

Feb 20th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Tae had been in the kitchen getting herself something sweet to snack on, choosing to pull out the pint of Karmel Sutra B&J ice cream, she grabbed a spoon and was making her way into the living room to relax and enjoy the empty house.
  2. Tsaaq: Drew pulled up the BMW to OCH. He hurriedly parked the car before going towards the front door. He glanced to see who's cars had been in the driveway before knocking loudly on the door.
  3. Covet: She hadn't even been able to get the lid off before she heard the knock on the door, the only person who knocked that loud was typically Drew. Setting the pint down on the table behind the couch she put the spoon on top, then smiled as she opened the door, grinning while looking at Drew. "HI! Come in, I didn't expect to see you, but I'm excited to see you. I have the house to myself while everyone's at practice." She said with a little dance.
  4. Tsaaq: His eyebrows quirked upward and he began to smirk. "You're excited to see me?" He repeated as he stepped inside. "Does that mean you wanna fuck?" Drew inquired as he closed the door behind them and put his hands on her hips.
  5. Covet: "Well, I can't really think about how better to spend the limited time we have." She told him, wrapping her arms around his neck, standing on her tip toes to give him a kiss. "Plus, I know it's what you'd like to do, and I am happy to please." Tae told him really laying it on tonight.
  6. Tsaaq: Drew kept his eyebrows raised. "Oh." He said, totally eating it up. "Well. You know what to do then." He said as he gave her one kiss like a bastard then pushed her head down so she'd get on her knees.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Trace walked up at the most inopportune moment, a bag of take out food in his hand because the food thing seemed to work out well for him. He'd picked up a couple of slices of pie, lifting his hand to knock on the front door.-
  8. Covet: Tae obliged accordingly as he pushed her down to her knees and she went about getting her blowjob on. Right there in the entry way like it was no big deal. Then she heard the footsteps coming up the stairs and started to pull back right as the knock on the door happened. Of course someone would show up... she just had to jinx herself by assuming they'd be fine. The fact that it was Trace.. didn't even cross her mind. Idiot.
  9. Tsaaq: "Who the fuck is that?" He sighed. Drew was a dumbass but he knew if it was somebody who lived there they'd at least have a key. Instead of worrying himself about it he shoved Tae's mouth onto his crotch. "If those idiots forgot their keys that's their problem." He grumbled.
  10. Alexithymiaa: -He lingered on the front porch with the bag of pie slices in his hand like a fucking idiot, waiting for a moment before looking back at the driveway to see at least one car there. He didnt know what Tae drove if she even did, so he had no way of telling whos car that was. Instead, he rang the bell.-
  11. Covet: Tae wasn't really able to answer him, considering she had his DICK in her mouth so him asking questions was a little pointless. She again tried to pull back when the doorbell rang, because it might be important, plus, it's not like whoever it was couldn't just walk around to look into one of the windows or anything on the porch either."
  12. Covet: * -"
  13. Alexithymiaa: (Oh he will.)
  14. Covet: [XD]
  15. Tsaaq: Drew threw his blonde head back. "Stop wiggling." He said angrily as he grabbed the back of her head and took a fist full of her hair. They watched Fifty Shades Of Grey, this was the shit she liked right?
  16. Alexithymiaa: -Starting to get fucking huffy about no one answering the door, he turned and walked over to one of the big windows since he couldnt really see through the tiny ones lining the door, seeing the blonde male and Tae on her knees in front of him. His face grew hot, curling his hand into a fist and beginning to bang it against the window.-
  17. Covet: She tried to protest, but really she couldn't do much against Drew. The banging on the window startled her and she did her best to push back at his hips with her hands. She couldn't see over the couch who it was, but someone was pissed and here she was, yet again in a precarious position.
  18. Tsaaq: "Ugh." He scoffed as he pushed her off of him and fixed himself as he whipped around to face the window "What the hell?" He asked as he went towards the window. "Who the fuck is this guy?" Drew asked as he looked back to Tae then went to glance at his phone after feeling it vibrate in his pocket.
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Reaching into the bag that held the containers of pie, he picked up the cherry one and opened it, throwing it against the window to splatter red murderous cherry goo down the window to just drip all Halloween like. He was annoyed. Dropping the bag with the other piece of pie onto the floor, he stormed across the porch and to the stairs, beginning to stomp his way down them like a scorned child.-
  20. Covet: "Oh Shit.. Sorry.. It's jut a friend of mine...." She said then winced when she saw the pie all up on the window. "I didn't know he wanted to visit. He's supposed to be leaving for Seattle." Tae told him as she wiped her mouth and got to her feet, stepping back because Drew was irritated and Trace was mad, and there was PIE all over the window.
