ReGet Deluxe Data File",
  5641. ".wk1" => "Lotus Worksheet",
  5642. ".wk2" => "Lotus 2 Worksheet",
  5643. ".wk3" => "Lotus 3 Worksheet",
  5644. ".wk4" => "Lotus 4 Worksheet",
  5645. ".wk5" => "Lotus 5 Worksheet",
  5646. ".wke" => "Lotus 1-2-3 Educational Version Worksheet",
  5647. ".wnk" => "Wink Presentation",
  5648. ".wpc" => "Pazzles Cutting File",
  5649. ".wpc" => "WordPad Converter File",
  5650. ".wpf" => "WordPerfect Form",
  5651. ".wpk" => "GuinXell Package File",
  5652. ".wpo" => "Technopress Waypoint 2D File",
  5653. ".wpo" => "HOLUX Waypoint File",
  5654. ".wpost" => "Windows Live Writer Post File",
  5655. ".ws" => "1-2-3 Word Search Maker Puzzle File",
  5656. ".wsi" => "Wise Package Studio Installer Package",
  5657. ".wsm" => "Wise Package Studio Merge Module",
  5658. ".wtb" => "Win-Test Binary Log File",
  5659. ".wtr" => "Encarta File",
  5660. ".wvp" => "MagicHTML Web Video Player Project",
  5661. ".xaf" => "Affirm Deposition Transcript",
  5662. ".xaiml" => "XAIML Chatterbot Database File",
  5663. ".xappl" => "Spoon XML Application Configuration File",
  5664. ".xas" => "Pro/ENGINEER Assembly Instance Accelerator File",
  5665. ".xbc" => "SMART Notebook File",
  5666. ".xbk" => "SMART Notebook File",
  5667. ".xbrl" => "XBRL Document",
  5668. ".xbt" => "SMART Notebook Template File",
  5669. ".xcsl" => "CineStyle Color Correction File",
  5670. ".xdb" => "Symantec Virus Database File",
  5671. ".xdp" => "XML Data Package",
  5672. ".xds" => "LcdStudio Design File",
  5673. ".xef" => "eManager Form Data",
  5674. ".xem" => "PowerDesigner Model definition File",
  5675. ".xer" => "Primavera P6 Project File",
  5676. ".xfd" => "XFD File",
  5677. ".xfd" => "FormFlow 99 Form Data File",
  5678. ".xfdf" => "Adobe Acrobat XFDF File",
  5679. ".xfo" => "XSL-FO Formatted Form",
  5680. ".xfr" => "iProcess Process Definition File",
  5681. ".xft" => "Adobe Form Designer 5.0 File",
  5682. ".xgml" => "Graph Modeling Language XML File",
  5683. ".xgmml" => "XGMML Graph File",
  5684. ".xgp" => "Xfire Game Patcher File",
  5685. ".xlc" => "Excel Chart",
  5686. ".xlf" => "XLIFF Document",
  5687. ".xlgc" => "ExpressK Database File",
  5688. ".xliff" => "XLIFF Localization File",
  5689. ".xlt" => "Excel Template",
  5690. ".xlw" => "Excel Workbook",
  5691. ".xmap" => "XMind 2007/2008 Workbook",
  5692. ".xmcd" => "Mathcad Worksheet File",
  5693. ".xmct" => "Mathcad XML Worksheet Template",
  5694. ".xmi" => "XML Metadata Interchange File",
  5695. ".xml" => "XML File",
  5696. ".xmlper" => "LeCroy Binary Waveform File",
  5697. ".xmpz" => "Miradi XML Project File",
  5698. ".xpdl" => "XPDL Module",
  5699. ".xpg" => "Autoplay Media Studio Exported Page",
  5700. ".xpj" => "RoboHelp HTML Project File",
  5701. ".xpj" => "Micro Planner X-Pert Project File",
  5702. ".xpm" => "Micro Planner Manager File",
  5703. ".xpr" => "SyncRO Soft oXygen XML Editor Project",
  5704. ".xpt" => "SAS Transport File",
  5705. ".xrff" => "Extensible Attribute-Relation File Format",
  5706. ".xrp" => "RationalPlan Project File",
  5707. ".xry" => "XRY Data File",
  5708. ".xsc" => "Visual Studio Dataset Internal Info File",
  5709. ".xsf" => "InfoPath Form Definition File",
  5710. ".xsl" => "XML Style Sheet",
  5711. ".xslt" => "XSL Transformation File",
  5712. ".xsvf" => "Xilinx Serial Vector Format File",
  5713. ".xtg" => "Extensible TreeGraph File",
  5714. ".xtm" => "CmapTools Exported Topic Map",
  5715. ".xtm" => "Xtremsplit Data File",
  5716. ".xtp" => "XTree Data File",
  5717. ".xtp" => "xTime Project Document",
  5718. ".xvct" => "VISE XML Project File",
  5719. ".xxd" => "Brixx Planner Calendar",
  5720. ".xyz" => "Celestia Sampled Trajectory Data File",
  5721. ".xyz" => "Molecule Specification File",
  5722. ".xyzv" => "Celestia Sampled Trajectory File",
  5723. ".yam" => "Yahoo! Auctions Data",
  5724. ".ychat" => "Yahoo! Messenger Chat Log",
  5725. ".ygf" => "Y Graph Format File",
  5726. ".yka" => "Yenka Model File",
  5727. ".yrcbkm" => "YRC Bookmarks Archive",
  5728. ".yrcdat" => "YRC Software Data Script",
  5729. ".zap" => "ZoneAlarm Pro Data File",
  5730. ".zdb" => "EPSQ Database",
  5731. ".zdb" => "Zimbra Database File",
  5732. ".zdb" => "Quicken Online File",
  5733. ".zdc" => "CD Catalog Expert Database File",
  5734. ".zdct" => "Adobe Language File",
  5735. ".zim" => "OpenZIM Wiki Archive",
  5736. ".zix" => "Quicken Online File",
  5737. ".zma" => "Impedance File",
  5738. ".zmc" => "ZoneAlarm Quarantine File",
  5739. ".zpl" => "Zoom Player Play List",
  5740. ".{pb" => "Corel WordPerfect Document Index File",
  5741. ".~hm" => "HostMonitor TestList Backup File"
  5742. );
  5744. $page_layout = array(
  5745. ".4ui" => "ForeUI Plot File",
  5746. ".adb" => "Now Contact Address Book Template",
  5747. ".afp" => "Advanced Function Presentation File",
  5748. ".anh" => "Project ROME File",
  5749. ".antmpl" => "Adobe Edge Animate Template File",
  5750. ".avery" => "Avery Design & Print Online Label File",
  5751. ".bcf" => "Business Card Designer Pro File",
  5752. ".bcp" => "Business Card Designer Plus File",
  5753. ".biz" => "Broderbund Business Card File",
  5754. ".book" => "FrameMaker Book File",
  5755. ".bpf" => "Baan ERP Document",
  5756. ".bro" => "Design & Print Page Design File",
  5757. ".bro" => "CreataCard Brochure Project",
  5758. ".btw" => "BarTender Label",
  5759. ".cal" => "Calendar File",
  5760. ".cbf" => "Calendar Builder File",
  5761. ".cd2" => "Click'N Design 3D File",
  5762. ".cdf" => "Computable Document Format File",
  5763. ".cedprj" => "Ashampoo CoverEditor Project",
  5764. ".ch3" => "Harvard Graphics DOS Chart File",
  5765. ".cl2arc" => "Comic Life 2 Document Archive",
  5766. ".cl2doc" => "Comic Life 2 Document",
  5767. ".cl2lyt" => "Comic Life 2 Layout File",
  5768. ".cl2tpl" => "Comic Life 2 Template",
  5769. ".cld" => "Canon CD Label Template",
  5770. ".clt" => "Clarity Legal Transcript File",
  5771. ".cndx" => "Avery DesignPro for Mac Label File",
  5772. ".comicdoc" => "Comic Life Document",
  5773. ".cov" => "Fax Cover Page File",
  5774. ".cpe" => "Fax Cover Page File",
  5775. ".cph" => "Corel Print House File",
  5776. ".cpy" => "eCopy Desktop File",
  5777. ".crtr" => "MultiAd Creator Pro Document",
  5778. ".csd" => "Compact Shared Document",
  5779. ".cst" => "Manga Studio Story File",
  5780. ".cvw" => "CaseView Document",
  5781. ".cw" => "CardWorks Template",
  5782. ".dcx" => "FAXserve Fax Document",
  5783. ".dmtemplate" => "Direct Mail Template",
  5784. ".dot" => "Word Document Template",
  5785. ".dpd" => "Ovation Pro File",
  5786. ".drmx" => "Drumlin Fully Secure PDF File",
  5787. ".drmz" => "Drumlin Fully Secure Mobile PDF File",
  5788. ".dtl" => "Now Contact Detail Template",
  5789. ".dtp" => "Publish-iT Document",
  5790. ".dtx" => "Documented LaTeX File",
  5791. ".dwdoc" => "DrawWell Document",
  5792. ".edrwx" => "XPS Drawing Document",
  5793. ".enc" => "Copysafe Protected PDF File",
  5794. ".env" => "Now Contact Envelope Template",
  5795. ".fax" => "Now Contact Fax Template",
  5796. ".fcdt" => "FormsCentral Design Template",
  5797. ".fd2" => "PictureMate Borders File",
  5798. ".fdd" => "FormDocs Document",
  5799. ".fdt" => "FormDocs Template",
  5800. ".flb" => "FileMaker Pro Label File",
  5801. ".fm" => "FrameMaker Document",
  5802. ".form" => "NetBeans Java GUI Designer Form",
  5803. ".fp3" => "FastReport Prepared Report File",
  5804. ".fr3" => "FastReport Form File",
  5805. ".frf" => "Free Report Form File",
  5806. ".fxm" => "WinFax Document",
  5807. ".gem" => "Ventura Publisher Document",
  5808. ".hcr" => "Half-Fold Card File",
  5809. ".hfd" => "HotDocs Form Document",
  5810. ".hft" => "HotDocs Form Template",
  5811. ".hmk" => "Hallmark Card Studio File",
  5812. ".hpd" => "HotDocs PDF Document",
  5813. ".hpt" => "HotDocs PDF Template",
  5814. ".icap" => "InCopy Package File",
  5815. ".icml" => "InCopy Document",
  5816. ".icmt" => "InCopy Template",
  5817. ".idap" => "Adobe InDesign Assignment Package",
  5818. ".idml" => "Adobe InDesign Markup Language File",
  5819. ".idms" => "Adobe InDesign Snippet",
  5820. ".idpk" => "Adobe InDesign Package for GoLive File",
  5821. ".ifd" => "InForm Document",
  5822. ".ildoc" => "QuickSilver Document",
  5823. ".incd" => "InCopy Document",
  5824. ".inct" => "InCopy Template",
  5825. ".incx" => "InCopy CS3 Interchange File",
  5826. ".ind" => "Adobe InDesign Document",
  5827. ".indb" => "Adobe InDesign Book File",
  5828. ".indd" => "Adobe InDesign Document",
  5829. ".indl" => "Adobe InDesign Library",
  5830. ".indp" => "Adobe InDesign CS3 Package File",
  5831. ".inds" => "Adobe InDesign Snippet File",
  5832. ".indt" => "Adobe InDesign Template",
  5833. ".infopathxml" => "Microsoft InfoPath Form",
  5834. ".inp" => "Urdu InPage Document",
  5835. ".inx" => "Adobe InDesign Interchange File",
  5836. ".isale" => "iSale Auction",
  5837. ".isaletemplate" => "iSale Template",
  5838. ".isallic" => "iSale License File",
  5839. ".isd" => "Flexera InstallShield Dialog Box File",
  5840. ".jtp" => "Windows Journal Template",
  5841. ".jtx" => "Jrju Text File",
  5842. ".jtx" => "XPS Document",
  5843. ".lab" => "WordPerfect Label Definition File",
  5844. ".lbl" => "dBASE Label File",
  5845. ".lbl" => "Now Contact Label Template",
  5846. ".lld" => "Logo! Soft Comfort LAD File",
  5847. ".lma" => "Logo! UDF File",
  5848. ".lpdf" => "Localized PDF File",
  5849. ".lsc" => "Logo! Soft Comfort File",
  5850. ".lst" => "Now Contact List Template",
  5851. ".ltf" => "Laser App Temp Form File",
  5852. ".mars" => "Adobe MARS File",
  5853. ".max" => "OmniPage Scanned Document",
  5854. ".mbbk" => "ManaBook Book Kit File",
  5855. ".mcsp" => "My Craft Studio Project File",
  5856. ".mcsx" => "My Craft Studio Professional File",
  5857. ".mdi" => "Microsoft Document Imaging File",
  5858. ".mfo" => "MediaFace Online Saved File",
  5859. ".mfp" => "MediaFACE Project File",
  5860. ".mft" => "MediaFACE Project Template",
  5861. ".mga" => "Manga Document",
  5862. ".mif" => "FrameMaker Interchange Format File",
  5863. ".mml" => "FrameMaker Maker Markup Language File",
  5864. ".mrg" => "Now Contact Merge Template",
  5865. ".npp" => "Art Explosion Publisher Pro Document",
  5866. ".nud" => "Now Up-To-Date Calendar File",
  5867. ".ola" => "Online Access File",
  5868. ".opd" => "OmniPage Document",
  5869. ".oxps" => "OpenXPS File",
  5870. ".p65" => "PageMaker 6.5 Document",
  5871. ".pa" => "Print Artist Project",
  5872. ".pcl" => "Printer Command Language Document",
  5873. ".pct" => "Picture File",
  5874. ".pde" => "ProntoDoc for Excel Document Template",
  5875. ".pder" => "ProntoDoc for Excel Conventional Document",
  5876. ".pdf" => "Portable Document Format File",
  5877. ".pdfxml" => "Adobe PDFXML Document",
  5878. ".pdg" => "Print Shop Deluxe Design File",
  5879. ".pdh" => "ProntoDoc for Word Browser Display Document Template",
  5880. ".pdm" => "ProntoDoc for Word Mobile Display Document Template",
  5881. ".pdp" => "Adobe Portable Document Format File",
  5882. ".pdr" => "ProntoDoc for Word Recovered Document",
  5883. ".pdw" => "ProntoDoc for Word Conventional Document Template",
  5884. ".pdwr" => "ProntoDoc for Word Conventional Document",
  5885. ".pdz" => "ProntoDoc for Word Structured Text Document Template",
  5886. ".pex" => "West Publisher Portable Exhibit File",
  5887. ".pff" => "Formatta Portable Form File",
  5888. ".pfl" => "PDFill Project File",
  5889. ".pm4" => "PageMaker 4 Document",
  5890. ".pm5" => "PageMaker 5.0 Document",
  5891. ".pm6" => "PageMaker 6.0 Document",
  5892. ".pmd" => "PageMaker Document",
  5893. ".pnh" => "Project ROME Plug-in Archive",
  5894. ".ppp" => "Serif PagePlus Document",
  5895. ".ppx" => "Serif PagePlus Template File",
  5896. ".prn" => "Printable File",
  5897. ".psg" => "Page Segment File",
  5898. ".psr" => "Powersoft Report File",
  5899. ".ptx" => "E-Transcript File",
  5900. ".pub" => "Publisher Document",
  5901. ".pwt" => "Pocket Word Template",
  5902. ".q3c" => "Quick 3D Cover Project File",
  5903. ".qdf" => "Label Matrix Label Design",
  5904. ".qpt" => "QuarkXPress Project Template",
  5905. ".qxb" => "QuarkXPress Book File",
  5906. ".qxd" => "QuarkXPress Document",
  5907. ".qxp" => "QuarkXPress Project File",
  5908. ".qxt" => "QuarkXPress Template",
  5909. ".rb4" => "Resume Builder 4 File",
  5910. ".rels" => "Open Office XML Relationships File",
  5911. ".rfd" => "Recogniform Form Designer File",
  5912. ".rlf" => "ArcGIS Report Layout File",
  5913. ".rmr" => "ResumeMaker File",
  5914. ".rptr" => "RafflePrinter Document",
  5915. ".rsm" => "WinWay Resume Deluxe Resume File",
  5916. ".sbk" => "Scrapbook Factory File",
  5917. ".sbv" => "Superbase Form Definition File",
  5918. ".sdt" => "SmartDraw Template File",
  5919. ".sjd" => "Scrapbook Factory Journal File",
  5920. ".snp" => "Access Report Snapshot",
  5921. ".sp" => "SignPlot Traffic Sign File",
  5922. ".spub" => "Swift Publisher Document",
  5923. ".totalslayout" => "Totals Invoice Layout File",
  5924. ".tp3" => "Harvard Graphics DOS Template File",
  5925. ".vfc" => "VentaFax Cover Page File",
  5926. ".vp" => "Ventura Publication File",
  5927. ".webtemplate" => "iWeb Template",
  5928. ".webtheme" => "iWeb Theme Template",
  5929. ".wlp" => " Label Designer File",
  5930. ".wmga" => "Web Manga Document",
  5931. ".wpt" => "Works Template",
  5932. ".wwf" => "World Wide Fund Non-Printable Document",
  5933. ".xdw" => "Fuji Xerox DocuWorks File",
  5934. ".xif" => "ScanSoft Pagis File",
  5935. ".xps" => "XML Paper Specification File",
  5936. ".xsn" => "InfoPath Form Template File",
  5937. ".xtp" => "InfoPath Template Part File",
  5938. ".xzfx" => "ZipLogix ZipForm File",
  5939. ".zdl" => "Avery DesignPro Label File",
  5940. ".zdp" => "Avery DesignPro Label File",
  5941. ".zds" => "DesignPro Label File",
  5942. ".zfx" => "ZipForm File",
  5943. ".zno" => "Zinio Electronic Magazine File"
  5944. );
  5946. $video = array(
  5947. ".264" => "Ripped Video Data File",
  5948. ".3g2" => "3GPP2 Multimedia File",
  5949. ".3gp" => "3GPP Multimedia File",
  5950. ".3gp2" => "3GPP Multimedia File",
  5951. ".3gpp" => "3GPP Media File",
  5952. ".3gpp2" => "3GPP2 Multimedia File",
  5953. ".3mm" => "3D Movie Maker Movie Project",
  5954. ".3p2" => "3GPP Multimedia File",
  5955. ".60d" => "CCTV Video Clip",
  5956. ".787" => "AVTECH CCTV Video File",
  5957. ".890" => "Cavena Subtitles File",
  5958. ".aaf" => "Advanced Authoring Format File",
  5959. ".aec" => "Cinema 4D After Effects Composition",
  5960. ".aep" => "After Effects Project",
  5961. ".aepx" => "After Effects XML Project",
  5962. ".aet" => "After Effects Project Template",
  5963. ".aetx" => "After Effects XML Project Template",
  5964. ".ajp" => "CCTV Video File",
  5965. ".ale" => "Avid Log Exchange File",
  5966. ".am" => "Anark Media File",
  5967. ".amc" => "AMC Video File",
  5968. ".amv" => "Anime Music Video File",
  5969. ".amx" => "Adobe Motion Exchange File",
  5970. ".anim" => "Amiga Animation File",
  5971. ".aqt" => "AQTitle Subtitles File",
  5972. ".arcut" => "Prelude Rough Cut File",
  5973. ".arf" => "WebEx Advanced Recording File",
  5974. ".asf" => "Advanced Systems Format File",
  5975. ".asx" => "Microsoft ASF Redirector File",
  5976. ".avb" => "Avid Bin File",
  5977. ".avc" => "Avid Media Composer Script",
  5978. ".avchd" => "High Definition Video File",
  5979. ".avd" => "Movie Edit Pro Video Information File",
  5980. ".avi" => "Audio Video Interleave File",
  5981. ".avp" => "Avid Project File",
  5982. ".avs" => "Application Visualization System File",
  5983. ".avs" => "AviSynth Script File",
  5984. ".avv" => "Avid Volume Bin File",
  5985. ".awlive" => "Active Webcam Video File",
  5986. ".axm" => "AXMEDIS Object",
  5987. ".bdm" => "AVHCD Information File",
  5988. ".bdmv" => "Blu-ray Disc Movie Information File",
  5989. ".bdt2" => "BEEDOCS Timeline 3D 2 Document",
  5990. ".bdt3" => "BEEDOCS Timeline 3D 3 Document",
  5991. ".bik" => "Bink Video File",
  5992. ".bin" => "Binary Video File",
  5993. ".bix" => "Kodicom Video File",
  5994. ".bmc" => "Bolide Movie Creator Project File",
  5995. ".bmk" => "PowerDVD MovieMark File",
  5996. ".bnp" => "Sony Camcorder Video Data File",
  5997. ".box" => "Kodicom Video",
  5998. ".bs4" => "Mikogo Session Video Recording",
  5999. ".bsf" => "Blu-ray AVC Video File",
  6000. ".bu" => "Samsung CCTV Video File",
  6001. ".bvr" => "Blue Iris Video",
  6002. ".byu" => "Brigham Young University Movie File",
  6003. ".camproj" => "Camtasia Studio Project",
  6004. ".camrec" => "Camtasia Studio Screen Recording",
  6005. ".camv" => "Camtasia Video File",
  6006. ".ced" => "JVC Camera Video Data File",
  6007. ".cel" => "FLIC Animation",
  6008. ".cine" => "Phantom Digital Video File",
  6009. ".cip" => "Cavena Subtitles File",
  6010. ".clk" => "ClickView Video File",
  6011. ".clpi" => "Blu-ray Clip Information File",
  6012. ".cmmp" => "Camtasia MenuMaker Project",
  6013. ".cmmtpl" => "Camtasia MenuMaker Template",
  6014. ".cmproj" => "Camtasia Project File",
  6015. ".cmrec" => "Camtasia Recording",
  6016. ".cpi" => "AVCHD Video Clip Information File",
  6017. ".cst" => "Director External Cast File",
  6018. ".cvc" => "cVideo",
  6019. ".cx3" => "CMS Recorded Video File",
  6020. ".d2v" => "DVD2AVI File",
  6021. ".d3v" => "Datel Video File",
  6022. ".dash" => "MPEG-DASH Video File",
  6023. ".dat" => "VCD Video File",
  6024. ".dav" => "DVR365 Video File",
  6025. ".db2" => "Samsung CCTV Video Information File",
  6026. ".dce" => "DriveCam Video File",
  6027. ".dck" => "Resolume Deck File",
  6028. ".dcr" => "Liberty Video Recording File",
  6029. ".dcr" => "Digital Court Recorder Video File",
  6030. ".ddat" => "DivX Temporary Video File",
  6031. ".dif" => "Digital Interface Format",
  6032. ".dir" => "Adobe Director Movie",
  6033. ".divx" => "DivX-Encoded Movie File",
  6034. ".dlx" => "Sony VDU Video File",
  6035. ".dmb" => "Digital Multimedia Broadcasting File",
  6036. ".dmsd" => "Roxio MyDVD Project",
  6037. ".dmsd3d" => "Roxio MyDVD 3D Project",
  6038. ".dmsm" => "VideoWave Movie Project File",
  6039. ".dmsm3d" => "VideoWave 3D Movie Project File",
  6040. ".dmss" => "VideoWave SlideShow Project File",
  6041. ".dmx" => "Source Filmmaker Project File",
  6042. ".dnc" => "Windows Dancer File",
  6043. ".dpa" => "DrawPlus Animation File",
  6044. ".dpg" => "Nintendo DS Movie File",
  6045. ".dream" => "Dream Animated Wallpaper File",
  6046. ".dsy" => "Besta Video File",
  6047. ".dv" => "Digital Video File",
  6048. ".dv-avi" => "Microsoft DV-AVI Video File",
  6049. ".dv4" => "Bosch Security Systems CCTV Video File",
  6050. ".dvdmedia" => "RipIt DVD Package",
  6051. ".dvr" => "Microsoft Recorded TV Show",
  6052. ".dvr-ms" => "Microsoft Digital Video Recording",
  6053. ".dvx" => "DivX Video File",
  6054. ".dxr" => "Protected Macromedia Director Movie",
  6055. ".dzm" => "DirectorZone Menu Template",
  6056. ".dzp" => "DirectorZone Particle Effect File",
  6057. ".dzt" => "DirectorZone Title File",
  6058. ".edl" => "Edit Decision List File",
  6059. ".evo" => "HD DVD Video File",
  6060. ".eye" => "Eyemail Video Recording File",
  6061. ".ezt" => "EZTitles Subtitles File",
  6062. ".f4f" => "Flash Video Fragment",
  6063. ".f4p" => "Adobe Flash Protected Media File",
  6064. ".f4v" => "Flash MP4 Video File",
  6065. ".fbr" => "Mercury Screen Recording",
  6066. ".fbr" => "FlashBack Screen Recording",
  6067. ".fbz" => "FlashBack Screen Recorder Movie",
  6068. ".fcp" => "Final Cut Project",
  6069. ".fcproject" => "Final Cut Pro X Project File",
  6070. ".ffd" => "ffDiaporama Project File",
  6071. ".flc" => "FLIC Animation",
  6072. ".flh" => "FLIC Animation File",
  6073. ".fli" => "FLIC Animation",
  6074. ".flv" => "Flash Video File",
  6075. ".flx" => "FLIC Animation",
  6076. ".ftc" => "FluxTime Clip File",
  6077. ".gcs" => "Cineform Studio Video Project",
  6078. ".gfp" => "GreenForce-Player Protected Media File",
  6079. ".gl" => "GRASP Animation",
  6080. ".gom" => "GOM Media File",
  6081. ".grasp" => "GRASP Animation",
  6082. ".gts" => "CaptiveWorks PVR Video File",
  6083. ".gvi" => "Google Video File",
  6084. ".gvp" => "Google Video Pointer",
  6085. ".h264" => "H.264 Encoded Video File",
