
Session 20: ...and the darkness stares back...

Apr 13th, 2014
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  1. [2014-04-12 20:18:24] <CrystalDM> 03====FOE Crystal Group: Session 20====
  2. [2014-04-12 20:20:04] <CrystalDM> 03Having a place to come back, rest and recuperate, is something that isn't easily found in the Wasteland. It should be treasured and cared for, protected, even. After all, you never know when it might vanish...
  3. [2014-04-12 20:22:28] * Emerald_Blitz walks out of the sparring area with Militus. "At any rate, I was thinking we need a quicker mode of transportation , something more permanent than the sledge Tallie concocted," she says. "Do you know any mechanics here whom we might be able to commission such a thing from?"
  4. [2014-04-12 20:23:29] * Militus smirks. "Oh, I know a few of the maintenance workers. I'll go ask them and see if they can come up with something. Before I go, anything else you need?"
  5. [2014-04-12 20:24:14] =-= Hobo is now known as Tallie
  6. [2014-04-12 20:24:35] * Emerald_Blitz shrugs. "I only had us return for recuperation. I... don't like dawdling when we have a clear objective. But I do need to ask: were you intending to keep the legionnaire armor we found?"
  7. [2014-04-12 20:24:37] * Tallie is still in the maintenance tunnels with Washer. "So your parents are Hammer and Nail. Seems like a match made in heaven."
  8. [2014-04-12 20:26:18] <CrystalDM> 03Washer laughs. "Yeah. That's the way it goes in a Stable though. At least I don't have to worry about marrying my cousin, like my grandfather did."
  9. [2014-04-12 20:26:24] * Militus nods more seriously. "Yes, I'm familiar with wearing such armor. As much as I may dislike it, I need the protection. Don't worry, I plan to have it painted in different colors if possible."
  10. [2014-04-12 20:26:41] * Clue continues to walk along side Feather Fall. "So do you think you can teach me those cool spells?"
  11. [2014-04-12 20:26:58] * Emerald_Blitz frowns. "I wasn't concerned with the coloration. I was more concerned that you were all right with wearing trappings of the Legion after how much they seem to want you dead."
  12. [2014-04-12 20:27:03] * Tallie giggles. "What was your granddad's name? Lathe?"
  13. [2014-04-12 20:28:24] <CrystalDM> 03Washer shakes his head. "Nope. Drill Bit."
  14. [2014-04-12 20:28:44] * Militus chuckles darkly. "Oh, as long as I can.../personalize/ the armor a bit I'll be fine. Turning /their/ armor into /my/ calling card seems like a most excellent revenge, yes?"
  15. [2014-04-12 20:28:48] <Tallie> "I was close," the small griffin says. "You're a family of tools." Then she giggles again.
  16. [2014-04-12 20:29:22] * Emerald_Blitz shrugs. "As you wish. I'm merely done carrying them around for you," she says with a grin. "Where shall I deposit them for you?"
  17. [2014-04-12 20:30:24] <CrystalDM> 03Washer opens his mouth and closes. "Sweet Celestia, you're right. And I've never been enough of a dick to earn that name. Whatever shall I do?" The stallion's voice is dripping in mock horror.
  18. [2014-04-12 20:31:20] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall shrugs. "Anytime, really. I really want to get some rest, though... been teaching since you left."
  19. [2014-04-12 20:31:25] * Militus rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm. Perhaps down in maintenance would actually be best. They can likely use the parts from all the suits to make a complete, working one. Shall we go together?"
  20. [2014-04-12 20:32:09] * Tallie chuckles and gives Washer a slug on the shoulder. "Nothing you can do, buddy-boy."
  21. [2014-04-12 20:32:40] * Clue rubs the back of her neck. "I was hoping to get started right away... I.. I really am intersted in learning all sorts of magic... I like it!" She smiles.
  22. [2014-04-12 20:32:46] * Emerald_Blitz shrugs. "I see no reason why not. I've nothing better to do after all, and I need their expertise for a vehicle anyway. Lead the way, friend," she tells Militus.
  23. [2014-04-12 20:33:21] * Militus trots off to the maintenance section with Emerald_Blitz in tow.
  24. [2014-04-12 20:34:59] <CrystalDM> 03Washer sighs. "Oh well. Its a pity. As a tool, I could never honestly take a nice chick out to eat, or show her some of the secret passages."
  25. [2014-04-12 20:35:30] * Tallie blinks. "Secret passages? Food?"
  26. [2014-04-12 20:35:39] <Tallie> "Food IN secret passages?"
  27. [2014-04-12 20:36:06] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall nods. "Well, we could start working on some of it now, but I'm about tapped. Maybe continue it tomorrow... but don't you all have a Stable to find?"
  28. [2014-04-12 20:36:37] <Tallie> "SECRET PASSAGES IN FOO-no, wait, that doesn't work..."
