Guest User


a guest
May 25th, 2019
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  1. AI-Mode - You become an AI (commands will not work while this is on)
  2. mail - .mail (email) (amount) | Email Bomb someone
  3. purge - Purges messages sent by you in the channel
  4. react - Reacts to messages in the channel
  5. emojis - Spams emojis in the channel
  6. mention - Mentions everyone in the server
  7. rename - Renames everyone in the server to a name of your choice
  8. rainbow - .rainbow (role_id) (mode) | Quickly changes color of a role
  9. dm - DMs people in the server (Will get you banned eventually use on alts)
  10. massu - Unbans everyone in the server
  11. massb - Bans everyone in the server
  12. dall - Deletes all Roles, Channels, and Emojis in the server
  13. annoy - .annoy (msg) (time) Sends message at set interval
  14. pin/unpin - Pins/unpins messages in a channel
  15. blank - Makes your name/pfp invisible
  16. cycle - Cycles status between Streaming, Watching, Listening
  17. streaming - Sets your discord status to streaming
  18. listening - Sets your discord status to listening
  19. watching - Sets your discord status to watching
  20. playing - Sets your discord status to playing
  21. login - Lets you login to an account via token
  22. token - Prints first part of a users token to the console
  23. screenshare - Forces screenshare in server calls (After executing you have 15 seconds to join a voice channel)
  24. rembed - Embeds your message with a rainbow embed
  25. embed - Embeds your message
  26. ban - Bans mentioned user
  27. kick - Kicks mentioned user
  28. crename - Renames all channels in the server to a name of your choice
  29. ccreate - Creates channels in the server with a name of your choice
  30. Misc
  31. afk-on - Turns on afk-mode which auto replies to people while afk
  32. afk-off - Turns off afk-mode
  33. joke - Sends a random joke
  34. translate - Translates a message
  35. calc - Calculates a math problem. (1 + 2) etc
  36. rfact - Sends a random fact
  37. rps - Plays a game of rock, paper, scissors | .rock/paper/scissors
  38. 8ball - Magic 8 Ball
  39. spam - .spam (message) (amount)
  40. urban - Looks up definition/example of word with urban dictionary
  41. meme - Sends a random meme
  42. dog - Sends a picture of a random dog
  43. cat - Sends a picture of a random cat
  44. plookup - Looks up a phone number (example: plookup 1238686868)
  45. sping - Pings mentioned user in every channel in the server and deletes the message
  46. pfp - Grabs pfp of mentioned user
  47. channels - Prints a list of channels in the server (Including hidden channels)
  48. msgserver - Sends a message in every channel of every server you're in
  49. mute - Assigns user the muted role
  50. renick - Cycles through letters in your username
  51. poll - Creates a poll
  52. nuke - Small nuke animation
  53. hastebin - Auto uploads text to hastebin
  54. short - Shortens a URL
  55. rejoin - Spam rejoins the voice channel (Currently in beta)
  56. tatsumaki - Specific for xp farming on tatsumaki bot | server wide
  57. ascii - Turns your text into ascii
  58. achar - Edits message with ascii of each char in the message
  59. randomrename- Gives people a random name
  60. name - Gives you a random name
  61. ip - Looks up an ip
  62. db - Looks up an email
  63. serverinfo - Gives you server information
  64. info - Gives you info of a user
  65. typing - Gives you typing status
  66. gping - Tags user of choice then deletes message
  67. uptime - Shows how long the bot has been online
  68. Fortnite Commands
  69. fnshop - Shows current fortnite shop items
  70. fnunreleased- Shows unreleased/future fortnite shop items
  71. fnstats - Shows fortnite stats of a player
  72. fnchallenges- Shows this weeks fortnite challenges
  73. fnuptime - Shows fortnite server status
  74. Crypto Commands
  75. pbtc - Sends current price of Bitcoin
  76. peth - Sends current price of Ethereum
  77. Community Made Commands
  78. flip - Flips your text upside down
  79. cuttly - URL Shortener using
  80. mock - Returns spongemock meme text
  81. Other
  82. privchan - Shows list of every user you have an open DM/Group Chat with
  83. strike - Puts a strike through your text
  84. bold - Makes your text bold
  85. italics - Makes your text have italics
  86. mark - Puts your text in a bubble
  87. ctext - Sends your text in a random color
  88. ids - Saves id of everyone in the server
  89. prunecount - Shows amount of people who can be pruned (requires perms)
  90. ps - Gives you streaming status when clicked, while having playing status
  91. abc - Edits message from A-Z
  92. author - Shows devs contact info
  93. hwid - Sends your HWID
  94. stop - Closes the bot
  95. keys - Generates a random key
  96. help - Shows you a list of commands
  97. Background Task
  98. Webhook - Logs notify word messages to a webhook in config
  99. Presets 1-13 - Customizable preset messages in the config
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