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a guest
Apr 28th, 2017
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  1. #Skrypt na czat by ByczekTV
  2. #
  3. options:
  4. tag: &a&lSkyCraft
  5. variables:
  6. {chat} = true
  7. command /on:
  8. trigger:
  9. if player has permission "chat.on":
  10. if {chat} is true:
  11. set {chat} to true
  12. send "&2Administrator &6%player%&2 wlaczyl czat!" to all players
  13. else:
  14. send "&cCzat jest juz wlaczony!" to player
  15. else:
  16. send "&cNie masz odpowiednich uprawnien." to player
  17. command /off:
  18. trigger:
  19. if player has permission "":
  20. if {chat} is false:
  21. set {chat} to false
  22. send "&2Administrator &6%player%&2 wylaczyl czat!" to all players
  23. else:
  24. send "&cCzat jest juz wylaczony!" to player
  25. else:
  26. send "&2Administrator &6%player% &2wylaczyl czat!" to player
  27. command /cc:
  28. trigger:
  29. loop 200 times:
  30. broadcast ""
  31. send "{@tag}" to all players
  32. send "&2Chat zostal wyczyszczony przez &c%player%" to all players
  33. on chat:
  34. if {chat} is false:
  35. cancel event
  36. send "&c&lCzat jest aktualnie wylaczony!" to player
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