
Awkward Hospital

Aug 21st, 2015
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  1. 18:40 Sylum It was a few hours after the fight, Sales was laying in the hospital bed nearest to the door, left arm and leg both broken, along with most of his ribs. He got lucky with his injuries, Thomas was the bed nearest to the window, sound asleep. A broken leg and all the rips on his left side, and a cracked skull. Greg sat in the middle perfectly fine but not...
  2. 18:40 Sylum aloud to leave. Or drink anything. Truly he has it the worst
  3. 18:41 *** Thomas-Orolanus joined #covenger_rp
  4. 18:43 AnnaClaskovic slowly pushed the hospital door open and peeped in. She saw the three sitting in their beds, wrapped in medical procedures and such, she opened the door and allowed herself in, mainly concerned about Greg. This was expected of course, they were related. "H-hello? Greg? Jeremy?" She whispered.
  5. 18:44 *** Sylum is now known as Salesman
  6. 18:45 GregClaskovic groaned and barked, rolling around in the bed awkwardly to get a look at Anna. "Oh. Hey." Greg said in a emotionless tone. That transformation still did a number on his body. His muscles were out of wack, twisted and turned where the spikes were. It was going to take a while for them to regenerate back.
  7. 18:47 Salesman "Heya Anna! How have things been, things are, well you see us"
  8. 18:50 Salesman "Sorry, drugs effects us all. How have things been, as you see things have been, complicated with us"
  9. 18:52 AnnaClaskovic "Well, uh, Greg told me he was contacted by some distant family members. Told me to come to your shop. When I did, I saw that the entire street was wrecked. Took me quite a while to get here."
  10. 18:53 AnnaClaskovic "So I guess I'm good. I brought some of my favorite books for you guys to read, there's a good amount of genre in there as well, in case you want to read, or something." She plopped a dozen books down beside the cabinet inbetween Greg's and Saleman's bed.
  11. 18:54 Salesman "aww, why thank you Anna."
  12. 18:57 GregClaskovic "So, about our 'distant' family members, Anna." Greg coughed. "I'm sure father told you about my affair with a certain type of a woman, so I think I wouldn't need to tell you about that, but I have a son. And he might be coming to Neon City to visit us. He says he has much to discuss, so I think it would only be best to have you around."
  13. 18:58 GregClaskovic "Now he might be a bit cranky, might go off the roof with some things and attack us. So I think you know what to do if he does."
  14. 19:02 AnnaClaskovic nodded. "Yes, I do. But, let's not jump to that kind of conclusion with your own bred son, Greg. He might be kind, let's just not focus on how bad he might be. After all, Blood is thicker than water."
  15. 19:08 Salesman "I'm sure he jsut wants answers, or to spend time together"
  16. 19:12 GregClaskovic "We can't be for sure. He might be some twisted, gothic clone version of me type teenager with rage powers, quite like that red masked man. But that's just speculation."
  17. 19:12 AnnaClaskovic "... T-that's very specific. Uhh." Anna looked at Greg with concern.
  18. 19:18 AnnaClaskovic "H-has he said anything about coming to you, or...?"
  19. 19:19 GregClaskovic "He knows that I'm in the hospital, and he'll come by soon enough. I just don't know when."
  20. 19:19 Salesman "When did you have time to tell him?"
  21. 19:19 Salesman "Or send the letter to him"
  22. 19:20 GregClaskovic "I sent him another letter. He replies very quickly, I'm surprised."
  23. 19:23 Salesman "really? well hoping he doesn't get here fast. I would like to relax before any drama"{
  24. 19:28 Salesman "Also be ready to stay in a hotel for a...while Greg. It'll take a bit for the house and store to be fixed"
  25. 19:29 AnnaClaskovic "Oh, well, you could come live with me if you'd want to. I finally set up my own apartment, but it's not far from Xenon so I don't have to walk far. If that's okay with you guys, that is."
  26. 19:30 Salesman "You sure Anna? We have money, both me and Greg can make gold, so money wise we're ok"
  27. 19:32 GregClaskovic "Yes, we're good Anna. Don't worry." Greg sat up out of his bed, flexing and twisting his arms a bit. The visible wounds where the spikes stuck out are molded into his body. "Wonder how long that's going to take to get better..." He murmurs.
  28. 19:32 Salesman "what happened to you anyways Greg? I was out of it"
  29. 19:34 GregClaskovic "Let's just say, punches weren't held back. That Sinclair man, he was something else. Me and Thomas, we managed to beat him. But he ran away."
