
Text Adventure Chapter 88 Log

Sep 10th, 2014
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  1. >Used Doctor’s Kit on self
  2. >+100% HP, +25% overheal, special attention to bullet-removal = 95%<
  3. Anon: [HP: 140/140]
  4. >Used Unlocking Flask! (3 left)
  5. [Your mana returns to you!]
  6. Anon: [MP: 232/305]
  7. >Once you get your well-being taken care of, you don’t feel all that bad, even if you’re a little traumatized after pulling bullets you’ve invented in this world out of your own chest.
  8. >You can only have faith that your party will be able to take care of things, now that you’re stranded out here.
  9. >The only thing left to do is start walking.
  10. >You trek back up the steep hill, using the boulders when you can to get back to the railroad tracks.
  11. >When you get up to them, you look down the line and then realize that you can’t even see them past the horizon.
  12. >That’s more than a few miles.
  13. >Looks like you have some acquired exercise to do.
  14. >You begin down the path, hoping you’ll be able to get there in time for any pickups.
  15. >Ideally, you want to get there to stop the robbery from completion, but you know you won’t be able to get there in time.
  16. >At least you’re alive to do something about it.
  17. >...
  19. >CHANGE
  20. [You feel your mind leaving your body, harkening to the void of nothingness as you see pathways to other souls.]
  21. [Who would you like to change perspectives to?]
  22. -Anonymous (X)
  23. -Redheart
  24. -Berry Punch
  25. -Gable
  26. -Iron Will
  28. >Iron Will selected!
  30. [REDIRECTING MIND . . .]
  31. >...
  33. >You are Iron Will.
  34. >You don’t feel very good right now.
  35. >You can’t deny that you may be the toughest son of a minotaur in all of Equestria, but you’re pretty sure nobody’s supposed to see what you and your friends have done today.
  36. >You don’t blame Anon nor the changeling for what happened, those thugs had it coming.
  37. >You just wish it didn’t have to be that bloodbath.
  38. >He said he was going to fix the problem of why the train’s moving so fast, but it’s been nearly five minutes and he hasn’t come back yet.
  39. >A brother can’t be lyin’ to another brother.
  40. >You know he wouldn’t skip out, he’s not any kind of coward.
  41. >And he wouldn’t dare face your manyl wrath if you ever got a hold of him if he did.
  42. >You start to grown a little impatient, either way, your fingers tapping on your bulging bicep faster and faster.
  43. >You look around and see that everyone else isn’t going to do anything, so you stand back up, despite the pain in your gut.
  44. >”Iron, where are you going? You need your rest!”
  45. >Redheart may be the sweetest, jammin’ mare in the bunch, but you’re all out of fucks to give about your well-being.
  46. ”Sorry, sister. Gonna have to see what’s goin’ on in this train, and see where Doc left to!”
  47. >”Then I’ll do it for you, sit back down. You’re not supposed to be moving after you take something even more dangerous than an arrow to your vitals!”
  48. >You nearly blow steam out of your nostrils as you look at her.
  49. “I’ll be fine, I’m just gonna go see what’s up. Nothing more.”
  50. >Red looks rather defeated, and moves to the side for you to go check on Berry, who’s looking at you with worry.
  51. >You’ll make sure she’s alright after all of this.
  52. >Cracking your neck and fingers, you step around the group and march into the conductor’s room, seeing the hustle and bustle of staff coming in and out getting people ready for eject.
  53. You see the conductor himself, what was his name…
  54. “Hey brother, what’s your name?”
  55. >The trainmaster looks back, his dark brown face beaded with sweat and intensity.
  56. >Just like a good workout session, oh yeah.
  57. >”You’re with the human, right? Go see what’s taking so long?”
  58. “What’s he doin’ out there, anyway?”
  59. >”He was supposed to get the waterline and bring it in here to douse our fuel, but looks like he decided to take a joyride instead! Go see what’s happening, I can’t stop this train if I don’t have an extinguisher!”
  60. “Alright, alright. When there’s an Iron Will, there’s a way.”
  61. >He rolls his eyes and goes back to doing everything he can to help the process.
  62. >You turn around and go back out of the conductor’s room, looking out the windows.
  63. >What would you like to do?
  67. >The Trainmaster wants you to go up and see what’s happenin’, then by damn are you gonna do it!
  68. “Alright, brothers and sisters, Iron Will's gonna go take a look at what's holdin' up the Doctor. You can rest assured, with Will handling it, it WILL get done! … What I’m tryin’ to say is that we need to go up there, and since you two,”
  69. >You point at Five and Gable with two solid fingers.
