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NQ Mod Tier List v1.0

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Sep 12th, 2017
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  1. This is Babayetu's rendition of the Tier List for Civilization 5 with the NQMod v12.2. The NQMod is a Mod created by Fruitstrike which changes the flavour of the game to have more complexity, more strategies, and more balanced variety for play. It is a mod with multiplayer in mind (not to say it can't be used for singleplayer) and currently, the meta for this current version of the mod has shaped each civilization differently to any other version of the game. The list of civilizations will be following a rating system out of 10 with the main aspects of simcity and war potential, with the 4 victory conditions: domination, science, culture, and diplomatic.
  3. This tier list assumes you have a basic understanding of the game with knowledge of all the yield types, all units, all types of buildings, technologies, city states, playstyles, general terms of civilization multiplayer and anything else I may not have said that should be here.
  6. ---
  9. The six aspects of the game are described below:
  11. Simcity - The ability to focus on the economic and structural output of the empire which involves everything except for military units and war.
  12. War - The ability to focus on military that promotes the activity of hostile intentions of conquering neighbouring civilization/ city states.
  14. Domination - Similar to war, but with the goal of conquering and acquiring all the original capitals in the game. Seen more as late game war.
  15. Science - The achievement of having immense science output that allows the creation the Apollo Program with the 6 science parts created in the capital before the other players.
  16. Culture - The output of total generated tourism in the empire is greater than the total output of culture over the course of the game of the other players.
  17. Diplomatic - Having the massive majority of votes in the United Nations congress during the world leader vote that ensures victory.
  20. If an empire focuses on simcity, it can lead to the civilization getting to their endgame quicker, which will allow them to correspond to a play for a victory type. Having good simcity promotes almost all aspects of the game towards their playstyle. If an empire focuses on war, it will lead to having swarms of military units leading to fighting and conquering players or city states that can create a greater simcity potential from having more cities (or stronger cities based on aspects of the game, such as world wonders built in the conquered cities, the technologies stolen from conquering cities of a more advanced player). Having a good balance of simcity and war with knowing how to and when to utilize one aspect over the other is a sign of a good player.
  23. ---
  26. The rating system is defined out of 10 and each rating by my standard is as such:
  28. 1/10 - No hope of saving this civilization in this aspect no matter the circumstance. Bottom Tier.
  29. 2/10 - Very bad and should not attempt unless you like to suffer. Trash Tier.
  30. 3/10 - A generally bad civilization where it is not a good idea to attempt in this regard. Garbage Tier.
  31. 4/10 - A slight amount worse than a generic civilization. Still worth attempting in this regard. Bleh Tier.
  32. 5/10 - An average amount with no negative or positive bonus for the civilization. Meh Tier.
  33. 6/10 - A slight amount better than a generic civilization. It is okay to attempt in this regard. Eh Tier.
  34. 7/10 - An okay aspect to attempt in this regard for the civilization. Generally won't be bad. Okay Tier.
  35. 8/10 - A reasonable score for the civilization that can have a lot of promise. Good Tier.
  36. 9/10 - An impressive aspect for this civilization that will almost ensure victory if there aren't any real threats. Great Tier.
  37. 10/10 - Victory is almost guaranteed regardless of what you do, as long as you do this. Top Tier.
  38. (This measurement isn't for the overall measurement of the civilization)
  41. Civilizations in general in the NQMod aren't generally bad as most of the negative aspects of civilizations have been changed to become slightly or much better than before.
  42. Also, this rating system isn't a guaranteed course for every game. If it was the case, then the game would be finished before the game even started with the fruitydraft*. The major aspect is the map we play on, which leads to the land and terrain each player obtains. This land has a bigger say than the civilization in play has. Even with the best civilization on the best player can still have issues, or straight up lose with horrendously appalling land that offers only turmoil for play. This isn't to say that this is a bad thing, but a good thing as it allows a large part of each game being random and adds complexity for replayability that other games lack in general. However, the map we play on is known as the NQMap* we play on, where each start has 2 different luxuries with 3 copies of 1 type and 1 of the other, with at least 2 other different luxuries at most 6 tiles away from the starting location of the settler. The land is more abundant in bonus resources which allows greater cities to be achieved. This rating system is for the NQMap with pangaea, not for a water based map or other style of maps that can have a different outlook of the game.
  46. The overall for the civilization is what they are summed up in general as a civilization compared to other civilizations as a whole. The score I base them 1 out of 10 is based on a different measurement, on how good they are in general, 1/10 being absolutely not, and 10/10 being absolutely.
  50. * - NQMap is the map the multiplayer community of NQ uses to play on. It is a pangaea map that has a region for every player in the game with city states at least 7 tiles away from the settler spawn location. There can be multiple islands off the coast in the ocean and there is no intense mountain chains/ snakey landmasses on the mainland where is can create longterm chokepoints that lead the game into information era due to it. The NQMap link is
  52. ** - Fruitydraft is the tool for drafting the multiplayer community for NQ uses to dictate which civilizations are banned, and which civilizations each person obtains. A general course we use it for, is each player in the game bans 2 civilizations each (Venice is autobanned due to not being in the NQMod) and then from the remaining pool, it is randomized and 3 civilizations are given to each player. The player picks one of the three civilizations to play, or they can trade their picks with another player. The site used for this is
  55. ------
  58. America - A great early start civilization which promotes early cities into a fast beginning. America's unique unit the Pioneer, which replaces the settler, is given the "Ignore Terrain cost" promotion, similar to the scout. The Pioneer costs 75% less production to its counterpart, and has 3 movement. This allows fast expansions, where a normal fast settler by another nation would be around turn 16-18, America can have it created by turn 14-16. This will allow America to be the champion in areas of good land with huge contention, such as multiple luxuries/ resources or natural wonders. The cheaper purchasing tiles can undermine other player's land by obtaining the tiles for very little gold with an early expand, which can be easily covered by uncovering a city state first, or a gold ruin.
  60. The strongpoint for simcity on America's end is the speed to which everything can get started. There isn't any higher end potential it can get compared to other civilizations as it is a generic civ in that regard, but due to its speed in getting started, can help them get to goals faster and quicker than other civilizations.
  62. America's unique ability where units obtain 1 sight is very helpful for the early game, as it can see more land, ruins and city states before other civilizations can to get a better idea of what actions to accomodate with the land. This can be slightly handy in war by giving extra sight to see more units out of range, see capitals easier or units to strike, but generally that is the only benefit in war it does.
  64. Scientifically there isn't anything other than the early boost America gets from the Pioneers and sight for early expansions it can obtain before other nations. It is more based on the land than the ability for America.
  66. To make the best use out of America, early expansions with multiple cities. A liberty play will do a lot of good for showcasing the strength of Manifest Destiny.
  69. Simcity - 8/10
  70. War - 6/10
  72. Domination - 7/10
  73. Science - 8/10
  74. Culture - 7/10
  75. Diplomatic - 5/10
  77. Overall - 8.5/10
  80. ---
  83. Arabia - A fearful civilization other players love to ban in the draft almost always. It has the unique unit Camel Archer, which thanks to the mod, became much weaker and less scary, but its ability to move after shooting is still enough to get Arabia banned.
  85. Arabia as a whole has the front of a warring civilization, but it also has the unique building, known as the bazaar, that replaces the market, which gives double luxuries in that city. This building is one of the best buildings as it can allow extra happiness with trading partners, but due to Camel Archers, people could become skeptical or become afraid and accept deals due to the units.
  87. Arabia's unique ability, obtaining double oil quantities in the lategame can be helpful for an attack with units that require oil. This can give Arabia an opportunity for a late game attack. The 50% longer range for trade routes isn't something too useful unless it is tailored for an inland gold generation game, which would definitely be strange to do as Arabia but can be done.
  89. Arabia is a scary civilization from many people's perspectives, as Camel Archers are always on the horizon. Arabia also has the aptitude for the power of simcity with bazaars extra luxuries, however, this can be a double edged sword due to being feared.
