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a guest
Aug 22nd, 2019
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  1. S ««Would Downvote Twice if I Could»»
  3. 1. Get out of here with your logic/reason/facts.
  4. 2. I'm not crying, you're crying.
  5. 3. This should be at the top./Underrated
  6. 4. Yes officer, this [post/comment] right here.
  7. 5. [incorrectly points out fallacy]
  8. 6. Take my upvote!
  10. A+ ««Look for these to downvote»»
  12. 7. Came here to say this./This. (etc.)
  13. 8. Edit: [complaining about downvotes]
  14. 9. I'll show myself out.
  15. 10. Shut up and take my money!
  16. 11. [pun thread]
  17. 12. [premature downvote complaining]
  19. A ««Will go out of my way to downvote»»
  21. 13. Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see this.
  22. 14. Faith in humanity restored.
  23. 15. This is why we can't have nice things.
  25. A- ««Will Always Downvote»»
  27. 16. Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! (etc.)
  28. 17. Edit: [points out what their most upvoted comment is about]
  29. 18. I laughed harder than I should have.
  30. 19. [regular picture only made notable in any way by story title]
  31. 20. rip your inbox
  32. 21. You sir or ma'am just won the internet.
  34. B ««Almost Never Not Downvote»»
  36. 22. Edit: rip inbox
  37. 23. Edit: Wow this blew up!
  38. 24. I for one welcome our new [x] overlords.
  39. 25. I have the weirdest boner right now.
  40. 26. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
  41. 27. Instructions unclear, dick stuck in [x].
  42. 28. I see what you did there.
  43. 29. Late to the party/This will get buried (etc.)
  44. 30. sigh... *unzips*
  45. 31. Who's cutting onions?
  47. C ««Relatively Benign»»
  49. 32. 10/10 would [x] again
  50. 33. Am I the only one/Does anybody else
  51. 34. Calm down Satan.
  52. 35. Can confirm.
  53. 36. cringe
  54. 37. doggo/pupper
  55. 38. feels
  56. 39. for science
  57. 40. FTFY
  58. 41. ITT
  59. 42. Nice.
  60. 43. NOPE
  61. 44. Not a(n) [x] but
  62. 45. Oof
  63. 46. Roll tide!
  64. 47. Sauce/Source?
  65. 48. Said no one ever.
  66. 49. [anything about broken arms]
  67. 50. [anything to do with Karen/Chad]
  68. 51. [song lyrics thread]
  69. 52. [subreddit link]
  70. 53. [subreddit] is leaking
  72. D ««Don’t See Frequently (Thankfully)»»
  74. 54. And my axe!
  75. 55. bundle of sticks
  76. 56. hivemind/echo chamber/circlejerk
  77. hooboy/hooman
  78. 57. Put... put your dick in it.
  79. 58. Rekt
  80. 59. Repost
  81. 60. something something [x]
  82. 61. This guy [x].
  83. 62. Unpopular opinion but [popular opinion]
  84. 63. wholesome
  85. 64. Wife her.
  86. 65. yikes
  87. 66. You really think someone would LIE on the internet?
  89. F ««Funny When Used Ironically»»
  91. 67. Asking for a friend.
  92. 68. Thanks I hate it.
  93. 69. Username checks out. (etc.)
  94. 70. We did it reddit!
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