

Feb 8th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Anthony Pulse, Jr.
  2. @agreaterpotion
  3. (paypal in case, <= $200)
  4. 810-336-1617
  5. // To Fricker: If you want this, it's yours. Just throw something to me if you feel like it.
  6. 02.10.2023-2
  7. musical theory AI needs shape
  8. -use common diagram of intervals
  9. -typifications of modes
  10. -antithesis (demonstration mode/free play)
  11. -lead transitions need form
  12. -synthesize riff into lead
  13. -find supplemental notes
  14. -fills between Note <-> Chord
  15. -rhythm based algorithms
  16. -some form of cohesion at all times
  17. -unique mutexes for simple chord progressions
  18. -scoring out-of-box thinking against normalcy
  19. chord by chord change to realize absolute power
  20. -humanize by making out of step intervals
  21. which make it seem larger (dialed)
  22. -MP3 -> PCM -> FFT layering to create in-range bins
  23. -bin to store all notes
  24. -settings to modify (pedals)
  25. -then all chords therein use
  26. -different instruments
  27. -and sample each note, to then recombinate
  28. -tree logic to unfold proper theory
  29. -show weak areas: where recording gray is too gray
  30. -display rentention to MT diagram
  31. -advise according to supplemental notation
  32. -demonstrate illusive alternative intervals
  33. to accomplish perfect sound for band
  34. -add broadest effect to project stereo effects
  35. -accomplish by completing timechanges
  36. -also in key changes/tempo breakdowns
  37. -center on attacking sounds (burst beats, sweep picking, bass accents)
  38. -show possible ways of adapting syncopation
  39. -aggregate cohesion in final waveform
  40. -forge links between vertices to allow key/riff changes
  41. -close out stereo effect for these points
  42. -seek out patterns with accents
  43. -give ANN restrictions to not give too many answers
  44. -results should be appendable by MT each time
  45. -result in greater moods and modes of music for us all
  46. --------------
  47. 02.10.2023-1
  48. musical theory AI needs shape
  49. -lead transitions need form
  50. -rhythm based algorithms need syncopation at all times
  51. -playing order of MT
  52. -scoring out-of-box thinking
  53. -humanize
  54. -MP3 -> PCM -> FFT layering to create in-range bins
  55. -bin to store all notes
  56. -settings to modify (pedals)
  57. -all chords therein used
  58. -different instruments
  59. -sample each note, and recombinate
  60. -tree to unfold proper theory
  61. -show areas where gray are too gray
  62. -show rentention to MT
  63. -advise with supplemental notation
  64. -try syncing with alternative play
  65. -show possible avenues of syncopation
  66. -forge links between vertices
  67. -allow for extra give with accents
  68. -give ANN restrictions to not give too many answers
  69. -results should be appendable by MT each time
  70. -result in greater good of music for us all
  71. -no need for bassists.
  72. ---------------------
  73. 02.08.2023
  74. Use frequency sets to correct. Remember that following the information that is wrong, will help you even saying it is wrong.
  76. MP3 -> PCM -> FFT to get layers out
  78. Correct sets with perfectly played chords.
  80. Humanize them with simple distortion
  82. Metrenome keeps sampling right.
  84. By using perfectly played chords, you can find the exact chord they played from a bin
  85. if you miss the next one, use common practice of chord progressions to check first, for expediency
  86. and go thru the other chords, with the root note at the base. Very simple.
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