
How to make friends and influence people

Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. 01[19:55] <DMM> After a few moments, there's a stirring noise from the Copper Cultist.
  2. 01[19:55] <DMM> A few mumbled words.
  3. 06[19:55] * Hunter_Arnulf 5puts on a warm smile, taking a seat on the crate across from him.
  4. [19:55] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Wake up, sunshine."
  5. 01[19:55] <DMM> Anybody within earshot, by all means attempt an auditory-based Perception check.
  6. 01[19:55] <DMM> His head snaps up at your words.
  7. [19:55] <Hunter_Arnulf> 1d20+13
  8. [19:55] <Botchy> Hunter_Arnulf: 17:4+13
  9. [19:56] <Bard_Soranya> 1d20+11
  10. [19:56] <Botchy> Bard_Soranya: 15:4+11
  11. [19:56] <Warpriest_Bjoryr> 1d20+11
  12. [19:56] <Botchy> Warpriest_Bjoryr: 17:6+11
  13. 01[19:56] <DMM> Nothing for anybody.
  14. [19:57] <Hunter_Arnulf> "Now, before we get into the real pleasantries, what was that you were saying?"
  15. 01[19:57] <DMM> His head sways for another moment, and then stills.
  16. 01[19:57] <DMM> "You."
  17. [19:57] <Hunter_Arnulf> "Me."
  18. 06[19:57] * Hunter_Arnulf 5still seems quite cheery.
  19. 01[19:58] <DMM> He turns, presumably looking around the room.
  20. [19:58] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"I will keep things simple: You are in no position to attempt to break out, run, or engage in any magic or violence. This is an attempt at a pleasant conversation, do you understand?"
  21. 01[19:58] <DMM> He is going to immediately attempt to break free nonetheless.
  22. 06[19:58] * Hunter_Arnulf 5just bellows out "HALT."
  23. 01[19:59] <DMM> 1d20+18
  24. 04[19:59] <Botchy> DMM: 22:4+18
  25. [19:59] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5Fails.
  26. 01[19:59] <DMM> He stops struggling.
  27. [19:59] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You see? You are in no position to resist."
  28. 01[20:00] <DMM> "Fuck you. I will get free, and you will suffer. As will the boy."
  29. [20:00] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"So if you want to make this as straightforward for you as possible, we are going to have a conversation."
  30. [20:00] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Oh don't worry. We *will* free you once this conversation is done. You have my word."
  31. [20:00] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"But if you want that freedom, you are going to talk to me."
  32. [20:00] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"With clear, concise honesty."
  33. [20:00] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Am I understood?"
  34. 01[20:01] <DMM> He laughs. It's an ugly noise. Harsh.
  35. 01[20:01] <DMM> "You can't hold me. You can try, but it won't matter."
  36. [20:01] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"If you're referring to death being salvation to you, oh I am well aware."
  37. [20:02] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Hence why I'm not going to kill you. I am not going to lay a single harmful hand upon you."
  38. 01[20:02] <DMM> "I could kill myself in just a few moments. Note that I also am not."
  39. [20:02] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"I know about the trap in your helmet as well."
  40. [20:03] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"But you are correct, you are *not* trying to kill yourself. If I had to guess, that's because you don't enjoy dying very much, do you?"
  41. 01[20:03] <DMM> He shakes his head, hanging it slightly, before looking back up at you. "I don't care for it. But who does?"
  42. 01[20:04] <DMM> "Worse things have happened to me, and will happen to you."
  43. [20:04] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Ah, I've nearly done it a few times myself. Never very fun."
  44. [20:04] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"I'm certain they have. Hence why I won't be doing those things either."
  45. 01[20:04] <DMM> "What is it that you want to know, exactly?"
  46. [20:04] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"We'll start simple, and maybe we can build a little trust from there."
  47. 01[20:04] <DMM> "Of course."
  48. [20:05] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"How about a name? Copper and porcupine both seem a bit lame, and we'll probably see you again anyway."
  49. [20:05] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"So it would be nice to have something to address you by before you try to kill us the *next* time."