  6086. ".hdmov" => "QuickTime HD Movie File",
  6087. ".hdv" => "High Definition Video Format",
  6088. ".hkm" => "Havok Movie File",
  6089. ".ifo" => "DVD-Video Disc Information File",
  6090. ".imovieproj" => "iMovie Project File",
  6091. ".imovieproject" => "iMovie Project",
  6092. ".inp" => "Sony Camcorder Image Management File",
  6093. ".int" => "Sony Camcorder Image Management File",
  6094. ".ircp" => "SpeedGrade IRIDAS Composite File",
  6095. ".irf" => "CCTV DVR H.264 Video File",
  6096. ".ism" => "IIS Smooth Streaming Manifest File",
  6097. ".ismc" => "Smooth Streaming Client Manifest File",
  6098. ".ismclip" => "iStopMotion Animation Clip",
  6099. ".ismv" => "IIS Smooth Streaming Video File",
  6100. ".iva" => "Surveillance Video File",
  6101. ".ivf" => "Indeo Video Format File",
  6102. ".ivr" => "Internet Video Recording",
  6103. ".ivs" => "Internet Streaming Video",
  6104. ".izz" => "Isadora Media Control Project",
  6105. ".izzy" => "Isadora Project",
  6106. ".jmv" => "Jnes Movie File",
  6107. ".jss" => "JACOsub Subtitle File",
  6108. ".jts" => "Cyberlink AVCHD Video File",
  6109. ".jtv" => "J. River TV File",
  6110. ".k3g" => "3GP Mobile Phone Video File",
  6111. ".kdenlive" => "Kdenlive Project File",
  6112. ".kmv" => "Mobile DJ Video File",
  6113. ".ktn" => "KTooN Animation Project File",
  6114. ".lrec" => "Inter-Tel Web Conference Recording",
  6115. ".lrv" => "Low Resolution Video File",
  6116. ".lsf" => "Streaming Media Format",
  6117. ".lsx" => "Streaming Media Shortcut",
  6118. ".lvix" => "Lightworks Video Index File",
  6119. ".m15" => "MPEG Video",
  6120. ".m1pg" => "iFinish Video Clip",
  6121. ".m1v" => "MPEG-1 Video File",
  6122. ".m21" => "MPEG-21 File",
  6123. ".m21" => "AXMEDIS MPEG-21 File",
  6124. ".m2a" => "MPEG-1 Layer 2 Audio File",
  6125. ".m2p" => "MPEG-2 Program Stream File",
  6126. ".m2t" => "HDV Video File",
  6127. ".m2ts" => "Blu-ray BDAV Video File",
  6128. ".m2v" => "MPEG-2 Video",
  6129. ".m4e" => "MPEG-4 Video File",
  6130. ".m4u" => "MPEG-4 Playlist",
  6131. ".m4v" => "iTunes Video File",
  6132. ".m75" => "MPEG Video",
  6133. ".mani" => "Mine-imator Project File",
  6134. ".meta" => "RealPlayer Metafile",
  6135. ".mgv" => "PSP Video File",
  6136. ".mj2" => "Motion JPEG 2000 Video Clip",
  6137. ".mjp" => "MJPEG Video File",
  6138. ".mjpg" => "Motion JPEG Video File",
  6139. ".mk3d" => "Matroska 3D Video File",
  6140. ".mkv" => "Matroska Video File",
  6141. ".mmv" => "MicroMV Video File",
  6142. ".mnv" => "PlayStation Movie File",
  6143. ".mob" => "MOBTV Video File",
  6144. ".mod" => "Camcorder Recorded Video File",
  6145. ".modd" => "Sony Video Analysis File",
  6146. ".moff" => "Sony Video Analysis Index File",
  6147. ".moi" => "MOI Video File",
  6148. ".moov" => "Apple QuickTime Movie",
  6149. ".mov" => "Apple QuickTime Movie",
  6150. ".movie" => "QuickTime Movie File",
  6151. ".mp21" => "AXMEDIS MPEG-21 Object",
  6152. ".mp21" => "MPEG-21 Multimedia File",
  6153. ".mp2v" => "MPEG-2 Video File",
  6154. ".mp4" => "MPEG-4 Video File",
  6155. ".mp4.infovid" => "Parrot AR Drone and Gyro Flyer Video",
  6156. ".mp4v" => "MPEG-4 Video",
  6157. ".mpe" => "MPEG Movie File",
  6158. ".mpeg" => "MPEG Movie",
  6159. ".mpeg1" => "MPEG-1 Video File",
  6160. ".mpeg4" => "MPEG-4 File",
  6161. ".mpf" => "MainActor Project File",
  6162. ".mpg" => "MPEG Video File",
  6163. ".mpg2" => "MPEG-2 Video File",
  6164. ".mpgindex" => "Adobe MPEG Index File",
  6165. ".mpl" => "MPL2 Subtitles File",
  6166. ".mpl" => "AVCHD Playlist File",
  6167. ".mpls" => "Blu-ray Movie Playlist File",
  6168. ".mpsub" => "MPlayer Subtitles File",
  6169. ".mpv" => "MPEG Elementary Stream Video File",
  6170. ".mpv2" => "MPEG-2 Video Stream",
  6171. ".mqv" => "Sony Movie Format File",
  6172. ".msdvd" => "Windows DVD Maker Project File",
  6173. ".mse" => "MediaShow Slideshow Project File",
  6174. ".msh" => "Visual Communicator Project File",
  6175. ".mswmm" => "Windows Movie Maker Project",
  6176. ".mts" => "AVCHD Video File",
  6177. ".mtv" => "MTV Video Format File",
  6178. ".mvb" => "Multimedia Viewer Book Source File",
  6179. ".mvc" => "Movie Collector Catalog",
  6180. ".mvd" => "Movie Edit Pro Movie File",
  6181. ".mve" => "Infinity Engine Movie File",
  6182. ".mvex" => "Muvee autoProducer 6 Project File",
  6183. ".mvp" => "MoviePlus Project File",
  6184. ".mvp" => "MAGIX Video Project File",
  6185. ".mvy" => "Video easy Project File",
  6186. ".mxf" => "Material Exchange Format File",
  6187. ".mxv" => "MAGIX Video File",
  6188. ".mys" => "Vineyard Captured Video File",
  6189. ".ncor" => "Adobe Encore Project File",
  6190. ".nsv" => "Nullsoft Streaming Video File",
  6191. ".nut" => "NUT Video File",
  6192. ".nuv" => "NuppelVideo File",
  6193. ".nvc" => "NeroVision Express Project File",
  6194. ".ogm" => "Ogg Media File",
  6195. ".ogv" => "Ogg Video File",
  6196. ".ogx" => "Ogg Vorbis Multiplexed Media File",
  6197. ".orv" => "Oracom Video File",
  6198. ".osp" => "OpenShot Project File",
  6199. ".otrkey" => "OnlineTvRecorder Encoded Video File",
  6200. ".pac" => "PAC Subtitles File",
  6201. ".par" => "Dedicated Micros DVR Recording",
  6202. ".pds" => "PowerDirector Script File",
  6203. ".pgi" => "Video Recording File",
  6204. ".photoshow" => "Roxio PhotoShow Project",
  6205. ".piv" => "Pivot Stickfigure Animation",
  6206. ".pjs" => "Phoenix Subtitles File",
  6207. ".playlist" => "CyberLink PowerDVD Playlist",
  6208. ".plproj" => "Adobe Prelude Project File",
  6209. ".pmf" => "PSP Movie File",
  6210. ".pmv" => "Return to Zork Video File",
  6211. ".pns" => "Pelco CCTV Video File",
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  6239. ".rmd" => "RealPlayer Media File",
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  6243. ".rmvb" => "RealMedia Variable Bit Rate File",
  6244. ".roq" => "Id Software Game Video",
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  6248. ".rts" => "QuickTime Real-Time Streaming Format",
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  6250. ".rv" => "Real Video File",
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  6256. ".scm" => "ScreenCam Screen Recording",
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  6262. ".sedprj" => "Slideshow Studio Elements Project",
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  6264. ".sfd" => "Sofdec Dreamcast Movie",
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  6266. ".siv" => "Silicon Imaging Video File",
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  6268. ".smi" => "SMIL Presentation",
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  6270. ".smk" => "Smacker Compressed Movie File",
  6271. ".sml" => "SMIL Slideshow Presentation",
  6272. ".smv" => "VideoLink Mail Video File",
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  6274. ".spl" => "FutureSplash Animation",
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  6279. ".stl" => "Spruce Technologies Subtitle File",
  6280. ".str" => "PlayStation Video Stream",
  6281. ".stx" => "Pinnacle Studio Project File",
  6282. ".svi" => "Samsung Video File",
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  6284. ".swi" => "SWiSH Project File",
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  6289. ".thp" => "Wii/GameCube Video File",
  6290. ".tid" => "AVCHD Thumbnail File",
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  6292. ".tix" => "DivX Video Download Activation File",
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  6295. ".tp0" => "Mascom PVR Video File",
  6296. ".tpd" => "Cyberlink TOD Video File",
  6297. ".tpr" => "TMPGEnc Project File",
  6298. ".trp" => "HD Video Transport Stream",
  6299. ".ts" => "Video Transport Stream File",
  6300. ".tsp" => "Digital TV DVR Recording",
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  6302. ".tvs" => "TeamViewer Video Session File",
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  6304. ".usm" => "USM Game Video File",
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  6308. ".vcr" => "ATI Video Card Recording",
  6309. ".vcv" => "ViewCave Video File",
  6310. ".vdo" => "VDOLive Media File",
  6311. ".vdr" => "VirtualDub Signpost File",
  6312. ".vdx" => "The 7th Guest Video File",
  6313. ".veg" => "Vegas Video Project",
  6314. ".vem" => "Meta Media Video E-Mail File",
  6315. ".vep" => "AVS Video Editor Project File",
  6316. ".vf" => "Vegas Movie Studio Project File",
  6317. ".vft" => "VideoStudio Filter File",
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  6322. ".video" => "aTube Catcher Video File",
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  6325. ".vivo" => "VivoActive Video File",
  6326. ".vix" => "Lightworks Video Index File",
  6327. ".vlab" => "VisionLab Studio Project File",
  6328. ".vob" => "DVD Video Object File",
  6329. ".vp3" => "On2 Streaming Video File",
  6330. ".vp6" => "TrueMotion VP6 Video File",
  6331. ".vp7" => "TrueMotion VP7 Video File",
  6332. ".vpj" => "VideoPad Video Editor Project File",
  6333. ".vro" => "DVD Video Recording Format",
  6334. ".vs4" => "AVTECH CCTV Video Surveillance File",
  6335. ".vse" => "AVTECH CCTV Video",
  6336. ".vsp" => "VideoStudio Project File",
  6337. ".w32" => "WinCAPs Subtitle File",
  6338. ".wcp" => "WinDVD Creator Project File",
  6339. ".webm" => "WebM Video File",
  6340. ".wlmp" => "Windows Live Movie Maker Project File",
  6341. ".wm" => "Windows Media File",
  6342. ".wmd" => "Windows Media Download Package",
  6343. ".wmmp" => "Windows Movie Maker Project File",
  6344. ".wmv" => "Windows Media Video File",
  6345. ".wmx" => "Windows Media Redirector File",
  6346. ".wot" => "WebEx Recording File",
  6347. ".wp3" => "Microsoft Photo Story Project File",
  6348. ".wpl" => "Windows Media Player Playlist",
  6349. ".wtv" => "Windows Recorded TV Show File",
  6350. ".wve" => "Wondershare Video Editor Project File",
  6351. ".wvx" => "Windows Media Video Redirector",
  6352. ".xej" => "Expression Encoder Job File",
  6353. ".xel" => "Expression Encoder Live Encoding File",
  6354. ".xesc" => "Expression Encoder Screen Capture File",
  6355. ".xfl" => "Flash Movie Archive",
  6356. ".xlmv" => "Xunlei Movie File",
  6357. ".xmv" => "Xbox Media Video File",
  6358. ".xvid" => "Xvid-Encoded Video File",
  6359. ".y4m" => "YUV4MPEG2 Video File",
  6360. ".yog" => "Outerra Captured Video File",
  6361. ".yuv" => "YUV Video File",
  6362. ".zeg" => "ZeroG Subtitles File",
  6363. ".zm1" => "ZSNES Movie #1 File",
  6364. ".zm2" => "ZSNES Movie #2 File",
  6365. ".zm3" => "ZSNES Movie #3 File",
  6366. ".zmv" => "ZSNES Movie File"
  6367. );
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  6372. ".afm" => "Adobe Font Metrics File",
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  6416. ".xfn" => "Ventura Printer Font",
  6417. ".xft" => "ChiWriter Printer Font",
  6418. ".ytf" => "Google Picasa Font Cache"
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  6435. ".aww" => "Ability Write Document",
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  6437. ".bbs" => "Bulletin Board System Text",
  6438. ".bdp" => "Exchange Diagnostic Message",
  6439. ".bdr" => "Exchange Non-Delivery Report Body File",
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  6445. ".boc" => "EasyWord Big Document",
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  6515. ".hht" => "Help and Support Center HHT File",
  6516. ".hs" => "Java HelpSet File",
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  6668. ".unx" => "Unix Text File",
  6669. ".uof" => "Uniform Office Document",
  6670. ".uot" => "Uniform Office Document",
  6671. ".upd" => "Program Update Information",
  6672. ".utf8" => "Unicode UTF8-Encoded Text Document",
  6673. ".utxt" => "Unicode Text File",
  6674. ".vct" => "Visual Class Library Memo",
  6675. ".vnt" => "Mobile Phone vNote File",
  6676. ".vw" => "Volkswriter Text File",
  6677. ".wbk" => "WordPerfect Workbook",
  6678. ".webdoc" => " Web Document",
  6679. ".wn" => "WriteNow Text Document",
  6680. ".wp" => "WordPerfect Document",
  6681. ".wp4" => "WordPerfect 4 Document",
  6682. ".wp5" => "WordPerfect 5 Document",
  6683. ".wp6" => "WordPerfect 6 Document",
  6684. ".wp7" => "WordPerfect 7 Document",
  6685. ".wpa" => "ACT! Word Processing Document",
  6686. ".wpd" => "ACT! 2 Word Processing Document",
  6687. ".wpd" => "WordPerfect Document",
  6688. ".wpd" => "602Text Word Processing Document",
  6689. ".wpl" => "DEC WPS Plus Text Document",
  6690. ".wps" => "Microsoft Works Word Processor Document",
  6691. ".wps" => "Kingsoft Writer Document",
  6692. ".wpt" => "WordPerfect Template",
  6693. ".wpt" => "Kingsoft Writer Template",
  6694. ".wpw" => "WP Works Word Processor File",
  6695. ".wri" => "Windows Write Document",
  6696. ".wsd" => "WordStar Document",
  6697. ".wtx" => "Text Document",
  6698. ".xbdoc" => "Xiosis Scribe Document",
  6699. ".xbplate" => "Xiosis Scribe Template",
  6700. ".xdl" => "XML Schema File",
  6701. ".xdl" => "Oracle Expert Definition Language File",
  6702. ".xwp" => "XMLwriter Project",
  6703. ".xwp" => "Crosstalk Session File",
  6704. ".xwp" => "Xerox Writer Text Document",
  6705. ".xy" => "XYWrite Document",
  6706. ".xy3" => "XYWrite III Document",
  6707. ".xyp" => "XYWrite Plus Document",
  6708. ".xyw" => "XYWrite for Windows Document",
  6709. ".zabw" => "Compressed AbiWord Document File",
  6710. ".zrtf" => "Nisus Compressed Rich Text File",
  6711. ".zw" => "Chinese Text File"
  6712. );
  6714. $settings = array(
  6715. ".256" => "Descent 2 Color Palette File",
  6716. ".8st" => "8start Launcher File",
  6717. ".a2m" => "TS-AudioToMIDI Settings File",
  6718. ".a2theme" => "Aston 2 Theme File",
  6719. ".abs" => "Avant Browser Skin File",
  6720. ".abs" => "TurboZIP Auto Compress Script",
  6721. ".acb" => "AutoCAD Color Book File",
  6722. ".acb" => "Adobe Photoshop Color Book File",
  6723. ".acbl" => "Adobe Color Book Legacy File",
  6724. ".acf" => "Adobe Photoshop Custom Filter File",
  6725. ".aco" => "Adobe Photoshop Color Swatch File",
  6726. ".acrobatsecuritysettings" => "Adobe Acrobat Security Settings File",
  6727. ".acrodata" => "Acrobat Data File",
  6728. ".act" => "Adobe Color Table File",
  6729. ".acv" => "Photoshop Curves File",
  6730. ".acw" => "Windows Accessibility Wizard File",
  6731. ".ado" => "Adobe Photoshop Duotone Options File",
  6732. ".adpp" => "Adobe Device Profile Package",
  6733. ".aea" => "Ae Timer Alarm Document",
  6734. ".ahl" => "eMule Metadata File",
  6735. ".ahs" => "Adobe Halftone Screen File",
  6736. ".ahu" => "Adobe Photoshop HSL File",
  6737. ".aia" => "Adobe Illustrator Action File",
  6738. ".ait" => "Adobe Illustrator Template",
  6739. ".aiu" => "Advanced Installer Updates Configuration File",
  6740. ".all" => "Java RMI Policy File",
  6741. ".alv" => "Adobe Photoshop Levels File",
  6742. ".alx" => "BlackBerry Application Loader XML File",
  6743. ".amp" => "Adobe Photoshop Curves Map File",
  6744. ".ams" => "Adobe Monitor Setup file",
  6745. ".antispam5" => "Personal AntiSpam Settings File",
  6746. ".aois" => "CFS Console Add-on Installer Settings File",
  6747. ".aom" => "After Effects Output Module",
  6748. ".api" => "Adobe Photoshop Inks File",
  6749. ".application" => "ClickOnce Deployment Manifest File",
  6750. ".appref-ms" => "Microsoft Application Reference File",
  6751. ".arg" => "AutoCAD Profile",
  6752. ".arl" => "AOL Organizer File",
  6753. ".arp" => "Advanced RAR Password Recovery Setup",
  6754. ".ars" => "After Effects Render Settings File",
  6755. ".ase" => "Adobe Swatch Exchange File",
  6756. ".asef" => "Adobe Swatch Exchange File",
  6757. ".ask" => "Ableton Live Skin File",
  6758. ".asl" => "Photoshop Style",
  6759. ".asp" => "Adobe Color Separation Setup File",
  6760. ".ast" => "Adobe Color Separations Table",
  6761. ".asv" => "Adobe Photoshop Selective Color File",
  6762. ".aswcs" => "Avast! Compressed Skin File",
  6763. ".asws" => "Avast! Skin File",
  6764. ".atc" => "AutoCAD Tool Catalog File",
  6765. ".atf" => "Photoshop Transfer Function File",
  6766. ".ath" => "Alienware AlienFX Theme File",
  6767. ".atn" => "Photoshop Actions File",
  6768. ".atz" => "Aston Compiled Theme",
  6769. ".aux" => "LaTeX Auxiliary File",
  6770. ".ave" => "Avid User File",
  6771. ".avs" => "Adobe Photoshop Variations File",
  6772. ".avs" => "AVS Preset File",
  6773. ".avs" => "Avid Project Preferences File",
  6774. ".awcav" => "ActiveWorlds Custom Avatar File",
  6775. ".aws" => "AutoCAD Work Space File",
  6776. ".axp" => "CDBurnerXP Audio Compilation File",
  6777. ".axt" => "Adobe Photoshop Extract File",
  6778. ".bau" => "Apache OpenOffice AutoText File",
  6779. ".bcmx" => "Business Contact Manager Customization",
  6780. ".bcp" => "BlackMagic Custom Palette",
  6781. ".bcp" => "Batch Compiler Preset File",
  6782. ".bcs" => "Batch Compiler Specification File",
  6783. ".bcs" => "Boland Calibration Settings File",
  6784. ".bgi" => "BgInfo Configuration File",
  6785. ".bin" => "BlackBerry IT Policy File",
  6786. ".bitpim" => "BitPim Configuration File",
  6787. ".bks" => "NTBackup Settings File",
  6788. ".blob" => "Valve Steam Archive",
  6789. ".blt" => "AIM Buddy List",
  6790. ".blw" => "Adobe Photoshop Black and White Presets File",
  6791. ".boot" => "InstallShield Boot File",
  6792. ".brg" => "ProjectWise User Settings File",
  6793. ".bs7" => "Windows 7 Boot Updater Skin",
  6794. ".btsearch" => "BitTorrent Search Engine File",
  6795. ".bxx" => "BS Contact Parameter File",
  6796. ".c2r" => "Windows Media Center Click-To-Record File",
  6797. ".camp" => "WCS Color Appearance Model Profile File",
  6798. ".case" => "SlipCover Case Template",
  6799. ".cdt" => "CorelDRAW Image Template",
  6800. ".cex" => "SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Vault Export File",
  6801. ".cf" => "Sendmail Configuration File",
  6802. ".cfg" => "Citrix Server Connection File",
  6803. ".cfg" => "LightWave Configuration File",
  6804. ".cfg" => "MAME Configuration File",
  6805. ".cfg" => "Celestia Configuration File",
  6806. ".cfg" => "Configuration File",
  6807. ".cgr" => "Quest3D Channel Group File",
  6808. ".cha" => "Photoshop Channel Mixture",
  6809. ".chl" => "WinFast PVR2 Channel List",
  6810. ".chx" => "AutoCAD Standards Check File",
  6811. ".clg" => "Windows Catalog File",
  6812. ".clr" => "CryptLoad Router Information File",
  6813. ".clr" => "Vue Color Maps File",
  6814. ".cm" => "Cable Modem Configuration File",
  6815. ".cmmtheme" => "CleanMyMac Theme File",
  6816. ".cmp" => "Windows Connection Manager Profile",
  6817. ".cnf" => "Telnet Configuration File",
  6818. ".cnf" => "MySQL Configuration File",
  6819. ".colourscheme" => "Speedy Browser Colour Scheme File",
  6820. ".conf" => "Unix Configuration File",
  6821. ".conf" => "Generic Configuration File",
  6822. ".controls" => "OpenBVE Keyboard Shortcuts File",
  6823. ".copreset" => "Capture One Preset File",
  6824. ".cos" => "Capture One Settings File",
  6825. ".costyle" => "Capture One Style File",
  6826. ".cpf" => "Cab Provisioning Format File",
  6827. ".cpg" => "ESRI Code Page File",
  6828. ".cpr" => "Adobe Captivate Preferences File",
  6829. ".cpx" => "Oracle ADF Binding Context File",
  6830. ".csaplan" => "SPSS Analysis Plan File",
  6831. ".csf" => "Adobe Color Settings File",
  6832. ".cskin" => "CD Art Display Skin File",
  6833. ".csplan" => "SPSS Sampling Plan File",
  6834. ".cst" => "Canvas Custom Set File",
  6835. ".ctb" => "AutoCAD Color-Based Plot Style File",
  6836. ".ctbodyfitting" => "CrazyTalk Animator Actor Fitting File",
  6837. ".cui" => "Autodesk Custom Workspace File",
  6838. ".cuix" => "AutoCAD Custom User Interface File",
  6839. ".cus" => "AutoCAD Custom Dictionary File",
  6840. ".cva" => "HP Systems Software Manager Information File",
  6841. ".cwf" => "CorelDRAW Workspace File",
  6842. ".cyberducklicense" => "Cyberduck Donation Key",
  6843. ".cyberduckprofile" => "Cyberduck Connection Profile",
  6844. ".dbb" => "Skype User Information File",
  6845. ".dbg" => "FoxPro Debugger Configuration",
  6846. ".dcl" => "AutoCAD Dialog Definition File",
  6847. ".dcp" => "Adobe DNG Camera Profile",
  6848. ".dcst" => "Adobe InDesign Document Presets File",
  6849. ".ddf" => "Diamond Directive File",