  29. [2014-04-12 20:37:33] <CrystalDM> 03There are a pair of grey earth pony stallions working in maintenance currently. They look up at the pair entering, and then go back to their work. One is working on a terminal, the second, repairing a small robot.
  30. [2014-04-12 20:37:58] * Clue smiles. "We already found it! Probably going to back to it tomorrow, but I want to see if I can't learn ways to fight off the bad ponies that hide from within...." She scrunches her face.
  31. [2014-04-12 20:38:16] * Emerald_Blitz looks to Militus. "And you know which one, excactly?"
  32. [2014-04-12 20:38:56] <CrystalDM> 03Washer nods. "Yup. Dinner under the soft glowing lights... pity really. As a tool I never could do something like that..." Washer finishes installing the new pipe. "Say, in half an hour? Meeting up in the Atrium?"
  33. [2014-04-12 20:39:08] * Militus frowns. "This is actually rather unexpected. I don't know either of them. Neither Radius nor Bolt is present. I thought at least one might be."
  34. [2014-04-12 20:40:01] <CrystalDM> 03The grey stallion on the left doesn't bother looking up. "Radius is on a call, he-" "should be back in about half an hour." The stallion on the right finishes.
  35. [2014-04-12 20:40:23] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall looks at Clue, surprised. "Truly? Did you bring proof?"
  36. [2014-04-12 20:41:06] * Militus blinks, then looks at Emerald_Blitz. "Well, do you feel like waiting? If not I can wait here with the things myself."
  37. [2014-04-12 20:41:26] * Emerald_Blitz sighs. "No. Just let me know when one of your friends arrives. I will go and speak with the Overmare and let them know of our progress. I will be... around, and not difficult to find. I am, after all, the only Princess in the stable," she says, rolling her eyes.
  38. [2014-04-12 20:41:45] * Tallie hmmmms at the Stallion, considering his offer, then she nods. "You're lucky I like tools."
  39. [2014-04-12 20:42:37] * Clue scrunches her face harder. "...well.... no..." She thinks for a moment. "ACTUALLY!" Clue digs into her bags and pulls out a memory orb that isn't her own. "Emerald_Blitz gave this to me... I'm pretty this tells us where..."
  40. [2014-04-12 20:43:04] * Militus chuckles. "That you are."
  41. [2014-04-12 20:43:47] * Emerald_Blitz nods to the zebra. "See you later, then," she says, and heads out to the overmare's office to turn in a report.
  42. [2014-04-12 20:44:16] <CrystalDM> 03Washer nods. "Ah. Well then, I know where I won't see you." The stallion winks at Tallie before walking over and grabbing his tools, prepping to leave.
  43. [2014-04-12 20:44:46] * Tallie blinks in confusion. "Wait, what? Where... you WON'T see me?"
  44. [2014-04-12 20:44:52] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall raises an eyebrow, looking at Clue. "Pretty sure?"
  45. [2014-04-12 20:45:09] * Asami nomnoms on her hotwings and drinks at the bar...she will schmooze with other patrons should any approach or sit nearby
  46. [2014-04-12 20:45:40] * Clue nods. "Pretty sure. But I'll watch it later..." She puts it back in her bag. "So. Training?" The unicorn asks with a smile.
  47. [2014-04-12 20:45:46] <CrystalDM> 03The stallions both continue to work, seemingly undisturbed by the conversation and the fact there is a princess among them.
  48. [2014-04-12 20:47:31] <CrystalDM> 03Washer shakes his head. "I'll see you there in half an hour, silly. Come on, I'll show you the way out." Washer starts walking down the tunnel.
  49. [2014-04-12 20:47:46] * Militus watches the presumed twins, mildly interested.
  50. [2014-04-12 20:48:50] <CrystalDM> 03The Bar-Bot wipes up the bar where Emerald and Militus were sitting. "So, you wanted to know more about who was dating whom?"
  51. [2014-04-12 20:49:22] * Tallie nods and follows him, sneaking a glance at his butt. Mmm Stallionbutt.
  52. [2014-04-12 20:53:10] <Asami> yeah...I run a business in pairing up potential ponies who are 'looking'
  53. [2014-04-12 21:03:43] <CrystalDM> 03The Bar-bot nods to Asami. "Looking to extend your business out here?"
  54. [2014-04-12 21:04:24] <Asami> of course! gotta spread the love yaknow
  55. [2014-04-12 21:05:04] <CrystalDM> 03The barbot nods to the dragoness. "Well, I can give you the scoop, but... you understand, I want a cut of the profits you make out here."
  56. [2014-04-12 21:06:24] <Asami> sounds like a deal to me
  57. [2014-04-12 21:08:05] <CrystalDM> 03The rest of the day passes uneventfully for all those involved. Disappointments are to be had in some areas, but approval can be had in others. The next day dawns partly cloudy, and warmer than the day before. Still cold, because of early spring, but spring is slowly getting here.
