
Mind of Matter - Chapter 09

Aug 26th, 2012
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  1. MoM Chapter 09
  2. Its dark, hard to move, harder to breath.
  3. You can't see much else aside from the backside of the guard before you and feeel the soft pushes tthe one behind you.
  4. "Keep moving, there must be no hesitation, every moment of lax is a moment of your discovery." one of the guards whisper as you decend lower and lower along the spiral staicase. Along the outside wall of the catacomb, you can hear the rustling and bustling of guards, their voices calling out to find this 'meance' this 'monster that sought the prince.' it made you feel sick... real sick.
  5. You pause, the guards stopping as they look at you, their eyes aglow for the darkness as you keel over a bit.
  6. A void in your gut, a void that was once the small ounce of trust you had with celestia, nothing more than a pit of dispair and regret.
  7. Its hard to think just a few hours ago you were the word of the town, Celestia was proud of your actions and everything was going all right.
  8. Then that situation with Blueblood, that fiasco of him framing you from breaking hos worthless behind on his desk and wall...well...Cermina anyway, but you can't blame her for that can you, she was a dragon, he was bashing dragons, fuck man, if he was bashing humans, you'd do the same.
  9. You slam your fist into the stone, exhaling as your thouthgs pushned you just as the guard behind you had done, pushung you on.
  10. You rise, slowly following the guard downards, lower and lower, keeping pace as the guards take you deep into the castles bowels.
  11. Sure enoug, you start hearing water, the resivour Luna must have mentioned was close as the caver starts to get brighter.
  12. The guards pause, gently pushing you forward as one points to the stream.
  13. "There, follow this river through the city and it should lead you to your freedom. Solar Guards may begin patrolling the city already so stick to the shadows; you may have a guise as a pony, but the hour is late, not many ponies venture out, especially ones dressed such as you." he notions to the cloak as you nod.
  14. 'Not like I had a choice, but I'll keep my head low.'
  15. The guard smirks, turning to his companion as he starts to turn away, leaving just you and the lone guard standing by the river.
  16. "Sire Anon." he began, gazing up at you "Luna...has put her kindness, faith, and deep trust in you. She knows you are not at fault for this and will do all she can to change it just as you aided her in the trial. Please, return to her once this subsides, she will have wished for nothing but your safetyvand seeing you return safe and sound will bring the utmost happiness to her."
  17. Luna...
  18. You couldn't just abandon her, even if you thought escaping the city was the best idea, it wouldn't be long until Celestia found you, then what, run again? Hide away at the edge of this world until she eases her mind to forgive you? Definitly not after what you did...
  19. You can't just drop this, you'll have to face her.
  20. Only place to do so was here.
  21. "`Ill do what I can, but I don't think ill get far from this city, I have my own plan to deal with all this." you mutter, easing the hood over your face as you feel your body tingle and the world slowly sink lower, finding yourself on all fours now but a sudden...renewed... spirit in you.
  22. "Stay safe Sire Anon."
  23. 'I will...and thank you.'
  25. You emerged from the resoivour below a cobblestone bridge just above you at street level.
  26. Gazing ahead and behind, the river flowing steadily before you as you notice stairs alongside the bridge to the street.
  27. It was weird climbing stairs as a pony, you had four legs to consider in movement and despite the stability, you felt akward as hell, like a little kid on your hands and knees.
  28. Of course, you were still a human simply disguised as one, so the fact you felt unusal was probably as normal as ever as you make it to the street, gazing left and right.
  29. Silence
  30. Stillness
  31. nothing moved as you turned to see the castle, massive searchlight s seemed to glamour the white walls of the spires, illuminating the whole thing in brilliance. your eyes track several wings of pegeasi, three to each, whooshing around the paloace with a sole sentry checking other locations; it seemed they thought you were still inside the castle...thats good....better to keep em guessing than knowing your exact local.
  32. Thats...what Cermina would reccommend.
  33. You felt uneasy again, you haven't seen Cermina since her outburst against Bluelood, you got pissed with her, she knew it, you knew it, what had happened was because of her.