  6850. ".dicproof" => "Microsoft Dictionary Proofing File",
  6851. ".dinfo" => "DivX Temporary Video Info File",
  6852. ".directory" => "KDE Folder View Properties File",
  6853. ".dolphinview" => "Dolphin Folder View Settings File",
  6854. ".downloadhost" => "MSN Download Settings File",
  6855. ".dps" => "DivX Player 2 Skin File",
  6856. ".dpv" => "Siemens NX Drafting Standard File",
  6857. ".drm" => "Cubase Drum Map File",
  6858. ".ds_store" => "Mac OS X Folder Settings File",
  6859. ".dsd" => "AutoCAD Drawing Set Description File",
  6860. ".dsw" => "Visual C++ 6 Workspace File",
  6861. ".dsx" => "DAZ Studio XML File",
  6862. ".duck" => "Cyberduck Bookmark",
  6863. ".dun" => "Dial Up Network File",
  6864. ".dxls" => "DashXL Skin Set File",
  6865. ".dxp" => "Dexpot Profile File",
  6866. ".eap" => "Adobe Photoshop Exposure File",
  6867. ".eftx" => "Office 2007 Theme Effect File",
  6868. ".elm" => "Office Theme File",
  6869. ".enp" => "EndNote Preferences File",
  6870. ".ens" => "EndNote Style File",
  6871. ".env" => "WordPerfect Environment",
  6872. ".env" => "Vue Environment File",
  6873. ".enz" => "EndNote Connection File",
  6874. ".epr" => "Photoshop AME Preset File",
  6875. ".eqf" => "Winamp Equalizer Preset File",
  6876. ".eql" => "MathType Settings",
  6877. ".eqp" => "MathType Preferences",
  6878. ".etff" => "Encrypt4all Theme File",
  6879. ".eum" => "Enterprise User Monitor Configuration File",
  6880. ".ev3" => "Everlock Options File",
  6881. ".example" => "Example Configuration File",
  6882. ".exe4j" => "Exe4j Configuration File",
  6883. ".exp" => "SonicWALL Preference File",
  6884. ".exportedui" => "Microsoft Office Exported UI Customization File",
  6885. ".fan" => "Finale Font Annotation File",
  6886. ".fat" => "Zinf Theme File",
  6887. ".favoritemetadata" => "Transmit Favorites Data File",
  6888. ".fbt" => "ABBYY FineReader Document Options File",
  6889. ".fc" => "FirstClass Settings File",
  6890. ".fcc" => "Forms Credential Collector File",
  6891. ".fd" => "LaTeX Font Definition File",
  6892. ".fdc" => "AutoCAD Field Catalog File",
  6893. ".fev" => "FLAMES Environment Variable File",
  6894. ".ffx" => "After Effects Preset File",
  6895. ".flst" => "Adobe InDesign Flattener Presets File",
  6896. ".flt" => "Vue Filters File",
  6897. ".fm3" => "Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Format File",
  6898. ".fmod" => "Adobe Illustrator Flattening Module",
  6899. ".fmp" => "AutoCAD Font Map File",
  6900. ".fmt" => "FoxPro Format File",
  6901. ".fnc" => "Frogans Player Network Certificate",
  6902. ".frames" => "xScope Frames File",
  6903. ".frc" => "Mandelbrot Explorer Color Settings File",
  6904. ".frr" => "Mandelbrot Explorer Fractal Region Settings File",
  6905. ".ft" => "Edgecam Feature Template",
  6906. ".fth" => "FileMaker Theme File",
  6907. ".fth" => "Foobar2000 Theme File",
  6908. ".ftpquota" => "Ftpquota File",
  6909. ".fwt" => "FacetWin Configuration File",
  6910. ".gcsx" => "Microsoft Office SmartArt Color File",
  6911. ".gdiagramstyle" => "OmniGraffle Diagram Style File",
  6912. ".gid" => "Windows Help Global Index File",
  6913. ".gin" => "GEMS Engine Control Unit File",
  6914. ".gps" => "GenePix Settings File",
  6915. ".gps" => "GOM Player Skin File",
  6916. ".gqsx" => "Microsoft Office SmartArt Styles File",
  6917. ".grd" => "Photoshop Gradient File",
  6918. ".growlticket" => "Growl Notification File",
  6919. ".gtkrc" => "GTK+ Theme File",
  6920. ".gtp" => "GNOME Theme Package File",
  6921. ".gvimrc" => "GVim Runtime Configuration File",
  6922. ".gws" => "GeoMedia GeoWorkspace File",
  6923. ".gxt" => "Grand Theft Auto Text File",
  6924. ".hdt" => "Photoshop HDR Toning Preset File",
  6925. ".hid" => "Sony Ericsson Remote Settings File",
  6926. ".hme" => "Windows Mobile Theme File",
  6927. ".ht" => "HyperTerminal Session File",
  6928. ".iaf" => "Outlook Internet Account File",
  6929. ".ica" => "Citrix ICA File",
  6930. ".icc" => "ICC Profile",
  6931. ".icd" => "Installable Client Driver File",
  6932. ".icm" => "Image Color Matching Profile",
  6933. ".icst" => "InCopy Document Preset File",
  6934. ".icursorfx" => "iCursor Effect File",
  6935. ".iddx" => "Static Default File",
  6936. ".idf" => "MIDI Instrument Definition File",
  6937. ".idpp" => "Adobe InDesign Preflight Profile",
  6938. ".igr" => "Quest3D Channel Group Layout File",
  6939. ".ihw" => "IN-HEH Timeline Workspace",
  6940. ".iip" => "ThinAnywhere Configuration File",
  6941. ".iip" => "Install Creator Pro Project File",
  6942. ".iit" => "Install Creator Project File",
  6943. ".ikf" => "INTUS Keyboard File",
  6944. ".ikmp" => "IK Multimedia Preset FIle",
  6945. ".immodules" => "GTK+ Module File",
  6946. ".inf" => "Setup Information File",
  6947. ".ini" => "Gravis UltraSound Bank Setup File",
  6948. ".ini" => "Symbian OS Configuration File",
  6949. ".ini" => "Windows Initialization File",
  6950. ".inms" => "Adobe InDesign Menu Set File",
  6951. ".ins" => "Internet Settings File",
  6952. ".ipcc" => "iPhone Carrier Bundle",
  6953. ".iros" => "Adobe Save For Web Settings File",
  6954. ".irs" => "Adobe Save For Web Settings",
  6955. ".isp" => "IIS Internet Service Provider Settings",
  6956. ".iss" => "Inno Setup Script",
  6957. ".iss" => "InstallShield Silent Response File",
  6958. ".itt" => "IconTweaker Theme File",
  6959. ".ix" => "dtSearch Index File",
  6960. ".jdf" => "Adobe Acrobat Job Definition File",
  6961. ".jkm" => "JAWS Key Map File",
  6962. ".joy" => "CryENGINE Facial Editor Joystick File",
  6963. ".jsf" => "Project64 Joystick File",
  6964. ".jws" => "Java Workspace Settings File",
  6965. ".kbd" => "3ds Max Keyboard Shortcuts File",
  6966. ".kds" => "KD Player Skin File",
  6967. ".key" => "Keyboard Definition File",
  6968. ".ksf" => "KMPlayer Skin File",
  6969. ".kyb" => "Keyboard Layout",
  6970. ".kys" => "Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts File",
  6971. ".l4d" => "Cinema 4D Layout File",
  6972. ".lang" => "Skype Language File",
  6973. ".lay" => "MAME Layout File",
  6974. ".lay" => "Rhino 3D Layer State File",
  6975. ".layout" => "Code::Blocks Workspace Layout File",
  6976. ".lbu" => "Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Settings File",
  6977. ".lcc" => "Capture One Lens Cast Correction File",
  6978. ".lfo" => "Alchemy Low Frequency Oscillator Presets File",
  6979. ".lgt" => "Let's Go! Theme File",
  6980. ".lily" => "PCSX2 LilyPad Configuration File",
  6981. ".lnst" => "Adobe InDesign Line Presets File",
  6982. ".loaders" => "GTK+ Loaders File",
  6983. ".look" => "SpeedGrade Look File",
  6984. ".lop" => "MasterCook Layout File",
  6985. ".lrsmcol" => "Photoshop Lightroom Smart Collection Settings File",
  6986. ".lrtemplate" => "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Template",
  6987. ".lva" => "Logitech Video Effects Avatar File",
  6988. ".lvf" => "Logitech Video Effects File",
  6989. ".lxcp" => "LCARS x32 Color Profile",
  6990. ".lxsopt" => "Liquid XML Studio Project Options File",
  6991. ".lyt" => "Xcalibur Layout File",
  6992. ".lyt" => "vanBacsco's Karaoke Player Skin File",
  6993. ".m2s" => "Maxthon 2 Browser Skin File",
  6994. ".mailhost" => "MSN Mailhost Settings File",
  6995. ".make" => "Drush Makefile",
  6996. ".mal" => "MadAppLauncher Configuration File",
  6997. ".mask" => "SpeedGrade Color Mask File",
  6998. ".material" => "Rigs of Rods Texture Reference File",
  6999. ".mcl" => "Windows Media Center Link File",
  7000. ".mcw" => "Monitor Calibration Wizard File",
  7001. ".mdp" => "Visual C++ 5 Workspace File",
  7002. ".mgk" => "ImageMagick Configuration File",
  7003. ".mgm" => "MGCSoft Equation Illustrator Macro",
  7004. ".mgtheme" => "MacGourmet Theme File",
  7005. ".mlk" => "MasterCook Look File",
  7006. ".mmdc" => "MediaMonkey Device Configuration File",
  7007. ".mmp" => "Symbian Project Specification File",
  7008. ".mns" => "AutoCAD Interface Settings File",
  7009. ".mnu" => "Adobe Photoshop Menu Customization File",
  7010. ".mnu" => "AutoCAD Interface Layout File",
  7011. ".mnu" => "TomTom Menu File",
  7012. ".mof" => "Managed Object Format File",
  7013. ".mpdconf" => "Music Player Daemon File",
  7014. ".mpw" => "Microsoft Project Workspace File",
  7015. ".msf" => "Miranda IM Skin File",
  7016. ".mskn" => "MediaMonkey Skin File",
  7017. ".msm" => "Windows Installer Merge Module",
  7018. ".msn" => "Host Blocking File",
  7019. ".mst" => "Windows Installer Setup Transform File",
  7020. ".mst" => "Corel Presentations Master Template File",
  7021. ".msw" => "Painter Color Mixer Swatches File",
  7022. ".mtf" => "Motorola Theme File",
  7023. ".mxcs" => "Mandelbrot Explorer Color Scheme File",
  7024. ".mxfr" => "Mandelbrot Explorer Fractal Region File",
  7025. ".mxs" => "Painter Color Mixer Pad File",
  7026. ".mxskin" => "Maxthon Skin File",
  7027. ".mycolors" => "Stardock MyColors Theme File",
  7028. ".ncfg" => "ArcGIS Explorer Configuration File",
  7029. ".nd" => "QuickBooks Network Data File",
  7030. ".ndc" => "Personal Communications Settings File",
  7031. ".nji" => "Nero Job Information File",
  7032. ".nkp" => "Kontakt Presets File",
  7033. ".npfx" => "Norton Internet Security Firewall Settings File",
  7034. ".ntc" => "Camera Control Pro Custom Curves File",
  7035. ".nts" => "Lotus Notes Traveler Server Config File",
  7036. ".nvc" => "Nikon Vignette Correction File",
  7037. ".nwv" => "Dragon NaturallySpeaking User Archive",
  7038. ".obi" => "Outlook RSS Subscription File",
  7039. ".obt" => "Openbox Theme File",
  7040. ".oce" => "Open Catalog Extension Connection File",
  7041. ".odc" => "Office Data Connection File",
  7042. ".oem" => "OEM Setup File",
  7043. ".officeui" => "Microsoft Office UI Customization File",
  7044. ".olk14pref" => "Outlook Preferences File",
  7045. ".onetoc2" => "Microsoft OneNote Table of Contents File",
  7046. ".ops" => "Office Profile Settings File",
  7047. ".opt" => "Options File",
  7048. ".options" => "SE-SOFT Configuration File",
  7049. ".opts" => "Linux Configuration Options File",
  7050. ".osdx" => "Search Connector Description File",
  7051. ".oss" => "Microsoft Outlook Saved Search File",
  7052. ".otz" => "OpenLP Theme File",
  7053. ".ovpn" => "OpenVPN Configuration File",
  7054. ".p2m" => "PhotoWorks Appearance File",
  7055. ".p3e" => "Photoshop Repousse Settings File",
  7056. ".pal" => "Painter Custom Palettes File",
  7057. ".papers" => "Corel Painter Paper Texture File",
  7058. ".pc3" => "AutoCAD Plotter Configuration File",
  7059. ".pctl" => "Kaspersky Parental Control Settings File",
  7060. ".pdfs" => "Adobe PDF Presets File",
  7061. ".pen" => "Paint Shop Pro Pen Preset File",
  7062. ".perfmoncfg" => "Performance Monitor Configuration File",
  7063. ".pgp" => "AutoCAD Program Parameters File",
  7064. ".ph" => "AOL Phone Home Settings File",
  7065. ".phb" => "PhtotoBase Album File",
  7066. ".pie" => "GlovePIE Controller Script",
  7067. ".pio" => "Pro Tools I/O Settings File",
  7068. ".pip" => "Office Personalized Settings File",
  7069. ".pkg" => "Symbian Package File",
  7070. ".plist" => "Mac OS X Property List File",
  7071. ".pls" => "PicoLog Settings File",
  7072. ".pmc" => "Performance Monitor Counter File",
  7073. ".pmj" => "Pegasus Mail Configuration File",
  7074. ".pml" => "Pyre Properties File",
  7075. ".pmp" => "AutoCAD Plot Model Parameter File",
  7076. ".pq" => "Picturesque Preset",
  7077. ".pra" => "Windows Media 9 Plug-in Profile File",
  7078. ".pref" => "Preferences File",
  7079. ".pref" => "Macintosh Preferences File",
  7080. ".prf" => "FileNet eForms Form Preferences File",
  7081. ".prf" => "ClarisWorks Preference File",
  7082. ".prf" => "QuarkXPress Preferences File",
  7083. ".prf" => "Director Preferences File",
  7084. ".prf" => "Outlook Profile File",
  7085. ".prfpset" => "Premiere Pro Effect Preset File",
  7086. ".prm" => "Parameter File",
  7087. ".profile" => "Citrix Application Profile",
  7088. ".profimail" => "ProfiMail Settings File",
  7089. ".propdesc" => "Property Description",
  7090. ".properties" => "Java Properties File",
  7091. ".props" => "Visual Studio Project Property File",
  7092. ".prs" => "Batch & Print Pro Printer Settings File",
  7093. ".prst" => "Adobe InDesign Printer Presets File",
  7094. ".prx" => "Windows Media Profile File",
  7095. ".ps1xml" => "Windows PowerShell Display Configuration File",
  7096. ".psc1" => "Windows PowerShell Console File",
  7097. ".psf" => "Photoshop Proof Settings File",
  7098. ".psp" => "Photoshop Preferences File",
  7099. ".psy" => "The Psychedelic Screen Saver Settings File",
  7100. ".ptf" => "PSP Theme File",
  7101. ".ptg" => "PowerTeacher Gradebook Configuration File",
  7102. ".ptp" => "Pro Tools Preferences File",
  7103. ".pvs" => "Parallels Desktop Configuration File",
  7104. ".pws" => "Painter Workspace File",
  7105. ".pxb" => "Pixelmator Brush File",
  7106. ".pxg" => "Pixelmator Gradient File",
  7107. ".pxip" => "Pixelmator Image Preset",
  7108. ".pxls" => "Pixelmator Style File",
  7109. ".pxs" => "Pixelmator Shape File",
  7110. ".q2d" => "Quick 3D Cover Design File",
  7111. ".qat" => "Microsoft Office Quick Access Toolbar File",
  7112. ".qf" => "Nokia Maps Version File",
  7113. ".qpx" => "Quattro Pro QuickColumn Settings File",
  7114. ".qrc" => "Qt Resource Collection File",
  7115. ".qss" => "Qt Style Sheet",
  7116. ".qtp" => "QuickTime Preferences File",
  7117. ".qvpp" => "QlikView Extension Properties Page File",
  7118. ".qvt" => "QlikView Theme File",
  7119. ".rad" => "Citrix Rapid Application Delivery File",
  7120. ".raskinplace" => "Raskin Place Layout File",
  7121. ".rb" => "Rosebud Profile",
  7122. ".rb4" => "RobotWorks Parameters File",
  7123. ".rcf" => "SonicWALL VPN Configuration File",
  7124. ".rct" => "Visual Studio Resource Template",
  7125. ".rdf" => "Resource Description Framework File",
  7126. ".rdi" => "Red Dragon ISecure Settings File",
  7127. ".rdo" => "Xerox Rawster Document Object File",
  7128. ".rdp" => "Remote Desktop Configuration File",
  7129. ".reg" => "Registration Information File",
  7130. ".res" => "Valve Steam Skin Resource File",
  7131. ".resmoncfg" => "Resource Monitor Configuration File",
  7132. ".rfq" => "RoboForm SearchCard File",
  7133. ".rll" => "Microsoft Resource Library",
  7134. ".rml" => "FTG Configuration File",
  7135. ".rms" => "Java Application Settings File",
  7136. ".rmskin" => "Rainmeter Skin File",
  7137. ".rnx" => "RealPlayer Settings File",
  7138. ".rpb" => "Radmin Phonebook File",
  7139. ".rpk" => "RadLight Media Player Skin",
  7140. ".rps" => "3ds Max Render Preset Settings",
  7141. ".rrr" => "Rhapzodé Resource Repository",
  7142. ".rts" => "Royal TS Remote Connection File",
  7143. ".ruleset" => "Visual Studio Code Analysis Rule Set File",
  7144. ".rwstyle" => "RapidWeaver Style File",
  7145. ".s2ml" => "StarCraft 2 Map Localization File",
  7146. ".s2qh" => "StarCraft 2 Localization Header File",
  7147. ".s2ql" => "StarCraft 2 Unit Localization File",
  7148. ".sbv" => "YouTube Captions File",
  7149. ".sbx" => "Adobe Illustrator Tsume File",
  7150. ".scacfg" => "SuperCard Application Configuration File",
  7151. ".sch" => "Strater Scheme File",
  7152. ".sconf" => "Script Settings File",
  7153. ".scpcfg" => "SuperCard Project Configuration File",
  7154. ".securitysettings" => "Alpha Five Security Settings File",
  7155. ".sed" => "IExpress Self Extraction Directive File",
  7156. ".seestyle" => "Coda Style Sheet File",
  7157. ".sequ" => "Adobe Acrobat Sequence File",
  7158. ".set" => "Document Library Property Set File",
  7159. ".set" => "Settings File",
  7160. ".settingcontent-ms" => "Windows Settings File",
  7161. ".settings" => "Visual Studio Settings File",
  7162. ".sfo" => "CuteFTP Search File",
  7163. ".sgt" => "SPSS Chart Template",
  7164. ".shh" => "Adobe Photoshop Shadow/Highlight Settings file",
  7165. ".sif" => "Windows Setup Information File",
  7166. ".ski" => "Motorola Phone Skin File",
  7167. ".skin" => "InstallShield Skin File",
  7168. ".skin" => "ASP.NET Skin File",
  7169. ".skn" => "Symbian OS Skin File",
  7170. ".skn" => "Avant Browser Skin File",
  7171. ".skz" => "SuperKaramba Theme",
  7172. ".sl" => "Software License File",
  7173. ".slt" => "Mozilla User Profile Folder",
  7174. ".smt" => "Samsung Theme File",
  7175. ".snx" => "PISnoop Workspace File",
  7176. ".sol" => "Flash Local Shared Object File",
  7177. ".spf" => "SlingPlayer Favorites File",
  7178. ".spfx" => "Squeeze Presets File",
  7179. ".spj" => "SPSS Production Job File",
  7180. ".sqd" => "Configuration Settings File",
  7181. ".srf" => "Steinberg Resource File",
  7182. ".srs" => "Outlook Send/Receive Settings File",
  7183. ".sscs" => "Saropa Smart Copy Script",
  7184. ".ssis" => "ProReveal Settings File",
  7185. ".ssl" => "Sunlight ScanLibrary File",
  7186. ".ssl2" => "Sunlight ScanLibrary 2 File",
  7187. ".sss" => "Coda Style Sheet File",
  7188. ".sss" => "WindowBlinds Substyle File",
  7189. ".startupinfo" => "E-Prime 2.0 Startup Info File",
  7190. ".stb" => "AutoCAD Plot Style Table File",
  7191. ".stc" => "Siemens Theme File",
  7192. ".ste" => "Dreamweaver Site Settings File",
  7193. ".stf" => "Microsoft Setup Table File",
  7194. ".stfx" => "SampleTank 2 Effects Settings File",
  7195. ".stip" => "SampleTank 2 User Preset Instrument",
  7196. ".storyisttheme" => "Storyist Application Theme File",
  7197. ".stt" => "SPSS Table Template",
  7198. ".sty" => "Aegisub Subtitle Styles File",
  7199. ".style" => "SketchUp Style",
  7200. ".sw2" => "Softwrap License File",
  7201. ".sz" => "Winamp Classic Skin Download",
  7202. ".t3d" => "TicTacTi Advertisement Definition File",
  7203. ".tdf" => "Title Definition Format File",
  7204. ".terminal" => "Terminal Settings File",
  7205. ".tgw" => "Terragen World File",
  7206. ".the" => "Microsoft Plus! Theme File",
  7207. ".theme" => "GTK Theme Index File",
  7208. ".theme" => "Comodo Theme File",
  7209. ".themepack" => "Windows 7 Theme Pack",
  7210. ".thmx" => "Office 2007 Theme File",
  7211. ".tll" => "LG TV Link-Loader File",
  7212. ".tlo" => "SPSS TableLooks File",
  7213. ".tmtheme" => "TextMate Theme File",
  7214. ".tpark" => "ThemePark Project File",
  7215. ".tpf" => "SPSS Text Wizard Document",
  7216. ".tpl" => "Adobe Photoshop Tool Presets File",
  7217. ".tpl" => "TatukGIS Editor Print Template File",
  7218. ".trx" => "PASSOLO Translation List File",
  7219. ".tsi" => "Traktor Settings File",
  7220. ".tsk" => "Pocket PC Skin",
  7221. ".tsm" => "TwinCAT System Manager Configuration File",
  7222. ".tst" => "TagScanner Text Transform Script",
  7223. ".tsz" => "Trillian Skin File",
  7224. ".tts" => "ToolBook Translation System File",
  7225. ".twc" => "TTWin Configuration File",
  7226. ".typeit4me" => "TypeIt4Me Clippings File",
  7227. ".uct" => "UC Browser Theme File",
  7228. ".udcx" => "Universal Data Connection File",
  7229. ".uis" => "WindowBlinds User Interface Specification",
  7230. ".upf" => "MicroStation User Preferences File",
  7231. ".user" => "Visual Studio Project User Options File",
  7232. ".userprofile" => "Norton Antivirus User Profile File",
  7233. ".usf" => "EVGA Precision X Skin File",
  7234. ".utz" => "UIQ Theme Package",
  7235. ".vbox" => "Oracle VM VirtualBox Settings File",
  7236. ".vbx6settings" => "VirusBarrier X6 Settings File",
  7237. ".vcpref" => "Norton Antivirus Preferences File",
  7238. ".vcw" => "eMbedded Visual C++ Workspace File",
  7239. ".vegaswindowlayout" => "Sony Vegas Window Layout File",
  7240. ".vim" => "Vim Settings File",
  7241. ".vimrc" => "Vim Runtime Configuration File",
  7242. ".vlt" => "VLC Media Player Skin File",
  7243. ".vmac" => "VMware Configuration File",
  7244. ".vmba" => "VMware Configuration File",
  7245. ".vmc" => "Windows Virtual Machine Configuration File",
  7246. ".vmcx" => "Virtual Machine Shell Information File",
  7247. ".vmpl" => "VMware Policy File",
  7248. ".vmt" => "VMware Configuration File",
  7249. ".vmtm" => "VMware Team Data File",
  7250. ".vmx" => "Cubase Mixer Settings File",
  7251. ".vmx" => "VMware Configuration File",
  7252. ".vmxf" => "VMware Team Member File",
  7253. ".vnc" => "VNC Configuration File",
  7254. ".vni" => "Dell Webcam Central Application Configuration File",
  7255. ".vph" => "VirtualPhotographer Custom Settings",
