
PokeRedWar Mission 2: Abram, Neuros and Yu get busy

Jan 1st, 2014
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  1. [2013-11-24 18:24:23] <Falconis> Neuros and Abram are on the Alnbino, flying Wailmer just outside Beijing
  2. [2013-11-24 18:24:39] <Falconis> WIth an unconcious(this is becoming a trend) Yu in tow
  3. [2013-11-24 18:24:49] <Falconis> what will you do, where will you go
  4. [2013-11-24 18:28:55] * Abram glances over at Neuros, who also seems to be zoned out. He lets out a sigh.
  5. [2013-11-24 18:29:23] <Abram> His eyes return to the floating whale, and he gives it a light smack on the back. "Alright, better take a look first. Float us over the palace buddy, stay high and go slow."
  6. [2013-11-24 18:29:25] <Falconis> Psychics, what's that all about right?
  7. [2013-11-24 18:30:25] <Falconis> The wailmer squeaks aknowledgement and slowly takes to the air once again
  8. [2013-11-24 18:30:35] <Falconis> slow is the only speed on this model, sadly
  9. [2013-11-24 18:31:17] * Abram lays down against the back of the whale, gesturing for Neuros to do the same.
  10. [2013-11-24 18:31:54] -->| Jay (chatzilla@76D64041.BE7E6046.547A6E76.IP) has joined #pokeredwar
  11. [2013-11-24 18:32:19] <Falconis> The air is dry and hot , but the few whispy clouds in teh air make for some passable camouflage for your slow floating wailmer as you head back over the city
  12. [2013-11-24 18:33:05] <Falconis> Even way up here, you can hear that the city is in a state of alert, shouts and sirens can be heard from time to time
  13. [2013-11-24 18:33:23] <Falconis> chances of avoiding a national incident are looking slimmer as time goes
  14. [2013-11-24 18:33:50] <Abram> "Definitely not landing in the city."
  15. [2013-11-24 18:34:15] * Abram snaps a picture of the scene.
  16. [2013-11-24 18:35:06] <Falconis> Eventually you are over palace airspace, having only attracted the attention of a curious butterfree with strange green scales
  17. [2013-11-24 18:35:43] <Falconis> If there is sound, you can hear nothing from up here. Sight however, is another matter altogether.
  18. [2013-11-24 18:36:09] * Abram shoots a smile over at the Butterfree, followed by a nod.
  19. [2013-11-24 18:36:28] <Falconis> Even without looking hard, you can tell that there are more people about than previous. On the wall, on the grounds, some even flying below you on bird pokemon.
  20. [2013-11-24 18:36:34] <Falconis> The situation is tense
  21. [2013-11-24 18:36:45] <Falconis> 1,1TIME TO ROLL WHALE STEALTH
  22. [2013-11-24 18:36:47] <Falconis> >_
  23. [2013-11-24 18:37:35] <Falconis> As you float over the palace, the much harried diplomat finally stirs again
  24. [2013-11-24 18:37:59] <Falconis> the horror that was on his face has not left it, and he may have gained some permanent worry lines in his unconcious state
  25. [2013-11-24 18:38:12] <Abram> "Welcome back Yu."
  26. [2013-11-24 18:38:14] <Falconis> Yu rolls over and cries out as his feet dangle off the edge of the pokemon
  27. [2013-11-24 18:38:17] <Falconis> "Ah!"
  28. [2013-11-24 18:38:19] * Abram snaps another picture of the patrols.
  29. [2013-11-24 18:38:29] <Abram> "Careful, we're above the palace."
  30. [2013-11-24 18:39:17] <Falconis> Yu scrambles back to a place where all his arms and legs are aboard the vehicle and takes a shakey breath
  31. [2013-11-24 18:39:31] <Falconis> [Yu]"Above the palace? Why."
  32. [2013-11-24 18:39:37] <Abram> 5d6+4 obligatory Perception
  33. [2013-11-24 18:39:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Abram, obligatory Perception: 26 [5d6=5,5,5,1,6]
  34. [2013-11-24 18:39:44] <Falconis> He turns to peer at you with one slightly wild looking eye
  35. [2013-11-24 18:39:47] <--| DiceMaid-9001 has left #pokeredwar
  36. [2013-11-24 18:40:41] -->| DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #pokeredwar
  37. [2013-11-24 18:41:07] <Abram> "Good question. I guess we're going after Ivanov and Yuu's body. Or do you have any other leads?"
  38. [2013-11-24 18:43:29] <Falconis> Yu shakes his head slowly and a few sweat matted clumps of hair fall from it's neat place on his head
  39. [2013-11-24 18:43:51] <Falconis> [Yu]"No, I have yet to get back to my contacts, and they may be ovverrun by now"
  40. [2013-11-24 18:43:54] <Falconis> he sighs
  41. [2013-11-24 18:44:38] <Abram> "Then I guess this is all we have." Abram continues to watch the patrols carefully. "Where would Ivanov be at?"
  42. [2013-11-24 18:45:16] <Falconis> Yu peeks his head over the edge of the pokemon and scans the grounds for a few minutes before pointing to an L shaped building on the western edge of the grounds
  43. [2013-11-24 18:45:52] <Falconis> "The Russian guest building is there, Ivanov and his men have the entire place to themselves, 3 floors"
  44. [2013-11-24 18:47:40] <Abram> "Hmm." Abram looks it over closely. "When should we do this? Any windows where Ivanov might be alone?"
