
Tournament Xen x Lil 12/06/15

Dec 7th, 2015
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  1. RaduBarvon: ((And I think xenexus is reading over the rules))
  2. Xenexus: ((Yeah sorry, I'm reading up before I write my intro))
  3. LordCainKnightLord: well i got KillZone comeing in becuz Xendra is scared,he will watch out over Xendra
  4. Xenexus: ((I acknowledge the ruleset and am ready to go whenever :) ---))
  5. LordCainKnightLord: Then let begen this Tournament
  6. LilicaWolfKnight: Her crystal blue eyes scanned around the room taking in all the scents to become familiar with her surroundings, then her eyes settled on Her opponent, Looking him over carefully, familiarizing herself with his scent, observing the height diffence between them, she narrowed her eyes, at least head taller then her, but that only made her more excited, she grinned benieth her mask for a moment. She then stretched her body to loosen her tense muscles, rubbing her neck, rolling her shoulders. Now that her body seemed to loosen up. She combed through her golden locks putting it into a loose braid that settled on her left should. Her armor was a rare new metal forged at the hands of the best armor smith of Olympus Hephaestus, her uncle, they shared a special bond, he enchanted the armor to keep the defects of a soul forced back into the holders body, otherwise, The split of her soul fighting to gain control. Closing her eyes as she placed a hand on the holt of her blade, a posionus green glow flowed from her hand into the blade itself, awaking the Demoness spirit of Crystalline, A female demon, charged for killing many Demi goddesses to obtain ultimate perfection, but Lilica had been instructed as punishment for the crimes she committed That she was to be placed confines of the blade, The green aura blazed as Lilica held the blade in her hand, a heavy two-handed sword, She laughed when people told her a girl of her size couldn’t hold it with one hand, she proofed them all wrong She was The daughter of Hades She inherited his spirit to defy anyones opinions. She contorted her body in a striking position keeping the point of her sword aimed at her opponent as she moved her hand in a bring it on motion. “I am ready, so lets see your spirit” she smirked the aura now fully surrounding her entire body.
  7. LordCainKnightLord: (is Xen going too post)
  8. LilicaWolfKnight: (he prob is using a text thing like i did o..o))
  9. LordCainKnightLord: (alright)
  10. Xenexus: ((yes, sorry, I'm using notepad to prevent sentence runons and grammar issues, almost done))
  11. LordCainKnightLord: it dosent take 45mins for a entro
  12. LordCainKnightLord: ( come on Xen,it dont take 45 mins for a entro)
  13. Bargoth: ((It can take longer, but it better be a pagerape after all this time))
  14. HGEmpWonrose: (( and for the record? I'd say to Bar....I think a time of posting should take place and hopefully these two know that if one bails out, the other moves on))
  15. RaduBarvon: ((I can start doing that if it becomes a problem.))
  16. Xenexus: :: Xenexus gazed around the dismally lit dungeon that was to be an eventual battleground, his blood-soaked crimson eyes meticulously noting each individual distance between support pillars. A soft yet strangely intrinsic smile crossed his lips as he remembered that it had still only been a few days since he had broken free from his timeless prison; a punishment laid upon him by the prime beings of Archarus for his hubris. A long time ago, Xenexus had in fact been two, twins born into a world where humanity; the weakest of all races; had faced utter extinction due to their lack of motivation, wisdom and magical affinity. In order to preserve balance, the Author had granted a single embryo with the potential of attaining True Freedom; an ability which would prevent divine intervention. Angered, the One True God split the embryo in two to prevent such a day from arising, and thus Xen and Nexus were born, two sides to a singular coin, one of pure light and the other of pure darkness. They faced many challenges through their life, the burden of humanity's future placed upon their shoulders from an early age, a weight which would drive even the sanest of individuals to levels of insanity many couldn't fathom. They were merely six years of age when they were each presented a katana and forced to undergo combat training. It wasn't until Xen had chosen to leave the homeland that Nexus was forced to take up the challenge of restoring humanity, his coronation speech the catalyst that broke the two from the restraints of fate, destiny and divine intervention. Xen and Nexus could now go anywhere, do anything, free from the laws of reality that set them apart from other races. So whilst Xen went forth to pursue knowledge in private, Nexus chose to declare war on the remainder of the world in an attempt to bring unity through conquest. Many years passed, the two attaining the ability to manipulate certain elements, experience and wisdom of combat, as well as the ability to tap into their own inner well of spiritual energy; the two had truly surpassed every limitation of humanity, evolving into something new. Nexus inevitably succeeded in his conquests, the world forced into unity under the banner of a single dictator, the final stronghold of freedom was Xen. Their battle was fierce, each strike of their weapons distorting the very fabric of reality threatening ultimate destruction of their world. It was a clash of nigh omnipotence, natural disasters arising from all over the globe. They dueled like this for multiple days, the chaos of their fight eventually and unintentionally tapping into the Apocalyptic Force; the opposite of Primordial Energy; releasing a cataclysmic shockwave that wiped all existence of life from Archerus. The