  70. >”can fly, let’s give him some help, and get that water line down here, OH YEAH!”
  71. >With the last two words, you throw your arms forward and flex down, popping every little vein in your bodybuilded muscles.
  72. >Then it feels like something ruptures, and your gut explodes into pain.
  73. “...Uohh…”
  75. “Fine! Totally… fine… C’mon guys, if you’re all feeling as good as I look, you’ll help me out on this… oof.”
  76. >You strut down the aisle in doubled over agony as you do your best to look calm, composed and assertive.
  77. >No pain, no gain, right?
  78. >Five in her undisguised glory follows after you, but there’s ponies ready to scream at the end, and Gable notices this before you do.
  79. >”Hey, want to change back before you’re blamed for this whole thing?”
  80. >Five speaks in a mechanically agitated tone, still crackling electrical magic from its horn.
  81. >”I cannot channel my mana properly right now, as my horn has been compromised.”
  82. >”What compromised it?”
  83. >”The mule attempted to forcefully masticate the base of it.”
  84. >”...Mas-”
  85. “It’s sayin’ that crazy dude bit on her love rod, brother.”
  86. >That’s not good, but you don’t have much of a choice right now.
  87. >You, Five and Gable walk back to the final passenger car, everypony staring wide-eyed at the foreign, hated species at your side.
  88. >It passes quickly however as you open the door at the end to the views of fastly moving yellow plains, the wind nearly pushing you back.
  89. >Gable holds you off from falling on your ass, and he jumps out like a pro despite the injury on his shoulder, his wings opening and sending him right out of view for a moment.
  90. >He catches up to the speed of the Train and waves for Five to come out, obviously trying hard to keep up with the locomotive.
  91. >Five then jumps out quickly, her insect-like wings vibrating quickly bringing her side by side with Gable in less than half the time.
  92. >He looks at her for a moment with jealousy, then maneuvers himself to be backward, and they both extend their arms out for you.
  93. “You two better not drop me, or the Wrath of Will will be upon you!”
  94. >You take a few steps back, and then rush forward, flying out and grabbing Gable’s talon with your right hand and Five’s hoof with your left.
  95. >They both pull you up with some difficulty, but the three of you manage to get on the roof of the train.
  96. >You have to hunker down so the powerful gales don’t blow you off like a kite.
  97. “Alright, now-”
  98. >”Where’s Anon?”
  99. >Gable’s question leads the three of you to look around frantically.
  100. >You then realize the Train itself is only four cars long for some reason.
  101. “Where’d the rest of our ride go?”
  102. >Gable grunts in frustration and spits into the wind.
  103. >”I bet he screwed up and he’s miles out there with the supplies those thugs were trying to take!”
  104. >If that’s true, he’s got a long walk ahead of him, unless you got one of these two on the case.
  105. >You spot the waterline on the back of the car, your next goal.
  106. >What would you like to do?
  110. >It seems the coast is clear, since there’s nowhere to really hide.
  111. >But just to be safe, you lower your hand to signal to your winged teammates to stay low, and you hunker down yourself as you approach the waterline.
  112. “Stay assertive, brothers. Not sure if that one burro that escaped is still here or not… Gable, come here and help me out with those talons.”
  113. >You check how the waterline connects to the train by brackets and coils across the barrier protections, figuring a way out to do it.
  114. >Gable beats you to it, though.
  115. >”How about you start bashing off those bolts, and when you get a few off I’ll slice it out, and we’ll get it uncoiled as we get back in the train?”
  116. >Not much else you can do besides that, but it’s a good plan nonetheless.
  117. “Watch and learn then, and see Iron Will’s iron hand! Oh, Five, watch our backs, will ya?”
  118. >”Okay.”
  119. >Five turns around and stays around the two of you, looking around as if she were a sentry.
  120. >You line up your pinkie finger with the first bracket on its side, and you rear back with the force of a true minotaur, slamming into the metal and shearing it clear off of the train, bouncing off of the tracks as the waterline becomes loose.
  121. >Once you’ve done that, you get to work on the second one while Gable grabs it and pulls it taught.
  122. >You strike off the second bracket, and from there he cuts the waterline in half.
  123. >The instant he does this, a jet of water akin to a fire hose blasts out into the countryside, and it takes Gable’s full strength in both arms to keep it from flailing.
  124. >”Oh… sssshit, hurry up Iron!”