  58. [2014-04-12 21:13:35] -->| Dimestream (Dimestream@Pony-999.9mt.76.69.IP) has joined #FoECrystal
  59. [2014-04-12 21:13:48] |<-- Emerald_Blitz has left (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Dimestream)))
  60. [2014-04-12 21:13:54] =-= Dimestream is now known as Emerald_Blitz
  61. [2014-04-12 21:16:23] * Tallie is still snoring happily, cuddled up to Emerald_Blitz for warmth.
  62. [2014-04-12 21:29:04] * Emerald_Blitz deposits the sleeping griffon back on the couch and hurriedly rousts the rest of the crew. This mission needs to be done, sooner rather than later, so they don't miss deadline!
  63. [2014-04-12 21:29:52] * Militus is soon roused and wearing his new armor.
  64. [2014-04-12 21:30:26] * Emerald_Blitz tracks down Clue, happily bearing a new battle saddle with linked Hunting Rifles for her.
  65. [2014-04-12 21:32:29] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall is getting up as dawn breaks over the horizon, getting ready for the day. She'd let Clue sleep, not wanting to wake the sleeping unicorn.
  66. [2014-04-12 21:32:53] * Emerald_Blitz knocks on Feather Fall's door. "Miss Feather Fall?" she calls through the door. "Is Clue there? I brought her a present!"
  67. [2014-04-12 21:34:37] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall looks over to the door, walking over and opening it. The scribe has on her robes, looking almost ready to leave. "Oh, yes. She is still asleep... poor mare was exhausted."
  68. [2014-04-12 21:36:12] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "She has been... shadow casting a bit overmuch. Poor dear wore herself out trying to help us, and I'm afraid it's taken its toll on her," Emerald explains. "But, this is a good way to start the day." She walks over and nudges Clue softly with a hoof. "Clue," she says. "Wake up dear. I brought you a loud and shiny toy."
  69. [2014-04-12 21:37:09] * Clue mumbles. "...can't I sleep another five minutes Feather Fall?... We can train in a bit..."
  70. [2014-04-12 21:38:01] * Emerald_Blitz snickers, then LICKS the side of Clue's face. "Wakey wakey! It's time to go finish our adventure. Then you can train as much as you need to."
  71. [2014-04-12 21:38:33] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall pauses momentarily. "Was it an emergency? I... I hope she hasn't jumped into that with all four hooves..."
  72. [2014-04-12 21:39:20] * Clue shoots up with her eyes wide. "Em?!" She raises a hoof to the side of her face as it begins to turn red.
  73. [2014-04-12 21:39:31] * Asami will have spent the remainder of the night doing interviews, as well as in the morning so she was up and out of bed before most
  74. [2014-04-12 21:40:10] <Emerald_Blitz> "It was never an emergency, no," Emerald says with a grimace. "I told her to save it for emergencies, but she's very bad at listening, despite Militus' personal experience with the matter. I was hoping you might convince her to engage less in such risky behavior," the alicorn says, then looks back to Clue. "Ah, awake at last. Tadaa! Upgraded firepower so those raiders won't trouble you...
  75. [2014-04-12 21:40:11] <Emerald_Blitz> ...again!" She presents the battle saddle to Clue.
  76. [2014-04-12 21:41:55] * Clue blinks. "Oh. I was learning some spells to do that instead. But new guns never hurt. Cause... they seemed to ingore bullets when they charged this base..."
  77. [2014-04-12 21:43:27] <Emerald_Blitz> "Not ignored per se, just... soaked quite a few of them," Emerald says with a wry grin. "This should help with that. And I'm afraid we don't have time for more spells today. After we get back, though, we can spare time for as many as you need, as I said. Will you be ready to go in ten minutes?"
  78. [2014-04-12 21:44:04] * Clue frowns. "...oh..." She takes a few quiet moments to herself. "...yeah ok..."
  79. [2014-04-12 21:44:36] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall frowns at Clue. "Clue, honey? Can we talk?" Her tone is anything but friendly.
  80. [2014-04-12 21:44:51] * Clue gulps.
  81. [2014-04-12 21:44:54] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Thank you. I'll be in the Atrium," Emerald says, and excuses herself to acquire Militus and Asami and Tallie.
  82. [2014-04-12 21:45:46] * Militus stands ready to go in the atrium, wearing a set of armor Emerald_Blitz has probably seen before...though in different colors.
  83. [2014-04-12 21:45:47] <CrystalDM> 03Emerald can hear Feather Fall start saying "Clue... what have you been doing?" before the door closes and the rest of the conversation is lost.
  84. [2014-04-12 21:47:15] * Emerald_Blitz joins Militus and nudges Tallie awake. "All right, time to go, Tallie. Much to do and little daylight, as always."
  85. [2014-04-12 21:48:33] * Tallie groans, rolling over. "5 more minutes..." she mumbles.
  86. [2014-04-12 21:48:55] * Emerald_Blitz looks around. "Has anyone seen Asami? I'd like to get going as soon as we can," she says, picking Tallie up in her magic and plopping the adolescent griffon onto her back for travel convenience.