  34. Now you may have just lost your only aid and guide in this place, and the timing could't have been worse.
  35. You were on your own, no backup, technically wanted by the royal guards and without much hope of rescue.
  36. Just another day at the office, felt like some cliche secret agent action movie.
  37. You pull cloak closer against your form as your focus returns to the river, the Night Guards had said to follow it out of the city.
  38. Looking back at the water, you can see it flowing away from you general direction, perhaps towards one of those falls you saw flying in.
  39. The bridge you stand on runs over the lake, so the only way to follow is to take a street.
  40. You look to your right, seeing the castle beyond the massive wall surrounding it with the courtyard and gardens separating them from the city proper.
  41. To exposed, definitly don't want to get closer to the castle, thats just insaine.
  42. you look left
  43. the city common, market setion, devoid of life, cover everywere.
  44. You turn left, then turn down, trotting slowly parrallel to the river as you gaze about the merchant district. Stall and shops all closed off, nopony around as every door and window was closed and not a single light on.
  45. You wonder what it would be like to spend a day here, progably close to living in a city back home, lotta ponoes goong this nway and that, gettong tp their appointments, buying things.>
  46. It gives you a chuckle as you pass by a sidewalk cafe, its windows near perfect mirrors as you study yourself.
  47. Big brown eyes look back at you as you can see your facial hair stubble along your jaw and muzzle as your expression was firm and rugged.
  48. You look pretty decent for a pony, perhaps around five feet in height with a nice tan, almost beige hide.
  49. Perhaps Luna would like you more as-
  50. no
  51. No No No
  52. Brain what the fuck are you doing?
  53. You shake your head, slowly moving further as you catch one more glance at your pony form, pulling the cloak tighter to your body as you continue down the street, passing the second bridge only to see a trio of Pegasus guards flying over, noticing you and sweeping back.
  54. Shit...ok ok...act calm.
  55. The guards land, surrounding you on three sides as the lead one steps forward.
  56. "Good evening sir, I apologize for stopping you but we are seeking a meneace to the throne and we were wondering if you have seen any strange or unusal creature prowling around the grounds."
  57. You cough, flipping on a frail accent.
  58. "Ah...sorry sirs. I have not seen anything unusal as of just a traveller whose wandered about the a little to late into the night and just wish to ask for directions to the nearest exit."
  59. The guards to both your sides mutter something as the lead guard nods, stepping aside as he notions the direction you were going. "Just keep trotting down this avenue and you should head right to it."
  60. 'Thank you kind sirs.' you reply, bowing a bit as you see the lead guard take flight, soon after the other as well as you begin trotting.
  61. Crisis averted
  63. The streets become more harder to navigate as more outter shops and stalls simply covered by tarps begin to imbede your path.
  64. Keeping close as you become less visible with the overhangs and carts still about, keeping to the shadows block your sight of the guards, their wing beats still flying above you as more start to search the city proper..
  65. You make googd progress, eventually making it to the third bridge before the sound of wingbeats echo behind you again and the same three guards land in the same positions as before.
  66. "Sorry sir, we...didn't identify you properly before, per orders of the royal guard may we ask you pull down your hood to be identified?"
  67. 'w---why woulod you ask that of me? I have never been to this city before."
  68. The guards at your side look at one another, then back at you.
  69. "Sir, that is a direct request, we need to identify you...."
  70. You smirk, easing your forehoof up and waving it infront of the guard
  71. 'You do not need to identify me.'
  72. "Excuse me?"
  73. 'I said you do not need to identify me.'
  74. "sir...?"
  75. you grin "I am not the pony you are looking for."
  76. The three guards look at one another, then at you.
  77. "Sir, you're going to have to come with us."
  78. The guard takes a step forward, you take one back, keeping the same distance as you watch your flanks.
  79. 'I don't think I will.'
  80. "Sir i won't ask-"
  81. the two close in, you back further away, spreading your hooves out to go into stance.
  82. 'come and try!'
  83. They all immediately go for you, lunging for you.
  84. Hesitation, and then time slowed just a bit.
  85. You jump over the lead guard as his companions topple over and amongst themselves in a flutter of hooves and wings.
  86. "Halt. its Him! he is in disguise!" one shouts as all three struggle to untangle hide and armour.