  125. “Treat me like a pushover, you get the once ov-”
  126. >”Just DO IT!”
  127. >You begrudgingly pull your hand up and strike the last two brackets in quick succession, the final one taking a few hits due to your dwindling strength.
  128. >As soon as the last metal bracket falls, the entire waterline uncoils and Gable pulls it away, hiking up to make sure it doesn’t get caught on the railroad.
  129. >You help him out as you stand, and the three of you fall back into the train without issue.
  130. >Well, much issue. You feel like you’re really stretching out your gut, but that can wait.
  131. >You three get back into the main passenger car, and you take the reigns of the water line, surprised at how strong the flow is.
  132. >”You sure you can handle it? Maybe I should bring it back, we have to do this quick so we don’t flood the cars.”
  133. >You shake your head, pulling the line in a little more.
  134. “No need, brother! Alright, everypony MAKE WAY!!”
  135. >You brace yourself and start running at full bullforce as you hold the line backwards for a boost.
  136. >You charge down the aisle way, getting Gable and Five drenched from head to toe/hoof, and water splashes down the entirety of the cars, but you make it to the conductor’s room in mere seconds.
  138. >The staffponies swing the door open as you chug your way through, and a few stallions inside brace their legs on the iron chassis with special coverings on their hooves to open the hot gate.
  139. >They just barely pry it open long enough for you to aim the water line right into the coal chamber, and the effect is immediate.
  140. >Steam blows out and halfway burns off your hair and floods the entire train, going out in what few windows and doors are open.
  141. >It must’ve been an interesting sight for somepony to stand outside and see what’s transpiring, a crystal train only four cars in length rushing down the tracks at lightning speed, seemingly going so fast there’s smoke.
  142. >You hold the line with your strong arm and cover your face with the other, keeping it there until the steam and the water both run out.
  143. >The flow slows down to a trickle, and the stallions start sighing and wiping their foreheads in relief.
  144. >You rush back out to the main room to see the damage.
  145. “Hey Trainmaster, did it work?”
  146. >”Hold your horses, son, we’re cutting it close! KETTLEFIRE, WHERE’S THE BRAKING POWER?!”
  147. >You look out of the front window as Gable and Five along with the rest of your group arrive, doing so as well.
  148. >You’re entering lush green plains in rolling hills, signifying you’re approaching Ghastly Gorge.
  149. >But you’re about to smack headfirst into the back of a parked train.
  150. >Redheart’s ears flop to her face and her eyes become pinpricks.
  151. >”....Oh dear Celestia.”
  152. >The train is definitely slowing down without fuel, but you’re not sure if it’ll slow down enough.
  153. >What do you do?
  157. “Can’t you signal them or something?”
  158. >”I can blow the horn, but it’s not going to do much good if they’re sitting ducks!”
  159. >Regardless, he wraps his hoof around the rope and starts pulling, the horn blaring as loudly as it can with magical magnification.
  160. >”It’d be a miracle if they managed to start moving, so we need to think of something, fast!”
  161. “How about an anchor, then? Use some rope, get some pickaxes or even the waterline and my spear, here! Something!”
  162. >The conductor looks at you for a second, his eyes spaced out as if he were thinking intently.
  163. >”...Maybe, but we don’t have many picks on board, just a few for emergencies. We have maybe two minutes, everypony get those axes, get his spear, get the rope and go, go GO!”
  164. >He starts blowing the horn again, and the entire staff starts rushing by you and your party, grabbing everything they can and heading for the back of the train.
  165. >You give one of them your spear and talk to the rest of the party.
  166. “Let’s get everyone to the back of the train! It’ll focus the weight and drag this thing down. Oh, Gable and Five, you guys got wings, so listen up. Fly to the supply cars and see if Anon’s there and stop the robbery, you know, if ya can. Five, if you can transform into that blond one and try to convince them to leave, that’d be great. Maybe tell ‘em it was an ambush or they captured everyone and they’re coming this way now, just don't do anything too risky and get out of there if you’re in trouble. That goes for both of you. If you can't transform still, take a sip of this brother.”
  167. >Used ESHP on Five
  168. >+66% HP<
  169. Five: [HP: 120/120][MP: 50/100]
  170. >She takes it without hesitation, and the bite marks on her horn slowly fade away.
  171. >You and your group then head straight for the back of the train, but you see the changeling lag a little.
  172. >She dips her horn under the coat cover that Anon had placed on the bodies, and there’s a slight shimmer.
  173. >All of a sudden, Five’s entire appearance changes at whim, bright orange fur beginning to cover her black texture.