Gods intervened at the final second, combining the energy of all prime beings to reverse what they had done and as punishment for their actions, their souls were tethered to a single body and thrown into a vault outside of space and time. Millenia had passed, giving him plenty of time to repent and account for his actions before he broke free, landing quite unceremoniously in the castle of the Rose Cross Order. This new being was called Xenexus, a tewnty foot tall being with silver skin and dark tribal scars across each cheek and through each eye reaching up to the overhang of his long black hair flecked with white-silver streaks. Armed with two new katanas, it wasn't long before Xenexus discovered his new abilities and limitations of his new form due to his two minds never correctly merging. Xen and Nexus were at constant war within, both struggling to attain control and causing each of their own unique abilities to be within a constant state of flux. Xen, whom had an elemental affinity for Fire, Water, and Air, now also had the unique skill to blur the elements that he infused each katana with, combining to form new elements. Nexus, whom had an elemental affinity for Earth, Lightning and Ice, had discovered that he could tap into the limitless well of energy known as Zero Point, granting him use of Ethereal manipulation which he could use to craft new limbs, duplicates of weapons, and even combining the katanas momentarily to create the Skysplitter; an ultimate weapon of near limitless destruction. Armed with new tools such as the Space Displacement Deck of cards, and the Lexicon of Disillusion, Xenexus was now truly a force to be reckoned with. Xenexus' mind returned to the battle before him, his gaze upon the girl as an immense set of strategies begun to culminate within, the voice of Nexus urging to take control. Xen was in control at the moment, a pressure exerting from him within a two meter radius, it seemed like gravity was intensifying around him. The air seemed to crackle with anticipation. Xen would wait for his opponent to make the first move. ::
  17. Xenexus: ((Gahh, sorry that took so long))
  18. RaduBarvon: ((Time posted 7:35 pm))
  19. LilicaWolfKnight: (O____O ummmm))
  20. Xenexus: ((I had to go back and rewrite a little bit))
  21. Xenexus: ((Don't be intimidated by it Lilica, majority of it is giving insight to the whole light and dark thing, as well as setting up limitations of my attacks by forcing potential mind swaps mid battle ^_^ ))
  22. LordCainKnightLord: (Noted Xen)
  23. LilicaWolfKnight: ((just alot to take in XD no way i could type that much o...o))
  24. LilicaWolfKnight: ((may take me a moment to fully take it in but i will do my best))
  25. Xenexus: ((well :) the first attack is yours))
  26. RaduBarvon: ((Lol keep in mind that it's not always about quantity, but quality. ^^ Do your best))
  27. HGEmpWonrose: (( and I wasnt looking for a bio))
  28. Xenexus: ((Isn't that essentially what an intro is? I apologize for dragging story on, but it's kind of essential to my character and his power base))
  29. RaduBarvon: ((Not nessicarily. Intros can set scene if it's first post or describe how the character is entering the scene. Not to mention it gives a physical description or how the character is preparing for the combat right then and there.))
  30. Bargoth: ((There is really nothing wrong with a bio in an entrance. As long as it's relevant, I'll excuse it.))
  31. LilicaWolfKnight: ((alright i have read over the post and will reply))
  32. RaduBarvon: ((Time noted 7:4
  33. RaduBarvon: ((7:44 PM**)
  34. Bargoth: ((9:44 here))
  35. LilicaWolfKnight: ((i just got done reading it give me a moment to reply i'm sorry >..< just a bit confused XD))
  36. RaduBarvon: ((It's simply a timestamp to see how long people are taking to post relative to size of post))
  37. LilicaWolfKnight: ((oh ok i understand ^^))
  38. HGEmpWonrose: (continue)
  39. Bargoth: ((I'll have to be afk for a while))
  40. HGEmpWonrose: (oh.... ok will be watching))
  41. RaduBarvon: ((I will be copying the whole thing into a pastebin for all to read or reread later if they wish))
  42. LordCainKnightLord: Yes radu Plz)
  43. LilicaWolfKnight: Lilica noticed the change in air pressure sniffing the air once more, moving a a few paces back, she appraised Xenexus bigger then she expected debating on which one of her attacks would work. The demon of the sword spoke. ‘Use farther ranged attacks, then in closer range use your secretive technique.” Lilica smiled and nodded to her sword, her intense gaze met his red eyes. With her body contorted she pulled back the sword, as if to launch it directly at the male, she let the power of her aura built up, her first attack would be a farther ranged one, noting that she kept a few other weapons hidden within her armor. Shrunkens, kanas, and a few smoke bombs of her ninja days. She used certain types of ninjutsu. Cyclones being her favorite, but at this moment her sword was her main plan of attack. The power of her aura now built up a high eletric charge. Her stance changed as she launched herself from the ground and started to spin her blade clockwise, then counter clockwise, to create a vertical cyclone. Landing on the ground with a thud she once again pulled her sword back along with the cyclone and pushed it forward she followed soon after. “ Lets have a bit of fun shall we?” she repeated to make 3 other cyclones and hid behind one of of them, ready to strike at a close range,” Guess where i am hidden” she giggled, the giggle more like that of a hiss from a snake, if he choose the middle cyclone she could launch out and tag him with the tip of her sword. the other were just a Ginjutsu, which confused the mind of whoever saw it in the vertical manner would be trapped with in her jutsu.