  92. Simcity - 7/10
  93. War - 8/10
  95. Domination - 7/10
  96. Science - 7/10
  97. Culture - 5/10
  98. Diplomatic - 5/10
  100. Overall - 8/10
  103. ---
  106. Assyria - A civilization that people look at and ignore. It's ability without the NQMod of obtaining techs from captured cities has been captured by every other civilization and been made only for other people's civilizations, not city states. Assyria instead obtains a free great work of writing with the first royal library, however, it does not change too much but can make a bit of an effect until armories come into question.
  108. Assyria's unique unit the Siege Tower is a durable strong melee siege unit that offers a sapper promotion (which gives units within 2 tiles of the city 50% damage to the city if the sapper unit is adjacent to the city), which is still nice to use in early aggression against cities. This can also work with Assyria's new unique ability of obtaining great works, which gives Assyria a unique role of an aggressive cultural civilization.
  110. Assyria is a relatively generic civilization that has some merits in early war to obtain great works which in of itself doesn't do too much for awhile.
  113. Simcity - 5/10
  114. War - 7/10
  116. Domination - 5/10
  117. Science - 5/10
  118. Culture - 6/10
  119. Diplomatic - 5/10
  121. Overall - 2/10
  124. ---
  127. Austria - A civilization that got an overhaul with diplomatic marriage that changed into the ability to keep city state allies from being purchased with gold gifts if allied for more than 5 turns. This changed the horrible unique ability into a reasonably strong one, especially in a lobby where players aren't aggressive against multiple city states and for the opportunity for Austria to have gold generation (or Freedom to use the 12 influence for all city states for each great person spawning). This civilization can be scary for early lategame victories due to diplomatic victory.
  129. The coffee house, the unique building for Austria has been indirectly made weaker as windmills can be built on hill cities (Only coffee houses used to be able to). Even so, the 25% great people generation is still very nice to have.
  131. The hussar has been unchanged, but can still do decently well with a large amount of them to provide extra flanking damage on all forms of units. Not completely recommended however, as the game has been more of a ranged unit meta until lategame tanks come into play.
  133. Austria as a whole is a civilization made for city states and great people generation, so it has a style most suited for spawning great people and keeping city state allies.
  135. Simcity - 7/10
  136. War - 5/10
  138. Domination - 5/10
  139. Science - 7/10
  140. Culture - 5/10
  141. Diplomatic - 10/10
  143. Overall - 7/10
  146. ---
  149. Aztec - A powerhouse civilization that promotes growth to the maximum degree. Its unique building the Floating Gardens gives 15% overall food (not surplus food) that is outrageously good. With the change of Aztec's unique ability, they can get culture from the strength of the any unit killed. This can allow many playstyles to work well with farming barbarians or attacking players to generate early culture or culture in general. Due to how strong culture is in the game with all policies generally being very nice, it works very well for Aztecs with early culture gains.
  151. A typical build that Aztecs can do is open honor, kill a couple barbarians, get Temple of Artemis and follow up into finishing tradition. This is a strong and simple play that can almost outdo all other types of plays depending on the land.
  153. The Jaguar unique unit is a nice early unit that can kill barbarians and heal health from fighting them.
  155. All around Aztec is a civilization that is promising in all aspects, there isn't really any weakness for Aztecs other than people knowing what kind of simcity power Aztecs can do in a game, so could lead to being teamed.
  157. Simcity - 10/10
  158. War - 7/10
  160. Domination - 7/10
  161. Science - 8/10
  162. Culture - 6/10
  163. Diplomatic - 5/10
  165. Overall - 9.5/10
  168. ---
  171. Babylon - A civilization that is a master of generating great scientists. Babylon's 50% great scientist generation for all cities is exceptionally important for simcity aspects of the game where pushing science is what leads to having a better game. The early scientist from philosophy (not writing, sadly) allows for early science generation that helps many styles of play for Babylon if it looks to do aggression, wide, or tall play. It can help push to technologies for the fabled Petra rush, or an earlier theology timing to do an exploration play.
  173. The Bowman unique unit is a formidable ranged unit that is as strong as a composite bowman and costs much less production. It is a very good unit to use for early aggression, and paired with the academy, can allow for some great simcity potential through war. However Babylon doesn't need to be about war, but it definitely can be.
  175. The Walls of Babylon are just like normal walls, just a lot more health for the city and a bit more strength. Only useful to ward off early attackers thinking of trying some form of aggression. The building itself is generally a ward from people pushing into Babylon.
  177. For late game, Babylon's science output is where it shines best, as the 50% great scientist generation paired with other key aspects, such as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, gardens, National Epic, rationalism opener, and Universal Suffrage can yield an impressive 183% great scientist generation in that specific city. This will lead to a strong presence in the race for science victory.
  179. Babylon is one of the best science civilizations, and has other aspects that allow a strong game if ever taken upon.
  181. Simcity - 9/10
  182. War - 7/10
  184. Domination - 8/10
  185. Science - 10/10
  186. Culture - 5/10
  187. Diplomatic - 5/10
  189. Overall - 9/10
  192. ---
  195. Brazil - Brazil is a civilization that has a purpose of tourism generation. It's unique ability, known as the Carnival, replaces the golden age and gives 100% tourism generation and 50% greater generation of artists, writers, and musicians. This is especially strong going for a culture victory in many different forms. One form could be for a futurism push with Autocracy ideology and generating a bunch of the great people reasonably fast (works well with aethetics policy Fine Arts, for the extra artist/ writer/ musician slots). Another form can be the hard tourism generation, which is obtain as many wonders and great works possible, obtain theming bonuses on all world wonders with great work slots, go Freedom and obtain hotels, airports, national visitors center, and the Internet technology with a golden age to push the tourism output higher than any other civilization (with the possible exception of Polynesia). There is another form which could be from using Sacred Sites reformation belief and going Order with Utopianism with as many possible cities to generate a lot of tourism and great musicians to bomb into other civilization's lands.
  197. Brazil's Pracinha is the Infantry replacement, which only offers golden age points of the unit it kills. It does make sense for the golden age to work together, but to actually get some use out of it is really out of question as Brazil isn't a warring civilization and it would be easier generating a golden age by using an artist or getting a natural golden age from happiness.
  199. The Brazilwood Camps are unique tile improvements that have been altered to give a better yield compared to the basic form of it, which it gained 1 production on a jungle tile, and less build time to produce, which leads to it to being reasonable to make given the option.
  201. Brazil will be able to generate more great artists, writers, and musicians than any other civilization, which can lead it to doing more with the culture boosts from writers, and a longer golden age if done so. This could lead to a bit more range of plays for late game than other civilizations.
  203. Brazil is a good civ that is tailored for cultural victory. The generation of its specific great people allows them to be a reasonable civilization if given the chance.
  207. Simcity - 7/10
  208. War - 5/10
  210. Domination - 6/10
  211. Science - 6/10
  212. Culture - 9/10
  213. Diplomatic - 6/10
  215. Overall - 6.5/10
  218. ---
  221. Byzantium - A coastal civilization that has an extra belief they can get in their religion. In the NQMod, all civilizations in a typical game can now get a religion, regardless of players in the game. With how playstyles are, you can guarantee a religion as Byzantium. The extra belief can be anything other than a reformation belief, which adds some diversity to playstyles that Byzantium can do. They could do an early rush with Deus Vult into another player, they can play the simcity game of going early Dalai Lama to generate a lot of early culture. This is about all that amounts from Byzantium, other than they are coastal, and coastal civilizations can generally do better than an inland civilization by having cargo ships, nice sea resource tiles, and ability to use naval for late game that can lead to nukes.
  223. The Cataphract is the horseman replacement for Byzantium. It is the only mounted unit in the game that can fortify, and it is also the strongest of the type, however one of the slowest. It is best for defenses, but can also be used for attacking. The promotion of fortifying does not carry over when upgrading.
  225. The Dromon, which replaces the trireme, is the only ranged trireme type unique unit in the game. It can allow for early aggression to another coastal player or city state, that can destroy them relatively easily if done correctly. The only problem is there needs to be a melee unit to obtain the city, as Byzantium still lacks the ability to make an early game coastal melee boat.
