

May 10th, 2014
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  1. #####
  2. ### The code below is written by Benjamin Lind under CC: BY-NC-SA 3.0
  3. ### If you use or develop this code, please provide proper attribution.
  4. ### You may contact me at lind.benjamin//at//gmail//d0t//com
  5. ### You may also find me @benjaminlind on Twitter
  6. #####
  8. using Graphs
  10. #####
  11. ### Convenient helper functions for the Graphs library in the language of Julia
  12. ### These do not call on any other library and are written entirely in Julia
  13. ### For more information on the library, see:
  14. #####
  16. ### To load these functions:
  17. ## download("", "GraphsLibHelperFunctions.jl"); include("GraphsLibHelperFunctions.jl"); rm("GraphsLibHelperFunctions.jl")
  20. ### el_2_graph converts an edgelist to a GenericGraph type
  21. ## They vary based upon string or integer inputs.
  22. ## They can accept the number of vertices or vertex names are supplied.
  23. ## If the number of vertices or names are not supplied, then the information is inferred from the edgelist
  25. function el_2_graph(n::Int, el::Array{Int, 2}; directed::Bool = true, vtype::DataType = KeyVertex, etype::DataType = Edge)
  26. # _n_ refers to the number of vertices in the graph
  27. # _el_ is an integer only edgelist
  29. vertexnames = [el[:,1], el[:,2]]
  30. vertexnames = unique(vertexnames)
  31. if (minimum(vertexnames) < 1) | (n < 1)
  32. error("The number of vertices ('n') and the vertex indices must be greater than or equal to 1.")
  33. end
  34. n = ifelse(maximum(vertexnames) > n, maximum(vertexnames), n)
  35. ne = size(el, 1)
  36. if vtype == KeyVertex
  37. vlist = Array(vtype{Int}, n)
  38. for i = 1:n
  39. vlist[i] = vtype(i, i)
  40. end
  41. elseif vtype == ExVertex
  42. vlist = Array(vtype, n)
  43. for i = 1:n
  44. vlist[i] = vtype(i, string(i))
  45. end
  46. else
  47. error("'vtype' must be either KeyVertex or ExVertex")
  48. end
  49. elist = Array(etype{typeof(vlist[1])}, ne)
  50. for i = 1:ne
  51. elist[i] = etype(i, vlist[el[i, 1]], vlist[el[i, 2]])
  52. end
  53. return graph(vlist, elist, is_directed = directed)
  54. end
  56. function el_2_graph(el::Array{Int, 2}; directed::Bool = true, vtype::DataType = KeyVertex, etype::DataType = Edge)
  57. # _el_ is an integer only edgelist
  59. vertexnames = [el[:,1], el[:,2]]
  60. vertexnames = unique(vertexnames)
  61. n = maximum(vertexnames)
  62. return el_2_graph(n, el; directed = directed, vtype = vtype, etype = etype)
  63. end
  65. function el_2_graph(v::Array{String, 1}, el::Array{String, 2}; directed::Bool = true, label::Bool = true, vtype::DataType = KeyVertex, etype::DataType = Edge)
  66. # _v_ is a list of vertex "names"
  67. # _el_ is an edgelist of vertex "names"
  69. v = unique(v) #In case of double entries
  70. vertexnames = [el[:,1], el[:,2]]
  71. vertexnames = unique(vertexnames)
  72. for i = 1:length(vertexnames)
  73. if in(vertexnames[i], v) == false
  74. vunnamed = vertexnames[i]
  75. warn("Vertex $vunnamed appears in the edge list 'el' but not in the vertex list 'v'. Including $vunnamed in 'v'.")