  87. You bolt, making good pace before the guards could compile and start to chase after you.
  88. You begin to gallop, making your way through the avenue at a fast pace, the guards flying low just behind you.
  89. Stupid Pegasus immune to Jedi.
  90. You keep running as the Guards begin to gain.
  91. Three more fly down ahead of you, high speed, racing towards you, boxing you in...
  92. What would Cermina do?
  93. Rooftops.
  94. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see a stack of oddly place crates just a few meters ahead of you as you jump for them, lunging away from the six guards who crash into one another in a heap below as you clamber up to the roof-tops
  95. and look down at the horsepile.
  96. You smirk 'Cant get me up here!'
  97. Three of them glare at you as they fly up, two of them serious expressions of displeasure while the one closest one has a coy grin on his face.
  98. Stupid pegasi and flying...
  99. You turn and bolt across the shingles, your hooves glakking against the metal and tar coverings of each roof as you jump over the first grouping; being so close there were no leaps of fate here.
  100. Your pace is no better on the rooftops, Pegasi simply fly around you, several now as you keep avoiding their wings, jumping on roof top to roof top, forgetting which direction you had to go as you suddenly stumbled onto one of the larger rooftops, head over hoofs as you quickly recover...only to find the way ndevoid of anything but the wall...
  101. Shit.
  102. You turn back, preparing to go the way you came, but three guards block your path...THOSE three again as they begin to advance onto you, backing you towards the wall, their faces stern and serious before a pair of more powerful wingbeats echo from around them, and one powerful, royal voice, caused them to pause.
  103. "Leave Anon to me, he has no escape." Celestia ordered as the three guards eased back, taking positions at each far end of the roof they stood on as the white alicorn touches down angelically on the roof top just beyond you, perhaps two buildings back, keeping her distance as her ever flowing mane caught the light of the moon perfectly and her snow white hide glinted with the stars.
  104. Beauty certainly was in the eyes of the beholder, too bad your blood wasn't welcoming her presence.
  105. "Aanon... it is foolish to continue this game, please, surrender yourself, and I shall be certain to pass fair judgement on your actions.
  106. You 'tsk' as she spoke those words, justic? for what, breaking the body of the worlds biggest dousche that nearly tired to imprison your sister? Seems she was ignorant to that fact even now.
  107. 'I refuse princess, you can take your justice and shove it for all I care, you seem intent on doing your newphews dirty work...then take me, right here, drop me now with a steak in the heart.'
  108. No one moved, every guard suddenly seemed, hesitant as Celestia kept a straight face, bowing her head slightly as she smirked.
  109. "Persistance towards ignorance Aanon?"
  110. 'More like stubborn defense, I know what I did and what I didn't do, and though I can't bring a case to explain myself, putting these accusations on me is no better than what BlueBlood had tried with your sister."
  111. Celestia seemed to change her expression, returning her coy smirk to a serious face.
  112. 'Oh dear me, strike something deep?'
  113. "Anon,,, do not press your chances here, you are already wearing my patience."
  114. 'Oh, I'll do more than that're simply the blind following the blind.'
  115. "Anon..."
  116. 'following the words of your nephew, even against your own Sister.'
  117. "Anon..."
  118. 'and what is there to show...nothing but the same cock and bull that you started with...never going to spineless-'
  119. Her hoof slammed into the roof, her eyes blazing now as she took a step forward.
  120. "Anon, that is enough." she exhaled, recomposing "I had asked you a simple request, and what do I see but it being broken."
  121. ' my hand, but I doubt the truth would be easy to understand.'
  122. "Then what is there to say Anon, you have no words to stand with and no evidence to present...cast away this veil and submit, you will not see victory here."
  123. 'I still refuse Celestia, you want to take me in..." you whip off the cloak, throwing it at a guard, causing him to flop from his height and tumble to the ground. 'then you will have to take me down.'
  124. Celestia is suprised, shocked even as you stand there, eyes fixated on her.
  125. 'Humans have the strength to fight against any form of oppression, fight for whats right, even die for it...I know what happened, and i know the consequence, but I won't submit to false accusations and I won't back down to a princess who is coiled around a bastard child's hoof without realizing the ones she must care for are simply abandoned.'