  227. Byzantium is an interesting civilization that it's unique ability is dependent on the religion that is founded tailored for what the player wants. Nothing major speaks of what roles it can do, other than the generic coastal play most other civilizations can do.
  229. Simcity - 6/10
  230. War - 6/10
  232. Domination - 6/10
  233. Science - 6/10
  234. Culture - 6/10
  235. Diplomatic - 6/10
  237. Overall - 6/10
  240. ---
  243. Carthage - A coastal civilization that starts with harbours in coastal cities. The harbour has been changed to give 1 food from fish (lighthouses no longer give food from fish, it was moved to harbours) and cargo ships can not be pillaged. This can allow easy trade routes to city states or cities without worrying about a random barbarian boat spawning from a barbarian camp coming to loot. It can also work when warring others who have huge naval fleet that can not do a single thing because of it. A very handy ability.
  245. Crossing the mountains no longer needs the great general to spawn, which can help early game exploration by using mountains (which only cost 1 movement) and moving to another tile. It can also help push and attack others given the right terrain by abusing the mountains for an advantage.
  247. The African Forest Elephant is a strong elephant that is the same in the basic version of the game. Doesn't offer much other than the -10% strength for adjacent units.
  249. The Quinquereme is the unique unit that replaces the trieme for Carthage. It is a very strong unit, and making 2 very early can be used to tribute nearby city states. They can be used to smash and destroy other player's units and city state cities if done well enough and given the terrain.
  251. The harbour has free city connections the moment The Wheel technology is researched and all sea tiles from the capital and to a coastal expansion are seen. It will not cost gold and allows early gold per turn to help early builds that require infrastructure (such as rushing temples/ watermills). The harbour also gives an early 50% range in cargo ship distance, which opens up other opportunities for playstyles such as commerce or patronage.
  253. Carthage is a civilization that has some neat early game gold generation from city connections with better early game food generation from fish tiles. The cargo ships used as Carthage are the high point to their ability to not be pillaged.
  255. Simcity - 7/10
  256. War - 6/10
  258. Domination - 5/10
  259. Science - 5/10
  260. Culture - 5/10
  261. Diplomatic - 7/10
  263. Overall - 6.5/10
  266. ---
  269. Celts - A civilization that can generate 1 faith from an adjacent unimproved (can still have a road) forest tile, or generates 2 faith from 3 adjacent unimproved forests. This can almost always ensures the first pantheon for the Celts, which can lead to many options without having another player hinder that. It could also lead to the Celts player hindering another because of that.
  271. Celts have a unique building known as the Ceilidh Hall that replaces the opera house and gives 3 happiness and 2 culture. The 3 happiness is an amazing feature that allows wide play for the celts (not even considering the faith generation from adjacent forests) and could also be fine for tall play with reasonable land and not enough happiness.
  273. The faith from the forests can help generate an early religion if enough cities are settled in reasonable spots. Religion will always help in many aspects, and for Celts it will be the same, especially if it is wide play, as wide play benefits from religion a lot more than tall play due to the needed happiness cost for having more cities.
  275. The Pictish Warrior is the spearmen replacement for the Celts, the Pictish Warrior gains half the strength of the unit it kills as faith, however it does not have the typical 50% bonus against mounted units. This is a huge issue for the Celts player if they ever get attacked by a chariot rush (hardly viable nowadays).
  277. The Celts are a very strong civilization if used in wide faith play (similar to egypt, maya, ethiopia) and can be a strong force IF done correctly, otherwise, it would be similar to another generic civilization.
  279. Simcity - 8/10
  280. War - 5/10
  282. Domination - 6/10
  283. Science - 6/10
  284. Culture - 6/10
  285. Diplomatic - 5/10
  287. Overall - 7/10
  290. ---
  293. China - China is a strong civilization if used for the power of war. It's unique ability gives great generals the ability to give all adjacent and touching units +1 movement for the following turn. It does lose 15% strength for military units near generals (from 30% to 15%), but the extra movement is still a very scary ability that is similar to Persia's extra movement. It can allow siege units to be able to move on a flatland tile, set up, and shoot in one turn instead of taking two.
  295. The Chu-Ko-Nu, the unique unit that replaces the crossbowman, is a weaker form of the crossbowman, however, the Chu-Ko-Nu has a double attack (logistics promotion now, no longer 3 attack chus possible) that can absolutely bring havok if used by the right person.
  297. The Paper Maker, the unique library for China is an amazing building that gives 2 gold per turn and the normal science benefit of a library. The neat part about the Paper Maker is it has no gold maintenance. This gives openings to playstyles such as wide play with liberty due to saving gold per turn, or getting gold per turn that can lead into an attack with Chu-Ko-Nus.
  299. China is a civilization with a focus on war with their great generals into other players, with great prowess from using Chu-Ko-Nu, will turn enemies into dust.
  301. Simcity - 6/10
  302. War - 8/10
  304. Domination - 8/10
  305. Science - 5/10
  306. Culture - 5/10
  307. Diplomatic - 5/10
  309. Overall - 7.5/10
  312. ---
  315. Denmark - Denmark is a coastal civilization that has a very unique approach to the game with their extra movement in the water. They have a unique unit known as the Longship, which replaces the trireme. It has 6 base movement, which if paired with great lighthouse and exploration can reach 8 movement. The longship ability changes the movement of an embarked unit under it equal to its own, which can be used to transfer the embarked units across the coastline to another player or city state to deal damage into them. It can be exceptionally dangerous for the defender as siege units and other ranged units can disembark and attack all in one turn, followed into conquering of cities if the defender never prepared defenses.
  317. The Berserker unit, which replaces the longswordsman is a strong unit that is available at metal casting tech (not steel) that actually costs cheaper to upgrade and build (due to Berserkers being a tech earlier, similar with atlatlists for Maya). These units have 3 movement and can be used to do an assault on players. The only limiting factor on them is that they require iron to build.
  319. Denmark is a civilization that isn't used often to its fullest, but can be deceptionally powerful for a coast raid with embarked units.
  321. Simcity - 5/10
  322. War - 7/10
  324. Domination - 6/10
  325. Science - 5/10
  326. Culture - 5/10
  327. Diplomatic - 6/10
  329. Overall - 4/10
  332. ---
  335. Egypt - Egypt has two major playstyles it can do. One form can be the wonder whore aspect where it can spam build all the wonders, and the other form is the wide faith play that involves settling all the cities. Egypt's unique ability gives Egypt a 20% bonus production for wonders of all forms (national wonders and world wonders) which is really nice for both styles of play, more so for the wonder spam.
  337. The unique building for Egypt is the Burial Tomb, which replaces the temple. It gives 2 happiness, 2 faith, and costs no gold per turn, so in essence, it saves the empire 2 gold per turn per city. This building is incredibly strong as the happiness can allow a wide play with a large empire, and due to the faith generation on the Burial Tombs, it can give a reasonable religion that can focus on the wide play style if done so.
  339. As Egypt settles more cities, the production cost of national wonders increases, however as Egypt, it is less strenuous to build due to the unique ability.
  341. The unique unit, the War Chariot, replaces the chariot archer, is a fine early game unit that does not require horses, and has an extra movement. It can be used in early wars or later stages of defense due to their cost of spamming against reasonable types of units (not pikemen, well, if you make enough, sure).
  343. Egypt is a fun civilization to play as it has many options that are clear cut obvious and good at those aspects.
  345. Simcity - 8/10
  346. War - 6/10
  348. Domination - 6/10
  349. Science - 7/10
  350. Culture - 6/10
  351. Diplomatic - 5/10
  353. Overall - 8/10
  356. ---
  359. England - A dominant coastal civilization in terms of war with their 2 extra movement in the water, and their unique unit, the Ship of the Line, which replaces the frigate. In the NQMod, frigates have been heavily nerfed due to their power, however, Ship of the Lines are still reasonably strong (I believe equal to a regular frigate without NQMod) and can be used to do massive damage to another coastal player if done so. England obtains an extra spy when a civilization enters renaissance tech, which can help in many ways, such as stealing more techs, getting intel on a civilization or couping/ rigging elections from other players.
