

Jul 18th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: ( ? Or I have an EDM one)
  2. Covet: [link them both. Can't hurt to have a back up when if this one runs out
  3. Covet: *]
  4. Covet: [Cause if it's college night they'd play a mix of everything too.]
  5. Alexithymiaa: ( )
  6. Tsaaq: Bliss was jamming and such on the dance floor before she moved through the crowd to grab herself a drink. She ordered a cosmo as her eyes searched around for her crowd of friends, also her fiance.
  7. Covet: Felix was already dancing about to the music. It was a bit more pop than he'd like but he was living it up, putting his hands up and trying to dance all ethereal to the song that was playing. Toching his body because his hoodie was open as the artisst said to "touch me" Because he's obnoxious like that. // Kelsey smiled as she pulled up to the club and went to climb out. She was wearing a black sparkely number and had her make up done up a little darker than what she normally did. Hoping that it would help hide and disguise her lest someone tries to snag a photo like they had while her and Brad were skinny dipping. She looked over at Brad who was moping next to her, "Cheer up, We'll figure out your car situation okay? Let's go dance and forget all of this. // Eli came back from the bathroom and had lost Bliss who'd been on the dancefloor but was now at the bar getting a drink. He smiled as he came up behind her and went about swaying her hips along with his to the beat of the song as it changed.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was out on the dance floor doing her thing with Felix and after all the fucking dance classes, she was fairly good at this more than just the usual flailing. She rolled her body along with the music, bringing her arms up to curl around her head before dropping them down to hug to her chest because she was super concerned her flowy top was a little TOO flowy. // Climbing out of the car, Brad let out a deep sigh, closing the door behind him and reaching his hand out to take Kelsey's heading to the front of the club. "And what happens when we leave here and I'm reminded that I'm without a car, again?" He asked her a little sharply and without intention to actually be rude. Flashing his ID, he stepped into the club behind Kelsey, glancing around at the crowded dance floor and recognizing quite a few people since college night. "Dance or drink?"-
  9. Tsaaq: She sipped from her fancy glass as she swayed her hips. She felt someone come behind her and immediately turned. "Oh it's only you!" She giggled and went to peck his lips. "Want me to order anything for you honey?" She asked him loudly over the sound of the music.
  10. Covet: Felix was watching Steph as she danced enjoying her company as she kept worrying about her clothes, "It's fine.. Really, nobody can see anything, I promise, I've been watching." He smirked at her as Nick Jonas came on and he went about being all over the top Lip syncing style as he danced all sexy like moving his hips and getting all up in Steph's business. // Kelsey walked over to him and laced her fingers through his, "We'll worry about that then. All else fails you get a little drunk tonight and you won't realize we're not in your car." She said as if that was some sort of consolation. She flashed her ID and made her way in, "Let's go get a drink first, then we'll go dance." // "I'll take a beer, and another kiss or two" He said with a grin, laughing as he startled her, but still went about dancing because he was in a pretty damn good mood despite the conversation his dad had with him today. He wasn't going to think about that right now.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She laughed as she watched him, leaning against him to continue moving along with the music. "Why do you know the words to Nick Jonas?" She asked, twirling herself around and leaning back against him, swaying to the beat. "I'm not sure if I'm flattered that you've been watching or not." // Brad gave a small defeated shrug, following her over to the bar. "I'm not really wanting to get drunk though. Do you want something sweet?" He asked as he leaned on the bar.-
  12. Tsaaq: Bliss went to peck his lips a couple more times. "Oh this is just what I needed. Today was so stressful at the house." She sighed and went to drink more of her cosmo. "We'll take a beer please. Stella Atois!" She called out to the bartender, French accent and everything. "Is that fine?"