  126. Celestia sighs, closing her eyes as she magics herself for a moment, easing her crown, sash, and hooflets from her body as she opened her eyes again.
  127. "If reason cannot be met Anon, then I shall grant you the fight you seek, if to make you understand and surrender, then I shall fight with all my might."
  128. You smirk, spreading your legs into stance as you raise a hand, palm towards you as you stick your fingers together, and flick them towards you. 'Alright Celestia... Let's dance.'
  130. Your calm, exhaling a slow breath as you can see Celestia sizing you up, your legs slowly begin to bounce back and forth as you stand, always in motion as you clench your fists, brining them to guard your chest as the princess seems to grin, and then she came at you, trotting along the rooftops towards you, leaping over gaps until she rushes right by you, just brushing along you as she slows...exhaling as she turns and charges you again, clopping of hooves on shin gles as she pass your opposit side now, keeping you in place as she makes her second pass, again brushing by you.
  131. was she gauging your strenght or was she not in the fight?
  132. you couldn't help but notice her 'exposure' at each pass, her flank, being the weakest part to engage a horse, was always shown to you with every pass...with a single good hit...
  133. You ponder the thought quickly as Celestia turns and comes at you again, you sidestep to the far right as she comes to the same side, exposing her whole flank as you throw your fists, turning them to open palm and shoving her hard...
  134. you can see her body take the impact, even as an open palm it sent her back a good few, her footing failing as she seemed to pause just inches from the edge of the roof, huffing as he eyes seemed to flash in brilliance...a smile?
  135. She came at you directly this time, head tall as she went right for you body, but you could expect that, you brace and then tumble right...below her.
  136. She leaps over you like a pony at a show, suprised of course as you recover, still low to the ground as she comes at you again, raising her form with an almost unexpected shout before she slammed her hoofs down...hard.
  137. You narrowly avoid it, ducking out of the way before she comes at you.
  138. stomp stomp stomp.
  139. you keep avoiding, but you're running out of room as your last tumble brought you to the edge.
  140. A sign of content on Celestia as she trots over, rearing up...
  141. you tumble under her, stopping right between her fore and back hooves just as she comes down...
  142. and you push up, clasping a firm grip on her stomach before hauling her up and launching her from the edge, head first.
  144. you exhale as you watch her fall, sheer suprise and shock as she flops downward.
  145. you rush to the edge to look down...
  146. and she launches back up, whipping skyward as she circles the roof and lands at the opposit end, a smirk as she flashes her horn and then lowers her head, stompping her forehoof like a bull...
  147. she charges, faster this time as a windsnap strikes across her rear as her horn glows.
  148. You tumble under her again, but she figured that.
  149. As she jumped over, just when her forehoofs touched down, she dropped her rear hoofs instantly, nearly smashing them into you.
  150. She was getting serious.
  151. You narrowly avoided the impact as you double back, seeing her turn slowly, lowering that horn, and coming at you.
  152. You watch her charge, those eyes of hers fixated on you...a slight flash of concern in them as she seems to slowy just abit as she comes right at you...expecting you to tumble.
  153. You don't
  154. She slams her chest into you, her forebody comes right to your shoulder as your hands guide her horn away from you as she impacts, sending you a few feet back as you clung to her, huffing as you feel her wamrth....the comfort as your grip tightend.
  155. you can't defeat her, you can't, your mind knows this.
  156. what benefit would come if you beat the one ruling power that had some good in her...that would go over terribly.
  157. You grit your teeth as you slam your feet down, stopping her sluggish advance as you begin to Rotate Celestia, using the last vestige of her mommentum to whip yourself around a full 180 and tossing her right off the roof a second time.
  158. You turn another 180, not watching her tumble over the edge a second time as your mind hangs on your last thought.
  159. You can't defeat her
  160. but how do you best her?
  161. you exhale a bit as you suddenly hear another windsnap and Celestia flies up, higher this time as she looks down at you, easing forward, and then lunging at you, horn extended out as you narrowly avoid the strike, feeling the sudden rush of wind as she sails skyward again.
