
Hanko does a thing in Tokyo.

Apr 6th, 2014
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  1. Hankolijo yawned. He hadn't slept for a while since he got off the plane. Hell, he only slept a half an hour on the plane anyway. He took his bike to Tokyo, and was amazed by the sights. The tall buildings, neon signs, Japanese girls and crowds of thousands of people. He stopped by an internet cafe, and after some time managed to pay to use a computer. It wasn't easy, since he didn't know a single word in Japanese, and the clerk didn't know a single word in English. Eventually, another employee showed up, and Hank got on the internet. He didn't use the hedset provided, since he liked the cafe's choice of playing 'Teryaki Boyz'. Hank checked several news services to see if he was mentioned in any. The folks back at his home town were still on a damn witch hunt, and the incident at Area 51 was mentioned, but Hanks name wasn't announced yet. Maybe the pentagon was bluffing...? Yeah, Hank didn't believe that. He bowed to the clerk, since he felt like that was a thing he had to do here, and left the building. He got back onto his Harley Davidson, checked his bag to make sure his gear was still there. It was. He put on his helmet, started the motorcycle and headed off to... Where was he going? Tokyo was a big town, and Osswald wasn't mentioned in the news at all... Where the fuck was he going to find him? Hank waited at a red light, watching the large crowd of people walk across. Hundreds of people, all going at once. He knew Tokyo had a lot of people in it, but he didn't even imagine something like this. The green light appears, meaning he can go. Hank drives further off, still not knowing where to, but his eye catches a glimpse of a dojo as he passes by. He notices several symbols on the wall... one of them was a larger rendition of Gacko. He promptly turned around his Road King and stopped by the dojo, approaching the symbol.
  2. Hankolijo walks closer to the symbol, placing his hand on it. He didn't expect to really be Gacko... but it looked exactly like him. A samurai looking man exits the building, looking at Hank. He says something in Japanese, but Hank doesn't understand. He responds, not even hoping for the man to know what he is saying: "I'm sorry, I'll leave now..." he turns around. "Stop! What do you seek at our dojo?" the Asian man asks. Hank turns around, looking at him. "That symbol looked... familiar." he says. The man comes closer. "The sleeping dragon?" he asks. Hank shrugs. The man approaches him, now just a step away. "How do you know the symbol, gaijin?" Hank rubs the back of his neck. "I used to have a tattoo like it... Hey, what are you..." he says, as the man pulls up Hanks sleeve, revealing his rotting arm. The man looks up into his eyes. "You have been cursed by 死亡グール! And you speak of having the sleeping dragon tattoo?" "Hey, buddy, I don't know who this Shiboguru guy is you speak of, and..." "Quiet, gaijin! You must see the master at once!" He exclaims, pulling Hank into the dojo. "Wait, my bike!" Hank exclaims, but the samurai responds: "This is Japan, nobody will steal it like they would in America!" and with that, Hank was pulled into a wide open room, filled with mats and statues.
  3. Hankolijo gasps at the size of the room. Several doors lead off in different directions, and some fully-armored fighters train on the mats, both with and without weapons. "Stay here, gaijin!" the samurai tells Hank, and he just nods. The samurai walks through a door, and leaves Hank observing the training. After several minutes, Hank approaches the door. Just as he takes a step towards it, it slides open. The samurai walks through, followed by an elderly man. "This," the samurai gestures at the man, kneeling down, "is master Takenuma, the leader of the タトゥーパスタ clan.". Takenuma nods, and Hank bows. ~Did he just say tattoo pasta?~ Hank thinks. "Gaijin, show me your arm." the elderly man speaks in a confident tone. Hank raises up his sleeve once again, showing his blackened arm. Takenuma whispers something to the samurai. "死亡グール, also known as Morspallidum or Deathghoul, is the bastard son of Aterpestis. For a short period of time, Japan thought of him as a God that would appear every now and then. But he was the Devil more than anything. He murdered his baby brother, was banished to the plains of existence, cursed to take the form of a beast. But he thought of it as a blessing..." the man stops speaking gesturing for Hank to come into the room. Hank does so, and the samurai and Takenuma follow. The room has a flower theme and two mats in the middle, between them a sort of small table with a tea set on it. Takunuma sits down on one of the mates, gesturing for Hank to take a seat as well, and Hank does so. Hell, if the man would've asked for him to sleep there he would've done it. He was so damn tired.