  87. [2014-04-12 21:49:48] * Tallie snores on Emerald_Blitz's back.
  88. [2014-04-12 21:51:20] * Militus shakes his head. "I don't know where she is, unfortunately."
  89. [2014-04-12 21:52:29] * Emerald_Blitz rolls her eyes. "See, this is why I liked the idea of a barracks. You always knew where to find everypony first thing in the morning," she grumbles. "I'll find her, you wait here for Clue, and we'll get going as soon as she arrives."
  90. [2014-04-12 21:53:11] * Militus nods.
  91. [2014-04-12 21:54:00] * Emerald_Blitz quickly visits Asami's known haunts in the Stable to round up the dragon as soon as possible.
  92. [2014-04-12 21:54:12] * Clue arrives at the Atrium and rejoins the group with a scowl finally setting her butt on the ground crossing her forehooves.
  93. [2014-04-12 21:54:43] * Militus regards Clue. "You seem upset."
  94. [2014-04-12 21:54:59] * Tallie is still asleep on Emerald_Blitz's back.
  95. [2014-04-12 21:55:28] * Clue harumphs.
  96. [2014-04-12 21:55:37] |<-- Emerald_Blitz has left (Connection closed)
  97. [2014-04-12 21:56:00] <CrystalDM> 03Emerald_Blitz can find Asami in the cafeteria, talking with a golden unicorn with a brown mane, an eye patch and a blue eye.
  98. [2014-04-12 21:56:17] * Militus narrows his eyes at Clue. "Very well then, remain silent."
  99. [2014-04-12 21:56:44] <Clue> "Emerald_Blitz made Feather Fall yell at me..."
  100. [2014-04-12 21:57:05] <Militus> "Oh really? She ordered Feather Fall to yell at you?"
  101. [2014-04-12 21:57:22] * Clue wiggles. " but she CAUSED it"
  102. [2014-04-12 21:57:36] <Militus> "And whyever would she do that?"
  103. [2014-04-12 21:58:12] <Clue> "Cause she told Feather Fall I was Shadow Casting..." Clue explains with another harumph.
  104. [2014-04-12 21:58:28] -->| Emerald_Blitz (Dimestream@Pony-999.9mt.76.69.IP) has joined #FoECrystal
  105. [2014-04-12 21:59:02] * Militus frowns more deeply, glaring at Clue. "Then in that case I would say it was well-deserved. You should be happy that you have friends who care about you so much."
  106. [2014-04-12 22:00:21] * Emerald_Blitz approaches the dragoness and her current... customer? and waits patiently for their conversation to draw to a close, softly clearing her throat.
  107. [2014-04-12 22:01:02] <Clue> "I don't see how everyone is hating on me cause I Shadow Casted a few times"
  108. [2014-04-12 22:01:52] * Militus 's voice drops into a growl. "Take it from someone who knows where that leads. There is a good reason they are so concerned."
  109. [2014-04-12 22:02:10] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion nods to the dragoness. "Anyway, I'm not holding out any hopes, but with my track record, well... I'll try anything once. Anyway, I got an early class to teach. Thanks Asami... oh! Do I give you the fee, or someone else?"
  110. [2014-04-12 22:02:47] * Tallie totally gets the fee.
  111. [2014-04-12 22:03:41] <Asami> sure thing Mister Strike, I'll see about arranging a time and place for you both to have a meet and greet..."Asami very obviously looks towards Emerald Blitz before speaking to the stallion again "my policy is half now, half when you seal the deal...and the deal gets you on my list until I or my associate manage to successfully hook you up...
  112. [2014-04-12 22:04:21] * Clue continues to pout. "Then you know good it feels. The power it grants." She releases her scowl and frowns. "...the power to help my friends..."
  113. [2014-04-12 22:05:16] <Emerald_Blitz> "I don't mean to cut in, but Miss Asami does have other matters to attend to," Emerald says pleasantly. "So if we could wrap this up, I would be most appreciative."
  114. [2014-04-12 22:05:56] * Militus gives Clue a withering glare. "And you obviously know /nothing/ about how it feels!" he hisses, stepping up to stand so his face is only inches from hers.
  115. [2014-04-12 22:07:11] <CrystalDM> 03The unicorn uses his mouth, pulling out a small bag of caps. "Here, that should be half. Thanks again." The stallion trots off.
  116. [2014-04-12 22:07:58] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "Up to your shipping business like you tried to set me up with when I first arrived, Asami?" she asks. "We're getting ready to go. Are you ready?"
  117. [2014-04-12 22:09:03] * Asami turns around ...again...and looks up at Emerald with a frown "Ohh so now you're all 'hey lets hang out and be friends?? last night you wouldn't even give me the time of until you apologize for blatantly ignoring me 'Captain' I'm not going anywhere..." Asami just glares at Emeerald
  118. [2014-04-12 22:09:12] * Clue presses her head against his. "I'm using it to protect my friends! And I hate to say it, but I'm not going to pop my top like SOMEPONY ELSE!" She screams, but then immediately reels backwards and clamps her hooves to her mouth.