  7256. ".vps" => "Virtual CD Copy Template",
  7257. ".vqc" => "Virtual CD Quick Copy File",
  7258. ".vsprops" => "Visual Studio Project Property File",
  7259. ".vssettings" => "Visual Studio Settings File",
  7260. ".vsw" => "Visio Workspace File",
  7261. ".vue" => "FoxPro 2.x View Settings",
  7262. ".wcx" => "RemoteApp and Desktop Connections Configuration File",
  7263. ".wcz" => "Chameleon Clock Wallpaper File",
  7264. ".wfc" => "Windows Wireless Network Settings File",
  7265. ".wms" => "Windows Media Skin",
  7266. ".wmz" => "Compressed Windows Media Player Skin",
  7267. ".work" => "Bibble Work Queue File",
  7268. ".workspace" => "Adobe Bridge Workspace File",
  7269. ".wpp" => "WordPerfect Color Palette",
  7270. ".wps" => "Translator's Workbench Project File",
  7271. ".wzconfig" => "WinZip Configuration File",
  7272. ".x4k" => "XML4King Configuration File",
  7273. ".xcu" => " Configuration File",
  7274. ".xdr" => "XML-Data Reduced File",
  7275. ".xem" => "eManager Metered Units",
  7276. ".xep" => "eManager File Packaging Information",
  7277. ".xes" => "eManager Skins Definition",
  7278. ".xet" => "eManager Process Definition",
  7279. ".xev" => "eManager Auto-Update File",
  7280. ".xgs" => "XACT Global Settings File",
  7281. ".xlb" => " Module Information File",
  7282. ".xlb" => "Excel Toolbars File",
  7283. ".xpaddercontroller" => "Xpadder Controller Profile",
  7284. ".xpl" => "LcdStudio Playlist File",
  7285. ".xst" => "WebSphere Query Template",
  7286. ".xtp" => "AutoCAD Exported Tool Palettes File",
  7287. ".xtreme" => "Winstep Xtreme Theme Pack",
  7288. ".xui" => "Xbox 360 User Interface File",
  7289. ".xur" => "Xbox 360 Binary User Interface File",
  7290. ".xvm" => "VMware Console Configuration File",
  7291. ".xwk" => "Crosstalk Communicator Keyboard Mapping File",
  7292. ".zap" => "Zero Administration Package File",
  7293. ".zon" => "OmniPage Zone Template File",
  7294. ".zon" => "Collection Building Custom Zone File",
  7295. ".zpf" => "Form•Z Preferences File",
  7296. ".zpi" => "PDF Converter Index File",
  7297. ".zvt" => "Photoshop Zoomify Preset File"
  7298. );
  7300. $Executable = array(
  7301. ".0xe" => "F-Secure Renamed Virus File",
  7302. ".73k" => "TI-73 Application",
  7303. ".89k" => "TI-89 Application",
  7304. ".a6p" => "Authorware 6 Program",
  7305. ".ac" => "Autoconf Script",
  7306. ".acc" => "GEM Accessory File",
  7307. ".acr" => "ACRobot Script",
  7308. ".action" => "Automator Action",
  7309. ".actm" => "AutoCAD Action Macro File",
  7310. ".ahk" => "AutoHotkey Script",
  7311. ".air" => "Adobe AIR Installation Package",
  7312. ".apk" => "Android Package File",
  7313. ".app" => "Symbian OS Application",
  7314. ".app" => "Mac OS X Application",
  7315. ".app" => "FoxPro Generated Application",
  7316. ".applescript" => "AppleScript File",
  7317. ".arscript" => "ArtRage Script",
  7318. ".asb" => "Alphacam Stone VB Macro File",
  7319. ".azw2" => "Kindle Active Content App File",
  7320. ".ba_" => "Renamed BAT File",
  7321. ".bat" => "DOS Batch File",
  7322. ".beam" => "Compiled Erlang File",
  7323. ".bin" => "Generic Binary Executable File",
  7324. ".bin" => "Unix Executable File",
  7325. ".btm" => "4DOS Batch File",
  7326. ".caction" => "Automator Converter Action",
  7327. ".cel" => "Celestia Script File",
  7328. ".celx" => "Celestia Script",
  7329. ".cgi" => "Common Gateway Interface Script",
  7330. ".cmd" => "Windows Command File",
  7331. ".cof" => "MPLAB COFF File",
  7332. ".coffee" => "CoffeeScript JavaScript File",
  7333. ".com" => "DOS Command File",
  7334. ".command" => "Terminal Command File",
  7335. ".csh" => "C Shell Script",
  7336. ".cyw" => "Rbot.CYW Worm File",
  7337. ".dek" => "Eavesdropper Batch File",
  7338. ".dld" => "EdLog Compiled Program",
  7339. ".dmc" => "Medical Manager Script",
  7340. ".ds" => "TWAIN Data Source",
  7341. ".dxl" => "Rational DOORS Script",
  7342. ".e_e" => "Renamed EXE File",
  7343. ".ear" => "Java Enterprise Archive File",
  7344. ".ebm" => "EXTRA! Basic Macro",
  7345. ".ebs" => "E-Run 1.x Script",
  7346. ".ebs2" => "E-Run 2.0 Script File",
  7347. ".ecf" => "SageCRM Component File",
  7348. ".eham" => "ExtraHAM Executable File",
  7349. ".elf" => "Nintendo Wii Game File",
  7350. ".es" => "SageCRM Script File",
  7351. ".esh" => "Extended Shell Batch File",
  7352. ".ex4" => "MetaTrader Program File",
  7353. ".ex_" => "Compressed Executable File",
  7354. ".ex_" => "Renamed Windows Executable File",
  7355. ".exe" => "Windows Executable File",
  7356. ".exe" => " Application",
  7357. ".exe1" => "Renamed EXE File",
  7358. ".exopc" => "ExoPC Application",
  7359. ".ezs" => "EZ-R Stats Batch Script",
  7360. ".ezt" => "EZT Malicious Worm File",
  7361. ".fas" => "QuickSilver Fast Save Lisp File",
  7362. ".fas" => "Compiled Fast-Load AutoLISP File",
  7363. ".fky" => "FoxPro Macro",
  7364. ".fpi" => "FPS Creator Intelligence Script",
  7365. ".frs" => "Flash Renamer Script",
  7366. ".fxp" => "FoxPro Compiled Program",
  7367. ".gadget" => "Windows Gadget",
  7368. ".gpe" => "GP2X Video Game",
  7369. ".gpu" => "GP2X Utility Program",
  7370. ".gs" => "Geosoft Script",
  7371. ".ham" => "HAM Executable File",
  7372. ".hms" => "HostMonitor Script File",
  7373. ".hpf" => "HP9100A Program File",
  7374. ".hta" => "HTML Application",
  7375. ".icd" => "SafeDisc Encrypted Program",
  7376. ".iim" => "iMacro Macro File",
  7377. ".ipa" => "iOS Application",
  7378. ".ipf" => "SMS Installer Script",
  7379. ".isu" => "InstallShield Uninstaller Script",
  7380. ".ita" => "VTech InnoTab Application File",
  7381. ".jar" => "Java Archive File",
  7382. ".js" => "JScript Executable Script",
  7383. ".jse" => "JScript Encoded File",
  7384. ".jsx" => "ExtendScript Script File",
  7385. ".kix" => "KiXtart Script File",
  7386. ".ksh" => "Unix Korn Shell Script",
  7387. ".lo" => "Interleaf Compiled Lisp File",
  7388. ".ls" => "LightWave LScript File",
  7389. ".m3g" => "Mobile 3D Graphics Program",
  7390. ".mam" => "Microsoft Access Macro",
  7391. ".mcr" => "3ds Max Macroscript File",
  7392. ".mcr" => "Tecplot Macro",
  7393. ".mel" => "Maya Embedded Language File",
  7394. ".mem" => "Macro Editor Macro",
  7395. ".mio" => "MioEngine Application File",
  7396. ".mpx" => "FoxPro Compiled Menu Program",
  7397. ".mrc" => "mIRC Script File",
  7398. ".mrp" => "Mobile Application File",
  7399. ".ms" => "3ds Max Script File",
  7400. ".ms" => "Maxwell Script",
  7401. ".msl" => "Magick Scripting Language File",
  7402. ".mxe" => "Macro Express Playable Macro",
  7403. ".n" => "Neko Bytecode File",
  7404. ".nexe" => "Chrome Native Client Executable",
  7405. ".ore" => "Ore Executable File",
  7406. ".osx" => "PowerPC Executable File",
  7407. ".otm" => "Outlook Macro File",
  7408. ".out" => "Compiled Executable File",
  7409. ".paf" => "Portable Application Installer File",
  7410. ".paf.exe" => " Program File",
  7411. ".pex" => "ProBoard Executable File",
  7412. ".phar" => "PHP Archive",
  7413. ".pif" => "Program Information File",
  7414. ".plsc" => "Messenger Plus! Live Script File",
  7415. ".plx" => "Perl Executable File",
  7416. ".prc" => "Palm Resource Code File",
  7417. ".prg" => "Program File",
  7418. ".prg" => "GEM Application",
  7419. ".ps1" => "Windows PowerShell Cmdlet File",
  7420. ".pvd" => "Instalit Script",
  7421. ".pwc" => "PictureTaker File",
  7422. ".pyc" => "Python Compiled File",
  7423. ".pyo" => "Python Optimized Code",
  7424. ".qit" => "QIT Trojan Horse File",
  7425. ".qpx" => "FoxPro Compiled Query Program",
  7426. ".rbx" => "Rembo-C Compiled Script",
  7427. ".rfu" => "Remote Firmware Update",
  7428. ".rgs" => "Registry Script",
  7429. ".rox" => "Actuate Report Object Executable File",
  7430. ".rpj" => "Real Pac Batch Job File",
  7431. ".run" => "Linux Executable File",
  7432. ".rxe" => "Lego Mindstorms NXT Executable Program",
  7433. ".s2a" => "SEAL2 Application",
  7434. ".sbs" => "SPSS Script",
  7435. ".sca" => "Scala Script File",
  7436. ".scar" => "SCAR Script",
  7437. ".scb" => "Scala Published Script",
  7438. ".scpt" => "AppleScript Script File",
  7439. ".scptd" => "AppleScript Script Bundle",
  7440. ".scr" => "Script File",
  7441. ".script" => "Generic Script File",
  7442. ".sct" => "Windows Scriptlet",
  7443. ".seed" => "Linux Preseed File",
  7444. ".shb" => "Windows Document Shortcut",
  7445. ".smm" => "Ami Pro Macro",
  7446. ".spr" => "FoxPro Generated Screen File",
  7447. ".tcp" => "Tally Compiled Program File",
  7448. ".thm" => "Thermwood Macro File",
  7449. ".tms" => "Telemate Script",
  7450. ".u3p" => "U3 Smart Application",
  7451. ".udf" => "Excel User Defined Function",
  7452. ".upx" => "Ultimate Packer for eXecutables File",
  7453. ".vb" => "VBScript File",
  7454. ".vbe" => "VBScript Encoded Script File",
  7455. ".vbs" => "VBScript File",
  7456. ".vbscript" => "Visual Basic Script",
  7457. ".vdo" => "Heathen Virus File",
  7458. ".vexe" => "Virus Executable File",
  7459. ".vlx" => "Compiled AutoLISP File",
  7460. ".vpm" => "Vox Proxy Macro File",
  7461. ".vxp" => "Mobile Application File",
  7462. ".wcm" => "WordPerfect Macro",
  7463. ".widget" => "Yahoo! Widget",
  7464. ".widget" => "Microsoft Windows Mobile Widget",
  7465. ".wiz" => "Microsoft Wizard File",
  7466. ".workflow" => "Automator Workflow",
  7467. ".wpk" => "WordPerfect Macro",
  7468. ".wpm" => "WordPerfect Macro File",
  7469. ".ws" => "Windows Script",
  7470. ".wsf" => "Windows Script File",
  7471. ".wsh" => "Windows Script Host Settings",
  7472. ".x86" => "Linux Executable File",
  7473. ".xap" => "Silverlight Application Package",
  7474. ".xbap" => "XAML Browser Application File",
  7475. ".xlm" => "Excel Macro",
  7476. ".xqt" => "SuperCalc Macro File",
  7477. ".xys" => "XYplorer Script File",
  7478. ".zl9" => "ZoneAlarm Quarantined EXE File"
  7479. );
  7481. $Database = array(
  7482. ".$er" => "GroupWise Database",
  7483. ".4dd" => "4th Dimension Database Data File",
  7484. ".4dl" => "4th Dimension Database Log File",
  7485. ".^^^" => "Pervasive.SQL Database File",
  7486. ".abcddb" => "Apple Address Book Contact List",
  7487. ".abs" => "Absolute Database File",
  7488. ".abx" => "WordPerfect Address Book",
  7489. ".accdb" => "Access 2007 Database File",
  7490. ".accdc" => "Microsoft Access Signed Package",
  7491. ".accde" => "Access Execute Only Database",
  7492. ".accdr" => "Access Runtime Application",
  7493. ".accdt" => "Microsoft Access Database Template",
  7494. ".accdw" => "Microsoft Access Database Link File",
  7495. ".accft" => "Microsoft Access Data Type Template",
  7496. ".adb" => "Alpha Five Database File",
  7497. ".adb" => "Ability Database File",
  7498. ".ade" => "Access Project Extension",
  7499. ".adf" => "ACT! Data File",
  7500. ".adn" => "Access Blank Project Template",
  7501. ".adp" => "Access Project",
  7502. ".alf" => "ACT! Lookup File",
  7503. ".ask" => "askSam Database",
  7504. ".btr" => "Btrieve Database File",
  7505. ".cat" => "Advanced Disk Catalog Database",
  7506. ".cdb" => "Pocket Access Database",
  7507. ".cdb" => "CardScan Contacts Database",
  7508. ".cdb" => "Symbian Phonebook Database",
  7509. ".ckp" => "SQL Server Checkpoint File",
  7510. ".cma" => "TM1 Exported Cube File",
  7511. ".cpd" => "RoboHelp Cache Project Database",
  7512. ".daconnections" => "RemObjects Data Abstract Connections File",
  7513. ".dacpac" => "SQL Server Data Tier Application Package",
  7514. ".dad" => "RemObjects Data Abstract Driver File",
  7515. ".dadiagrams" => "RemObjects Data Abstract Data Diagrams File",
  7516. ".daschema" => "RemObjects Data Abstract Schema File",
  7517. ".db" => "Mobile Device Database File",
  7518. ".db" => "Database File",
  7519. ".db-shm" => "SQLite Database Shared Memory File",
  7520. ".db-wal" => "SQLite Database Write-Ahead Log File",
  7521. ".db2" => "dBASE II Database",
  7522. ".db3" => "SQLite Database File",
  7523. ".dbc" => "FoxPro Database",
  7524. ".dbf" => "Database File",
  7525. ".dbs" => "SQLBase Database File",
  7526. ".dbt" => "Database Text File",
  7527. ".dbv" => "Database Variable Field",
  7528. ".dbx" => "Visual FoxPro Table",
  7529. ".dcb" => "Concordance Database File",
  7530. ".dct" => "FoxPro Database Memo",
  7531. ".dcx" => "FoxPro Database Index",
  7532. ".ddl" => "Data Definition Language File",
  7533. ".dp1" => "DataPower Database File",
  7534. ".dqy" => "Excel Query File",
  7535. ".dsk" => "Simple IDs Database",
  7536. ".dsn" => "Database Source Name File",
  7537. ".dtsx" => "DTS Settings File",
  7538. ".dxl" => "Domino XML Language File",
  7539. ".eco" => "ECCO Database File",
  7540. ".ecx" => "ECCO Corrupted Database File",
  7541. ".edb" => "Exchange Information Store Database",
  7542. ".fcd" => "First Choice Database",
  7543. ".fdb" => "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Database File",
  7544. ".fic" => "WinDev Hyper File Database",
  7545. ".fm5" => "FileMaker 5 Database",
  7546. ".fmp" => "FileMaker Pro Database",
  7547. ".fmp12" => "FileMaker Pro 12 Database",
  7548. ".fmpsl" => "FileMaker Pro 12 Snapshot Link",
  7549. ".fol" => "PFS First Choice Database File",
  7550. ".fp3" => "FileMaker Pro 3 Database",
  7551. ".fp4" => "FileMaker Pro 4 Database",
  7552. ".fp5" => "FileMaker Pro 5 Database",
  7553. ".fp7" => "FileMaker Pro 7+ Database",
  7554. ".fpt" => "FileMaker Pro Database Memo File",
  7555. ".frm" => "MySQL Database Format File",
  7556. ".gdb" => "InterBase Database File",
  7557. ".gdb" => "GPS Database File",
  7558. ".gwi" => "GroupWise Database Shortcut File",
  7559. ".hdb" => "HansaWorld Database File",
  7560. ".his" => "FindinSite Database Definition File",
  7561. ".ib" => "InterBase Database",
  7562. ".idb" => "IDA Database File",
  7563. ".ihx" => "IN-HEH Timeline Database",
  7564. ".itdb" => "iTunes Database File",
  7565. ".itw" => "InTouch With Database File",
  7566. ".jtx" => "ESE Transaction Log",
  7567. ".kdb" => "Keypass Database File",
  7568. ".kexi" => "Kexi Database",
  7569. ".kexic" => "Kexi Database Connection File",
  7570. ".kexis" => "Kexi Database Shortcut File",
  7571. ".lgc" => "SimpleK Database File",
  7572. ".maf" => "Microsoft Access Form",
  7573. ".maq" => "Microsoft Access Query",
  7574. ".mar" => "Microsoft Access Report",
  7575. ".marshal" => "Marshal Data Migration Model File",
  7576. ".mas" => "Access Stored Procedures",
  7577. ".mav" => "Access View File",
  7578. ".maw" => "Access Data Access Page",
  7579. ".mdb" => "Microsoft Access Database",
  7580. ".mdbhtml" => "Microsoft Access Database HTML File",
  7581. ".mdf" => "SQL Server Database File",
  7582. ".mdn" => "Blank Access Database Template",
  7583. ".mdt" => "GeoMedia Access Database Template",
  7584. ".mpd" => "Microsoft Project Database",
  7585. ".mrg" => "MySQL Merge File",
  7586. ".mud" => "Textease Multi User Database",
  7587. ".mwb" => "MySQL Workbench Document",
  7588. ".myd" => "MySQL Database Data File",
  7589. ".ndf" => "SQL Server Secondary Database File",
  7590. ".nrmlib" => "Neat Cabinet File",
  7591. ".ns2" => "Lotus Notes 2 Database",
  7592. ".ns3" => "Lotus Notes 3 Database",
  7593. ".ns4" => "Lotus Notes 4 Database",
  7594. ".nsf" => "Lotus Notes Database",
  7595. ".nv" => "NewViews Database File",
  7596. ".nv2" => "NewViews 2 Database File",
  7597. ".nyf" => "myBase Database File",
  7598. ".odb" => "OpenDocument Database",
  7599. ".odb" => "ABAQUS Database",
  7600. ".oqy" => "Excel OLAP Query File",
  7601. ".ora" => "Oracle Database Configuration File",
  7602. ".orx" => "RadiantOne VDS Database Schema",
  7603. ".owc" => "OutWit Catch Database",
  7604. ".p96" => "Win96 Database File",
  7605. ".p97" => "Win97 Database File",
  7606. ".pan" => "Panorama Database File",
  7607. ".pdb" => "Palm Desktop Database File",
  7608. ".pdb" => "Program Database",
  7609. ".pdm" => "PowerDesigner Database File",
  7610. ".pnz" => "Panorama Database Set",
  7611. ".qry" => "Query File",
  7612. ".qvd" => "QlikView Data File",
  7613. ".rbf" => "Redatam Binary File",
  7614. ".rctd" => "RabbitCT Dataset",
  7615. ".rod" => "RIB office Database File",
  7616. ".rpd" => "RIB Project Database File",
  7617. ".rsd" => "RealSQLDatabase File",
  7618. ".sbf" => "Superbase Database File",
  7619. ".scx" => "FoxPro Form",
  7620. ".sdb" => "ServerBoss Database File",
  7621. ".sdb" => " Base Database File",
  7622. ".sdb" => "MonKey Office SQLite Database File",
  7623. ".sdf" => "SQL Server Compact Database File",
  7624. ".sis" => "Sisma Database File",
  7625. ".spq" => "SPSS Database Query File",
  7626. ".sql" => "Structured Query Language Data File",
  7627. ".sqlite" => "SQLite Database File",
  7628. ".sqlite3" => "SQLite 3 Database File",
  7629. ".sqlitedb" => "SQLite Database",
  7630. ".te" => "Textease CT Database File",
  7631. ".teacher" => "SMART Response Teacher Database File",
  7632. ".tmd" => "MySQL Temporary Database File",
  7633. ".tps" => "Clarion TopSpeed Data File",
  7634. ".trc" => "Oracle Trace File",
  7635. ".trm" => "Oracle Trace Map File",
  7636. ".udb" => "Dynamics AX User Database File",
  7637. ".udl" => "Microsoft Universal Data Link File",
  7638. ".usr" => "FileMaker Pro Database File",
  7639. ".v12" => "All The Right Type Database File",
  7640. ".vis" => "Visual Importer Script",
  7641. ".vpd" => "VoxPro Database File",
  7642. ".wdb" => "Microsoft Works Database",
  7643. ".wmdb" => "Windows Media Database File",
  7644. ".wrk" => "SQL Server Log Shipping File",
  7645. ".xdb" => "PowerDesigner Database Definition File",
  7646. ".xld" => "Excel Database File"
  7647. );
  7649. $camera_raw = array(
  7650. ".3fr" => "Hasselblad 3F RAW Image",
  7651. ".ari" => "ARRIRAW Image",
  7652. ".arw" => "Sony Digital Camera Image",
  7653. ".bay" => "Casio RAW Image",
  7654. ".cr2" => "Canon Raw Image File",
  7655. ".crw" => "Canon Raw CIFF Image File",
  7656. ".dcr" => "Kodak RAW Image File",
  7657. ".dng" => "Digital Negative Image File",
  7658. ".eip" => "Enhanced Image Package File",
  7659. ".erf" => "Epson RAW File",
  7660. ".fff" => "Hasselblad RAW Image",
  7661. ".iiq" => "Phase One RAW Image",
  7662. ".k25" => "Kodak K25 Image",
  7663. ".kdc" => "Kodak Photo-Enhancer File",
  7664. ".mef" => "Mamiya RAW Image",
  7665. ".mfw" => "Mamiya Camera Raw File",
  7666. ".mos" => "Leaf Camera RAW File",
  7667. ".mrw" => "Minolta Raw Image File",
  7668. ".nef" => "Nikon Electronic Format RAW Image",
  7669. ".nrw" => "Nikon Raw Image File",
  7670. ".orf" => "Olympus RAW File",
  7671. ".pef" => "Pentax Electronic File",
  7672. ".raf" => "Fuji RAW Image File",
  7673. ".raw" => "Raw Image Data File",
  7674. ".rw2" => "Panasonic RAW Image",
  7675. ".rwl" => "Leica RAW Image",
  7676. ".rwz" => "Rawzor Compressed Image",
  7677. ".sfera" => "Sfera 360° File",
  7678. ".sr2" => "Sony RAW Image",
  7679. ".srf" => "Sony RAW Image",
  7680. ".srw" => "Samsung RAW Image",
  7681. ".x3f" => "SIGMA X3F Camera RAW File"
  7682. );
  7684. $plugin = array(
  7685. ".8ba" => "Photoshop Plug-in",
  7686. ".8bc" => "Photoshop 5.0 Plug-in",
  7687. ".8be" => "PhotoDeluxe Plug-in",
  7688. ".8bf" => "Photoshop Filter Plug-in",
  7689. ".8bf" => "Filter Factory Image Filter",
  7690. ".8bi" => "Photoshop Plug-in",
  7691. ".8bi8" => "Photoshop Plug-in",
  7692. ".8bl" => "Photoshop Plug-in",
  7693. ".8bs" => "Photoshop 5.0 Selection Plug-in",
  7694. ".8bx" => "PhotoDeluxe Plug-in",
  7695. ".8by" => "PhotoDeluxe Plug-in",
  7696. ".8li" => "Photoshop Scripting Plug-in",
  7697. ".aaui" => "Acrobat User Interface File",
  7698. ".aba" => "Avant Browser Add-on File",
  7699. ".abi" => "AbiWord Plug-in",
  7700. ".accda" => "Access Add-in File",
  7701. ".accdu" => "Access Add-in File",
  7702. ".acroplugin" => "Adobe Acrobat Plug-in",
  7703. ".addon" => "CFS Console Add-on File",
  7704. ".aip" => "Illustrator Plug-in",
  7705. ".alp" => "Ableton Live Pack File",
  7706. ".amx" => "AMX Mod Plugin File",
  7707. ".amxx" => "AMX Mod X Plugin File",
  7708. ".apd" => "Eclipse Plugin Descriptor File",
  7709. ".ape" => "AVS Plugin Effects File",
  7710. ".api" => "Acrobat Plug-in",
  7711. ".apl" => "ACDSee Plugin File",
  7712. ".aplg" => "Audials Plug-in",
  7713. ".aplp" => "Audials Plug-in Package",
  7714. ".arpack" => "ArtRage Package",