  45. [2013-11-24 18:48:23] <Falconis> Yu thinks for a a few seconds, visibly exasperated
  46. [2013-11-24 18:48:31] <Falconis> "I, don't know. But I doubt it"
  47. [2013-11-24 18:48:57] <Falconis> "The man has been a diplomat to various countries for going on 30 years"
  48. [2013-11-24 18:49:10] <Abram> "I figured as much. He wouldn't expose himself, especially not right now."
  49. [2013-11-24 18:49:20] <Falconis> "He has made many enemies and I doubt he would still be alive if he wasn't cautious"
  50. [2013-11-24 18:49:24] <Falconis> "yes, especially now"
  51. [2013-11-24 18:49:32] <Abram> "Do you think they'll leave sometime soon? I could move in and look for evidence."
  52. [2013-11-24 18:50:13] <Falconis> Yu shrugs, " We do not even know if they are there now"
  53. [2013-11-24 18:50:54] <Abram> "Risky. What about Yuu's body, where would that be at?"
  54. [2013-11-24 18:51:04] <Falconis> Abram, your study of guard patrols hasn't revealed any particularly weak paths, in fact it reveals several points where patrols overalap, and most guards have at least one other visible to them at all times you would guess
  55. [2013-11-24 18:51:23] <Falconis> perhaps the roof guards, but the ones on the ground level may notice their absence
  56. [2013-11-24 18:51:37] <Falconis> It seems that the Imperial Guards won't be so easy to outmaneuver
  57. [2013-11-24 18:51:44] <Falconis> Yu scans the area once again
  58. [2013-11-24 18:52:08] <Falconis> He points to the main building a bit to the eastern side "There is a medical center there"
  59. [2013-11-24 18:52:35] <Falconis> He shifts his fingers to point to a small bulding on the northern section "And another there, he could be in either"
  60. [2013-11-24 18:52:51] <Falconis> "Or perhaps some special location, due to the circumstances surrounding his death"
  61. [2013-11-24 18:53:13] <Falconis> he runs his fingers through his hair like a comb "I cannot be certain, I have nothing to go on"
  62. [2013-11-24 18:53:20] <Abram> "That sounds even riskier. I don't like this, not one bit."
  63. [2013-11-24 18:53:51] <Abram> "The patrols are tight, too tight for someone like me to maneuver through. Unless there's some kind of secret entrance, I can't get in."
  64. [2013-11-24 18:54:42] <Abram> "The only other option would be a distraction. 'Gin' would probably oblige, but..." Abram visibly shudders.
  65. [2013-11-24 18:54:49] <Falconis> Yu looks at Neuros
  66. [2013-11-24 18:55:26] <Falconis> And his eyes neraly pop out of his head as a look of pure terror warps his visage
  67. [2013-11-24 18:55:49] <Falconis> He manages to squeak out a few words " was not a dream after all"
  68. [2013-11-24 18:56:13] <Abram> "What the hell's even going on anymore? Yu, what was that thing?"
  69. [2013-11-24 18:56:22] <Falconis> "The Black Jester is once again free...and by our hands"
  70. [2013-11-24 18:56:54] <Falconis> He turns to look at you...through you and breathes in and out slowly, trying to contain some inner emotion
  71. [2013-11-24 18:57:33] <Falconis> "A Curse, a maniac, a sociopath with far too much power."
  72. [2013-11-24 18:58:16] <Falconis> "He calls himself the Black Jester, a harbinger of terrible news. I do not know much about what he preaches, but he once attacked the imperial palace"
  73. [2013-11-24 19:02:45] <Falconis> "It took the combined strength of All the Great Generals and the Heavenly Fist Brothers to subdue him, and even then they were unable to destroy him, only seal him
  74. [2013-11-24 19:03:27] <Falconis> Yu buries his face in his hands muttering, 'how' 'he was supposed to be sealed' 'something so simple' 'how could we have even released him we have no seal breaker'
  75. [2013-11-24 19:04:27] <Abram> "The... Heavenly Fist Brothers? That's a new name."
  76. [2013-11-24 19:05:30] <Falconis> Yu peeks up "Ah, I did not tell you of them"
  77. [2013-11-24 19:05:50] <Abram> "Please do. It'll get our minds off that... thing, at least a little bit."
  78. [2013-11-24 19:06:27] <Falconis> "They are" *vague gesture* "warriors, practitioners of the fist. They have little to no political power, only what was granted them by the empress as thanks"
  79. [2013-11-24 19:06:36] <Falconis> "Only one of them is even Chinese"
  80. [2013-11-24 19:06:56] <Falconis> "Lee Jong, who I believe serves as a guard at the palace for some strange reason now"
  81. [2013-11-24 19:07:12] <Falconis> "Something about liking the empresses moxie" he shrugs
  82. [2013-11-24 19:07:41] <Abram> "And the other?"