  50. 01[20:06] <DMM> "Copper will be sufficient."
  51. [20:06] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"No it won't. Come on, just a first name. We're not devils here, I can't *do* anything with your name."
  52. 01[20:06] <DMM> He doesn't offer anything further.
  53. [20:06] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"...Fine."
  54. [20:06] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You tired, Copper?"
  55. 01[20:07] <DMM> "No."
  56. [20:08] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Ah, color me impressed. Beaten within an inch of your life twice, probably met a few routine beatings from one of my comrades, and *not* tired."
  57. [20:08] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Either you're a liar, or you're blessed with some sort of immunity to fatigue."
  58. [20:08] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"That or my other comrade's healing of you whisked away any wear and tear."
  59. 01[20:09] <DMM> He remains quiet.
  60. [20:09] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Well, since I won't get a name, can I hear a little bit about yourself? The usual boasts you big warrior types tend to be fond of. There has to be a few things under your belt for us to recognize."
  61. [20:09] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Besides being the dragon cult's resident beatstick."
  62. 01[20:10] <DMM> "No."
  63. [20:10] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Nothing? You've done nothing worth recognizing or being intimidated by?"
  64. 01[20:11] <DMM> "I didn't say that. I said I'm not going to tell you."
  65. [20:11] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Why not? Once you face us a third time, we'll be acquaintances by that point."
  66. [20:12] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Your cult already tries to intimidate the masses with dragon attacks. Might as well add a little fear factor based on what everyone who aren't the dragons has done."
  67. 01[20:12] <DMM> "Because you're a temporary annoyance. We'll claim your-"
  68. 01[20:12] <DMM> He pauses.
  69. 01[20:13] <DMM> His voice is more venomous now. A low growl.
  70. 01[20:13] <DMM> "The /boy/."
  71. 06[20:13] * Hunter_Arnulf 5grins.
  72. [20:13] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You know, I once told someone those exact same five words. Temporary annoyance."
  73. [20:13] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"It's a real offense to human persistence, you know. Bastard kept annoying me for another five years."
  74. [20:13] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Could you really handle five more years of me? Five more years of my friends?"
  75. [20:14] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Just this conversation probably makes your head ache, doesn't it?"
  76. 01[20:14] <DMM> "I need you to understand something, Grunewald."
  77. 01[20:15] <DMM> "I have faced worse than you, and I will again. You have /nothing/ to threaten me with. I don't fear death, and if you keep me for long enough..."
  78. 01[20:15] <DMM> He laughs quietly.
  79. [20:15] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Yet again, same words I've spewed over and over."
  80. [20:15] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"I was still a novice to headhunting at the time."
  81. [20:16] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"The fact that's your tone makes me think you're a bit more of a greenhorn than I thought."
  82. [20:16] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Maybe that's what's annoying you. That you're still trying to prove yourself, yet you keep facing veterans who pulverize you every time they meet you."
  83. [20:16] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You want to earn more than a copper /helmet/, don't you?"
  84. 01[20:16] <DMM> He laughs again.
  85. 01[20:17] <DMM> "I will earn more than you can possibly imagine, Grunewald."
  86. [20:17] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You're just provin' me right you know."
  87. [20:17] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You're not gonna be able to earn much if you keep dying."
  88. [20:17] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"And look at you. You're tied up in an enemy location, having a nice lil' chat with one of these enemies."
  89. [20:18] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Typically, there's a three strike rule to these things. You're already on strike two if our first encounter was your only real fuck-up."
  90. [20:18] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"So I just got one more real question to ask you right now before the real juicy stuff: Do you think you're genuinely worth keeping around if you keep screwing the pooch like this?"
  91. [20:18] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Do you think you'll be rewarded for your failures?"
  92. 01[20:19] <DMM> "I don't expect to be."
  93. [20:19] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Well, you've already failed twice."
  94. [20:19] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"The only thing you're earning right now is justification for a permanent death from your own *allies*."
  95. [20:19] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You and I have both seen how the /fodder/ is treated."
  96. 01[20:20] <DMM> "You're speaking about something you scarcely understand."
