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Aug 22nd, 2019
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  1. # This is a template config file
  2. # define your parameter and its value like:
  3. Messages:
  4. ErrorMsg: "&c&lERROR &8» &fSome error occured."
  5. OrphanRemoved: "&c&lNOTICE &8» &fan orphan marker removed."
  6. OrphanRemoveComplete: "&c&lNOTICE &8» &f Orphan marker removal completed."
  7. MaxReached: "&c&lERROR &8» &fthe max count has been reached!"
  8. NoPermPlace: "&c&lERROR &8» &fYou don't have a permission to place a mobspawner of type &e%type%&c."
  9. NoPermChange: "&c&lERROR &8» &fYou don't have a permission to change a mobspawner of type &e%type%&c."
  10. TypeChanged: "&a&lSUCCESS &8» &fthe mob type has been changed to &e%mobtype%&a."
  11. SizeChanged: "&a&lSUCCESS &8» &fthe stack size has been changed to &e%amount%&f."
  12. NoSuchType: "&c&lERROR &8» &fNo mob type &e%mobtype% &aexists."
  14. HelpMessages:
  15. banner:
  16. msg: "=== &e[&aMergedSpawner Commands List (%version%)&e] &r==="
  17. help:
  18. msg: "&a/mergedspawner help : displays this help menu."
  19. reload:
  20. msg: "&a/mergedspawner reload : reloads config file."
  21. permission: "mergedspawner.reload"
  22. debug:
  23. msg: "&a/mergedspawner debug <true|false> : turn on / off the debug mode."
  24. permission: "mergedspawner.debug"
  25. info:
  26. msg: "&a/mergedspawner info : displays the information on the spawn you're looking at."
  27. permission: ""
  28. clean:
  29. msg: "&a/mergedspawner clean : removes all orphan markers."
  30. permission: "mergedspawner.clean"
  31. give:
  32. msg: "&a/mergedspawner give <player> <mobtype> <amount> : gives <player> <amount> spawner of type <mobtype>."
  33. permission: "mergedspawner.give"
  34. set:
  35. msg: "&a/mergedspawner set <mobtype> [amount]: changes the mob type of the spawner you're looking at (or the spawner you're holding) to <mobtype> and set the stacked size to [amount]."
  36. permission: "mergedspawner.set"
  37. fix:
  38. msg: "&a/mergedspawner fix: tries to fix/update spanwers on the currently loaded chunks."
  39. permission: "mergedspawner.fix"
  40. news:
  41. msg: "&a/mergedspawner news : display the news associated with the current release."
  42. permission: ""
  44. # This option allow you to chose how the merged spawners are internally managed. The newer mode 1 and 2 might trigger
  45. # a bug in NMS and cause the some spawner to turn back into a pig spawner. However, newer mode will significanly
  46. # reduce the lag when an excess amount of spawners are stacked.
  47. # It is strongly recommended to test mode 2 and 1 on your test server before you switch to those mode.
  48. #
  49. # 0 : very stable mode but work on any version, but it may start lagging if you have excess amount stacked
  50. # 1 : up to 1.12 (experimental)
  51. # 2 : from 1.13 (experimental)
  52. # 3 : default and only mode supported for v10,
  53. MergeMode: 0
  55. NumberRegex: "([0-9]+)(X)" #this corresponds to %number%X in CustomNameFormat
  56. CustomNameFormat: "&e%number%X &7%type%"
  58. # if you're using SilkSpawner, set BlockPlaceEventPriority to MONITOR
  59. # adjust these event priority if those event processes from this plugin
  60. # interfere with other plugins' event processes.
  61. EventPriorityMap:
  62. BlockPlaceEvent: "MONITOR"
  63. BlockBreakEvent: "MONITOR"
  64. BlockExplodeEvent: "MONITOR"
  65. EntityExplodeEvent: "HIGH"
  66. SpawnerSpawnEvent: "HIGHEST"
  67. TEBlockExplodeEvent: "LOW"
  68. PlayerInteractEvent: "LOW"
  70. # if this option is true, mined spawner will automatically be placed in your inventory
  71. # if the inventory is full, it will be dropped at spawner's locaation
  72. AutoPickup: true
  74. # if this option is true,
  75. # shift + Silktouch mine will mine all stacked spawners
  76. ShiftMineAll: false
  78. # if this option is true,
  79. # shift + place a spawner will try to place all stacked spawners
  80. ShiftPlaceAll: true
  82. # this option will determin whether spawner will be exploded one by one or all at once.
  83. # option : ONE or ALL (default: ALL)
  84. ExplodeDrop: ONE
  86. # Default Max if the max stack number is not provided for individual mob type under Mobs:
  87. # This default max number will be used. If this value is -1, No limit will be applied.
  88. DefaultMax: -1
  90. # This radius is used to search the existing mob spawner of a same type when you "place" a new spawner
  91. # The newly placed spawner will be merged into the found existing spawner.
  92. # if you put MergeRadius: chunk (case insensitive), you can put only one spawner of the same kind.
  93. MergeRadius: 1
  95. # disallow the use of mob eggs to change the spawner type.
  96. AllowMobEgg: false
  98. # The default number of mobs spawned from one spawner
  99. MobsPerSpawner: 4
  101. # SilkSpawner like drop chances.
  102. DefaultExplosionDropChance: 0
  103. DefaultDestroyDropChance: 100
  104. DefaultSilkDropChance: 100
  105. PermissionToExplode: true
  107. # Inspection tool
  108. InspectionTool: BONE
  109. InspectionDuration: 5 # in seconds
  110. LookToInspect: false
  112. InfoFormat:
  113. - "&4&m------&c Spawner &4&m------"
  114. - "&cMob Type: &f%type%"
  115. - "&cSpawner Count: &f%count%"
  118. # Spawner name format
  119. SpawnerNameFormat : "&7&l[&e&l%type%&7&l] &eSpawner"
  120. SpawnerLoreFormat :
  121. - ""
  123. Mobs:
  124. COW:
  125. alias: "&aCowCow"
  126. max: 100000
  127. count_per_spawn: 1
  128. explosion_drop_chance: 100
  129. destroy_drop_chance: 100
  130. silk_drop_chance: 100
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