  76. push!(v, vunnamed)
  77. end
  78. end
  79. n = length(v)
  80. ne = size(el, 1)
  81. if label
  82. if vtype == KeyVertex
  83. vlist = Array(vtype{typeof(v[1])}, n)
  84. elseif vtype == ExVertex
  85. vlist = Array(vtype, n)
  86. else
  87. error("'vtype' must be either KeyVertex or ExVertex")
  88. end
  89. for i = 1:n
  90. vlist[i] = vtype(i, v[i])
  91. end
  92. else
  93. if vtype == KeyVertex
  94. vlist = Array(vtype{Int}, n)
  95. for i = 1:n
  96. vlist[i] = vtype(i, i)
  97. end
  98. elseif vtype == ExVertex
  99. vlist = Array(vtype, n)
  100. for i = 1:n
  101. vlist[i] = vtype(i, string(i))
  102. end
  103. else
  104. error("'vtype' must be either KeyVertex or ExVertex")
  105. end
  106. end
  107. elist = Array(etype{typeof(vlist[1])}, ne)
  108. for i = 1:ne
  109. elist[i] = etype(i, vlist[findin([v], [el[i, 1]])[1]], vlist[findin([v], [el[i, 2]])[1]])
  110. end
  111. return graph(vlist, elist, is_directed = directed)
  112. end
  114. function el_2_graph(el::Array{String, 2}; directed::Bool = true, label::Bool = true, vtype::DataType = KeyVertex, etype::DataType = Edge)
  115. # _el_ is an edgelist of vertex "names"
  116. v = unique([el[:,1], el[:,2]])
  117. return el_2_graph(v, el, directed = directed, label = label, vtype = vtype, etype = etype)
  118. end
  120. function el_2_graph(v::Array{String, 1}, el::Array{Int, 2}; directed::Bool = true, label::Bool = true, vtype::DataType = KeyVertex, etype::DataType = Edge)
  121. # _v_ is a list of vertex "names"
  122. # _el_ is an integer only edgelist
  123. if any(el .> length(v))
  124. error("The number of indexes referenced in 'el' exceeds the number of vertices provided.")
  125. end
  126. eldim = size(el)
  127. newel = Array(String, eldim[1], eldim[2])
  128. for i = 1:eldim[1]
  129. newel[i,:] = [v[el[i, 1]], v[el[i, 2]]]
  130. end
  132. return el_2_graph(v, newel, directed = directed, label = label, vtype = vtype, etype = etype)
  133. end
  135. function el_2_graph(v::Array{UTF8String, 1}, el::Array{UTF8String, 2}; directed::Bool = true, label::Bool = true, vtype::DataType = KeyVertex, etype::DataType = Edge)
  136. v = convert(Array{String, 1}, v)
  137. el = convert(Array{String, 2}, el)
  138. return el_2_graph(v, el, directed = directed, label = label, vtype = vtype, etype = etype)
  139. end
  141. function el_2_graph(el::Array{UTF8String, 2}; directed::Bool = true, label::Bool = true, vtype::DataType = KeyVertex, etype::DataType = Edge)
  142. el = convert(Array{String, 2}, el)
  143. return el_2_graph(el, directed = directed, label = label, vtype = vtype, etype = etype)
  144. end
  146. function el_2_graph(v::Array{UTF8String, 1}, el::Array{Int, 2}; directed::Bool = true, label::Bool = true, vtype::DataType = KeyVertex, etype::DataType = Edge)
  147. v = convert(Array{String, 1}, v)
  148. return el_2_graph(v, el, directed = directed, label = label, vtype = vtype, etype = etype)
  149. end
  152. ### graph_2_el takes a GenericGraph and returns a two-column edgelist.
  154. function graph_2_el(g::GenericGraph, label::Bool = true)
  155. if in(:key, names(g.vertices[1]))
  156. vtype = KeyVertex
  157. elseif in(:label, names(g.vertices[1]))
  158. vtype = ExVertex
  159. else
  160. vtype = Int
  161. label = false
  162. end
  163. ne = num_edges(g)
  164. nv = num_vertices(g)
  165. alledges = edges(g)
  166. allsamekeytype = true
  167. if vtype == KeyVertex
  168. if nv > 1
  169. firstkey = typeof(g.vertices[1].key)
  170. vcounter = 2
  171. while (vcounter <= nv) & allsamekeytype
  172. if typeof(g.vertices[vcounter].key) != firstkey
  173. allsamekeytype = false
  174. end
  175. vcounter += 1
  176. end
  177. end
  178. end
  179. if label & (vtype == KeyVertex) & allsamekeytype
  180. el = Array(typeof(g.vertices[1].key), ne, 2)
  181. for i = 1:num_edges(g)
  182. el[i, 1] = source(alledges[i], g).key
  183. el[i, 2] = target(alledges[i], g).key
  184. end
  185. elseif label & (vtype == ExVertex)
  186. el = Array(typeof(g.vertices[1].label), ne, 2)
  187. for i = 1:num_edges(g)
  188. el[i, 1] = source(alledges[i], g).label
  189. el[i, 2] = target(alledges[i], g).label
  190. end
  191. else
  192. el = Array(Int, ne, 2)
  193. for i = 1:num_edges(g)
  194. el[i, 1] = source(alledges[i], g).index
  195. el[i, 2] = target(alledges[i], g).index
  196. end
  197. end
  198. return el
  199. end
  201. ### These next four functions convert the vertex and edge types.