  44. Xenexus: ((Read and acknowledged, nice attack Lilica, responding))
  45. RaduBarvon: ((time noted 8:07 pm))
  46. Xenexus: ::Xen watched intently as a multitude of cyclones burst forth from her weapon, perhaps he had underestimated his opponent. Xen quickly drew his upper katanas, driving them into the cobblestone to ground himself as the cyclones drew nearer. His eyes flashed a bright white momentarily as the katanas begun to glow, an pure white aura imbuing the left katana with elemental power over air and the right katana with affinity towards fire. The voice of Nexus had begun to distract him though, begging for a chance to unleash fury upon his opponent. Xen pushed it back, the danger too inherent with Nexus' fighting style. Particles of dust whipped past Xen as the cyclones were upon him, his eyes closing as he attempted to assess the situation through heightening his other senses.::
  47. RaduBarvon: ((Time posted 8:19 PM))
  48. LilicaWolfKnight: Lilica Gripped her sword ever to launch her self from the cyclone she was hidden from, but she had to get closer to use her technique, her now jade colored eyes, due to the poison in her body when ever she used her poisonous attacks it changed her eye colors, the poison had no end due to the experiments that she was forced to endure, to become her father weapon, yes simply a weapon that was all she was to him, this increased her rage, her aura blazed the cyclones, started to rotate together, noting that the closer the clones got to him, the more she was aware of the air pressure around him had increased, this didn’t effect her breath, as she had suspected. she smirked once more, now it was coming close for her to strike, “Crystal, lend me your power and let me lay this blade to rest on my back, i will use the jutsu i am most proud of.” with a defining his from her sword the aura of the sword went out and flowed with in Lilica’s body. This always happened when she released the sprit of the demoness. Split soul could be taken over by any type of other spirit but this time lilica gained control over it as she felt the poison burn the inside of her body. “Now to show you the power of a Demi goddess who has mastered the poisonous jutsu.” with that she made the hand signs for one of her attacks using the cyclones. She pulled out a large shurukin and throw it into the cyclone, the rest of them faded. “Behold Severedis Cyclone” she launched herself from the ground and went towards him at full force, increasing her speed with every step, pushing the cyclone between ready to strike.
  49. RaduBarvon: ((time is 8:41))
  50. Xenexus: ((In respect for clarity, you're still in the cyclone and it's now rushing forward faster than before yes?))
  51. HGEmpWonrose: (I read and re-read that but also states that she READY to strike)
  52. HGEmpWonrose: (she is)
  53. LilicaWolfKnight: ((yes the other one were a Ginjutsu or clone diversion tactic ment to confuse whoever lays their on a verticle cyclone))
  54. Xenexus: ((Yeah I know that part, just wanted to make sure it was still a cyclone and not out rushing as a person, don't wanna screw up my response lol))
  55. LilicaWolfKnight: other ones*))
  56. Xenexus: ((Acknowledged and responding ^_^ ))
  57. RaduBarvon: ((8:43))
  58. Xenexus: ::Xen's eyes opened as the other cyclones dissipated, one remaining albeit on a one track path directly to his demise. This was his chance! Drawing his elemental katanas from the stone, he stood up firmly, shifting his weight pivot on his right foot. With a swift yet rapid motion, Xen proceeded to spin counter-clockwise, swinging the left katana with deadly intent. A vicious barrage of strikes to the air would alter it's pressure, circling the winds to a single focal point before he whipped up a devastating twister. A final pivot and strike would launch it towards his opponent, ready to meet the cyclone head on as he remained still, his right katana raised upright ready to parry any blows that were to come his way, his stance weighted to his right foot so that he could quickly dart to the left should he need to evade something that couldn't be blocked with a blade.::
  59. RaduBarvon: ((8:51))
  60. LilicaWolfKnight: ((read and posting))
  61. RaduBarvon: ((8:54))
  62. LilicaWolfKnight: Looming over his two swords keeping the points of the sword in the back of her mind she pushed forwards, forming a few other signs with her with. “Summoning jutsu” She began to chant in a heavenly manner. “On Devine serpent, from the seas to depths of the underworld i summon you to aid me in my battle come forth Mighty Leviathan.” The chains that were hooked on the back of her armor began to rattle like a wind chime, clinking together softly, as lilica built up the air around her, she pushed the cyclone closer to him, as she stepped back for moment, she placed her left palm on the ground. It began to shake and crack open, black mist boiled from the earth, A loud piercing roar creeped from the depths. The creature darted out of the whole in a flash, and circled around the room, watching for body heat. The creature opened its mouth roaring again, slithering its way around lilica and coiled its huge body around her, she greeted it with a soft pet, and smiled. “I am grateful to you” she returned her gaze, to the man before her, “Well time to push it forward.” The the large shurikin bolted out of the cyclone trailing poison clouds around him, it circled pin pointing the right spot to shrink, his back seemed open enough, and she let it go. Making a few more symbols as she watched what he would do, if he evaded the shrunken, the only other attack she had would come at a price she always paid but was her only other defense.
