
15 shots guy

Dec 12th, 2010
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  1. Taeolin has joined the chat
  2. LilithDemise has joined the chat
  3. ViciousDemise has joined the chat
  4. DamonDemise has joined the chat
  5. Zer0bandit: A stranger slinks in, peering about herself cautiously; she sticks close to the entrance, clearly scouting the area with little idea of what she may find within.
  6. LilithDemise: "Rum it is then." -She turned making her way to the bar (which is no really there due to people ratting on me for haveing a ap in a ga room >.<) sliding behind it she would seem to disappear as she crouched down rumaging through the many bottles while talking to herself- "Gin, eww how gross.. Ah rum." -she grabbed a double shot glass and filled it to its rim before setting the bottle back down and making her way back across the club. Stopping in front of him she extended the glass-
  7. LilithDemise: (Zer0 could you give a lil insight to how you char looks? does she appear as your avi does?)
  8. Zer0banditZer0bandit : (Roughly so, yes.)
  9. LilithDemise: (mmk just checking cause I never know ^^))
  10. LilithDemise: (Ill respond to your post after Taeolin posts))
  11. Taeolin: -He looked up from behind his hair and reached forward taking the glass from her and nodded in appreciation- thank you.
  12. LilithDemise: -Her hand released the glass into his.- "Not a problem." -she shrugged as she turned to take her seat, she caught sight of a female near the door. She rolled her neck, faint popping sounds from her bones would lightly echo through the club, its emptiness providing decent acustics, she walked back to the door.- "And you would be?" -Lilith asked rather bluntly, why silently wondering how the apparent demon was able to sustain its natural form without means of a host.-
  13. Zer0bandit: She jumped lightly, apparently mildly startled by being noticed. "I- ah. Oh. Well, I'm- I'm Zera." She paused, managing to look somewhat embarrassed. "I have, er. No idea where I am." The very tip of her tail twitched anxiously back and forth, keeping close to the backs of her legs.
  14. LilithDemise: (Taeolin your post if you want, sorry guys I do posting orders so no ones posts cancels out anothers ^^))
  15. Zer0bandit: (doesn't seem like he does?)
  16. LilithDemise: (give him time)
  17. Taeolin: -He looked up, ears twitching a bit at the new female, and tilted his head slightly before taking a sip of his rum and silently watched the two interact for a moment-
  18. BeerfloaterBeerfloater Whisper has joined the chat
  19. LilithDemise: "Well, Zera.. was it? You are in the Underground, club belonging to the Demise Empire." -Lilith watched the girls tail with little amuzement.- "You often wander about without knowing your destination?"
  20. Guest_rtlale1 has joined the chat
  21. Zer0bandit: She swallowed, a little nervously, mouthing the words 'demise empire' to herself as if it might trigger some measure of memory on the topic. After a moment, with a shake of the head, she brought herself back to reality. "Oh... well... sort of. I mean, not usually, but this- well, it's a recent sort of..." She cut herself off, clearly trying to gather her thoughts. "A bit," she finished lamely, with a pained smile.
  22. LilithDemise: (posting order : Zero, Taeolin, Beerfloater, Lilith, if you have no post when its your turn just simply state skip ^^))
  23. LilithDemise: (So Taeolin youre up)
  24. Guest_rtlale1 has left the chat
  25. TaeolinTaeolin Whisper: [[skip]]
  26. LilithDemise: Beer, our post))
  27. TaeolinTaeolin Whisper: [[I wanna see beer post before I posted again P sorry]]
  28. Beerfloater: A hooded stranger with two pointy ears entered the club his hands in his pockets and his cloths slightly stained from dirt and a bit of blood and assortment of alcoholic beverages. “Hope I can get a stiff drink in this bitch.” He grumbled to himself his voice dark and low as he tighten his fist making the leather creek slightly. He walked towards the bar and sat down and ordered fifteen shots of whisky and looked about the bar. It seemed familiar but he had been in many places he couldn’t place his finger on it but he didn’t like the place.