  13. Covet: "Okay, so my mom refuses to listen to anything but pop music in the vehicle when we're together. When you have a drive that takes two days, you hear a lot of the same shit." Felix told her with a laugh, then grabbed Steph by the hips, "Flattered of course. You can't wear something like that and expect me not to appreciate it at least a little bit." // "Are you sure? It might help and all else fails we can get a cab back to the dorms." Kelsey said then nodded her head, "Yes sweet with schnapps or something." She said then saw Bliss giving her a wave, "Hi! Oh my goodness, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" She said walking over to the bar a little quicker to greet her. // "If it's beer, I'll drink it. Everything going okay at the house? I know my parents aren't exactly happy." He said with a chuckle as she ordered him the fancy beer, in his eyes. He watched as Kelsey and Brad came up to them and gave them both a wave, while an arm stayed wrapped around Bliss' waist.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "And here I was extremely worried about how I looked." She shot back over her shoulder at him, lifting her arms up and behind her to drape around his neck. "And that actually reminds me that I wanted to text your mom." // Brad leaned over the bar to order their drinks, taking them from the bartender and moving over to Kelsey to hand her, her glass. "Hey guys. How's it going? This place is pretty packed tonight."-
  15. Tsaaq: "It is, have you never heard their commercials on Spotify?" She asked him. "Oh my gosh. I'm so glad you guys are here! I have the best news!" She shouted over the music. "Order your drinks and I'll tell you!"
  16. Covet: "You will always look fantastic next to me. I'm happy being the embarassing one." Felix told her with a laugh, then smiled as she wrapped her arms around him. When she mentioned his mom he raised an eyebrow and pulled back to look at her, "You can't be conspiring with her when she's not here. That's not even fair. She's my mom first" // Kelsey frowned finding it hard to see Brad so upset when she knew he was going to love his surprise tomorrow. She was trying to keep herself from looking too upbeat since he was so down about it. Looking at Bliss her eyes lit up as she said she had good news, "Oh yay!, Brad's getting drinks for us." She said then took it when he brought it back // "I haven't, but I've seen their commercials on TV. I didn't know they were advertising on places like Spotify." He said impressed as he took a sip from his beer, grinning because he was enjoying how excited Bliss was about all of this. He enjoyed seeing her this happy.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -She turned to look at him, leaning back a bit so she could look into his face with raised brows. "She might be your mom first, but that doesn't mean I can't talk to her. I talked to her plenty over the last week and rest assured, I'm not conspiring against you. I don't know, I really liked her and I guess I'm a little jealous of the relationship you have with her. I never had that and I felt alarmingly comfortable talking to her which is why I wasn't actually mad at you for telling her shit about me." // Brad took a sip of his beer and looped his free arm around Kelsey's shoulders, looking at the two in front of them. "The best news? I could use some good news. Hit us with it."-
  18. Tsaaq: She nodded her head at Eli. "Oh yes. Before I paid for Premium last summer all I heard were Stella Atois commercials." She smiled. She grit her teeth while smiling at the two of them. "Well..." She trailed off. "Yesterday Eli proposed and I said yes and we're getting married!" She cheered, hopping up and down but not so much that her drink spilled.
  19. Covet: "Oh well if it's advice and what not you're are talking to her about, that's fine. But the minute you two cross that line and start conspiring me, You'll regret it, Red." He told her wagging a finger in her face. // Kelsey leaned into Brad as she sipped from her super sweet drink, which are the worst for hangovers, I don't know why she does this shit to herself. She listened to Bliss when she said they were getting married, Kelsey gave a happy squeal and jumped around with Bliss all excited like, " Oh my goodness, Congratulations you two! I'm so happy, you're so perfect together!" // Eli gave a humble chuckle and nodded his head, tipping his glass up as he watched the girls spazz out. He was feeling pretty proud though too.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Oh stop, she's already sent me enough pictures to hold over your head for the rest of your life. I don't need her help to conspire against you at this point." She laughed before beginning to dance again, bouncing as she did. "And way to gloss over that whole, you told her a bunch of stuff I told you specifically not to tell her, thing." // Brad's eyes went wide, pulling his arm away from Kelsey so she could do her jumping thng before sending out a hand to high five Eli like a fucking dork. "Wow, way to go. Congratulations, guys. That really is great news." He held up his beer as a sort of one person toast before taking a sip from it.-
  21. Tsaaq: ((Sorry guys.))
  22. Tsaaq: ((Fuckery.))
  23. Tsaaq: "I know! Isn't just so amazing!" She cheered with her smile big. She finished off her cosmo then hugged Kelsey a moment. "I've been thinking it over and I hope you'd be interested in being a bridesmaid."
