
S1E2: Making New Frens

Sep 7th, 2014
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  1. Monotype Adventures
  2. S1E2: Making New Frens
  4. Cata woke up and slowly opened his eyes. He sat up and looked around the empty room. A suitcase filled with his clothes sat in a corner next to a pile of clothes he wore yesterday.
  5. Cata laid back down in his sleeping bag and grabbed his pillow stuffed with Talonflame feathers to keep it warm constantly. He the closed his eyes and rested a little.
  6. Just then, Arceus64 slammed the door open, startling Cata and waking him up.
  7. "Cata!" He said, "Today is your tour!"
  8. "I know that," said Cata drowsily, "you loud piece of shit."
  9. Arceus rolled his eyes and grabbed Cata's hand.
  10. "Come on," he said, dragging Cata, "I have lots to show you!"
  11. Arceus and Cata walked to a long hall lined with doors. Above each door was a sign with names on it, saying who lives in the room.
  12. "This," said Arceus, "is the hall of Monotypers."
  13. Cata walked down the hall, looking at the signs, one of the signs said Finnath, another said Juvia, and one even had a silly name: Quaseem.
  14. Cata stopped at the door labled "Pezmango". He looked at the door, and then at Arceus.
  15. "Don't worry, " he said, "Pez won't bite"
  16. Cata took a deep breath, and opened the door. As Cata walked inside, he saw a tall girl dressed in green. She had a large ponytail placed on top of her hair, making her look like a Mawile. She wore a long, green dress decorated with Clefables, Togekisses, and Azumarills. Her eyes were turquoise and shiny.
  17. "Hello," she said, "My name is Pezmango."
  18. "Hiya Pez, i'm Cataquack64"
  19. "Aaaand i'm awesome!" yelled a squeaky, chipmunk-like voice.
  20. Just then, a giant piece of cotton candy flew straight into Cata's face. Cata struggled to get it of his face, he then saw that the "cotton candy" was actually a Swirlix.
  21. Pezmango grabbed the Swirlix and put it in a cage.6
  22. "Tsk tsk, said Pez, "how did you get out of your cage?"
  23. "Well," said the swirlix, "you left it open."
  24. "Oh."
  25. Pez turned to Cata and picked off a peice of Swirlix off his face.
  26. "Thanks," said Cata.
  27. "You're welcome."
  28. "By the way, why do you have that Swirlix locked up in a cage?"
  29. "Its extremely hyper. It swallowed my only Moon Stone and my only Dusk Stone, and I need them to evolve my Pokemon. "
  30. "Oh," said Cata. He then started to think of how he could get those stones out of Swirlix.
  31. "Hey, I got an idea" he said. "Grab that Slurpuff."
  32. "I don't have a Slurpuff," said Pez
  33. "Oh. I meant the Swirlix."
  34. Pez unlocked the cage and reached in to grab the Swirlix. But as soon as she grabbed it. It jumped away from her and ran down the hall.
  35. "FREEDOM!" It exclaimed.
  36. Cata turned to Pez, nodded and ran towards the Swirlix. But as soon as he reached up to the Fairy type, it jumped over him and ran in the opposite direction. Cata proceeded to chase it, and finally caught the Fairy.
  37. "Hey!" It yelled, "what are you doing?"
  38. "Taking things that aren't yours!" Said Cata. He then shoved his hand down the Swirlix's throat. It wiggled and squirmed in protest, but Cata didn't stop until he pulled out two wet, sweet-smelling stones. Then they both walked to Pez's room, and gave Pez the stones.
  39. "Thanks," she said to Cata, and patted him on the back.
  40. "That was fun!" said Swirlix, "Pez, can I hang out with this guy?"
  41. "Sure."
  42. "Yippe!"
  43. It then jumped on top on his head and burped.
  44. "My name is Creampuff," said Creampuff.
  45. "My name is Cata," said Cata.
  46. Arceus then walked up to Cata and Creampuff.
  47. "So," he said, ready to finish the tour?"
  48. "Yeah," said Cata, "as long as I get to hang out with my new fren."
  49. Creampuff smiled and laughed, and they went off to finish the tour of the mansion.
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