
Each website for translated languages

Jun 6th, 2020
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  1. Each website for translated languages
  2. Is this a good idea?
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  13. +++++++++++++++
  14. Each language has its own unique website.
  15. And rank each website for it's own language keywords.
  16. Anyone has done this before? A link probably in the forum ?
  17. That should work as it is not duplicate content. And if the translation is good and users like your content it should rank.
  18. But why not to do different language mutations (domain.com/es/ or es.domain.com/) on the same domain?
  19. That would mean less expenses (1 domain instead of N domains), as well as higher authority of that particular domain (more articles, more pages).
  20. Honestly can't see a reason why you'd go for more domains...
  21. Just to take it as a separate stream of income, when hit just one website is hit, others continue to bring the profits. Also helps to stay organised with monetization. Maybe more work but worth it
  22. That should work as it is not duplicate content. And if the translation is good and users like your content it should rank.
  23. Cool thanks. It is duplicate content if I use Google translate, but I won't be using GT
  24. No it's not, there is no duplicate content between 2 differents languages, but it can be risky because if you don't correct the mistakes, google can think your site is a spam and you will get a penalty
  26. “SEO PowerSuite in its free version itself gives away plenty of good stuff like Google PR + Yahoo! Backlinks in competition research and more. And what you get in paid versions is even more impressive!
  27. Nothing is too late in this ecosystem. If you feel you should start a blog, then go for it without bothering that every day millions of blogs are getting created. Even if you are in high competition, you will find your audience.
  29. But, if you can record quality videos, then you must invest in YouTube also. People’s interest is shifting towards video rapidly, and YouTube is the best place to start a video blog.
  31. 12. Your most actionable content promotional strategies that you admired with the results in terms of organic traffic, social mentions, monetization or anything.
  32. Each website for translated languages
  33. The very first thing for BloggingJoy that I am doing right now is creating the must-have content that my readers are asking. I am not bothered about the keyword competition etc. for that. Target is to create that content (mostly tutorials), which will help a new blogger set up his/her blog.
  35. For promotion, mostly I do blogger outreach. I personally request my readers to have a look and share their feedback & suggestions on that article.
  37. Besides that, I am also trying to capitalize on Facebook Ads and guest blogging on similar niche blogs.
  39. 13. How to use social media to the core for personal branding? How active are you in social media networks?
  41. I am not that active in social media, except for my Facebook group. I am trying to learn and work on Twitter & Pinterest as well. You may get surprised to listen that I don’t have an account on Instagram yet.
  43. But I am active on my Facebook group and a few others as I intend to respond to people’s questions & problems they are facing. I love to solve problems in my professional career, and that is what I found while following these Facebook groups.
  45. 14. How are you planned to take BloggingJoy to the next level? What are the monetization sources you entertained?
  47. My sole aim with BloggingJoy right now is to make it a perfect place for every newbie blogger who is interested in starting a blog on WordPress, understand how SEO works and other promotional stuff to grow a blog.
  49. Mostly I promote affiliate products through my blog. I am using a couple of popular premium tools to run my blog. Besides, affiliate marketing I am working on my other blog MoneyGyaan.com & will try to generate income using Google AdSense.
  51. 15. Feel free to throw your comments about Traffic Crow.
  53. Traffic Crow is one of my favorite blogs, and personally, I know Sathish for a long time. I truly admire him as he is doing some great work by educating people around him through his training programs.
  55. careertraining.netboard.me
  56. itrafficx.com
  57. ablewise.com
  58. dubclix.com
  59. clickbiz.fr
  60. worldoflinks.net
  61. payspree.com
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