  29. Guest_sevisen has joined the chat
  30. Guest_sevisen has left the chat
  31. Beerfloater: sc
  32. LilithDemise: -Lilith watched as the girl stammered about clumsily with her words in response to her question that only required a simple yes or no. She shook her head lightly, before casting her eyes on the hooded male whom walked past them merely making a b-line for the bar. "Great another lush" -she mumbled under her breath hearing him asking for the excessive amount of shots. She began walking to the bar to fill the order, turning to look back to the female she would wink at her.- "make yourself comfortable, piss me off and end up on the menu." -Lilith slipped behind the bar once again, pulling out a few bottles of whisky and sliding a double shot glass infront of the rough looking male.- "You sure you want to even bother with a glass or perhaps just drink from the bottle?"
  33. wanderingviolin has joined the chat
  34. wanderingviolin: greetings and salutations
  35. wanderingviolin: ~waves
  36. wanderingviolin: nice gloves<.<bandit:P
  37. LilithDemise: (please make a proper rp entrance))
  38. wanderingviolin has left the chat
  39. TaeolinTaeolin Whisper: [[just another tool]]
  40. LilithDemiseLilithDemise Whisper: Agreed))
  41. Zer0banditZer0bandit : Suitably reassured that she wasn't about to be thrown out for vagrancy or eaten for lunch, the behorned girl sidled up to the bar- still cautious of step- and slid onto one of the seats. She looked down at her hands for a few moments, fidgetting with the metal plating on her right one, before glancing up at the woman who was, ostensibly, in charge. "Er... pardon me, but... what sort of money do you use here?"
  42. Taeolin: -As he watched the rather intrusive man barge in using profanities, Thrine slipped from his seat casually and sauntered off to the bar as Lilith began pouring the drinks. No one would see, it, but the sound of his pistol cocking under his coat was clearly heard as he sat down next to the man.- Please refrain from profanities in front of a woman. -He said rather boldly, he was aggitated by the man's rude behavior-
  43. Beerfloater: (my post/)
  44. Beerfloater: (?)
  45. LilithDemise: yup))
  46. Beerfloater: He grinned as his ears twitched hearing a gun being locked he already had a gun ready in his lap and pushed it tight into the man’s side as he sat down. “Oh goody looks like I have a friend to join me for drinks make that thirty shoots and leave the bottle.” He spoke as the other hand went and grabbed a shot and downed it quickly. “Aahhh the knight in shining armor I admire your admiration and your sense of duty but that sort of behavior died off in the late 19th century my friend but since I’ve already had a bit of a messy day I’ll let you have the honor of sharing a few with me. “ He spoke making sure the man didn’t move his arms to much. “Also go ahead and get that gun nice and close to my side as well if you want if you prefer to drink that way or holster that mean mother Huber and put the clip on the table I’ll do the same.” The man grinned Removing his hood with his right hand and sliding his sunglass’s off he was wearing a blue tooth device and his eyes seemed oddly artificial.
  47. Guest_hgfgfjfjghjgh has joined the chat
  48. Guest_hgfgfjfjghjgh has left the chat
  49. LilithDemise: -Lilith raised a brow to the girls question, a smirk spreading over her crimson lips- "I dont take money, I have no use for such. I will accept souls though." -she fought to keep from laughing while awaiting the girls response. Her attention, divereted quickly though as she heard the faint sound of a pistol cocking as Thrine took a seat at the bar. Her eyes looked over to him and then to the other man while Thrine spoke, not really sure at this point but assuming which had prepped thier weapon. As the other male responded (Beer) she pushed the bottles infront of him and then began to rub her temples. She couldnt help but to laugh at his "knight in shining amor comment" as she had never seen Thrine before in her life up until just a few moments ago. She watched the interaction between the two males for another brief moment before she herself spoke.- "Whichever one lives gets the honor of cleaning up the mess.." -with that she turned her attention back to the female.- "Now whats your poison?"
