

Nov 14th, 2019
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  1. let anti = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./antigreff.json", "UTF8"));
  2. let config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./config.json", "UTF8"));
  3. client.on("message", message => {
  4. if (!message.channel.guild) return;
  5. let user = anti[message.guild.id + message.author.id]
  6. let num = message.content.split(" ").slice(2).join(" ");
  7. if (!anti[message.guild.id + message.author.id]) anti[message.guild.id + message.author.id] = {
  8. actions: 0
  9. }
  10. if (!config[message.guild.id]) config[message.guild.id] = {
  11. banLimit: 3,
  12. chaDelLimit: 3,
  13. roleDelLimit: 3,
  14. kickLimits: 3,
  15. roleCrLimits: 3,
  16. time: 30
  17. }
  18. if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "settings limits")) {
  21. if (!message.member.hasPermission('MANAGE_GUILD')) return;
  22. if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "settings limitsban")) {
  23. if (!num) return message.channel.send("**? | أرسل رقم ! **");
  24. if (isNaN(num)) return message.channel.send("**? | أرقام فقط ! **");
  25. config[message.guild.id].banLimit = num;
  26. message.channel.send(`**? | تم التغيير اِلي : ${config[message.guild.id].banLimit} **`)
  27. }
  28. if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "settings limitskick")) {
  29. if (!num) return message.channel.send("**? | أرسل رقم ! **");
  30. if (isNaN(num)) return message.channel.send("**? | أرقام فقط ! **");
  31. config[message.guild.id].kickLimits = num;
  32. message.channel.send(`**? | تم التغيير اِلي : ${config[message.guild.id].kickLimits}**`)
  33. }
  34. if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "settings limitsroleD")) {
  35. if (!num) return message.channel.send("**? | أرسل رقم ! **");
  36. if (isNaN(num)) return message.channel.send("**? | أرقام فقط ! **");
  37. config[message.guild.id].roleDelLimit = num;
  38. message.channel.send(`**? | تم التغيير اِلي : ${config[message.guild.id].roleDelLimit}**`)
  39. }
  40. if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "settings limitsroleC")) {
  41. if (!num) return message.channel.send("**? | أرسل رقم ! **");
  42. if (isNaN(num)) return message.channel.send("**? | أرقام فقط ! **");
  43. config[message.guild.id].roleCrLimits = num;
  44. message.channel.send(`**? | تم التغيير اِلي : ${config[message.guild.id].roleCrLimits}**`)
  45. }
  46. if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "settings limitschannelD")) {
  47. if (!num) return message.channel.send("**? | أرسل رقم ! **");
  48. if (isNaN(num)) return message.channel.send("**? | أرقام فقط ! **");
  49. config[message.guild.id].chaDelLimit = num;
  50. message.channel.send(`**? | تم التغيير اِلي : ${config[message.guild.id].chaDelLimit}**`)
  51. }
  52. if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "settings limitstime")) {
  53. if (!num) return message.channel.send("**? | أرسل رقم ! **");
  54. if (isNaN(num)) return message.channel.send("**? | أرقام فقط ! **");
  55. config[message.guild.id].time = num;
  56. message.channel.send(`**? | تم التغيير اِلي : ${config[message.guild.id].time}**`)
  57. }
  58. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  59. if (e) throw e;
  60. });
  61. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  62. if (e) throw e;
  63. });
  64. }
  65. });
  66. client.on("channelDelete", async channel => {
  67. const entry1 = await channel.guild.fetchAuditLogs({
  68. type: 'CHANNEL_DELETE'
  69. }).then(audit => audit.entries.first())
  70. console.log(entry1.executor.username)
  71. const entry = entry1.executor
  72. if (!config[channel.guild.id]) config[channel.guild.id] = {
  73. banLimit: 3,
  74. chaDelLimit: 3,
  75. roleDelLimit: 3,
  76. kickLimits: 3,
  77. roleCrLimits: 3
  78. }
  79. if (!anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id]) {
  80. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id] = {
  81. actions: 1
  82. }
  83. setTimeout(() => {
  84. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  85. }, config[channel.guild.id].time * 1000)
  86. } else {
  87. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = Math.floor(anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions + 1)
  88. console.log("TETS");
  89. setTimeout(() => {
  90. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  91. }, config[channel.guild.id].time * 1000)
  92. if (anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions >= config[channel.guild.id].chaDelLimit) {
  93. channel.guild.members.get(entry.id).ban().catch(e => channel.guild.owner.send(`**? | ${entry.username} قام بمسح الكثير من الرومات **`))
  94. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  95. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  96. if (e) throw e;
  97. });
  98. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  99. if (e) throw e;
  100. });
  101. }
  102. }