  97. [20:20] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Then enlighten me on where I misunderstand."
  98. [20:20] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Or maybe I'll just keep annoying you with misinterpretations."
  99. 01[20:21] <DMM> "You aren't annoying me. If your only leverage against me is irritation, I don't see this /interrogation/ going anywhere."
  100. 06[20:21] * Hunter_Arnulf 5slides another barrel over, planting his red mug on it as he rests his hands on his knees.
  101. [20:21] <Bard_Soranya> I should've just played my lute for him at this rate.
  102. [20:21] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Oh no, my leverage isn't irritation. That's just a little extra."
  103. [20:21] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"The leverage is that you're dead anyway."
  104. [20:22] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You already let it slip you're a novice. You've already fucked up twice. You'll be lucky if you're on probation, Copper. Then you won't get to earn *anything*. And heavens forbid you meet us again for your petty revenge."
  105. [20:22] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Then you're actually dead."
  106. [20:22] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"No coming back."
  107. [20:23] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"And with the kind of magic *you* play around with? What you'll see after death will make you *beg* to come back just for a chat with someone like me, who really wants to get to know you."
  108. [20:23] <Hunter_Arnulf> 1d20+15 Intimidation
  109. [20:23] <Botchy> Hunter_Arnulf, Intimidation: 23:8+15
  110. [20:24] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5Oops, that should be 28.
  111. 01[20:24] <DMM> You have +20 Intimidate?
  112. [20:24] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5+4 from Shackles, and on my sheet it says I have +16.
  113. [20:24] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5Intimidating Prowess, man.
  114. 01[20:24] <DMM> Got it.
  115. 01[20:25] <DMM> Let me check a thing.
  116. 01[20:26] <DMM> "I believe that you believe that, Grunewald. I believe that there are things that would frighten me."
  117. 01[20:26] <DMM> "But I don't believe that I'll meet them today."
  118. [20:26] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Oh no, not *today*."
  119. [20:26] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"This cult is probably very busy, yes?"
  120. [20:27] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"They likely operate on their own schedule. 'Play Scaled Drum here,' 'recruit members next week,' the like. And you probably don't know the full agenda."
  121. [20:27] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Otherwise they wouldn't be very organized, now would they?"
  122. [20:27] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Oh no. They'll kill you when they feel you're a liability, which could be whenever they please. And you won't know, until you're by yourself."
  123. [20:28] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"And as we can see, you *are* a man of revengeance, aren't you? Those who scorn you face your wrath and all that, yes?"
  124. 06[20:28] * Hunter_Arnulf 5pauses to allow for a response.
  125. 01[20:29] <DMM> "You're fishing, Grunewald."
  126. 01[20:29] <DMM> "And coming up empty."
  127. [20:29] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"No, Copper, I'm genuinely curious if you're more than just a cliche."
  128. [20:30] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Because if you are, you're probably smart enough to understand that payback isn't always with a sword on a battlefield."
  129. [20:30] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Especially against a cult where *you* are the expendable."
  130. 01[20:30] <DMM> He stays quiet.
  131. [20:30] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"And yes, you are expendable. Even before. That's why they gave you that staving off death trick."
  132. [20:31] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"So that way they could kill you over and over without losing a man. But if you keep dying without any results..."
  133. [20:31] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Why not just get rid of you, and get someone who might get the job done? Basic logic, yes?"
  134. 01[20:31] <DMM> "If things were that ludicrously simple, yes."
  135. [20:32] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"And why can't they just do that with you, Copper?"
  136. [20:32] <Bard_Soranya> (I cast Blink and moonwalk through the closed door.)
  137. [20:32] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"What makes you any more special than those lackies we also took care of?"
  138. 01[20:32] <DMM> "Nothing."
  139. [20:33] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Then why on earth would they not just replace you?"
  140. [20:33] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Do you even know *what* the value is of Copper metal? I have a history in blacksmithing, I could explain it to you."
  141. 01[20:34] <DMM> "Go ahead."
  142. [20:34] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Two things: Availability and recyclability."