  7715. ".arx" => "AutoCAD Runtime Extension File",
  7716. ".asi" => "Grand Theft Auto Mod Library",
  7717. ".atx" => "Animation Master Plugin File",
  7718. ".avx" => "Avid Plugin File",
  7719. ".avx" => "ArcView Extension File",
  7720. ".ax" => "DirectShow Filter",
  7721. ".bav" => "AVG Anti-Virus The Bat! Plugin File",
  7722. ".bblm" => "BBEdit Language Module",
  7723. ".bkz" => "BaKoMa TeX Installation Module",
  7724. ".blu" => "FileMaker Pro Runtime Extension",
  7725. ".bmi" => "3ds Max Plug-in",
  7726. ".bri" => "Bryce Plug-in File",
  7727. ".brm" => "Bryce Plug-in File",
  7728. ".bro" => "Bryce Plug-in",
  7729. ".bundle" => "Mac OS X Application Bundle",
  7730. ".ccip" => "Curse Client Install Package",
  7731. ".ccx" => "Click & Create Extension",
  7732. ".cdl" => "ConceptDraw PRO Library File",
  7733. ".cleo" => "CLEO Grand Theft Auto Mod File",
  7734. ".cmp" => "HotDocs Clause Component File",
  7735. ".codaplugin" => "Coda Plug-in",
  7736. ".colorpicker" => "Color Picker Plugin",
  7737. ".component" => "Mac OS X System Component",
  7738. ".cox" => "Click & Create Extension",
  7739. ".crx" => "Chrome Extension",
  7740. ".cvt" => "Canvas External Tool File",
  7741. ".dbx" => "AutoCAD Database Extension File",
  7742. ".dfp" => "Fusion Plugin File",
  7743. ".dlo" => "3ds Max Plug-in",
  7744. ".dlr" => "finalRender Plugin",
  7745. ".dlu" => "3ds Max Utility Plug-in File",
  7746. ".dpm" => "Pro Tools Plugin File",
  7747. ".eaz" => "ArcGIS Explorer Add-in File",
  7748. ".ecf" => "Outlook Add-in",
  7749. ".epk2" => "E-Prime 2.0 Package File",
  7750. ".ext" => "Norton Commander Extension",
  7751. ".exv" => "Adobe Extension Script",
  7752. ".fft" => "Adobe Audition Noise Print File",
  7753. ".flt" => "Adobe Audition Filter",
  7754. ".flt" => "Image Filter",
  7755. ".fmplugin" => "FileMaker Plug-in",
  7756. ".fmx" => "FileMaker Plug-in",
  7757. ".fs" => "Mac OS X File System Plug-in",
  7758. ".fsb" => "Form•Z Compiled Script",
  7759. ".fxb" => "VST Audio Plug-in",
  7760. ".fxp" => "VST Audio Plug-in",
  7761. ".fxt" => "Finale Plug-in",
  7762. ".fzip" => "Foxit Reader Add-on",
  7763. ".fzp" => "Form•Z Plug-in",
  7764. ".hvpl" => "iTunes Visual Plug-in File",
  7765. ".ibplugin" => "Interface Builder Plug-in",
  7766. ".indesignplugin" => "Adobe InDesign Plug-in",
  7767. ".info" => "Drupal Module Information File",
  7768. ".inx" => "Inkscape Extension Descriptor File",
  7769. ".jsxbin" => "Binary ExtendScript Script File",
  7770. ".kmm" => "K-Meleon Macro Module",
  7771. ".lng" => "Winamp Language File",
  7772. ".lng" => "Acrobat Language Plug-in",
  7773. ".lrplugin" => "Photoshop Lightroom Plug-in",
  7774. ".lrwebengine" => "Photoshop Lightroom Web Gallery File",
  7775. ".m2p" => "Maxthon 2 Browser Plugin File",
  7776. ".mat" => "V-Ray Materials File",
  7777. ".mda" => "Access Add-in",
  7778. ".mde" => "Compiled Access Add-in File",
  7779. ".mde" => "ArchiCAD Educational Version Module File",
  7780. ".mdimporter" => "Metadata Importer",
  7781. ".mfw" => "MobileFrame Workflow Pack File",
  7782. ".mfx" => "Multimedia Fusion Extension",
  7783. ".milk" => "MilkDrop Winamp Plugin Preset",
  7784. ".mll" => "Maya Plugin",
  7785. ".mmip" => "MediaMonkey Installation Package",
  7786. ".mod" => "ArchiCAD Module",
  7787. ".mode" => "Coda Syntax Mode File",
  7788. ".module" => "Drupal Module File",
  7789. ".mox" => "Montax Imposer Template Document",
  7790. ".mtx" => "MadTracker 2 Extension",
  7791. ".mxaddon" => "Maxthon Add-On File",
  7792. ".mxp" => "Adobe Extension Package",
  7793. ".nbm" => "NetBeans Module",
  7794. ".nbp" => "NeoBook Plugin File",
  7795. ".net" => "FileMaker Networking Module",
  7796. ".ny" => "Audacity Nyquist Plug-in",
  7797. ".oex" => "Opera Extension",
  7798. ".osax" => "AppleScript Scripting Addition",
  7799. ".oxt" => "Apache OpenOffice Extension",
  7800. ".p" => "LightWave Plug-in",
  7801. ".pba" => " Basic Protected Module File",
  7802. ".pfl" => "PhotoFiltre Plugin",
  7803. ".pim" => "Pro Tools Controller Plug-in Mappings File",
  7804. ".plg" => "Sibelius Plug-in",
  7805. ".pln" => "Adobe InDesign Plug-in",
  7806. ".plugin" => "Adobe Photoshop Plug-in",
  7807. ".plugin" => "Mac OS X Plug-in",
  7808. ".ppa" => "PowerPoint Add-in",
  7809. ".ppam" => "PowerPoint 2007 Add-In",
  7810. ".ppmod" => "Papers Please Mod File",
  7811. ".prm" => "Premiere Plug-in",
  7812. ".pset" => "Adobe InDesign Plug-in Set File",
  7813. ".q1q" => "LunarCell Photoshop Plug-in",
  7814. ".q2q" => "Flexify Photoshop Plug-in",
  7815. ".q4q" => "Solar Cell Photoshop Plug-in",
  7816. ".q5r" => "Melancholytron Photoshop Plug-in",
  7817. ".q7q" => "India Ink Photoshop Plug-in",
  7818. ".q8r" => "Flood Photoshop Plug-in",
  7819. ".q9r" => "Glitterato Photoshop Plug-In",
  7820. ".q9s" => "Mr. Contrast Photoshop Plug-In",
  7821. ".qar" => "QlikView Extension",
  7822. ".qlgenerator" => "Quick Look Generator File",
  7823. ".qpx" => "QuickTime Player Extension",
  7824. ".qtr" => "QuickTime Extension Resource",
  7825. ".qtx" => "QuickTime Extension",
  7826. ".rbz" => "SketchUp Plug-in",
  7827. ".rev" => "LiveCode Plugin",
  7828. ".rez" => "Escape Velocity Plug-in File",
  7829. ".rhp" => "Rhino Plug-in",
  7830. ".rock" => "Rockbox Plug-in",
  7831. ".rpi" => "Render Plug-in",
  7832. ".rplib" => "Axure RP Widget Library File",
  7833. ".rpm" => "RealPlayer Plug-in",
  7834. ".rwplugin" => "RapidWeaver Plugin",
  7835. ".sa9" => "Hue and Cry Photoshop Plug-in",
  7836. ".safariextz" => "Apple Safari Extension Package",
  7837. ".scm" => "GIMP Script-Fu Script",
  7838. ".seplugin" => "AppleScript Editor Plug-in",
  7839. ".skypechatstyle" => "Chat Style File",
  7840. ".so-abi" => "Cocoa AbiWord Plug-in",
  7841. ".sparc" => "Skype Plugin Archive",
  7842. ".spd" => "SPSS Custom Dialog File",
  7843. ".spe" => "SPSS Extension",
  7844. ".sugar" => "Espresso Plug-in",
  7845. ".syn" => "TextPad Syntax File",
  7846. ".t3x" => "TYPO3 Compressed Extension",
  7847. ".tbp" => "Autodesk Topobase File",
  7848. ".tko" => "AMX Software Module File",
  7849. ".tmbundle" => "TextMate Bundle File",
  7850. ".tpi" => "EDIUS Plugin File",
  7851. ".vbox-extpack" => "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack",
  7852. ".vdf" => "VirtualDub Video Filter",
  7853. ".vsix" => "Visual Studio Extension",
  7854. ".vsl" => "Visio Add-on",
  7855. ".vst" => "VST Audio Plugin",
  7856. ".wbm" => "Webmin Module",
  7857. ".wll" => "Microsoft Word Add-in",
  7858. ".wlz" => "Winamp Language Pack",
  7859. ".wowsl" => "WOW Slider",
  7860. ".x32" => "Adobe Xtra File",
  7861. ".xadd" => "Expression Web Add-in",
  7862. ".xba" => " Basic Module File",
  7863. ".xla" => "Excel Add-In File",
  7864. ".xlam" => "Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Add-In",
  7865. ".xll" => "Excel Add-In File",
  7866. ".xlv" => "Excel Visual Basic Module",
  7867. ".xmd" => "Bitdefender Plugin File",
  7868. ".xnt" => "QuarkXPress Extension File",
  7869. ".xpi" => "Mozilla Installer Package",
  7870. ".xpt" => "Mozilla Firefox Component",
  7871. ".xsiaddon" => "Softimage Add-on File",
  7872. ".zlb" => "Form•Z Symbol Library File",
  7873. ".zxp" => "Extension Manager Package"
  7874. );
  7876. $backup = array(
  7877. ".$$$" => "Temporary File",
  7878. ".$db" => "dBASE Temporary File",
  7879. ".001" => "Split Archive File",
  7880. ".001" => "Norton Ghost Disk Backup",
  7881. ".002" => "Split Archive Part 2 File",
  7882. ".113" => "Iomega Backup File",
  7883. ".73b" => "TI-73 Backup File",
  7884. ".__a" => "File Splitter & Joiner Encrypted File",
  7885. ".__b" => "File Splitter & Joiner Encrypted Archive File",
  7886. ".ab" => "Android ADB Backup File",
  7887. ".aba" => "Palm Address Book Archive",
  7888. ".abbu" => "Address Book Backup",
  7889. ".abf" => "Analysis Services Backup File",
  7890. ".abk" => "Automatic Backup File",
  7891. ".acp" => "Alfresco Content Package",
  7892. ".acr" => "Acer eRecovery Management Backup File",
  7893. ".adi" => "Active@ Disk Image Backup File",
  7894. ".aea" => "AdWords Editor Archive",
  7895. ".arc" => "Norton Backup Archive",
  7896. ".arc" => "Symbian OS Backup File",
  7897. ".as4" => "askSam Backup File",
  7898. ".asd" => "Word AutoSave File",
  7899. ".ashbak" => "Ashampoo Backup Archive",
  7900. ".asv" => "Finale Auto-save File",
  7901. ".asvx" => "Finale Auto-save File",
  7902. ".ate" => "Office Accounting Compressed Backup File",
  7903. ".ati" => "Office Accounting Updated Company File",
  7904. ".bac" => "Backup File",
  7905. ".backup" => "Android Backup File",
  7906. ".backupdb" => "Time Machine Backup Folder",
  7907. ".bak" => "ACT! Backup File",
  7908. ".bak" => "Firefox Bookmarks Backup",
  7909. ".bak" => "Backup File",
  7910. ".bak" => "Finale Backup File",
  7911. ".bak2" => "Backup File",
  7912. ".bak3" => "Backup File",
  7913. ".bakx" => "Finale Backup File",
  7914. ".bak~" => "AbiWord Auto-Saved Document",
  7915. ".bbb" => "BlackBerry Mobile Phone Backup File",
  7916. ".bbz" => "BerryBuzz Backup File",
  7917. ".bck" => "VMX Backup File",
  7918. ".bckp" => "Ad-Aware Quarantined File",
  7919. ".bcm" => "Microsoft Works Communications Script Backup",
  7920. ".bdb" => "Microsoft Works Database Backup File",
  7921. ".bff" => "Backup File Format",
  7922. ".bif" => "Get Backup Project File",
  7923. ".bifx" => "Get Backup Project",
  7924. ".bk1" => "ERwin Backup File",
  7925. ".bk1" => "Autodesk Backup File",
  7926. ".bkc" => "Backup4all Backup Catalog",
  7927. ".bkf" => "Windows Backup Utility File",
  7928. ".bkp" => "Backup File",
  7929. ".bkp" => "Zapback Backup File",
  7930. ".bkup" => "Backup File",
  7931. ".bkz" => "FileFort Backup File",
  7932. ".blend1" => "Blender Document Backup File",
  7933. ".blend2" => "Blender Document Backup 2 File",
  7934. ".bm3" => "Sony Ericsson Backup File",
  7935. ".bmk" => "BillMinder Backup File",
  7936. ".bpa" => "StorageSync Backup Archive",
  7937. ".bpb" => "PowerDesigner Business Process Backup File",
  7938. ".bpm" => "PowerDesigner Business Process Model",
  7939. ".bpn" => "ArchiCAD Project Backup File",
  7940. ".bps" => "Works Document Backup",
  7941. ".bup" => "Backup File",
  7942. ".bup" => "DVD IFO Backup File",
  7943. ".caa" => "CleanApp Archive",
  7944. ".cbk" => "Backup Configuration File",
  7945. ".cbs" => "Comodo Backup Script",
  7946. ".cbu" => "Comodo Backup File",
  7947. ".ck9" => "Cook'n Cookbook Backup File",
  7948. ".cmf" => "Connected Backup File",
  7949. ".crds" => "Windows CardSpace Backup File",
  7950. ".crypt" => "WhatsApp Backup File",
  7951. ".da0" => "Windows Registry Backup File",
  7952. ".dash" => "Dashlane Profile",
  7953. ".dba" => "Palm Datebook Backup File",
  7954. ".dbk" => "Sony Ericsson Mobile Phone Backup File",
  7955. ".dbk" => "dBASE Database Backup",
  7956. ".diy" => "My Drivers Backup Setup File",
  7957. ".dna" => "CA Backup and Migration Backup File",
  7958. ".dov" => "Temp File",
  7959. ".dpb" => "DataPilot Backup File",
  7960. ".dsb" => "Dell DataSafe Backup File",
  7961. ".fbc" => "Family Tree Maker for DOS Backup File",
  7962. ".fbf" => "Free Backup Fix Backup File",
  7963. ".fbk" => "Family Tree Maker for Windows Backup File",
  7964. ".fbk" => "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Backup File",
  7965. ".fbu" => "FEBE Firefox Backup File",
  7966. ".fbw" => "HP Recovery Manager Backup File",
  7967. ".fh" => "Symantec Backup Exec File",
  7968. ".fhf" => "Free Hide Folder Backup File",
  7969. ".flka" => "Folder Lock Portable Locker File",
  7970. ".flkb" => "Folder Lock Basic Locker File",
  7971. ".fpsx" => "Nokia Firmware Format File",
  7972. ".ftmb" => "Family Tree Maker Backup File",
  7973. ".ful" => "Microsoft Backup File List",
  7974. ".fza" => "Form•Z Autosave File",
  7975. ".fzb" => "Form•Z Project Backup File",
  7976. ".gb1" => "Game Maker Backup File",
  7977. ".gb2" => "Game Maker Backup File",
  7978. ".gbp" => "Genie Timeline Backup Index File",
  7979. ".gho" => "Norton Ghost Backup File",
  7980. ".ghs" => "Norton Ghost Image Segment",
  7981. ".icbu" => "iCal Backup File",
  7982. ".icf" => "Zoom Router Configuration File",
  7983. ".inprogress" => "Time Machine Backup Progress File",
  7984. ".ipd" => "BlackBerry Backup File",
  7985. ".iv2i" => "Norton Ghost Incremental Virtual Volume Image",
  7986. ".jbk" => "Juno Backup File",
  7987. ".jdc" => "JDownloader Links File",
  7988. ".kb2" => "Kleo Backup File",
  7989. ".lcb" => "Living Cookbook Backup File",
  7990. ".llx" => "LabVIEW VI Library Backup File",
  7991. ".mbf" => "Microsoft Money Backup File",
  7992. ".mbk" => "dBASE IV Multiple Index Backup File",
  7993. ".mbw" => "MBRWizard Archive",
  7994. ".mdbackup" => "iPhone Data Backup File",
  7995. ".mddata" => "iPhone Backup File",
  7996. ".mdinfo" => "iPhone Backup Information File",
  7997. ".mem" => "FoxPro Variable File",
  7998. ".mig" => "Windows Migration Backup File",
  7999. ".mpb" => "MyPhoneExplorer Backup File",
  8000. ".mv_" => "Movie Edit Pro Movie Backup File",
  8001. ".nb7" => "NovaBACKUP Output File",
  8002. ".nba" => "Nero BackItUp Archive",
  8003. ".nbak" => "Neat Backup File",
  8004. ".nbd" => "NovaBACKUP File",
  8005. ".nbd" => "Data Backup Data File",
  8006. ".nbf" => "Nokia Backup File",
  8007. ".nbf" => "Backup Now Archive",
  8008. ".nbi" => "Nero BackItUp Information File",
  8009. ".nbk" => "Data Backup Job File",
  8010. ".nbk" => "NovaBACKUP Job File",
  8011. ".nbs" => "NTI Backup Set",
  8012. ".nbu" => "Nokia Phone Backup File",
  8013. ".nco" => "Nero BackItUp File",
  8014. ".nfb" => "Nokia Phone Backup File",
  8015. ".nfc" => "Nokia Phone Backup Copy File",
  8016. ".npf" => "NTI Partition File",
  8017. ".nps" => "NTI Partition Set",
  8018. ".nrbak" => "NeatReceipts Backup File",
  8019. ".nrs" => "NovaBACKUP Restore Script",
  8020. ".nwbak" => "NeatWorks Backup File",
  8021. ".obk" => "Backup File",
  8022. ".oeb" => "Outlook Express Backup Wizard File",
  8023. ".old" => "Backup File",
  8024. ".onepkg" => "Microsoft OneNote Package File",
  8025. ".ori" => "Original File",
  8026. ".orig" => "Original File",
  8027. ".oyx" => "Approach Alternate Database Index",
  8028. ".paq" => "Hewlett-Packard Software Restore File",
  8029. ".pba" => "PowerBackup Archive",
  8030. ".pbb" => "AT&T Phonebook File",
  8031. ".pbd" => "EaseUS Todo Backup File",
  8032. ".pbf" => "PowerBackup Data File",
  8033. ".pbf" => "Paragon Backup File",
  8034. ".pbj" => "PowerBackup Job File",
  8035. ".pbx5script" => "Personal Backup Script",
  8036. ".pbxscript" => "Personal Backup Script",
  8037. ".pdb" => "PowerDesigner Database Backup File",
  8038. ".prv" => "Free Folder Hider Backup File",
  8039. ".psa" => "Plesk Backup File",
  8040. ".pvc" => "Parallels Desktop Copied Configuration File",
  8041. ".qba.tlg" => "QBA Transaction Log File",
  8042. ".qbb" => "QuickBooks Backup File",
  8043. ".qbk" => "QuickTax Backup File",
  8044. ".qbm" => "QuickBooks Portable Company File",
  8045. ".qbmb" => "QuickBooks Backup File",
  8046. ".qbmd" => "QuickBooks Backup File",
  8047. ".qbx" => "QuickBooks Accountant Transfer File",
  8048. ".qic" => "Windows Backup File",
  8049. ".qsf" => "Qualtrics Survey File",
  8050. ".qualsoftcode" => "J&ASoft Code Archive File",
  8051. ".quickenbackup" => "Quicken Essentials for Mac Backup File",
  8052. ".qv~" => "ViewletBuilder Project Backup File",
  8053. ".rbc" => "Retrospect Backup Catalog File",
  8054. ".rbf" => "Windows Installer Rollback File",
  8055. ".rbf" => "Retrospect Backup File",
  8056. ".rbk" => "Windows 95 Registry Backup File",
  8057. ".rbs" => "Windows Installer Rollback Script",
  8058. ".rdb" => "Retrospect Backup Set",
  8059. ".rgmb" => "RootsMagic Backup File",
  8060. ".rmbak" => "Registry Mechanic Backup File",
  8061. ".rrr" => "Registry Mechanic Backup File",
  8062. ".sav" => "Parallels Desktop Saved State Image File",
  8063. ".sbb" => "Office Accounting Company Backup File",
  8064. ".sbs" => "Secure Backup System File",
  8065. ".sbu" => "Samsung Backup File",
  8066. ".sdc" => "Stardock Central Download Archive",
  8067. ".sim" => "Steam Game Backup Information File",
  8068. ".sis" => "Steam Game Backup Information File",
  8069. ".skb" => "SketchUp Backup Document",
  8070. ".sn1" => "Drive Snapshot First Differential Backup",
  8071. ".sn2" => "Drive Snapshot Second Differential Backup",
  8072. ".sna" => "Drive Snapshot Primary Backup File",
  8073. ".sns" => "Save-N-Sync Project File",
  8074. ".spf" => "ShadowProtect Full Backup File",
  8075. ".spg" => "TCP Optimizer Backup File",
  8076. ".spi" => "ShadowProtect Incremental Backup File",
  8077. ".sps" => "SyncBack Settings File",
  8078. ".sqb" => "SQL Backup SQL Server Backup File",
  8079. ".srr" => "ReScene Metadata File",
  8080. ".stg" => "ActiveSync Backup File",
  8081. ".sv$" => "AutoCAD Automated Backup File",
  8082. ".sv2i" => "Symantec System Index File",
  8083. ".tbk" => "FoxPro Memo Backup",
  8084. ".tdb" => "eBay Turbo Lister Backup File",
  8085. ".tig" => "TI Connect Backup File",
  8086. ".tis" => "True Image Script",
  8087. ".tlg" => "QuickBooks Transaction Log File",
  8088. ".tmp" => "Temporary File",
  8089. ".tmp" => "Finale Temporary File",
  8090. ".tmr" => "Free Countdown Timer Backup File",
  8091. ".trn" => "SQL Server Transaction Log Backup File",
  8092. ".ttbk" => "Canadian TurboTax 2010 Backup File",
  8093. ".uci" => "UFS Explorer Backup File",
  8094. ".v2i" => "Norton Ghost Virtual Volume Image",
  8095. ".vbk" => "Veeam Backup File",
  8096. ".vbm" => "Veeam Backup Metadata File",
  8097. ".vbox-prev" => "Oracle VM VirtualBox Settings Backup File",
  8098. ".vpcbackup" => "Windows Virtual PC Backup File",
  8099. ".vrb" => "Veeam Incremental Backup File",
  8100. ".wbb" => "WinBackup Archive",
  8101. ".wbcat" => "Windows Backup Catalog File",
  8102. ".wbk" => "Word Document Backup",
  8103. ".win" => "Windows Backup File",
  8104. ".win" => "FoxPro Window Settings",
  8105. ".wjf" => "WinZip Job File",
  8106. ".wpb" => "Windows Phone Device Manager Backup File",
  8107. ".wspak" => "WebsitePanel Backup File",
  8108. ".xbk" => "XenServer Backup File",
  8109. ".xlk" => "Excel Backup File",
  8110. ".yrcbck" => "YRC Backup Archive",
  8111. ".~cw" => "Circuit Wizard Backup File"
  8112. );
  8114. $WEB = array(
  8115. ".a4p" => "A4Desk Pro Project File",
  8116. ".a5w" => "Alpha Five Webpage File",
  8117. ".adr" => "Opera Bookmarks File",
  8118. ".aex" => "Alpha Five Compiled Global Functions File",
  8119. ".alx" => "ActiveX Layout Control File",
  8120. ".an" => "Adobe Edge Animate Project File",
  8121. ".ap" => "Active Page",
  8122. ".aro" => "SteelArrow Web Application File",
  8123. ".asa" => "ASP Configuration File",
  8124. ".asax" => "ASP.NET Server Application File",
  8125. ".ascx" => "ASP.NET User Control File",
  8126. ".ashx" => "ASP.NET Web Handler File",
  8127. ".asmx" => "ASP.NET Web Service File",
  8128. ".asp" => "Active Server Page",
  8129. ".aspx" => "Active Server Page Extended File",
  8130. ".asr" => "ActionScript Remote Document",
  8131. ".atom" => "Atom Syndication Format",
  8132. ".att" => "Web Form Post Data File",
  8133. ".awm" => "AllWebMenus Project File",
  8134. ".axd" => "ASP.NET Web Handler File",
  8135. ".bml" => "Bean Markup Language File",
  8136. ".bok" => "ProStores Dynamic Web Page",
  8137. ".browser" => "ASP.NET Browser Definition File",
  8138. ".btapp" => "uTorrent App",
  8139. ".bwp" => "BuRg3r Web Page",
  8140. ".ccbjs" => "CopperCube JavaScript File",
  8141. ".cdf" => "Channel Definition Format",
  8142. ".cer" => "Internet Security Certificate",
  8143. ".cfm" => "ColdFusion Markup File",
  8144. ".cfml" => "ColdFusion Markup Language File",
  8145. ".cha" => "IRC Chat Configuration File",
  8146. ".chat" => "IRC Chat Configuration File",
  8147. ".chm" => "Compiled HTML Help File",
  8148. ".cms" => "Content Management System",
  8149. ".codasite" => "Coda Site File",
  8150. ".compressed" => "WordCompress Compacted Web File",
  8151. ".con" => "Concept Application Source File",
  8152. ".cpg" => "Cool Page Project File",
  8153. ".crl" => "Certificate Revocation List File",
  8154. ".crt" => "Security Certificate",
  8155. ".cshtml" => "ASP.NET Razor Web Page",
  8156. ".csp" => "Concept Server Page",