  104. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  105. if (e) throw e;
  106. });
  107. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  108. if (e) throw e;
  109. });
  110. });
  112. client.on("roleDelete", async channel => {
  113. const entry1 = await channel.guild.fetchAuditLogs({
  114. type: 'ROLE_DELETE'
  115. }).then(audit => audit.entries.first())
  116. console.log(entry1.executor.username)
  117. const entry = entry1.executor
  118. if (!config[channel.guild.id]) config[channel.guild.id] = {
  119. banLimit: 3,
  120. chaDelLimit: 3,
  121. roleDelLimit: 3,
  122. kickLimits: 3,
  123. roleCrLimits: 3
  124. }
  125. if (!anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id]) {
  126. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id] = {
  127. actions: 1
  128. }
  129. setTimeout(() => {
  130. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  131. }, config[channel.guild.id].time * 1000)
  132. } else {
  133. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = Math.floor(anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions + 1)
  134. console.log("TETS");
  135. setTimeout(() => {
  136. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  137. }, config[channel.guild.id].time * 1000)
  138. if (anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions >= config[channel.guild.id].roleDelLimit) {
  139. channel.guild.members.get(entry.id).ban().catch(e => channel.guild.owner.send(`**? | ${entry.username} قام بمسح الكثير من الرتب **`))
  140. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  141. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  142. if (e) throw e;
  143. });
  144. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  145. if (e) throw e;
  146. });
  147. }
  148. }
  150. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  151. if (e) throw e;
  152. });
  153. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  154. if (e) throw e;
  155. });
  156. });
  158. client.on("roleCreate", async channel => {
  159. const entry1 = await channel.guild.fetchAuditLogs({
  160. type: 'ROLE_CREATE'
  161. }).then(audit => audit.entries.first())
  162. console.log(entry1.executor.username)
  163. const entry = entry1.executor
  164. if (!config[channel.guild.id]) config[channel.guild.id] = {
  165. banLimit: 3,
  166. chaDelLimit: 3,
  167. roleDelLimit: 3,
  168. kickLimits: 3,
  169. roleCrLimits: 3
  170. }
  171. if (!anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id]) {
  172. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id] = {
  173. actions: 1
  174. }
  175. setTimeout(() => {
  176. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  177. }, config[channel.guild.id].time * 1000)
  178. } else {
  179. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = Math.floor(anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions + 1)
  180. console.log("TETS");
  181. setTimeout(() => {
  182. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  183. }, config[channel.guild.id].time * 1000)
  184. if (anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions >= config[channel.guild.id].roleCrLimits) {
  185. channel.guild.members.get(entry.id).ban().catch(e => channel.guild.owner.send(`**? | ${entry.username} قام بأنشاء الكثير من الرتب **`))
  186. anti[channel.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  187. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  188. if (e) throw e;
  189. });
  190. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  191. if (e) throw e;
  192. });
  193. }
  194. }
  196. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  197. if (e) throw e;
  198. });
  199. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  200. if (e) throw e;
  201. });
  202. });
  204. client.on("guildBanAdd", async (guild, user) => {
  205. const entry1 = await channel.guild.fetchAuditLogs({
  206. type: 'MEMBER_BAN_ADD'
  207. }).then(audit => audit.entries.first())
  208. console.log(entry1.executor.username)
  209. const entry = entry1.executor
  210. if (!config[guild.id]) config[guild.id] = {
  211. banLimit: 3,
  212. chaDelLimit: 3,
  213. roleDelLimit: 3,
  214. kickLimits: 3,
  215. roleCrLimits: 3
  216. }
  217. if (!anti[guild.id + entry.id]) {
  218. anti[guild.id + entry.id] = {
  219. actions: 1
  220. }
  221. setTimeout(() => {
  222. anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  223. }, config[guild.id].time * 1000)
  224. } else {
  225. anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions = Math.floor(anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions + 1)
  226. console.log("TETS");
  227. setTimeout(() => {
  228. anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  229. }, config[guild.id].time * 1000)
  230. if (anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions >= config[guild.id].banLimit) {
  231. channel.members.get(entry.id).ban().catch(e => channel.owner.send(`**? | ${entry.username} حاول حظر جميع الأعضاء **`))
