
Gentlemanon 200th thread special

Jun 5th, 2012
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  1. >You are Anonymous, a most dapper and refined gentleman.
  2. >So you would like to be, anyway. After all, a proper gentleman is nothing if not aware of his own shortcomings.
  3. >However, you seem to be making a splash with Ponyville’s citizens, so it would appear that you’ve been doing all right.
  4. >In any case, it has been no more than a week since you arrived in Equestria, and merely two days since Miss Twilight Sparkle had cast the translating spell on you.
  5. >Previously, you could only communicate through Miss Fluttershy relaying it to the other ponies in their native language, and although she claimed it to be no trouble, you could not bear to be any more of a burden than you already had made yourself into.
  6. >That would simply be uncouth of you.
  7. >Of course, this level of kindness and generosity appeared to be the norm in this land. Merely moments after you explained your situation yourself (or even opened your mouth), Miss Rarity immediately insisted that you lay up with her and her younger sister, Sweetie Belle.
  8. >According to her, “A refined being such as yourself has no place amongst animals. No offense, of course, Fluttershy.” To which the demure mare, thankfully, took none.
  9. >Being as polite as ever, you replied that you did not wish to be a burden upon her as well.
  10. >”Nonsense! It’s not as if you have any place to call your own. I’m more than happy to host anyone in need, and that’s final.” She states with a chastising tone. “Besides,” she continues, looking you over. “You simply MUST allow me to design you a new outfit. The one you’re wearing is in horrible shape! I can’t bear seeing such a gentleman wearing something ruined as it is!”
  11. >You soon accepted her offer.
  12. >The next day was a blur of colors and fabric as the white mare worked furiously at designing your new clothing.
  13. >The amount of care and craftsman… CraftsMAREship she put into the project was truly remarkable. She made everything to perfection, and would have nothing less, down to the most minute detail! Certainly an artisan of the highest caliber.
  14. >In this time, you found yourself playing various games with her younger sister, a most adorable young filly with seemingly boundless energy, and curiosity-streak miles long.
  15. >Scarcely five minutes passed by in between questions, most of which you were all too happy to answer.
  16. >The day passed swiftly, and before you knew it, Rarity had put the finishing touches on your attire, just in time for the evening meal.
  17. >”There you are, Anonymous,” She said slightly wearily, levitating the neatly folded pile of clothing into your arms. “I’m dreadfully sorry for making you have to deal with Sweetie. She’s usually out having fun with her friends, but…”
  18. “Nonsense,” you reply. “It was my pleasure to make her acquaintance. Is that not true, Sweetie?”
  19. >She nods vigorously. “Yeah! We had tons of fun together! So what’s for dinner?”
  20. >”Oh, I don’t know, Sweetie…” Rarity says with a yawn, evidently somewhat tired.
  21. >At this point, you offer to prepare the meal as a way of compensating them for their hospitality. Rarity initially refuses, but the combined efforts of you and her sister convince her otherwise.
  22. >Spaghetti was had that night. You’re glad to see your uncle Wuten’s recipe is still king, even in Equestria.
  23. >Just prior to bedtime, you don your new clothes, admiring the remarkably dapper look they gave you. She even got you a bowler hat, you’ve wanted one of these for ages!
  24. >Truly, the white pony is the best pony.
  25. >You awaken the next day to find not one, but THREE young fillies standing over your sleeping form, staring with wide eyes.
  26. “Good morning, miss Sweetie Belle.”
  27. >”Morning, Anon!”
  28. >You rise to a sitting position, nodding courteously to the two others.
  29. “Applebloom and Scootaloo, I assume?”
  30. >”Ya got that raht!” The yellow filly with the pink bow replies, in an accent you commonly heard identified as “hick”, or perhaps “Texan”. Either way, it was rather endearing. “Nahce t’ meet’cha, mister Anon!” she says, offering a hoof.
  31. “Likewise.” You reply, shaking it in a dignified manner.
  32. >”Yeah, nice to meet you and stuff,” Scootaloo replies, seeming distracted.