  50. LilithDemise: (hope trigger music dont bother anyone)
  51. Taeolin: [[nope]]
  52. LilithDemise: hyp*
  53. LilithDemise: Good, cause if it did I was gonna say too bad :P))
  54. Zer0bandit: Souls? She grimaced, showing the tips of razor-edged teeth for a scant moment. And here she was without a single soul-amber on her. She'd never heard of them being used for trade before, but then, since she'd been on the move she'd run through places that took gold, crystals, or colourful bits of paper for money, so she wasn't as surprised by this development as she might have been. She at least seemed to have recovered a little from her earlier consternation- though her tail still twitched in an agitated fashion, and she kept glancing askance at what seemed to be a building confrontation at the other end of the bar. "W-well..." it was pretty unlikely that they'd have any djeiran wine here, and she could never remember what people up here tended to drink. "Ah... I'd ask what the house special is, but I don't have any amber to pay with."
  55. Guest_gdfsgdfgdfggfdfs has joined the chat
  56. Guest_gdfsgdfgdfggfdfs has left the chat
  57. Beerfloater: (That ladies name is awsome GDFSGFDFJFFFGFJ!
  58. Beerfloater: (Must be latin or something)
  59. LilithDemise: (lmao )
  60. LilithDemise: (Even when I was a noob I was more creative then just hjs;hfksdjfgjdslfjls))
  61. DamonDemise has left the chat
  62. Beerfloater: (Oh god no more music)
  63. TaeolinTaeolin Whisper: -Unnoticeably, with Thrine's speed he had simultaneously cocked both of his pistols, making it sound as if it were just one but had no intention of letting the male think Thrine had bested him. He seemed the narcissistic type, wouldn't want to hurt his pride he thought to himself and nodded at the man.- obviously chivalry hasn't died, I'm living proof. -He smirked a bit, his one visible eye glimmering under a curtain of hair.- But I have no more problems if you can hold your tongue, at least while I'm present.
  64. LilithDemise: (yup I need music or Imma pass out its 7:40am and have only had like an hour of sleep)
  65. Taeolin: [[hah, same time for me but I havn't gone to bed yet]]
  66. Taeolin: [[can I play a couple songs after this?]]
  67. LilithDemise: ((well I have ambien to thank for my hour and sure play away as long as its not gospel))
  68. LilithDemise: (Beer your post ^^))
  69. Taeolin: [[ I have some music I think you might enjoy]]
  70. LilithDemise: ((Okies))
  71. LilithDemise: and brb I need to piss))
  72. Beerfloater: “First dual pistols aren’t always good idea not to be rude but your arms are thin and the recoil will through off your shots if you need to have two guns go with shotguns so you don’t have to worry about aiming much. Second drink up I’m fucking paying I can’t drink this all myself and third you are wearing makeup not really something that makes me shiver in my booties. I know the tinny bop look might get you laid as all get out doesn’t really impress natural born killers but ignore my ramble lets see how you can take whisky.” He grinned downing another shoot hoping this didn’t end up painting the room with their blood.
  73. LilithDemise: Or Ill post real quick lol))
  74. Taeolin: [[I said "unnoticeably" you can't notice that if i've said that]]
  75. Beerfloater: (Look at the size of my damn ears I hear everything)
  76. Taeolin: [[ugh doesn't matter, it's a rule of thumb with T1 RP, what you did is like replying to something someone was thinking in their head if you're not a mind reader]]
  77. Beerfloater: (Well if you realy want to tear into you the way you stated your post you only started out with one pistol being cocked then you cocked another unless your holding three guns gtfo :)
  78. Beerfloater: (Hot watter burn baby :)
  79. Taeolin: [[leaving out information purposely by anticipating the next post, is nothing like deliberately breaking T1 guidlines]]
  80. BeerfloaterBeerfloater Whisper: (Well you could have been arming a gernade or setting up a bomb leaveing something blank and saying you were doing something else is horrible T1 :/)
  81. Taeolin: [[btw, elf ears are just longer..the size of the ear canal is the same as a humans]]
  82. Beerfloater: (Good job but not exactly just a elf many types of elves I suggest you google a bit and second larger ears means picking up more sounds.)