  83. [2013-11-24 19:08:49] <Falconis> [yu]"The Other an Englishman by the name of Archibald Strong Obviously they are not related by blood, but they have sworn an oath I've heard and are as close to family as one can get"
  84. [2013-11-24 19:08:54] <Falconis> Yu*
  85. [2013-11-24 19:09:03] <Falconis> "I do not know where he is not however"
  86. [2013-11-24 19:09:42] <Abram> "And they fought alongside the Great General? And one is stationed here in the palace right now?" Abram lets out a long sigh.
  87. [2013-11-24 19:12:47] <Falconis> "Indeed, it would be unwise to be captured again"
  88. [2013-11-24 19:13:31] <Abram> "The odds aren't in our favor here. The only way I can see us pulling this off is with a distraction. The patrols are too tight, but if we loosen them up..."
  89. [2013-11-24 19:14:06] <Falconis> "What do you have in mind?"
  90. [2013-11-24 19:14:48] <Abram> "I'm not sure. I don't want to involve Gin, but we need bait."
  91. [2013-11-24 19:15:25] <Abram> "One of us could do it, but we might've lost Jay already. We don't need to lose someone else."
  92. [2013-11-24 19:16:04] <Abram> "Or... one of us could sneak in with a disguise. Maybe as a servant."
  93. [2013-11-24 19:16:07] <Falconis> Yu nods soberly
  94. [2013-11-24 19:16:34] <Falconis> "Ah well, you couldn't do that you don't look the part, and I-"
  95. [2013-11-24 19:16:47] <Falconis> a shadow of horror sweeps across his face
  96. [2013-11-24 19:16:58] <Falconis> "No...I am not chinese, they would find out"
  97. [2013-11-24 19:16:59] * Abram raises an eyebrow. "What?"
  98. [2013-11-24 19:17:12] <Falconis> "Nothing, nothing at all"
  99. [2013-11-24 19:17:39] <Falconis> "They would detect foreigners, is what I mean"
  100. [2013-11-24 19:18:05] <Abram> "Right."
  101. [2013-11-24 19:18:12] * Abram rubs his temple again in thought.
  102. [2013-11-24 19:19:16] <Abram> "So, no disguises. However, you mentioned contacts. Do you think any of them might be useful? Any other leads we might not be aware of?"
  103. [2013-11-24 19:19:23] <Falconis> The air grows cool, almost cold as the sun begins to set
  104. [2013-11-24 19:20:07] <Abram> "...Wait. The patrols work in shifts, right?"
  105. [2013-11-24 19:20:11] <Falconis> "I more that may be safe yet. Though he is rather out of the way. It would take the better part of a day to reach him on this"
  106. [2013-11-24 19:20:19] <Falconis> Yu shrugs "I suppose"
  107. [2013-11-24 19:21:35] <Abram> "Well, I'm not getting Gin involved. If we're doing this, it has to happen now."
  108. [2013-11-24 19:22:06] * Abram looks down at the palace again, trying to figure out the best way to approach Ivanov's quarters.
  109. [2013-11-24 19:22:26] <Falconis> hmm
  110. [2013-11-24 19:22:42] <Falconis> Roll Perception or Inuition
  111. [2013-11-24 19:22:50] <Falconis> say which
  112. [2013-11-24 19:22:54] <Abram> 5d6+4 Perception
  113. [2013-11-24 19:22:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Abram, Perception: 24 [5d6=6,2,5,1,6]
  114. [2013-11-24 19:25:21] <Falconis> Due to the area the building is located in, there seems to be only one or two guards moving around the backside. You have a window of about 30 seconds in between them, but there's no way you could get away if you dropped down there
  115. [2013-11-24 19:25:45] <Falconis> You're only option would be to go into the building or fight, from what you can see
  116. [2013-11-24 19:26:05] <Falconis> still, for entry it seems to be a decent option, from what you can tell up here anyway
  117. [2013-11-24 19:26:48] <Falconis> There's also a dark section by the nothern side of the guest building
  118. [2013-11-24 19:26:58] <Falconis> Guards pass there regularly, but you may get lucky
  119. [2013-11-24 19:27:28] <Falconis> Other than walking in through the front door or MAKING an entrance, those seem to be the best from your perch
  120. [2013-11-24 19:27:29] <Falconis> >_
  121. [2013-11-24 19:31:16] <Abram> "Alright, I have an idea. Yu, do you know where I could get some climbing gear?"
  122. [2013-11-24 19:31:56] <Falconis> Yu looks like you as if you have lost your minds
  123. [2013-11-24 19:32:12] <Falconis> [Yu]"Climbing gear? Whatever for?"
  124. [2013-11-24 19:32:22] <Abram> "To get over the outer wall."
  125. [2013-11-24 19:44:39] <Falconis> Yu looks around for a moment, perusing some invisible record
  126. [2013-11-24 19:45:14] <Falconis> "...perhaps. There is a...somewhat legal purveyor of goods I know of, three finger Chang"
  127. [2013-11-24 19:45:29] <Falconis> "It is down in the city, but he is known to have practically anything one could ever require"
  128. [2013-11-24 19:47:29] <Abram> "It'll do. Do you think we can get to him?"
  129. [2013-11-24 19:50:48] <Falconis> "We...may be able to. Just search for the place with the least guards, he is certain to be there"
  130. [2013-11-24 19:51:22] <Falconis> "He normally hangs out in the seedier part of town, near the romping Reggie." He points to eastern Beijing
  131. [2013-11-24 19:51:27] * Abram peers back down at that section of the wall, making sure there isn't another way over.