  203. function keyvertex_2_exvertex(g::GenericGraph)
  204. if in(:key, names(g.vertices[1])) == false
  205. error("GenericGraph 'g' must have vertices of type KeyVertex.")
  206. end
  207. nv, ne = num_vertices(g), num_edges(g)
  208. vlist = Array(ExVertex, nv)
  209. for i = 1:nv
  210. vlist[i] = ExVertex(g.vertices[i].index, string(g.vertices[i].key))
  211. end
  212. etype = ifelse(in(:attributes, names(g.edges[1])), ExEdge, Edge)
  213. elist = Array(etype{typeof(vlist[1])}, ne)
  214. for i = 1:ne
  215. elist[i] = etype(i, vlist[g.edges[i].source.index], vlist[g.edges[i].target.index])
  216. end
  217. return graph(vlist, elist, is_directed = g.is_directed)
  218. end
  220. function exvertex_2_keyvertex(g::GenericGraph)
  221. if in(:label, names(g.vertices[1])) == false
  222. error("GenericGraph 'g' must have vertices of type ExVertex.")
  223. end
  224. nv, ne = num_vertices(g), num_edges(g)
  225. vlist = Array(KeyVertex, nv)
  226. for i = 1:nv
  227. vlist[i] = KeyVertex(g.vertices[i].index, g.vertices[i].label)
  228. end
  229. etype = ifelse(in(:attributes, names(g.edges[1])), ExEdge, Edge)
  230. elist = Array(etype{typeof(vlist[1])}, ne)
  231. for i = 1:ne
  232. elist[i] = etype(i, vlist[g.edges[i].source.index], vlist[g.edges[i].target.index])
  233. end
  234. return graph(vlist, elist, is_directed = g.is_directed)
  235. end
  237. function edge_2_exedge(g::GenericGraph)
  238. vlist = g.vertices
  239. ne = num_edges(g)
  240. elist = Array(ExEdge{typeof(vlist[1])}, ne)
  241. for i = 1:ne
  242. elist[i] = ExEdge(i, vlist[g.edges[i].source.index], vlist[g.edges[i].target.index])
  243. end
  244. return graph(vlist, elist, is_directed = g.is_directed)
  245. end
  247. function exedge_2_edge(g::GenericGraph)
  248. vlist = g.vertices
  249. ne = num_edges(g)
  250. elist = Array(Edge{typeof(vlist[1])}, ne)
  251. for i = 1:ne
  252. elist[i] = Edge(i, vlist[g.edges[i].source.index], vlist[g.edges[i].target.index])
  253. end
  254. return graph(vlist, elist, is_directed = g.is_directed)
  255. end
  257. #####
  258. ### These following two functions create subgraphs.
  259. ### The first creates subgraphs by vertex index.
  260. ### The second creates subgraphs by edge index.
  261. #####
  263. function subgraph_vertices(g::GenericGraph, vind::Array{Int, 1})
  264. if num_vertices(g) == 0
  265. error("The number of vertices in 'g' equals zero. Cannot base new graph off of it.")