  83. Beerfloater: (Also you have no idea if his just a elf so please stop making excuses :)
  84. LilithDemise: (will you two stop? Beer you know your my friend but Im inclined to go with
  85. LilithDemise: Taeolins agrumemtn on this one ))
  86. Beerfloater: (He had a vauge post he could have been doing anything)
  87. LilithDemise: just IC it out okay now posting again))
  88. Taeolin: thegame
  89. LilithDemise: -Lilith laughed to the girls response.- "Forget the payment, how about a shot of Tequila?" -Not really paying much attention to the either of the males, or waiting for the girls response Lilith knelt down rumaging through the bottles until she found the bottle of teaquila. Rising back up, she grabbed and filled another glass and slid it infront of the girl. She cast a small glance over the three who sat before her before lifting the bottle to her ruby lips and letting the liquid rush into her mouth and down her throat. Closing her eyes as it burnt going down, she continued to inhale the bottles contents for a moment longer before slamming it back down on the counter. She wiped her lips against her forearm and made her way from behind the bar and near the fountain taking a seat her thoughts begining to wander as she watched the trio carefully.-
  90. LilithDemise: Lame post I know but I gotta piss so brb))
  91. Taeolin: [[tyt]]
  92. Beerfloater: (Is there music overlaping)
  93. Beerfloater: (Yes ..yes there is)
  94. Taeolin: [[I only hear one song]]
  95. Zer0bandit: Well, the smell of the drink before her made her eyes prickle a little, but far be it from her to turn down such hospitality, so she reached out with her unplated hand, taking up the glass and raising it in a salute to the lady behind the bar. Cautiously, she took a sip- as soon as she got the taste of it, her face screwed up, nose wrinkling and eyes squinting. Spirits, that was a hell of a taste. Squeezing her eyes closed, she tilted her head back and slammed the rest of it. This happened to be a bad idea, as the drink went down kicking and screaming, and sent her into a wheezing coughing fit.
  96. Beerfloater: (I hear three my computer must be on crack :./)
  97. Taeolin: [[it's prolly lag]]
  98. Beerfloater: (I hear what sounds like Disturbed which I like then turned up my speakers and got some asasin somethin going on its all going to hell)
  99. Taeolin: [[rofl, it's the FF10 opening theme]]
  100. LilithDemise: back))
  101. Beerfloater: (I stepped on a mouse today in the dark with my bare foot :-( went to get a drink of water crunch I was like wtf flip lights OH NO!)
  102. LilithDemise: lmao))
  103. Beerfloater: (I felt realy bad :(
  104. LilithDemise: meh my kitty brought me one he had ate half of the other day I was like aww he loves meh, no I lie I was like wtf?))
  105. Beerfloater: (LOL in cats mind----- "See this rat.....this is what I plan on doing to you tongiht consider this...a warning." What you hear-- -"MEOW purr.....")
  106. LilithDemise: lmao))
  107. Beerfloater: (Fucking thank god distrubed is un disturbed last bit of the song tho :)
  108. LilithDemiseLilithDemise Whisper: (-pokes Taeolin's bubble-)
  109. Beerfloater: (I joined a empire today it was in fucking space)
  110. LilithDemise: nice))
  111. Beerfloater: (Epic roleplay I plan on brining this vampire run space station to the ground
  112. Beerfloater: (Was awsome XD
  113. Taeolin: -He tilted his head to the man, his eye never wavering as it narrowed a bit to his low brow and simplistic tauntings. He supposed the stand off would continue until one of them either fired or left but stood his ground none the less. He pondered a moment about the situation and the man's behaviors and seemed to be the "shoot now, ask questions later" type, an ironic judgment of his character considering the current situation. He gave no tell that his second gun was wandering to point at the man's trigger finger. Thrine always seemed so uptight in these situations, as if he were compltely focused, but really he had many things on his mind.-