  361. The Longbowman, the unique unit that replaces the crossbowman, is a 3 ranged crossbowman, which is really great in getting more power into an attack with the correct terrain, and can promote easy destruction of any military foe during the medieval era given enough longbowman in offense or defense. Longbowman can be spammed out to upgrade into 2 range gatling guns (or higher) that can be useful for pushing into or defending as well.
  363. Their 2 extra movement for naval units also includes embarked units, which will help move settlers or other embarked units quicker to expansion locations or barbarian camps.
  365. England is a naval powerhouse with their Ship of the Line and a strong contender for medieval war with their longbowmen.
  367. Simcity - 5/10
  368. War - 8/10
  370. Domination - 7/10
  371. Science - 5/10
  372. Culture - 5/10
  373. Diplomatic - 6/10
  375. Overall - 7/10
  378. ---
  381. Ethiopia - Ethiopia is a civilization similar to Egypt, in its ability to utilize different roles and do them efficiently. Ethiopia's unique ability gives 20% strength to all units if they are fighting a civilization with more cities than them. This gives Ethiopia a reasonable strength in defending or attacking another player with a timing attack.
  383. Ethiopia has a unique building known as the Stele, that replaces the monument, it gives 2 culture and 2 faith. It is an extraordinary building that allows plays that completely disregard Ethiopia's unique ability, such as wide faith play. This can allow the production of multiple steles in all the cities and give a rise mostly to early faith generation and obtain a reasonably early religion and obtain a good religion that can give good benefits.
  385. Regarding the religion, for the smaller empire style of play, picking Defender of the Faith can give even greater bonuses for defending a civilization's aggressive push.
  387. The Mehal Sefari, replaces the rifleman and gives a unique promotion that gives 30% strength for the unit, and it loses 3% strength for every tile away from the capital it is. This helps with the bulky defense nature of Ethiopia.
  389. Ethiopia can be played in different ways by sacrificing what says it is tailored to, but all playstyles are reasonably good.
  391. Simcity - 8/10
  392. War - 6/10
  394. Domination - 6/10
  395. Science - 6/10
  396. Culture - 6/10
  397. Diplomatic - 5/10
  399. Overall - 7.5/10
  402. ---
  405. France - France is a civilization that got a huge change with the NQMod. France used to be a very good civilization before Brave New World with 2 culture per turn. It got changed into garbage with the Brave New World expansion, and the NQMod makes it fit into a very strong cultural role. The unique ability of France is being able to generate the corresponding type of great artist, writer, or musician when a guild or world wonder with great works of that type, is built in the capital. This is incredibly strong for all sorts of plays, but primarily it is good in the cultural output, by doing a futurism rush which can be almost certainly won with, or a hard tourism game that can get high tourism output.
  407. The Musketeer is a unique unit for France that replaces the musketman, it is a very strong unit that can be used for meatshielding very well for defense or offense.
  409. The chateau is the unique tile improvement. It is best used as a fort tile for your units, that is about all.
  411. France has a similar knack to Brazil in generating a huge amount of great artist, writers, and musicians, except for France has more of a burst effect that be used for futurism rushes, or even Freedom Liberalism pushes for good science generation. The exceptional amount of artists can lead to having a very long golden age, that can give 20% production and other benefits over the remaining course of the game.
  414. Simcity - 7/10
  415. War - 5/10
  417. Domination - 6/10
  418. Science - 7/10
  419. Culture - 9/10
  420. Diplomatic - 6/10
  422. Overall - 8/10
  425. ---
  428. Germany - Germany is a civilization made for huge production power into lategame Panzer rushing into people. It is a civilization that has the Hanse, which generates 5% production for each trade route to a city state. It can be 10 cities sending 1 trade route each to the same city state, it would all work for the 50% production boost in total. This can make some scary demographics for other civilizations to witness.
  430. Germany can extend the power of the Hanse by following up into commerce to obtain 2 more trade routes, obtaining Petra and/or the Colossus for another 1/2 trade routes, and getting East India Company up for another trade route. Going Patronage can allow Germany to construct the Forbidden Palace to prevent the congress from banning the option Embargo City States to allow the strength of Germany to stay strong.
  432. The unique ability for Germany can allow Germany to kill a barb camp to 100% get 25 gold from the camp and get the barbarian unit from the city. If one were to obtain multiple different types of barbarian units, they have a different graphic to a normal unit made. So, if Germany were to make the Terracotta Army with both types of the same unit build (such as 1 normal archer and a barbarian archer) they would obtain 2 types of archers from the Terracotta Army.
  434. The units from the barbarian camps can be used if done correctly to tribute city states or even kill them or another civilization if they choose to (If they get luck with barb camps or push for it).
  436. The Panzer is the unique unit for Germany. It gets 1 extra movement and 10 extra strength compared to a normal tank. They are very strong and if optimized with autocracy play with honor, it can allow tank smashing into players very effectively if the other players can not get to good defensive technologies such as nuclear missiles or helicopter gunships/ stealth bombers/ battleships.
  438. Germany is a late game style civilization that can demonstrate very strong demographics with city states and can utilize the strength in many forms, one of which is smashing others with Panzers.
  440. Simcity - 8/10
  441. War - 7/10
  443. Domination - 8/10
  444. Science - 8/10
  445. Culture - 5/10
  446. Diplomatic - 7/10
  448. Overall - 7.5/10
  451. ---
  454. Greece - Greece is a strong early game civilization that uses its unique units to conquer and destroy other civilizations. Greece's unique unit the Hoplite, is a very strong and durable spearmen that can be used for early game tributes with city states to hoard lots of early gold to allow for an attack into another player or a play that can allow purchasing a settler for a play.
  456. The Companion Cavalry is the mounted horseman with extra movement and extra strength. They can be very useful for dealing with most types of units (crossbows even) and run away before they can strike. Greece is mostly about the early aggression as other aspects are identical to a generic civilization with no bonuses.
  459. Greece's unique ability reduces the influence loss by half and doubles the influence gain towards the influence neutrality from city states. This ability is almost useless due to how patronage now gives 1 influence from city state trade routes, which reduces Greece's ability from meh, to just useless.
  462. If you love early war, Greece is a good civilization. Other than that, it offers nothing.
  464. Simcity - 5/10
  465. War - 7/10
  467. Domination - 5/10
  468. Science - 5/10
  469. Culture - 5/10
  470. Diplomatic - 6/10
  472. Overall - 2/10
  475. ---
  478. Huns - A very strong and production civilization, also known as the Huns. The Huns is a civilization that has an early aggressive playstyle by the use of their Horse Archers and Battering Ram, which are both very strong in their regards.
  480. Horse Archers replace normal chariot archers, do not require horses, and get an accuracy 1 promotion from the get go. This can enable the Horse Archers to get easy promotions towards logistics and range as they require one less promotion due to it. For early war they can be a very scary unit. The NQMod reduced the effectiveness of horse archers with spearmen and pikemen obtaining 50% combat strength against mounted units, however, a swarm of Horse Archers can over run them. The NQMod removed the ability to move Horse Archers after double shooting with logistics, so their scary power of multiple logistic Horse Archer isn't "as scary" as it was.
  482. Battering Rams are the replacement for the catapults (Without NQMod they replaced spearmen). They are strong melee siege units that can smash into cities, 2 shotting flatland cities in the early game. Warriors no longer upgrade into a battering ram, and battering rams if promoted enough, can obtain the siege promotion for bonus damage against cities. If these units upgrade into a trebuchet with siege promotion, they can keep that and get the general 200% bonus versus cities promotion.
  484. The Hun's unique ability is getting animal husbandry at turn 0 and getting 1 extra production from pasture tiles. This allows the Huns to be a productive empire with enough pastures, and how the NQMap gives more bonus resources, it really goes into the Hun's favour for having a strong simcity empire.