  63. Xenexus: ((Umm, so did my twister hit? or...? O.o))
  64. LilicaWolfKnight: O_O did i miss your twister D: ))
  65. Xenexus: ((XD yep, just wanna know what the judges will rule on that, whether a repost is in order or whatnot))
  66. LilicaWolfKnight: ((i am so sorry :( ))
  67. Xenexus: ((XD it's alright, it happens, don't stress))
  68. Xenexus: ((Judges?))
  69. HGEmpWonrose: (nope go ahead no repost)
  70. Bargoth: ((Agreed))
  71. Xenexus: ((my attack has been ignored though, do I assume it hit and did damage? or just ignore my previous attack?))
  72. CloudWinfield: ((think she meant post your attacks follow through as it was not defended))
  73. Xenexus: ((ahh ^_^ shall do))
  74. HGEmpWonrose: (ty Cloud, <--- he read my mind and thats exactly what I meant)
  75. Xenexus: ((My bad, I'm a little slow today))
  76. CloudWinfield: ((np))
  77. Xenexus: ::Xen watched as the two cyclones collided, right at the moment she had been weaving her signs to perform a summoning. A collosal clash of wind cancelling the two out as a vicious blowback would strike whomever was close enough with winds fast enough to tear basic clothing apart. A smile crossed his lips as he pushed off of his right foot, the sheer magnitude of the force he applied cratering the cobblestone beneath him as he launched forward with blinding speed towards his opponent whom was undoubtedly unprepared for his onslaught as the gap closed between them. With his katana's stretched outwards from his body, it would be the fire katana that would swing first, aiming a direct strike to her upper torso, should it be parried his left katana would swiftly swing upwards in an uppercut motion from her thigh to her chest. If either blade were parried, a shockwave of elemental energy would blast forth from either katana potentially burning the hands of the opponent or blowing both combatants back with a non-damaging gust of air.::
  78. Xenexus: ((The damage received from the first attack is up to you to perceive Lilica ^_^))
  79. RaduBarvon: (time 9:29))
  80. HGEmpWonrose: -noted and the word "creating cobblestones" and noted)
  81. Xenexus: ((Wait what? O.o elaborate please Wonrose?))
  82. HGEmpWonrose: ( ok elaborating on the wording and it is cratering)
  83. CloudWinfield: ((misunderstanding Xenexus thats all))
  84. Xenexus: ((ahh, fair enough ^_^ ))
  85. LilicaWolfKnight: ((read and posting))
  86. RaduBarvon: ((9:37))
  87. LilicaWolfKnight: She let out a hi pitched growl as she felt the strike from each of his blades, forcing her to lose her balance, and land against the coiled serpent, Her armor seemed to have cracked a bit, as blood dripped from her thigh all the wall until her chest, her breathing became heavy, her jade eyes hardened. The other strike to her upper body bled more. She put her weight on the snake removing her mask from her mouth as she couched up blood. Lips pulled over her mouth revealing her snake like fangs as she hissed deeper, almost demonically. Forcing herself to stand, taking a bit more effort but she did it, looking to her snake, forming the signs that would reveal her turn form, “C..combination j..jutsu..” the serpent tightened it’s coil around her body trapping her from escaping, and it raised its has its acid drool falling on her skin burning part of her flesh, she gritted her teeth to endure the pain. The serpent then looked to Xeneus and hiss, and bit into lilicas neck, letting its venom flow into her body, this creating a numbing agent but the cost which she had the pay was for the snake to take control of her body. Its poke as she was now under his control. “Spirit possession; Naga transformation.” He hissed a demonic laugh through her voice. White mist surrounded then both, as you could her the pain wale of a girl being turned into a deadly creature of true terror, the screams increased and went on for a good 5 minute. until the mist cleared and revealed a 25 foot Naga. The upper torso of the creature was Lilica and the bottom half was that of a white tail. The armor was still cracked, but would be infused with her scales to it would not fully break, her now white eyes, showing that she wasn’t in control of her body. placed both of her arms up, Blades patruded from forearms to her writs, her once large poison sword broken into two smaller blades that were her new weapons, she smiled at him revealing several rows of sharpened fangs ready to rip into flesh and decor souls.
  88. LilicaWolfKnight: ((sorry took long then i wanted it to))
  89. RaduBarvon: ((9:56))
  90. Xenexus: ((That's alright, I just wanted to make note that you know I interupted your summon right? I'll keep going with it but just be wary of where an interupt occurs as it's supposed to set the stage for your next post))
  91. Xenexus: ((Ultimately judges decision anyway, I'm merely a combatant, but I just wanted to clarify that))
  92. LilicaWolfKnight: (( i did the summoning before you interupted me and the serapant was coiled around my body when your striked my body.))
  93. RaduBarvon: ((-nods- And let it also be stated that she said that the original cyclones were genjitsu which means illusory attacks therefore the cyclones where never real. Am I correct on that, Lilica?)
  94. Xenexus: ((Except the one she was in))
  95. Xenexus: ((And an interupt assumes the rest of the post hasn't occured, like if I were to interupt your new post in the 5 minute transformation, your turning into a Naga wouldn't occur. That kind of thing))
  96. Xenexus: ((Anyway, I'll keep going, sorry for interuptions))
  97. RaduBarvon: ((Yes thank you. It's gettnig incredibly annoying in actuality. We could start picking apart your posts once your done, but we don't. Continue.))