  33. >You stand, stretching your legs luxuriously yet discreetly. The two fillies’ eyes go wide and their jaws drop as they witness your full, immense height for the first time.
  34. >”Woah… you’re HUGE.” Scootaloo remarks, now mesmerized by your enormity.
  35. >You give a dignified laugh.
  36. “So I’m told.”
  37. >”Yer even taller than mah bruther!” Applebloom adds. She must be speaking of the (relatively) large red Stallion you had seen trotting through the marketplace two days past. You heard him mention something of a younger sister in school.
  38. >You decide to change the subject, this was making you feel rather freakish. Of course, none of this showed in your smooth transition of topics.
  39. “So, what are you young ladies up to today?”
  40. >”Same thing we do every day, Anonymous! Try to get our Cutie Marks! Form up, girls!” Sweetie proudly declares, turning to face her comrades.
  41. >”Yeah!” the other two snap off, standing at attention. “What’s the plan today, Sweetie Belle?”
  42. >”You know how my sis sometimes takes Spike to go dig for gems?”
  43. >The others nod, and you raise an eyebrow. Digging for gems? That doesn’t quite sound like Rarity as you know her.
  44. >”Well, we’re gonna go help her!” Sweetie states, stomping one hoof on the floor with an air of determination.
  45. >Aww, now isn’t that just adorab—
  46. >Your ears are suddenly waylaid by a cacophony you did not know was possible from living beings.
  48. >You are fairly sure your eardrums have been reduced to a fine powder. Moments later, the three balls of adorable energy race off in pursuit of Rarity.
  49. >Massaging your temples, you turn to face Opalescence.
  50. “Are they always this… exciteable?”
  51. >Opal merely swishes her tail in response. You expected as much. In any case, you don your hat and set out, taking the time to replace the “closed” sign on the front door of the shop. You had an odd feeling in your gut. Something told you that your presence would be of utmost importance in the coming hours.
  52. >You begin at a brisk walk, maintaining your dignity but also gaining some speed. After all, there was not much danger to be had, otherwise you have your doubts that Rarity would go. She is an intelligent pony, after all.
  53. >”Anon!”
  54. >Your logic proves wrong, however, as a familiar diminutive purple dragon rushes down the road and nearly slams into you before explaining the situation, barely able to get the words out in his panic.
  55. >”Anon!Rarity!Dogs!Kidnapped!”
  56. >What am I hearing
  57. “Slow down, lad. I can’t help if you can’t tell me what’s happening.”
  58. >He takes a deep breath…
  59. >”WewereoutdiggingforgemsandthentherewerediamonddogsouttanowhereandtheytookRarityandnowthecrusadersaregoingthereandIcouldn’tstopthemandweneedtoSAVETHEM!”
  60. >You suppose that’ll be the best you get from him. No matter.
  61. >Your eyes harden, and your brows knit in righteous fury. The scoundrels!
  62. “Come then, Spike.”
  63. >Your voice is eerily calm.
  64. “Let us apprehend these…these… double ruffians!”
  65. >Spike nods grimly. You offer that he climb upon your back, for you would otherwise outpace him. He reluctantly accepts.
  66. “Are you secure?” You ask, glancing over your shoulder.
  67. >”Yeah. Let’s roll!” Spike replies.
  68. “Indeed!”
  69. >You race off, with the speed of a fine upstanding African gentleman hailing from Kenya. Your long, determined strides tear through the few miles separating you and your gracious hosts in mere minutes.
  70. >”Here we are,” Spike says, hopping off of your back even as you reach your destination, skidding to a stop. “The lair of the Diamond Dogs.”
  71. >You glance down. A hole in the ground? Humph. Fitting for such lowlifes who deign to kidnap ponies for their own nefarious schemes.
  72. >You roll up your sleeves as your expression turns into one of intense disapproval. Wordlessly, you hop down the hole, ready to face any ne’er do wells who wished to stop you from saving your newfound friends.