  114. LilithDemise: wouldnt be the Chrystilians would it?))
  115. Beerfloater: (Nope Boltemorus something)
  116. LilithDemise: Your post Beer))
  117. LilithDemise: Yays someone just bought this room from meh))
  118. Beerfloater: “fuck its hard drinking with one hand.” He grumbled honestly wanting him to drink with him as he took another shoot and popped his neck. “Wanna hear a good one…these dwarf tried mugging me the other day with a bat with a big ass spike in it tells me give me all you have on you. I gave him one good look and told’em I was going to take that bat and shove it up his ass and turn him into a popsicle…guess what I did.” He giggled remembering the dwarf scream as he left him impaled on the bat. “Anyways you look like someone who can handle themselves any fun stories.” He spoke poking him with the gun at his side still.
  119. Taeolin: [[lol your character is fucking hilarious bro]]
  120. LilithDemise: (you should see him when he operates on the wounded))
  121. Taeolin: [[what? why bother, just put em out of their misery]]
  122. iiShinji has joined the chat
  123. iiShinji: Hello
  124. Beerfloater: (Please post a entrance shin)
  125. iiShinji: *Stumbles inside the underground room*
  126. Beerfloater: (Sorry no :/
  127. iiShinji: *Nervously looks around*
  128. iiShinji: *farts*(
  129. iiShinji: xD
  130. iiShinji: (Please post a response Beerfloater)
  131. DamonDemise has joined the chat
  132. iiShinji: (Sorry no :\
  133. DamonDemise has left the chat
  134. iiShinji: Boring fucks
  135. iiShinji has left the chat
  136. Beerfloater: (takes the gun from my head)
  137. Beerfloater: (Was getting close there)
  138. LilithDemise: -Although it would seem she were not paying much attention, Lilith was more than focused on the conversation at hand between the two males. As the second one began to tell his tale of the mugging dwarfs, Lilith recognized a familiarness in his voice and about the way the story was told. Before she could stop herself, she spoke- "Welhelm?" -Still sitting on the fountain, with the trio's back towards her.- (beats my kitty and lmao at this song)
  139. LilithDemise: (next post will be better, promise >.<)
  140. Zer0bandit: Perhaps mercifully, the kick of the drink was fleeting- the girl coughed and spluttered herself into quietness again, setting the glass down shakily and bracing herself against the bar. "S-spirits," she muttered to herself, blinking to try and stop her eyes watering. "I-is everything here like that?"
  141. LilithDemise: (? thins song)
  142. LilithDemise: this8))
  143. LilithDemise: fuck I give up))
  144. Beerfloater: (What?)
  145. Beerfloater: (Give up what?)
  146. LilithDemise: this********))
  147. Taeolin: -as if the two men were in their own little world at this point, the two ladies at the bar seemed like distant memories. Thrine desperately wanted to blow the trigger finger off this seemingly beligerant drunk and teach him a lesson, but appearences weren't everything. In a game of chance, you don't go all in, when you don't know if the other's got the ace in the hole. On the other hand, it was possible he had the upper hand in this bout and if nothing lost, nothing would be gained and judging by the angle of the barrel on his side he could recover from what would be a point blank shot as it didnt seem aimed at any particular organs, though he wasn't sure as the man kept prodding him with it, the angle varied. Hearing Lilith recognize the man another thought occurred to him, that if he did so much as to even maim this poor guy, he could suffer reprocussions from both her and him. He sat idley for a moment, debating on which course of action to take as he offered a response to the man, short and simple.- I don't suppose I do.