  232. anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  233. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  234. if (e) throw e;
  235. });
  236. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  237. if (e) throw e;
  238. });
  239. }
  240. }
  242. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  243. if (e) throw e;
  244. });
  245. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  246. if (e) throw e;
  247. });
  248. });
  250. client.on("guildKickAdd", async (guild, user) => {
  251. const entry1 = await channel.fetchAuditLogs({
  252. type: 'MEMBER_KICK'
  253. }).then(audit => audit.entries.first())
  254. console.log(entry1.executor.username)
  255. const entry = entry1.executor
  256. if (!config[guild.id]) config[guild.id] = {
  257. banLimit: 3,
  258. chaDelLimit: 3,
  259. roleDelLimit: 3,
  260. kickLimits: 3,
  261. roleCrLimits: 3
  262. }
  263. if (!anti[guild.id + entry.id]) {
  264. anti[guild.id + entry.id] = {
  265. actions: 1
  266. }
  267. setTimeout(() => {
  268. anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  269. }, config[guild.id].time * 1000)
  270. } else {
  271. anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions = Math.floor(anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions + 1)
  272. console.log("TETS");
  273. setTimeout(() => {
  274. anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  275. }, config[guild.id].time * 1000)
  276. if (anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions >= config[guild.id].banLimit) {
  277. channel.members.get(entry.id).ban().catch(e => channel.owner.send(`**? | ${entry.username} حاول حظر جميع الأعضاء **`))
  278. anti[guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  279. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  280. if (e) throw e;
  281. });
  282. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  283. if (e) throw e;
  284. });
  285. }
  286. }
  288. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  289. if (e) throw e;
  290. });
  291. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  292. if (e) throw e;
  293. });
  294. });
  296. client.on("guildMemberRemove", async member => {
  297. const entry1 = await member.guild.fetchAuditLogs().then(audit => audit.entries.first())
  298. if (entry1.action === "MEMBER_KICK") {
  299. const entry2 = await member.guild.fetchAuditLogs({
  300. type: "MEMBER_KICK"
  301. }).then(audit => audit.entries.first())
  302. const entry = entry2.executor;
  303. if (!config[member.guild.id]) config[guild.id] = {
  304. banLimit: 3,
  305. chaDelLimit: 3,
  306. roleDelLimit: 3,
  307. kickLimits: 3,
  308. roleCrLimits: 3
  309. }
  310. if (!anti[member.guild.id + entry.id]) {
  311. anti[member.guild.id + entry.id] = {
  312. actions: 1
  313. }
  314. setTimeout(() => {
  315. anti[member.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  316. }, config[member.guild.id].time * 1000)
  317. } else {
  318. anti[member.guild.id + entry.id].actions = Math.floor(anti[member.guild.id + entry.id].actions + 1)
  319. console.log("TETS");
  320. setTimeout(() => {
  321. anti[member.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  322. }, config[member.guild.id].time * 1000)
  323. if (anti[member.guild.id + entry.id].actions >= config[member.guild.id].kickLimits) {
  324. member.members.get(entry.id).ban().catch(e => member.owner.send(`**? | ${entry.username} حاول حظر جميع الأعضاء **`))
  325. anti[member.guild.id + entry.id].actions = "0"
  326. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  327. if (e) throw e;
  328. });
  329. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  330. if (e) throw e;
  331. });
  332. }
  333. }
  335. fs.writeFile("./config.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), function (e) {
  336. if (e) throw e;
  337. });
  338. fs.writeFile("./antigreff.json", JSON.stringify(anti, null, 2), function (e) {
  339. if (e) throw e;
  340. });
  341. }
  343. })
  350. const members = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./members.json")) || {};
  351. client.on('ready', () => {
  352. console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);
  353. client.guilds.forEach(g=> !members[g.id] ? members[g.id] = {} : null)
  354. });
  356. client.on("guildMemberRemove", member=>{
  357. let roles = [];
  358. member.roles.forEach(r=> roles.push(r.id));
  359. members[member.guild.id][member.id] = roles;
  360. saveChanges();
  361. });
  362. client.on("guildMemberAdd", member=> {
  363. if(members[member.guild.id][member.id] !== undefined){
  364. member.addRoles(members[member.guild.id][member.id], "Returning roles after leaving");
  365. members[member.guild.id][member.id] = [];
  366. };
  367. saveChanges();
  368. });
  369. function saveChanges(){
  370. fs.writeFileSync("./members.json", JSON.stringify(members, null, 4));
  371. };
  378. const sug = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./sug.json', 'utf8'));
  379. // ? , ?