  24. Covet: "I'm a guy it's what I do. You said you weren't mad about it, so as far as I see it I've gotten of nearly scott free.. You know except for the whole you have blackmail photos of me. " Felix told her bouncing and dancing around with her. // "Of course and I'm absolutely honored that you're asking me to be a bridesmaid!" Kelsey said hugging Bliss back "Oh my goodness this is totally the best news ever!" // Eli gave Brad a high five back, and drank with him as a toast, "Thanks man. We're pretty over the moon about it."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not mad about it because your mom is insanely chill and essentially stepped in to be a second mom when she saw that mom number one was shitty. In any other instance? I'd have killed you." She eyed him a second, reaching out to grab his hand so she could pull herself in close to him for dances. "And if you do it again without permission, I WILL kill you. I don't like my problems aired out for just anyone." // Brad watched the two girls with a smile, his mood definitely up a bit from finding out about his 'dead' car. "Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be?" He asked before sipping his beer again. "It's too soon for details, right?"-
  26. Tsaaq: "Oh yay! Good. Alright well, I'll let you know about more of our plans. Soon." She pointed a finger at Kelsey. "We should have a little engagement party I think." She said to Eli. "I'm buying us another round of drinks." She cheered as she turned to the bartender for drink stuff.
  27. Covet: "I told you my mom was awesome." Felix said all cocky like, then wrapped his arms around Steph, "I wouldn't just air that out to anyone. I know my mom wouldn't judge you one way or the other, and I totally knew she'd love you. She's a good person, so where you threaten me with death, Mom's always going to be an option when I can't get through to you. Two can play that game." He said pressing a kiss o the top of her head. // "Ooh that would be so much fun, I've never been to an engagement party before!" Kelsey said as she swooned because god damn hopeless romantic."Thank you for the drink, Bliss." // "I'm sure we'll get them situated as soon as possible for everyone." Eli said with a smile, finishing off his beer just in time for Bliss to order them another round of drinks, "I'm just going to go along with what I'm told on this one, because I can barely figure out wine, let alone wedding details." He said with a laugh.
  28. Alexithymiaa: "When you can't get through to me?" She shot back, leaning back a bit so she could look into his face. "Since when have you not been able to get through to me? I think I've been fairly open to all the ridiculous things that pour out of your mouth, Arizona." // Brad laughed and shook his head at how excited Kelsey was getting over the prospect of all of this wedding shit. "You've never been to an engagement party before? Ever?" He asked, sipping his beer. "Guess this will be your first then."-
  29. Tsaaq: She nodded as she went to pass everyone their drink. "I'm glad to be your first engagement party." She grinned. "Eli, don't worry about those things. You know my grandmother will have her hand in some of the planning right?"
  30. Covet: "You have, by all means, nobody is discrediting that.However, eventually that's going to wear off, you'll get used to me. You know build up a tollerance. But Mom, Mom's have the ability to get around all of that, all of the time." Felix said to her in a matter of fact tone. // "No, I wasn't able to go to my cousin's because they did it in New York, and I had to work and Mom and Dad weren't going." Kelsey said with a frown. "All the more reason I'm excited about it. "// Eli laughed, "She already made me well aware of some of the important details that would be implimented, when I asked her permission."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Get used to you?" She laughed, rolling her eyes. "I think I'm fairly used to you by now despite the fact that you like to surprise me every now and then. Like with the lyrics to Nick Jonas. But I'd appreciate if you didnt use your mother against me because I like her." She spun herself around and took a deep breath, lifting her hand to fan herself. "Can we sit? I feel kinda... eh." // Brad furrowed his brows as he looked back and forth between Eli and Bliss. "Wait, your grandma is planning the wedding? Isn't that kind of... weird?" He asked slowly.-
  32. Tsaaq: She laughed a little and shook her head. "That sounds like my Gram." Bliss furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. "No?" She replied to Brad. "Gram plans a lot of things. That's where I get that from I believe."