  162. The horn...
  163. dear lord what the fuck would you be doing...
  164. to Celestia no doubt .
  165. Bound to happen eventually.
  167. Celestia strikes downward, horn blazing bright as the tip charged with a dose of her magical might.
  168. Geeze, thats poetic
  169. You could see the very premise of this situation, you're fucked, But damnd if you do... damned if you don't
  170. She needs true strength
  171. and so did you.
  172. You jump up to grab onto the sailing alicorn, and hang on for dear life
  173. How shit, shes fast...
  174. you pick up speed as your arms glasped onto the soften flank of the alicorn, gripping in a way to ease your palms flat across her core, linking fingers tightly as she gazes back at you, eyes alight with her power as you gain your bearing; gravity upwards was going towards the very reaches of the stratosphere, clasping the clouds before your weight took hold.
  175. She started to drop, stalling if you please as all forward momentum stopped.
  176. Your falling, fuck this shit.
  177. Celestia's weight is slight, she can be easily wavered as you relase your locking grip. Clasping your hands gently along her hide you rotate her (shes falling backwards into you, you gotta get her straight) and glide onto her back, easing foward to rest against her neck and flap open her wings; spreading your fingers to catch the wind.
  178. Celestia's body was limb, was she dead?
  179. No...there it is.
  180. Time sped up as you felt her pulse returning before those eyes flashed open in excite, gazing the one directly at you.
  181. "aAnon?"
  182. 'Shut up and keep flying'
  183. "wh-what are you doing?"
  184. 'taking you in for a landing, now you gonna help or you gonna complain?'
  185. Celestia huffs, straight face as she turns a subtle smile "Very well then..." she sped up, heading faster into the ground as your eyes come to life at the ground sailing to you.
  186. OhshitOhshitOShit.
  187. She aint kidding bout this, you clamber over her, hands levitating above the sheer aura of her power as you clasp her horn with one hand.
  188. She reacts in surprise, eyes alight as always with her subtle notion of "what the buck?" as you pull yourself up to it. It stalls her slightly as her neck is pulled up against the Gforce, limiting her areodyanmicies, and using her wings with your feet begin slowing the decent.
  189. SonofA she's strong...
  190. You feel her pushing back down, your grip slipping and reclapsing quickly against the bone membrane , bringing your opposite hand up and latching onto the same place, easing your body upright to hold tight the closer you got.
  191. Celestia strained, harder and harder as she fought against you as the ground came near, you realize you passed the point of no return...
  192. shit...
  193. you fix her head perfeclty straight as you slam into the earth below with a caltcysmic boom that bolted into lighting.
  194. Dust everywere as the impact took you right into one of the parkettes of the city.
  195. As the cascade subsides, the guards above can finally make out a pair of figures slowly rising from the earth, Celestia, seen first, slowly eases to her feet, her mane a mess, her flank matted with dirt as she let out a few coughs before standing upright, spreading her wings wide, showing strain on her loeft one from the impact.
  196. You were no better, you're body is screaming in pain, your left leg is numb and there's a sharp pain in your chest. You can feel blood going down your neck and your right wrist may be shattered.
  197. You both have injuries, but like Celestia, you take your stance.
  198. 'So...ready for round two?'
  199. Celestia chuckles, one eye open as she seems to have a busted rib or something when she tried to laugh, you smirk, you can...for once...feel equal about this as you both start approaching one another.
  200. begin to run
  201. She gallops
  202. You collide, chest to chest as you brace against one another, keeping your guard up as you press against her fore body.
  203. She didn't charge her horn, perhaps to close to risk harming herself as you begin to push her back.
  204. "Has your...decision changed?"
  205. 'Not even close...your majesty!'
  206. You break apart, collide, then break apart again, nothing fancy, just a grudge match at this point.
  207. Your both panting now as you feel both your legs getting numb as your body aches for sleep.
  208. You deny it...not yet.
  209. You can imagine Celestia is no better, but hell, she hides it well.
  210. 'Ill...never submit...'
  211. "Then I shall continue..."
  212. ''
  213. Your body launches at Celestia, and she to you, but... mid flight, the world begins to sink, everything begins to fade as all you can do is fwump fully against Celestias warming soft...