  98. HGEmpWonrose: (exactly as there are several if not more typo errors but got what was being done and noted to push to continue)
  99. LilicaWolfKnight: ((which typos? if i can ask?))
  100. LordCainKnightLord: (dose Bar Agree with the Continue)
  101. Bargoth: ((Yes, let's continue))
  102. Bargoth: ((We'll have a 3 day period to pick the posts apart afterwards))
  103. LilicaWolfKnight: ((nvm i saw them i am sorry ))
  104. HGEmpWonrose: take my word there are several typos
  105. LilicaWolfKnight: (may i repost for the corrected spelling or just continue?))
  106. HGEmpWonrose: (for the sake of time, let's continue, I can pick the posts later)
  107. Bargoth: ((That's what we'll do))
  108. LordCainKnightLord: (alright its Xen's post)
  109. RaduBarvon: ((Has he alreaddy started working on it? because time is 10:18))
  110. LordCainKnightLord: ( i believe so Radu)
  111. HGEmpWonrose: it is litterally 10:19 pm here
  112. Xenexus: ::Xen would smirk as he landed, blood dripping from his katanas as he watched her struggle to pick herself back up. This fight was surely his! Xen prepared himself to launch another attack when suddenly, a piercing pain shot through his head, staggering him backwards. He bellowed in agony as his mind was assaulted by Nexus, forcibly locking him away as his twin took over, the scars on his cheeks now glowing a bright red. Nexus lifted himself up with a sadistic grin, watching as the girl begun to scream, her transformation was taking forever. He sighed to himself, trembling with anticipation as dark orbs begn to potrude from his armpits, slowly forming a seperate set of arms. These ethereal arms reached for his second set of katanas, the sheer weight of them too much for his standard limbs to carry. And still, her screaming continued, the white mist slowly enveloping the surrounding area. "Are you gonna be in there much longer?" Nexus asked teasingly, his impatience getting the better of him. "Fine, I'll bring the fight to you!" Nexus rushed, all four katanas drawn as he stopped before the mass of wriggling snakeskin. It had still only been a couple of minutes since she had started. Nexus smirked and leant down, proceeding to prod it gently. "Eeeeeewwww, its all slimy!" Nexus wiped his hand on his jacket with disgust. He raised the two heavy katanas, imbuing the left with affinity for earth, and forcing his own dark spiritual energy into the other. "Earth and Darkness makes GRAVITY!!!" With that he proceeded to slice downwards at the transforming girl, the focal point of both blades strikes were to combine at the point of impact in the direct center. It was within three and a half minutes of her screaming so the transformation was still in progress. If they struck, the combined energy would magnify the gravity of whatever object they touched simultaneously at least tenfold. If successful, he would proceed to launch a vicious barrage upon the girl, starting with circling strikes to her legs, just barely cutting her but enough to cause immense pain before ending it with a right footed kick to her torso.::
  113. LordCainKnightLord: (its 12:20am here and we started at 7:30pm )
  114. Bargoth: ((It's already been 5 hours huh?))
  115. Xenexus: ((Sorry, forgot to forward post my acknowledgement))
  116. RaduBarvon: ((-reading- It said in her post that she now has a snake tail yet you went off and mentioned she had legs.))
  117. RaduBarvon: ((-tilts head-))
  118. Xenexus: ((Interupted before her transformation had completed ^_^ as she set a 5 minute timer on her screaming, and thats a hypothetical attack assuming my other one is successful in interupting her transform))
  119. Xenexus: ((Attempted interupt sorry))
  120. Xenexus: ((My post accidentally left out elemental damage for the hypothetical followup, so assume they're just standard cuts if writing successful hits))
  121. LordCainKnightLord: (noted Xen)
  122. LordCainKnightLord: *looks too the Judges*
  123. Bargoth: ((The elemental damage would only be mentioned if the attack hit anyway.))
  124. Xenexus: ((yeah, but i suppose it should be implied through hypothetical >.< tis my bad))
  125. Bargoth: ((You're not allowed to do that nonetheless.))
  126. Xenexus: ((hm??))
  127. Bargoth: ((You're not allowed to dictate what your attack would do prior to hitting its target.))
  128. RaduBarvon: ((That would be an auto-hit and considered god moding. Any and all attacks must be allowed to be blocked or dodged in one form or another.))
  129. HGEmpWonrose: (timing of the transformation noted with the attack and now yet another transformatio and he can state what the damage would do because if he didnt the girl could simply play it off as a nothing hit
  130. Xenexus: ((hence a hypothetical implication of implied damage, setting the limit so the battle isnt ended in an attack, right? O.o))
  131. CloudWinfield: ((you are correct))
  132. Bargoth: ((I see what you mean now.))
  133. Xenexus: ((sorry, sorry, I'm doing it again, I shall shut up as I am a combatant, not a judge and can't speculate :) -- ))
  134. HGEmpWonrose: (ty)
  135. Bargoth: ((Yes, you could indicate that your attack is elementally charged. However, since you failed to indicate that, it is not elementally charged in your post))
  136. Xenexus: ((yep ^_^ thats what I meant))
  137. Bargoth: ((Therefore you will not be able to incorporate that even if the attack hits.))
  138. Bargoth: ((Continue))
  139. LilicaWolfKnight: ((i am honestly confused, his hit is being counted so it interupted the transfamtion before? or during or after?))