  266. end
  267. newg = deepcopy(g)
  268. vlist = deepcopy(vertices(newg)[vind])
  269. for i = 1:length(vlist)
  270. newvert = vlist[i]
  271. setfield!(newvert, :index, i)
  272. vlist[i] = newvert
  273. end
  274. oldedges = deepcopy(edges(newg))
  275. elist = typeof(oldedges[1])[]
  276. nedges = num_edges(newg)
  277. ecount = 1
  278. if nedges > 0
  279. for i = 1:nedges
  280. sourceinsubgraph = in(vertex_index(source(oldedges[i])), vind)
  281. targetinsubgraph = in(vertex_index(target(oldedges[i])), vind)
  282. if sourceinsubgraph & targetinsubgraph
  283. sv = vlist[find(vertex_index(source(oldedges[i])) .== vind)[1]]
  284. tv = vlist[find(vertex_index(target(oldedges[i])) .== vind)[1]]
  285. newedge = typeof(oldedges[i])(ecount, sv, tv)
  286. push!(elist, newedge)
  287. ecount += 1
  288. end
  289. end
  290. end
  291. newg = graph(vlist, elist, is_directed = is_directed(g))
  292. return newg
  293. end
  295. function subgraph_edges(g::GenericGraph, eind::Array{Int, 1})
  296. ne = num_edges(g)
  297. if ne == 0
  298. error("The number of edges in 'g' equals zero. Cannot base new graph off of it.")
  299. end
  300. newg = deepcopy(g)
  301. elist = deepcopy(edges(newg)[eind])
  302. ne = length(elist)
  304. sources = Array(typeof(vertex_index(source(elist[1]))), ne)
  305. targets = Array(typeof(vertex_index(target(elist[1]))), ne)
  306. for i = 1:ne
  307. sources[i] = vertex_index(source(elist[i]))
  308. targets[i] = vertex_index(target(elist[i]))
  309. end
  310. vind = unique([sources, targets])
  311. vlist = deepcopy(vertices(newg)[vind])
  312. for i = 1:length(vlist)
  313. newvert = vlist[i]
  314. setfield!(newvert, :index, i)
  315. vlist[i] = newvert
  316. end
  317. for i = 1:ne
  318. sv = vlist[find(vertex_index(source(elist[i])) .== vind)[1]]
  319. tv = vlist[find(vertex_index(target(elist[i])) .== vind)[1]]
  320. newedge = typeof(elist[i])(i, sv, tv)
  321. elist[i] = newedge
  322. end
  323. newg = graph(vlist, elist, is_directed = is_directed(g))
  324. return newg
  325. end
  327. #####
  328. ### Attribute methods
  329. ### Vertex and edge attributes
  330. ### Both sets of attributes have set, get, list, and remove functions
  331. ### The indexes can be specified, though if left empty they default to all vertices or edges
  332. ### Problems
  333. ### Setting attvalue as type Array{Any, 1} in the functions produce methods errors; I've left it out
  334. ### The set and remove functions could/should be made mutable.
  335. #####
  337. ### Vertex attribute functions
  339. function set_vertex_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, attvalue, vertexind::Array{Int, 1})
  340. if in(:label, names(g.vertices[vertexind[1]])) == false
  341. warn("GenericGraph 'g' has vertices of type ExVertex. Converting them to ExVertex now.")
  342. g = keyvertex_2_exvertex(g)
  343. end
  344. if length(attvalue) != length(vertexind)
  345. error("Length of 'attvalue' does not equal the length of 'vertexind'.")
  346. end
  347. for i = 1:length(vertexind)
  348. g.vertices[vertexind[i]].attributes[attname] = attvalue[i]
  349. end
  350. return g
  351. end
  353. function set_vertex_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, attvalue)
  354. vertexind = [1:num_vertices(g)]
  355. return set_vertex_attribute(g, attname, attvalue, vertexind)
  356. end
  358. function set_vertex_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, attvalue, vertexind::Int)
  359. vertexind = [vertexind]
  360. attvalue = [attvalue]
  361. return set_vertex_attribute(g, attname, attvalue, vertexind)
  362. end
  364. function set_vertex_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, attvalue, vertexind::UnitRange{Int})
  365. vertexind = [vertexind]
  366. return set_vertex_attribute(g, attname, attvalue, vertexind)
  367. end
  369. function get_vertex_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, vertexind::Array{Int, 1})
  370. if in(:label, names(g.vertices[vertexind[1]])) == false
  371. error("Vertices in GenericGraph 'g' are not of type ExVertex.")
  372. end
  373. if in(attname, collect(keys(g.vertices[vertexind[1]].attributes))) == false
  374. error("Attribute '$attname' not found.")