  148. LilithDemise: trying to spell))
  149. Beerfloater: (lol)
  150. LilithDemise: Your go Beer))
  151. Beerfloater: • “Look this is awkward as hell I’m going to have to piss soon and I can’t pee real well in front of other people and you’re going to be standing next to me aiming your gun at me and my gun in your side just pretty gay.” He mumbled when he heard a familiar voice and turned. “I haven’t gone by that name in a while its Canaan.” He spoke looking at the women and burying the pistol into the man’s side as he turned. “Sorry about that.” He spoke softly trying to recognize her face but found nothing. There was a blind spot in his head, a bullet-shaped hole where the answers should be. Call it denial. He wanted to dig inside his skull and scrape out the pain as the answer lingered before him but was un reachable. Somehow though as he tried to remember who she was it seemed to upset him slightly.
  152. DamonDemise has joined the chat
  153. BeerfloaterBeerfloater Whisper: (Btw Taeolin added you)
  154. DamonDemiseDamonDemise Whisper: who's music is this?))
  155. Taeolin: [[k, accepted]]
  156. Taeolin: [[beer's]]
  157. Taeolin: [[this is clearly not club music, the name of your mix lies!]]
  158. DamonDemise: Beerfloater please go shoot yourself >.> your taste in music is hidious))
  159. Taeolin: [[LOL]]
  160. BeerfloaterBeerfloater Whisper: (LOl)
  161. Taeolin: [[fucking thrine and canaan are like the fairly odd couple ffs]]
  162. LilithDemise: "Only the good stuff" -Lilith would respond to Zera, before moving to closer to the two males. She intentionally placed her small frame inbetween the both of them, her arm should of knocked the barrel free of the one mans side as she did so. Tilting her head just slightly she would study the worn features of the one she once knew as Welhelm.- "What have you done to yourself?" -She asked, seeing that his love for alcohol seemed to have aged him more than just the few years it had been since they last saw one another. She could see him struggling to place her so she decided to make things simple for him.- "Its Lil... you saved my daughter once.." -As she spoke her eyes would linger to the far side of the club where at one time her daughter had lain beaten and broken after a brutal sexual assualt.-
  163. LilithDemise: (you two crack me the fukc up)
  164. LilithDemise: fuck*
  165. LilithDemise: Taeolin, may I add you?))
  166. Taeolin: [[of course]]
  167. LilithDemise: thank you))
  168. Beerfloater: (Zero's post?)
  169. LilithDemise: yep))
  170. LilithDemise: brb grapping a drink so I can piss lots in a bit lmao))
  171. Zer0bandit: (Oh, wups)
  172. DamonDemise: Zero has bewbs o.O))
  173. Zer0bandit: (...only little ones?)
  174. DamonDemise: i see that
  175. DamonDemise: very potite))
  176. DamonDemise: ))8
  177. DamonDemise: **
  178. Beerfloater: (Carma slowly trying to drift under her shirt O.O)
  179. DamonDemise: i bet your nipples are like, tincey wincey))
  180. Beerfloater: *(Let her post your scaring her !)
  181. Taeolin: [[all boobs are good boobs, so long as they are 18+ XD]]
  182. DamonDemise: -shuts up-))
  183. LilithDemise: Lmfao))
  184. LilithDemise: -hands Taeolin a pair of 97 yr old bewbs- Merry Christmas))
  185. Beerfloater: (I prefer 65+ when they start collecting that social security they pull all the stops )
  186. Taeolin: [[woot!]]
  187. Taeolin: [[rofl]]
  188. LilithDemise: -spits diet coke on her comp screen-))
  189. Taeolin: [[I like my women like my win, aged at least 18 years haha]]
  190. Taeolin: wine*
  191. DamonDemise: are those your 97 year old tits Lilith?))
  192. LilithDemise: win lmao getting excited there Taeolin?))
  193. Taeolin: [[hah!]]
  194. Beerfloater: (Must be hers drag on the ground )
  195. Zer0bandit: She coughed a bit more, leaning an elbow on the bar as the altercation at the other end of it took something of an unexpected turn. Her tail curled absently around one of her ankles as she listened, head cocked slightly to the side. Honestly, she'd been expecting it to come to blows eventually, but an unexpected acquaintance between the woman and the man with the longest ears she'd ever seen had sidetracked the thing. She wasn't really sure if that was a good thing or not; she'd almost been looking forward to seeing who came out on top, but then again she had never been very good at staying out of the way of firefights.