  132. [2013-11-24 19:53:19] <Falconis> well, you could just land on it
  133. [2013-11-24 19:53:28] <Falconis> seeing as you are in the air
  134. [2013-11-24 19:53:44] <Falconis> not sure how you'll pull it off, but that's your perogative
  135. [2013-11-24 19:53:45] <Falconis> :V
  136. [2013-11-24 19:53:59] <Falconis> the only other way over you notice is that one plumb tree
  137. [2013-11-24 19:54:06] <Falconis> but that is for getting out, not in
  138. [2013-11-24 19:54:24] <Jay> Jump down, use Harrier to slow descent, fall the last part?
  139. [2013-11-24 19:54:41] <Abram> A Rufflet might be too weak, but...
  140. [2013-11-24 19:54:56] * Abram looks back over at the scaled Butterfree. "Still with me?"
  141. [2013-11-24 19:58:30] <Falconis> The spot where the scaled butterfree sit is vacant, apparently the pokemon was again seized with wanderlust
  142. [2013-11-24 19:58:46] <Falconis> or perhaps it saw a fine looking opposite gender butterfree flying around
  143. [2013-11-24 19:59:14] * Abram frowns. "Oh well. Alright, let's find Chang."
  144. [2013-11-24 20:00:44] <Falconis> ROOOOOOOOOL PERCEPTION
  145. [2013-11-24 20:00:54] <Abram> 5d6+4
  146. [2013-11-24 20:00:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Abram, 5d6+4: 21 [5d6=4,4,1,5,3]
  147. [2013-11-24 20:01:04] <Falconis> >only 21
  148. [2013-11-24 20:01:09] <Falconis> slipping
  149. [2013-11-24 20:01:16] <Abram> gotta step it up
  150. [2013-11-24 20:02:05] <Falconis> It takes you a while, but you eventually locate an area that seems to fit Yu's description, and by the time you get there, night has already fallen
  151. [2013-11-24 20:02:26] <Falconis> as soon as you touch down, a man strolls out of the shadows wearing a large coat and a hat that shades his features
  152. [2013-11-24 20:02:36] <Falconis> [Chang]"Buyin?"
  153. [2013-11-24 20:03:08] <Abram> "Yeah. I need to do a little... climbing. Got anything?"
  154. [2013-11-24 20:04:42] <Falconis> Seeing that you're interested, the man sidles closer and whips open his coat
  155. [2013-11-24 20:05:02] <Falconis> revealing a wide array of tools, weapons, medicine and drugs
  156. [2013-11-24 20:05:41] <Falconis> [Chang]"You're in luck friend, you're just in time for the free finger Chang special"
  157. [2013-11-24 20:06:29] <Falconis> "I've got climbing gloves, that also double as a hooked knuckle duster in a pinch, Climbing Boots, guarnteed to see you over that wall or the hip of your latest enemy shattered into bonemeal"
  158. [2013-11-24 20:06:50] <Falconis> "I've got rope, sturdy, classic, multifunctional, everyone can do with a bit of rope"
  159. [2013-11-24 20:07:34] <Falconis> "Hooks and hinges, perfect for your discerning night crawler. I've got widdles and tights, for those pesky poles"
  160. [2013-11-24 20:08:15] <Falconis> "I've even got Hing Shang Netting, made from the finest Caterpie string shot"
  161. [2013-11-24 20:08:28] <Falconis> "Say what you want and three finger Chang has got it"
  162. [2013-11-24 20:08:29] <Falconis> >_
  163. [2013-11-24 20:08:42] <Abram> "Let's keep it simple. How much for the gloves and boots?"
  164. [2013-11-24 20:11:31] <Falconis> "Ah, a toufer eh? I'm obligated to inform you that if you take a third item you qualify for the three finger discount and lifetime 1,1oftheproductwarantee"
  165. [2013-11-24 20:11:37] <Falconis> he leans forward meaninfully
  166. [2013-11-24 20:12:23] <Abram> "Then throw in rope. Can always use some rope."
  167. [2013-11-24 20:13:13] <Falconis> You can't see his face, but you can FEEL the seedy grin the man makes
  168. [2013-11-24 20:14:42] <Falconis> [Chang]"Excellent, A set of premium quality climbing boots and industrial standard Climbing gloves with a length of 3 starmie rated rope comes to $5000 poke"
  169. [2013-11-24 20:14:47] <Falconis> "And that's cutting my own fingers off"
  170. [2013-11-24 20:14:59] <Falconis> >_
  171. [2013-11-24 20:16:29] <Abram> "...Out of my price range. How much for just the rope?"
  172. [2013-11-24 20:20:04] <Falconis> "Rope, rope, sturdy rope, real high quality. 5 Starmie ratings"
  173. [2013-11-24 20:20:32] <Falconis> "Can lift a wailord I swear, the rope will cost you only a meager 400 poke"
  174. [2013-11-24 20:21:21] <Abram> "Toss in a hook and you have a deal."
  175. [2013-11-24 20:21:34] <Falconis> He whips out a length of rope and displays it
  176. [2013-11-24 20:21:40] <Falconis> You feel the grin waver
  177. [2013-11-24 20:22:04] <Falconis> "Hey hey, you know I can't do that, I'm already cuttin me own fingers off with this price here mate."