  375. end
  376. nind = length(vertexind)
  377. retvec = Array(typeof(g.vertices[vertexind[1]].attributes[attname]), nind)
  378. for i = 1:nind
  379. retvec[i] = g.vertices[vertexind[i]].attributes[attname]
  380. end
  381. return retvec
  382. end
  384. function get_vertex_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String)
  385. vertexind = [1:num_vertices(g)]
  386. return get_vertex_attribute(g, attname, vertexind)
  387. end
  389. function get_vertex_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, vertexind::UnitRange{Int})
  390. vertexind = [vertexind]
  391. return get_vertex_attribute(g, attname, vertexind)
  392. end
  394. function get_vertex_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, vertexind::Int)
  395. vertexind = [vertexind]
  396. return get_vertex_attribute(g, attname, vertexind)[1]
  397. end
  399. function list_vertex_attributes(g::GenericGraph)
  400. if in(:label, names(g.vertices[1])) == false
  401. error("Vertices in GenericGraph 'g' are not of type ExVertex.")
  402. end
  403. retvec = UTF8String[]
  404. for i = 1:length(g.vertices)
  405. attkeys = collect(keys(g.vertices[i].attributes))
  406. nattkeys = length(attkeys)
  407. if nattkeys > 0
  408. for j = 1:nattkeys
  409. push!(retvec, attkeys[j])
  410. end
  411. end
  412. end
  413. retvec = sort(unique(retvec))
  414. return retvec
  415. end
  417. function remove_vertex_attributes(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, vertexind::Array{Int, 1})
  418. if in(:label, names(g.vertices[vertexind[1]])) == false
  419. error("Vertices in GenericGraph 'g' are not of type ExVertex.")
  420. end
  421. for i = vertexind
  422. attkeys = collect(keys(g.vertices[i].attributes))
  423. if in(attname, attkeys)
  424. tempvertex = ExVertex(g.vertices[i].index, g.vertices[i].label)
  425. for j = 1:length(attkeys)
  426. if attkeys[j] != attname
  427. tempvertex.attributes[attkeys[j]] = g.vertices[i].attributes[attkeys[j]]
  428. end
  429. end
  430. g.vertices[i] = tempvertex
  431. else
  432. warn("Attribute '$attname' is not an attribute at vertex index $i of graph 'g'.")
  433. end
  434. end
  435. return g
  436. end
  438. function remove_vertex_attributes(g::GenericGraph, attname::String)
  439. vertexind = [1:num_vertices(g)]
  440. return remove_vertex_attributes(g, attname, vertexind)
  441. end
  443. function remove_vertex_attributes(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, vertexind::Int)
  444. vertexind = [vertexind]
  445. return remove_vertex_attributes(g, attname, vertexind)
  446. end
  448. function remove_vertex_attributes(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, vertexind::UnitRange{Int})
  449. vertexind = [vertexind]
  450. return remove_vertex_attributes(g, attname, vertexind)
  451. end
  453. ### Edge attribute functions
  455. function set_edge_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, attvalue, edgeind::Array{Int, 1})
  456. if in(:attributes, names(g.edges[edgeind[1]])) == false
  457. warn("Edges in GenericGraph 'g' are not of type ExEdge. Converting them to ExEdge now.")
  458. g = edge_2_exedge(g)
  459. end
  460. if length(attvalue) != length(edgeind)
  461. error("Length of 'attvalue' does not equal the length of 'edgeind'.")
  462. end
  463. for i = 1:length(edgeind)
  464. g.edges[edgeind[i]].attributes[attname] = attvalue[i]
  465. end
  466. return g
  467. end
  469. function set_edge_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, attvalue)
  470. edgeind = [1:num_edges(g)]
  471. return set_edge_attribute(g, attname, attvalue, edgeind)
  472. end
  474. function set_edge_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, attvalue, edgeind::Int)
  475. attvalue = [attvalue]
  476. edgeind = [edgeind]
  477. return set_edge_attribute(g, attname, attvalue, edgeind)
  478. end
  480. function set_edge_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, attvalue, edgeind::UnitRange{Int})
  481. edgeind = [edgeind]
  482. return set_edge_attribute(g, attname, attvalue, edgeind)
  483. end
  485. function get_edge_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, edgeind::Array{Int, 1})
  486. if in(:attributes, names(g.edges[edgeind[1]])) == false
  487. error("Edges in GenericGraph 'g' are not of type ExEdge.")
  488. end
  489. if in(attname, collect(keys(g.edges[edgeind[1]].attributes))) == false
  490. error("Attribute '$attname' not found.")