  486. If you love the Huns, use them to spread the love of Horse Archers around.
  490. Simcity - 8/10
  491. War - 8/10
  493. Domination - 7/10
  494. Science - 6/10
  495. Culture - 5/10
  496. Diplomatic - 5/10
  498. Overall - 8/10
  501. ---
  504. Inca - Inca has a strong empire that can focus of simcity or war. Inca's unique ability is for all of its units to treat hills as if they were flatland. This can give them many options where it would generally take 2 turns to move on a hill, where Inca only takes 1. This gives Inca the ability to effective war where it wouldn't be possible with a different civilization due to the quickness of attacking into defensive positionings by moving on hills and attacking with ranged units.
  506. Inca has another unique ability, it is half the road maintenance cost and free maintenance for roads on hills. This can save a lot of gold per turn in a large empire, which can add up. Making roads on all hills is also free, so the mobility of the civilization can be put to the test with roads being planted everywhere. Taking this to the next step would be going commerce into entrepreneurship, where it gives 50% cheaper road maintenance, which makes roads and railroads completely free on all terrain. This can allow road spam everywhere.
  508. The Terrace Farm, the unique tile improvement for Inca, has been nerfed tremendously due to the NQMap. This is from mountain ranges being prevented to not allow simcity information era games as no attacks can be pushed through such terrain. Inca has suffered for its true simcity potential because of it.
  510. Inca, a strong war civilization, may not be as good as it is in the basic version of the game in regards to simcity, but still fine nonetheless.
  512. Simcity - 7/10
  513. War - 8/10
  515. Domination - 8/10
  516. Science - 5/10
  517. Culture - 5/10
  518. Diplomatic - 5/10
  520. Overall - 8/10
  523. ---
  526. India - India is a civilization that has a unique ability that allows their population to cost less happiness than it normally would. In a 100 population empire, it will only cost 75 happiness. Utilizing India in a play style that promotes a large empire of many cities can get the best use out of India. It's simcity potential due to the free population in each city can create unparallelled strength. Due to this, it can have many different builds that can utilize this. Doing a large empire into killing another will not let India drown in unhappiness from the size of cities conquered. Doing a small empire can still be okay, just less management and not too difficult.
  528. The Mughal Fort gives one strength for every population in the city, as well as 2 culture. It is an incredibly defensive building, and any push that happens before cannons can be halted due to the Mughal Fort if the city is large enough.
  530. The War Elephant is the unique replacement for the chariot archer that requires no horses and is a slow moving death machine. It does not cost as much production as the base version of the game, making them quite powerful for early game rushes with the units.
  532. India is an incredibly strong simcity civilization that only becomes stronger the bigger the empire becomes.
  534. Simcity - 10/10
  535. War - 6/10
  537. Domination - 6/10
  538. Science - 8/10
  539. Culture - 5/10
  540. Diplomatic - 5/10
  542. Overall - 10/10
  545. ---
  548. Indonesia - Indonesia is a coastal civilization that can get up to 24 free happiness with its free luxuries that spawn in the first 3 coastal expansions with applicable trade partners for the luxuries. This can allow a large set of plays of making multiple no luxury cities and still being fine for happiness. Wide play is the typical outlook for Indonesia.
  550. The Kris Swordsman is the unique unit that replaces the swordsman. It has the mystic blade promotion, but all the negative promotions have been removed in the NQMod, allowing all Kris Swordsmen to be very nice bonuses for the empire.
  552. The Candi is the unique building that replaces the gardens for Indonesia. It is a very good building, as it does not require fresh water to build, generates 2 faith and 2 more faith for every different religion, yielding up to 14 faith per turn in a 6 player game. It can become a powerhouse for Indonesia in allowing ridiculous faith per turn to be achieved. Very good for wide faith play. The Candis give options for simcity for cities without fresh water.
  554. Indonesia is accustomed towards a wide style of play that benefits from its free happiness and extra power from faith generation.
  556. Simcity - 8/10
  557. War - 6/10
  559. Domination - 6/10
  560. Science - 6/10
  561. Culture - 6/10
  562. Diplomatic - 6/10
  564. Overall - 8/10
  567. ---
  570. Iroquois - Iroquois are a civilization that has some production power from its Longhouses. The Longhouses have been altered with the NQMod to give the base 10% production for workshops into it as well as the 1 production from forest tiles. However, with the NQMap, there is not hoards of forest spawns as there have been, which weakens the potential of the Longhouse strength.
  572. The Mohawk warrior is the same as the base version of the game, with no major changes. It is still useful in any defensive terrain with a forest or a jungle.
  574. The unique ability for Iroquois is treating forests or jungle as if they are roads. This is very handy as it can lead to early city connections with The Wheel technology. It is similar with Carthage without requiring roads to connect the city (however requires all tiles to be obtained in the borders between cities and are forest or jungles). At Railroad technology, if the capital and an expansion(s) are connected completely by forest and/or jungle tiles, they will immediately get the 25% production bonus from railroads. Just make sure not to let anyone chop/ nuke the forests away.
  576. Iroquois has some potential with production given good enough land for it, and doesn't really have much else to offer.
  578. Simcity - 7/10
  579. War - 5/10
  581. Domination - 5/10
  582. Science - 5/10
  583. Culture - 5/10
  584. Diplomatic - 5/10
  586. Overall - 3/10
  589. ---
  592. Japan - Japan is a coastal civilization that benefits hugely in the early game with the culture from sea resources. The unique ability for Japan gives 1 culture from fishing boats, so a rush with early sailing and fishing boats can help get a play of either tradition or piety on a quick start up to leading to a fast finisher for the specific policy tree. A typical start can get on average 5 sea resources, so the early 5 culture boost is a huge deal. Any expands with sea resources only amplify the effects of culture generation.
  594. The Samurai is the unique unit for Japan which can be used to make fishing boats on sea resources and has shock promotion with spawning great generals more frequently when used in combat. The Samurai is so late in obtaining that sea resources generally will not be improved unless the play is a slow end exploration play or a lucky ruin upgrade on a swordsman.
  596. The Dojo is the replacement for the barracks that gives 10% military strength for either sea or land units, and gives 2 science. It is a very strong building that can promote war and can give simcity potential due to the science from the building.
  598. Japan is a very strong coastal civilization due to the early simcity from the boat culture.
  601. Simcity - 8/10
  602. War - 7/10
  604. Domination - 7/10
  605. Science - 7/10
  606. Culture - 7/10
  607. Diplomatic - 6/10
  609. Overall - 9/10
  612. ---
  615. Korea - Korea is a juggernaut when it comes to highest potential for science generation. Their great tile improvements yielding 2 science, alongside with 1 science from specialist slots, and the fact that with the NQMod, the counters for great scientist, merchant, and engineer are separated, they can generate a ridiculous amount of great tile improvement to yield the higher end of science. Korea is unmatched by any other civilization in science generation if given same population of both empires. Babylon may have the edge in generating more great scientists, but that is about it.
  617. The Hwach'a is the unique trebuchet that changes the role of the unit to be more defensive than offensive. It becomes a unit destroyer instead of a city destroyer with high end ranged damage, however, is a bit weak versus melee attacks.
  619. The Turtle Ship does what it is known as, to turtle. It replaces the caravel, but it can not enter ocean tiles. The Turtle Ship is incredibly powerful, a stalwart defense for any coastal cities, or absolute destruction to slam into cities, but depends on if the terrain is difficult to cruise through (zone of controlling Turtle Ships is very easy).
  621. Korea is unrivalled in science generation, so focusing around its strength will only yield a good outcome.
  623. Simcity - 9/10
  624. War - 5/10
  626. Domination - 7/10
  627. Science - 10/10
  628. Culture - 7/10
  629. Diplomatic - 6/10
  631. Overall - 9/10
  634. ---
  637. Mali - Mali is a similar civilization to Indonesia that spawns luxuries from its cities. The treasury, the unique building for Mali, gives a free gold, salt, copper, or silver on a tile within range of the city (make sure not all of the tiles are improved or the luxury will disappear). This can give strong simcity especially with having trading partners and doing wide play for all the extra copies of resources that spawn.