  143. [20:34] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Copper's not a very powerful metal for battle. Dents easy, chips easy. You've probably gone through enough fights to know that."
  144. [20:35] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"But, you can get it just about anywhere compared to most other metals, and you can recycle it without any loss of quality."
  145. [20:35] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Meaning if you've got a batch of broken, busted swords that are useless?"
  146. [20:35] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You can melt them down and remake them into a few new swords instead. Ones that won't *fuck up*."
  147. [20:35] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Or if there's jut not enough to melt down? Go mine some more. There's plenty."
  148. [20:36] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5just*
  149. [20:36] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You're a sword with a few chips in it already, Copper."
  150. [20:36] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"They're gonna just melt you down anyway. Might as well spend your last use stabbing 'em in the back."
  151. 01[20:37] <DMM> "I will bear that in mind."
  152. [20:37] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"And since we already know your place in the scale of this cult, I'm certani you don't know everything. Hence why I'm not asking for everything. I just want to know what makes the two kids you've failed to collect the souls of so important."
  153. [20:38] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You have to know that much, right? You're not just some automaton for their use, yes?"
  154. 01[20:39] <DMM> "And what is my place in the cult, Grunewald?"
  155. [20:40] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"A slightly valuable, but easily replaced warrior for your cult. You lead the fodder, but if anyone else with a special mask is there, you defer to them."
  156. [20:40] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"
  157. [20:40] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You're the one they leave behind."
  158. 01[20:40] <DMM> "Not being killed is not the same as being left behind."
  159. [20:40] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Oh, but it is."
  160. [20:41] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Want to know why they don't stick around to help you? It's not because they're busy. It's because they don't value enough to make sure you aren't captured."
  161. 01[20:41] <DMM> "I'm afraid you're quite wrong about that, Grunewald."
  162. [20:41] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You're free to correct me."
  163. 01[20:42] <DMM> "It's not my place, I'm afraid."
  164. [20:42] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Because you don't know anything."
  165. [20:43] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"You think higher of your own band of zealots than they of you."
  166. [20:43] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Or at least, you want to think higher of them."
  167. 01[20:44] <DMM> "I think, Grunewald. That you would be better-served checking on your friends than continuing your interrogation."
  168. [20:46] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"I'd suggest you actually clarify your cryptic implications."
  169. 01[20:46] <DMM> He laughs again.
  170. 01[20:47] <DMM> "No."
  171. 06[20:47] * Hunter_Arnulf 5seems straight-faced now. "I said "I'd," not "I." Because it's not a suggestion."
  172. [20:47] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"It's a command."
  173. 01[20:47] <DMM> "Irrelevant."
  174. [20:48] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"It's relevant when I can still do things like this. FALL."
  175. 01[20:49] <DMM> He remains in his chair.
  176. [20:49] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Right. Chair."
  177. 06[20:50] * Hunter_Arnulf 5gets up from his crate, simply moving over and yanking the chair out from under the cultist.
  178. 01[20:51] <DMM> Then he falls.
  179. [20:51] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"There we go."
  180. 06[20:51] * Hunter_Arnulf 5squats down, simply grabbing the back of Copper's helmet and slamming into the floor to manually spike him in. "Hope the floor is pretty."
  181. 01[20:53] <DMM> His head collides with the floor, and the helmet sticks there.
  182. [20:53] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5"Because that's what you get to stare at until I'm back."
  183. 06[20:53] * Hunter_Arnulf 5replaces his shackles with two of his masterwork manacles - one pair near the elbows, and one pair at the wrists.
  184. 01[20:54] <DMM> You restrain him as described.
  185. [20:54] <Bard_Soranya> Now cuff his neck to his dick.
  186. [20:54] <Hunter_Arnulf> 5That would likely set off the helmet trap, unfortunately.
  187. [20:54] <Bard_Soranya> Dang.
  188. 06[20:54] * Hunter_Arnulf 5stands back up, retrieving his red mug and taking a sip of it. "Damn. Now it's just warm. I was gonna offer this to you, too," he grumbles, taking another sip as he goes to check on the party.
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