  491. end
  492. ninds = length(edgeind)
  493. retvec = Array(typeof(g.edges[edgeind[1]].attributes[attname]), ninds)
  494. for i = 1:ninds
  495. retvec[i] = g.edges[edgeind[i]].attributes[attname]
  496. end
  497. return retvec
  498. end
  500. function get_edge_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String)
  501. edgeind = [1:num_edges(g)]
  502. return get_edge_attribute(g, attname, edgeind)
  503. end
  505. function get_edge_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, edgeind::UnitRange{Int})
  506. edgeind = [edgeind]
  507. return get_edge_attribute(g, attname, edgeind)
  508. end
  510. function get_edge_attribute(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, edgeind::Int)
  511. edgeind = [edgeind]
  512. return get_edge_attribute(g, attname, edgeind)[1]
  513. end
  515. function list_edge_attributes(g::GenericGraph)
  516. if in(:attributes, names(g.edges[1])) == false
  517. error("Edges in GenericGraph 'g' are not of type ExEdge.")
  518. end
  519. retvec = UTF8String[]
  520. for i = 1:length(g.edges)
  521. attkeys = collect(keys(g.edges[i].attributes))
  522. nattkeys = length(attkeys)
  523. if nattkeys > 0
  524. for j = 1:nattkeys
  525. push!(retvec, attkeys[j])
  526. end
  527. end
  528. end
  529. retvec = sort(unique(retvec))
  530. return retvec
  531. end
  533. function remove_edge_attributes(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, edgeind::Array{Int, 1})
  534. if in(:attributes, names(g.edges[edgeind[1]])) == false
  535. error("Edges in GenericGraph 'g' are not of type ExEdge.")
  536. end
  537. for i = edgeind
  538. attkeys = collect(keys(g.edges[i].attributes))
  539. if in(attname, attkeys)
  540. tempedge = ExEdge(g.edges[i].index, g.vertices[g.edges[i].source.index], g.vertices[g.edges[i].target.index])
  541. for j = 1:length(attkeys)
  542. if attkeys[j] != attname
  543. tempedge.attributes[attkeys[j]] = g.edges[i].attributes[attkeys[j]]
  544. end
  545. end
  546. g.edges[i] = tempedge
  547. else
  548. warn("Attribute '$attname' is not an attribute at edge index $i of graph 'g'.")
  549. end
  550. end
  551. return g
  552. end
  554. function remove_edge_attributes(g::GenericGraph, attname::String)
  555. edgeind = [1:num_edges(g)]
  556. return remove_edge_attributes(g, attname, edgeind)
  557. end
  559. function remove_edge_attributes(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, edgeind::Int)
  560. edgeind = [edgeind]
  561. return remove_edge_attributes(g, attname, edgeind)
  562. end
  564. function remove_edge_attributes(g::GenericGraph, attname::String, edgeind::UnitRange{Int})
  565. edgeind = [edgeind]
  566. return remove_edge_attributes(g, attname, edgeind)
  567. end
  569. #####
  570. ### Loop identification functions
  571. #####
  573. function is_loop(g::GenericGraph)
  574. ne = num_edges(g)
  575. loopbool = Array(Bool, ne)
  576. for i = 1:ne
  577. loopbool[i] = g.edges[i].source.index == g.edges[i].target.index
  578. end
  579. return loopbool
  580. end
  582. function is_loop(g::GenericGraph, eind::Int)
  583. loopbool = g.edges[eind].source.index == g.edges[eind].target.index
  584. return loopbool
  585. end
  587. function is_loop(g::GenericGraph, eind::Array{Int, 1})
  588. nindlen = length(eind)
  589. loopbool = Array(Bool, nindlen)
  590. for i = 1:nindlen
  591. loopbool[i] = g.edges[eind[i]].source.index == g.edges[eind[i]].target.index
  592. end
  593. return loopbool
  594. end
  596. function has_loop(g::GenericGraph)
  597. return any(is_loop(g))
  598. end
  600. #####
  601. ### Multiple edge identification function
  602. #####
  604. function has_multiple(g::GenericGraph)
  605. ne = num_edges(g)
  606. el = Array((Int, Int), ne)
  607. if is_directed(g)
  608. for i = 1:ne
  609. testedge = edges(g)[i]
  610. sv = vertex_index(source(testedge))
  611. tv = vertex_index(target(testedge))
  612. el[i] = (sv, tv)
  613. end
  614. else
  615. for i = 1:ne
  616. testedge = edges(g)[i]
  617. sv = vertex_index(source(testedge))
  618. tv = vertex_index(target(testedge))
  619. if sv < tv # Ensures consistent ordering
  620. el[i] = (sv, tv)
  621. else
  622. el[i] = (tv, sv)
  623. end
  624. end
  625. end
  626. return length(el) > length(unique(el))
  627. end
  629. #####
  630. ### Dyad census
  631. #####
  633. function dyad_census(g::GenericGraph) # About 10x slower than the version imported from igraph on the Coleman data.