  214. She senses your weight, and her expression turns to utter shock.
  215. "Anon!"
  216. So soft...and warm...
  218. Soft and warm, thats how it started to feel when you began to wake.
  219. Everything is sore as your mind begins to realize you're still alivr.
  220. Thats good...all you can remeber was your fight with Celestia...
  221. Celestia.... dear lord what had happened to you.
  222. Fighting the princess of the sun, the one good ruler of this whole twisted city, and you fought her; real smart on your part, and what did that get you? Your arse now locked away somehweree perhaps...but that didn't seem right, if this was a dunegon, why was it so comfy.
  223. You open your eyes slowly, but everything is so bright.
  224. White light...everywere, were you dead? No...can't be dead, death has no placee here..somewere else?
  225. You try to raise you arms but they are stuck to your sidess, you squit instead, trying to accustom your sight to wherever you are...and as it focuses you right infront of you.
  226. You blink a few times as the room comes into like a hospital rooom.
  227. Looking right you see a table with a few peices of foodstufs; oatmeal, some bread, peices of fruit, a glass of milk as you can seee, to your left you can see various charts placed about on a table, a file and a feww medical utensils, some bandages are there as well, perhaps just use as you look at yourself.
  228. in bed...
  229. wearing a smock
  230. you're naked...and now you feel hella akward.
  231. Damn, thes the Second time ponies saw you naked and did stuff to least it was benefical this time.
  232. You can't see your hands, they, like most of you, are under the sheets drapped atop you.
  233. Bandages on your head as you can see the edges of themm circling youe temple and forehead, probably a battle did remeber being slammedd into the earth at neat sub-sonic speeds, being alive after that is a miracle in itself, but...what the're a tough sod.
  234. You exhale, laying back as you hear a clink, and look across the room to seee Cermina sitting on atable, dangling her legs over the edge, gazing downard, sleeeping of coourse nas her eyes are shut...
  235. had shen been there the whole time?
  236. Dear god...
  237. You sigh, smirking
  238. 'Cermina?' You ask the drakes stiirs, eyes opening.
  239. "'re avake...dat is good." she smiles a nbit, being awfuly calm and quiet.
  240. 'How you doing?' You ask, smiling 'was worried about you...'
  241. " not show me sympathy, I had done much wrong...letting emotions take better of me..such a childish act... and den leaving you...what comrade am I?"
  242. she looks can tell she's torn by what she did, genuine and all, almost a tear in her eye as you smirk.
  243. 'you're still a good companion Cermina, I...understand what you mean by your actions, honestly I would have done the same if he started mouthing off humans... thhough, leaving me, you gotta 'splain dat one.'
  244. Cermina looks up, smiling as she exhaled.
  245. "I was upset, but I never left you comrade, just...refused to exist for the momment. I...locked myself away in your mind, dinking bout what I did..."
  246. 'and you think that was the best action, c'mon cermina, not cool.'
  247. She looks down again "i am sorry comrade, from deep heart I wish I haddn't."
  248. you exhale, smiling a bit with a chuckle 'forget about it, its happenedd, no use broodding..'
  249. Cermina blinked, but smirked "Dank you comrade...i...wish I could have helped more."
  250. 'well, no harm really, didn't turn out so bad in the end.''
  251. "You certainly did make hard for dem."
  252. 'well, when you pick a fight with Celestia...'
  253. Cermina does a doubletake as she looks right at you.
  254. "Sjot! I must have missed such a grand display!"
  255. you laugh, coughing a bit as you feel your chest ripple with pain.
  256. 'long story...'
  257. "I got tim-"
  258. There was a knock at the door as Cermina hisses and quickly looks about to hide, seeing no good place, she jumpped right under your bed as the door opens to shhow a well formed gray Unicorn dressed in a white medical coat and sporting some oddly familiar glasses.
  260. "Ah, hello Anon, its good to see you awake, I'm suprised how quickly you recovered..heh...they didn't belive me that you were different, well, you've proven me right, thank you kindly."
  261. You blink a few times as you watch the unicorn trot beside you, his clip board hovering before his face as he flips a few pages.