  140. Xenexus: ((I'll leave for the judges to explain, but basically, my attack implied I was attempting to disrupt your transformation during it. It's up to you whether you take the hit based on what you'd written in your last my general gist of what I wanted to write >.<))
  141. Xenexus: ((But again, judges call))
  142. HGEmpWonrose: ( I would def say his attack they were both next to each other due to previous posts so his attack is logical as she was simply standing there waiting)
  143. Bargoth: ((I'm personally lost, I'll need to pick apart the posts in detail))
  144. CloudWinfield: ((bargoth what has you confused maybe i can assist))
  145. RaduBarvon: ((-nods- Same. From what I gathered, it was implied that the attack that was supposed to stop the transformation didn't hit.))
  146. RaduBarvon: ((but that was from the chatter amongst you all after the posts were made))
  147. HGEmpWonrose: ( would have been mid transformation when his next attack now for instance was going on. and she did ask if it had taken place before, during or after but it was during because she said it took 5 minutes and he was standing right next to her 5 min is a long time
  148. LilicaWolfKnight: ((and he attack at a 3 mintue window so its not cully complete but shed still have a tail though but its moreless she would lack the scales, and just be looking like a zombie looking thing i can dig so just say he stoped me and hit me )
  149. LilicaWolfKnight: he attacked*
  150. LilicaWolfKnight: fully*
  151. Bargoth: ((From what I've gathered, I'd say the first attack hit, but then she managed to transform into her naga form, I think.))
  152. CloudWinfield: ((i think your all misunderstanding where the hit is )
  153. Bargoth: ((Well enlighten us))
  154. CloudWinfield: ((the hit that will cancel it is in the very last post so the hit wouldnt go till you post lilica))
  155. Xenexus: ((I'll leave for Cloud to explain))
  156. CloudWinfield: ((the last 3 posts are what we are looking at here))
  157. HGEmpWonrose: agrees
  158. Bargoth: ((That is corrext, which means Lilica should be able to transform))
  159. Bargoth: ((Correct*))
  160. CloudWinfield: ((he made an attack that you all agreed hit with his katanas she took them and left out the tornado that hit her then she did her summon and began to transform as they were still both next to each other and then xenexus posted another hit in the middle of the 5 min that he was standing next to her so in all she gave him a 5 minute window of nothing standing next to her where now his last post has the hit that will stop the transformation))
  161. CloudWinfield: ((the the hit/damage/ if it was enough to cancel is all on lilica and her post))
  162. Xenexus: ((And the implied damage from the hit is that of a gravity effect, magnifying where (if) it hits 10x))
  163. CloudWinfield: so**
  164. LilicaWolfKnight: ((in basics it didn't happen))
  165. CloudWinfield: ((well can you think of a way to block the hit?))
  166. LordCainKnightLord: tell shini that we are in the mental of the tournament and its by summions ,you cant just walk in here
  167. Bargoth: ((Well, you are allowed to dodge, block or take the hit.))
  168. RaduBarvon: I did. @ _@; She wanted to watch and I said no, but she didn't listen. I shall spank.
  169. CloudWinfield: ((that all depends on the creativity of the situation))
  170. Xenexus: ((But doing so implies hat your transformation has interupted as you were not complete, my attack happened 3.5 minutes into transform))
  171. Xenexus: ((Resulting in either partial or no transform))
  172. Xenexus: ((Unless, snakeskin can tank the hit and not be affected))
  173. CloudWinfield: ((dont forget xenexus it could go through and it would just be injured ))
  174. Xenexus: ((yeah, that too))
  175. LilicaWolfKnight: ((ok it was disrupted mid point, and she has the tail of the snake but she lacks any skin or scales and her tail is only covered a bit of skin the rest of it is bone.))
  176. HGEmpWonrose: (exactly and now re-reading to figure the timing of while i am getting msgs from others and sorry if that one was part of Cain's empire)
  177. LilicaWolfKnight: ((does that sound ok?))
  178. HGEmpWonrose: (plus you were already injured with the armour coming off so the potential of a hit was there)
  179. CloudWinfield: ((well lilica it being your post that would all be decided by you if you take the hit and you will just have to roll with it from there and then they can judge any issues afterwards))
  180. Bargoth: ((Look at it this way. Even if you lose, it's not a deathmatch))
  181. LilicaWolfKnight: ((then i take the hit. i guess it means i lose lol))
  182. RaduBarvon: ((Mmm... I'll do my best))
  183. Bargoth: ((Or when you take the hit, you transform, then what happens?))
  184. Bargoth: ((You'll have to put some creativity into it))
  185. LilicaWolfKnight: ((well it only being half complete makes her even more weak after the first to strikes he gave her, and mid transfomation she can not be protected by a cracked cest plate, but i think he hit her legs or boney tail, but still caused her to stop and she ins't fully into her body, so i;d say i'll just take it and guess i'll lose with grace unless it is ok for my char to battle looking like a zombie naga chick then i guess i can pressforward but idk))
  186. LilicaWolfKnight: chest*
  187. LilicaWolfKnight: isn't*
  188. Xenexus: ((It's up to you Lilica ^_^ I'm more than happy to continue if you want))
  189. HGEmpWonrose: (ok so you are now done? and eliminated? She's already said it twice)
  190. LordCainKnightLord: (LIica in the Mash here?)
  191. LordCainKnightLord: do)
  192. LordCainKnightLord: (do you want too iend the mash here)
  193. LordCainKnightLord: Match*
  194. LilicaWolfKnight: ((yes i would like to, i do not wish to cause any more trouble with this, i admit i may have disreguarded a few things and for that i am sorry so i am at fault and i think its fair that i forfit the match.))