  119. [2014-04-12 22:10:53] * Tallie opens a bleary eye. "Drama.... naaaah..." she goes back to sleep.
  120. [2014-04-12 22:11:41] * Emerald_Blitz looks at the dragon, perplexed. "I say, what now?" the alicorn says, sounding truly befuddled. "I'm sorry, did I offend you?" she asks. "I was so focused on helping Militus that I wasn't really paying attention to much else last night. I'm sorry, I meant no offense, truly."
  121. [2014-04-12 22:12:01] * Militus steps forward, looming over Clue. "That is precisely what /I/ thought! Protect? Protect!? Let me tell you how much the power of shadows will PROTECT you and the rest of us!"
  122. [2014-04-12 22:13:01] * Militus gestures to the scars running along his neck. "THIS! THIS is how it protects! And I was LUCKY because someone ELSE wound up being the one to DIE!"
  123. [2014-04-12 22:13:43] * Clue shrinks in size. "...I didn't..." Her entire body language is that of depression.
  124. [2014-04-12 22:14:12] * Militus turns away from Clue sharply. "If that's how you intend to 'protect' us, I'd ask you not protect me at all." He briskly walks across the to the other side of the atrium.
  125. [2014-04-12 22:14:33] * Asami continues her frown at the huge alicorn "last night you were less than 15 feet from me...and I was trying to talk to you ..and no you weren't saying jack and or shit to Militus at that time and space because all you did was order a drink and hang your head...and THEN you got up later and left with JailbarsButt....I dunno how you were raised Emerald but where I come from? ignoring your...
  126. [2014-04-12 22:14:34] * Clue sulks.
  127. [2014-04-12 22:14:35] * Asami ...friends is really hurtful and rude...
  128. [2014-04-12 22:16:02] * Militus sits down facing away from the others present. He tries to control his shaking.
  129. [2014-04-12 22:16:15] * Tallie sleeps through the drama.,
  130. [2014-04-12 22:16:37] * Emerald_Blitz hangs her head. "I'm sorry, Asami. I was at the bar self-medicating and stocking up on courage to confront Militus over some behavioral issues, and I was afraid it was going to turn sour. I didn't want distractions, and I didn't want anyone to know how weak and unskilled I felt just then. Talking with you would have broken my resolve." The alicorn sighs. "I truly meant no offense, little...
  131. [2014-04-12 22:16:39] * Emerald_Blitz ...friend, and I beg your forgiveness. If I can make it up to you in some way, I surely will, you have but to ask."
  132. [2014-04-12 22:18:49] * Asami sighs as her complexion softens somewhat "Did it ever occur to you that I could help you? Talking to ponies is my thing yaknow...I don't hate you Emmy...just, it really gets me down when my friends shut me out of their lives
  133. [2014-04-12 22:19:53] <Asami> I know some things have been eating at you too..even doctors need to see a doctor sometimes? But I'm more or less ready to go so whats up?
  134. [2014-04-12 22:21:11] |<-- Emerald_Blitz has left (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Dimestream)))
  135. [2014-04-12 22:21:27] -->| Emerald_Blitz (Dimestream@Pony-999.9mt.76.69.IP) has joined #FoECrystal
  136. [2014-04-12 22:22:57] * Emerald_Blitz sighs. "We're getting ready to leave. Wasting daylight after all. And, well..." She smiles weakly. "With all the stress and changes I've gone through recently, I... could very well use a kind ear that I'm NOT currently treating for some psychosis." The alicorn chuckles. "BUt that will have to wait for later. Shall we go?"
  137. [2014-04-12 22:25:56] * Asami nodsnods "lead the way ohh captain my captain
  138. [2014-04-12 22:28:19] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Onward and upward. And... thank you, Asami." She scoops the dragon up and adds her to the load already on her back. "It's nice to know that I don't have to be the only one lending an ear from time to time." She heads back to the atrium, to find a huddled Clue and a pissed Militus. She looks one direction, then the other, and goes to Clue first. "I take it you two had a fight?" she...
  139. [2014-04-12 22:28:20] * Emerald_Blitz ...says. "Let's go. We can talk about it on the way."
  140. [2014-04-12 22:29:00] * Militus is curt. "Yes. Let's go."
  141. [2014-04-12 22:29:20] <Asami> well uhm...thats not something I expected to see
  142. [2014-04-12 22:30:13] * Clue keeps her ears down and follows the group silently.
  143. [2014-04-12 22:30:33] * Militus marches along in stony silence.
  144. [2014-04-12 22:31:00] * Emerald_Blitz frowns. "Come, you two. It's a brand new day. Let's not start it sore at one another. I think this job is taking its toll on all of us. After we find and solve this Stable, I say we take a vacation day, then finish our job for your town, what say you?" she says as they head out.
