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Dec 2nd, 2019
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  1. Briefly, what is your roleplay experience?
  2. I have quite an extensive amount of roleplay experience. I started roleplaying back in the Multi Theft Auto/SAMP Days., I joined my first server and within 24 hours i was straight into the Police Force.. I was about 12 at the time and very new to the entire concept of RP so natrually i made mistakes.. but thankfully the server i was on was very forgiving so they taught me alot. I rose through the ranks there and ended up running the police force untill the server's closure. From there i bounced around servers a few times, and ended up in the same position, running police forces ect untill i decided to move away from SAMP. From there i tried out various other RP games...DnD, Minecraft roleplay, Altis Life Ect...I found out about fivem on a whim when googling games one day, and decided to give it a go...i was looking for servers in australia when i came across keeno's stream. Saw the server he was on and the quality of content...and decided to join. The rest is history.
  3. What is your definition of roleplay?
  4. Roleplay is the act of creating a character from scratch, their personality...appearance, backstory ect and then bringing that character into a fictional world and breathing life into it. You act out that chracter's expirences and How they interact with the people and places in the fictional world that you are in. All of that characters interactions and memories created in the world all build towards making the character have more depth and personality. All of this is roleplay to me
  5. What character do you intend to play? Tell us about that person
  6. Nakashima was born and raised in a middle to upper class area of San Andreas. He lived with his mother, father and two brothers. Nakashima's mother was a nurse and his father was a laywer, so money was never really an issue for him and his family. He went to a private school, however during his younger years he fell in with the wrong group of people. His best friend introduced him to the world of crime. It started from things as simple as stealing candy from the school cafeteria, but from there it progressed more and more, untill they were shoftlifting from stores and robbing people. Nakashima smoked his first joint at 13 years old and started selling and dealing in drugs at 16. He decided that the petty crimes he was doing wasnt enough, and he wanted to do more. He had a contact with a large gang in the area called the Westside Bloods, and asked his friend to get him in. it took a while of proving himself, but he eventually got to the stage, where he had to go through an initiation process, and then he would be accepted. His intiation? To kill someone. He picked out a target, a younger man that looked weak and helpless. He stalked the man and shadowed him for days, untill he found his chance when the man had stopped in a more remote area, and with a knife in his pocket, approached the man. Nakashima knew quickly he had messed with the wrong person, as before he could even pull the knife from his pocket, he was slammed against the wall and thrown into handcuffs, his target has been an undercover police officer. He was dragged down to the police station and questioned heavily by the undercover officer, who apparently was looking for leads on the very gang he was trying to join..Nakashima, still young at the time and very scared, told the man everything. About his childhood and how he grew, everything up untill today. The police officer took pity on the boy, and gave him one chance to turn his life around. He said to Nakashima "If you sign the paperwork to join the police academy, you wont go to jail". Nakashima signed without hesitiation, and began his career as an officer. 10 years later, And nakashima was a completly diffrent man. He was a man his parents were proud of, and a high ranking officer in the los santos police force. During a case he was investigating in Los Santos on a group dealing with trafficking and drug distribution, Nakashima and some of his fellow officers conducted a raid on a building and arrested four suspects. However he also found a beautiful woman inside, a few years younger than him. He could see the track marks along her arms, she was hooked on the narcotics that the criminals he was chasing were pushing, and Nakashima made it his mission to change this woman's life and get her on the right track. He booked and payed for her reabilition and slowly but surely got to know the woman. He found out her name was lillian, and that she had grown up in the suburb over from his, She had gotten mixed up with the wrong people, and nakashima couldnt help but flash back to the life he once lead...and the chance that he was given. The more the two talked and got to know each other, the closer they grew, and before long they started dating. Two years later Nakashima asked for her hand in marrige. Six months after they got married, Nakashima found that he was made redundant from the police force, as they had no more need for his detective abilities as the case he was working on had been closed. Desperate Nakashima took a chance and took a transfer to Los Santos, Leaving his wife behind with the promise of getting a stable life in Los Santos for her to come over too. Finally having a home of his own, and a commanding position in the police force, Nakashima helped Lillian fill out her paperowork and got her visa for Los Santos, and wanting to be closer to her husband...joined the police academy and Joined the Los Santos Police force
  7. What are your character positives and negative characteristics?
  8. Nakashima is a strong willed, Confident and expirenced Police officer, He Is kind, friendly and fun and loves to go out of his way to help other people, even if he knows them or not..He will give anyone the shirt off his back and the last dollar in his pocket...However this leads Nakashima to easily being used and abused by the world. He also can have a temper at times, Loosing his cool when his officers do the wrong thing and getting frustated with people when they are being difficult. He also cant handle anything outside the normal...People who are over the top and borderline insane are Nakashima's Cryptonite.
  9. When do you feel is a good time to break character?
  10. It is never an acceptable time to break character. No matter what the circumstances, If you need to discuss anything OOCly do it through discord.
  11. You have arrived in Los Santos, what would your characters first day consist of?
  12. The first thing Nakahsima would do after stepping off the plane is take in the surroundings of his new home. Nakashima likes to gather information, so he would look for flyers adversting things, as well as buy the first map he could. He would then call for a taxi, making sure to chat to the taxi driver as he was driving, and head straight down to the local police station to sort out any paperwork he would need for his transfer. From there he would try and find some cheap accomodation untill he got himself established, Maybe look in the local advertisements for a second hand car or something that he can use to get in and out of work everyday. He would then spend the rest of the time sightseeing, trying to learn who is important and the important places in town...when night falls Nakashima would make sure he got an early nights sleep...ready for work the next day
  13. You see a player your don't like - Are you allowed to attack the player without any interactions beforehand?
  14. No
  15. In your own words, please describe what Meta-Gaming is.
  16. Meta-gaming is the act of using information gained in an Out of Character method and using that in character to your advantage. An exmaple of this would be watching a police officers stream and then using their location to avoid the police to commiot crimes
  17. Do you understand not following the rules may result in a permanent ban in one report?
  18. Yes
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