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Feb 18th, 2019
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  1. We have a disc priest who's hated by every healer in the guild. When she first arrived she demanded Wisdoms, and she got them. She would also call for innervates that weren't being used prior, which is fine. However, during the early days of her trial/raid career w/ us, she would expect that the innervates are left on CD explicitly for her to call whenever she wanted them, normally 6 minutes into a fight when other healers could also be using them to output more throughput than her.
  3. This tier rolls around, and she figures she's the best disc priest in the world. She demands wisdoms, she demands innervates, and she still has less throughput than other healers. Finally she got called out on it, and wisdoms was rightfully taken from her, but she still kept the innervates, and pumped out even less throughput than prior. People started to question her, and why she ramped at the times she did. Once people started really looking into her play we realized that not only did she die fairly consistently, she would often die to the most mundane shit. This lead to her performance being micromanaged, we had to have a CD order that literally told her when to ramp, when to use Shadowfiend/evang/rapture on her order, or else she felt excluded/unprioritized. Finally it all came to a head tonight when shit blew up in the healer channel, and I left before absolutely losing my shit on her. Each healer talked to officers individually and all said the same thing; she's a bad healer, she's toxic to the cohesion we have, and that we'd all rather see her removed from the guild than have her stay in the guild and rot us from the inside out.
  5. All of this is compounded by the fact that her husband is in the guild. Her husband would be the optimal raider, pumping out good DPS, avoiding mechanics, and keeping calm under stress. However, he just won't shut the fuck up during pulls. Whenever he sees an opportunity to criticize someone, he takes it, including our GM/RL in gchat w/ 10+ raiders logged in to watch it unfold. However, if you criticize him, he refuses to admit fault, and tries to flip the script back off himself, and onto someone else. If you ever mention his wife in a negative light, he comes galloping in like a knight in shining white armour to defend her at all costs, even to the determent of them both.
  7. They're leaving for a week to go to Hawaii as of Tuesday, and they will more than likely be gkicked when they come back. I'm sure they'll cause a fuss and try and flip the tables on us being the ones at fault.
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