  380. client.on('message', message => {
  381. if (!message.channel.guild) return;
  382. let room = message.content.split(" ").slice(1);
  383. let findroom = message.guild.channels.find(x => x.name === `${room}`)
  384. if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "setSug")) {
  385. if (!message.channel.guild) return;
  386. if (!message.member.hasPermission('MANAGE_GUILD')) return message.channel.send(`** | Don\'t have perms.**`);
  387. if (!room) return message.channel.send(`** | Please type the channel name.**`)
  388. if (!findroom) return message.channel.send(`** | Can\'t found this channel.**`)
  389. let embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
  390. .addField(`? Channel:`, `? \`${room}\`.`)
  391. .addField(`? Requested By:`, `? \`${message.author}\``)
  392. .setThumbnail(message.author.avatarURL)
  393. .setFooter(`${client.user.username}`)
  394. message.channel.sendEmbed(embed)
  395. sug[message.guild.id] = {
  396. channel: room,
  397. }
  398. fs.writeFile("./sug.json", JSON.stringify(sug), (err) => {
  399. if (err) console.error(err)
  400. })
  401. client.on('message', message => {
  402. // ? , ?
  403. if (message.content.startsWith(`sug`)) {
  404. if (!message.channel.guild) return;
  405. let suggest = message.content.split(" ").slice(1);
  406. if (!suggest) return message.reply(`** | Please type the suggest.**`)
  407. let findchannel = (message.guild.channels.find(x => x.name === `${sug[message.guild.id].channel}`))
  408. if (!findchannel) return message.channel.send(`** | Error: \`Can\'t find the suggestions room.**`)
  409. message.channel.send(`**| Thanks for your suggest.**`)
  410. let sugembed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
  411. .setTitle('? New suggest:')
  412. .addField('? Suggest By:', `? \`${message.author}\``)
  413. .addField('? Suggest:', `? \`${suggest}\``)
  414. .setFooter(client.user.username)
  415. findchannel.sendEmbed(sugembed)
  416. .then(function (message) {
  417. message.react('?')
  418. message.react('?')
  419. })
  420. .catch(err => {
  421. message.reply(`** | Error: \`Can\'t find the suggestions room.**`)
  422. console.error(err);
  423. });
  424. }
  425. })
  426. }
  427. })
  430. const rWlc = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./AutoRole.json", "utf8"));
  431. client.on('message', message => {
  432. var prefix = "-";//البرفكس
  433. if(message.channel.type === "dm") return;
  434. if(message.author.bot) return;
  435. if(!rWlc[message.guild.id]) rWlc[message.guild.id] = {
  436. role: "member"
  437. }
  438. const channel = rWlc[message.guild.id].role
  439. if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "autorole")) {
  440. if(!message.member.hasPermission(`MANAGE_GUILD`)) return;
  441. let newrole = message.content.split(' ').slice(1).join(" ")
  442. if(!newrole) return message.reply(`**${prefix}autorole <role name>**`)
  443. rWlc[message.guild.id].role = newrole
  444. message.channel.send(`**${message.guild.name}'s role has been changed to ${newrole}**`);
  445. }
  446. fs.writeFile("./AutoRole.json", JSON.stringify(rWlc), function(e){
  447. if (e) throw e;
  448. })
  449. });
  450. client.on("guildMemberAdd", member => {
  451. if(!rWlc[member.guild.id]) rWlc[member.guild.id] = {
  452. role: "member"
  453. }
  454. const sRole = rWlc[member.guild.id].role
  455. let Rrole = member.guild.roles.find('name', sRole);
  456. member.addRole(Rrole);
  458. });
  460. client.on("message", msg => {
  461. if(msg.content.startsWith(prefix + "infoautorole")){
  462. var sRole = rWlc[msg.guild.id].role
  463. let emb = new Discord.RichEmbed()
  464. .setTitle("**AutoRole معلومات**")
  465. .setAuthor(msg.guild.name,msg.guild.iconURL)