  262. "It is Anon right?"
  263. 'Anaomopolise if you need it for record purposes.'
  264. The doctor smirks "Ah, that sounds like a very good name, lotss of strenght to it."
  265. 'Thank you'
  266. "You're very welcome, you're certainly a capable speices, your phisiology is simply facinating, so much similar to that of a pony but at the same time vastly different...hrm... it is a bother though to see how much you had taken in terms of injuries. Major concussion for one, minor fracture of the shoulder blade, a broken rib, sprainage on your write wrist and damage to your left arm. Your hips are fine but you had twisted your left ankle quiet aa bit. You certianly tool quiet a beating, its no wonder you were given royal concent to be treated."
  267. 'Ah...well...i guess i'm just a tough kinda...wait...what do you mean royal concent?'
  268. He looked at you "You don't recall? Princess Celestia brought you in personally, you both had some serious injuries but she insisted you be treated first, we didn't hesitate upon her word and did our utmost best to tend to you."
  269. You lay back a bit, exhaling some as you close your eyes, your mind wandering back to the and Celestia, going toe to hoof.
  270. You remeber taking hold of her, getting close, wanting to bring her down, but you fell, you lost conciousness.
  271. Celestia... she was appearing more and more as a mother to you each time, you coouldn't help but feel bad for what you've been putting her through.
  272. You open your eyes aagain, the doctor is perusing your file as he hums a soft tune.
  273. "If i may, what had happened to cause such injuries to befalll you two?"
  274. 'Celestia and I... had a disagreement, when push came to got rather physical.'
  275. "Oh my, you and her scuffled didn't you, impressive, never expected you to hold so well against her?"
  276. 'Excuse me?'
  277. The doctor smirks as he flops the pages back down "Well, after your...escapade with Prince BlueBlood during the trial, many were certainly impresssed with your strenght, takiing the princess on certainly was a suprise, but seeing as you are still here, well, you must have really been a far more capable fighter than any stalliion could be."
  278. 'Humans are capable fighters, you could say were stubborn, don't go down eaasy either.'
  279. "So we've seen, or at least, what you have from your diagnostic. I must admit I was worried, but I'm glad you pulled through."
  280. The doctor removed his glasses, magicing them into his pocket "What you did during the trial, standing with Princess Luna when all of Canterlot was against her is no easy task, let alone show such a display of strenght, kindess, and intelligence enough to make even the grandest of schemes BlueBlood could muster simmply faulter. His actions had made the Royal guards very wary of him, I guess you could say he doesn't have the nobility air of him for such a coward to place a Guard at such risk..." he chuckled a bit as you share the humour, imagining BlueBlood all alone without anyone helping hiim, iit was sad, but in some way, deservent for him being a royal prick.
  281. 'He had it coming...' you mutter as the doctor looks at you, then backk to his paper work
  282. "Many feel the same way, and thanks to you, murumurs of his defeat arre spreading, support for the Princess is actually becoming better off than before, perhaps you are a good omen to befall this city."
  283. "Perhaps even more than that good Doctor, Anon has trully set himself as an interesting individual, and an even more welcomed guest to this Kingdom."
  284. Celestia stood at the doorway, her figure all prim and proper without a scratch on her, flowing mane presenting her benevolence as she had a calm smile upon her muzzle. "how is he doctorr?" she asked, eyeing you from afar.
  285. "He has come along nicley, a bit more rest and he should be at his peak."
  286. Celestia smiled "wonderful, may I ask for some time alone with him?"
  287. The doctor blinks "W-why yes of course your majesty" he bows, turning to you.
  288. "Anon, all your information on your diagnostic is here...feel free to read iit att your discreetion." He plopped the clipboard onto the night table beside the bed, putting his glasses back oN "We also took a bit of blood work, just to be safe of coursee, your results will be ready within the day if you wish to-"
  289. "Doctor...?" Celestia says again, causing the practioner to sigh, chhuckling in embarrisment "yes yes, my apologise..." he turns to you "A pleasure Anon, do take care." he turned, bowing to the princess before trotting out, closing the door behind him.
  290. Now it was just you
  291. And Celestia.
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