
I want to know everything about you, Haruhi.

May 16th, 2018
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  1. Haruhi knock, knock, knocks on the door of her own room, before making her way through the door.
  2. (Haruhi Noriega)
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. [07:58] Haruhi was greeted by the sight of Lotlhuitl sprawled out on the floor. Her lovely, silken hair flowing over her shoulders, down onto the ground. Pooling behind her. The dim lights within Haruhi's bedroom reflected off the jewellery Lotlhuitl wore. Her skin seemed to have some strange luminescent quality all of its own, however. But that was nothing on her eyes: Green, they glowed.
  7. The Nagual had made piles of Haruhi's things, journals next to her.. and piles of letters: piles of things Haruhi had told her not to look at. She hadn't, yet. She'd assumed they were Haruhi's letters, Haruhi's journals, but they could have been anyone's -- could have been Haruhi's mother's. She held an envelope between index fingers, turning it over and over in her hands.
  9. She hadn't even tried to conceal the pile as Haruhi knocked. Spirits only knew how long Lotlhuitl had been lying there, surrounded in a circle with Haruhi's things.
  11. Lotlhuitl's gaze slooowly tracked over to Haruhi as the redhead entered.
  13. "I didn't read them." Lotlhuitl said, languidly rolling her body not at all unlike a cat stretching out in the sun. "But I wanted to."
  15. Her gaze grew intense, the Nagual dropping the letter back onto the pile she had assembled.
  17. "I want to know everything about you, Haruhi."
  18. (Lotlhuitl)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [08:17] At the sight of the letters and other writings strewn everywhere, Haruhi's expression enters a state of absolute flux. It's somewhere between surprise, amusement, and sorrow -
  23. eventually collapsing into a half-hearted grin.
  25. She closes her eyes, hiding their crimson glow for just a moment as she takes in a long, deep breath. As she exhales, she closes the door behind her a little more forcefully than she might normally have -
  27. as if telling it, Now stay shut.
  29. As her eyes open to regard Lotlhuitl, hints of that sorrow are hidden behind an optimistic outlook. Notes of appreciation, of humor, and of admiration become visible in that gaze.
  31. A softer, gentler tone than normal.
  33. "I don't think you'll find much about me in those things, kit. If there's anything you need to know... you'll sadly have to ask.
  35. I doubt she had much reason to write to foreign dignitaries and Jianghese bureaucrats about me."
  37. Carefully, tentatively, Haruhi steps forward, eyes on the floor below her to ensure she doesn't step on anything important - anything tossed aside without all too much knowledge of its contents. Her path, however, remains mostly clear...
  39. As, of course, the Nagual had paid dutiful attention to Haruhi's belongings.
  41. The Kitsune cautiously makes her way to sit in the middle of the shrine, side-eyeing a particular pile of letters just before she focuses her gaze on her beautiful intruder. While sorrow still hangs behind her eyes if a certain Nagual looks deep enough, it's covered in enough layers of joy that a passing glance might never notice.
  43. She rests her hands in her lap as she looks down to catch the attention of gleaming green eyes.
  45. "I'm going to go through them eventually. It's just... not something that I want to do right now, you know?"
  47. Haruhi allows her smile to grow, revealing those sharp canines and making little dimples form at the corners of her lips.
  48. (Haruhi Noriega)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. [08:32] Lotlhuitl had been lying on her back, in a space next to the piles of Haruhi's belongings. The Nagual's tail flicked out, her expression neutral. The fluffy appendage was in danger of knocking over a pile or two, but somehow she managed to avoid doing so. Perhaps Lotlhuitl had more control over her tail's movements than she had previously let on, or perhaps it was just luck.
  53. "These aren't your letters?"
  55. The idea plainly surprised Lotlhuitl. And she rolled over onto her front. Again, barely missing toppling over a pile of Haruhi's things she had so lovingly, so obsessively collected and set out.
  57. A frown. Lotlhuitl didn't immediately understand. Why would Haruhi keep so many letters which weren't even hers? On hands and feet, Lotlhuitl crawled over to her friend. Carefully picking a path through the mess she had made to go and sit next to the redhead.
  59. And there was the answer. Haruhi wanted to go through them. Huh. It was an answer which gave Lotlhuitl more questions. Like.. why her friend was smiling, when she was sure she'd seen sadness but a moment ago.. when her friend had been caught off guard.
  61. "Huh. Do you envy your mother's achievements?""
  62. (Lotlhuitl)
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [08:42] "Envy?"
  67. When the question comes out, it's clear that she's never even considered the idea. Her brow ever-so-slightly furrows and her lips almost imperceptibly press together as she processes the very idea. She tilts her head to the side as she allows her gaze to fall to Lotlhuitl's hands.