  8157. ".csr" => "Certificate Signing Request File",
  8158. ".css" => "Cascading Style Sheet",
  8159. ".dap" => "Access Data Access Page",
  8160. ".dbm" => "ColdFusion Server File",
  8161. ".dcr" => "Shockwave Media File",
  8162. ".der" => "DER Certificate File",
  8163. ".dhtml" => "Dynamic HTML file",
  8164. ".disco" => "DISCO Discovery Document",
  8165. ".discomap" => "DISCO Discovery Output File",
  8166. ".dll" => "DLL Dynamic Web Page",
  8167. ".dml" => "DynaScript File",
  8168. ".do" => "Java Servlet",
  8169. ".dochtml" => "Microsoft Word HTML Document",
  8170. ".docmhtml" => "Microsoft Word MIME HTML Document",
  8171. ".dothtml" => "Microsoft Word HTML Document Template",
  8172. ".download" => "Partially Downloaded File",
  8173. ".dwt" => "Dreamweaver Web Page Template",
  8174. ".ece" => "Escenic Dynamic Web Page",
  8175. ".edge" => "Adobe Edge Project File",
  8176. ".epibrw" => "Web File Location",
  8177. ".esproj" => "Espresso Project File",
  8178. ".ewp" => "Ewisoft Website Project File",
  8179. ".fcgi" => "FastCGI File",
  8180. ".fmp" => "123 Flash Menu Project",
  8181. ".fwp" => "Microsoft Expression Web Package",
  8182. ".gne" => "Flickr Web Page",
  8183. ".gsp" => "IMail Error Message File",
  8184. ".hdm" => "HDML File",
  8185. ".hdml" => "Handheld Device Markup Language File",
  8186. ".htaccess" => "Apache HTACCESS File",
  8187. ".htc" => "HTML Component File",
  8188. ".htm" => "Hypertext Markup Language File",
  8189. ".html" => "Hypertext Markup Language File",
  8190. ".htx" => "HTML Extension File",
  8191. ".hxs" => "Help 2 Compiled Help File",
  8192. ".hype" => "Hype Document",
  8193. ".idc" => "Internet Database Connector File",
  8194. ".iqy" => "Internet Query",
  8195. ".itms" => "iTunes Music Store Link File",
  8196. ".itpc" => "iTunes Podcast Link File",
  8197. ".iwdgt" => "iWeb Widget File",
  8198. ".jcz" => "Liquid Motion Animation",
  8199. ".jhtml" => "Java HTML Web Page",
  8200. ".jnlp" => "Java Web Start File",
  8201. ".js" => "JavaScript File",
  8202. ".jsf" => "Java Script Command File",
  8203. ".json" => "JavaScript Object Notation File",
  8204. ".jsp" => "Java Server Page",
  8205. ".jspa" => "Java Servlet Alias",
  8206. ".jspx" => "XML Java Server Page",
  8207. ".jss" => "JavaScript Style Sheet File",
  8208. ".jst" => "JavaServer Page Document",
  8209. ".jvs" => "JavaScript Proxy Autoconfig File",
  8210. ".jws" => "Java Web Services File",
  8211. ".kit" => "CodeKit File",
  8212. ".lasso" => "Lasso Database-Driven Web Page",
  8213. ".lbc" => "Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Saved Link",
  8214. ".less" => "LESS Style Sheet",
  8215. ".maff" => "Mozilla Archive Format File",
  8216. ".map" => "Image Map",
  8217. ".mapx" => "Mapjects Client Webparts File",
  8218. ".master" => "ASP.NET Master Page",
  8219. ".mht" => "MHTML Web Archive",
  8220. ".mhtml" => "MIME HTML File",
  8221. ".moz" => "Mozilla Cache File",
  8222. ".mspx" => "Microsoft ASP.NET Web Page",
  8223. ".muse" => "Adobe Muse Website Project",
  8224. ".mvc" => "MivaScript Compiled File",
  8225. ".mvr" => "IBM HotMedia Multimedia File",
  8226. ".nod" => "NetObjects Fusion File",
  8227. ".nxg" => "eSite Builder NXG Web Page",
  8228. ".nzb" => "NewzBin Usenet Index File",
  8229. ".oam" => "Adobe Edge Animate Widget File",
  8230. ".obml" => "Opera Mini Saved Web Page",
  8231. ".ognc" => "Dynamic Web Page",
  8232. ".olp" => "Office Live Package",
  8233. ".opml" => "Outline Processor Markup Language File",
  8234. ".oth" => "OpenDocument HTML Template",
  8235. ".p12" => "Personal Information Exchange File",
  8236. ".p7" => "PKCS #7 Digital Certificate File",
  8237. ".p7b" => "PKCS #7 Certificate File",
  8238. ".p7c" => "PKCS #7 Certificate File",
  8239. ".pac" => "Proxy Auto-Config File",
  8240. ".page" => "HybridJava Web Page",
  8241. ".pem" => "Privacy Enhanced Mail Certificate",
  8242. ".php" => "PHP Source Code File",
  8243. ".php3" => "PHP 3 Web Page",
  8244. ".php4" => "PHP 4 Web Page",
  8245. ".php5" => "PHP 5 Web Page",
  8246. ".phtm" => "PHP-Based Web Page",
  8247. ".phtml" => "PHP Web Page",
  8248. ".ppthtml" => "PowerPoint HTML Presentation",
  8249. ".pptmhtml" => "Microsoft PowerPoint MIME HTML Presentation",
  8250. ".prf" => "PICS Rules File",
  8251. ".pro" => "Adobe Proto Design File",
  8252. ".psp" => "PL/SQL Server Page",
  8253. ".ptw" => "AutoCAD Publish To Web File",
  8254. ".pub" => "Public Key File",
  8255. ".qbo" => "QuickBooks Online Bank Statement File",
  8256. ".qf" => "Qompose Web Page Template",
  8257. ".qrm" => "Qworum Message File",
  8258. ".rflw" => "Edge Reflow Data File",
  8259. ".rhtml" => "Ruby HTML Web Page",
  8260. ".rjs" => "Ruby Javascript File",
  8261. ".rss" => "Rich Site Summary",
  8262. ".rt" => "RealText Streaming Text File",
  8263. ".rw3" => "RapidWeaver 3 Site File",
  8264. ".rwp" => "RapidWeaver Package",
  8265. ".rwsw" => "RapidWeaver Site File",
  8266. ".rwtheme" => "RapidWeaver Theme",
  8267. ".saveddeck" => "Nokia Saved Web Page",
  8268. ".sdb" => "SocialDecks Blog File",
  8269. ".seam" => "Seam Framework Java Servlet File",
  8270. ".sht" => "HTML File with Server Side Includes",
  8271. ".shtm" => "HTML Server Side Include File",
  8272. ".shtml" => "Server Side Include HTML File",
  8273. ".site" => "GoLive Website Project File",
  8274. ".sitemap" => "ASP.NET Site Map File",
  8275. ".sites" => "iWeb Site Design Project",
  8276. ".sites2" => "iWeb Site Design Project",
  8277. ".spc" => "Software Publisher Certificate File",
  8278. ".srf" => "Server Response File",
  8279. ".ssp" => "Scala Server Page",
  8280. ".stc" => "Contribute Connection Key File",
  8281. ".stl" => "Certificate Trust List",
  8282. ".stm" => "SSI Web Page",
  8283. ".stml" => "SSI HTML File",
  8284. ".stp" => "SharePoint Template",
  8285. ".suck" => "SiteSucker Website File",
  8286. ".svc" => "WCF Web Service File",
  8287. ".svr" => "Compressed Virtual World",
  8288. ".swz" => "Adobe Flash Player Cache File",
  8289. ".tvpi" => "TitanTV Television Listing File",
  8290. ".tvvi" => "TitanTV Television Listing File",
  8291. ".ucf" => "WebEx Media File",
  8292. ".uhtml" => "UC Browser Saved Webpage",
  8293. ".url" => "Internet Shortcut",
  8294. ".vbd" => "Visual Basic ActiveX Document",
  8295. ".vbhtml" => "ASP.NET Razor Web Page",
  8296. ".vdw" => "Visio Web Drawing",
  8297. ".vlp" => "LiveSite Project",
  8298. ".vrml" => "VRML File",
  8299. ".vsdisco" => "DISCO Dynamic Discovery Document",
  8300. ".wbs" => "WebBlender Project File",
  8301. ".wbxml" => "WAP Binary XML File",
  8302. ".wdgt" => "Opera Widget",
  8303. ".web" => "Xara Web Document",
  8304. ".webarchive" => "Safari Web Archive",
  8305. ".webarchivexml" => "Android Web Browser Archive",
  8306. ".webbookmark" => "Safari Web Bookmark File",
  8307. ".webhistory" => "Safari Web History File",
  8308. ".webloc" => "Mac OS X Website Location",
  8309. ".website" => "Internet Explorer Pinned Site Shortcut",
  8310. ".wgp" => "Web Gallery Project",
  8311. ".wgt" => "Opera Widget File",
  8312. ".whtt" => "HTTrack Website Copier File",
  8313. ".widget" => "HybridJava Widget",
  8314. ".wml" => "Wireless Markup Language File",
  8315. ".wn" => "WN Web File",
  8316. ".woa" => "WebObjects Application",
  8317. ".wpp" => "WebPlus Project File",
  8318. ".wpx" => "WebPlus Project Template",
  8319. ".wrf" => "WebEx Recording",
  8320. ".wsdl" => "Web Services Description Language File",
  8321. ".xbel" => "XBEL Bookmarks File",
  8322. ".xbl" => "Extensible Binding Language File",
  8323. ".xfdl" => "XFDL File",
  8324. ".xht" => "XHTML File",
  8325. ".xhtm" => "Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Document",
  8326. ".xhtml" => "Extensible Hypertext Markup Language File",
  8327. ".xpd" => "XML Pipeline Document",
  8328. ".xss" => "XML Style Sheet",
  8329. ".xul" => "XML User Interface Language File",
  8330. ".xws" => "Xara Web Designer Graphic",
  8331. ".zfo" => "XSL-FO Online Form",
  8332. ".zhtml" => "RabbitWeb Webpage",
  8333. ".zhtml" => "Secure IE Zipped HTML File",
  8334. ".zul" => "ZK User Interface File",
  8335. ".zvz" => "Possible Virus File"
  8336. );
  8338. $GIS = array(
  8339. ".3d" => "Survex 3D Cavern File",
  8340. ".3dc" => "iGO 3D Building File",
  8341. ".3dd" => "ArcGlobe Document",
  8342. ".3dl" => "iGO Landmark File",
  8343. ".477" => "MNS Shape Definition Companion File",
  8344. ".adf" => "ESRI ArcInfo Binary Grid Format",
  8345. ".apl" => "ArcPad Layer File",
  8346. ".apr" => "ArcView Project File",
  8347. ".aqm" => "AlpineQuest Map File",
  8348. ".at5" => "Lowrance Map File",
  8349. ".atx" => "ArcGIS Attribute Index File",
  8350. ".aux" => "Auxiliary File",
  8351. ".avl" => "ArcView Legend File",
  8352. ".axe" => "AutoRoute Map File",
  8353. ".axt" => "Microsoft AutoRoute Template",
  8354. ".bil" => "ESRI BIL File",
  8355. ".bpw" => "Bitmap World File",
  8356. ".bt" => "Binary Terrain File",
  8357. ".cor" => "Trimble Corrected SSF File",
  8358. ".cub" => "ISIS Cube File",
  8359. ".cvi" => "CassiniVision Map Image File",
  8360. ".dem" => "Digital Elevation Model",
  8361. ".div" => "DIVA-GIS Project File",
  8362. ".dix" => "DIVA-GIS Export File",
  8363. ".dlg" => "Digital Line Graph",
  8364. ".dmf" => "Geosystem Digitals Map File",
  8365. ".dmt" => "DeLorme Transfer File",
  8366. ".dt0" => "DTED Level 0 File",
  8367. ".dt1" => "DTED Level 1 File",
  8368. ".dt2" => "DTED Level 2 File",
  8369. ".dvc" => "IDRISI Vector Definition File",
  8370. ".e00" => "ArcInfo Coverage Export File",
  8371. ".ers" => "ER Mapper Data File",
  8372. ".est" => "Streets & Trips Map File",
  8373. ".eta" => "Google Earth Placemark File",
  8374. ".fbl" => "iGO Map File",
  8375. ".fds" => "FME Custom Format File",
  8376. ".ffs" => "FME Desktop Feature Store File",
  8377. ".fit" => "Garmin Activity File",
  8378. ".fls" => "ArcView GIS Windows Help Supporting File",
  8379. ".fme" => "FME Mapping File",
  8380. ".fmi" => "FME Include File",
  8381. ".fmv" => "FME Desktop Viewspace File",
  8382. ".fmw" => "FME Workbench File",
  8383. ".geojson" => "GeoJSON File",
  8384. ".gfw" => "GIF World File",
  8385. ".glb" => "STK Globe File",
  8386. ".gmap" => "Garmin Map File",
  8387. ".gmf" => "Geology Multi-File",
  8388. ".gml" => "Geography Markup Language File",
  8389. ".gpf" => "Geosoft Project File",
  8390. ".gprx" => "Geoxa Project File",
  8391. ".gps" => "Survey Pro Coordinate File",
  8392. ".gpx" => "GPS Exchange File",
  8393. ".grb" => "GRIB Meteorological Data File",
  8394. ".gsb" => "Golden Software Boundary File",
  8395. ".gsi" => "Golden Software Interchange File",
  8396. ".gsm" => "MapViewer Project File",
  8397. ".gsr" => "Golden Software Reference File",
  8398. ".gsr2" => "Golden Software Reference File",
  8399. ".gst" => "MapInfo Geoset File",
  8400. ".gws" => "Geosoft Workspace File",
  8401. ".hdr" => "ESRI BIL Header File",
  8402. ".hgt" => "SRTM Elevation Data File",
  8403. ".imd" => "GIS Image Metadata File",
  8404. ".img" => "Garmin Map File",
  8405. ".img" => "ERDAS IMAGINE Image File",
  8406. ".imi" => "Magellan Map File",
  8407. ".jgw" => "JPEG World File",
  8408. ".jpgw" => "JPEG World File",
  8409. ".jpr" => "Fugawi Projection File",
  8410. ".jpw" => "World File for JPEG",
  8411. ".kml" => "Keyhole Markup Language File",
  8412. ".kmz" => "Google Earth Placemark File",
  8413. ".lan" => "ERDAS LAN File",
  8414. ".lpk" => "ArcGIS Layer Package",
  8415. ".map" => "Mapjects Server Webparts File",
  8416. ".map" => "NAVIGON Map File",
  8417. ".mdc" => "Merkaartor Document",
  8418. ".mgm" => "MGMaps File",
  8419. ".mid" => "MapInfo Data File",
  8420. ".mif" => "MapInfo Interchange Format File",
  8421. ".mmm" => "MiraMon Maps File",
  8422. ".mmz" => "MiraMon Compressed Map File",
  8423. ".mnh" => "Master Navigator Header File",
  8424. ".mpk" => "ArcGIS Map Package",
  8425. ".mps" => "Pocket Streets Map File",
  8426. ".msd" => "Map Service Definition File",
  8427. ".mwx" => "MapGuide Author Map Window XML File",
  8428. ".mxd" => "ArcGIS Map Document",
  8429. ".mxt" => "ArcGIS Map Template",
  8430. ".ngt" => "Noni GPSPlot Track File",
  8431. ".nm2" => "Navitel Map File",
  8432. ".nm3" => "Navitel 5 Map File",
  8433. ".nmap" => "NaviComputer Map File",
  8434. ".nmc" => "ArcGIS Explorer Map Content File",
  8435. ".nmf" => "ArcGIS Explorer Map File",
  8436. ".nv2" => "Navionics Chart File",
  8437. ".ocd" => "OCAD Map File",
  8438. ".osb" => "OpenStreetMap Binary Map File",
  8439. ".osc" => "OpenStreetMap Change File",
  8440. ".osm" => "OpenStreetMap Map File",
  8441. ".ov2" => "TomTom Points of Interest Database",
  8442. ".pin" => "MNS Projection Information File",
  8443. ".pix" => "PCI Geomatics Database File",
  8444. ".pmf" => "ESRI Published Map File",
  8445. ".prm" => "Route 66 Map File",
  8446. ".ptm" => "MapPoint Map File",
  8447. ".ptt" => "MapPoint Map Template",
  8448. ".rdc" => "IDRISI Raster Documentation File",
  8449. ".rdf" => "ArcGIS Report Document File",
  8450. ".ref" => "IDRISI Raster Image Reference File",
  8451. ".rgn" => "Garmin Regional Map File",
  8452. ".rmp" => "Magellan Raster Map File",
  8453. ".rrd" => "Reduced Resolution Dataset File",
  8454. ".rst" => "IDRISI Raster Image",
  8455. ".saf" => "Street Atlas USA Map File",
  8456. ".sbn" => "ESRI Spatial Binary File",
  8457. ".sbn" => "GT-31 Binary Data File",
  8458. ".sdf" => "Spatial Data Format File",
  8459. ".sdm" => "Spatial Data Modeling Language File",
  8460. ".sdw" => "MrSID World File",
  8461. ".shp" => "ESRI Shapefile",
  8462. ".sld" => "Styled Layer Descriptor File",
  8463. ".smm" => "Map Manager Schema File",
  8464. ".smp" => "IDRISI Palette File",
  8465. ".sp3" => "NGS SP3 File",
  8466. ".ssf" => "Trimble Standard Storage Format File",
  8467. ".stt" => "Streets & Trips Map Template",
  8468. ".style" => "ArcGIS Style Manager File",
  8469. ".svx" => "Survex Cavern Data File",
  8470. ".sxd" => "ArcScene Document",
  8471. ".sym" => "TatukGIS Symbols File",
  8472. ".tab" => "MapInfo TAB File",
  8473. ".tfrd" => "Tape Image Format Requirements Document",
  8474. ".tfw" => "World File for TIFF",
  8475. ".th" => "Therion Data File",
  8476. ".tpx" => "DeLorme Topo Project File",
  8477. ".ttkgp" => "TatukGIS Project File",
  8478. ".vct" => "IDRISI Vector Image",
  8479. ".vdc" => "IDRISI Vector Documentation File",
  8480. ".vec" => "IDRISI Vector File",
  8481. ".wfd" => "Wayfinder Map File",
  8482. ".wld" => "ESRI World File",
  8483. ".wlx" => "MapSource Web Link File",
  8484. ".wor" => "MapInfo Workspace File",
  8485. ".xol" => "Swiss Map Overlay"
  8486. );
  8488. $vector = array(
  8489. ".abc" => "Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 6 File",
  8490. ".ac5" => "ArtCut 5 Document",
  8491. ".ac6" => "ArtCut 6 Document",
  8492. ".af2" => "Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 2 File",
  8493. ".af3" => "Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 3/4 File",
  8494. ".ai" => "Adobe Illustrator File",
  8495. ".art" => "Art Document",
  8496. ".artb" => "Artboard Document",
  8497. ".asy" => "Asymptote Module",
  8498. ".awg" => "Ability Draw Document",
  8499. ".cag" => "ClipArt Gallery Package",
  8500. ".ccx" => "Corel Clipart File",
  8501. ".cdd" => "ConceptDraw PRO Document",
  8502. ".cdmm" => "ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document",
  8503. ".cdmt" => "ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template",
  8504. ".cdmtz" => "Compressed ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template",
  8505. ".cdmz" => "Compressed ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document",
  8506. ".cdr" => "CorelDRAW Image File",
  8507. ".cdt" => "ConceptDraw PRO Template",
  8508. ".cdx" => "ConceptDraw PRO XML Document",
  8509. ".cdx" => "CorelDRAW Compressed File",
  8510. ".cgm" => "Computer Graphics Metafile",
  8511. ".cil" => "Clip Gallery Packaged File",
  8512. ".clarify" => "Clarify Document",
  8513. ".cmx" => "Corel Metafile Exchange Image File",
  8514. ".cnv" => "Canvas 6-8 Drawing File",
  8515. ".cor" => "CorelDRAW Drawing",
  8516. ".csy" => "Canvas Symbol File",
  8517. ".cv5" => "Canvas 5 Drawing File",
  8518. ".cvg" => "Calamus Vector Graphic File",
  8519. ".cvi" => "Canvas Image File",
  8520. ".cvs" => "Canvas 3 Drawing File",
  8521. ".cvx" => "Canvas Drawing File",
  8522. ".cwt" => "ClarisWorks Texture File",
  8523. ".cxf" => "Coordinates Export Format",
  8524. ".dcs" => "Desktop Color Separation File",
  8525. ".ddrw" => "ClarisDraw Drawing",
  8526. ".ded" => "Dr. Engrave Document",
  8527. ".design" => "Microsoft Expression Design Drawing",
  8528. ".dhs" => "HyperSnap Drawing",
  8529. ".dia" => "Dia Diagram File",
  8530. ".dpp" => "DrawPlus Drawing File",
  8531. ".dpr" => "Digital InterPlot File",
  8532. ".dpx" => "DrawPlus Template",
  8533. ".drawing" => "Artboard Drawing",
  8534. ".drawit" => "DrawIt Drawing",
  8535. ".drw" => "Drawing File",
  8536. ".drw" => "DESIGNER Drawing",
  8537. ".dsf" => "Designer File",
  8538. ".dxb" => "Drawing Exchange Binary",
  8539. ".egc" => "EximiousSoft GIF Creator Document",
  8540. ".emf" => "Enhanced Windows Metafile",
  8541. ".emz" => "Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile",
  8542. ".ep" => "Pencil Document",
  8543. ".eps" => "Encapsulated PostScript File",
  8544. ".epsf" => "Encapsulated PostScript Format File",
  8545. ".ezdraw" => "EazyDraw Graphic",
  8546. ".fh10" => "FreeHand 10 Drawing File",
  8547. ".fh11" => "FreeHand 11 Drawing File",
  8548. ".fh3" => "FreeHand 3 Drawing File",
  8549. ".fh4" => "FreeHand 4 Drawing File",
  8550. ".fh5" => "FreeHand 5 Drawing File",
  8551. ".fh6" => "FreeHand 6 Drawing File",
  8552. ".fh7" => "FreeHand 7 Drawing File",
  8553. ".fh8" => "FreeHand 8 Drawing File",
  8554. ".fh9" => "FreeHand 9 Drawing File",
  8555. ".fhd" => "FreeHand Drawing File",
  8556. ".fif" => "Fractal Image File",
  8557. ".fig" => "Xfig Drawing",
  8558. ".fmv" => "Frame Vector Metafile",
  8559. ".fs" => "FlexiSIGN Document",
  8560. ".ft10" => "FreeHand 10 Drawing Template",
  8561. ".ft11" => "FreeHand 11 Drawing Template",
  8562. ".ft7" => "FreeHand 7 Drawing Template",
  8563. ".ft8" => "FreeHand 8 Template",
  8564. ".ft9" => "FreeHand 9 Drawing Template",
  8565. ".ftn" => "Flowton Diagram File",
  8566. ".fxg" => "Flash XML Graphics File",
  8567. ".gdraw" => "Google Drive Drawing",
  8568. ".gem" => "GEM Metafile",
  8569. ".gks" => "Graphics Kernel System File",
  8570. ".glox" => "Microsoft Office SmartArt Graphics Layout File",
  8571. ".gls" => "Sothink SWF Easy Shape File",
  8572. ".graffle" => "OmniGraffle Drawing",
  8573. ".gsd" => "Graphtec Vector Graphics File",
  8574. ".gstencil" => "OmniGraffle Stencil",
  8575. ".gtemplate" => "OmniGraffle Template",
  8576. ".hgl" => "HP Graphics Language File",
  8577. ".hpg" => "HPGL Plot File",
  8578. ".hpgl" => "HP Graphics Language Plotter File",
  8579. ".hpl" => "HP-GL Plotter File",
  8580. ".idea" => "Adobe Ideas Document",
  8581. ".igt" => "iGrafx Document Template",
  8582. ".igx" => "iGrafx Document",
  8583. ".imd" => "Microsoft VisioModeler File",
  8584. ".ink" => "Pocket PC Handwritten Note",
  8585. ".ink" => "InkML Image",
  8586. ".lmk" => "Sothink Logo Maker Image",
  8587. ".mgc" => "Microsoft Clip Organizer Media Catalog",
  8588. ".mgcb" => "Equation Illustrator Project File",
  8589. ".mgmf" => "MindGenius Map File",
  8590. ".mgmt" => "MindGenius 2-3 Template",
  8591. ".mgmx" => "MindGenius XML Map File",
  8592. ".mgs" => "MGCSoft Vector Shapes File",
  8593. ".mgtx" => "MindGenius XML Template File",
  8594. ".mmat" => "MindManager Map Template",
  8595. ".mp" => "LaTeX MetaPost File",
  8596. ".nap" => "NAP Metafile",
  8597. ".odg" => "OpenDocument Graphic File",
  8598. ".otg" => "OpenDocument Graphic Template",
  8599. ".ovp" => "The Overlay Maker Package File",
  8600. ".ovr" => "The Overlay Maker Overlay File",
  8601. ".pat" => "CorelDRAW Pattern File",
  8602. ".pcs" => "Microsoft Office ClipArt File",
  8603. ".pd" => "FlexiSIGN 5 Plotter Document",
  8604. ".pen" => "Logitech io2 Drawing",
  8605. ".pfd" => "Micrografx Optima! File",
  8606. ".pfv" => "PhotoFiltre Studio Vectorial Path",
  8607. ".pl" => "Unix Color Plot File",