  178. [2013-11-24 20:22:20] <Falconis> "Tell you what, 600 for the hook and the rope, and that's leavin me handless"
  179. [2013-11-24 20:22:21] <Falconis> >_
  180. [2013-11-24 20:22:27] <Abram> "Deal."
  181. [2013-11-24 20:22:55] * Abram isn't in the mood to haggle, especially with everything that's happened.
  182. [2013-11-24 20:24:09] <Falconis> with that out of the way Chang produces a length of...questionable rope and a billhook and holds it out, holding his other hand out palm upward, awaiting payment
  183. [2013-11-24 20:25:10] -->| Gents (Gents@6FF52644.C5754AC.F77E3A26.IP) has joined #pokeredwar
  184. [2013-11-24 20:25:14] * Abram hands over the money and grabs the rope.
  185. [2013-11-24 20:26:35] <Falconis> The money vanishes into his cloak as if it was a barely theorized about black hole and he hands over the goods without complaint
  186. [2013-11-24 20:26:52] <Falconis> [Chang]"Pleasure doing business with you"
  187. [2013-11-24 20:27:02] <Falconis> With that he backs away into the shadows
  188. [2013-11-24 20:27:05] <Falconis> >_
  189. [2013-11-24 20:27:10] <Abram> "Likewise." Abram returns to the albino Wailmer.
  190. [2013-11-24 20:30:49] =-= Gents is now known as Neuros
  191. [2013-11-24 20:31:45] <Falconis> Yu nods at you "Do you have what you need?"
  192. [2013-11-24 20:32:06] <Abram> "It's not as much as I'd hoped, but it'll do. Let's go."
  193. [2013-11-24 20:32:37] <Falconis> "Very well"
  194. [2013-11-24 20:32:48] <Falconis> The wailmer rises into the sky and YOUR OFF
  195. [2013-11-24 20:32:50] <Falconis> where to?
  196. [2013-11-24 20:32:55] <Falconis> you're
  197. [2013-11-24 20:32:56] <Falconis> <_<
  198. [2013-11-24 20:34:22] =-= Eris is now known as Dinah
  199. [2013-11-24 20:34:32] <Abram> "Think we can land outside the inner wall?"
  200. [2013-11-24 20:37:43] <Falconis> Yu frowns
  201. [2013-11-24 20:38:00] <Falconis> "If we are able to distract the sentries somehow. Otherwise they are sure to spot us"
  202. [2013-11-24 20:39:00] <Abram> "Neuros, you have a bird, right? One of ours can distract the sentries, and the other can help us."
  203. [2013-11-24 20:39:47] * Neuros blinks. "Vat? Oh da"
  204. [2013-11-24 20:40:10] <Neuros> "Bird can!"
  205. [2013-11-24 20:40:29] <Abram> "Good. Harrier can keep an eye out and help with the rope."
  206. [2013-11-24 20:40:36] <Abram> "Let's go."
  207. [2013-11-24 20:40:46] * Neuros nods. "Onvward"
  208. [2013-11-24 20:42:22] * Neuros also sends out his bird Tupolev
  209. [2013-11-24 20:43:13] <Falconis> The Wailmer ascends ponderously and in short order you are off
  210. [2013-11-24 20:43:26] <Falconis> questions of why there is a cloud so low occasionally float into your ears
  211. [2013-11-24 20:44:06] <Falconis> Soon, you are once again near to the palace, it seems like the city guards have an aversion to looking up, so you haven't been spotted
  212. [2013-11-24 20:44:11] <Falconis> how will you move on from here?
  213. [2013-11-24 20:48:25] <Abram> "Alright, ready Neuros?"
  214. [2013-11-24 20:49:47] * Neuros nods. "Da"
  215. [2013-11-24 20:50:07] * Abram nods his head towards the doctor's bird.
  216. [2013-11-24 20:52:05] * Neuros follows his boy ABRAM
  217. [2013-11-24 20:52:30] * Neuros sends his bird as a distratction right!
  218. [2013-11-24 20:59:01] <Abram> "Let's start heading down, and hope it's enough to do the trick."
  219. [2013-11-24 21:00:12] * Neuros nods
  220. [2013-11-24 21:00:45] <Falconis> what's that bird's sky speed?