  145. [2014-04-12 22:31:36] * Militus nods. "Vacation sounds...nice. Would we take that here at the Stable, or back at the village?"
  146. [2014-04-12 22:31:55] <CrystalDM> 03Once outside... wait, yup! Birds are chirping, the sun is shining... its a lovely day outside!
  147. [2014-04-12 22:32:27] <Emerald_Blitz> "Well, I for one want to meet Clue's parents and rectify that misunderstanding," Emerald says. "Barring the nightmares, your village is very pleasant, and I'd like to meet more of your friends. Friends of friends, and all..."
  148. [2014-04-12 22:33:27] * Clue remains silent, keeping up as slowly as she can go without actually falling behind.
  149. [2014-04-12 22:36:04] * Tallie stirs on Emerald's back. "mmmm... where am I?" she asks, bleary eyed.
  150. [2014-04-12 22:36:23] <CrystalDM> 03The 'silvery' house stands... the only sound that can be heard is the dead trees creaking in the breeze. No birds... no bugs... just... dead trees...
  151. [2014-04-12 22:37:02] <Emerald_Blitz> "Wandering the wasteland, looking for a long-lost vault full of cloned psychopaths," Emerald says. "You should probably wake up and draw a gun," she tells the griffon. "Somepony want to go in and take a look and see what we're up against?" she says to Clue.
  152. [2014-04-12 22:38:06] * Tallie sits up and stretches. "Oh maan... didn't get to say cya to Washer." she says, sounding awefully tired. She yawns and pulls her nade launcher off her back. "Oh well."
  153. [2014-04-12 22:38:24] <Emerald_Blitz> "I need your stealthy hooves and sharp eyes forward, Clue," Emerald says. "I'll be right behind you in case you run into anything dangerous."
  154. [2014-04-12 22:42:58] * Clue nods and starts to move forwards, her horn covers itself in it's regular crystalline layer as she checks ahead. "I'm... not... detecting anything... for... like... a LONG distance..." She explains with a confused expression.
  155. [2014-04-12 22:44:16] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Well, that may be a good sign. But if you get in trouble, shout for us and we'll come rushing in like the infantry," the alicorn says. "We'll stay here for a few and then come in after. Report back if you see anything suspicious or dangerous, would you kindly?" She kisses the top of Clue's head. "And most importantly, take care of yourself, all right?"
  156. [2014-04-12 22:46:46] * Clue is expressionless for a moment, before a smile creeps onto her face. "Take care of Owl then?" She asks of Emerald_Blitz while gesturing to the metalic owl on her back.
  157. [2014-04-12 22:47:12] * Tallie shivers in the snow.
  158. [2014-04-12 22:47:35] * Emerald_Blitz rolls her eyes. "I'm not going to dignify that with a response," she says amusedly. "I mean you, you wonderful beautiful bundle of nerves. Now get going. It's cold out here."
  159. [2014-04-12 22:48:08] * Tallie pulls at her armour. "Hmm... I think I've got snow in my pants..."
  160. [2014-04-12 22:48:27] * Militus shifts on his hooves to stay warm. He has no parting words.
  161. [2014-04-12 22:48:37] * Emerald_Blitz looks at Tallie. "Lucky you. I don't even HAVE pants. I have literally gotten too big for my britches, as they say."
  162. [2014-04-12 22:49:16] * Tallie chuckles. "Just keep that tail down then." she says, walking just infront of Emerald.
  163. [2014-04-12 22:49:29] * Clue lets Owl perch on Emerald_Blitz instead before taking a lowered position and sneaks into the building, sneakily.
  164. [2014-04-12 22:49:43] <CrystalDM> 03The owl looks at Emerald_Blitz. "Who."
  165. [2014-04-12 22:50:09] * Emerald_Blitz makes a disgusted noise. "Oh, and Clue... don't forget what Feather Fall said. Good luck..."
  166. [2014-04-12 22:50:27] * Emerald_Blitz looks at the brass owl and frowns. "I already identified myself to you yesterday. Check your memory banks."
  167. [2014-04-12 22:51:03] <CrystalDM> 03The owl looks at Emerald_Blitz. "Who."
  168. [2014-04-12 22:51:19] <Asami> uhh..I think it's just mimicking an owl?
  169. [2014-04-12 22:53:08] <Emerald_Blitz> "Not when it's focusing like this. It can speak regularly as well," the alicorn says, then turns to the owl "Captain Emerald Blitz, Lunar Army. Serial number 03020378. Store that and stop asking."
  170. [2014-04-12 22:54:35] <CrystalDM> 03This house has not stood the test of time well. The wallpaper, depicting scenes of nobility, has faded, cracked, and is peeling. The stone floors are covered in detritus and what can be only hoped for as mud...
  171. [2014-04-12 22:55:32] <CrystalDM> 03A soft whirring can be heard from the the owl, as the eye shutters blink. "Records Match. Who."