  8608. ".plt" => "HPGL Plot File",
  8609. ".plt" => "AutoCAD Plotter Document",
  8610. ".pmg" => "PageMaker Group File",
  8611. ".pobj" => "Photo Pos Pro Vector Object File",
  8612. ".ps" => "PostScript File",
  8613. ".psid" => "PostScript Image Data File",
  8614. ".pws" => "Print Workshop Image",
  8615. ".rdl" => "MicroStation Redline File",
  8616. ".scv" => "ScanVec CASmate Sign File",
  8617. ".sda" => "StarOffice Drawing",
  8618. ".sk1" => "sK1 Vector Graphic File",
  8619. ".sk2" => "ChemSketch Drawing",
  8620. ".sketch" => "Sketch Drawing",
  8621. ".slddrt" => "SolidWorks Sheet File",
  8622. ".smf" => "Serif Metafile",
  8623. ".snagitstamps" => "Snagit Stamp Archive",
  8624. ".snagstyles" => "Snagit Style Archive",
  8625. ".ssk" => "SmartSketch 95 Document",
  8626. ".std" => "Apache OpenOffice Drawing Template",
  8627. ".stn" => "Genuine Fractals Image",
  8628. ".svf" => "Simple Vector Format Graphic",
  8629. ".svg" => "Scalable Vector Graphics File",
  8630. ".svgz" => "Compressed SVG File",
  8631. ".sxd" => "StarOffice Drawing",
  8632. ".tlc" => "The Logo Creator File",
  8633. ".tne" => "Manga Studio Tone File",
  8634. ".tpl" => "Canvas Template",
  8635. ".ufr" => "Ultra Fractal File",
  8636. ".vbr" => "GIMP Parametric Brush File",
  8637. ".vec" => "CX-Designer Shape File",
  8638. ".vml" => "Vector Markup Language File",
  8639. ".vsd" => "Visio Drawing File",
  8640. ".vsdm" => "Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing",
  8641. ".vsdx" => "Visio Drawing",
  8642. ".vst" => "Visio Drawing Template",
  8643. ".vstm" => "Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing Template",
  8644. ".vstx" => "Visio Drawing Template",
  8645. ".wmf" => "Windows Metafile",
  8646. ".wmz" => "Compressed Windows Metafile",
  8647. ".wpg" => "WordPerfect Graphic File",
  8648. ".xar" => "Xara Xtreme Drawing",
  8649. ".xmind" => "XMind Workbook File",
  8650. ".xmmap" => "MindManager XML Map File",
  8651. ".xpr" => "Microsoft Expression Design Graphic",
  8652. ".yal" => "Arts & Letters Clipart Library",
  8653. ".zgm" => "Zenographics Image File"
  8654. );
  8656. $Spreadsheet = array(
  8657. ".123" => "Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet",
  8658. ".ast" => "Ability Spreadsheet Template",
  8659. ".aws" => "Ability Spreadsheet File",
  8660. ".bks" => "Microsoft Works Spreadsheet Backup File",
  8661. ".def" => "SmartWare II Data File",
  8662. ".dex" => "Excel Spreadsheet",
  8663. ".dfg" => "Data Flask Grid File",
  8664. ".dis" => "Oracle Discoverer Workbook",
  8665. ".edx" => "Edraw XML FIle",
  8666. ".edxz" => "Edraw Compressed XML FIle",
  8667. ".ess" => "EasySpreadsheet Spreadsheet",
  8668. ".fcs" => "First Choice Spreadsheet",
  8669. ".fm" => "FileMaker Database",
  8670. ".fods" => "OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet",
  8671. ".fp" => "FileMaker Pro Spreadsheet",
  8672. ".gsheet" => "Google Drive Spreadsheet",
  8673. ".imp" => "Improv Spreadsheet",
  8674. ".mar" => "Mariner Calc Spreadsheet",
  8675. ".nb" => "Mathematica Notebook",
  8676. ".nmbtemplate" => "Numbers Spreadsheet Template",
  8677. ".numbers" => "Numbers Spreadsheet File",
  8678. ".numbers-tef" => "Numbers iCloud Document",
  8679. ".ods" => "OpenDocument Spreadsheet",
  8680. ".ots" => "OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template",
  8681. ".pmd" => "PlanMaker Spreadsheet",
  8682. ".pmv" => "PlanMaker Spreadsheet Template",
  8683. ".qpw" => "Quattro Pro Spreadsheet",
  8684. ".rdf" => "Report Definition File",
  8685. ".sdc" => "Apache OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheet",
  8686. ".stc" => "StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet Template",
  8687. ".sxc" => "StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet",
  8688. ".tmv" => "TimeMap Visual",
  8689. ".tmvt" => "TimeMap Template",
  8690. ".uos" => "Uniform Office Spreadsheet",
  8691. ".wki" => "Lotus 2 Worksheet",
  8692. ".wks" => "Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet",
  8693. ".wks" => "Works Spreadsheet",
  8694. ".wku" => "Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet",
  8695. ".wq1" => "Quattro Pro for DOS Spreadsheet File",
  8696. ".wq2" => "Quattro Pro for DOS Spreadsheet File",
  8697. ".xar" => "Excel Auto-Recovery File",
  8698. ".xl" => "Excel Spreadsheet",
  8699. ".xlr" => "Works Spreadsheet",
  8700. ".xls" => "Excel Spreadsheet",
  8701. ".xlsb" => "Excel Binary Spreadsheet",
  8702. ".xlshtml" => "Microsoft Excel HTML Spreadsheet",
  8703. ".xlsm" => "Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet",
  8704. ".xlsmhtml" => "Microsoft Excel MIME HTML Spreadsheet",
  8705. ".xlsx" => "Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet",
  8706. ".xlthtml" => "Microsoft Excel HTML Spreadsheet Template",
  8707. ".xltm" => "Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet Template",
  8708. ".xltx" => "Excel Open XML Spreadsheet Template"
  8709. );
  8711. $developer = array(
  8712. ".$01" => "DOS Pipe File",
  8713. ".001" => "Multimedia Fusion Backup File",
  8714. ".4db" => "4th Dimension Database Structure File",
  8715. ".4th" => "Forth Language File",
  8716. ".a" => "Static Library",
  8717. ".a2w" => "Alice World",
  8718. ".ab" => "Applix Builder File",
  8719. ".abc" => "ActionScript Byte Code File",
  8720. ".abc" => "ABC Source File",
  8721. ".acd" => "RSLogix 5000 Program",
  8722. ".acp" => "EditPlus Auto-Completion File",
  8723. ".act" => "DS Game Maker Action File",
  8724. ".actx" => "DS Game Maker Action Description File",
  8725. ".ada" => "Ada Source Code",
  8726. ".adb" => "Ada Body File",
  8727. ".adblock" => "Alpha Five Library Temporary File",
  8728. ".addin" => "Visual Studio Add-in Definition File",
  8729. ".ads" => "Ada Specification File",
  8730. ".agi" => "Asterisk Gateway Interface File",
  8731. ".alb" => "Alpha Five Library",
  8732. ".alm" => "Alpha Five Library",
  8733. ".alp" => "AnyLogic Project File",
  8734. ".alx" => "Alpha Five Library Index File",
  8735. ".am" => "Automake Makefile Template",
  8736. ".am4" => "AutoPlay Media Studio 4 Project File",
  8737. ".am5" => "AutoPlay Media Studio 5 Project File",
  8738. ".am6" => "AutoPlay Media Studio 6 Project",
  8739. ".am7" => "AutoPlay Media Studio 7 Project",
  8740. ".aml" => "Abstract Markup Language",
  8741. ".aml" => "Arc Macro Language File",
  8742. ".ane" => "Adobe AIR Native Extension",
  8743. ".anjuta" => "Anjuta IDE Project File",
  8744. ".ap_" => "ADT Android Developer Package",
  8745. ".apa" => "RSView Development Project Archive",
  8746. ".applet" => "Eclipse Java Applet Policy File",
  8747. ".appx" => "Windows 8 App Package",
  8748. ".appxsym" => "Windows 8 App Package Symbols File",
  8749. ".appxupload" => "Windows 8 App Upload Package",
  8750. ".apr" => "Apadana Project File",
  8751. ".aps" => "Visual C++ Resource File",
  8752. ".arr" => "MultiMedia Fusion Array File",
  8753. ".arsc" => "Android Package Resource File",
  8754. ".art" => "Artifacts Artifact File",
  8755. ".artproj" => "Artifacts Project",
  8756. ".as" => "ActionScript File",
  8757. ".as2proj" => "FlashDevelop ActionScript 2 Project File",
  8758. ".as3proj" => "FlashDevelop ActionScript 3 Project File",
  8759. ".asc" => "ActionScript Communication File",
  8760. ".ascs" => "ActionScript Communication Server File",
  8761. ".asdb" => "Asphyre Sphinx Archive File",
  8762. ".asi" => "Alpha Five Variable File",
  8763. ".asm" => "Visual Studio Assembler Source Code File",
  8764. ".asm" => "Assembly Language Source Code File",
  8765. ".asvf" => "Asphyre Sphinx Archive File",
  8766. ".asx" => "Alpha Five Library Temporary Index File",
  8767. ".au3" => "AutoIt v3 Script",
  8768. ".aut" => "AutoIt Script File",
  8769. ".autoplay" => "AutoPlay Media Studio Project File",
  8770. ".awk" => "AWK Script",
  8771. ".axe" => "Annotated XML Example File",
  8772. ".b" => "BASIC Source File",
  8773. ".b" => "BuRg3r Definition File",
  8774. ".bas" => "BASIC Source Code File",
  8775. ".basex" => "BaseX Data File",
  8776. ".bb" => "Blitz Source Code File",
  8777. ".bbc" => "BBC BASIC Data File",
  8778. ".bbproject" => "BBEdit Project File",
  8779. ".bbprojectd" => "BBEdit Project Document",
  8780. ".bcp" => "Borland C++ Makefile",
  8781. ".bdsproj" => "Borland Developer Studio Project",
  8782. ".bet" => "BETA Source File",
  8783. ".bluej" => "BlueJ Package File",
  8784. ".bpg" => "Borland Project Group",
  8785. ".bpl" => "Borland Package Library",
  8786. ".bpr" => "Borland C++Builder Project File",
  8787. ".brx" => "BREW Application Resource File",
  8788. ".bs2" => "BASIC Stamp 2 Code File",
  8789. ".bsc" => "Visual Studio Source Browser Information File",
  8790. ".bsh" => "BeanShell Script",
  8791. ".btn" => "AutoPlay Media Studio Button File",
  8792. ".buildpath" => "Eclipse Build Path File",
  8793. ".bur" => "BuRg3r Source Code File",
  8794. ".bytes" => "Binary Text Asset Data File",
  8795. ".c" => "Lite-C Script",
  8796. ".c" => "C/C++ Source Code File",
  8797. ".caf" => "CryENGINE Character Animation File",
  8798. ".cap" => "Construct Game Development File",
  8799. ".caproj" => "Construct Project File",
  8800. ".capx" => "Construct Compressed Project File",
  8801. ".car" => "Brew Component Application Resource File",
  8802. ".cba" => "CryENGINE Resource Compiler Settings File",
  8803. ".cbl" => "COBOL Source Code File",
  8804. ".cbp" => "Code::Blocks Project File",
  8805. ".cc" => "C++ Source Code File",
  8806. ".ccgame" => "XNA Creators Club Game Package",
  8807. ".ccn" => "Compressed Multimedia Fusion File",
  8808. ".ccp" => "CodeCharge Studio Page File",
  8809. ".ccs" => "CodeCharge Studio Project File",
  8810. ".ccscc" => "ClearCase Source Control Info File",
  8811. ".cd" => "Visual Studio Class Diagram",
  8812. ".cdf" => "CryENGINE Character Definition File",
  8813. ".cdx" => "Alpha Five Table Index File",
  8814. ".cdxml" => "Cmdlet Definition XML File",
  8815. ".cfc" => "ColdFusion Component File",
  8816. ".cham" => "Compiled HAM File",
  8817. ".chef" => "Chef Source Code File",
  8818. ".ci" => "PolySpace Preprocessed Code File",
  8819. ".ckbx" => "Cricket Audio XML Bank Description File",
  8820. ".class" => "Java Class File",
  8821. ".clips" => "Coda Clips File",
  8822. ".cls" => "Program Class File",
  8823. ".clw" => "Visual C++ ClassWizard File",
  8824. ".cma" => "OCaml Library",
  8825. ".cob" => "COBOL Source Code File",
  8826. ".cod" => "Compiled Source Code",
  8827. ".config" => "Configuration File",
  8828. ".cp" => "Captivate Source File",
  8829. ".cp" => "Xcode C++ Source File",
  8830. ".cpb" => "Comicino Studio Project File",
  8831. ".cpp" => "C++ Source Code File",
  8832. ".cs" => "Visual C# Source Code File",
  8833. ".csi" => "ContentServ Include File",
  8834. ".csi" => "EdLog Program Data File",
  8835. ".csn" => "Adobe Code Snippet Document",
  8836. ".csp" => "Caché Server Page",
  8837. ".csproj" => "Visual Studio C# Project",
  8838. ".cst" => "ContentServ Template",
  8839. ".csx" => "Visual C# Script",
  8840. ".ctc" => "Visual Studio Command Table Configuration File",
  8841. ".ctl" => "Visual Basic UserControl Object File",
  8842. ".cto" => "Visual Studio Binary Command Table Output File",
  8843. ".ctp" => "CakePHP Template",
  8844. ".ctsym" => "Visual Studio Command Table Output File",
  8845. ".ctx" => "Visual Basic Control Binary File",
  8846. ".ctxt" => "BlueJ Context File",
  8847. ".cu" => "CUDA Source Code File",
  8848. ".cvsrc" => "CVS Command File",
  8849. ".cxp" => "CX-Programmer Project File",
  8850. ".cxt" => "CX-Programmer Project Text File",
  8851. ".cxx" => "C++ Source Code File",
  8852. ".d" => "D Source Code File",
  8853. ".dabriefcase" => "RemObjects Data Abstract File Briefcase",
  8854. ".daconfig" => "RemObjects Data Abstract Configuration File",
  8855. ".dba" => "CryENGINE Animation Database File",
  8856. ".dba" => "DarkBASIC Source Code File",
  8857. ".dbml" => "Visual Studio OR Design File",
  8858. ".dbo" => "DarkBASIC Object",
  8859. ".dbpro" => "DarkBASIC Professional Project File",
  8860. ".dbproj" => "Visual Studio Database Project File",
  8861. ".dcp" => "Delphi Compiled Package",
  8862. ".dcproj" => "Dashcode Project",
  8863. ".dcu" => "Delphi Compiled Unit",
  8864. ".dcuil" => "Delphi .NET Compiled Unit File",
  8865. ".ddd" => "Alpha Five Data Dictionary File",
  8866. ".ddm" => "Alpha Five Data Dictionary Memo File",
  8867. ".ddp" => "Delphi Diagram Portfolio File",
  8868. ".ddx" => "Alpha Five Data Dictionary Index File",
  8869. ".dec" => "Declaration File",
  8870. ".def" => "Module-Definition File",
  8871. ".defs" => "BlueJ Settings File",
  8872. ".dep" => "Windows Dependency File",
  8873. ".depend" => "Code::Blocks Dependencies File",
  8874. ".dev" => "Dev-C++ Project File",
  8875. ".developerprofile" => "Xcode Developer Profile",
  8876. ".deviceids" => "Device Identification FIle",
  8877. ".dex" => "Dalvik Executable File",
  8878. ".df1" => "Omnis Native Datafile",
  8879. ".dfk" => "Dark Flow Project File",
  8880. ".dfm" => "Delphi Form",
  8881. ".dgml" => "Visual Studio Directed Graph Document",
  8882. ".dgsl" => "Visual Shader Graph File",
  8883. ".diff" => "Patch File",
  8884. ".dis" => "DisSharp Project File",
  8885. ".dm1" => "ER/Studio Data Model File",
  8886. ".dmd" => "SQL Developer Data Modeler File",
  8887. ".dob" => "Visual Basic UserDocument",
  8888. ".docset" => "Doxygen Document Set File",
  8889. ".dox" => "Doxygen Documentation File",
  8890. ".dox" => "Visual Basic Binary UserDocument",
  8891. ".dpk" => "Delphi Package",
  8892. ".dpkw" => "Delphi Package",
  8893. ".dpl" => "Delphi Package Library",
  8894. ".dpr" => "Delphi Project",
  8895. ".dproj" => "Delphi Project",
  8896. ".dres" => "Delphi Compiled Resource File",
  8897. ".drf" => "Delphi Resource File",
  8898. ".dsgm" => "DS Game Maker Project",
  8899. ".dsk" => "Borland Project Desktop File",
  8900. ".dsp" => "Visual C++ 6 Project",
  8901. ".dsym" => "Xcode Debug Symbols File",
  8902. ".dtd" => "Document Type Definition File",
  8903. ".dylib" => "Mach-O Dynamic Library",
  8904. ".ecp" => "EasyC Project File",
  8905. ".edm" => "Adobe Extension Data Markup Language File",
  8906. ".edml" => "Adobe Extension Data Markup Language Document",
  8907. ".edmx" => "ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer File",
  8908. ".el" => "Emacs Lisp Code File",
  8909. ".elc" => "Emacs Compiled Lisp File",
  8910. ".ent" => "External Entity",
  8911. ".entitlements" => "Mac App Sandboxing Entitlements File",
  8912. ".eql" => "Embedded SQL File",
  8913. ".erb" => "Ruby ERB Script",
  8914. ".erl" => "Erlang Source Code File",
  8915. ".ex" => "Euphoria Source Code",
  8916. ".exl" => "JSDAI Inclusion or Exclusion List",
  8917. ".exp" => "Symbols Export File",
  8918. ".exw" => "Euphoria Source code File",
  8919. ".f" => "Fortran Source Code",
  8920. ".f90" => "Fortran 90 Source Code File",
  8921. ".fbp" => "wxFormBuilder Project",
  8922. ".fbp7" => "FinalBuilder 7 Project",
  8923. ".fbz7" => "Compressed FinalBuilder 7 Project",
  8924. ".fce" => "ForeUI Custom Element File",
  8925. ".fcl" => "ForeUI Custom Library File",
  8926. ".fd" => "DataFlex Data File",
  8927. ".feature" => "SharePoint Feature File",
  8928. ".fgl" => "Fifth Generation Language Source File",
  8929. ".filters" => "Visual C++ Project Filters File",
  8930. ".fimpp" => "FiM++ Source Code File",
  8931. ".fla" => "Adobe Flash Animation",
  8932. ".for" => "Fortran 77 Source File",
  8933. ".forth" => "Forth Language File",
  8934. ".fpm" => "FPS Creator Map File",
  8935. ".fpp" => "Fortran Source Code",
  8936. ".fpt" => "Alpha Five Table Memo File",
  8937. ".framework" => "Mac OS X Application Framework",
  8938. ".frj" => "FreeForm-J Project File",
  8939. ".frm" => "Visual Basic Text Form",
  8940. ".frx" => "Visual Basic Binary Form File",
  8941. ".frx" => "FoxPro Report",
  8942. ".fs" => "Visual F# Source File",
  8943. ".fsi" => "Visual F# Signature File",
  8944. ".fsl" => "Form•Z Script",
  8945. ".fsproj" => "Visual F# Project File",
  8946. ".fsproj" => "FireStarter Project File",
  8947. ".fsscript" => "Visual F# Script",
  8948. ".fsx" => "Visual F# Script File",
  8949. ".ftl" => "FreeMarker Template File",
  8950. ".ftn" => "Fortran Source Code File",
  8951. ".fxc" => "FilePackager Configuration",
  8952. ".fxcproj" => "FX Composer Project File",
  8953. ".fxl" => "FaceFX Language File",
  8954. ".fxml" => "FXML Source Code File",
  8955. ".fxpl" => "Adobe Flash FXP Library",
  8956. ".gameproj" => "GameSalad Project File",
  8957. ".gar" => "GridGain Archive",
  8958. ".gbap" => "GLBasic Project File",
  8959. ".gbas" => "GLBasic Source File",
  8960. ".gch" => "Precompiled Header File",
  8961. ".gdfmakerproject" => "GDF Editor Project File",
  8962. ".ged" => "Game Editor Project File",
  8963. ".gem" => "RubyGems Package",
  8964. ".gemspec" => "Gem Specification File",
  8965. ".gfar" => "Greenfoot Archive",
  8966. ".gitattributes" => "Git Attributes File",
  8967. ".gitignore" => "Git Ignore File",
  8968. ".glade" => "Glade Project File",
  8969. ".gld" => "MPLAB C Compiler Linker Script File",
  8970. ".global" => "Global Makefile",
  8971. ".gls" => "GLScript Game Script",
  8972. ".gm" => "GameMonkey Script",
  8973. ".gm6" => "Game Maker 6 Project File",
  8974. ".gm81" => "Game Maker 8.1 Project File",
  8975. ".gmd" => "Game Maker Program Code",
  8976. ".gmk" => "Game Maker Project File",
  8977. ".gml" => "Game Maker Language File",
  8978. ".gmo" => "GNU Machine Object File",
  8979. ".gmx" => "GameMaker File",
  8980. ".gnumakefile" => "GNU Makefile",
  8981. ".go" => "Go Source Code File",
  8982. ".gorm" => "Gorm Interface Resource File",
  8983. ".gpj" => "MULTI IDE Project File",
  8984. ".gpj" => "jGRASP Project File",
  8985. ".greenfoot" => "Greenfoot Project Archive",
  8986. ".groovy" => "Groovy Source Code File",
  8987. ".groupproj" => "Delphi Project Group File",
  8988. ".gs" => "Google Apps Script",
  8989. ".gs3" => "GameStarter File",
  8990. ".gsproj" => "GameSalad Windows Project File",
  8991. ".gszip" => "GameSalad Marketplace Asset File",
  8992. ".gvy" => "Groovy Source Code File",
  8993. ".h" => "C/C++/Objective-C Header File",
  8994. ".hal" => "HansaWorld Application Language File",
  8995. ".haml" => "Haml Source Code File",
  8996. ".handlebars" => "Handlebars Template",
  8997. ".has" => "Haskell Script",
  8998. ".hbs" => "Handlebars Template",
  8999. ".hcf" => "Compact Ham Library",
  9000. ".hh" => "C++ Header File",
  9001. ".hhh" => "Power C Precompiled Header File",
  9002. ".hpf" => "High Performance Fortran File",
  9003. ".hpp" => "C++ Header File",
  9004. ".hrl" => "Erlang Header File",
  9005. ".hs" => "Haskell Script",
  9006. ".hxx" => "C++ Source Code Header File",
  9007. ".hydra" => "Hydra Image Filter Program File",
  9008. ".i" => "Visual Studio Intermediate File",
  9009. ".i" => "INTERCAL Source File",
  9010. ".idb" => "Visual Studio Intermediate Debug File",
  9011. ".idl" => "Interface Definition Language File",
  9012. ".idt" => "Windows Installer Database Text Archive File",
  9013. ".ilk" => "Incremental Linking File",
  9014. ".iml" => "IntelliJ IDEA Module",
  9015. ".inc" => "Include File",
  9016. ".inl" => "C++ Inline File",
  9017. ".ino" => "Arduino Sketch File",
  9018. ".ipch" => "Intellisense Precompiled Header File",
  9019. ".ipp" => "Inline Guard Macro File",
  9020. ".ipr" => "IntelliJ IDEA Project File",
  9021. ".ipr" => "InstallShield Professional Project File",
  9022. ".isc" => "Xilinx Device Configuration File",
  9023. ".ise" => "InstallShield Express Project File",
  9024. ".ism" => "InstallShield Project File",
  9025. ".ist" => "InstallShield Project Template File",
  9026. ".iws" => "IntelliJ IDEA Web Page",
  9027. ".iwz" => "InstallShield Express 2 Project File",
  9028. ".j" => "Java Source File",
  9029. ".jav" => "Java Source File",
  9030. ".java" => "Java Source Code File",
  9031. ".jcp" => "JCreator Project File",
  9032. ".jed" => "Xilinx JEDEC Programming File",
  9033. ".jic" => "JTAG Indirect Configuration File",
  9034. ".jl" => "Julia Source Code File",
  9035. ".jnilib" => "JNI Library",
  9036. ".jpd" => "Java Process Definition",
  9037. ".jpr" => "JBuilder Project",