  221. [2013-11-24 21:04:19] <Falconis> Tupolev soars off into the night gladly sacrificing itself for it's trainer
  222. [2013-11-24 21:04:24] <Falconis> because it's a military bird
  223. [2013-11-24 21:04:29] <Falconis> and that's what military birds do
  224. [2013-11-24 21:05:01] <Falconis> you have precious few moments now that tupolev is gone, how shall you move forward
  225. [2013-11-24 21:07:36] <Falconis> As soon as Tupolev heads out, Yu pushes your mount towards the ground, and you begin your slow decent
  226. [2013-11-24 21:08:06] <Falconis> not even a minute has passed before you hear the first barks and the guards raise up a cry over to your right
  227. [2013-11-24 21:08:11] <Falconis> Tupolev is doing his job
  228. [2013-11-24 21:08:29] <Falconis> both roll stealth
  229. [2013-11-24 21:08:47] <Falconis> whaily shall also roll stealth
  230. [2013-11-24 21:09:07] <Abram> 2d6+1 -1 AP
  231. [2013-11-24 21:09:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Abram, -1 AP: 7 [2d6=3,3]
  232. [2013-11-24 21:09:11] <Falconis> good thing he is in the top percentile of smuggling whailmer
  233. [2013-11-24 21:09:19] <Falconis> 2d6
  234. [2013-11-24 21:09:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Falconis, 2d6: 11 [2d6=6,5]
  235. [2013-11-24 21:13:06] <Neuros> 2d6+1 STEALTH PLS
  236. [2013-11-24 21:13:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Neuros, STEALTH PLS: 5 [2d6=3,1]
  237. [2013-11-24 21:13:46] <Neuros> 5d6+4 PFT
  238. [2013-11-24 21:13:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Neuros, PFT: 27 [5d6=3,6,2,6,6]
  239. [2013-11-24 21:14:19] <Falconis> You make it to the ground without issue, and you swear Neuros vanished for a second there
  240. [2013-11-24 21:14:21] <Falconis> ...for a second
  241. [2013-11-24 21:14:26] <Falconis> perhaps a minute
  242. [2013-11-24 21:14:39] <Falconis> still you are on the ground, and the inner wall is within sight
  243. [2013-11-24 21:14:42] * Neuros is invisible
  244. [2013-11-24 21:14:59] <Falconis> [Yu]"I...I'll wait here. I think I would just be a burden in this task"
  245. [2013-11-24 21:15:20] <Abram> "Alright. If there's any sign of trouble, pull out. We'll find you."
  246. [2013-11-24 21:15:33] * Neuros nods.
  247. [2013-11-24 21:15:41] * Abram pulls out his hooked rope.
  248. [2013-11-24 21:16:03] <Abram> "Have you ever done anything like this before? Because I sure haven't."
  249. [2013-11-24 21:16:33] <Falconis> Yu exhales slowly and nods his thanks
  250. [2013-11-24 21:18:51] <Abram> "Oh, hell with it." Abram tosses the hooked end up at the wall.
  251. [2013-11-24 21:19:41] * Neuros shakes his head. "Let's go"
  252. [2013-11-24 21:20:13] <Falconis> roll athletics to scale
  253. [2013-11-24 21:20:34] <Abram> 2d6
  254. [2013-11-24 21:20:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Abram, 2d6: 8 [2d6=2,6]
  255. [2013-11-24 21:21:26] <Falconis> better beat that DC6
  256. [2013-11-24 21:21:38] <Falconis> Neuros san
  257. [2013-11-24 21:23:35] <Neuros> 2d6+0+1 AP PLS
  258. [2013-11-24 21:23:36] <DiceMaid-9001> Neuros, AP PLS: 6 [2d6=2,3]
  259. [2013-11-24 21:23:38] <Neuros> >6
  260. [2013-11-24 21:26:35] <Falconis> acceptable
  261. [2013-11-24 21:26:57] <Falconis> You both struggle up the rope and make it to the top of the wall
  262. [2013-11-24 21:27:16] <Falconis> The building is right in front of you and the screen door is coincidentally open
  263. [2013-11-24 21:27:29] * Abram unhooks the rope and rolls it back up, putting it away.
  264. [2013-11-24 21:27:45] <Falconis> A long guard patrols the area between the buildings another a few dozen meters behind
  265. [2013-11-24 21:28:12] <Abram> "There's a small window where neither guard is in the way. Say... thirty seconds? Once that happens, we move inside."
  266. [2013-11-24 21:28:31] <Abram> "Easiest way in would be the screen door. Any other ideas?"
  267. [2013-11-24 21:28:58] <Falconis> to clarify the screen door I was talking about is on the second floor
  268. [2013-11-24 21:29:10] <Falconis> which you would have to jump across to or cross some other way
  269. [2013-11-24 21:29:23] <Falconis> there is a door on the ground floor as well, but it's wooden and apparently shut
  270. [2013-11-24 21:29:34] * Neuros tries to see if any minds are near
  271. [2013-11-24 21:31:27] <Falconis> There is the mind of the guards below you
  272. [2013-11-24 21:31:49] <Falconis> a mind on the second floor across from you, not visible from where you stand
  273. [2013-11-24 21:31:53] <Falconis> and a mind behind the lower door
  274. [2013-11-24 21:32:26] * Neuros nods. "Ve might jump?"
  275. [2013-11-24 21:32:44] <Abram> "That's what I'm thinking. Ready?"
  276. [2013-11-24 21:33:03] * Neuros nods
  277. [2013-11-24 21:33:16] <Falconis> roll acrobatics
  278. [2013-11-24 21:33:31] <Abram> 2d6+1 last AP, make it count
  279. [2013-11-24 21:33:32] <DiceMaid-9001> Abram, last AP, make it count: 6 [2d6=4,1]
  280. [2013-11-24 21:33:39] <Falconis> ha ha haaaa
  281. [2013-11-24 21:33:43] <Falconis> Neuros?