  30. 19:35 Thomas-Orolanus "No no, I think we killed him" Thomas moved up a bit, awake now
  31. 19:35 Thomas-Orolanus "Who is this Hotty? Really what is she made of fire?"
  32. 19:36 GregClaskovic "I will break you if you say another word." Greg stared at Thomas with the intent of vicious murder.
  33. 19:36 Salesman "Lay off man"
  34. 19:37 Thomas-Orolanus "yeah, Lay off metal man"
  35. 19:37 Salesman "I was talking to you"
  36. 19:37 Thomas-Orolanus "Save your life and this is what I get?"
  37. 19:37 AnnaClaskovic sat quietly, still stuck on words to say.
  38. 19:40 Salesman "how did you find me and Greg anyways? I never gave you an address"
  39. 19:41 Thomas-Orolanus "Took me a bit but asking around lead me to you. And I saw the Robot and Suit guy bout to kill you guys. So I helped"
  40. 19:46 Salesman "I'm sure Greg could of handle it"
  41. 19:46 Thomas-Orolanus "Hah, no. Dude looked like he could barley stand up when i got there"
  42. 19:50 GregClaskovic "That was because of the evolution I made. I finally made use of it, and if I didn't use it, we would of surely lost. Admit it."
  43. 19:51 AnnaClaskovic "Evolution?" Anna looked at Greg in confusion.
  44. 20:00 GregClaskovic "Not going to go into detail about it. Just bringing up the fact that Thomas has to admit to it. Sinclair beat you up more badly than he did with me."
  45. 20:01 *** DerylClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  46. 20:01 Thomas-Orolanus "I think being Metal is cheating. No bones, or, anything else"
  47. 20:03 DerylClaskovic creaked the door open. "Excuse me, this is uh.. Greg Claskovic's room, am I correct?" He was wearing a Hawaiian T-shirt, tight around his body, but he wasn't on the level of being buff as Greg. Far from it. He just looked to be the athletic type. He had long, brown hair, a small goatee stub. "There's someone waiting outside, but... she's nervous, so, uh."
  48. 20:05 Salesman "Hello there. You are?"
  49. 20:05 GregClaskovic looked over at Deryl. He didn't say anything. He was hoping his son had better luck than he did in life, and by the looks of it, he has the image of a bum off him. "Who're you?" Greg knew who he was talking to. He just wanted to reassure himself.
  50. 20:07 DerylClaskovic "I-I'm your son, Deryl. Uh. Well, guess we can make up for lost time, huh? I mean, it's been very long. H-hasn't it?" Deryl knows when he's getting judged. Especially from a father figure.
  51. 20:08 Salesman looked down to his broken leg. He was stuck to the awkward talk he knew was going to happen
  52. 20:09 GregClaskovic "You told me you were living happily in Los Angeles. Happily. You seem like you have a poor pick of words."
  53. 20:10 AnnaClaskovic "Greg, come on, give him a break, he came all this way to see you..." Anna knew the best option would be to leave, but that in of itself would be just mean to do.
  54. 20:10 Salesman "I'm Jeremy 'Salesman' Ortolanus Deryl, your fathers coworker, or boss technically. Gregs been living with me for awhile now"
  55. 20:12 DerylClaskovic "Yes, yes, I know. Uh. My father's told me plenty about your works. Very pleased to meet you." Deryl avoided Greg's comment, trying to make it seem like it flew right past him.
  56. 20:16 GregClaskovic "You're ignoring what I said, do you have any respect?" Greg sneered. "You left in 'happily' in Los Angeles, that implied that you made a good living. What happened?"
  57. 20:18 DerylClaskovic looked at Greg, anxiety was kicking in. "W-what? Uh, u-uhh. Well. I... I live happily in Los Angeles. Yes. I never said I made a 'good' living in Los Angeles. I work as a life guard."
  58. 20:19 GregClaskovic "And where's your so called 'partner'? You were very suspicious about that as well. This 'partner' of yours, tell me, is it a he or a she?" Greg wasn't holding back. He felt like he was being lied to, and his fathering wasn't at all good.
  59. 20:20 AnnaClaskovic looked down at the ground, Greg getting angry was... was not the best thing. Especially in his state.
  60. 20:24 DerylClaskovic "I-It's a she. 'she' left me. Things got complicated. Look, I just... don't want to talk about it. I mean, come on. We could bond, like you said we would."
  61. 20:27 GregClaskovic "I don't want to 'bond' with a son, who struggled with keeping up his formal look, visiting his own father in hospital, and also struggles with keeping his relationships in tact."