  9038. ".jpx" => "JBuilder Project",
  9039. ".jsfl" => "Flash JavaScript File",
  9040. ".jsh" => "Jsh Script",
  9041. ".jsh" => "JAWS Script Header File",
  9042. ".jspf" => "Java Server Page Fragment",
  9043. ".jss" => "JAWS Script",
  9044. ".jsxinc" => "ExtendScript Included Script File",
  9045. ".kb" => "C++ Keyboard Script",
  9046. ".kdevdlg" => "KDevelop Dialog Box File",
  9047. ".kdevelop" => "KDevelop Project Data File",
  9048. ".kdevprj" => "KDevelop Project File",
  9049. ".kdmp" => "Windows Crash Dump File",
  9050. ".kpl" => "Kids Programming Language File",
  9051. ".l" => "Lex Source File",
  9052. ".lbi" => "Dreamweaver Library Item",
  9053. ".lbs" => "Omnis Library",
  9054. ".lds" => "Binutils LD Linker Script",
  9055. ".lgo" => "Logo Instructions File",
  9056. ".lhs" => "Literate Haskell Script",
  9057. ".licenses" => "Visual Studio Licensed Classes File",
  9058. ".licx" => "Visual Studio License File",
  9059. ".lis" => "VAX Program Listing",
  9060. ".lisp" => "Lisp Source Code File",
  9061. ".list" => "JAR Index File",
  9062. ".lit" => "Lit Source Code File",
  9063. ".lit" => "Literate Haskell Script",
  9064. ".livecode" => "LiveCode Stack File",
  9065. ".lnt" => "PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration File",
  9066. ".lol" => "LOLCODE Source Code FIle",
  9067. ".lproj" => "Localized Project Folder",
  9068. ".lrdb" => "Photoshop Lightroom Database",
  9069. ".lrf" => "Microsoft Linker Response File",
  9070. ".lsp" => "Lisp Program Source Code File",
  9071. ".lsproj" => "Visual Studio LightSwitch Project",
  9072. ".ltb" => "LithTech Binary File",
  9073. ".lua" => "Lua Source File",
  9074. ".lucidsnippet" => "Lucid Snippet File",
  9075. ".lxsproj" => "Liquid XML Studio Project File",
  9076. ".m" => "MATLAB Source Code File",
  9077. ".m" => "Mercury Source Code File",
  9078. ".m" => "Objective-C Implementation File",
  9079. ".m4" => "Macro Processor Library",
  9080. ".magik" => "Magik Source Code File",
  9081. ".mak" => "Makefile",
  9082. ".make" => "Xcode Makefile Script",
  9083. ".makefile" => "Makefile",
  9084. ".mako" => "Mako Template",
  9085. ".markdn" => "Markdown File",
  9086. ".markdown" => "Markdown Documentation File",
  9087. ".mcp" => "CodeWarrior Project",
  9088. ".md" => "Machine Description File",
  9089. ".md" => "Markdown Documentation File",
  9090. ".mdown" => "Markdown File",
  9091. ".mdzip" => "MagicDraw Project Archive",
  9092. ".med" => "RSView Development Project",
  9093. ".mer" => "RSView Development Runtime File",
  9094. ".mf" => "Java Manifest File",
  9095. ".mfa" => "Multimedia Fusion Development File",
  9096. ".mfcribbon-ms" => "MFC Ribbon Definition XML File",
  9097. ".mk" => "Makefile",
  9098. ".ml" => "ML Source Code File",
  9099. ".mlb" => "Visual FoxPro Library",
  9100. ".mm" => "Objective-C++ Source File",
  9101. ".mo" => "Machine Object File",
  9102. ".mod" => "Fortran Module File",
  9103. ".mom" => "Managed Object Model",
  9104. ".mpr" => "FoxPro Generated Menu Program",
  9105. ".mrt" => "Stimulsoft Report File",
  9106. ".msha" => "Microsoft Help Asset File",
  9107. ".mshc" => "Microsoft Help Container File",
  9108. ".mshi" => "Microsoft Help Index File",
  9109. ".msl" => "Mapping Specification Language File",
  9110. ".msp" => "MaxScript Page File",
  9111. ".mss" => "Microprocessor Software Specification File",
  9112. ".mv" => "MivaScript File",
  9113. ".mvx" => "Multimedia Fusion Movement Extension",
  9114. ".mxml" => "Flex MXML Component",
  9115. ".myapp" => "Visual Studio Application XML File",
  9116. ".nbc" => "Next Byte Codes Source Code File",
  9117. ".ncb" => "Visual C++ IntelliSense Database",
  9118. ".ned" => "OMNeT++ Network Description File",
  9119. ".neko" => "Neko Source Code File",
  9120. ".nfm" => "Delphi .NET Form File",
  9121. ".nib" => "Interface Builder User Interface File",
  9122. ".nim" => "Nimrod Source Code File",
  9123. ".nk" => "NUKE Script",
  9124. ".nls" => "NetLogo Source File",
  9125. ".nqc" => "Not Quite C Source Code File",
  9126. ".nsh" => "NSIS Header File",
  9127. ".nsi" => "NSIS Script",
  9128. ".nupkg" => "NuGet Package",
  9129. ".nuspec" => "NuGet Specification File",
  9130. ".nvv" => "NVIDIA Vertex Shader File",
  9131. ".nw" => "Node-Webkit App Package",
  9132. ".nxc" => "Not eXactly C Source Code File",
  9133. ".o" => "Compiled Object File",
  9134. ".oca" => "Custom Control Library Type File",
  9135. ".octest" => "Xcode Objective-C Unit Test Bundle",
  9136. ".ocx" => "ActiveX Control",
  9137. ".odl" => "Object Description Language File",
  9138. ".omo" => "OMake Object File",
  9139. ".orderedtest" => "Visual Studio Ordered Test File",
  9140. ".os" => "ObjectScript Source File",
  9141. ".osc" => "Obix Source Code File",
  9142. ".ow" => "Free Pascal 1.0.x Object File",
  9143. ".owl" => "OWL Source Code File",
  9144. ".oxygene" => "Oxygene Project File",
  9145. ".p" => "Pascal Source Code",
  9146. ".p" => "Python Pickle File",
  9147. ".p3d" => "Panda3D Multifile",
  9148. ".p6" => "Perl 6 Source Code File",
  9149. ".pas" => "Delphi Unit Source File",
  9150. ".pas" => "Pascal Source File",
  9151. ".patch" => "Patch File",
  9152. ".pb" => "PureBasic Source File",
  9153. ".pbg" => "Pixel Bender Graph File",
  9154. ".pbj" => "Pixel Bender Bytecode File",
  9155. ".pbk" => "Pixel Bender Kernel File",
  9156. ".pbproj" => "Project Builder Project",
  9157. ".pbxbtree" => "Xcode Auto-Complete File",
  9158. ".pbxproj" => "Xcode Project Data File",
  9159. ".pbxuser" => "Xcode Project User Data File",
  9160. ".pc" => "Pro*C Source Code File",
  9161. ".pch" => "Precompiled Header File",
  9162. ".pcp" => "Windows Installer Patch Creation Properties File",
  9163. ".pde" => "Processing Development Environment Source Code File",
  9164. ".pde" => "Arduino Sketch",
  9165. ".pdl" => "Perl Data Language File",
  9166. ".pdm" => "VB Project Information File",
  9167. ".pfg" => "jEEPers Program Configuration File",
  9168. ".ph" => "Perl Header File",
  9169. ".pickle" => "Python Pickle File",
  9170. ".pika" => "Pika Software Builder Project File",
  9171. ".pjx" => "FoxPro Project",
  9172. ".pkgdef" => "Visual Studio Shell File",
  9173. ".pkgundef" => "Visual Studio Shell File",
  9174. ".pl" => "Prolog Source Code File",
  9175. ".pl" => "Perl Script",
  9176. ".pl1" => "PL/I Source Code",
  9177. ".plc" => "PL/B Source File",
  9178. ".ple" => "Messenger Plus! Live Encrypted Log File",
  9179. ".plg" => "Visual Studio Build Log File",
  9180. ".pli" => "PL/I Source Code File",
  9181. ".pltsuite" => "Safari Page Load Test Suite File",
  9182. ".pm" => "Perl Module",
  9183. ".pmq" => "Microsoft Target Analyzer File",
  9184. ".pnt" => "Panther Project",
  9185. ".po" => "Portable Object",
  9186. ".pod" => "Perl POD File",
  9187. ".pom" => "Maven Build File",
  9188. ".pot" => "Portable Object File",
  9189. ".ppc" => "Mobile Data Studio Project File",
  9190. ".ppl" => "Free Pascal Dynamic Library",
  9191. ".ppu" => "Free Pascal Unit File",
  9192. ".prg" => "Visual FoxPro Program File",
  9193. ".prg" => "RPG Toolkit Program File",
  9194. ".prg" => "xBase Program File",
  9195. ".prg" => "RAPID Program File",
  9196. ".pri" => "Windows Compiled Resources File",
  9197. ".pri" => "Qt Project Include File",
  9198. ".pro" => "Qt Project File",
  9199. ".project" => "Eclipse Project Settings File",
  9200. ".proto" => "Protocol Buffer File",
  9201. ".psc" => "Papyrus Script",
  9202. ".psd1" => "Windows PowerShell Data File",
  9203. ".psess" => "Visual Studio Performance Session File",
  9204. ".psm1" => "Windows PowerShell Script Module File",
  9205. ".ptl" => "Rational Rose Petal File",
  9206. ".pty" => "Rational Property Set",
  9207. ".pwn" => "Pawn Source Code File",
  9208. ".pxd" => "Pyrex Definition File",
  9209. ".pxi" => "Pyrex Include File",
  9210. ".py" => "Python Script",
  9211. ".pyd" => "Python Dynamic Module",
  9212. ".pym" => "PYM Macro Preprocessor File",
  9213. ".pyw" => "Python GUI Source File",
  9214. ".pyx" => "Pyrex Source Code File",
  9215. ".qml" => "QT Meta Language File",
  9216. ".qpr" => "FoxPro Generated Query Program",
  9217. ".qx" => "Quexal Source Code",
  9218. ".r" => "Rez Source Code File",
  9219. ".r" => "REBOL Script",
  9220. ".r" => "Ratfor Source Code File",
  9221. ".r" => "R Script File",
  9222. ".rav" => "Rave Reports Project File",
  9223. ".rb" => "Ruby Source Code",
  9224. ".rb" => "Real Studio Project",
  9225. ".rbc" => "Rembo-C Script",
  9226. ".rbp" => "Real Studio Project File",
  9227. ".rbvcp" => "Real Studio Version Controlled Project",
  9228. ".rbw" => "Ruby Script",
  9229. ".rbxs" => "ROBLOX Script",
  9230. ".rc" => "Resource Script",
  9231. ".rc2" => "Visual Studio Resources File",
  9232. ".rdlc" => "Visual Studio Client Report Definition File",
  9233. ".reb" => "REBOL Script File",
  9234. ".refresh" => "Visual Studio Refresh File",
  9235. ".res" => "Windows Resource File",
  9236. ".res" => "C++ Complied Resource Script",
  9237. ".resjson" => "Windows JavaScript Resources File",
  9238. ".resources" => "Visual Studio Resource File",
  9239. ".resw" => "Windows Resources File",
  9240. ".resx" => ".NET Managed Resources File",
  9241. ".rise" => "RISE Editor Model File",
  9242. ".rls" => "Symbian Localization File",
  9243. ".rnc" => "RELAX NG Compact Syntax File",
  9244. ".rodl" => "RemObjects Definition Language File",
  9245. ".rotest" => "RemObjects SDK Test File",
  9246. ".rotestresult" => "RemObjects SDK Test Results File",
  9247. ".rpy" => "Python Script",
  9248. ".rs" => "Rust Source Code File",
  9249. ".rsrc" => "Macintosh Resource File",
  9250. ".rss" => "Symbian Application Resource File",
  9251. ".ru" => "Java Russian Font Properties File",
  9252. ".rul" => "InstallShield Rules File",
  9253. ".rwsnippet" => "RapidWeaver Snippet File",
  9254. ".s" => "Source Code File",
  9255. ".s19" => "Motorola S19 File Record",
  9256. ".sas" => "SAS Program File",
  9257. ".sb" => "Scratch Project File",
  9258. ".sb" => "Small Basic Source Code File",
  9259. ".sb2" => "Scratch 2.0 Project File",
  9260. ".sbproj" => "OpenGL Shader Builder Project",
  9261. ".sbr" => "Visual Studio Source Browser Intermediate File",
  9262. ".sc" => "SuperCollider Source Code File",
  9263. ".scc" => "SourceSafe Source Code Control File",
  9264. ".scratch" => "Scratch Project File",
  9265. ".scriptsuite" => "AppleScript Script Suite File",
  9266. ".scriptterminology" => "AppleScript Script Terminology File",
  9267. ".sdef" => "AppleScript Dictionary Document",
  9268. ".sdl" => "Service Description Language File",
  9269. ".sed" => "Sed Script",
  9270. ".sem" => "Alpha Five Set Data Dictionary Memo File",
  9271. ".set" => "Alpha Five Set Data Dictionary File",
  9272. ".setup" => "CryENGINE Character Setup File",
  9273. ".sex" => "Alpha Five Set Data Dictionary Index File",
  9274. ".sgpbpr" => "Baltie Program",
  9275. ".sgpsc" => "Baltie Scene",
  9276. ".sh" => "Bash Shell Script",
  9277. ".sjava" => "Synchronous Java File",
  9278. ".sll" => "Static Link Library",
  9279. ".sln" => "Visual Studio Solution File",
  9280. ".slogo" => "StarLogo Project File",
  9281. ".slogt" => "StarLogo Project Template",
  9282. ".sltng" => "StarLogo TNG Project File",
  9283. ".sma" => "AMX Mod Plugin Source File",
  9284. ".smali" => "Android Smali Assembly Language File",
  9285. ".smf" => "SkinMagic C/C++ Toolkit File",
  9286. ".sml" => "ARC/INFO Simple Macro Language File",
  9287. ".snippet" => "Visual Studio IntelliSense Code Snippet",
  9288. ".so" => "Shared Library",
  9289. ".spec" => "RPM Specification File",
  9290. ".spt" => "ESPL Programming File",
  9291. ".spt" => "Cypress Semiconductor Script",
  9292. ".sqlproj" => "Visual Studio SQL Server Project",
  9293. ".src" => "Source Code",
  9294. ".src.rpm" => "Red Hat Package Manager Source File",
  9295. ".ss" => "SilverStripe Source Code File",
  9296. ".ssc" => "SourceSafe Status File",
  9297. ".ssi" => "Adobe Dreamweaver Server Side Include File",
  9298. ".storyboard" => "Interface Builder Storyboard Document",
  9299. ".sud" => "Super Project Analyzer File",
  9300. ".suo" => "Visual Studio Solution User Options File",
  9301. ".sup" => "Super Project Definition File",
  9302. ".svn-base" => "Subversion Base File",
  9303. ".swc" => "Flex Components Archive",
  9304. ".swd" => "Flash Debug File",
  9305. ".sym" => "Symbols File",
  9306. ".t" => "Turing Source Code File",
  9307. ".targets" => "MSBuild Targets File",
  9308. ".tcc" => "C++ Source Code File",
  9309. ".tcl" => "Tcl Script",
  9310. ".tds" => "Turbo Debugger Symbols File",
  9311. ".testrunconfig" => "Visual Studio Test Run Configuration File",
  9312. ".testsettings" => "Visual Studio Test Settings File",
  9313. ".textfactory" => "BBEdit Text Factory",
  9314. ".tiprogram" => "TI-Basic Program File",
  9315. ".tk" => "Tk Script",
  9316. ".tld" => "Tag Library Descriptor File",
  9317. ".tlh" => "Typelib Generated C/C++ Header File",
  9318. ".tli" => "Typelib Generated C/C++ Inline File",
  9319. ".tmlanguage" => "TextMate Language Grammar File",
  9320. ".tmpl" => "BlueJ Default Template",
  9321. ".tmproj" => "TextMate Project File",
  9322. ".tmproject" => "TextMate Project",
  9323. ".tns" => "TI-Nspire Document",
  9324. ".tpu" => "Turbo Pascal Unit",
  9325. ".tpx" => "Turbo Pascal 7 Unit",
  9326. ".trx" => "Visual Studio Test Results File",
  9327. ".tt" => "Visual Studio Text Template",
  9328. ".tu" => "Turing Source File",
  9329. ".tur" => "Turing Program Source File",
  9330. ".twig" => "Twig Template",
  9331. ".ui" => "User Interface File",
  9332. ".uml" => "UML Data Object Model",
  9333. ".umlclass" => "UML Class Model",
  9334. ".v" => "Coq Source Code File",
  9335. ".v" => "Verilog Source Code File",
  9336. ".vac" => "Oc2.316s Cakit File",
  9337. ".vala" => "Vala Source Code File",
  9338. ".var" => "Variable Data",
  9339. ".vbg" => "Visual Basic Project Group File",
  9340. ".vbp" => "Visual Basic Project File",
  9341. ".vbproj" => "Visual Studio Visual Basic Project",
  9342. ".vbx" => "Visual Basic Custom Control",
  9343. ".vbz" => "Visual Basic Project Template",
  9344. ".vc" => "Verge Code File",
  9345. ".vc4" => "Visual C++ 4 File",
  9346. ".vcp" => "eMbedded Visual C++ Project File",
  9347. ".vcproj" => "Visual C++ Project File",
  9348. ".vcx" => "Visual Fox Pro Class Library",
  9349. ".vcxproj" => "Visual C++ Project",
  9350. ".vdm" => "VDM Specification File",
  9351. ".vdm" => "VEDIT Macro File",
  9352. ".vdp" => "Visual Studio Deployment Project",
  9353. ".vdproj" => "Visual Studio Setup and Deployment Project",
  9354. ".vgc" => "ViziGen Code Generation Template",
  9355. ".vhd" => "VHDL Source File",
  9356. ".vic" => "ViziGen Code Import Mappings File",
  9357. ".vm" => "Velocity Template",
  9358. ".vpc" => "ViziGen Configuration File",
  9359. ".vsct" => "Visual Studio Command Table",
  9360. ".vsixmanifest" => "VSIX Manifest",
  9361. ".vsl" => "Velocity Template File",
  9362. ".vsmacros" => "Visual Studio Binary Macro Project",
  9363. ".vsmdi" => "Visual Studio Test Metadata File",
  9364. ".vsmproj" => "Visual Studio Text Macro Project",
  9365. ".vsp" => "Visual Studio Performance Report File",
  9366. ".vspf" => "Visual Studio Performance Filter File",
  9367. ".vsps" => "Visual Studio Serialized Performance Report",
  9368. ".vspscc" => "Visual Studio Project Source Control File",
  9369. ".vspx" => "Visual Studio Performance Report Data File",
  9370. ".vssscc" => "Visual Studio Solution Source Control File",
  9371. ".vsz" => "Visual Studio Wizard File",
  9372. ".vtm" => "Visual Tool Markup Language Document",
  9373. ".vtml" => "Visual Tool Markup Language File",
  9374. ".vtv" => "Adobe Dreamweaver Validator Configuration File",
  9375. ".w" => "OpenEdge Architect Source Code File",
  9376. ".w32" => "Win32 Makefile",
  9377. ".wdgt" => "Adobe Captivate Widget File",
  9378. ".wdgtproj" => "Dashcode Widget Project",
  9379. ".wdl" => "World Definition Language Script",
  9380. ".wdp" => "Windev Project File",
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  9382. ".wid" => "Visual Studio Widget File",
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  9393. ".workspace" => "Code::Blocks Workspace File",
  9394. ".wowproj" => "AddOn Studio Project File",
  9395. ".wpw" => "WinDev Mobile Window File",
  9396. ".wsc" => "Windows Script Component",
  9397. ".wsp" => "SharePoint Solution Package",
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  9399. ".wxl" => "WiX Localization File",
  9400. ".wxs" => "WiX Source File",
  9401. ".x" => "Lex Source Code File",
  9402. ".xaml" => "XAML File",
  9403. ".xamlx" => "Visual Studio Workflow Service File",
  9404. ".xap" => "XACT Project",
  9405. ".xbf" => "XAML Binary File",
  9406. ".xcappdata" => "Xcode App Data File",
  9407. ".xcarchive" => "Xcode Archive",
  9408. ".xcdatamodel" => "Xcode Core Data Model File",
  9409. ".xcdatamodeld" => "Xcode Core Data Model File",
  9410. ".xcode" => "Xcode Project",
  9411. ".xcodeproj" => "Xcode Project",
  9412. ".xcsnapshots" => "Xcode Snapshot",
  9413. ".xcworkspace" => "Xcode Workspace File",
  9414. ".xib" => "Interface Builder File",
  9415. ".xoml" => "Windows Workflow File",
  9416. ".xpp" => "X++ Source Code File",
  9417. ".xq" => "XQuery File",
  9418. ".xql" => "XML Query Language File",
  9419. ".xqm" => "XQuery Module",
  9420. ".xquery" => "XQuery Source Code File",
  9421. ".xqy" => "XQuery Source File",
  9422. ".xsd" => "XML Schema Definition",
  9423. ".xsx" => "Visual Studio XML Schema Layout File",
  9424. ".xt" => "Xdebug Trace File",
  9425. ".y" => "Yacc Source File",
  9426. ".yab" => "Yabasic Source Code",
  9427. ".yaml" => "YAML Document",
  9428. ".yml" => "YAML Document",
  9429. ".yml2" => "YML Script",
  9430. ".ymp" => "YaST Metapackage File",
  9431. ".ypr" => "BYOB Project File"
  9432. );
  9434. $ebook = array(
  9435. ".acsm" => "Adobe Content Server Message File",
  9436. ".aep" => "Activ E-Book Project",
  9437. ".apnx" => "Amazon Page Number Index File",
  9438. ".ava" => "AvaaBook eBook",
  9439. ".azw" => "Amazon Kindle eBook File",
  9440. ".azw1" => "Amazon Topaz eBook",
  9441. ".azw3" => "Amazon KF8 eBook File",
  9442. ".azw4" => "Amazon Print Replica eBook",
  9443. ".bkk" => "BookBuddi eBook File",
  9444. ".bpnueb" => "PNU eBook File",
  9445. ".cbc" => "Comic Book Collection",
  9446. ".ceb" => "Apabi eBook File",
  9447. ".dnl" => "DNAML eBook File",
  9448. ".ebk" => "eBook Pro eBook File",
  9449. ".edn" => "Adobe eBook Activation File",
  9450. ".epub" => "Open eBook File",
  9451. ".etd" => "Adobe Reader EBX Transfer Data File",
  9452. ".fb2" => "FictionBook 2.0 File",
  9453. ".fkb" => "Flipkart eBook File",
  9454. ".html0" => "Book Designer File",
  9455. ".htmlz" => "Zipped HTML eBook",
  9456. ".htxt" => "Hanvon eBook File",
  9457. ".htz4" => "HyperMaker 4 Publication",
  9458. ".htz5" => "HyperMaker 5 Publication",
  9459. ".koob" => "Koob E-Book File",
  9460. ".lit" => "eBook File",
  9461. ".lrf" => "Sony Portable Reader File",
  9462. ".lrs" => "Librie Reader Source File",
  9463. ".lrx" => "Sony Portable Reader File",
  9464. ".mart" => "MartView eBook File",
  9465. ".mbp" => "Mobipocket Notes File",
  9466. ".mobi" => "Mobipocket eBook",
  9467. ".ncx" => "EPUB Navigation Control XML File",
  9468. ".oeb" => "Open eBook File",
  9469. ".opf" => "Open Packaging Format File",
  9470. ".pef" => "PEF Braille Book File",
  9471. ".phl" => "Kindle Popular Highlights File",
  9472. ".pml" => "Palm Markup Language File",
  9473. ".pmlz" => "Zipped Palm Markup Language File",
  9474. ".pobi" => "Kindle Touch Periodical File",
  9475. ".prc" => "Mobipocket eBook File",
  9476. ".qmk" => "YanCEyDesktop Quickmarks File",
  9477. ".rzb" => "Red Zion Book File",
  9478. ".rzs" => "Red Zion Security File",
  9479. ".snb" => "Shanda Bambook eBook",
  9480. ".tcr" => "Psion Series 3 eBook File",
  9481. ".tk3" => "TK3 Multimedia eBook",
  9482. ".tpz" => "Kindle Topaz eBook File",
  9483. ".tr" => "TomeRaider 2 eBook File",
  9484. ".tr3" => "TomeRaider eBook File",
  9485. ".vbk" => "VitalSource eBook",
  9486. ".webz" => "WEBZ Compressed eBook File",
  9487. ".ybk" => "YanCEyWare eBook"
  9488. );
  9490. ?>
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