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Dec 16th, 2017
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  1. anyways here's a collection of shit that's probably nsf.w and i genuinely hate myself for combining nsf.w shit w frogs. this is what i get for hyperfocusing on frog ocs. fuck
  9. sinono can't really hold up a relationship, he can try but it rly isn't his kind of thing. he's Always on the move and Always getting into trouble and being w someone would just drag both him and the other guy down
  11. HOWEVER if you think this man DOESN'T go to shit like strip clubs and the likes to find a guy to make out w/ for the night & have drunk sex w you are COMPLETELY wrong . you tell me for one second he doesn't do that. you can't.
  13. it's so fuckin bad for his rep, esp since he's a well-respected man (a well-known asshole but respected nonetheless) but like why would he care about his rep when he's out drunk and partying
  15. he'll go out to these kinds of places with kagaga and yakuku and let them do their own thing, like perform on a stage and make some money or something, whilst sinonos at the back at the bar trying to chat up some average guy like "hahah yeah i manage those two and do this and that and hahah are you single?"
  17. the girls are used to it by now, they don't really care, it doesn't have an impact on them
  21. on the complete polar end of the spectrum, peruru and takaka LOVE being together, and both try to keep their relationship going for as long as they can. they're _really_ against the idea of doing stuff with other people, and have honestly reached the point where if someone _else_ is touching one of them the other one gets visibly jealous
  23. they're in a strong and healthy relationship for the most part but they are _obsessed_ with eachother, they're always in the same room together, or at least when they can be. peruru starts declining in his work because to him now, working means time away from takaka, and thats all he can think about, his brain is just _constantly_ revolving around takaka
  24. & takaka doesn't move when peruru goes to do his shift. he waits for peruru to come back. maybe he cleans their room up a little bit but most of his time is spent just _waiting_
  26. & then perurus shift is over and he goes back to their room and he _should_ be working towards his next shift and overlooking all his current work, but instead he's _immediately_ lifted and thrown around in the air and he's immediately met with a million kisses from takaka, and they both just get so _lost_ in eachother because they couldn't stand being apart
  28. and then it grows more intense, they're practically glued together at this point, they're just sharing a million "i missed you"s and "i love you"s and the likes, and then they're kissing _more,_ and then they're touching eachother and then _oops takaka's on their bed and peruru's on top of him._
  29. they sleep together every night, which you'd expect given they have one bed, but it's a room for one person and a second person shouldn't be living in it. takaka spent the earliest days sleeping on the floor.
  31. and it happens _every day,_ it's the same old shit for what feels like an ETERNITY. peruru's score keeps going down and down and he's risking getting fired from his department, which puts him at almost having his status as a soldier stripped entirely. but he doesn't really _care_ anymore, because being a soldier isn't the same as being with takaka. it's not as fun or rewarding.
  33. at some point, takaka joins the department as personal security; this is something ive actually covered in-writing but might rewrite in the future. takaka is employed to protect the department as a whole, as it was either that or "we tell the main council that you stole one of their robots".
  34. peruru says takaka's only allowed to join if he stays near peruru most of the time, and that nobody touches him. the officers agree to it.
  36. they end up spending _every full day_ together, and only _then_ do they realise how awful they are. they talk about it privately about how they should probably stop being so obsessed with one another and slowly, willingly, do their own things half of the time.
  38. takaka was commonly just known among the department as "the robot" or "peruru's boyfriend", but _willingly_ spending time apart allowed them to actually be unique again, and lead to takaka being recognised _as_ takaka, as his own person, and that was the most rewarding thing for them
  40. they still follow the same nightly routine shit, they're still always fucking on most days after shifts, but they're a lot less erratic and are learning to take things slow, even if that'll take them forever
  45. shrug emoji im js tryna avoid sleeping but i Gotta
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