  639. Mali's unique ability is obtaining one gold from tiles with mines, and yielding 1 faith from all tiles yielding at least 1 gold in a golden age. This is very powerful in gold and faith generation in a golden age, that can promote all forms of gameplay that one can utilize for their specific style. Military action with a timing attack for stored up faith, early religion with going liberty with the early golden age (or natural golden age with enough early luxuries and trades). With enough mines and late game, it can do great justice in the power of simcity with an order play that allows mines to become 5 or 6 hammers depending on terrain.
  641. The unique unit, the Skirmisher, replaces the composite bowman, that gives the unit ignore terrain cost. It can allow an early attack that is not dictated by terrain by any means, so a defensive stronghold will not hold out against a swarm of Skirmishers, or Skirmishers upgraded to crossbowmen.
  643. Mali is a scary civilization that has great potential for simcity or for war. It has many options that not many other can take.
  645. Simcity - 8/10
  646. War - 7/10
  648. Domination - 7/10
  649. Science - 6/10
  650. Culture - 5/10
  651. Diplomatic - 5/10
  653. Overall - 9/10
  656. ---
  659. Maya - Maya is a strong contender in allowing whacky and fun playstyles due to its Mayan Calendar starting at Theology technology. It can give the civilization a great person of their choosing every 394 years (Only one type until the whole great person list has been expended, leading to a reset of the Mayan Calendar). A rush with Great Library and heading towards Theology can lead to an exploration play with an engineer into Oracle for the set-up complete for Colonialism, or a great prophet to get Religious Settlements for the 2 free settlers. Other plays can be done, such as a wide play with sacred sites into free musician to bulb into the top tourism and many other plays that can result from the Mayan Calendar.
  661. The pyramid is the unique building that gives 2 faith and 1 science. It got nerfed a slight bit (but doesn't cost gold per turn anymore). It can give good science but not as much as it once was, simcity potential decreased a bit because of it. It can still allow wide faith play to be acceptable to play as Maya.
  663. The unique unit, the Atlatlist is available at Agriculture technology (as in, at the start of the game). It can give the earliest archer rush for a player if they want to try and achieve an early attack, however, it is highly recommended to not do this play as it is asking to become irrelevant as early as possible.
  665. Maya has variety as a city, and many special playstyle unique to only Maya. Use it at your own discretion.
  667. Simcity - 7/10
  668. War - 5/10
  670. Domination - 6/10
  671. Science - 7/10
  672. Culture - 7/10
  673. Diplomatic - 5/10
  675. Overall - 7.5/10
  678. ---
  681. Mongolia - Mongolia is a civilization likely to be banned in the fruity draft by other players. It has the unique unit Keshik that allows attacking and moving as a ranged unit which is very potent in war. The issue that lies is how nerfed Keshiks have become with the NQMod. It has been so nerfed that any form of ambush formation musketeers or even lancers can outright stop a keshik push due to their vulnerability (Camel Archers are a little better at dealing with them, but not by much). The opening for useful Keshiks aren't as wide as they used to be.
  683. Mongolia's unique ability, gives all mounted units 1 extra movement and 30% combat strength against city states. The bonus against city states can be huge for early conquering of city states with minimal issues, especially as an honor play.
  685. The Khan is Mongolia's unique unit that replaces the great general. It doesn't offer too much different from a normal general (great generals get 4 movement now, instead of 2) other than the extra heal bonus for adjacent units (similar to medic 1).
  687. Mongolia is a poor man's Arabia. It lacks compared to the other civilization Arabia, but it still has openings if used correctly.
  689. Simcity - 5/10
  690. War - 7/10
  692. Domination - 7/10
  693. Science - 5/10
  694. Culture - 5/10
  695. Diplomatic - 4/10
  697. Overall - 5.5/10
  700. ---
  703. Morocco - The power of trade routes is the role of Morocco due to the amount of gold and culture obtained from city states or civilizations. The yield is increased by 1 culture and gold per era for Morocco, which can have some nice effects for Morocco with a nice set up with trade routes. If the play revolves around city states, commerce, and patronage, it can lead to reasonable gold per turn with okay returns for culture generations.
  705. Morocco's unique tile improvement, the Kasbah, gives one food, one hammer, and one gold on desert tiles. It isn't that great unless paired with a petra, which can make decent yields of tiles. Floodplains Kasbahs do allow gold tiles which can yield more gold from trade routes.
  707. The Berber Cavalry are the unique units for Morocco that gain extra strength from being in its own territory and being on desert tiles, so any form of combat on desert tiles can go one sided for the Berber Cavalry. The promotions do stay when the units become upgraded, so a tank attack into a heavy desert player can be a huge force.
  709. Trade routes to city states with a focus on gold generation as Morocco is what it is mostly good at.
  711. Simcity - 7/10
  712. War - 6/10
  714. Domination - 6/10
  715. Science - 5/10
  716. Culture - 6/10
  717. Diplomatic - 7/10
  719. Overall - 6.5/10
  722. ---
  725. Netherlands - A civilization that benefits more from its luxuries than other empires. It gets 1 extra happiness and 1 extra gold yield for all of its luxuries. This can create a higher amount of growth and gold generation in the nation. The playstyles that can result from this can lead to more simcity or even military action if done with a timing attack. The harsh part is if people become fearful of the Netherlands that refusing trade deals will result in more unhappiness loss compared to other nations, which can become devastating.
  727. The Polder is the unique tile improvement that can be placed on floodplains or marsh tiles. These are the same in the base version of the game and doesn't give as much due to order now having a policy that can give 1 extra food from farms, which makes polders not as immensely better than other worker tile improvements in the late game.
  729. The Sea Beggar is the unique unit for Netherlands that has extra free promotions, which if created with a barracks and armory, can have double attack promotions. However, Netherlands in a marsh start bias, and doesn't regularly get a coastal starting location, so they aren't used terribly often.
  731. Netherlands is a good simcity civilization that can yield a higher growth with a reasonable start with multiple luxuries.
  733. Simcity - 8/10
  734. War - 6/10
  736. Domination - 6/10
  737. Science - 6/10
  738. Culture - 5/10
  739. Diplomatic - 5/10
  741. Overall - 8/10
  744. ---
  747. Ottomans - Ottomans have a wide playstyle due to their unique ability known as getting 1 happiness for every different religion in a city. Due to how every civilization in the game can obtain a religion, this can yield up to a potential 6 happiness in a 6 player game. This can be absolutely phenomenal in the right circumstances. It can promote a really large empire, with the likelihood of having the largest potential compared to other wide playstyles.
  749. Ottoman's unique units, the Sipahi and the Janissary are both at Gunpowder technology, both replace the lance and musketman respectively. The Sipahi is located earlier, and the Janissary is a unit that can gain free health on a kill. They can be used in conjunction with a wide faith play with holy warriors.
  751. Ottomans is a relatively simple civilization with some mid-game military units. It can make a decent religion for free happiness, and with growth and other religious players, can only promote a greater empire.
  753. Simcity - 8/10
  754. War - 7/10
  756. Domination - 6/10
  757. Science - 6/10
  758. Culture - 6/10
  759. Diplomatic - 5/10
  761. Overall - 7/10
  764. ---
  767. Persia - One of the best civilizations in war due to the ability of obtaining one extra movement and 10% strength for all military units in a golden age. These units will treat all military units as if they are a unique unit mostly due to the extra movement. This can allow Persia to do easy attacks into other civilizations without too much difficulty in most situations.
  769. The golden ages for Persia are increased by 50% length, so they can be either 9 or 12 turns, depending on if a great person or natural golden age occurs (instead of 6 or 8 turns). Add in Chichen Itza for another 50% (and maybe autocracy with Jingoism and Volkshalle to make it 150% longer golden ages) to have an almost consistent golden age for a very long duration of the game. This will provide 20% production with extra gold generation to help with simcity potential.