  195. Xenexus: ((Lilica, the blame is entirely on me for the drama that started, don't stress you did great))
  196. HGEmpWonrose: (may I say something?)
  197. LordCainKnightLord: ( you have said you wanted too end the Match three times,this match is done ,report too the Order Lilica)
  198. LilicaWolfKnight: ((i need to learn how to spell XD one major thing lol and yes My lady ))
  199. CloudWinfield: ~gives thumbs up to everyone~
  200. LilicaWolfKnight: i am in the empire sir, sorry if i disappointed you sir))
  201. LordCainKnightLord: My Lady?
  202. HGEmpWonrose: ( I think she did a good job at this, we're not all perfect and sometimes things we watch on tv like being a naruto fan plus thinking how a hit has to be performed takes effort)
  203. RaduBarvon: -nods-
  204. QueenXendra: I think she was answering Wonrose dear.
  205. LordCainKnightLord: No worrys Lilica,you did good ,hold your head high )
  206. HGEmpWonrose: Cain?
  207. Xenexus: *Holds an outstretched hand to her* Let's spar again, k?
  208. HGEmpWonrose: I hope you place her in a good place in your empire. She is worthy of much
  209. RaduBarvon: :3 That was wonderful to watch.
  210. LordCainKnightLord: she will be teated good WonRose no worrys
  211. LilicaWolfKnight: She shook his hand and nodded to him- yes i'd like that
  212. LordCainKnightLord: Xen,Next week you face Jackson lol )
  213. RaduBarvon: There's still Petros too don't forget
  214. LilicaWolfKnight: -she would bow to Won rose- thank you for your kind words, i am very thankful ))
  215. RaduBarvon: And Lilica, I'm sure Petros would be happy to spar with you if you asked him. ^^ He's a cool dude
  216. Xenexus: why do I get the feeling that your laugh Sir means I'm in for a fun day XD
  217. RaduBarvon: . _ . But I have literally no problem with watching Jackson getting his ass handed to him. He's more concerned abotu his dick.
  218. Xenexus: XD
  219. LordCainKnightLord: ( im going too be truthful, i dont think Jackson haves a chaints,but he is a Guard and wanted in the Tournament so
  220. HGEmpWonrose: expect gifts from Cain Lilica
  221. RaduBarvon: lol
  222. Xenexus: I'll try to be a little more clear cut with my posts from now on too, so we can avoid a lot of the confusion I caused today
  223. CloudWinfield: heheh watching these fights might get my blood boiling heheh
  224. LilicaWolfKnight: being a guard for the order is a gift in itself, i am happy to serve ^.^
  225. RaduBarvon: -nods- maybe tone them down a little too, Xenexus. xD less complication. lmao
  226. Xenexus: XD
  227. RaduBarvon: I think at one point we were all "hunh..." with that
  228. Xenexus: XD I dunno, Cloud seemed to be on point all day
  229. LordCainKnightLord: (brb)
  230. HGEmpWonrose: -hugs on Cloud's arm- thats just Cloud -she smiles proudly-
  231. CloudWinfield: heheh
  232. CloudWinfield: ive been in alot of fights just comes to me
  233. QueenXendra: (tyt)
  234. HGEmpWonrose: tyt
  235. CloudWinfield: tyt
  236. HGEmpWonrose: this room is meant for spar practicing as well. so feel free in entering here
  237. Xenexus: Ty I will
  238. SaraLotyOShea: (( doing a small post))
  239. CloudWinfield: and lilica can i let you know something now that the match is over just a pointer
  240. LilicaWolfKnight: i would love to hear them i need alot hehe
  241. LilicaWolfKnight: spelling isn'y exactly my strongest point
  242. LilicaWolfKnight: isn't
  243. HGEmpWonrose: still great job
  244. LilicaWolfKnight: thank you very much it really means alot
  245. LilicaWolfKnight: -she would bow deeply
  246. LordCainKnightLord: alright im headed too the Order everyone
  247. CloudWinfield: when you were taken over by the snake your may have been a drone but im sure the concious of the snake was not you should have brought the armored half of the tail that was done up to block the lower end of Xenexus hands with your tail as both arms were moving at a downward motion as you would have stopped the blades the attack and left him open for your main body to attack
  248. SaraLotyOShea: -Fyre appears behind her grandmother, not saying a word as she gently places her left hand on grandmother's right shoulder. Her body language can be read that she was not her usual self but wanted to show and let her family know that she is some what decent. Her mind racing as usual but is sad due to the fact that she missed the tourny, but in her her mind it was probably for the best that she missed it.-