  282. [2013-11-24 21:35:19] <Neuros> 1d6+1 AP :<
  283. [2013-11-24 21:35:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Neuros, AP :<: 3 [1d6=2]
  284. [2013-11-24 21:35:25] <Falconis> >1
  285. [2013-11-24 21:35:30] <Falconis> oh lord you never had a chance
  286. [2013-11-24 21:36:59] <Falconis> You both hop out into the air between the buildings reaching out to the ledge on the other side
  287. [2013-11-24 21:37:23] <Falconis> ...and fall woefully short, you watch the second floor slip away and the cold unyielding earth approach
  288. [2013-11-24 21:37:36] <Falconis> do you have any skills to cushion your fall?
  289. [2013-11-24 21:37:40] <Falconis> if so, you may use them now
  290. [2013-11-24 21:38:18] <Abram> Nothing here.
  291. [2013-11-24 21:38:34] <Falconis> Neuros?
  292. [2013-11-24 21:38:45] * Neuros falls
  293. [2013-11-24 21:39:16] <Falconis> The earth laughs at your failure as you impact the floor at 9.81ms^2
  294. [2013-11-24 21:39:36] <Falconis> lower current HP by 2+weight class
  295. [2013-11-24 21:40:02] <Falconis> The guard makes a surprised sound as two people fall from the sky
  296. [2013-11-24 21:40:12] <Falconis> and then he grows serious and takes a deep breath
  297. [2013-11-24 21:40:13] <Falconis> >_
  298. [2013-11-24 21:40:57] <Abram> "Shit."
  299. [2013-11-24 21:41:21] * Neuros curses as well
  300. [2013-11-24 21:41:46] * Abram draws his gun and aims at the guard. "Say a word and you're dead."
  301. [2013-11-24 21:42:48] * Neuros does the same
  302. [2013-11-24 21:43:31] <Falconis> The guard looks in your eyes
  303. [2013-11-24 21:43:37] <Falconis> and you know he is prepared to die
  304. [2013-11-24 21:43:40] <Falconis> he shouts
  305. [2013-11-24 21:43:52] <Falconis> "Intruders!"
  306. [2013-11-24 21:44:12] * Neuros shots him quick
  307. [2013-11-24 21:44:55] <Falconis> roll accuracy
  308. [2013-11-24 21:46:27] <Neuros> 1d20
  309. [2013-11-24 21:46:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Neuros, 1d20: 1 [1d20=1]
  310. [2013-11-24 21:46:47] <Falconis> The shot goes wide
  311. [2013-11-24 21:46:51] <Falconis> quite wide
  312. [2013-11-24 21:46:55] <Falconis> so wide you hit Abram
  313. [2013-11-24 21:47:01] <Falconis> no, not that wide
  314. [2013-11-24 21:48:28] <Falconis> The guard whips out a pokeball and releases a poochyena
  315. [2013-11-24 21:48:38] <Falconis> you hear the cry of intruders ring out around you
  316. [2013-11-24 21:48:42] <Falconis> engage?
  317. [2013-11-24 21:49:59] <Abram> "Neuros. Think we can get out?"
  318. [2013-11-24 21:50:19] * Neuros sends out his staryu (20 speed) "Run off distraction1"
  319. [2013-11-24 21:51:21] <Abram> "Jesus christ Neuros, we already lost Jay!"
  320. [2013-11-24 21:52:17] * Abram frowns, but gives in, and he dashes for the plump tree.
  321. [2013-11-24 21:52:42] <Falconis> that plumb tree is across the entire grounds ya kno >_>
  322. [2013-11-24 21:53:05] <Falconis> I mean, you can still run it but...
  323. [2013-11-24 21:53:56] <Abram> You made it sound like it was nearby. WELL THEN, time for the rope.
  324. [2013-11-24 21:54:30] <Falconis> sorry, it's the same one you used when escaping the palace for the first time
  325. [2013-11-24 21:54:35] <Falconis> and you were on the east >_>
  326. [2013-11-24 21:55:15] <Abram> Don't worry, just a slight misunderstanding. We have options anyway.
  327. [2013-11-24 21:55:26] =-= Falconis has changed the topic to ``Stary 20, Guard 10 and Pooch 10''
  328. [2013-11-24 21:55:41] <Neuros> "Psychic on guard"
  329. [2013-11-24 21:55:43] <Neuros> 1d20
  330. [2013-11-24 21:55:43] <DiceMaid-9001> Neuros, 1d20: 20 [1d20=20]
  331. [2013-11-24 21:55:58] <Falconis> roll dat focus to throw the hook Abram
  332. [2013-11-24 21:56:16] <Abram> 2d6+1 I WASN'T TRAINED FOR THIS
  333. [2013-11-24 21:56:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Abram, I WASN'T TRAINED FOR THIS: 8 [2d6=2,5]
  334. [2013-11-24 21:56:29] <Falconis> whoop whoop wooosh....tink
  335. [2013-11-24 21:56:40] <Falconis> the hook latches unto the edge of the wall
  336. [2013-11-24 21:56:43] <Neuros> 6d8+20+10 PSYCHIC
  337. [2013-11-24 21:56:43] <DiceMaid-9001> Neuros, PSYCHIC: 58 [6d8=5,6,5,2,2,8]
  338. [2013-11-24 21:56:44] <Falconis> roll damagu
  339. [2013-11-24 21:57:22] <Falconis> The air warps and groans and the space between you cries out as if in pain as a wall of force hits the guard, throwing him back down the path
  340. [2013-11-24 21:57:45] <Falconis> His chest caves in and he coughs up a cup of blood before falling unconcious
  341. [2013-11-24 21:58:02] =-= Falconis has changed the topic to ``Well that was short''
  342. [2013-11-24 21:58:09] <Abram> "Come on! Tell Yu we're leaving!"