  771. The unique unit the Immortal, gets 10 extra hp per healing, which can be nice in defensive maneuvers. The unique building Satrap's Court is a simcity building that gives 2 happiness per city, which can promote large empires.
  773. Everything that Persia can do is almost limitless due to their power in war, their simcity in general, and the playstyle of either tall or wide that they can do.
  776. Simcity - 8/10
  777. War - 10/10
  779. Domination - 9/10
  780. Science - 7/10
  781. Culture - 6/10
  782. Diplomatic - 5/10
  784. Overall - 9.5/10
  787. ---
  790. Poland - A versatile civilization that takes use from its 20% cheaper policy costs (unique ability changed from 1 policy for every era advanced in the NQMod) to allow a wide range of playstyles because of it. The policy cost is equal to having 2 less cities planted for free (cities increase culture costs by 10%). This may seem like a small amount but at the start of the game, you will only need 10 culture for the first policy and can do enjoyable playstyles such as finishing liberty much sooner than another empire could.
  792. Winged Hussars are the unique unit that replaces the lancer. It is a very strong unit that can turn the tides with how powerful it is. If it has a successful attack, in the form of doing more damage to the unit than itself, it will push it back on an available tile. So if there is a great general or other civilian unit under the tile, it can be obtained.
  794. The ducal stables is the replacement for stables that gives 1 gold from all pasture tiles worked in this city, and 15 experience for any mounted units produced in this city. This is an exceptionally good building due allowing an early charge promotion for Winged Hussars with just a barracks and armory. The gold generation allows for hoarding of gold that can present a timing attack of any form later on into the game.
  796. Poland is a very strong versatile civilization that has many options that can make anyone look reasonably good playing.
  798. Simcity - 8/10
  799. War - 7/10
  801. Domination - 6/10
  802. Science - 6/10
  803. Culture - 7/10
  804. Diplomatic - 6/10
  806. Overall - 9/10
  809. ---
  812. Polynesia - Polynesia is an interesting civilization that has a unique approach to coastal empires. Polynesia should not be played like a typical civilization, but played in a way that can best utilize the coastal tiles for their unique tile improvement known as the Moai. The Moai gives 1 culture and 1 additional culture for every adjacent moai to it. They can only be built on the coast. This can give an outrageous amount of early culture generation which can easily push policy trees incredibly fast, much faster than any other civs in most situations.
  814. Polynesia can be played towards a small empire into exploration for a strong naval empire. Polynesia can be played starting with a wide empire into a large culture empire. There are many viable options, but the endgame can have a real focus at generating tourism from hotels, airports, and national visitor center with a hard tourism game. This is generally the best play a large empire with many Moais could do, but there are definitely more Polynesia can do.
  816. Polynesia has the Maori Warrior, that is like a normal warrior, not much of a difference. The unique ability for Polynesia is the ability to travel into the ocean without the need of Astronomy technology. This can give a lot of free reign on the ancient ruins on the islands not accessible to anyone else, and the first person to generally scout (not including great admiral from the Great Lighthouse) and settle the inaccessible islands.
  818. Polynesia is a fun enjoyable civilization to play on the focus around culture and wide city play.
  820. Simcity - 8/10
  821. War - 5/10
  823. Domination - 6/10
  824. Science - 6/10
  825. Culture - 9/10
  826. Diplomatic - 6/10
  828. Overall - 8/10
  831. ---
  834. Portugal - Portugal is a coastal civilization that has the undeniable power of utilizing trade routes with other civilizations and city states. The gold yield for Portugal is doubled compared to another civilization. If the player does a commerce play with piety opener, it can lead to obscene amounts of gold per turn with Colossus and Great Lighthouse with enough sea tiles (Petra always a bonus). Obtaining a large trading empire to many city states can easily lead to having above 300 gold per turn before turn 100. This can allow the power of purchasing everything that is in the game, city states, units, buildings, anything. If Portugal ever gets to the point where their game is going flawlessly, there is not much the other players can do in most aspects.
  836. Portugal's unique tile improvement, the Feitoria, is now placed as compass tech, which can now begin the improvements for free luxuries much sooner, which can definitely help an underplayed wide play with portugal due to it. If the Feitoria is created in a mercantile city state, it can give its luxury and its unique luxury for a total of 8 free happiness.
  838. Portugal's unique unit, the Nau, is a caravel replacement that gives experience and gold based on the distance it is from the capital and the friendly/ neutral civilization land/ city state it is used in/ against. It can allow for a large sum of money if used for a Nau rush into someone, or generating gold with all the corresponding cheaper purchasing of Naus.
  840. Portugal is the dark horse Civilization of Civilization 5. It is not seen too often as a threat, but it can definitely become one, with the power of gold.
  843. Simcity - 8/10
  844. War - 6/10
  846. Domination - 8/10
  847. Science - 6/10
  848. Culture - 6/10
  849. Diplomatic - 8/10
  851. Overall - 8/10
  854. ---
  857. Rome - Rome can be played in two aspects, a simcity build focusing on a small but strong empire that can build all the infrastructure incredibly fast, or the wide build which will do similarly, but can have a directing purpose with war as the forefront by the use of Legions.
  859. Rome's unique ability is giving all expands 25% production bonus for buildings that are already created in the capital. This can help with pushing infrastructure to be created a turn or 2 earlier to allow pushing simcity a bit faster than another empire with similar land.
  861. Rome's unique unit the Legion is a swordsman replacement that is incredibly strong and scary, and it can make roads and forts. They can be great buffer units and are the only unit with workers to be able to produce a 1 turn road (1 turn roads can not be done anymore with Pyramids and Citizenship).
  863. The Ballista is the unique catapult that has more strength to fight into city states. Rome has early war potential with their Legion and Ballista, which can easily do very well due to the strength of Legions.
  865. Rome has the power for strengthening their sprawling empire by forcing the capital to be the hub of all buildings.
  867. Simcity - 7/10
  868. War - 7/10
  870. Domination - 7/10
  871. Science - 7/10
  872. Culture - 6/10
  873. Diplomatic - 5/10
  875. Overall - 7.5/10
  878. ---
  881. Russia - Russia is an early game production civilization that best utilizes the strategic resources in the empire. With the NQMod, iron is revealed at mining technology (instead of bronze working), allowing for a quicker and more productive rush due to the available resource being spotted earlier. This can allow settlers being produced at a faster pace, to almost have a similar speed to which settlers for America can out at, but not quite. Later into the game, these strategic resources, especially with many of them, can help produce simcity or war style play due to production allowing the options.
  883. The unique unit, the Cossack, gets a free charge promotion without any promotions. If Russia obtains alhambra, or brandenburg, or go autocracy, they can obtain a second charge promotion to deal 66% damage to any damaged unit, which is a fearsome amount. Cossacks with these promotions used to be able to kill infantry in the base version of the game, but with the introduction of ambush formation promotions, it will not be possible anymore.
  885. Russia's unique building, the krepost, replaces the normal barracks. It allows tiles to be purchased with culture or gold for 25% cheaper. A little nice benefit, especially for an empire or city with a strong petra that needs to buy desert hill tiles.
  887. Russia is a strong civilization with the appropriate land. They can be tailored for war or for simcity, depending on the player.
  889. Simcity - 7/10
  890. War - 7/10
  892. Domination - 6/10
  893. Science - 6/10
  894. Culture - 5/10
  895. Diplomatic - 5/10
  897. Overall - 7.5/10
  900. ---
  903. Shoshone - Shoshone is an expansionist civilization that focuses on early exploration and settling large quantities of land. The unique ability of Shoshone allows cities to gain 8 additional tiles in the land. This promotes tiles that can be worked earlier without needing to grow to the tile with culture or gold. It can allow more optimal growth. The Shoshone land gives 15% military strength when fighting in the territory, which will make invaders think twice about invading. Following up with Defender of the Faith founder belief, it can make it become 30%, and with Himeji Castle for an additional 15%. Freedom or Order or Autocracy with Honor can make that military strength almost impossible to deal with (other than with nukes).
