

Mar 24th, 2019
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  1. # Use & for color codes.
  2. # %p is where the player name will get inserted.
  3. # %v is where the vault number will get inserted.
  4. # %price is the price.
  5. # %number is the vault number
  6. # %converted is the number of vaults converted (where applicable)
  7. # Made with love :)
  8. title-name: '&6&l個人チェスト'
  9. open-vault: '&a§l%v§b§lを開きます'
  10. open-other-vault: '&fOpening vault &a%v &fof &a%p'
  11. open-workbench: '&fOpening workbench'
  12. delete-vault: '&fDeleted vault &a%v'
  13. delete-other-vault: '&fDeleted vault &a%v &fof &a%p'
  14. player-only: '&cSorry but that can only be run by a player!'
  15. must-be-number: '&cYou need to specify a number between 1-99'
  16. invalid-args: '&cInvalid args!'
  17. delete-vault-error: '&cError deleting vault :('
  18. no-permissions: '&cYou don''t have permission for that!'
  19. insufficient-funds: '&cYou don''t have enough money for that!'
  20. refund-amount: '&fYou were refunded &a%price &ffor deleting that vault.'
  21. cost-to-create: '&fYou were charged &c%price &ffor creating that vault.'
  22. cost-to-open: '&fYou were charged &c%price &ffor opening that vault.'
  23. vault-number: '&4Vault #%number'
  24. existing-vaults: '&f%p has vaults: &a%v'
  25. no-player-found: '&cCannot find player &a%p'
  26. plugin-not-found: '&cNo converter found for that plugin'
  27. conversion-complete: '&aConverted %converted players to PlayerVaults'
  28. conversion-background: '&fConversion has been forked to the background. See console
  29. for updates.'
  30. vaults-locked: '&cVaults are currently locked while conversion occurs. Please try
  31. again in a moment!'
  32. help: /pv <number>
  33. blocked-item: '&6%m &cis blocked from vaults.'
  34. vault-does-not-exist: '&cThat vault does not exist!'
  35. click-a-sign: '&fNow click a sign!'
  36. not-a-sign: '&cYou must click a sign!'
  37. set-sign-success: '&fYou have successfully set a PlayerVault access sign!'
  38. vault-title: '&4Vault #%number'
  39. open-with-sign: '&fOpening vault &a%v &fof &a%p'
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