  69. She takes what she wants and she pulls them between the two of them. Her wrists rest atop her thigh, just above the knee, as she raises that crimson gaze back up to meet Lotlhuitl's own.
  71. Her smile grows just that little bit wider.
  73. "No, I don't envy them at all.
  75. ... do they scare me? Am I afraid I might not reach the greatness she did? Of course I am. But I want my achievements. I want to grow to surpass hers, and make her memory proud of me."
  77. She runs each thumb along the top of each of Lotlhuitl's hands as her heartbeat thrums between the two of them. It's perfectly calm.
  79. "Why would I want anything else?"
  80. (Haruhi Noriega)
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [08:59] Lotlhuitl tilted her head to match Haruhi. Hair falling across her face. "Mm," she exhaled, gaze falling to her own hands, and then Haruhi's, before looking her dear friend in the eyes.
  85. They were so close to each other.
  87. Lotlhuitl was tempted to reach out, to run her hands through Haruhi's hair. Her tail twitched, her gaze not leaving Haruhi's eyes as she felt her friend reach out, felt Haruhi's hands running over her hands.
  89. "I.. I don't know what your mother achieved." Lotlhuitl admitted, leaning in. Her heartbeat was not calm. Her heart picked up the pace as Haruhi touched her. "But Haruhi, you've done so much for me. Xoconan, he would've--"
  91. A shudder. Lotlhuitl didn't want to say it: He would've killed me.
  93. "I don't know why. You're incredible."
  95. Somehow, it hurt to say that. Haruhi was so incredible. So beautiful. So.. good. And Lotlhuitl just wasn't.
  97. Paranoia threatened to rise within her. All her friends had done terrible things. It would only be so long before Haruhi hurt her, too. No, no, no. Her ears flicked back.
  99. "Tell me what you're thinking, Haruhi." Lotlhuitl demanded. No, pleaded: "Please."
  101. The Nagual pressed closer to the Kitsune, close enough for Haruhi to feel the heat of her body. Lotlhuitl reached out with a hand, trailing upwards from Haruhi's thighs.. skipping anywhere truly risqué, before cupping a cheek (unless otherwise prevented).
  103. "I just.. I just need to feel close to you." Lotlhuitl whispered, hesitating only a second before she attempted to kiss her dear, dear friend.
  104. (Lotlhuitl)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [09:16] It hadn't taken long for her attention to shift from thoughts and memories of the past to the sensation right there in front of her. She had been so distracted by the ideas rolling through her mind that when Lotlhuitl first leaned in, it took her by surprise as if she'd just woken up in that position.
  109. Her pulse spiked. She audibly gulped and her breath grew ever-so-slightly heavier.
  111. Lotlhuitl's words run through her veins like her lifeblood itself. She can feel them flowing through them in the same pulses that supply her brain with oxygen.
  113. 'Tell me what you're thinking, Haruhi. Please.'
  115. The idea of being calm had completely flown out the window.
  117. Haruhi struggles to form a sentence -
  119. "I'm, ah -"
  121. She shudders as Lotlhuitl's hand cups her cheek, cutting her sentence short as she leans into the contact. Crimson eyes don't dare abandon Lotlhuitl's - entranced, ensnared, trapped.
  123. Her breaths still grow heavier, hotter -
  125. "Thinking, of -"
  127. 'I just need to feel close to you.'
  129. In that second of hesitation, her entire body conspires to press her closer. To reciprocate every touch she's given -
  131. She opens her mouth to respond, and when she's kissed, her heart explodes. She melts against Lotlhuitl and her hands desperately try to find a place to claw, to pull, to hold; they find their way to the Nagual's waist, digging into her flesh and pressing herself ever-so-forcefully closer.
  133. She has no idea what she's doing, but she absolutely loves it.
  134. (Haruhi Noriega)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [09:27] Lotlhuitl might have been surprised by the intensity that met her kiss. Except, well.. Haruhi's pining had not been subtle at all. And in truth? The Nagual was a little beyond caring.
  139. She wanted to understand Haruhi.
  141. She wanted to be close to the woman.
  143. Heck, she wanted to be her.
  145. But getting inside her would have to do for now.
  147. Her lips pressed against the Kitsune's. Soft and warm. Her kiss sucking on the Kitsune's bottom lip for a second, before Lotlhuitl pulled back. Leaning her forehead against Haruhi's as she shifted, pulled against the woman by Haruhi's desperately clinging hands.
  149. The neat piles of Haruhi's private belongings? Well, it was unlikely they would remain neat for long. Lotlhuitl lowered Haruhi to the ground, knocking piles askew.. away. Space carelessly cleared.. as Lotlhuitl proceeded to cover the redhead in kisses. Her lips, her cheeks, her jaw, her neck.. and lower.
  151. Stopped by clothing.
  153. "Hm,"
  154. (Lotlhuitl)
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