  73. >To your surprise, you are, in fact, not surrounded by enemies, or even unpleasant surroundings. Spike leaps down after you, and he too is confused by the remarkable well-furnished tunnel. “I wouldn’t think their place was kept in such good shape…” he remarks.
  74. “Nor I,” you reply. “I would not have expected something so…”
  75. >”Classy?”
  76. “Yes.”
  77. >Your nostrils flare as a familiar scent leaks into the chamber from one of the tunnels. Your Draconic comrade pick it up as well. “Is that… tea?”
  78. “It would appear so. Earl Grey, in fact.”
  79. >How odd.
  80. >You race through the tunnels, and you soon begin to hear noises coming from what must be the main chamber. Excited chattering and...laughter?
  81. >What was Rarity doing in there?
  82. >”This is new,” Spike says after rounding a bend. You quickly catch up—
  83. >And meet a man sized dog clad in a tuxedo.
  84. >”Ah, welcome. I did not know we had more guests coming.” The dogs says with an accent not dissimilar to Rarity’s.
  85. >”What the-“ Spike says, before the large canine addresses him politely.
  86. >“Ah, I’m pleased see you are not hurt, young dragon. You must forgive Boris, lad, he can be rather impulsive, and when he saw you moving aggressively, he felt it prudent to stun you lest you harm anyone.”
  87. >You glance down at your stupefied young companion. “But… but…aren’t you..?” he mumbles, pointing a finger at the canine who you found to be an impressive example of a gentleman. Gentledog? Gentlemutt.
  88. >The dog nods his understanding, evidently used to this reaction. “I see. You must have taken us for those ruffian Diamond Dogs, then?”
  89. >There is a small “yeah,” from the young dragon. Surprisingly, the large canine gives a rumbling chortle. “No matter. As long as you learn from your mistake, there is no harm done. We are the Dapper Dogs, not the Diamond Dogs. All I would like to ask is that you don’t associate us with them in the future.”
  90. >He certainly seems reasonable enough.
  91. >”Oh, where are my manners?” he says, bringing a quick palm to his face. “I am Maximilian. And yourselves?” he asks, offering one massive hand.
  92. >You take it and give a firm shake.
  93. “Anonymous. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Maximilian.”
  94. >”Likewise,” He replies, shaking Spike’s hand as he introduces himself.
  95. >He then beckons for you to follow him. “Come, sirs. I will show you to our plobby.”
  96. >wait what
  97. “Your…’plobby’?”
  98. >He chuckles. “A nickname we have given it after one of our number, Rover, mispronounced the word ‘lobby’.”
  99. >Makes sense, you think, nodding in comprehension as you enter the large cavern.
  100. >”Ah! Spike, Anonymous! How wonderful of you to join us!”
  101. >You turn to find Rarity sitting at a table, cup of tea in her hoof and accompanied by the waving CMC and a few Dapper Dogs.
  102. >"Come, join us, sirs." one says, indicating the two free seats.
  103. >You and and Spike both do so, graciously thanking your hosts for the tea you are soon served.
  104. >"Say," one dog starts, peering at you. "Might this belong to you?" he asks, producing a familiar looking cane.
  105. "Yes, I thought it lost. Were you the one who..."
  106. >You trail off, not wishing to accuse someone you found to be a proper host. It was simply crass, in your opinion.
  107. >He nods apologetically. "Indeed, t'was I. I had not thought to check if you were alive, and had thought you... well, not. I figured you wouldn't be missing it, dreadfully sorry about that." he says, giving you your cane.
  108. >You -are- rather annoyed, but it would simply be improper to let such emotion show. Instead, you simply nod.
  109. "No harm done."
  110. >From there, the conversation continues, as you all discuss the finer things in life.
  111. >You must say, you were pleasently surprised at the younger ones' understanding of the subject matter.
  112. >Before you know it, evening arrives, and your group must leave for home.
  113. >You each take the time to thank your hosts for their hospitality and understanding, to which they reply,
  114. >"It was our pleasure. Do come again!"
  115. >The trek home is uneventful, as is the evening, but all in all, today was a fine day.
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