  172. [2014-04-12 22:56:08] <Emerald_Blitz> "Specify your query," Emerald says. "Picture... may not match associated profile."
  173. [2014-04-12 22:56:58] <CrystalDM> 03The owl's head spins 360 degrees before looking at Emerald. "No query. Who."
  174. [2014-04-12 22:57:20] * Militus watches the proceeding with some amusement.
  175. [2014-04-12 22:57:40] * Clue cocks her head as her ear flickers. "That... that can't be..." She delves deeper inside.
  176. [2014-04-12 22:58:01] * Emerald_Blitz looks down at Asami. "NOW it's just mimicking an owl," she says in amusement. "I told you so." The alicorn looks at Militus. "Safe to follow along now, do you think?"
  177. [2014-04-12 22:58:49] * Militus nods. "And I worry about leaving our 'dear' scout alone for too long," he grumbles.
  178. [2014-04-12 22:58:51] * Tallie looks at the floor. "Ick."
  179. [2014-04-12 22:59:30] <CrystalDM> (( Redact Tallie's Statement ))
  180. [2014-04-12 23:00:19] <Emerald_Blitz> "Don't be like that, Militus," Emerald says. "She was the first friend I made since arriving, and despite her flaws, she's a lovely pony. Just a little more broken than some, and as they say, you catch more flies with honey and all." She begins following after Clue. "As long as she's not ransacking the place and trying to hide the spoils from us, I really do worry about her, as much as I do...
  181. [2014-04-12 23:00:21] <Emerald_Blitz> ...about any of you."
  182. [2014-04-12 23:00:29] * Clue ears swivel trying to pick up something she's hearing. Her breathing picks up as something swirls in her head.
  183. [2014-04-12 23:00:55] * Militus sighs and follows along.
  184. [2014-04-12 23:02:04] <Emerald_Blitz> "You have to understand that until she proves she's incorrigible, I have to try," Emerald explains. "Both as a doctor and as a friend. It's the kind thing to do, even if it's not the most convenient thing to do."
  185. [2014-04-12 23:03:22] * Militus nods slowly.
  186. [2014-04-12 23:03:57] * Tallie looks at Emerald. "Y'know, I never understood that whole honey flies thing. Flies are also attracted to poop."
  187. [2014-04-12 23:04:51] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "I suppose that's where the analogy breaks down, Tallie. No one ever made friends by being a shithead."
  188. [2014-04-12 23:05:32] <Asami> thats...really creepy...I smeell somethingt burnt and...a crying foal? I think?
  189. [2014-04-12 23:05:44] * Tallie giggles and nods. "Right."
  190. [2014-04-12 23:06:35] * Emerald_Blitz looks around. "I hear it too. And... something smells burnt," she says. "It's very quiet though..."
  191. [2014-04-12 23:07:10] * Tallie looks at Emerald and Asami. "What?" she asks. "I can't hear or smell anything." Then she sniffs her pits. "I mean, I did shower recently..."
  192. [2014-04-12 23:07:55] <CrystalDM> 03Clue looks down into a broken and crushed wall... into a metal stairwell that leads into the darkness. The problem... is that the darkness looks back, with six pairs of blinking eyes.
  193. [2014-04-12 23:08:06] <Emerald_Blitz> "Shh," Emerald says, her ears swiveling to pinpoint the sound. "Clue," she whispers. "Do you hear anything?"
  194. [2014-04-12 23:16:34] <CrystalDM> 03Three small, Asami-size geckos, dark as those stairs rush out of the darkness, making no noise as they move. They head for the unicorn.
  195. [2014-04-12 23:18:46] <CrystalDM> 03One of the geckos jumps OVER Clue, landing on the other side. The geckos lash out, biting and gnawing at the unicorn.
  196. [2014-04-12 23:24:07] * Clue screams in pain as the geckos jump her before she had time to react.
  197. [2014-04-12 23:26:47] * Tallie peeks through the door where she heard the screaming and lifts her weapon. She fires, but it jams! "Dammit!" She quickly zips back around the corner.
  198. [2014-04-12 23:27:53] <CrystalDM> 03Another gecko darts out of the darkness, leaping over the screaming unicorn and his friends and starts to gnaw on her.
  199. [2014-04-12 23:29:42] <CrystalDM> 03Unfortunately, that gecko slips on a wet bit of... mud? and falls on its tail. It gets back up, opening its mouth to growl and howl... and no sound comes out.
  200. [2014-04-12 23:33:26] <Emerald_Blitz> "CLUE!" Emerald shouts as the silent geckos tear into her. "Militus! Violence! NOW!" she orders, pointing into the room. "Black geckos at ten'o'clock!" Her horn glows and scoops Clue from the melee, depositing the unicorn safely behind her, and in a flash, her shield comes online and its angry green lights the room. "I tire of these reptiles..."