  249. Xenexus: Cloud sees all, knows all XD damn dude, I wouldn't have even thought of that
  250. CloudWinfield: hahah
  251. CloudWinfield: too many possiblities in a fight
  252. CloudWinfield: like chess if you dont think ahead your dead
  253. LilicaWolfKnight: i really missed that o...o
  254. CloudWinfield: every action has its perks and downfalls you gotta pick which one is gonna be better for you haha
  255. LilicaWolfKnight: and maybe if i shorten then time of the transformation?
  256. LordCainKnightLord: *a porthole opens as i walk thrw it waveing bye too friends i walk thrw the bright light*
  257. LordCainKnightLord: -Poofs-
  258. CloudWinfield: tc cain
  259. CloudWinfield: damn second slow
  260. RaduBarvon: PFT AS PETROS GETS ON
  261. Xenexus: Or seperate the transformation into a prep post and a reveal post. That way, my attack assumes at the end of your prep and when going to launch the attack, you can theoretically blow it away with the sudden transform
  262. HGEmpWonrose: hell I missed Cain leaving
  263. CloudWinfield: well i do appreciate you all letting me see the fight heh
  264. LilicaWolfKnight: i have never done a prep post before o..o
  265. CloudWinfield: think of it like a power up
  266. Xenexus: power up posts, you use them launch OP attacks
  267. RaduBarvon: Like baking a cake! O 3 O One post is gathering all the ingredients and measuring them out. Next post would be mixing them and baking them.
  268. Xenexus: like if I wanted to launch fire, that would take a prep of building the power, and the second post would be launching it
  269. LilicaWolfKnight: oh ok i get it!
  270. CloudWinfield: yea that is tech true
  271. RaduBarvon: Like Hyper Beam in pokemon
  272. CloudWinfield: Lilica i take it you like naruto?
  273. SaraLotyOShea: -kisses her grandmother's cheek then disappears-
  274. LilicaWolfKnight: i love naruto ^.^
  275. CloudWinfield: and would i be correct in assuming you like orochi
  276. LilicaWolfKnight: mhm very much so
  277. CloudWinfield: heheh
  278. LilicaWolfKnight: but kakashi is my top fav
  279. CloudWinfield: well he is a beast
  280. Xenexus: XD you ran off before I could tell you what the quickest way to a girls heart is Lilica
  281. RaduBarvon: > - > I already told her
  282. RaduBarvon: lol
  283. Xenexus: :O you joke stealing mook XD
  284. RaduBarvon: pft
  285. RaduBarvon: you stole it from 9gag first
  286. LilicaWolfKnight: quick way to stealing a girls heart?
  287. LilicaWolfKnight: kakashi?
  288. RaduBarvon: x'D
  289. RaduBarvon: I told you earlier!
  290. LilicaWolfKnight: body pillow
  291. LilicaWolfKnight: !!
  292. RaduBarvon: x'D
  293. CloudWinfield: quickest way to a girls heart is through the chest isnt it o.0
  294. RaduBarvon: that too
  295. RaduBarvon: The chidori. 8'I
  296. HGEmpWonrose: o.O
  297. LilicaWolfKnight: oh haha XD
  298. RaduBarvon: -pats head-
  299. LilicaWolfKnight: kakashi is one epic ninja
  300. LilicaWolfKnight: :D
  301. CloudWinfield: one epic kage
  302. CloudWinfield: haha
  303. Xenexus: yes he is
  304. Xenexus: so Cloud, got any tips to throw my way? :D would love some insight
  305. CloudWinfield: a few be careful with element play it gets tricky when dealing with people who can turn it on you and with katanas make sure you know your zones heheh and if you dont know what i mean by zone just let me know
  306. RaduBarvon: o 3o
  307. LilicaWolfKnight: sorry ran to the loe XD
  308. CloudWinfield: wb lol
  309. LilicaWolfKnight: hehe ty :D
  310. RaduBarvon: wb
  311. LilicaWolfKnight: and yush he is wise
  312. LilicaWolfKnight: thankies:D
  313. CloudWinfield: np
  314. RaduBarvon: ofc! ^^
  315. Xenexus: XD I know elementals can be tricky, thats why I set limiters on my character forcing his mind change etc and therefore swapping potential elements. Can't have a too op character
  316. CloudWinfield: heheh i got ya i always found it best to learn one element and master that one can get way more crazy once you get the science behind them down
  317. Xenexus: oh, you should see the guideline set I wrote for my attacks, makes use of science and physics for each and every one of them
  318. RaduBarvon: O .o Not to mention it also goes for simplification of your attacks and posts.
  319. CloudWinfield: well was nice meeting you all like i said heheh and if you wall want to talk again liz can probably help you get in contact with me you all have a good one
  320. CloudWinfield: goodnight all
  321. Xenexus: night dude
  322. CloudWinfield: goodnight liz :)
  323. RaduBarvon: Good night.
  324. Xenexus: Bargoth, did you have anything you wanted to add? Insight from all would be greatly appreciated
  325. HGEmpWonrose: I am heading out myself
  326. Xenexus: night night M'Lady
  327. RaduBarvon: Alright. I'm going to go ahead and log this for later review
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