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Nov 20th, 2019
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  1. ​​Being, non-Being and The Absolute
  3. ​​Yes, exactly. That’s exactly what it is. Enlightenment is coming full circle, and it’s supremely mundane. There is no distinction between mundane and divine in enlightenment, so both these notions becomes inapplicable.
  5. ​​Nothing can be done to enter seedless Samadhi. It just happens, it cannot be forced. All effort is unproductive once one enters Samadhi, because Samadhi is a meditative state. That’s just what it is - Samadhi is a constant meditation. Even upon realization of one’s Being, when the core of ego is gone, one enters a semi-meditative state which is present all the time. Even at this state meditation as a tool becomes somewhat ineffective because even though you can still meditate, it just becomes very pleasurable but it doesn’t take you deep enough to uncover more in the unconscious. In non-Being meditation becomes strictly impossible. I cannot meditate - I always meditate. Meditating is the same for me as just sitting there, there is no difference. Meditation is a tool to discover your Being and (maybe) jumping into non-Being, the whole goal of enlightenment is to jump into meditation to never come back from it. Osho, for example, used to say that after enlightenment a total relaxation is needed, every effort is unproductive. That’s what Sahaja Samadhi is - it’s when the state of meditation is carried effortlessly through all your daily activities without any need to maintain it. Which allows all the rest to unfold and all the integration to take place. When all of that is done, there’s Nirbija Samadhi - the end of even the meditation itself, the end of all conditioning, all watching, all unfolding, just life.
  7. ​​I thought up what I think is a funny example of what enlightenment actually looks and feels like.
  9. ​​So imagine you go to a doctor and he tells you that you have a terminal disease which only gives you one week to live. And you should come back next week to get put to sleep (for some bullshit reason - let’s say otherwise your death will be painful - it doesn’t matter in this example, I just couldn’t come up with a realistic reason for coming back next week lol).
  11. ​​What’s gonna happen? Well, after the initial shock, you’re gonna cry. You’re gonna feel sorry for yourself and all that. And then you’re gonna run to everyone you know and cry with them. You’re gonna tell them how much you love them all, and how much you wronged them all, and that you forgive them all and you hope they forgive you. You say your goodbyes to everybody. Tearful, sincere goodbyes. It hurts like hell.
  13. ​​So you come next week, defeated, tearful and really not wanting to go and the doctor says, “Well, after having the blood work done, it looks like I was mistaken - you actually have another week after all”. Now you’re joyful. You have another week after all! Yay! You are running around again saying how much you love everybody and how happy you are. People say you’re crazy but you don’t care. What can possibly hurt you? How can words hurt you? Another week of life, life is a joy! Let’s dance! I love you all!
  15. ​​Next week the same story happens. Now you’re kinda drunk on death, because you have realized that you have never been more joyful and forgiving in your entire life. You are overfilled with love and want to share it with everybody else. You want everyone to know that they are missing out on life engaging in petty conflict, and it’s possible to be loving and forgiving and happy at the same time. You have a great wisdom now. You know now that the source of wisdom is death. You know now that these people are just stupid, they are confused, ignorant, like you were before. This is basically the realization of Being, “I am”, the state of Jesus Christ.
  17. ​​But then it happens again. Now you’re almost angry. What the fuck? How long will this go on? You have noticed that the feelings of love and bliss subsides somewhat, and people pay little attention to you anyways. You have noticed the emptiness inside, almost like it was all for nothing. What now?
  19. ​​Then it happens again. It’s not even funny any more. You are no longer running around telling everyone how much you love them. You already said goodbye to all the loved people in your life - you severed your psychological connections to them. They still cannot do or say anything to you to make you angry, but your love to them is much more cold, serene, it’s not passionate. It slowly dawns on you that you’re completely alone, that everyone dies alone. What’s left? There’s just this - your body, the air. Every breath is beautiful. Every cloud is amazing. You start noticing the subtle details which you never noticed before. You dwell in the present moment, dazzled and awed by the beauty of it all. How could you not have noticed it before? How could you be missing before being lost in all the drama? It almost seems like all you noticed were people, but this? This has been here all this time. The sounds, the colors, the sensations - it’s all so amazing. You are alone, completely alone, and all that’s left is the experience. One enters non-Being.
  21. ​​Then it happens again. You don’t care as much anymore, but hey, maybe it’s a good opportunity to tell those people what they have been missing in their life. That they don’t actually know what the sky really looks like or how food really tastes like because they are lost in their insignificant stories and emotions, which all have become empty to you. So you try. There is still some pain in you that nobody is able to see what you see.
  23. ​​But then it happens again and you’re defeated again. What was it all for? Telling other people how empty it is must be, in itself, empty. You sink into the experience even further. Maybe I should just surrender to the idea that I will never know when I will die?
  25. ​​So you fluctuate like this between Being and non-Being until at one point it settles completely. You have fully accepted the complete unpredictability of this whole situation, you’re not even angry at the doctor, you don’t know when you are going to die, you are no longer angry with anybody and pretty much don’t experience any emotion whatsoever, you are serene, you are ready for your death at any moment. The thought of going to the doctor again next week has absolutely no bearing on you emotionally. You are always at the same state, just enjoying, breathing, eating, living.
  27. That’s basically Samadhi with a seed.
  29. ​​Then, at one point, God knows when, you come to a doctor, as usual, ready to die, with a smile on your face. And the doctor says, yes, it is today. And you say, okay, unperturbed. And at that point the doctor says to you:
  30. ​​“Great, okay, now that you got it all out of your system, go live! I lied. Lol. You’re done. Bye!”
  32. ​​That’s The Absolute. Lol. You won’t even feel anything at this point, you’ll say “okay” and go on living. The drop to The Absolute is very minor compared to everything that has happened before.
  34. ​​So you go on living and never see the doctor again.
  36. ​​The doctor in this scenario is Brahman. The “terminal disease” is life lol. The “you” is your ego. Not your body, just your ego.
  38. ​​So just like you don’t die in this scenario, ego doesn’t really die in full enlightenment. Enlightenment is not an egoless state, it is a state beyond egolessness, which is to say beyond the distinction between having an ego and not having an ego. Both ego and egolessness disappear in enlightenment.
  40. ​​So you see no ego, no egolessness, no soul, no God, no consciousness, no Brahman, no people as “psychological entities”, no divinity. You see trees, grass, cars, people as real people - flesh and blood, and you just live without any suffering or fear of death.
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