  4. Hankolijo "So, Takenuma-san," Hank says. He threw in a 'san' there cause he felt like that would be proper. "how come a tattoo of my pet lizard is a symbol of your clan?" he asks. The man raises his hand, picks up a cup and sips from it. "Please, help yourself to some tea... and I will explain you our symbols in a moment. You must first know Morspallidums background." he states, placing the cup down again. Hank nods, and takes one as well. Takenuma continues: "After being banished, Morspallidum came upon the book of the damned. According to legend, he crossed his name out of the book, making himself immortal. He then taught himself godlike powers, created his own realm, and made a temporary connection between his realm and ours. He sent in his minions, and many of our legends originate from them. Kappas, for example, were his minions in ancient Japan." the man stops, taking another sip. "Our clan may not be the largest or most powerful, but we are one of the most ancient ones in Japan. Our tattoos originate from the ancient masters of our clan. By performing rituals, we are able to animate our tattoos... Was... your tattoo animate?" the elderly man asks. Hank nods. The master thinks for a moment, and Hank waits for him to continue.
  5. Hankolijo rubs the back of his head again. Takenuma continues: "Morspallidum was praised, but new religions appeared. And they weren't ones that the Deathghoul approved. He was fine with people praising real figures that had existed, ones that changed the flow of history itself... Jesus, though Morspallidum hated the exaggeration in the bible, was tolerated, and so he had no issues with Christianity. But many of the new religions... he couldn't stand. The advent of technology made him mad. People were destroying nature, and replacing it with their factories and houses. He left our realm, and we thought it was for good. He wasn't stable in our universe at the time any way. The connection between our realms was weak. And so was he. But lately... we have sensed he is gaining power. Growing stronger, assembling a force. And the only way to defeat him is..." the man looks into Hanks eyes, a serious expression on his face, "...awakening the sleeping dragon and travelling to the plains of existence to gain access to the book of the damned. Morspallidum is a cocky bastard, and I'm not trying to be rude, Gaijin. He really was a bastard of Aterpestis... Any way, if you had an animate tattoo of the sleeping dragon," he speaks, placing his hand on Hanks shoulder, "You are going to be the one to collect the items of the Gods and defeat Deathghoul... But where is the sleeping dragon, gaijin?" he asks, and Hank looks away. "Morspallidum took him away, sending him to a man in Area 51. I tracked him to Tokyo, but I don't know where he is...". Takenumi strokes his beard, thinking.
  6. Hankolijo "Do you know anything of general Osswald?" Hank asks. Takenuma looks at the samurai. The samurai speaks: "Osswald is a minor head in the pentagon and a major head at Area 51. But we have found out he may not be on the good side of the law at all. He has been seen together with several leaders of the Yakutza, and every time he visits Tokyo he goes to a shady motel. That would be an ideal place to start looking." he bows. Takenuma nods: "Thank you, April," he turns back to Hank: "April will accompany you there. If you require any equipment, ask away." Hank shakes his head, standing up. "No need, master, I brought my own." he then bows. "How far is the motel?" he asks April. "Very close by." the man responds. Hank nods. "May we go now?" he asks. Takenamu nods, and gestures for them to leave. Both Hank and April bow again, and exit the dojo. Hank approaches his motorcycle, but April stops him. "We will get there faster on foot." he says. Hank smirks. "I just need my gear." he says, picking up his bag, now following April through Tokyo.
  7. Hankolijo followed April along the road, streams of cars dashing by on their daily routes. Hank notices a slightly smaller, more run down building than the rest, with a neon 'Motel' sign on the front. They approach it. "Do you know what room Osswald is in?" Hank asks. "No, but hardly anyone lives here. It is terrible even for homeless standards." the samurai responds. Hank nods, and they enter the building. April approaches the check-in lady and speaks to her. He then goes back to Hank. "Room 204 is actually the only occupied one..." Hank nods and starts heading up the staircase, his sidearm drawn. The two men approach room 204, and Hank places his ear on the door. Hearing nothing but muffled talking, he kicks open the door and rushes in, waving his pistol: "WHERE THE FUCK IS OSSWALD?" he exclaims, but is only greeted by the TV being on. Some sort of sitcom, where two grown men were making puns after every ten seconds. Hank sighs, and goes back out. "Not here... "he says to April, who nods and starts heading down, but Hank notices something... off. The door to room 205 was open. He gestures for April to come closer.
  8. Hankolijo walks into the room, his gun still out. It is awfully quiet, and the door to the bathroom is open. April follows, a dagger in his hand. As they approach the open door, Hank already knows what's inside. He could smell lead. Hank walks inside, and finds a man in a military uniform laying on the ground. He feels pissed at first, but notices something on the mans arm. He reaches down, smiling. "Welcome back, Gacko..." he says as the little tattoo lizard moves to his arm. April smiles. "Now we must go back to the dojo, and see what is the first step in stopping Morspallidum." he says. hank nods, and the two men leave the room. They go over to the check-in lady and report to her the death of the general, then leave the motel. They head back to the dojo, as Gacko explains everything that had happened to him along the way there. Apparently, the Yakutza didn't get some sort of American 'shipment' that Osswald was responsible of. Hank smiles, not caring too much about how that guy died.
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