  62. 20:30 Salesman "Says the man who wears pants and a wife beater to meet two of the most important people in the city, and never knew he had a son for how long?"
  63. 20:31 GregClaskovic "Don't try to contradict me, Jeremy. I don't try to exaggerate my wellcomings. Unlike a certain somebody here."
  64. 20:33 Salesman "I'm your friend Greg. But you're being hard on your own son when you have no right"
  65. 20:34 AnnaClaskovic "H-he's right, Greg. You're being too strict, come on, he came to visit."
  66. 20:37 DerylClaskovic "I... I can go, if you want. I'm sorry."
  67. 20:38 DerylClaskovic "Actually.. If, if it makes you feel any better, The certain person waiting outside, I think you'd want to see her, dad. I-I have to go anyways, and I don't want to put her back in the car again. Is it okay if I leave her with you?"
  68. 20:40 GregClaskovic "What? Who?"
  69. 20:42 DerylClaskovic made way for a little girl. She looked to be about, 3 or 4. 3 at the very least. Her stance gave the impression that she was shy, hiding behind Deryl's leg, looking up at the giant metal man.
  70. 20:44 DerylClaskovic "Her name's Samantha. She's... very shy about this. But she's been very giddy to meet you. She never had the chance to meet one of her Grandfathers before, so I thought this would've been the right thing to do. I hope you don't mind."
  71. 20:44 Salesman "...Oh boy"
  72. 20:44 AnnaClaskovic "W-wait, I'm a Grandaunt?"
  73. 20:48 DerylClaskovic "So.. Uh. Yeah. I'm, I'm going to go now. I'm going to leave you with her. Make sure she doesn't eat or drink anything with Lactose in it, she's allergic to it. I guess we'll talk about this later." Deryl walked out. You could probably hear him beating himself up about what just happened, but there was a silence. an Awkward silence.
  74. 20:48 *** DerylClaskovic is now known as Samantha
  75. 20:49 *** Samantha is now known as Samantha_
  76. 20:50 Samantha_ stood at the doorway and looked at the others. She backed off silently, hiding behind the door frame but peeping in with her left eye.
  77. 20:50 Salesman "So. Granddad Greg, you want to say hi to your granddaughter?"
  78. 20:50 GregClaskovic had nothing to say. He was just looking down at the little girl who is supposed to be his Granddaughter. He tried to find words about he felt about this. He wanted to say hello, but, he still felt like that wasn't the right thing to do.
  79. 20:51 AnnaClaskovic "W-what do we do?"
  80. 20:52 Salesman "U-uh. Oh! Greg give me some metal"
  81. 20:52 GregClaskovic "...What."
  82. 20:52 Salesman "I have an idea"
  83. 20:53 GregClaskovic molded some metal from his hand and gave it to Salesman.
  84. 20:55 Salesman "alright Sammy, watch this." He holds the metal ball, it changing to gold, then diamond, ruby, sapphire, and back to normal.
  85. 20:57 Samantha_ watched for a while, but she focused on the giant metal man. He looked like a monster to her.
  86. 21:02 AnnaClaskovic "I think she's scared of you, Greg. She doesn't seem to want to come in."
  87. 21:05 GregClaskovic "Why me? Why not the glowing red woman or the man who can turn metal into other things?"
  88. 21:06 GregClaskovic "Hell, she could be scared of that Thomas brother of yours, for all we know." He looks back at Thomas, who was apparently sleeping.
  89. 21:20 Salesman "I, I think I'll just send her back to her father. just need to call a nurse"
  90. 21:28 GregClaskovic "We don't need to do that." Greg takes his two feet out of the bed, sitting on the side, he tries to stand up, groaning and aching from the pain. "Oh, boy..." He had grabbed a small little biscuit from the small snack plate. He put his hand foward, offering it to Samantha to eat.
  91. 21:32 Samantha_ she hesitantly grabbed the biscuit from Greg. She still hides behind the door, but she seems to be confused now. It takes her a while, but she snaps the biscuit in half. She half of it back to Greg. "I don't like this cookie, you can have some of it, though." She murmurs.
  92. 21:35 GregClaskovic is handed the half of the cookie, but doesn't eat it, for obvious reasons. "You can sleep in my Bed until your father comes back, if you want. I have to go to the bathroom anyways." He stands up, holding his back and makes way past the door, leaving it open for Samantha to walk in.
  93. 21:36 Samantha_ looks up at both Salesman and Anna when she walks in. She's still shy, but has doesn't hide. She stands there for a while, before muttering out the word "Hi."
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