  343. [2013-11-24 21:58:16] * Abram starts climbing.
  344. [2013-11-24 21:58:20] <Falconis> The poocheyana crouches and growls, it's ears flat against it's head
  345. [2013-11-24 21:58:42] <Falconis> The wooden door swings open and a burly russian pokes out his head
  346. [2013-11-24 21:58:51] <Falconis> rolllu athletics Abram
  347. [2013-11-24 21:58:55] <Abram> 2d6
  348. [2013-11-24 21:58:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Abram, 2d6: 4 [2d6=3,1]
  349. [2013-11-24 21:59:11] <Falconis> ...
  350. [2013-11-24 21:59:20] <Falconis> well, this was bound to happen at some point
  351. [2013-11-24 22:00:27] <Falconis> You climb up a few feetand then suddenly *snap* a handful of rope strands pop with a loud sound and the rope swings dangerously throwing you off
  352. [2013-11-24 22:00:38] <Falconis> you land on the ground, nothing but your pride injured
  353. [2013-11-24 22:00:41] <Falconis> the rope is in a bad way
  354. [2013-11-24 22:00:43] <Falconis> >_
  355. [2013-11-24 22:01:03] <Abram> "Five starmie rating my ass."
  356. [2013-11-24 22:01:13] * Neuros points. "Move yourselves. before I finish job"
  357. [2013-11-24 22:02:06] <Falconis> The russian man swings back into the building and tosses out a red and white ball
  358. [2013-11-24 22:02:08] <Falconis> >_
  359. [2013-11-24 22:03:34] <Falconis> Abram, Neuros? Act?
  360. [2013-11-24 22:06:50] <Abram> 5d6+4 looking for a way out
  361. [2013-11-24 22:06:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Abram, looking for a way out: 20 [5d6=1,2,3,4,6]
  362. [2013-11-24 22:08:08] * Neuros shots at the russian
  363. [2013-11-24 22:08:10] <Neuros> 1d20 PEW
  364. [2013-11-24 22:08:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Neuros, PEW: 14 [1d20=14]
  365. [2013-11-24 22:09:05] <Falconis> he swung back inside the building
  366. [2013-11-24 22:09:10] <Falconis> and threw that thing out
  367. [2013-11-24 22:09:15] <Neuros> oh
  368. [2013-11-24 22:09:15] <Falconis> you can no longer see him
  369. [2013-11-24 22:09:19] * Neuros grabs the ball then
  370. [2013-11-24 22:09:22] <Falconis> there is another guard running up though
  371. [2013-11-24 22:09:33] <Falconis> roll perception
  372. [2013-11-24 22:09:44] <Falconis> Neuros
  373. [2013-11-24 22:10:58] <Falconis> Abram the way behind you seems clear, for now, but it leads out into the main couryard
  374. [2013-11-24 22:11:21] <Falconis> the door the russian opened gets you out of the back way, but it throws you into a building with hostiles
  375. [2013-11-24 22:11:34] <Neuros> 2d6+5
  376. [2013-11-24 22:11:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Neuros, 2d6+5: 7 [2d6=1,1]
  377. [2013-11-24 22:11:38] <Falconis> in front, you can see the second guard approaching, if you can dispatch him quickly, you may have a shot
  378. [2013-11-24 22:11:43] <Falconis> Neuros: it's a voltorb
  379. [2013-11-24 22:11:50] <Falconis> [Russian]"Self destruct"
  380. [2013-11-24 22:12:22] <Falconis> 1d20 AC 2 self destruct
  381. [2013-11-24 22:12:24] <DiceMaid-9001> Falconis, AC 2 self destruct: 7 [1d20=7]
  382. [2013-11-24 22:12:34] <Falconis> any of you have 6 evasion?
  383. [2013-11-24 22:12:41] <Abram> NOPE.
  384. [2013-11-24 22:14:09] <Falconis> 6d12+45
  385. [2013-11-24 22:14:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Falconis, 6d12+45: 74 [6d12=2,2,12,5,6,2]
  386. [2013-11-24 22:22:13] <Neuros> 1d2 GENERATOR GO
  387. [2013-11-24 22:22:14] <DiceMaid-9001> Neuros, GENERATOR GO: 2 [1d2=2]
  388. [2013-11-24 22:24:36] <Falconis> You trigger the shield generator mentally as the Voltorb grows hot in your hand and you feel the air ripple around you
  389. [2013-11-24 22:24:52] <Falconis> [<whiiir-kzzzkit>]
  390. [2013-11-24 22:24:54] <Falconis> ?
  391. [2013-11-24 22:25:31] <Falconis> The generator rumbles and a wave of psychic feedback hits you rocking you even as the voltorb throws out it's wave of death
  392. [2013-11-24 22:25:46] <Falconis> Abram and Neuros are swept up in the flames of the blast and the world goes dark
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