  33. Covet: "You assume that that you'll know when I use her against you. She'd never tell you at this point," He said with a laugh, then nodded his head, "We can go outside, take a break and get some fresh air?" He offered, motioning to take her that direction. // "Well, Prudence is more like her mom, and I think that might just be a mom thing, to want to be involved and help plan." Kelsey said trying to explain to Brad. // "I told her that I'd let you take care of all of that, everything gets your final approval." Eli said putting his hands up, then took a drink from his beer.
  34. Alexithymiaa: -She narrowed her eyes on his face, smacking the back of her hand playfully into his stomach. "Why dont you just slow down on using your mom to get what you want, okay? I think you're doing pretty alright for now." She nodded her head to him and started off the dance floor heading in the direction of the exit, taking a few deep breaths. // "Gotcha." Brad nodded, finishing off his beer and moving to put the empty cup on the bar so the bartender could take it. Looking around and then to Kelsey, he couldnt help but fall back into thinking of his car. "Are you ready to head out soon?"-
  35. Tsaaq: Bliss smiled at Kelsey explanation then let out a sigh. She went to sip her drink and glanced over to Eli. "Aw. You know me so well." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "You're heading out?" She asked the two of them.
  36. Covet: Felix gave a groan as he laughed at her comment, then watched her as she started taking deep breaths. "You okay? Maybe we should just head back to the house. Preferably if your brother's not going to catch us coming in. The last thing I need to do is explain why you're breathing so hard." // Kelsey looked at Brad, then to Bliss, " I think so. Bradley is a little bummed out about his car right now. I think Ill get him home so I can comfort him about it." She said with a wink to Bliss that Brad couldn't see, not in a sexual way but it was probably going to come off as that when really she knew all about his car situation and then some. // Eli rubbed Bliss's arm and smiled, "I like to think I do. I'd like to get a couple of dances in with the future mrs. but if you both are heading out, I'll say goodbye first.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "I'm fine. We did a lot of dancing." She forced a smile, trying to act more fine than she actually felt because she was fucking exhausted after that. "Bryan shouldnt be home. He said he needed to talk to CJ about something, so he probably stayed over there. Which means we have the house to ourselves." She laughed, pushing her hair out of her face as she stepped outside. // "I think I'm rightfully bummed, thank you very much." He spoke with a frown, feeling a little defensive and he was just all around in a crappy mood over his poor dead car. "Ill just... wait outside, okay?" He asked, turning away from the small group to make his way toward the exit.-
  38. Tsaaq: She laughed and nodded before clutching onto Eli. "Yes, I like that idea." She smiled. She went to wave at Kelsey and Brad. "Goodnight guys... Feel better Bradley?" She called out.
  39. Covet: Felix looked at Steph and kept moving towards his car, "Well then what are we doing here still, Let's get back to your place and we can cuddle and get your heart rate back down." He said because he so wasn't putting sex on the table, he knew that wasn't going to happen with how she was breathing. // Kelsey gave a light sigh and looked at Eli and Bliss, "He'll be fine. His car is fine. He'll find out tomorrow. " She said then went about following him out of the club so they could go back to the dorms. // Eli waved at Kelsey and Brad, then took Bliss' hand and made his way out to the dance floor so they could get a couple of dances in beofre heading hom theirselves.
  40. Alexithymiaa: "We can do that. And maybe put a movie on and fall asleep?" She asked a little whimsically as she made her way to his Jeep to climb up and inside, her pulse finally not hammering in her head as she relaxed in the car. // Waiting for Kelsey to come out of the club, he followed her to her mini, climbing into the passenger seat with his knees in his mouth so they could head home.-
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