  196. Taeolin: [[ouch, want some ice lilith?]]
  197. LilithDemise: haha and Nah Damon, I thought they were tits they way they dragged apparently they were your nuts))
  198. DamonDemise: ooohh ;) ))
  199. LilithDemise: Guess those were warts and not nipples))
  200. Beerfloater: (Taeo's post # Hides from burn #)
  201. Beerfloater: (Aahhh shit!)
  202. Taeolin: [[oh its my post huh]]
  203. LilithDemise: yuppers Taeolin all yours))
  204. Beerfloater: (My dog knocked over my chirstmas tree last night havent bothered to pick it up folks visted my house and there like wtf I know your spending chirstmas alone but this is depressing XD)
  205. DamonDemise: lol))
  206. Beerfloater: (I was like its got fucking lights its working deal with it)
  207. DamonDemise: just slit yuor wrists bro, it will heal your depression and lead you into the place christians call heaven but i like to call it being buried 6 foot under))
  208. DamonDemise: your*))
  209. DamonDemise: dude, You just went up in my cool chart for this tune))
  210. DamonDemise: Yay You!))
  211. Beerfloater: (Do I still have to cut my wrist?)
  212. LilithDemise: actually if you go by christian beliefs suicide = hell unforgivable sin as you cant ask for forgiveness for a sin before doing it))
  213. DamonDemise: ACTUALLY))
  214. Taeolin: -As lilith moved between them he found his oppurtune distraction lost and in his mind relaxed a bit, but only slightly, his weapons still cocked and aimed though instead of fixed his muscles would loosen slightly to aim quickly if needed. Though, Thrine was curious as to why the man did not recognize someone so seemingly important, surely a savior to this woman's daughter wouldn't soon forget that moment. Perhaps his memory loss is what caused this unstable affliction of his. He thought it best not to prod and simply watched and listened carefully.-
  215. Taeolin: [[that's catholicism]]
  216. DamonDemise: ive seen a film where he askes for goes into a church and asks for forgiveness before killing everyone, and then once he be done he ish fine. So i guess you can ask for forgiveness before commiting the sin your want forgiveing for))
  217. LilithDemise: meh fuck religion who's post))
  218. DamonDemise: you saggy tits post))
  219. DamonDemise: they want de-powdering))
  220. LilithDemise: mmk posting ))
  221. DamonDemise: ima just watch ill just in if i get excited))
  222. DamonDemise: fuck it ima post when ever i can >.>))
  223. Beerfloater: “Well sold a bunch of my medical garbage started getting into heavy drugs woke up naked and forced into some labor stuff won freedoms in a tournament fight shit and just a mercenary for hire now.” He spoke slightly remembering her now. “Yeah I know you now yeah how your daughter do.” He spoke softly turning his head away from her and taking another shoot. “Well sorry for leavening ya with that mess but hated the couples game that everyone seemed to be playin around me.” He grinned as he turned and took another shot.
  224. DamonDemise: -sighs- Damons guna come be an ass and piss everyone off :D like he always does))
  225. DamonDemise: ill post after lilith if thats alright?))
  226. Beerfloater: (YeahO)
  227. DamonDemise: cool beans))
  228. Beerfloater: (zzzzzzz)
  229. LilithDemise: If madonna would stop changing and freezing my screen I could post))
  230. DamonDemise: -grins evily and carries on changing-))
  231. DamonDemise: -mumbles- Crash and Burn bish))
  232. LilithDemise: -She leaned into the counter of the bar, her elbow resting on top of it with her palm flat to offer a cushion for her head.- "She is well enough, as we all are I supppose." -her words were not a lie, simply the truth bent, as she knew when most asked how someone was doing it was sheer politeness, not that they actually cared to hear. Shrugging slightly at his apology she twisted her petite frame to face the bar once again, lowering her arm and grabbing one of the bottles.- "Anyone want a refill?"