  634. nv = num_vertices(g)
  635. ne = num_edges(g)
  636. if g.is_directed == false
  637. npossible = nv * (nv - 1) / 2
  638. npossible = convert(Int, npossible)
  639. warn("You are conducting a dyad census on a directed graph. No asymmetric dyads are possible.")
  640. return (nv, 0, npossible - nobs)
  642. else
  643. el1 = Array((Int, Int), ne)
  644. el2 = Array((Int, Int), ne)
  645. for i = 1:ne
  646. el1[i] = (g.edges[i].source.index, g.edges[i].target.index)
  647. el2[i] = (g.edges[i].target.index, g.edges[i].source.index)
  648. end
  649. dc = ["Mut" => 0, "Asym" => 0, "Null" => 0]
  650. isrecip = Array(Bool, ne)
  651. for i = 1:ne
  652. if in(el1[i], el2)
  653. dc["Mut"] +=1
  654. end
  655. end
  656. dc["Asym"] = ne - dc["Mut"]
  657. dc["Mut"] = int(dc["Mut"] / 2)
  658. dc["Null"] = int((nv * (nv - 1) / 2) - (dc["Mut"] + dc["Asym"]))
  659. return dc
  660. end
  661. end
  663. function reciprocity(g::GenericGraph; ignoreloops::Bool = true, mode::String = "default")
  664. if g.is_directed == false
  665. warn("You know that g is undirected, right? Of course its reciprocity will equal 1.0.")
  666. return(1.0)
  667. else
  668. acceptablemodes = ["default", "ratio", "edgewise", "dyadic", "dyadic, non-null", "dyadic.nonnull", "dyadicnonnull", "edgewise.lrr", "edgewise log ratio reciprocity", "edgewiselrr"]
  669. if !in(mode, acceptablemodes)
  670. error("mode must be in $acceptablemodes")
  671. end
  672. dc = dyad_census(g)
  673. nv = num_vertices(g)
  674. ne = num_edges(g)
  675. if (ignoreloops == false) & (mode != "dyadic")
  676. warn("Sorry, but loop handling is implemented only in the 'dyadic' mode. Ignoring loops...")
  677. end
  678. if in(mode, ["default", "edgewise"]) # 2 * Mut / (Asym + 2 * Mut)
  679. grecip = 2 * dc["Mut"] / (dc["Asym"] + (2 * dc["Mut"])) # I don't know how to measure it with loops
  680. elseif in(mode, ["ratio", "dyadic, non-null", "dyadic.nonnull", "dyadicnonnull"]) # Mut / (Asym + Mut)
  681. grecip = dc["Mut"] / (dc["Mut"] + dc["Asym"])
  682. elseif in(mode, ["edgewise.lrr", "edgewise log ratio reciprocity", "edgewiselrr"])
  683. ewr = 2 * dc["Mut"] / (dc["Asym"] + (2 * dc["Mut"]))
  684. den = ne / (nv * (nv -1))
  685. grecip = log(ewr / den)
  686. else #Dyadic
  687. if ignoreloops
  688. grecip = (dc["Mutual"] + dc["Null"]) / (dc["Mutual"] + dc["Asym"] + dc["Null"])
  689. else #I think I'm doing the loops right here, but not 100%.
  690. nloops = sum(is_loop(g))
  691. grecip = (dc["Mutual"] + dc["Null"] + nloops) / (dc["Mutual"] + dc["Asym"] + dc["Null"] + nv)
  692. end
  693. end
  694. return grecip
  695. end
  696. end
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