
Dragon Size Reference

Jan 17th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. And then, before Suzuki Satoru’s eyes — a bizarre object made of the people that had once lived in the city came into view.
  3. A gigantic ovoid mass made of countless corpses stacked one on top of the other sat in the middle of this plaza. Its size was enough to make onlookers gasp in awe. To think something so big could be made from gathering 400,000 people together.
  5. ***
  7. The Big Ball of Undeath wobbled. Then, as though breaking out of an egg, the Big Ball of Undeath slowly changed shape.
  9. “Is that… a Dragon?”
  11. It had a long neck, a reptilian-looking head, and wings. It had six thick legs and a slender, whiplike tail. It resembled a Western-style Dragon.
  13. However, its neck was extremely long compared to the normal image of a Dragon. Also, the extreme thinness of its tail made it look like a mash-up of a Western and an Eastern Dragon. Or rather, it looked like someone had stuck six legs and a winged beast onto the body of a snake. Also, it looked ugly and lumpy, without any of the beauty a Dragon’s form ought to have, probably because it was made out of Zombies.
  15. In addition, it was far too big.
  17. It was 150 meters long from head to toe at the very least. Not even Yggdrasil had something of that size.
  19. Of course, Suzuki Satoru understood that this was a cosmetic change in the Big Ball of Undeath. In other words, it was made from 400,000 or more Zombies joined together. But when he thought about its length and width and the fact that he needed to crane his neck just to see its full size and so on, could a mere 400,000 Zombies be enough to make a gigantic body that was over 150m long? Surely it was not hollow—
  21. ***
  23. So that was why they had not seen any animals on their way here. All the animals on this mountain must have been zombified and then driven to the Big Ball of Undeath. It would seem there were more than a mere 400,000 Zombies making up that Big Ball of Undeath — that Dragon Zombie.
  25. ***
  27. Bonus Volume, Chapter 4.2
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