  233. DamonDemise: DUDE!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS MUSIC?))
  234. LilithDemise: (I may crash but atleast I dont look queer <.<))
  235. DamonDemise: you loves meh so lick my soggy cock))
  236. Beerfloater: (Best music ever)
  237. DamonDemise: get a grip of your life please beer))
  238. Beerfloater: (Sorry we dont have telescopes here )
  239. DamonDemise: posting))
  240. BeerfloaterBeerfloater Whisper: (Isnt this the song you hear when youtube rmeoves nromal song?)
  241. LilithDemise: beats me))
  242. Beerfloater: (So lilth not going to post?)
  243. Beerfloater: (Oh you did silly me)
  244. LilithDemise: lolz))
  245. Beerfloater: (I cant go on much longer my eyes hurt!)
  246. LilithDemise: Taeolin I ? your tagline lmao))
  247. TaeolinTaeolin Whisper: [[-smiles-]]
  248. Beerfloater: (Guns dont kill people nuh uh I kill people with guns....)
  249. LilithDemise: Although your hp is a migrane lmao))
  250. Beerfloater: (WTF is hp?)
  251. LilithDemise: homepage lol))
  252. DamonDemise: -Damon had stayed out with a friend the night previous and was walking back to his sisters. He had been staying there for a while as he didnt really feel like staying in the home he built for him and his ex fiancee. As he walked home, he would smile to himself, thinking of the wmen he spent the night with, Knowing they didnt do anything didnt bother him. He was taking it slow for a change as his sister had asked him too. He grew closer to the underground building to which he knew he sister would be lazing around drinking, and no doubt there would be other people there too. He knew the blokes would out number the chicks as they always did when it came to his sister. She had alot of guys falling hot for her, But Damon was on the case and only the strong stuck around after meeting him. Stepping upto the front entrance he pushes it open slowly before sliding inside and letting is shut softly with a soft "clip" behind him. Walking into the main club he would look around not seeing his sister about, Figuring she would be at the bar he slowly walked downstairs. As he got to the bar he would see 2 unknowns 1 guy who was a piss head and his sister. Walking over to her he would give her a gentle hug and a kiss on the forehead- "Hey Dwarf.."
  253. LilithDemise: Zero your go))
  254. Beerfloater: (i'm going to bed I cant go on :)
  255. LilithDemise: -snaps a shot of the love birds beside her-))
  256. LilithDemise: Awesome sticker in the making)
  257. LilithDemise: well post out then real quick))
  258. LilithDemise: :P))
  259. DamonDemise: HAHA you fail, horrible taste in music man))
  260. Zer0banditZer0bandit : She blinked a few times, feeling a little lightheaded all of a sudden- perhaps there was more kick in that drink than just the flavour. She shook her head a little, slipping off the seat and back to a standing position. Unnoticed for now, perhaps it would be best to find somewhere to sit down and wait for whatever it was she just drank to wear off. She didn't want to interrupt just to bid farewell and thank the lady for the drink, instead retreating quietly and disappearing much in the same way she had arrived.
  261. Zer0bandit: ((Tis stupid o'clock, and I should bed.))
  262. Taeolin: [[pass]]
  263. LilithDemise: So my turn again? After Beer?))
  264. DamonDemise: sheeesh, i post and every fucker leaves >.<))
  265. LilithDemise: -Watches beer's avi molest taeolin's avi-)))
  266. Beerfloater: (Its your soggy dick smells like big foots balls)
  267. Zer0bandit: ((Seeya round, lads and lady~))
  268. Send
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