  21. Alexithymiaa: (Bryan, from New York: NOT THE PIE!!!!)
  22. Covet: [LMAO]
  23. Tsaaq: Drew stood there dumbfounded a moment. He lifted his head before angrily putting his phone in his pocket. "You're friend huh? The friend you fuck?!" He shouted. Drew pulled Tae by her arm so he could swing his fist across her face with a hard blow. He let go of her as he went towards the door. "Hey you piece of shit! Who do you think you fucking are? Where you running to!?" He shouted, his berserk button pressed.
  24. Covet: "What? N-" She started to say as he pulled her arm and socked her right in the face. She screamed out and fell to the floor holding her face, while crying. Unable to stop him from going out the door after Trace, she leaned up, trying to get to the know, because Drew could do some damage and Trace didn't need that, in her eyes. She could feel the side of her face swelling as it throbbed with pain. "Drew... Stop!" She yelled leaning against the door frame after making her way to her hands and knees.
  25. Alexithymiaa: -Trace whipped around when he heard Drew's voice, his face hardening as he stared at him. "Not fucking running anywhere. Just not really in the mood to watch." He snapped back at Drew, his eye smoving to Tae behind him in the doorway looking like hell when she hadnt only a minute ago. He couldnt really be THAT mad, because he hits women too. They all suck. "The fuck did you do to her?"-
  26. Covet: [SHIT MY BAD.... Sorry Steph!]
  27. Alexithymiaa: (No you're fine, it works)
  28. Tsaaq: "None of your fucking business. Get the fuck out of here and never come back unless you want me to get you fucking killed!" He yelled as he went to shove Trace. "Get back in the fucking house!"
  29. Covet: Tae was still crying, "Trace.. just go... please. I'm fine..." She said, very unconvincingly.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "You're going to get me killed? Yeah?" He yelled back at him because he was amused by this. He took a step back when Drew shoved him, stepping back in and shoving him back. "Leave her the fuck alone! Obviously she's just afraid of you. Real fucking nice, dude."-
  31. Tsaaq: He looked back at Tae. "I told you to get back inside the house you cheating bitch!" He shouted at her. Drew reached into his suit pocket after he stumbled backward. He took out a taser and did the thing where you press the button and scary noise happens. "Yeah. You think I'm fucking around? I know how to fuck up a trick when I need to!"
  32. Covet: Tae closed her eyes and scooted back from the door, not wating to watch the shit show she'd caused. She touched her face and winced at the pain.
  33. Alexithymiaa: -Trace took a step back when Drew brought out the taser because dont tase me, bro. "Who are you really protecting here because I'm pretty sure it's not her." He spat, shaking his head before stealing a glance at Tae again. "You know what? Fuck this. This is a bunch of bullshit." He turned to walk away from Drew, shoving his hands into his pockets and grumbling as he made his way down the driveway.-
  34. Tsaaq: "Yeah get the fuck out of here before I end you!" He yelled. He put his weapon away and went inside the house. He shut the door and locked it before grabbing Tae by the neck and tossing her into the wall. "I TOLD YOU ALREADY!" He shouted. "How many times do I have to tell you? Don't make me fucking mad! Why are you cheating on me? Huh!? WHY? WHO ELSE ARE YOU FUCKING? ANSWER ME!"
  35. Covet: Tae tried to get away as he came in but she didn't get far before he grabbed her and she felt herself hit the wall. Another loud cry left her mouth as she cowered from him on the floor next to the wall, while he yelled at her.. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Please..... I... didn't.. I don't know... It was just a work thing..." She said between cries, "Nobody... there's nobody, I swear." She told him
  36. Tsaaq: Drew backhanded this bitch with no remorse. "How can I ever believe you? When you're clearly a fucking liar! You don't love me!" He took hold of her arm as he began to drag her up the stairs.
  37. Covet: Tae flinched and, cried out again while he drug her up the stairs, "I do too... I don't know why.. I'm sorry! Just stop... I won't do it again.. just don't...." She tried pleading with him, trying to pull her arm back.
  38. Tsaaq: He let go of her and let her fall down the stairs. Drew stared at her as she cowered, still not convinced. "Then prove it." He shouted from the step he stood on. "I said prove it!" He demanded as he stomped down the stairs and forced her to stand.
  39. Covet: She gasped when he let her go and she felt herself fall back, trying to keep her head picked up as she felt every stair along her back utnil she was back on the main floor. She cried hearing him yell at her, flinching when he forced her to stand, "No... I don't know... what do you want me to do... I'll do anything...Just stop hurting me.. please.. Drew.. Please...." She said looking at him bawling unable to tell what was hurting the most right now.
  40. Tsaaq: He let go of her as he lowered his hands and looked her over. "Get in my car." He instructed her irritably. "I SAID GET IN MY FUCKING CAR BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" Drew pointed at the door.
  41. Covet: Tae looked down at her feet and furrowed her brow, hesitating, because she didn't have shoes and she was half dressed. But when he yelled again she jumped and turned around heading for the door unlocking it and opening it, heading for his car like he'd demanded.
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