  905. The Pathfinder, the unique scout unit for Shoshone, allows the choice of what kind of ruin the civilization wants from an ancient ruin. This can remove the RNG aspect of ruins and give flat instant choice. It does rely on the luck of ruins spawning near Shoshone and obtaining them before other civilizations.
  907. The Comanche Riders is the unique cavalry unit for Shoshone that costs 15% less production and has 1 extra sight and movement. Very nice units to spam and push with artillery into others.
  909. Shoshone is a civilization that makes a good early start by obtaining multiple ruins which can push the early game well with expansion that eat up the map.
  913. Simcity - 7/10
  914. War - 7/10
  916. Domination - 6/10
  917. Science - 5/10
  918. Culture - 5/10
  919. Diplomatic - 5/10
  921. Overall - 7/10
  924. ---
  927. Siam - Siam is a civilization that has a focus around city states. Siam's unique ability is the yields of food, culture, and faith from city states is increased by 50%. This allows Siam with the help of patronage or commerce to allow huge boosts for the empire of those particular yields. In the NQMod, food yield from city states has been changed where friend status gives the capital 2 food for the capital and ally status gives 4 food for the capital and 2 food for expansions. This can give great early game boosts if city state quests become very nice (such as clearing a reasonably close barbarian camp, returning workers.
  929. Siam has the Wat, which replaces the university. It gives 3 culture and the normal university stats. It can help push culture with many types of builds, but probably more centralised to a tradition or tall play of some form.
  931. The Naresuan's Elephant is the unique replacement for knights. It is an incredibly formidable unit with a high strength of 25 but 3 movement. It has 50% damage versus mounted units which gives the range of use to be good until great war infantry appear on the battlefield.
  933. Siam is a good civilization with the focus on keeping city states as allies or using the Naresuan's Elephants to their strength into other civilizations.
  935. Simcity - 7/10
  936. War - 6/10
  938. Domination - 5/10
  939. Science - 5/10
  940. Culture - 6/10
  941. Diplomatic - 8/10
  943. Overall - 7/10
  946. ---
  949. Songhai - Songhai is a civilization that focuses around war on rivers. The unique ability for Songhai has changed from the basic version of the game, they can cross the river and ignore the terrain cost. This is incredibly strong in war against other civilizations that are engrossed with rivers. Songhai is similar in Inca in regards to attacking into rough terrain or defensive land where other civilizations will not have much of a chance.
  951. Songhai have the unique temple known as the Mud Pyramid, which has no maintenance cost and gives 2 faith and 2 culture. This can give Songhai an option for wide play by utilizing the culture output to push policies faster into obtaining happiness policies quicker compared to other civilizations.
  953. In late game, Songhai has the option of killing players that can lead to huge sums of gold being obtained due to the pillaged buildings in the cities yielding triple to gold. This can allow further pushing with units from purchasing or other plays that can ensure a victory (conquering a neighbour with tech towards science victory and using the gold for science parts, or diplo victory from conquering others).
  955. Mandekalu Cavalry is the unique unit for Songhai which is the same as it is in the basic version of the game. They cost less production to make (which in turn costs more to upgrade to cavalry) and have no penalty attacking into cities. Still not completely recommended for the ability, but still nice to spam out due to lower production costs.
  957. Songhai is a great civilization to war into other players, especially if they have river systems and their defensive measure falls apart slight due to it and the terrain.
  960. Simcity - 7/10
  961. War - 8/10
  963. Domination - 8/10
  964. Science - 5/10
  965. Culture - 6/10
  966. Diplomatic - 5/10
  968. Overall - 7/10
  971. ---
  974. Spain - Spain is a special civilization. In the fact people can concede to Spain in a matter of minutes given the right circumstance. One of the civilizations that is generally good at what it do, but has the oomph to make it go nuts. Spain has double yields from natural wonders, so if Spain finds a natural wonder with their capital at the start of the game AND can work it, then there will be incredibly nervous neighbours to the outcome of the game. However, if the natural wonder doesn't happen, it really doesn't take away from the options Spain has.
  976. Spain is a wide empire playstyle due to the Plaza de Toros due to replacing the circuses and being able to be used on cattle as well as ivory and horses. This structure gives 2 culture alongside with the 2 happiness. This with nice land can allow for a large empire.
  978. Any natural wonders will give 2 happiness versus 1 from being sighted compared to other civilizations, helps with a free potential 4-5 happiness. The natural wonders will only give 100 gold from natural wonders (No longer 500 seeing first and 100 not first) so the strength in that regard has changed, but is still very helpful.
  980. Tercios are the unique unit for spain (no longer conquistadors, they are exploration opener unit), that replace the musketman and have 50% strength versus mounted units, which is very helpful against cavalry, keshik, camel archer attacks.
  982. Spain is a strong simcity style civilization, or a gateway to the impossible games with capital settles on natural wonders.
  986. Simcity - 8/10
  987. War - 7/10
  989. Domination - 6/10
  990. Science - 6/10
  991. Culture - 6/10
  992. Diplomatic - 5/10
  994. Overall - 8/10
  997. ---
  1000. Sweden - One of the most versatile civilizations in the game, Sweden has 25% great people generations of all types (except generals, admirals, and prophets) as their unique ability (changed from 10% great people generation from each friend, which I consider a slight nerf). This bonus can work well with the right build of early world wonders to generate fast great people. When great people spawn as Sweden, the great people generate science for Sweden as the other unique ability for Sweden. The science depends on which era Sweden is in, but it starts as 20 in ancient era and increases by 20 per era.
  1002. Sweden's unique building is the Falu Gruva, which is the ironwork's replacement, that gives 8 production, 8 gold, 4 great merchant points, 6 tourism when flight is researched, and 1 production from all hills worked in this specific city it is built in.
  1004. The great merchant points are very handy, as Sweden's unique unit is the Humanitarian, which replaces the great merchant, and gives 25% more gold and 90 influence when used on a city state. This is tremendous in many aspects, giving Sweden a wide range of plays, from commerce, into patronage, into military action, into tourism plays with consumerism, into so many options that there really isn't something Sweden can't do.
  1006. Due to the power of science generation and options available, Sweden is the forefront of versatility with Poland.
  1008. Simcity - 9/10
  1009. War - 7/10
  1011. Domination - 8/10
  1012. Science - 8/10
  1013. Culture - 9/10
  1014. Diplomatic - 9/10
  1016. Overall - 9.5/10
  1019. ---
  1022. Zulu - Zulu is a strong war nation that has the power of promotions for the entirety of the game. It has 25% less experience required for promotions which allows units to promote easier in war, and with having promotion buildings. If Zulu obtains the barracks, armory and military academy, they can create triple promoted units. This can be range battleships that can decimate the coastal civilizations. However, if the Zulu player goes Autocracy and obtains Brandenburg Gate, they can get quad promoted units. This would be the scary side of Zulu as they can get air repair bombers (air repair was changed to require triple bombardment or triple city attack promotions). Having such promotions would make mince meat of anything else in the game. Zulu reigns supreme in such situations of war.
  1024. Impis are the unique unit for Zulu that replaces pikemen. They are pseudo ranged units, in that they chuck a ranged spear of 16 strength before initial combat with a unit. This can stack very well with an aggressive attack, as only attack can ensure the use of the spear throw.
  1026. Zulu obtains the Ikanda that replaces the barracks. It grants all non gunpowder melee units buffalo promotions that can give extra movement, flanking, and range defense promotions. These are can help push and attack into a ranged defense with a whack load of Impis and rain the hell fire of spears into their faces.
  1028. Zulu have the presence of being a scary Impi spam machine, or a general promotion spam machine. Utilize this civilization if you wish to dominate.
  1030. Simcity - 5/10
  1031. War - 9/10
  1033. Domination - 10/10
  1034. Science - 5/10
  1035. Culture - 5/10
  1036. Diplomatic - 5/10
  1038. Overall - 8/10
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