  201. [2014-04-12 23:35:15] |<-- Emerald_Blitz has left (Connection closed)
  202. [2014-04-12 23:36:03] -->| Emerald_Blitz (Dimestream@Pony-999.9mt.76.69.IP) has joined #FoECrystal
  203. [2014-04-12 23:41:14] * Militus barrels past Emerald_Blitz towards the geckos, pulling out a spear in the process. He deftly impales a gecko with it on arrival.
  204. [2014-04-12 23:46:47] * Clue is grateful to be out of harms way but she is no longer in clear view to shoot. She moves around to beside Emerald_Blitz and tries to shoot some geckos. Tries being the key word. Her 'new' guns jam on the first shot.
  205. [2014-04-12 23:50:42] * Militus skewers another gecko as it charges him.
  206. [2014-04-12 23:50:43] <CrystalDM> 03The geckos run up to Militus, one falling under the zebra's very point pipes. However, one lives long enough to try gnawing on the heavily armored zebra.
  207. [2014-04-12 23:52:48] * Militus glaces disdainfully at the gecko trying unsuccessfully to bite his leg off.
  208. [2014-04-12 23:52:58] <CrystalDM> 03The little gecko gnaws viciously at the stallion... and doesn't even mess up Bolt's paint job.
  209. [2014-04-13 00:04:55] * Asami dashes out into the middle of the room where Militus had engaged and she lets loose with a huge torf of fire that pretty much covers everything on that side of the room in wonderful flames!
  210. [2014-04-13 00:06:53] <CrystalDM> 03Well, if the geckos could make a sound, they'd be screaming. Hell, even their skin makes no sound as the fire consumes them... and they die.
  211. [2014-04-13 00:08:43] * Tallie fiddles with her revolver. "Dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit."
  212. [2014-04-13 00:09:14] * Emerald_Blitz draws a potion from her belt and feeds it to Clue. "Goodness, that was sudden," she says with a grimace. "At least we're getting better at handling ambushes."
  213. [2014-04-13 00:10:00] <CrystalDM> 03Asami's blue flame crackles momentarily on Militus... before sputtering out. Power of Friendship, yay?
  214. [2014-04-13 00:10:31] * Tallie finally unjams her revolver and turns the corner. "Clue! Clue, are you alright?!"
  215. [2014-04-13 00:10:36] * Militus opens his eyes and takes a long breath, trying not to yell in pain.
  216. [2014-04-13 00:12:27] * Clue unjams her gun and drinks the potion from Emerald_Blitz. "Yeah.... I'm fine... I just rushed forwards cause I thought I heard a foal..."
  217. [2014-04-13 00:12:46] * Asami then slams face 1st into the wall, having been unable to stop herself after her dash
  218. [2014-04-13 00:13:24] * Tallie holds up her revolver. "I tried to help but my revolver jammed."
  219. [2014-04-13 00:14:01] * Emerald_Blitz looks at Militus. "Impressive armor, but not, I think, fireproof," she says as her horn lights up and soothing green light spreads over Militus' scorched skin. "You or I should go first now. This shield is highly protective, and after that, I'm sure our presence is known."
  220. [2014-04-13 00:14:46] * Clue 's ear twitches again. "Thank you for trying..." Her head turns back down to the stairs. "...I still hear it..." The small unicorn walks to the edge of the stairwell.
  221. [2014-04-13 00:14:51] * Militus nods, sighing in relief at the healing. "I can go first. It helps to be closest to the enemy when the fight starts anyway."
  222. [2014-04-13 00:16:14] <Emerald_Blitz> "Stay together and let's find that foal. If it's real," she says doubtfully. "With all we've seen recently, we must be cautious. Shouldn't you have Tallie unjam your guns, Clue?"
  223. [2014-04-13 00:16:57] * Clue half turns her head back. "Hmm?..." She asks without thinking, her attention drawn to the stairwell.
  224. [2014-04-13 00:17:16] * Tallie "I seriously doubt it. I think its sound magic." Tallie says. "Think about it. The geckos made no sound, and there's a crying foal. Two things that probably shouldn't happen here." Then she looks at Emerald and Clue. "Let me take a look." she says, walking over to Clue.
  225. [2014-04-13 00:18:06] <Emerald_Blitz> "Your rifles misfired," Emerald said. "Poor job on the re-rig, I shouldn't wonder. Without a jambuster, Tallie will need to take the rifles off to unjam them." She looks down the stairwell. "Well, that's certainly ominous. But a good place to keep a Stable, I shouldnt' wonder..."
  226. [2014-04-13 00:18:35] <CrystalDM> 03As Clue gazes down the stairwell, from whence the cries of a foal can be heard, there are no other sounds in the house. Even the wind has died, the trees having stopped their groans. Who knows what other things lurk in the darkness? Who knows what the adventurers may find?
  227. [2014-04-13 00:18:40] * Tallie looks at Emerald_Blitz. "You better get your money back on those guns."
  228. [2014-04-13 00:18:52] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group: Session End====
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