  174. >Eventually the disguise grows over her entire body, transforming gender and appearance to that of the buzz-blonde stallion, and then he walks past you, the personality already in effect.
  175. >”Yo, bitch! Let’s get a move on!”
  176. “...Damn. Hey, you know the guys’ name, by chance?”
  177. >”Just Pinkcolt. C’MON!”
  178. >Five had altered the body to have wings for the duration of the flight, and he takes off through the back of the door, heading out towards the supply cars.
  179. >Gable follows him after, trying to keep up.
  180. >At this point, Berry and Red have gotten nearly the entire train’s passengers to the back, so you follow them to the back, and start helping the staff tie ropes to the axes and spears.
  181. >They begin to be flung out using the door’s braced lock as their anchor point, and each tool and weapon take a few bounces before they find a good point to dig into the ground.
  182. >The horn keeps blaring as the anchors barely help.
  183. >Is there anything else you’d like to do as you watch the train come ever closer to collision?
  187. >There’s nothing much you can do.
  188. >The staff threw out everything that could work as an anchor in the train, so there’s no trying to put one on something solid.
  189. “...Everyone, get low to the ground! This might be a bit rough!”
  190. >Redheart and Berry start pushing other ponies down when they were busy screaming and yelling in fear while you spoke, and eventually everyone gets to the bottom.
  191. >The horn keeps blaring.
  192. >The train isn’t slowing down fast enough.
  193. >The Ghastly Gorge station is coming up fast, and you can already see the ponies waiting staring and pointing in shock.
  194. >The train’s getting slower, but not fast enough.
  195. >It’s seconds away.
  196. >You’re about to crash.
  197. >You, Berry and Red all hold each other close and close your eyes, bracing for the worst.
  198. >If it hits...
  199. >The horn blares one final time…
  200. >And the stopped train blows its own horn, beginning to move up with a powerful blast of violet magic.
  201. >It’s moving up!
  202. >You’ve never seen a train ever accelerate that quickly, so something outside must’ve pushed it.
  203. >Your train slows to a crawl as it enters the station, and everything sluggishly stops, with two trains equally in and out of each side of the station.
  204. >The air is still as you watch everyone realize just what happened.
  205. >Then, cheering.
  206. >Blaring, ear-wrenching yells of relief and crying laughter of survival.
  207. >”WE’RE ALIVE!”
  211. >You and your party decide to go with the flow and stay with the crowd that’s rushing out of the train, no longer desiring to stay on such a death trap.
  212. >When you look out to the station, that’s when it hits you.
  213. >N-not the train, that’d be bad.
  214. >Twilight’s here, at the station.
  215. >Just her, although she looks like she just ran five miles.
  216. >”T-twilight?!”
  217. >Redheart seems much more surprised than you or Berry.
  218. >She waves a weak hoof as the three of you approach her.
  219. >”What are you doing here? I thought you went to Winsome Falls with the rest of the girls?”
  220. >She smiles a bit, still weak from something.
  221. >”I did, and they’re resting right now outside the city after a long day… Celestia sent me a letter regarding one of the trains being conspired to be robbed just a few hours ago, and when I did a little research, it turns out it was your guys’ train. I helped myself to a few of the magical wells in Winsome, made a few potions, and teleported here as fast as I could. Looks like I made it just in time, huh?”
  222. “No doubt. … Wait, you…”
  223. >The three of you slowly look back at the other train in pure shock.
  224. >Berry vocalizes the thought process first.
  225. >”...Did you move that train?”
  226. >”Er… Yes, I did.”
  227. >”What the fuck.”
  228. >”Berry!”
  230. >”Well… It’s simple momentum calculations based on the train’s weight and speed to which I divided the amount of force needed to create deceleration over the surface area of the train and how much I could grab utilizing my levitation spell. It’s pretty simple.”
  231. >Berry stares at her in complete disbelief for a moment.
  232. >After completely failing to follow what she said, she uncorks her Black Rum Flask directly from the source and starts drowning it.
  233. >Twilight doesn’t look too happy about that.
  234. >”That’s very unhealthy!”
  235. >Now you’re at the Ghastly Gorge Station, anyways.
  236. >This’ll set the group back a few hours, definitely.
  237. >”...Anyways, I’ll need to head back soon. I’ve already called in pickups for all these ponies, and you guys will get your own carriage that’s going straight to Apploosa. … Where’s Anon? And Gable? And the changeling?”
  238. >What do you say?
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