  466. .setThumbnail(msg.guild.iconURL)
  467. .setColor("GREEN")
  468. .addField("**ايدي السيرفر**", msg.guild.id)
  469. .addField("**اسم السيرفر**", msg.guild.name)
  470. .addField("**الرتبه المحددة**", sRole)
  471. .setFooter(client.user.tag,client.user.avatarURL)
  472. msg.channel.send(emb)
  473. }
  474. });
  477. let antijoin = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./antijoin.json' , 'utf8'));
  478. /*يحتاج تعرف بكج const fs = require('fs')
  479. طبعا لو مو معرف البكج ^
  480. + تثبت البكج npm i fs
  481. */
  482. client.on('message', message => {
  483. if(message.content.startsWith(prefix + "antijoin on")) {
  484. if(!message.channel.guild) return message.reply('**This Command Only For Servers**');
  485. if(!message.member.hasPermission('MANAGE_GUILD')) return message.channel.send('**Sorry But You Dont Have Permission** `MANAGE_GUILD`' );
  486. antijoin[message.guild.id] = {
  487. onoff: 'On',
  488. }
  489. message.channel.send(`**? The AntiJoin Is __????__ !**`)
  490. fs.writeFile("./antijoin.json", JSON.stringify(antijoin), (err) => {
  491. if (err) return console.error(err)
  492. .catch(err => {
  493. console.error(err);
  494. });
  495. });
  496. }
  498. })
  502. client.on('message', message => {
  503. if(message.content.startsWith(prefix + "antijoin off")) {
  504. if(!message.channel.guild) return message.reply('**This Command Only For Servers**');
  505. if(!message.member.hasPermission('MANAGE_GUILD')) return message.channel.send('**Sorry But You Dont Have Permission** `MANAGE_GUILD`' );
  506. antijoin[message.guild.id] = {
  507. onoff: 'Off',
  508. }
  509. message.channel.send(`**? The AntiJoin Is __??????__ !**`)
  510. fs.writeFile("./antijoin.json", JSON.stringify(antijoin), (err) => {
  511. if (err) return console.error(err)
  512. .catch(err => {
  513. console.error(err);
  514. });
  515. });
  516. }
  518. })
  519. client.on('message', message => {
  520. if (!message.channel.guild) return;
  523. if(message.content.startsWith(prefix + "setJoin")) {
  524. let time = message.content.split(" ").slice(1).join(" ");
  525. if(!message.channel.guild) return message.reply('**This Command Only For Servers**');
  526. if(!message.member.hasPermission('MANAGE_GUILD')) return message.channel.send('**Sorry But You Dont Have Permission** `MANAGE_GUILD`' );
  527. if (!time) return message.channel.send('Please Type The Account Created Time [Days]');
  528. let embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
  529. .setTitle('**Done The AntiJoin Code Has Been Setup**')
  530. .addField('Account Create Time:', `${time}.`)
  531. .addField('Requested By:', `${message.author}`)
  532. .setThumbnail(message.author.avatarURL)
  533. .setFooter(`${client.user.username}`)
  534. message.channel.sendEmbed(embed)
  535. antijoin[message.guild.id] = {
  536. created: time,
  537. onoff: 'On',
  538. }
  539. fs.writeFile("./antijoin.json", JSON.stringify(antijoin), (err) => {
  540. if (err) console.error(err)
  541. })
  542. }})
  544. client.on("guildMemberAdd", async member => {
  545. if(!antijoin[member.guild.id]) antijoin[member.guild.id] = {
  546. onoff: 'Off'
  547. }
  548. if(antijoin[member.guild.id].onoff === 'Off') return;
  549. if(!member.user.bot) return;
  550. let accounttime = `${antijoin[member.guild.id].created}`
  551. let moment2 = require('moment-duration-format'),
  552. moment = require("moment"),
  553. date = moment.duration(new Date() - member.user.createdAt).format("d");
  555. if(date < accounttime) {
  556. member.ban(`Member account age is lower than ${antijoin[member.guild.id].created} days.`)
  557. }
  558. });
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